Previous Q Paper - GROUP "B" LDCE - ADEN - 2010 & 2012

West Central Railway
Engineering Department
Selection for the post of ADENs Gr. B ( 30% LDCE Quota ))
Paper – I –
General Professional subject ( Civil Engineering ), General Knowledge & Rajbhasha
Time :- 3 hours                                                                                              Max. Marks : 150
Date :- 25 – 04 – 2010
Important Instructions :-
1.        Your name, roll number or any other mark of identification must not be written in the answer paper.
2.        Answers should be brief and contents of questions need not be repeated.
3.        Questions No. 8 should be answered in Rajbhasha only. All other questions may be answered in Hindi or English.
4.        Max. marks are indicated against each question.
5.        Answer any five questions from Part – I and two question from Part II.
6.        In case of any difference in English & Hindi versions, contents of English version will be treated as correct.
Part – I General Professional subject ( Civil Engineering )   - 100 marks.
Q. 1 – What are the different errors in theodolite work ? List out & explain each one in brief. Also give the methodology followed to eliminate them.                                              20 marks.
Q. 2 – ( a ) Draw bending moment & shear force diagram for the following cantilever using dimensions & load as indicated.                                                                 12 marks.
             ( b ) Show by a rough sketch the type of reinforcement required for this Cantilever. No calculations or size of reinforcement is required.                                         8 marks.
Q. 3 – Write short notes on any five -                                                    5 x 4 = 20
      i.     Bulking of Sand.
     ii.     Water hammer in pipelines.
    iii.     Water cement Ratio in concrete & its effect on properties of concrete.
   iv.     Design of concrete mix.
    v.     Quick sand effect.
   vi.     Closed traverse & closing error correction.
  vii.     Yield of a well.
 viii.     Raft foundation.
Q. 4 – ( a ) What are the consideration in the selection of type of foundation for a bridge? What type of foundation will you recommend for foundation of piers of an important bridge across a major river? Bridge is situated in an area with alluvial deposit of coarse sand upto very deep levels? Give reasons for your recommendations.          8 marks.
            ( b ) Write short notes on any three of the following -           3 x 4 = 12 marks.
                                          i.    Design Discharge for a bridge.
                                         ii.    Economic span of a bridge.
                                        iii.    Afflux in a river.
                                       iv.    PTFE pot bearings.
Q. 5 – ( a ) Design a septic tank with a soak pit for a divisional training school hostel with an average of 120 trainees. Hostel is provided with assured water supply.
                     Design to consider water supply at the rate of 150 liters per person and detention period of 24 hours. Assume other data as required clearly indicating the data assumed.                                                                                                  15 marks.
           ( b ) Draw a neat diagram of the septic tank showing both Plan & Sectional Elevation bringing out the main features of the septic tank.                                     5 marks.
Q. 6. – ( a ) Briefly explain the difference between compaction & Consolidation of soil. What is the effect of compaction on soil properties.                                               5 marks.
             ( b ) What do you understanding by end Bearing Pile & Friction Pile? A structure is to be constructed on pile foundation. Piles will be constructed entirely in clay. Whether piles will be designed as friction pile or End Bearing pile?                        5 marks.
            ( c )  A 6.5 m retaining wall has a smooth vertical back. The cohesion less backfill is upto the top of the wall. The material has an angle of repose of 300. The density of backfill material is 1.9 t / m3 . There is a surcharge load of 2.5 t / m2 over the backfill. Determine the magnitude & point of application of the active earth pressure.                                                                                                10 marks.
Q. 7. – ( a )  List out various basic requisites for ensuring leak proof of a building explaining each of them in brief with sketches.                                                       10 marks.
             ( b ) What are the various processes involved in purification of water drawn from intake well on a river so as to make it potable ( Mention only the name of each process and what it achieves. Be brief.).                                                               5 marks.
             ( c ) What do you understand by self cleansing velocity of flow in drains & sewers?
                                                                                                                                      5 marks.   
Section – II ( Rajbhasha & General Knowledge )          - 50 marks
Q. 8. – ( a ) Explain the salient features of the Official Language Act with reference to use of Hindi ( Raj Bhasha ) in day to day working in Railways.                  10 marks.
             ( b ) What is the relevance of section 3 ( 3 ) of official language act? Which documents are covered under it ?                                                                        5 marks.
