Previous Q Paper LGS Examination AEN (2008 To 2012)

Date : 19.01.2008                                    ( Maximum Marks 150 )                          Time :  3 hours
Instructions :
    i.  Candidates have option to answer either in Hindi or in English. In case of any mistake of ambiguity in Hindi version. The English version will prevail.
   ii.  Candidates should write their Roll Number, in words & numbers, only on fly leaf and should not write his name / roll number any where else in answer sheet.
  iii.  This paper contains 3 parts. Attempt all parts.       
  iv.  The blank spaces between the answers and blank pages at the end should be crossed by the candidates before depositing the answer scripts.

Q.1.- Write short notes on any Five  of the following -                                  5 x 5 = 25 marks.
    i.  Part I & Part II Audit Reports.
   ii.  Stock Sheet.
  iii.  Final Bill.
  iv.  Non scheduled items.
   v.  Briefing Notes.
  vi.  Write Off.
 vii.  Variation statements in Contracts.
Q.2.- Write short notes on any Five  of the following -                                  5 x 5 = 25 marks.
    i.  Manor Penalties under D & AR.
   ii.  Conduct Rules.
  iii.  Suspension.
  iv.  Productivity linked bonus.
   v.  Permanent Negotiating Machinery.
  vi.  Final Settlement on superannuation.
 vii.  Service Record.                     
Q.3.- Write short notes on any Ten  of the following -                                  10 x 10 = 100 marks.
    i.  Importance of Water Cement ratio in concrete.                                   
   ii.  Various types of small track machines.
  iii.  Definition of Distressed Bridge and its rehabilitation.
  iv.  Different type of patrollings on track.
   v.  Official Language Implementation Committee.
  vi.  Bridge Bearings.
 vii.  Pre tamping and Post tamping works for tamping machines.
viii.  Steps to be taken for spreading Hindi Rajbhasha on Indian Railways.
  ix.  Action required to increase earnings by Engineering department on the Railway.
   x.  Working in a Ballast depot.
  xi.  Precaution required to be taken for avoiding buckling of track.
 xii.  Actions to improve TGI value of track.
xiii.  Painting of girder bridges.
xiv.  License fee and Way leave charges for Railway land.
xv.  Minimum essential amenities for passengers on Railway stations.


Date : 16.02.2008                                    ( Maximum Marks 150 )                          Time :  3 hours
Instructions :
    i.  Candidates have option to answer either in Hindi or in English. In case of any mistake of ambiguity in Hindi version. The English version will prevail.
   ii.  Candidates should write their Roll Number, in words & numbers, only on fly leaf and should not write his name / roll number any where else in answer sheet.
  iii.  This paper contains 3 parts. Attempt all parts.       
  iv.  The blank spaces between the answers and blank pages at the end should be crossed by the candidates before depositing the answer scripts.
Q.1.- Distinguish between any Five  of the following :                                  5 x 5 = 25 marks.
    i.  Earnest money and Security Deposit.
   ii.  Final Modification and Material Modification.
  iii.  General Conditions of Contract and Special Conditions of Contract.
  iv.  Abstract Estimate and Detailed Estimate.
   v.  Part I & Part II Audit Reports.
  vi.  Special limited tender and Open tender.
 vii.  Preliminary Works Programme and Pink Book.
Q.2.- Write short notes on any Five  of the following -                                  5 x 5 = 25 marks.
    i.  Procedure for creation of additional posts for additional assets.
   ii.  Procedure  to be adopted for change of classification of staff from one category to other under HOER Rules.     
  iii.  Distinguish between dismissal and removal from service.
  iv.  Workmen Compensation Act.
   v.  Hours of Employment Regulation.
  vi.  DCRG to a Railway Servant on superannuation.
 vii.  Major  Penalties under D & AR.    
Q.3.- Write short notes on any Ten   of the following -                                  10 x 10 = 100 marks.
    i.  Design mode operation of Track Machines.                                         
   ii.  Procedure of converting SWR into LWR.
  iii.  Difference between Catch Siding and Slip Siding.
  iv.  Difference between Temporary Speed restriction and permanent speed restriction.
   v.  Difference between hot weather patrolling and cold weather patrolling.
  vi.  Various types of protective works to control damage to Bridge approaches by meandering rivers during high floods.
 vii.  Criteria for manning of Level crossing and procedure to be followed for de manning of level crossings.
viii.  Precautions and actions to be taken for safe running of trains in case of rail / weld fractures.
  ix.  Precautions and actions to be taken for safe running trains before and during monsoon at vulnerable locations.
   x.  Basic features of a CSM and Unimate machines.
  xi.  Different methods of disinfection of water. What is meant by residual chlorine.                  
 xii.  Difference between cant deficiency and cant excess.
xiii.  Specifications of machine crushed ballast and  are  precautions to be taken while measurement & passing of ballast.
xiv.  Section 3 ( 3 ) of Official Language Act 1963.
xv.  Various incentive schemes for encouraging the use of official Language in offices.                                                                   

West Central Railway
LGS Examination – Civil Engineering
Maximum marks : 150                                                                                       Time : 3 hours.
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            i.       Perusal.
           ii.       Sanction.
          iii.       Ex-parte.
          iv.       Estimate.
           v.       Supplementary.
          vi.       Affidavit.
         vii.       Temporary.
        viii.       Responsibility.
          ix.       Recognized.
           x.       Explanation.
          xi.       Privilege.
         xii.       Noting.
        xiii.       Casual.
       xiv.       Compassionate grounds.
        xv.       Un fit.

