Previous Q Paper - GROUP "B" LDCE - AEN - 2000,2003 & 2005


Date  :  20  – 05 – 2000                                     Time  :   3 hours                  Max. Marks :    150
Note -  1) Candidate should clearly write their roll number in words also.
            2) Attempt all questions in part  I .  
                 Attempt any five questions in Part II.
                 All questions carry equal marks.
            3) Be brief and to the point in your answers.
            4) Score out blank space in answer sheet .     
PART – I – General Knowledge and Hindi Policy
Q. 1 – Give the full form of -                                                     ( 5 marks )
           ( a )  FRCS  ( b ) ECAFE ( c ) MRVC   ( d )  NEFA   ( e )  SAARC
Q. 2 – Why were the following in news recently?                   (5 marks)
 (a) Jhmpa Lahiri (b) Courteny Walsh (c) Yukta Mookhey (d) Vladimir Putin (e) Manoj Prabhakar
Q. 3 – Who are the authors of the following books?               (5 marks)
           ( a ) Gitanjali  ( b ) India Wins Freedom  ( c ) Mahabharat  ( d ) Mother  ( e ) Saket 
Q. 4 – What are the following instruments used for?               (5 marks)
           ( a ) Anemometer  ( b ) Lactometer  ( c ) Pyrometer  ( d ) Tacheometer  ( e )  Hygrometer
Q. 5 – What is the capital and currency of the following countries?              (5 marks)
           (a) Nepal  (b) New Zealand  (c) Sweden     (d) China                (e) Switzerland  

Q. 6 – In the Answer sheet, writes the correct answer in the form of (a) (b)  (c)... for each of the following -                                     (15 marks)
                i.       Filament of an electric bulb is made of –
     (a) Iron      (b) Copper        (c) Tungsten        (d) None of these.
               ii.       Best conductor of heat is - ( a ) Iron      ( b ) Copper     ( c ) Aluminum    ( d ) Silver .
              iii.       Oil in a vick of lamp rises due to -                                                            
     ( a ) Pressure difference  ( b ) Capillary action  ( c ) Low viscosity of oil      
     ( d ) Gravitational force.
             iv.       In the process of galvanisation , an iron sheet is coated with -              
     ( a ) Aluminium       ( b ) Zinc        ( c ) Tin         ( d) Galena
              v.       Velocity of sound is maximum in - ( a ) Air   ( b )  Water  ( c )  Steel ( d ) Vacuum.
             vi.       Water filled in the reservoir of a dam possesses -                                   
    ( a ) Potential Energy  ( b )  Kinetic Energy  ( c ) Electric Energy  ( d ) Light Energy.
            vii.       Bauxite is an ore of -  ( a ) Iron          ( b ) Zinc        ( c ) Tin        ( d ) Aluminium
           viii.       If the velocity of a particle is reduced to half of its initial value, the kinetic energy of the particle -                                                                      
    ( a )  Gets doubled  ( b ) becomes four times  ( c )  reduces to half of its original value.     ( d ) Reduces to one-fourth of its original value .
             ix.       If the volume and surface area of a cube are equal, then the side of the cube is -         ( a )   3            ( b )  4           ( c )  5            ( d ) 6
              x.       The gas used to extinguish fire is - 
     ( a ) Neon ( b ) Nitrogen ( c ) Carbon dioxide  ( d ) Carbon monoxide .
             xi.       Plaster of Paris is made from –
     ( a ) Bauxite    ( b ) Gypsum      ( c ) Lime      ( d ) None of these
            xii.       The conversion of a substance directly from solid to vapour is known as               
     ( a ) Decomposition  ( b ) Vaporisation      ( c ) Ionisation    ( d ) Sublimation.
           xiii.       Which   of  the  following  elements  are  main  constituents  of bronze ?             
     ( a ) Nickle and Chromium  ( b ) Lead and Tin  ( c ) Copper and Zinc 
     ( d ) Copper and Tin .
          xiv.       Food is normally digested in -                                                                   
     ( a ) Liver      ( b )  Stomach       ( c ) Small intestines       ( d ) Large intestines .
           xv.       Who administers the Oath of Office to President of India ?                              
     ( a ) Speaker of Lok Sabha  ( b ) Vice – President    ( c ) Chief  Justice of India    
                  ( d ) Prime Minister.
Q. 7 – Explain the salient features of the Official Language Act with reference to Use of Hindi ( Raj Bhasha ) in day – to – day working in Railway .                  ( 10 marks )
Q. 1 -  ( i ) Explain briefly the following -                               ( 8 marks )
                 ( a ) Triangulation            ( b ) GTS Bench mark .