             ( c ) Indicate full Hindi version of the following -                                  5 x 2 = 10 marks.
                     ( i ) GM      ( ii ) SDGM      ( iii ) DRM    ( iv ) DEN    ( v ) ADEN
Q. 9. – ( a ) Are the following true or false.                                                 5 x 1 = 5 marks.
                      i.    1st double century in a one day international ( Cricket ) was scored by Sayed Anwer.
                     ii.    Integral Coach Factory ( ICF ) is situated at Perambur ( Chennai ).
                    iii.    26 / 11 is referred to a happening which took place in new York.
                   iv.    India won the Hokey World cup last in 1983.
                    v.    Warm air can hold more moisture than cold air.
            ( b ) Name the Unit of measurement of following.                             5 x 2 = 10 marks.
                      i.    Heat.
                     ii.    Electric Current.
                    iii.    Speed of Aircraft.
                   iv.    Resistance of a conductor.
                    v.    Energy.
            ( c ) Following landmarks are situated in which cities.                         5 x 2 = 10 marks.
                      i.    Char Minar.
                     ii.    Gateway of India.
                    iii.    Taj Mahal.
                   iv.    Bibi ka Makbara.
                    v.    Meenakshi Temple.
Q. 10. – ( a ) Write the full form of the following.                                                 5 x 1 = 5 marks.
                      i.    DGCA
                     ii.    ONGC
                    iii.    UNESCO
                   iv.    VAT
                    v.    CBDT
             ( b )  ( I ) Who was the first lady Prime Minister in the world                 5 x 2 = 10 marks.
                            ( of any country ) ? 
                     ( ii ) Which is the farthest planet in our solar system ?
                     ( iii ) What is the capital of Sikkim ?
                     ( iv ) In which year Quit India movement was launched ?
                     ( v ) Which is the longest river in the world?
             ( c ) Following Trains run between which stations.                                  5 x 1 = 5 marks.
                      i.    Sampoorna Kranti Exp.
                     ii.    Coromandal Express.
                    iii.    Azad Hind Express.
                   iv.    Black Diamond Express.
                    v.    Jhelum Express.
            ( d ) What is the Capital of -                                                              5 x 1 = 5 marks.
                      i.    Cambodia.
                     ii.    Tanzania.
                    iii.    Sweden.
                   iv.    South Africa.
                    v.    Brazil.
West Central Railway
Engineering Department
Selection for the post of ADENs Gr. B ( 30% LDCE Quota ))
Paper – II – Professional subjects , Finance & Establishment.
Time :- 3 hours                                                                                              Max. Marks : 150
Date :- 25 – 04 – 2010
Important Notice :
1)    Your name, roll number or any other mark of identification must not be written in the answer paper.
2)    Answers should be brief and contents of questions need not be repeated.
3)    All Questions may  be answered in Hindi or English.
4)    Max. marks are indicated against each question.
5)    Answer any five question from Part – I and one question each from Part – II & Part III.
6)    In case of any difference in Hindi and  English versions, contents of English version will be treated as correct.
Part – I ( Professional Subjects )  -  Marks :- 100
Q. 1- ( a ) For BG track give schedule of dimensions ( schedule – I ) for            5 x 2 = 10 marks.   
                  the following :-                                                                      
                      i.    Minimum horizontal distance from center of track to any structure except a platform from 305 mm above rail level ( RL ) to 4420 mm above RL ( For existing works ) .
                     ii.    Maximum check rail clearance at Level crossing.
                    iii.    Maximum clearance of check rail for a curve.
                   iv.    Minimum height above RL for distance of 1600 mm on either side of the center of track for light overhead structures such as foot over bridge where 25 KV AC traction is likely to be used.
Q. 2. - Write short notes on –                                                                        4 x 5 =  15 marks.  
                      i.    Standard measurement registers for building.
                     ii.    Assessed rent of Quarters.              
                    iii.    On Account Bills & Final Bill.  
                   iv.    Classification of Railway Stations as per earning consideration.
                    v.    Adarsh Stations.
                   vi.    Final location Survey.
                  vii.    Abstract Estimate & Detailed Estimate.
                 viii.    Danger Level & High Flood Level on important bridges.