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Part – II ( Technical Part )
Maximum Marks – 90
Attempt any 6 questions out of the given 9. All questions carry equal marks.
Question 1 and 2 are multiple choice questions. Write down the question number and the correct alternative i.e. a,b,c,d in front of the question number. For instance if the correct alternative of question no 1.2 is be then write down the answer as – 1.2 ( b )
Question No. 1 –
1.1  -Overhauling of track should normally be completed in –
( a ) Two years. ( b ) Ten years. ( c ) Six years. ( d ) Normally over a period of 3 to 5 years.
1.2. -Manual deep Screening of track on IR under a speed restriction of –
        ( a ) Stop Dead and 10 kmph.   ( b ) 15 kmph.     ( c ) 20 kmph         ( d ) 30 kmph.
1.3. –As per IRPWM the speed of a deep screening site with machine packing can be relaxed to normal in a minimum of – ( a ) 10 days.   ( b ) 21 days.   ( c ) 14 days.    ( d ) 7 days.
1.4. – A CWR is a LWR which –
( a ) requires to be distressed in parts.  ( b ) passes through station yards including points and crossings.  ( c ) Requires special precautions for maintenance. ( d ) None of the above.
1.5. – If the maximum rail temperature at a station is 600 C and minimum temperature is – 50 C it will fall in – ( a ) Zone I  ( b ) Zone II  ( c ) Zone III ( d ) Zone IV
1.6. – If an LWR is to be laid over a girder bridge the type of rail sleeper fastenings to be used are – ( a ) creep resistant fastenings.  ( b ) rail free fastenings.   ( c ) elastic fastenings.  ( d ) Rigid fastenings.
1.7.- If a turn out takes off from the inside of a mainline curve, the cant which can be provided on the mainline will be governed by considerations of –  ( a ) cant excess.  ( b ) cant deficiency. ( c ) equilibrium cant. ( d ) None of the above.
1.8. – The Assistant Engineer’s inspection of points and crossings in a year is – ( a ) 50% of all points and crossings in his jurisdiction.   ( b ) 100% of all points and crossings in his jurisdiction.
( c ) 100% of all points and crossings on running lines and 25% of all points on other lines.         ( d ) 100% of all points and crossings on running lines and 10% of all points on other lines.
1.9. The service life in terms of total GMT of traffic carried for considering through rail renewal on the bridge proper and in the bridge approaches for 60 kg 90 UTS rails is –
( a ) 800 GMT  ( b ) 550 GMT   ( c ) 350 GMT   ( d ) 400 GMT.
1.10. – Maximum value of cant deficiency permitted on A & B routes is –
( a ) 100 mm   ( b ) 75 mm.  ( c ) 50 mm.    ( d ) 125 mm.
Question No. 2. –
2.1. – As per bridge manual the maintenance of a 24.4 m. span steel girder will be done by –
( a ) Assistant Engineer of the section.      ( b ) IOW of the section.        ( c ) PWI of the section.   ( d ) AEN / XEN Bridge of the section.
2.2. – Hollows in masonry piers and abutments should be filled up by –  ( a ) Epoxy grouting.     ( b ) Gunniting.    ( c ) Shotcreting.     ( d ) Cement pressure grouting.
2.3. – The elcometer is a device used to measure –            ( a ) Dry film thickness of paint.          ( b ) Cover below reinforcement.  ( c ) Moisture content in sand.   ( d ) Setting time of concrete.
2.4. – While constructing approaches for ROBs in built up area land acquisition can be reduced by using – ( a ) Geotextiles.   ( b ) Soil anchoring.   ( c ) Reinforced earth.  ( d ) Soil stabilization.
2.5. – Normal reinforcement can not be used in Prestressed concrete structures because –        ( a ) It is highly corrosion prone.            ( b ) The losses will neutralize the stress induced in it.      ( c ) It dose not have adequate ductility.    ( d ) It dose not have adequate fatigue strength.
2.6. – Piles generally used for bridge construction on IR are –      ( a ) Pre cast concrete piles.     ( b ) Timber piles.     ( c ) Cast in situ bored concrete piles.       ( d ) steel pile.
2.7.- Bentonite is a material used –                    ( a ) To improve the slump of concrete.                ( b ) To prevent caving in of the bore hole walls.           ( c ) To increase the strength of concrete.   ( d ) None of these.
2.8. – Which is no a component of an arch bridge -  ( a ) Spandrel.    ( b ) Crown.   ( c ) Parapet.  ( d ) Stringer.
2.9.- The most reliable method for assessing the load carrying of a pile in a given strata is – ( a ) Static formula.   ( b ) Dynamic formula.   ( c ) Pile load test.  ( d ) None of the above.
2.10. – For checking the versines of turn in and turn out curves of a turn out the length of chord used as per IRPWM is – ( a ) 3 m.  ( b ) 6 m. ( c ) 11.8 m.  ( d ) 20 m.
Question No. 3 – Write down the steps involved in complete realignment of a curve.
Question No. 4 – Write salient features of MEXE and RING 1.5 programme to check the strength of arch bridge.
Question No. 5 – Write short notes on following –
            i.       Action to be taken on detection of faulty welds or rails during USFD testing.
           ii.       Hot weather patrolling.
Question No. 6 – Write short notes on any two of the following –
            i.       Water proofing treatment on roofs.
           ii.       Quality checks for ensuring quality of ballast.
          iii.       Compaction testing of soils.
Question No. 7 – What are the precautions to be observed when working with tie tamping machines before tamping, during tamping and after tamping operations.
Question No. 8 – Write down the steps involved in distressing of LWRs using tensor.
Question No. 9 – What are the tests to be conducted to ensure good quality concrete while concreting a Prestressed concrete girder.
Part – III ( Finance and Establishment )
Maximum marks – 45
Answer any 3 questions out of 5. All question carry equal marks.
Question 1 is a multiple choice questions. Write down the question number and the correct alternative i.e. a,b,c or d in front of the question number. For instance if the correct alternative of question no 1.2 is be then write down the answer as – 1.2 ( b )
Question No. 1 –
1.1  Demand No. 4 of the railway budget pertains to –
      ( a ) Repairs and maintenance of motive power. 
      ( b ) Operating expenses rolling stock and equipment.
      ( c ) Assets – Acquisition, Construction and Replacement. 
      ( d ) Repairs and maintenance of permanent way.
1.2. Use of railway land for keeping cattle, throwing refuse etc unauthorized way leave facilities constitutes –      ( a ) Hard encroachments.                                   ( b ) Soft encroachment. 
                                 ( c ) Do not form an encroachment at all.             ( d ) None of these.
1.3. RTI act was promulgated in – ( a ) 1996     ( b ) 2000    ( c ) 2005     ( d ) 1990
1.4. Recruitment of group D staff will hence forth be done by –           ( a ) Railway Board.            ( b ) Railway Recruitment Board.                   ( c ) PWI in case of engineering department.  ( d ) Recruitment cell under DyCPO ( recruitment )
1.5. Class I officers joining the Indian railway Service of Electrical Engineers under go Centralized training at -   ( a ) Nasik.   ( b ) Jamalpur.   ( c ) Vadodara. ( d ) Pune.
1.6. Direct Recruitment to Group C for Kota division is done by railway recruitment board located at -  ( a ) Kota    ( b ) Ajmer   ( c ) Bhopal     ( d ) Jabalpur.
1.7. The earnest money for a tender costing 50 lacks will be –    ( a ) 2 Lacks.         ( b ) 1 Lack.   ( c ) 3 Lacks.   ( d ) 1.5 Lacks.
1.8. Group A and B officers of IR are entitled to –
       ( a ) 6 sets of privilege passes and 4 sets of PTOs.
       ( b ) 6 sets of privilege passes and 3 sets of PTOs.
       ( c ) 6 sets of privilege passes and 6 sets of PTOs.
       ( d ) 3 sets of privilege passes and 3 sets of PTOs.
1.9. An employee can avail of leave encashment to the extent of amount of LAP to his credit subject to a maximum of -  ( a ) 210 days.   ( b ) 300 days.   ( c ) 240 days.  ( d ) none of the these.
1.10. SRSF has been set up to –               ( a ) Improve passenger amenities at stations.             ( b ) Improve staff amenities in colonies.    ( c ) Improvement of railway running rooms.       ( d ) To wipe out arrears of replacement of safety related assets on IR.
Question No. 2 –  Write short notes on any two of the following –
 i.       Digitisation of land plans.                                      
ii.       Jatropha plantation.                                                       
iii.       Earnings from land resources.   
Question No. 3 –  Write short notes on any two of the following –
iv.       Touch and feel works.                                            
v.       Provision for extension of completion period of a contract under GCC.
vi.       Open, limited and single tender.
Question No. 4 – What are the different plan heads under demand No. 16 of the budget relevant to the engineering department.
Question No. 5 – List the various types of major penalties and write down the steps to be followed for imposing a major penalty.

