Previous Q Paper - GROUP "B" LDCE - AEN - 2006, 2007 & 2008


Date : 07.01.2006                             ( Maximum Marks 150 )                                 Time : 3 hours
Note : 1) Candidate should clearly write their roll number in words also.
           2) Be brief and to the point in your answers.
           3) Score out blank space in answer sheet.
Note : Attempt any five Questions in Part I,          All questions carry equal marks.                        
1.    Write the full form of the following abbreviations.                                    2 x 5 = 10 Marks.
       a) GTKM     b) ITKM       c) GMT       d) ETKM      e) NTKM
2.    Write the full form of the following commonly used terms.                       2 x 5 = 10 Marks.
       a) GPS      b) GSM        c) MMS       d) SMS       e) WLL
3.    Write the full form of the following abbreviations.                                    2 x 5 = 10 Marks.
       a) ASEAN    b) SAARC      c) GATT      d) WTO       e) IMF
4.   Name of the following :                                                                            2 x 5 = 10 Marks.
a)    Chief Minister of West Bengal.
b)    General Manager, North Eastern Railway.
c)    Vice President of India.
d)    Finance Minister of India.
e)    Member Engineering, Railway board.
5.   In which State are the following situated -                                              2 x 5 = 10 Marks.
     a) Ajanta.       b) Hampi.     c) Kaziranga.     d) Nalanda     e) Sanchi.
6.  a) Write all the salient features covered under Section 3(3) of Official Language Act. 8 Marks.

     b) What do you understand by Mul Ptrachar.                                                              2 Marks.
Note : Answer any Five Questions in part II; All questions carry equal marks.
1.  Briefly describe the various stages of water treatment in a rapid sand filtration plant, from the stage of raw water to the final supply.                                                                   20 Marks.
2.  Write short notes on any four of the following :                                           4 x 5 = 20 marks.
a)    Most commonly adopted field test to measure the workability of concrete. Explain the test procedure in detail. Also indicate the recommended values for RCC & Mass concrete works in this connection.                                                       
b)    Draw and explain the ‘Stress- Strain’ curve of mild steel. Also mark the corresponding points in the graph to represent the yield stress & ultimate strength. Which stress is taken in our design calculations and why?                                      
c)    Afflux in a river.
d)    Controlled concrete.
e)    Safe Bearing capacity.
3.  a) How do you estimate the design discharge for bridges. What are factors considered for  assessment of discharge. What do you understand by catchment area.        ( 10 marks )
      b)  What do you under stand by ‘Self Cleaning Velocity’ in a sewer design. Explain how ‘Egg shaped’ sewer lines are superior in comparison with ‘ Circular’ sewer lines.     ( 5 Marks )
      c)  Explain the functioning of a ‘Septic tank’ in a sewerage disposal system with a sketch. (5)
4.  Write short notes on any four of the following :                                           4 x 5 = 20 marks.
a)    Abrasion Test.
b)    Impact Test.
c)    Flakiness Index.
d)    Specific Gravity and Water Absorption Tests.
e)    California Bearing Ratio.
f)     Optimum Moisture content.
5.  a) What is Plane Table Surveying, its advantage and disadvantage. How do you control errors in Plane Tabling.                                                                            10 Marks.
      b)  A Flag Post marks an angle of 30 degree in vertical plain at point ‘A’. Person walks towards the Flag Post by distance of 100/Ö3 m to a point ‘B’. The elevation of the Flag Post is now 60 degree. Find out the height of the Flag Post? ( tan 300 = 1/Ö3 ). ( 10 )   
6.  What do you understand by ( attempt any Five ) the following -     4 x 5 = 20 Marks.
a)    Base failure of foundations.
b)    Slip circle in embankment failure.
c)    Slenderness ratio in design of steel structure.
d)    Balanced cantilever beams in RCC bridges.
e)    Influence Line Diagram.
f)     Pre-camber and Loss of camber.


Date : 08.01.2006                             ( Maximum Marks 150 )                                 Time : 3 hours
Note : 1) Candidate should clearly write their roll number in words also.
           2) Be brief and to the point in your answers.
           3) Score out blank space in answer sheet.
PART – I - PROFFSSIONAL SUBJECT                                  
Note : Attempt any Five questions in Part I ; All questions carry equal marks.