Q. 3. – You are ADEN of an open line section. A tamping machine is to start working in your section shortly. What will you ensure before its arrival? Also describe the activities that you will ensure before start of the tamping, during the tamping and after tamping. What additional steps you will take for tamping to be in Design mode?                 20 marks.
Q. 4. – ( a ) An existing minor bridge is to be rebuilt under traffic by insertion of a restricted height ( RH ) girder on a single line section. Any single traffic block can not exceed 3½ hrs due to the traffic pattern in the section. Explain in detail your planning for insertion of the RH girder, clearly bringing out all the activities to be done before & during block. For construction of new bridge with requisite working space, drawing envisages a lift in rail level of 0.5 m at the bridge location after insertion of RH girder.                                                                       12 marks.                                        
                 ( b ) Write short notes on any two  of the following -                        2 x 4 = 08 marks.
                           i.     Loss of camber in steel triangulated ( open web ) girders.
                          ii.     Painting of bridge girders in areas with service corrosion and non severe corrosion.
                         iii.     Oiling & Greasing of girder bearings.
                        iv.     Testing of rivets in a riveted girder..
Q. 5. - Write short notes on any five of the following -                                   5 x 4 = 20 marks.
                      i.     Special precautions to be taken for track maintenance in electrified section.
                     ii.     Robotic method of reconditioning of Cast Manganese Crossings.
                    iii.     Salient features of need based scheme of USFD testing.
                   iv.     Precautions to be observed in handling of 90 UTS rails.
                    v.     Procedure for blocking of line for Engineering works and site protections.
                   vi.     Precautions and responsibility while working and drawing out a ballast train in section.
                  vii.     Hot Weather Patrolling of track.
                 viii.     Hysteresis in LWR
Q. 6. – Describe the procedure for ultrasonic testing of rails. Also indicate different type of probes used and defects detected by each of these.                     20 marks.       
Q. 7.( a ) What steps are required to be taken to acquire land for a new line? What additional steps will be required if part of the alignment passes through Forest land?
                                                                                                                                     10 marks.
            ( b ) What do you understand by Residual Chlorine in water? How is it checked?
                                                                                                                              5 marks.
            ( c ) What is the function of Alum Dosing in a water treatment plant ?      5 marks.
Part – II  ( Establishment ) - Marks : 25
Q. 8. – ( a )  Write short notes on any four of the following :-                  4 x 5 = 20 marks.
                      i.     DAR action against retired employees.
                     ii.     Supernumerary Posts.
                    iii.     Productivity Linked Bonus.
                   iv.     Wage Period.
                    v.     Commutation of Pension.
           ( b ) Write various steps involved chronologically in imposing a major penalty ( only mention the steps without explaining the details thereof?             5 marks.
Q. 9. – ( a ) Briefly indicate the provisions of Payment of Wages Act. Also indicate permissible deductions under the act?                                                              5 marks.                                     
             ( b ) What is a work Charged Post & how is it created?                         5 marks.  
             ( c ) What are the rules for issue of passes & PTOs to Railway staff & Officers?5 marks.
             ( d ) Write a note on Permanent Negotiating Machinery ( PNM ) bringing out its purpose.
                                                                                                                             5 marks
             ( e ) Write a note on Staff Benefit Fund.                                                  5 marks.   
Part – III ( Finance ) - Marks : 25
Q. 10. – Write short notes on any five of the following :-                            5 x 5 = 25  marks.
                      i.     Force Measure in a contract.
                     ii.     Cannons of Financial Propriety.
                    iii.     Liability Register.
                   iv.     Late & Delayed Tenders.
                    v.     Detailed Estimate.
                   vi.     Material Modification.
                  vii.     Performance Guarantee.                     
Q.11. – ( a ) Describe the procedure for procurement of stores for works & their accountal.
                                                                                                                           5 marks.         
            ( b ) What are the various types of Audit & Account Inspection Reports / Notes?
                                                                                                                            5 marks.
            ( c ) Write a note on cash imprest bringing out its purpose. Also indicate the procedure to be followed for creation of a new Cash Imprest.                        5 marks.
            ( d ) Describe in brief the procedure to rescind a works contract.          5 marks.
            ( e ) How are the following taken into account during the progress of the work after the project estimate is sanctioned :-                                                     5 marks.
                                 i.   Escalation in cost.
                                ii.   Change in the scope of the project.
                               iii.   Inclusion of features / facilities originally not contemplated in the project estimate.