Southern Railway
LGS Examination – Civil Engineering
Supplementary Examination
Date : 20.07.2008                                    ( Maximum Marks 150 )                          Time :  3 hours
Notes :
    i.  Answer all three parts A, B, and C
   ii.  Indicate Part reference and Question reference in your answers.
  iii.  Write legibly and sketch neatly.
PART ‘A’ : Answer any Ten questions                                                         10 x 2 = 20 marks
  1. Define equilibrium super elevation.
  2. Define distressed bridge.
  3. Define accommodation works.
  4. Define Fineness modulus.
  5. Define Plasticity index.
  6. Define symmetrical split.
  7. Define track modulus.
  8. Explain in short Q50 and Q100.
  9. Explain in short special disability leave.
  10. Prescribed language for communication between Kerala Government and Southern Railway under Official Language Policy.
  11. Explain in short Urgency Certificate.
  12. Explain in short Controlled Concrete.
PART ‘B’ : Answer any Ten questions                                                         10 x 3 = 30 marks
  1. Why extra clearance are required in curves.
  2. Classification of rail defects – List out and explain in sort.
  3. Coning of wheals – why provided.
  4. Engineering Indicators at unmanned level crossings – List out the provisions.
  5. Index Plan and Index section - Explain in short.
  6. Metallising of bridge girders – basic concepts.
  7. Check rails and guard rails - basic concepts on provisions.
  8. Distinguish between Substitute and Casual Labour in railway Service.
  9. PNM - basic concepts
  10. Functions of TOLIC under Official Language Implementation.
  11. Eligibility criteria in works tenders – how specified.
  12. No claim and no due certificates - basic concepts.
PART ‘C’ : Answer any Ten questions                                                     10 x 10 = 100 marks
  1. Explain in detail the modus operandi with sketch for rebuilding of single span masonry arch bridge with single span girder bridge.
  2. Explain in detail with sketches the regirdering of multi span deck type girders of bridge by gantry method.
  3. Explain the procedure for realignment of curve.
  4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of concrete sleepers.
  5. Explain in detail with sketches the track protection at work site for works of short duration and long duration.
  6. List out the different types of water treatment and explain any one method in detail with sketch.
  7. What are the Employer’s liabilities for compensation under Workmen’s compensation Act.
  8. List out the various surveys conducted for construction Projects and explain in detail any two  types of surveys.
  9. Explain the procedure for processing variations and vitiation in works contracts.
  10. What are the prescribed languages for communication between Central and State Governments under Official Language Policy. What are the Policy instructions on notings in Central Government Offices.
  11. Draw a quantity schedule and work out rate analysis for CTR work of replacing 90 R rail CST9 sleeper  track with 52 kg rail concrete sleeper track. Make your own reasonable assumptions.
  12. List out the different types of platform surfacing adopted in Southern Railway and explain in detail construction procedure with specifications for any two types.