( ii ) In order to as certain the height of a light house ,a surveyor    selects to two    points A & B  on the sea shore collinear with the base of the light house . He measures an angle of elevation 30degree and  45 degree to the top of the light house from A  &   B  respectively . The distance from A to B taped by the surveyor is 105.32 meters. Find-
                         i.        The height of the light house.
                        ii.        The distance of light house from A .            ( 12 marks )
Q. 2 - A rectangular beam 225 mm x 450 mm is simply supported over a span of 5m. it is provided with 4 nos 20 mm dia mild steel bars as reinforcement . Calculate the maximum stress in steel and concrete in the beam ( see figure ) if it carries a UDL of 9000 N /m ( 900 kg / m ) including the self weight of the beam .  m  = 13  ?   ( 20 marks )
Q. 3 – Draw the shear force and bending moment diagram of the following beam configuration .    ( 20 marks )
Q. 4 -  ( i ) Give in brief the current specifications of the following – ( 10 marks ) 
                   ( a ) Earth work in high embankments.
                   ( b ) Back – fill behind the abutments of bridges.
           ( ii ) What are the various types of tiles  available in the market for floors and walls ?    What basic precautions would you take for their laying  and choosing the type ,colour and size of tiles ?     ( 10 marks )
Q. 5 – ( i ) Write Short Notes on any three of the following -   ( 12 marks )
a)    Economic span of a bridge.
b)    Elastomeric bearings.
c)    Afflux in a river.
d)    Controlled concrete
e)    Foundation Design discharge for a bridge. 
           ( ii ) What are the consideration in the selection of well foundation or Pile foundation for a bridge ?                                  ( 8 marks )
Q. 6 – ( a ) Indicate how you will undertake the work of laying Three rows of pipes 600mm dia , under a railway track, where the formation is 7 m high. The work is to be carried out under traffic.          ( 15 marks )
            ( b ) Explain the arrangement of  6 ( a ) above with a dimensioned sketch .   ( 5 marks ) 
Q. 7 – ( a ) What precautions will you take for construction of a single – storeyed building in Black cotton soil areas .                ( 6 marks )
          ( b ) What is the difference between polishing and varnishing as far as wood – work is concerned ? What are their advantages and disadvantages ?          ( 6 marks )
        ( c ) What precautions should be taken while painting of steel girder bridge. ( 8 marks )
Q. 8 - A retaining wall 6 m high has smooth vertical back. The backfill has a horizontal surface in level with the top of wall . There is a uniformly distributed surcharge load of 3.6 t / m2  intensity over the backfill. The density of back fill is 1.8 t / m2  its angle of shear resistance is 30o and rise cohesion is zero.
         Determine the magnitude and point of application of active pressure per meter length of the wall.                                             ( 20 marks )
Q. 9 -  Write short Notes on any four of the following with sketches, where necessary . ( 5 x 4)
a)    Infiltration gallery.
b)    Liquid limit, plastic limit and plasticity Index .
c)    Developing a Tube – well.
d)    Septic tank.
e)    Design mix for concrete
f)     Water – proofing of flat roofs .
g)    Compaction of Earth work at OMC


Date:  21 – 05 – 2000                                         Time: 3 hours                                Marks:    150
Note - 1) Candidate should clearly write their roll number in words also.
           2) Be brief and to the point in your answers.
           3) Blank space in answer sheet should be crossed .
( Attempt question No. 1 and any other two, questions from  Part ‘ A ‘.)
Q. 1 –  Write Short Notes on any five of the following -    ( 4 x 5 marks )
            ( a ) Trade Tests.                         ( b ) PREM.
            ( c ) Commutation of Pension.     ( d ) Urgency Certificate.
            ( e ) Demands of Grants.             ( f ) Productivity Linked Bonus.
            ( g ) Depreciation Reserve Fund ( h ) Compassionate Appointment.
Q. 2 – Explain briefly any three of the following -      ( 5 x 3 marks )
           ( a ) Hours of Employment Regulations   ( b ) Major penalties.
           ( c ) Payment of wages Act.                     ( d ) Deposit Works.
           ( e ) Zonal Contracts.
Q. 3 – What are the various types of Audit and Accounts Inspection Reports / Notes ? At what level, are these finalised and closed ? ( 15 marks )
Q. 4 – Explain why Stores are procured on the basis of Tender System and what different forms of Tender System are adopted ?      ( 15 marks )
Q. 5 – ( i ) Explain briefly any two of the following -                ( 2 x 4 marks )
a)    Late and Delayed Tender.
b)    Revised and Supplementary Estimate.
c)    Out of Turn Sanction.
d)    Operating Ratio.