Written Examination
For AEN ( 30% Group ‘B’ )
Date  :  02 – 06 – 2012                                Paper - I                            Maximum Marks :    150
Time  allowed :-   3 hours
Instruction :-
1.    Answer may be written in Hindi or English. In case of ambiguity in Hindi version of question paper the content of English version will prevail.
2.    Candidates should not write their name, Roll No., initial, designation, signature, address or any other identification mark anywhere on the answer paper as this will disqualify them for the selection. They should not draw any symbol sign or write any such thing as ‘ SHRI GANESHAYA NAMAHA’, ‘HARI OM’, ‘OM’, ‘SHRI SWAMI SAMARTH’, etc on their answer papers. They should not use different coloured pens other than blue or black pens for writing the Examination.
3.    The blank spaces between the answers and blank pages at the end should be crossed by the candidate before depositing the answer scripts.
4.    Use of Mobile phone / pager / calculator is not permitted in the examination hall. Any candidate found possessing the same shall be debarred from the written examination and shall also be liable for disciplinary action.
5.    In the answers to objective type questions, wherever such questions are included in the written examination no corrections of any type i.e. cutting, over writing, erasing, scoring off a ticked answer in multiple choice and ticking answer and modifying the answer in any way, are permitted. If the same is done such questions will not be evaluated at all.
6.    Answer should be brief & to the point.
PART – I – General Knowledge and Hindi Policy
Attempt any five questions In Part I all Questions Carry equal marts.   
Q. 1. – Name five production units of Indian railways & their location.   2 X 5 = 10
Q. 2. State the function, purpose or relevance of any fore of the following in 2 – 3 lines each.
         ( a ) P.I.L    ( b ) W.H.O.   ( c ) I.S.R.O.     ( d ) B.S.F.    ( e ) R.L.D.A.           2.5 x 4 = 10
Q.3. Write short notes on any two of the following. –                                             5 x 2 = 10
        ( a ) World heritage sites  ( b ) e tendering. ( c ) BOT / Boot Schemes.
Q.4. Why were the following in news recently ? ( Answer any four )                        2.5 x 4 = 10
        ( I ) Yuvraj Singh                      ( ii ) Face book            ( iii ) Exchange rate of rupee.
        ( iv ) Adarsh housing society.   ( v ) King Fisher airlines.
Q. 5. Write the designation of person heading of following units / organizations ( Any four )
        ( I ) Railway Work shop   ( ii ) R.D.S.O.   ( iii ) Division of Railway   ( iv ) R.R.B  
        ( v ) R.P.F. department at zonal level.                                                     2.5 x 4 = 10
Q.6. According to Rajbhasha rules which employee is considered proficient in Hindi.        10
PART – II – Civil Engineering ( General )
Answer any five questions in Part II. All questions carry equal marks.
Q. 1 ( a ) What do you understand by closing error ? What precautions are required to minimize it?                                                                                                                       8
        ( b ) The height of a Chimeney across the river is to be determined. You have only theodolite & measuring tape. You can not cross river to reach near the chimeney. Describe procedure & required calculations using trigonometery. Assume plain ground on both sides.                                                                                        12
Q. 2  - What do you understand by the following ? ( Any Five )                  4 x 5 = 20
           ( I ) Plasticity index.    ( ii ) Elastomeric bearings      ( iii ) Yield stress.     
           ( iv ) Uniformity Coefficient.    ( v ) Triangulation Method.     ( vi ) Floculation.     
           ( vii ) Catchment area.
Q. 3.- ( a ) What are different types of cement in use for variety of construction work.    10
          ( b ) What common tests are conducted on cement? Name the various admixtures for use with concrete.                                                                                       10
Q.4.- Write short notes on any five –                                                                  4 x 5 = 20
         ( I ) Plate load test.    ( ii ) Back washing of filters.    ( iii ) Void ratio.    ( iv ) Total station.   
         ( v ) Self cleaning velocity.    ( vi ) California.