Southern Railway
LGS Examination – Civil Engineering
Date : 10.01.2010                                    ( Maximum Marks 150 )                          Time :  3 hours
Notes :
    i.  Answer all three parts A, B, and C
   ii.  Indicate Part reference and Question reference in your answersCorrectly.
  iii.  Write legibly and sketch neatly.
PART ‘A’ : Answer all questions                                                         10 x 2 = 20 marks
1.      Minimum Formation width of BG bank is ………………….
2.      R in 90 R track refers  to  …………………………………….
3.      M in M+7 track refers  to  …………………………………….
4.      CC in CC+8+2 route refers  to  ………………………………
5.      P in SPT of soil refers  to  …………………………………….
6.      Q in Qf flood refers  to  …………………………………….
7.      D in DS8 stores refers  to  …………………………………….
8.      PU 32 expenditure refers  to  …………………………………
9.      Minimum permitted guard rail clearance in bridge is ……………………….
10.   Minimum permitted check  rail clearance on curve is ……………………….
PART ‘B’ : Answer in short any Six questions                                              6 x 5 = 30 marks
  1. State the basic purpose of providing check rail and list the locations whom check rails are provided.
  2. Explain the purpose of provision of sand hump important constituents.
  3. Explain the provision of eligibility criteria in works tenders.
  4. Define residual chlorine and explain how it is tested.
  5. State the advantages of metallising of girders and where it is preferred.
  6. What are accommodation works . List the typical works.
  7. List the surveys under taken for the Railway projects.
  8. Write short notes on Permanent Negotiating Machinery ( PNM )
PART ‘C’ : Answer any Five  questions                                                     5 x 20 = 100 marks
Sketch neatly typical well foundation for bridge and explain in detail how it is constructed.
Explain how works are tendered and awarded in Engineering department.
Explain various steps taken by southern Railway in implementing Official Language Policy.
What privileges are you entitled under Pass Rules.
Explain in detail the procedure for removal of encroachments on Railway land.

Date : 23.04.2011                                    ( Maximum Marks 150 )                          Time :  3 hours
Instructions :
1.    Candidates have option to answer either in Hindi or in English. In case of any mistake of ambiguity in Hindi version. The English version will prevail.
2.    Candidates should not write their name, Roll Number, initials, designation, signature, address or any other identification mark any where on the answer paper. As this will disqualify them for the selection. They should not draw any symbol sign or write any such thing as SHRI GANESHAYA NAMAHA, HARI OM, OM, SHRI SWAMI SAMARTH etc, on their answer papers. They should not use different coloured pens other than blue or black pens for writing the examination.
3.    This paper contains Three parts, viz. A, B &c. The instructions for each section are indicated at the beginning of the section. Attempt all parts.     
4.    The blank spaces between the answers and blank pages at the end should be crossed by the candidates before depositing the answer scripts.
5.    Answer should be brief & to the point.