1.  Write in brief the various causes of Rail Fracture, Weld Fracture and Fractures in fishplated zones. Also describe various maintenance precautions to control the fractures.   20 Marks.
2.   Write short notes on any four of the following :                                           4 x 5 = 20 marks.
                 i.        Under Water inspection of Bridges.
                ii.        Joint inspection of Points & crossings.
               iii.        SKV process of thermit welding.
               iv.        Pre-tamping and Post-tamping operations.
                v.        Destressing of LWR.
3.  a) Draw a neat sketch of 1 in 8½ diamond crossing with slips on concrete sleeper layout.(12)
     b) Calculate the speed permitted on a curve of radius 600 m on BG fully transitioned. Also calculate the minimum length of transition required.                                           8 Marks.
4.  Prescribed standard dimensions ( BG ) in the following cases -    2½  x 8 = 20 Marks.
a)    Maximum clearance between toe of open switch.
b)    Maximum degree of curvature.
c)    The minimum clearance between toe of open switch and stock rail.
d)    The maximum and minimum height above rail level of platform roof cover.
e)    Minimum distance of the column of a platform roof from the center of nearest track.
f)     Minimum clearance of a check rail for a curve.
g)    Minimum clearance of toe of switch.
h)    Minimum clearance for check rail for level crossing.
5.  Describe briefly the various types of heavy track machines being used on BG concrete sleeper track. Also describe the output of each machine, the factors affecting the output and the quality of work. Also mention the daily maintenance schedule and the main reasons for failure during block.                                                                                             20 Marks.
6.   Write short notes on any four of the following :                                           4 x 5 = 20 marks.
a)    Minimum eligibility criteria in tenders.
b)    Measurement and training out of ballast.
c)    Railway Affecting works ( RAW ).
d)    Measurement Book & Site order book.
e)    Schedule of Rates and Non schedule items.
Note : Attempt any Two questions in Part II ; All questions carry equal marks.
1.   a) Describe the procedure to rescind a Works contract.                                      7 Marks.
      b) Describe in brief the various types of Engineering Estimates.                         8 Marks.
      c) What are Major and Minor penalties. Describe procedure to impose Major penalty.(10)
2.   a) What is Staff Benefit fund ? What are its sources of Revenues and what are its objectives?                                                                                                  7 Marks.
         b) What do you mean by de-categorization of a railway staff?                         6 Marks.
         c) What is the distinction between non-selection and selection posts?            6 Marks.
         d) What is break down allowances and night duty allowance?                          6 Marks.
3.      Write short notes on any five of the following :                                         5 x 5 = 25 marks.
                 i.        Deposit Works.
                ii.        The conditions under which railway accommodation can be allotted to – ( a ) Railway Consumer co-op society.  ( b ) Handicraft and Vocational Training Center.  ( c ) Refreshment Room run by contractor.  ( d ) Civil Contractor at the Work site.
               iii.        Procedure to terminate a Works Contract.
               iv.        Material at Site account.
                v.        Assessed rent and Penal Rent.
               vi.        Urgency Certificate.


Date : 19.05.2007                             ( Maximum Marks 150 )                                 Time : 3 hours
Note : 1) Be brief and to the point in your answers.
           2) Score out blank space in answer sheet.
           3) Candidate may write answer in Hindi or English.
           4) Candidate should not write his name / roll number anywhere in answer sheet except on fly slip. Candidate should clearly write their roll number in words also.
Note : Attempt all Questions in Part I, All questions carry equal marks.                       
1.    Write the full form of the following abbreviations.                                    2 x 5 = 10 Marks.
       a) PRS      b) IVRS       c) UTS       d) CVM       e) AVM
2.    Name the following :                                                                                 2 x 5 = 10 Marks.
       a) Chief Minister of Utter Pradesh. b) Governor of Bihar. c) Member Traffic Railway Board. 
       d) General Manager of ECR.    e) Director General of RDSO.
3.    Write the name and abbreviations of 16 Zonal Railways along with their head quarters.
       (Up to 6 correct answers = No marks & from 7th to 16th = 1 mark for each.)
                                                                                                                         1 x 10 = 10 Marks.