Q.5.- ( a ) In what manner prestressed concrete technology is economical and superior to RCC structure ? Explain with the help of a typical bending moment or stress diagram.     10
         ( b ) Draw a labeled flow diagram for treatment of water from source for a major station & colony.                                                                                                                        10
Q.6.- ( a ) Explain the procedure for estimating design discharge for bridges. What do you understand by economic span.                                                                                  10
           ( b ) What steps are involved in designing a retaining wall? Also indicate various forces to be considered with help of a diagram.                                                                       10
Q.7.- ( a ) Draw the bending moment diagram for the following beam indicating values at critical locations.                                                                                                                   12
          ( b ) Draw shear force diagram for the following beam showing values.                          8


Written Examination
For AEN ( 30% Group ‘B’ )
 Date  :  03 – 06 – 2012                                Paper - II                           Maximum Marks :    150
Time  allowed :-   3 hours
Instruction :-
1.    Answer may be written in Hindi or English. In case of ambiguity in Hindi version of question paper the content of English version will prevail.
2.    Candidates should not write their name, Roll No., initial, designation, signature, address or any other identification mark anywhere on the answer paper as this will disqualify them for the selection. They should not draw any symbol sign or write any such thing as ‘ SHRI GANESHAYA NAMAHA’, ‘HARI OM’, ‘OM’, ‘SHRI SWAMI SAMARTH’, etc on their answer papers. They should not use different coloured pens other than blue or black pens for writing the Examination.
3.    The blank spaces between the answers and blank pages at the end should be crossed by the candidate before depositing the answer scripts.
4.    Use of Mobile phone / pager / calculator is not permitted in the examination hall. Any candidate found possessing the same shall be debarred from the written examination and shall also be liable for disciplinary action.
5.    In the answers to objective type questions, wherever such questions are included in the written examination no corrections of any type i.e. cutting, over writing, erasing, scoring off a ticked answer in multiple choice and ticking answer and modifying the answer in any way, are permitted. If the same is done such questions will not be evaluated at all.
6.    Answer should be brief & to the point.


Attempt any five questions in Part I Marks indicated with questions.
Q.1 ( a ) Describe method of classifying level crossings based on volume of rail and road traffic.
       ( b ) What are guidelines for determining length of transition curve.                                 8
       ( c ) What do you understand by interlocked level crossing.                                             4
Q. 2 ( a ) Describe salient features of UNIMAT Machine. What design improvements have been effected in their subsequent series?                                                                            10
         ( b ) How will you compute the permissible speed over curved main line at turnouts ( Both contrary & similar flexure cases ).                                                                                10
Q. 3 – Write short notes on any four -                                                                             5 x 4 = 20
           ( I ) Improving quality of thermit welds.   ( ii ) Basic principles of patrol chart.   
           ( iii ) Use of rail tensors.     ( iv ) Quality control in high strength concrete   
           ( v ) Metallising of steel girder.     ( vi ) Index plan & Section.
Q. 4 – ( a ) State the procedure for initial USFD testing of thermit weld. What are advantages of digital weld tester?                                                                                                 12
            ( b ) During maintenance & renewal of track, how continuity of rails in electrified section shall be maintained?                                                                                               8
Q. 5 – ( a ) A bridge on double line electrified section is having 3 spans of PSC slabs. One of the pier has been damaged & requires rebuilding under traffic. Make out an economical rebuilding scheme and explain with a sketch list steps of execution scheme & safety precautions. Length of span to be assume.                                 15
             ( b ) Write names of different types of bearings used for supporting span of bridges. ( Both steel & Concrete girders )                                                                                 5
Q. 6.- Indicate briefly technical features and advantages of any four of the following -5 x 4 =20
          ( I ) Thick web switch.         ( ii ) Septic tank.           ( iii ) R.H. Girder.  
          ( iv ) Dynamic track. Stabiliser.       ( v ) Abrasive disc cutter.    ( vi ) design mode tamping.
Q.7.- ( a ) Describe the preparations, quality control measures & safety precautions for working by PQRS method.                                                                                               15
          ( b ) Calculate the compensated gradient for a ruling gradient of 1 in 200 on 30 curve ( Broad gauge ).                                                                                                     5
Attempt any two questions in Part II Marks indicated with questions.
Q.1.- ( a ) Name the various plan heads included under demand 16. How are these works financed?                                                                                                               12
          ( b ) Explain the difference between revised & Supplementary estimate.                       6 
          ( c ) What are the main provisions of, and permissible deductions under payment of wages Act.                                                                                                              7
Q. 2. – Write short notes on any five of the following -                                                  5 x 5 = 20  
            ( I ) Suspension of a railway employee.    ( ii ) Material at site account.    