Attempt any six questions of the ten listed below. All questions carry equal four marks. One mark kept for neatness.                                                                      ( 6 x 4 = 24 marks )
1.    Why is earnest money taken ?
2.    When is supplementary estimate prepared?
3.    What is Operating ratio?
4.    What do you understand by departmental charges as defined in Para 1137 of engineering code?
5.    Indicate the procedure to sanction office building costing 42 Lakhs.
6.    What are the consequences to after termination of contract.
7.    What do you understand by primary unit of expenditure?
8.    State the difference between stock and non stock item?
9.    What is the importance of Pink book in railway working.
10.  What is the object of including arbitration clause in contract?
Part “ B “
Write short notes on any six. All questions carry equal four marks. One mark kept for neatness.
                                                                                                                 ( 6 x 4 = 24 marks )
1.    Compassionate Appointment
2.    Overtime Allowance
3.    Commutation of pension
4.    Filling posts of Artisans
5.    House Building Advance
6.    Major Penalties
7.    Vacancy Bank
8.    Voluntary Retirement
9.    Staff Benefit Fund
10.  Night Duty Allowance
Part ‘C’
Attempt any ten questions. All questions carry equal ten marks.
  1. Draw a hand sketch showing position of engineering indicators in case of multi speed restrictions (Speed increasing in direction of train)
  2. What are important points to be kept in mind to maintain switches in good condition?
  3. What precautions are to be taken during deep screening by BCM, followed by tamping machine & DTS?
4.  a)  What is the difference between insulated joint and glued insulated joint? ( 5 marks )
     b)  What is the purpose of providing structure bonds in electrified section? ( 5 marks )
5. Indicate the difference between any four-                                             4 X 2.5 = 10 marks.
    a) Relaxation of speed by manual & machine packing.
    b) Nominal mix and design mix of concrete
    c) IMR & OBS defects
    d) Bracings & Stiffeners ( Related to girder bridges)
    e) Switch Expansion joint & Buffer rails
    f) Interlocked & non interlocked gates.
6. Indicate in brief essential components of a water treatment plant to treat water from a river source. Purpose of each should also be given. (No sketches needed)
7. हिंदी का कार्यसाधक ज्ञान प्राप्त करने की क्या शर्तें हैं?
8. Indicate scheme & precautions for executing work of constructing new foot over bridge in electrified section. ( no sketches needed)
9. Indicate procedure & measures for obtaining best results from design mode tamping.
10. As an ADEN you to plan a canal crossing bridge ( Box design ) for single line. Draw a labeled diagram for layout of temporary diversion giving formula for calculating over all length.
11.  List out various members of a through type steel bridge. Explain working & maintenance of Rocker & Roller bearing.              ( 6 + 4 = 10 marks )
12. State in brief various quality control measures for executing earth work ( including blanketing layer )
13. Explain the precaution & procedure for replacing an old 1 : 12 turnout by new concrete sleeper layout using T – 28 Machine. ( In a busy electrified section ).
14.Explain the technical aspects of any two of the following.
     ( a ) Transition curve and Cant Gradient.
     ( b ) Painting specification for steel bridges.
     ( c ) Abrasion Value & Impact Value of ballast sample.
     ( d ) Use of Rail tensors.
15. Indicate the various stages involved in acquiring land for a new line project.