4.    Write short notes on any two of the following :                                         2 x 5 = 10 Marks.
 A ) Dedicated freight corridor.
 B ) Public Private Partnership.          
 C ) National Highway Development programme.
5.    Write the capital of following states :                                                      1 x 10 = 10 Marks.
 Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Manipur, Meghalaya, Uttaranchal,  Jharkhand, Mizoram, Chattisgarh, Assam, Kerala.
Note : Attempt any Five Questions in part II; All questions carry equal marks.
1.  a ) List various prize and incentive schemes to encourage the use and learning of Rajbhasa Hindi.                                                                                                        10 Marks.
          Draw the typical reinforcement details in the following RCC Beam.
     B ) Draw the Shear force and Bending movement diagram with  values.          10 Marks.                                                     
2.  Design the ‘T’ shaped RCC retaining wall of 2 m height with full height water pressure on one side and nothing on other side. If required assume friction coefficient between soil and base as µ = 0.5. Draw a neat hand sketch and show the reinforcement detailing.           20 Marks.
3.      Write short notes on any four of the following :                                         5 x 4 = 20 marks.
  1. Plat load test & Pile load test.
  2. Plastic limit & Liquid limit.
  3. Geogrid & Geotextile.
  4. Septic Tank and its functioning.
  5. Methods of lowering of water table at construction site.
4. a) A Railway embankment is 11.0 wide and at the center line the height of bank is 3.0 m. If the cross slope of the ground is 1 in 20 and the side slope of the embankment are 2 : 1, calculate the area of cross-section and width of the bank from toe to toe.         15 Marks.
     b) Describe briefly the triangulation method of surveying.                                       5 Marks.
5.  a) Write short notes on any three of the following :                                         3 x 4 = 12 marks.
  1. Economic span of a bridge.     
  2. Elastomeric bearings.
  3. Afflux in a river.
  4. Controlled Concrete.
  5. Design discharge of bridge.
      b) What are the consideration in the selection of well foundation or pile foundation for a bridge?                                                                                                         8 marks.
6. Write short notes on any Five of the following :                                         4 x 5 = 20 marks.
  1. Plane table survey and magnetic compass survey.
  2. IP Stone and Kota Stone.
  3. Open Foundation and Pile Foundation.
  4. Nominal mix and Design mix.
  5. Super elevation of curves.
  6. Score depth and danger level.
7. Write short notes on any Five of the following :                                         4 x 5 = 20 marks.
  1. Ready mix concrete and admixtures.             
  2. Ordinary Paints and epoxy Paints.
  3. Optimum moisture content.          
  4. Standard penetration test.
  5. Blanketing layer for Railway embankment.
  6. Yield stress and ultimate stress.



Date : 20.05.2007                             ( Maximum Marks 150 )                                 Time : 3 hours
Note : 1) Be brief and to the point in your answers.
           2) Score out blank space in answer sheet.
           3) Candidate may write answer in Hindi or English.
           4) Candidate should not write his name / roll number anywhere in answer sheet except on fly slip. Candidate should clearly write their roll number in words also.
 Note: Attempt any Five Questions in part I, All questions carry equal marks.
1.-  a) List the various pre tamping and post tamping operations.               10 Marks.
       b) List the various schedules required to be performed for the proper maintenance of track machines and also list the reasons for failure of the tamping machine during block. (10)
2. -  a) Describe the various items of inspection of tunnels and deep cuttings.          10 Marks.
        b) Draw a neat sketch of a stone masonry arch and show the locations of the crack and reasons for the same. What are the common method of repair?                    10 Marks.
3. - Write short notes on any Four of the following and explain them with a sketch.4x5=20marks.
  1. Deralling switch.
  2. Trap points.
  3. Catch sidings.
  4. High speed turn outs.
  5. Expansion joints of track.
4. - a) describe various types of patrolling and list the equipments of patrolmen and describe how the patrol charts are prepared.                                                                10 Marks.
      b) Define super elevation, cant deficiency and cant excess. How do you calculate the safe speed on the curves.                                                                                        10 Marks.
5. - Write short notes on any Four of the following.                                  4 x 5 = 20 marks.