            ( iii ) Intensive classification under H.O.E.R     ( iv ) Eligibility criteria in railway tenders.
            ( v ) DCRG      ( vi ) Permanent partial disablement.     ( vii ) Operating Ratio.      
            ( viii ) Budgetary Reviews.  
Q. 3. ( a ) How does Permanent negotiating Machinery ( PNM ) function at various levels on railways?                                                                                                                10                            
         ( b ) What are the guidelines for disposal of surplus railway land?                                   7
         ( c ) Explain briefly the rules governing overtime and night duty allowance.                    8


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Q Bank - Establishment / Personnel Dept. (82) Q Bank - Electrical Engineering (80) Q Bank - OS / Clerk / Typist (72) Q B Engg (P Way & Work) (67) Q BANK - Operating (63) Group 'B' Exam (60) Q Bank - APO ( Asst. Personnel Officer) (57) QUESTION BANK WITH ANSWER (55) Q B Establishment (48) Q Bank - Goods Guards (45) Q Bank - OHE/TRD/PSI (36) Q B - CIVIL ENGINEERING (AEN) (27) Q B - Welfare Inspector (27) Q BANK - C & W ( Carriage & Wagon ) (26) Q Bank - Account (24) Q BANK - LOCO (23) Q BANK Exam - Station Master (23) Q Bank - Commercial (22) Q Bank - AOM (19) Q BANK - Station Master (18) Q Bank - S & T (14) 1. Syllabus (13) Q Bank - D & AR (Discipline and Appeals Rule) (12) Q Bank - Medical (12) Q Bank - Posts (Civil Engineering & P way) Dept (12) 2. Q Bank - Group D To C (11) INDEX (11) QB - ENGINEERING ( MECHANICAL ) (11) Q Bank - LOCO (Diesel) (9) Q Bank - ACM (Assistant Commercial Manager) (9) Q BANK - Jr Engineer ( Diesel Mechanical ) (8) Q BANK - LOCO (AC) (8) Q Bank - Law Assistant (8) Q Bank - AME/AWM (7) Q Bank - Group D To C (6) Q Bank - General Knowledge (5) Q Bank - Publicity Inspector (5) Q Bank - Rajbhasha (राजभाषा) (5) Q Bank - Stores (5) RRB EXAM (5) NTPC (4) Q Bank - ADSTE / ASTE (4) Q Bank - AEE (4) Q Bank - CLI (4) Question & Answer (4) Q Bank - Appointment On Compassionate Ground Exam (3) Q Bank - Commercial Instructor Exam (3) Q Bank - Engineering (Bridge) (3) Q Bank - IT (3) Q Bank - Protocol Inspector (3) Q Bank - RPF Department (3) Short Notes (3) Q BANK - Jr Engineer ( Mechanical ) (2) Q Bank - C & M (2) Q Bank - CCTC (2) Q Bank - Carpenter (2) Q Bank - General English (2) Q Bank - Jr Engineer (Tele) (2) Q Bank - Ministerial Staff (2) Q Bank - Track Machine (2) Q Bank -Section Controler (2) Video (2) ABB (1) FAQ (1) GDCE Exam (1) IRMS (Indian Railway Management Service (1) JUNIOR ENGINEER (Non -AC) GRADE - II (1) Minimum Wages Act (1) Project & Planning (1) Q BANK & Answer - C & W ( Carriage & Wagon ) (1) Q BANK - Shunting Master (1) Q Bank - Instructor (1) Q Bank - AMM (1) Q Bank - All Department (1) Q Bank - Ballast Train Checker (1) Q Bank - Complaints Inspector (1) Q Bank - GK (Computer) (1) Q Bank - Leave Rule (1) Q Bank - Mason (1) Q Bank - Maths (1) Q Bank - NPS (New Pension Scheme) (1) Q Bank - OS / Clerk Typist (1) Q Bank - Pass Rule (1) Q Bank - Planning Inspector (1) Q Bank - Railway (GK) (1) Q Bank - Stenographer (1) Q Bank - Technician (Ele) (1) Q Bank - Traffic Costing Inspector (1) Question Bank - Technicians of TLAC Group. (1) Short Notes - Establishment (1) Short Notes - Operating / Traffic (1)