West Central Railway

Engineering Department

Selection for the post of ADENs Group – ‘B’ ( 70% LGS quota )
Time : 3 hours                                  31 – 03 - 2012                                Maximum marks : 150
Important Instructions :
  1. Attempt any 5questios from section – ‘A’ and any 3 questions from section –‘B’. Section – ‘C’ is compulsory.
  2. Marks allotted to questions have been indicated against each.
  3. In case of any discrepancy between English and Hindi versions, contents of English version to be treated as correct.
  4. No correction / alteration is allowed in answering Question no. 7. In case any correction / alteration is made then the answer will not be evaluated.
Section – ‘A’
1. ( a ) An emergency crossover has to be laid between two parallel running tracks on a 20 curve with track center of 5.10 meters at one end of a station. Draw a suitable sketch and indicate the type of turnouts which should be used. Also describe the procedure of laying the crossover so that there should not be any kink between back of crossing of the two turnouts.                                                                                             ( 15 )
    ( b ) In a running track how will you lay SEJ at the end of a station yard from where LWR has to start?                                                                                                           ( 5 )
2. ( a ) Describe the procedure and precautions to be taken for attending to rail fractures / weld failures in LWR in terms of PCE’s circular no. 04 / 2011 – 12.                          ( 8 )
    ( b ) What is importance of distressing of LWR? When distressing of LWR is necessary? Describe the procedure of distressing of LWR on PSC sleeper track with out use of rail tensor in terms of PCE’s circular no. 03 / 2011 – 12.                                      ( 12 )
3. ( a ) At deep screening site on a single line track, the following speed restrictions have to be observed:-                                                                                                             ( 15 )
           If there be permanent speed restriction of 30 kmph due to a bridge as shown above, indicate the locations of various Engg. Indicators.
    ( b ) What do you mean by ‘Liner biting’? What action you will initiate to control it?  ( 5 )
4. ( a ) Describe the procedure for lining and levelling of track in a design mode of tamping using CSM or Duomatic machine.                                                                          ( 12 )
    ( b ) Describe the prescribed maintenance schedule for any five track machines for their reliable and efficient service.                                                                          ( 8 )
5. Described the procedure to be adopted along with a Typical sketch for replacement of an arch bridge of span 1 x 3.60 m by PSC slab bridge on a double line section. The following data to be taken into account :-                                                                           ( 20 )
    ( a ) LWR tracks exist above the bridge.
    ( b ) The bridge is located on a very busy route, where traffic block of more than 3 hrs cannot be permitted in any line at a time.
    ( c ) Formation level to bed level of this bridge is 4.50 m.
    ( d ) The existing abutments below springing of arch are sound and have to be retained.
6. ( a ) A 3 storeyed quarter has to be constructed on an area having black cotton soil up to a depth of 3.00 m. Suggest most suitable foundation and explain the method of construction of the quarter up to plinth level.                                          ( 10 )
    ( b ) Draw a typical cross section of a RCC staircase ( showing arrangements of main & distribution reinforcement ) to be constructed in an area of 3.0 m x 2.5 m for a 2 storied quarter having distance between floor levels of ground floor and first floor as 3.0 m.
                                                                                                                                 ( 10 )
7. ( a ) What precaution will you observe in using a leveling instrument having collimation error? and why?                                                                                                                 ( 4 )
    ( b ) The following readings were recorded with a leveling instrument. Calculate the RL of BM and plinth of building, if RL of base of tower be 431.875 m.                               ( 12 )




Plinth of Building







Base of Tower
    ( c ) What do you mean by self cleansing velocity of a sewer? How is it important during laying and maintenance of sewers?                                                      ( 4 )
Section – ‘B’
8. ( a ) A night chowkidar was found sleeping on duty and resulted into theft of railway material worth Rs. 10.25 lacks. What action will you initiate against him. Describe the procedure you will follow till final action is cover.                                                ( 10 )
    ( b ) Write short notes on Workmen’s Compensation Act.                       ( 5 )
9. ( a ) What are different types of leave applicable to a railway servant?         ( 8 )
    ( b ) List out the ‘’Demands for Grants’’ primarily concerning to Engineering Department. ( 7 )
10. Write short notes on any three of the following -  ( 3 x 5 =15 )
  1. Material modification
  2. Draft Para.
  3. Budget reviews.
  4. Works Programme.
11. ( + ) ®úÉVɦÉɹÉÉ Eäò |ɪÉÉäMÉ EòÉä |ÉÉäiºÉɽþxÉ näùxÉä Eäò ʱɪÉä EòÉèxÉ EòÉèxÉ ºÉä {ÉÖ®úºEòÉ®ú ªÉÉäVÉxÉÉBÄ ¤ÉxÉɪÉÒ MɪÉÒ ½éþ * ( 5 )
   ( ¤É ) ªÉ½þ EèòºÉä VÉÉxÉÉ VÉÉiÉÉ ½èþ ÊEò ÊEòºÉÒ Eò¨ÉÇSÉÉ®úÒ EòÉä ʽþxnùÒ EòÉ ´ªÉ´É½þÉÊ®úEò / EòɪÉÇ ºÉÉvÉEò YÉÉxÉ ½èþ *
                                                                                       ( 5 )
   ( ºÉ ) EäòxpùÒªÉ ¶ÉɺÉEòÒªÉ EòɪÉÉDZɪÉÉå ºÉä +, ¤É B´ÉÆ ºÉ IÉäjÉ ¨Éå {ÉjÉ ´ªÉ´É½þÉ®ú Eäò CªÉÉ CªÉÉ ÊxÉªÉ¨É ½éþ *  ( 5 )
Section ‘C’
12. Fill in the blanks with suitable word / words :-                                                              ( 5 )
    ( a ) Fine of loss of second class cheque pass is Rs………….
    ( b ) Under ‘Hours of Employment Regulation’ a railway staff working as office clerk is categorized as ……………………..
    ( c ) The expenditure incurred on replacement of an asset is financed out of ………….
    ( d ) Such class of expenditure for which the President is according sanction is called………………
    ( e ) A register maintained for the purpose of bringing out un liquidated liabilities pertaining to each work on a given date is called ……………………………..