  1. Mechanized relaying with concrete sleepers.                      
  2. Earth work compaction for high filis at optimum moisture content.
  3. Classification of Level crossings.
  4. Process of Thermit Welding of Rails.
  5. Classification of various accidents.
6.- a) Define the need based criteria and periodicity of USFD.                       8 Marks.
      b) What are the various defects which can be located by way of USFD and what are the limitations?                                                                                           8 Marks.
      c) List various types of USFD machines.                                                   4 Marks.
7. a) What is the criteria for categorization of stations for the purpose of Passenger Amenities?
                                                                                                                                5 Marks.
    b) What are the minimum essential amenities, recommended level of amenities, desirable level of amenities, and amenities required at model stations.                    10 Marks.
    c) What are the short term and long term facilities for physically handicapped at Railway stations?                                                                                                        5 Marks.

Note : Attempt any two Questions in part II, All questions carry equal marks.
1.  Describe briefly the salient features of ‘’Workmen Compensation Act’’. What payments and benefits will be admissible in case of a patrolman run over and killed while on duty?    (25)
2.  a) Differentiate between and describe the procedure to deal with -                       15 Marks.
              i.        Single tender.
             ii.        Only tender.
            iii.        Limited tender.
           iv.        Open tender.
      b) Explain briefly the details you would bring forth while preparing a briefing note for a tender committee.                                                                                               10 Marks.
3.  a) Whose sanction is required for the following -                                        5 x 3 = 15 Marks.
              i.        Hiring of private building for use of residence by –
a)    Gazetted officer.
b)    Non-gazetted staff.
             ii.        To write off loss of tools and plants when the value is above Rs. 50000/- and Railway Employee is responsible.
            iii.        To fix the rates for items not provided  in SOR for value Rs. 10,000/-
           iv.        To sanction reimbursement of medical expenses for treatment of Railway Servant and members of their families.
            v.        To sanction charges for testing of samples in a Govt. Laboratory.
b)    State the provisions of Payment of wages Act while making deductions from salary of an employee? What are the various items of permissible deductions?       10 Marks.

West Central Railway
Engineering Department
Limited Departmental Competitive Examination
For the post of ADENs Gr. B ( 30% )
Paper – I – Civil Engineering ( General ), General Knowledge & Rajbhasha
Time :- 3 hours                                                                                              Max. Marks : 150
Date :- 28 – 09 – 2008
Important Notice :
1)    Your name, roll number or any other identification mark must not be written in the answer paper.
2)    Answers should be brief and contents of questions need not be repeated.
3)    Questions No. 1 is compulsory and should be answered in Rajbhasha only. All other questions can be answered in Hindi or English.
4)    Max. marks are indicated against each question.
Section – I
Q. No. 1 is compulsory.
Answer any one question from Q. No. 2 and Q. No. 3.
Q. No. 1 –  ( * ) ®úÉVÉ ¦ÉɹÉÉ +ÊvÉÊxÉªÉ¨É vÉÉ®úÉ 3 ( 3 ) Eäò |ÉÉ´ÉvÉÉxÉ Ê±ÉJÉå *            ( 15 )
            ( ** ) näù¶É Eäò Ê´ÉEòÉºÉ ¨Éå {ÉÊ®ú´ÉÉ®ú ÊxɪÉÉäVÉxÉ EòÒ ¦ÉÚʨÉEòÉ Ê´É¹ÉªÉ {É®ú BEò ±ÉäJÉ ®úÉVɦÉɹÉÉ ¨Éå ʱÉJÉä ( ±ÉMɦÉMÉ 150 - 200 ¶É¤nùÉå ¨Éå )                                        ( 15 )
Q. No. 2 – Write short notes on -                                                    5 x 4 = 20
      i.       Computerization in Engg. Dept. in Railway.
     ii.       Dedicated freight corridor.
    iii.       Garib Rath.
   iv.       Corporate welfare plan.   
Q. No. 3. – ( I ) Name the all zonal railways and locations of their headquarters.           [ 16 ]
                  ( ii ) Write full name of any four Indian Railway PSU.                                    [ 4 ]  
Section – II
100 Marks.          
Answer any five questions.
Q. No. 4.- Write short notes on any four.                                        4 x 5 = 20
      i.       Safety at work sites.
     ii.       Total station.
    iii.       Photogramatic survey.
   iv.       Google earth.
    v.       Final location survey.
Q. No. 5.- ( I ) Define malleability, ductility, hardness and conductivity of a metal. [ 4 x 2.5 =10 ]
                 ( ii ) Define Thermo setting plastics and Thermoplastics. Which one can be easily reused.                                                                                               [ 10 ]
Q. No. 6.- Describe following properties of soil and their physical significance ( any four ).
      i.       Liquid limit.                                                                                  [ 4 x 5 = 20 ]
     ii.       Plastic limit.
    iii.       Plasticity Index.
   iv.       Shrinkage limit.
    v.       Void ratio & Porosity.
Q. No. 7.- Write short notes on any four.                                        4 x 5 = 20
      i.       Pile foundations.        
     ii.       Raft foundations.
    iii.       Behaviour of black cotton soil.
   iv.       Ready mixed concrete.
    v.       Role of plasticizers in concrete.
Q. No. 8.- Describe the following tests to be performed in case of burnt clay bricks. [ 4 x 5 =20 ]
      i.       Compressive strength test.
     ii.       Water absorption test.
    iii.       Efforescence test.
   iv.       Test for warpage.
Q. No. 9. – ( I ) What are salient features of PCE circular No. 6 regarding execution of earth work in embankment & Cuttings.           [ 15 ]
                     ( ii ) Name the construction equipments used for doing earth work for railway embankment on a new line project.         [ 5 ]
Q. No. 10.- ( I ) What are six main steps in critical Path Method Analysis ( CPM )         [ 10 ]
                   ( ii ) What are advantages of CPM analysis.                                                [ 10 ]
Q. No. 11.- Write short notes on any four.                                        4 x 5 = 20
      i.       Water Harvesting.    
     ii.       Water recycle plants.
    iii.       Pressure Filters.          
   iv.       Free chlorine test.
    v.       The pumping test.         
Q. No. 12.- ( I ) Why is form work necessary? What are the requirements of good form work?
                    ( ii ) What are the advantages of steel windows over wooden windows.         [ 10 ]

West Central Railway
Engineering Department
Limited Departmental Competitive Examination
For the post of ADENs Gr. B ( 30% )
Paper – II – Professional subjects , Finance & Establishment.
Time :- 3 hours                                                                                              Max. Marks : 150
Date :- 28 – 09 – 2008
Important Notice :
5)    Your name, roll number or any other identification mark must not be written in the answer paper.
6)    Answers should be brief and contents of questions need not be repeated.
7)    Questions can be answered in Hindi or English.
8)    Max. marks are indicated against each question.
Section – I
( Professional Subjects )                   
                                                                                                                             Marks :- 100
Answer any one five questions.
Q. No. 1- ( I ) Write in brief the important permanent way inspection to be done by AEN as per Para 107 of IRPWM.                                                                            ( 10 )
                ( ii ) Write in brief the 10 important duties of key man.                              ( 10 )
Q. No. 2 - Write short notes on –
                ( I ) What are the USFD testing frequency for -                                 (  3 x 5 =  15 )
                      ( a ) Rail manufactured before 01 – 01 -2000.
                      ( b )  Rail manufactured after 01 – 01 -2000.
                      ( c ) SKV weld.
                ( ii ) What are the instructions for joggling of thermit welds.                  ( 5 )
Q. No. 3 - Please explain any four of the following :-                                         ( 5 x 4 = 20 )
              i.        Dead Buffer.
             ii.        Flat wheels.
            iii.        Defect in helical springs.
           iv.        Thin flange.
            v.        Sharp flange.
Q. No. 4 – Write short notes on any four of the following -                                 ( 5 x 4 = 20 )
              i.        Loss of camber in steel girders – reasons and rectification measures.
             ii.        Apron and drop walls and their utility.
            iii.        Epoxy grouting and cement pressure grouting.
           iv.        Vertical clearance and free board.
            v.        Cracks in steel works – reasons & remedial steps.