West Central Railway

Engineering Department

Selection for the post of ADENs Group – ‘B’ ( 70% LGS quota )
Time : 3 hours                                  07 – 04 - 2012                                Maximum marks : 150
Important Instructions :
  1. Attempt any 5questios from section – ‘A’ and any 3 questions from section –‘B’. Section – ‘C’ is compulsory.
  2. Marks allotted to questions have been indicated against each.
  3. In case of any discrepancy between English and Hindi versions, contents of English version to be treated as correct.
  4. No correction / alteration is allowed in answering Question no. 7. In case any correction / alteration is made then the answer will not be evaluated.
Section – ‘A’
1. The following versines were recorded on a 20 m chord in a 20 curve, after renewal :
Stn. No.

Stn. No.
Realign the said curve by suitable method and workout the slews and final versines for each station.
2. ( a ) Indicate stipulated output per effective block hours of any five track machines.  ( 5 )
    ( b ) Describe inspection schedule by track machine officials for any five track machines indicating details of inspection to be carried out for engine, hydraulic system, pneumatic system, functioning of safety device and maintenance of records.               ( 15 )
3. ( a ) List out the criteria for renewals of 52 kg and 60 kg rails as well as PSC sleepers. ( 8 )
    ( b ) Describe the sequence of operations of relaying of PSC sleeper track using PQRS. Also draw a typical diagram of a base P. way depot for this work.                         ( 12 )
4. What are the important points required to be checked in a coach and a wagon involved in a derailment? Indicate prescribed rejection limit / permissible value for various items. ( 20 )
5. ( a ) Describe the procedure to be adopted along with a typical sketch for replacement of bed block of third pier of 6 x 45.72 m span through girder bridge on a river having water depth up to 1.5 m in central 2 spans. Assume suitable data as required.   ( 15 )
    ( b ) Describe briefly the procedure for testing of rivets of the said 6 x 45.72 m span through girder bridge.                                                                                                 ( 5 )
6. ( a ) Draw bending moment and shear force diagram for a beam having live loads as indicated below. Assume dead load of the beam as 0.25 t / m. Also show the typical arrangement of main and distribution reinforcements for this beam.           ( 15 )
    ( b ) Briefly describe water cement ratio in concrete and its effect on properties of concrete.
                                                                                                                                        ( 5 )
7. Fill in the blanks with suitable words / word.                                                              ( 20 )
( i ) Minimum crushing strength of the bricks to be …………. Kg / cm2.
( ii ) The moisture content in a well seasoned timber is ……………….
( iii )The recommended slump for concrete of RCC slab, when vibrators are used is about ……..
( iv ) The height of stack of cement, while cement is being stored, should not exceed …………. Bags.
( v ) For prestressed concrete the most suitable value of slump is …………..
( vi ) The overlap in case of mild steel bars in tension in RCC should be …………….
( vii ) The number of cement bags required for casting one cu.m of 1 : 2 : 4 cement concrete is …………….
( viii ) The number of cement bags required for construction of one cu.m of Brick masonry in 1 :6 cement mortar is ……………….
( ix ) Brick before use in work must be soaked in water for a period not less than ………….. hours.
( x ) For plastering the exposed brick walls, the cement mortar should be of the ratio ……….
( xi ) Coarse grained soils are best compacted by a …………………
( xii ) The minimum centre to centre distance of friction piles of 1 m diameter should be…………
( xiii ) Standard proctor test is used to find out……………………….
( xiv ) Demand of water for passengers on Railway station is …………….. liters per passenger.
( xv ) Dose of alum in water supply scheme in normal condition is …………… liter.
( xvi ) In a water supply network number of 15 mm dia service pipes which can be taken off from 40 mm distribution pipe are ………………………
( xvii ) In a water supply network minimum residual chlorine available at the farthest end should be …………………….. mg per liter.
( xviii ) The wash hand basin should be fixed at a height of ………….meter from floor.
( xix ) For 150 mm diameter sewer the gradient required for generating self cleansing velocity is ………………………….
( xx ) Height of counters of booking window above floor level should be ………. Meter.
Section – ‘B’
8. ( a ) A khalasi helper is in habit of remaining absent for 1 to 2 days in a week without prior intimation through he was warned a no. of times. Which type of penalty you would like impose against him? Describe the procedure for imposing the penalty.       ( 7 )
    ( b ) A gang man was run over by a good train while he was patrolling the track during night and died. What action you will initiate till the case will be considered as closed?   ( 8 )
9. ( a ) An employee under you is having 2 days casual leave, 3 days LAP and 7 days LHAP in his credit and he applies for 15 days leave due to unavoidable reason. Which type of leave you will recommended for sanction in his favour.              ( 6 )
    ( b ) Give one example each for the following ’’demands for Grants’’ :
               ( i ) Demand no. 3           ( ii ) Demand no. 4        ( iii ) Demand no. 11
10. ( a ) Give 2 examples of Material modifications.
      ( b ) What are differences between ‘’August Review’’ and Revised Estimate.
      ( c ) Give one example each of works chargeable to Plan Head 16, 29, 31, 52 and 64 under Demand no. 16.
11. ( + ) ®úÉVɦÉɹÉÉ Eäò |ɪÉÉäMÉ EòÉä |ÉÉäiºÉɽþxÉ näùxÉä Eäò ʱɪÉä EòÉèxÉ EòÉèxÉ ºÉä {ÉÖ®úºEòÉ®ú ªÉÉäVÉxÉÉBÄ ¤ÉxÉɪÉÒ MɪÉÒ ½éþ * ( 5 )
   ( ¤É ) ªÉ½þ EèòºÉä VÉÉxÉÉ VÉÉiÉÉ ½èþ ÊEò ÊEòºÉÒ Eò¨ÉÇSÉÉ®úÒ EòÉä ʽþxnùÒ EòÉ ´ªÉ´É½þÉÊ®úEò YÉÉxÉ ½èþ *          ( 5 )
   ( ºÉ ) EäòxpùÒªÉ ¶ÉɺÉEòÒªÉ EòɪÉÉDZɪÉÉå ºÉä +, ¤É B´ÉÆ ºÉ IÉäjÉ ¨Éå {ÉjÉ ´ªÉ´É½þÉ®ú Eäò CªÉÉ CªÉÉ ÊxÉªÉ¨É ½éþ *  ( 5 )
Section - ‘C’
12. Write in sort the procedure involved for inclusion of the work ‘’Construction of LHS in lieu of level crossing in the ‘’Works Programme’’.                                               ( 5 )