Q. No. 5 – ( I ) What are the causes of various types of distresses in masonry arch bridges and what action shall be taken for rectification before under taking rebuilding work. (10)
                  ( ii ) How are loose rivite identified in steel girder bridges ? What are the important points that should be kept in consideration while carrying out the riveting work.(10) 
Q. No. 6 – ( I ) What are the important duties of a gatemen at level crossing?     ( 10 )
                 ( ii ) What are the important measures to prevent rail and weld fractures ?  ( 10 )
Q. No. 7 - Write short notes on any four of the following -                                 ( 5 x 4 = 20 )
              i.        Directed Building Maintenance.
             ii.        Standard  measurement registers for buildings.
            iii.        Facilities for physically challenged passengers.
           iv.        Engineering petty repair book.
            v.        Deposit works.
Q. No. 8 – ( I ) What are the pre – tamping & Post – tamping operations?    ( 2 x 5 =10 )
                 ( ii ) Define the following terms in relation to LWR.
                        ( a ) Breathing length.
                        ( b ) Hot weather patrolling.
Section – II
( Finance & Establishment )
Marks : 50
Answer any two Questions.
Q. No. 9 – Please give latest instruction on –
                  ( a ) Earnest money.                                                                               ( 5 )
                  ( b ) Performance guarantee.                                                                 ( 5 )
                  ( c ) Security deposit.                                                                             ( 5 )
                  ( d ) Minimum Eligibility Criteria.                                                            ( 10 ) 
Q. No. 10. – Write short notes on any five of the following :-                ( 5 x 5 = 25 )
              i.        Workmen’s Compensation Act.
             ii.        HOER
            iii.        Minimum wages Act.
           iv.        PNM.
            v.        School Pass.
           vi.        Trade Test.
Q. No. 11. – Write short notes on any five of the following :-                ( 5 x 5 = 25 )
              i.        Revenue & work expenditure.
             ii.        Material at site account.
            iii.        Completion report.
           iv.        Urgency Certificate.
            v.        Canons of financial propriety.
           vi.        ABC analysis for Inventory Control.
Q. No. 12 – ( I ) What are various minor and major penalties? In which cases of minor penalties, enquiry is must?                                                                 ( 10 )
                   ( ii ) Explain the manner by which  ‘’Parliamentary Control over Railway Finance’’ is exercised.                                                                          ( 10 )




Date : 08 .11.2008                             ( Maximum Marks 150 )                                 Time : 3 hours
Note : 1) Candidate should clearly write their roll number in words also.
           2) Score out blank space in answer sheet.
           3) Candidate may write answer in Hindi or English.
           4) Candidate should not write his name / roll number anywhere in answer sheet except on fly slip.
Note : Attempt both  Questions No. 1 & 2 in Part I.
Q.1. Attempt any 10 of following ( All carry equal Marks )                                      10 x 3 = 30
  1. Write full form of R.D.S.O.
  2. Write full form of COFMOW.
  3. In which City and country the test Olympic Games were held.
  4. Who is speaker of Lok Sabha?
  5. Who is Finance Minister of India?
  6. Who is writer of National Anthem of India?
  7. Which is the Capital of Arunachal Pradesh?
  8. Which is the Capital of Uttranchal State ?
  9. What is common Currency introduced among European Nations ?
  10. Write name of two Major political parties in U.S.A.
  11. Who is the next 44th President of U.S.A.
Q. 2. Wright short notes on any two –                                                                    2 x 10 = 20
a)    Effect of Sixth pay Commission Report on Railway employees.
b)    Dedicated freight corridor.
c)    Public Private Partnership.          
( Attempt any Five Questions - All carry equal marks. )
Q. 3. Wright difference between ( any four )                                                             4 x 5 = 20
a)    Electric welding and Gas welding.
b)    End bearing piles and Friction piles.
c)    Active and Passive Earth Pressure.
d)    Yield stress and Ultimate stress.
e)    Ultimate bearing capacity and Safe bearing capacity.
Q. 4. Write short notes ( any four )                                                                          4 x 5 = 20
a)    Necessity of disinfection of water and various methods of disinfection.
b)    Corrosion of steel and its prevention.
c)    Expansion joints in concrete.
d)    Different type of Survey instruments and what they are used for.
e)    General defects associated with arch bridge.
Q. 5. Attempt any four questions.                                                                              4 x 5 = 20
a)    How does the pre stressed concrete differs from Reinforced concrete?
b)    Discuss the method of disposal of Septic tank effluent.
c)    Discuss different type of Construction Machinery & equipment and what they are used for.
d)    Discuss different type of bridges and what locations they are economical to construct.
e)    Wright short notes on Section 3 ( 3 ) of Official Language Act 1963.
Q. 6. Attempt both Question ( I ) & ( II )                                                                                20
( I ) Fill in the blanks ( any five )                                                                                5 x 2 = 10
a)    Unit of Heat is …………………
b)    …………………. Type of roller should be used for road with cohesive soil.
c)    Freezing point of pure water is ……………. Degree F.
d)    Young modulus of steel is ……………….. N / mm2 .
e)    2 degree curve has a radius of …………………. Meter.
f)     Richer Scale is a measurement for …………………….
( II ) Explain the functioning of a septic tank with a sketch.                                                 10
Q. 7. ( a )  Draw the Shear force  diagram for following beam.                                            08                                                                                                                                                                       
( b ) In what ways a riveted joint can fail.                                                                             04
( c ) Draw and explain the ‘Stress- Strain’ curve of mild steel.                                             08       
Q. 8. Write short notes ( any four )                                                                          4 x 5 = 20
a)    Water Cement ratio in concrete.
b)    Importance and necessity of providing of Man holes in a sewer line.
c)    Care & Custody of Survey Instruments.
d)    Various Water proofing system for flat roof.
e)    Steps taken for spreading Hindi Language in Railways.




Date : 09.11.2008                             ( Maximum Marks 150 )                                 Time : 3 hours
Note : 1) Candidate should clearly write their roll number in words also.
           2) Score out blank space in answer sheet.
           3) Candidate may write answer in Hindi or English.
           4) Candidate should not write his name / roll number anywhere in answer sheet except on fly slip.
 Note: Attempt any Five Questions in part I, All questions carry equal marks.
Q. 1. – ( a ) Why Rail & weld failures take place in track.                                                      06   
           ( b ) What precaution should be taken to ensure running trains safely in respect to Rail & weld failures.                                                                                                      07
           ( c ) What are the rules to be followed in identification and disposal  of scrap materials in Engineering deptt. of Railways.                                                                             07
Q. 2. Write short notes on any four.                                                                              4 x 5 = 20
a)    Track Geometry Index.
b)    Rain Water Harvesting.
c)    Jatropha plantation.
d)    Various protective works for meandering rivers.
e)    Different types of track machine.
Q. 3. Write short notes on any four.                                                                              4 x 5 = 20
a)    What should be the various steps to reduce accidents on unmanned level crossing gates.
b)    Pre-monsoon precautions on Railway track.
c)    Design mode of machine tamping of track.
d)    Small track Machines.
e)    Characteristics of good ‘Permanent way’.
Q. 4. – Write different between ( any four )                                                                   4 x 5 = 20
a)    Monsoon patrolling and Hot weather patrolling on track.
b)    Catch siding and Slip siding.
c)    Preliminary Survey and Final Location Survey.
d)    Bored Piles and Under reamed Piles.
e)    Pre tensioning and Post tensioning of concrete.
Q. 5. – ( a ) What do you mean by a ‘Distressed bridge’. What precaution and corrective actions should be taken on such a Bridge for safe running of train?                         10
            ( b ) Draw a standard Ballast Profile for Double line B.G. LWR track in a cutting showing all relevant dimensions.                                                                                  10         
Q. 6. – ( a ) What actions should be taken to increase earning by Engineering deptt. in Railway. Describe them briefly.                                                                                     10
            ( b ) What actions should be taken to improve TGI values of a track. Describe briefly. 10                    
Q. 7. - Write short notes on any five.                                                                               5 x 5 = 25
a)    Classification of Employees under HOER.
b)    Minor Penalties under D & AR. 
c)    Selection and Non selection posts.
d)    Workmen’s compensation Act.
e)    Productivity Linked Bonus.
f)     Permanent Negotiation Machinery on Railway.
Q. 8. - Write short notes on any five.                                                                               5 x 5 = 25
a)    Price Variation Clause.                   
b)    Draft Para.
c)    Non Scheduled Rates.
d)    Deposit works.
e)    Material Modifications.
f)     Stock Sheets.

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