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NOTE: We do not take any responsibility of authencity of Information/News/Videos.


Q Bank - Establishment / Personnel Dept. (82) Q Bank - Electrical Engineering (80) Q Bank - OS / Clerk / Typist (72) Q B Engg (P Way & Work) (67) Q BANK - Operating (63) Group 'B' Exam (60) Q Bank - APO ( Asst. Personnel Officer) (57) QUESTION BANK WITH ANSWER (55) Q B Establishment (48) Q Bank - Goods Guards (45) Q Bank - OHE/TRD/PSI (36) Q B - CIVIL ENGINEERING (AEN) (27) Q B - Welfare Inspector (27) Q BANK - C & W ( Carriage & Wagon ) (26) Q Bank - Account (24) Q BANK - LOCO (23) Q BANK Exam - Station Master (23) Q Bank - Commercial (22) Q Bank - AOM (19) Q BANK - Station Master (18) Q Bank - S & T (14) 1. Syllabus (13) Q Bank - D & AR (Discipline and Appeals Rule) (12) Q Bank - Medical (12) Q Bank - Posts (Civil Engineering & P way) Dept (12) 2. Q Bank - Group D To C (11) INDEX (11) QB - ENGINEERING ( MECHANICAL ) (11) Q Bank - LOCO (Diesel) (9) Q Bank - ACM (Assistant Commercial Manager) (9) Q BANK - Jr Engineer ( Diesel Mechanical ) (8) Q BANK - LOCO (AC) (8) Q Bank - Law Assistant (8) Q Bank - AME/AWM (7) Q Bank - Group D To C (6) Q Bank - General Knowledge (5) Q Bank - Publicity Inspector (5) Q Bank - Rajbhasha (राजभाषा) (5) Q Bank - Stores (5) RRB EXAM (5) NTPC (4) Q Bank - ADSTE / ASTE (4) Q Bank - AEE (4) Q Bank - CLI (4) Question & Answer (4) Q Bank - Appointment On Compassionate Ground Exam (3) Q Bank - Commercial Instructor Exam (3) Q Bank - Engineering (Bridge) (3) Q Bank - IT (3) Q Bank - Protocol Inspector (3) Q Bank - RPF Department (3) Short Notes (3) Q BANK - Jr Engineer ( Mechanical ) (2) Q Bank - C & M (2) Q Bank - CCTC (2) Q Bank - Carpenter (2) Q Bank - General English (2) Q Bank - Jr Engineer (Tele) (2) Q Bank - Ministerial Staff (2) Q Bank - Track Machine (2) Q Bank -Section Controler (2) Video (2) ABB (1) FAQ (1) GDCE Exam (1) IRMS (Indian Railway Management Service (1) JUNIOR ENGINEER (Non -AC) GRADE - II (1) Minimum Wages Act (1) Project & Planning (1) Q BANK & Answer - C & W ( Carriage & Wagon ) (1) Q BANK - Shunting Master (1) Q Bank - Instructor (1) Q Bank - AMM (1) Q Bank - All Department (1) Q Bank - Ballast Train Checker (1) Q Bank - Complaints Inspector (1) Q Bank - GK (Computer) (1) Q Bank - Leave Rule (1) Q Bank - Mason (1) Q Bank - Maths (1) Q Bank - NPS (New Pension Scheme) (1) Q Bank - OS / Clerk Typist (1) Q Bank - Pass Rule (1) Q Bank - Planning Inspector (1) Q Bank - Railway (GK) (1) Q Bank - Stenographer (1) Q Bank - Technician (Ele) (1) Q Bank - Traffic Costing Inspector (1) Question Bank - Technicians of TLAC Group. (1) Short Notes - Establishment (1) Short Notes - Operating / Traffic (1)