          ( ii ) Under what Demand of Grant and Sub – head, the following expenditure will be booked ?                                 ( 7 marks )
a)    Maintenance of Water supply in a Staff Colony.
b)    Maintenance of Track Machines.
c)    Casual Renewal of fittings in track.
d)    Replacing rails and sleepers demaged in the accident.
e)    Track Renewal.
f)     Rebuilding of a distressed bridge.
g)    Salary of Divisional Officers.
( Attempt Q. 1 and Any Other Four Questions from Part ‘ B ‘ )
Q. 1 – Answer the following with sketches, wherever necessary .    ( 20 x 2 marks )
    i.        What  is  the basis of Classification of Routes in Group ‘A’ , ‘B’, ‘C’, ‘D’ for BG ?
   ii.        When should tongue – rail be replaced / reconditioned ?
  iii.        When should deep – screening of the track be carried out ?
  iv.        What is the prescribed frequency of USFD testing in Group ‘A’ router under ‘Need Based’ concept ?
   v.        What is the criteria for planning through – rail renewal and through – sleeper renewal ?
  vi.        What is the criteria for realignment of curve ?
 vii.        What is the frequency of recording by CMS – 2000 on BG routes ?
viii.        What  priority has been laid down for manning of Unmanned Level Crossings ?
  ix.        What are the vulnerable locations and what action should be taken for guarding of such locations during monsoons ?
   x.        What are the works requiring sanction of CRS ?
  xi.        On LWR track, in what temperature range, should the regular maintenance of the track be confined ?
 xii.        What action should be taken if the temperature exceeds the prescribed range after maintenance operations ?
xiii.        When does destressing of LWR / CWR become necessary ?
xiv.        What is TGI ? How is it made use of in planning track maintenance ?
xv.        For what purpose are the following Track machines used and what is their prescribed ideal monthly capacity ?
( a ) CSM  ( b ) PQRS   ( c ) BCM   (d ) T – 28
xvi.        What  is  the  numerical Rating System for inspection of railway bridges ?
xvii.        Name four small track machines which are normally used in track maintenance ?
xviii.        What are ‘Rail Dolleys’ ? What precautions should be taken while working Rail Dollies in the section ?
xix.        What precaution should be taken for the maintenance of track in ‘ Track – circuited areas’ In case of obstruction at the level crossing, how should the gate – man protect the lines in BG double line section ?
xx.        What is the ‘ Five- Step’ method prescribed to tackle the suspect weak formation stretches ?
Q.2 – ( a ) What loads are required to be considered for the design of railway Bridge ? ( 6 mark )
          ( b ) What are RH girders ? Where are they required ?    ( 4 marks )
          ( c ) Indicate  prescribed dimensions in metric system for the following in BG -  ( 5 marks )
                      i.       Minimum radius of curvature
                     ii.       Recommended maximum gradient in station yards in new construction.
                    iii.       Minimum height above rail level at center of track for ROB in 25 kv AC traction territory. 
                   iv.       Maximum and minimum height of High Level platform above Rail Level .
                    v.       Minimum horizontal distance from center of track to any structure from 1065 mm to 3355 mm above rail level in new construction.
Q. 3 – ( a ) What  precaution should be taken while handing 90 and higher UTS rail ? ( 7 marks )
          ( b ) Describe the procedure for in situ Alumini Thermit Welding of Rail Joints by SKV Process.                                      ( 8 marks )
Q. 4 – ( a ) What is the need for mechanised maintenance of track ? ( 4 marks )
          ( b ) What pre-tamping and post-tamping attention must be given to track for obtaining good results from Tamping machines ?     ( 6 marks ) 
          ( c ) What adjustments should be made in the tamping machines before commencing tamping operations ?              ( 5 marks )
Q. 5 – ( a ) Explain briefly -                                                         ( 4 marks )
                   ( i ) Equilibrium Cant.         ( ii ) Cant deficiency.                
                   ( iii ) Cant excess.              ( iv ) Transition curve.
           ( b ) Calculate the Equilibrium Cant , maximum permissible speed and length of transition curve for 600 m radius curve in BG with the following data -       ( 11 marks )
                    Maximum sectional speed                        - 110 km/h.
                    Speed for determining Equilibrium Cant   -  80 km/h.
                    Booked speeds for goods trains                -  50 km/h.
                    Permitted cant deficiency                          -  100 mm.
                    Permitted cant excess                               -  75  mm.
Q. 6 – ( i ) What precautions would you take to prevent buckling of LWR and SWR tracks ? (8)
           ( ii ) How would you restore the track after LWR has buckled ?  ( 7 marks )
Q. 7    Write Short Notes on any five of the following -    ( 3 x 5 marks )
a)      Colony Care Committees.
b)      Zero Based Budget.
c)      Grade Compensation on Curves.
d)      Sedimentation tank.
e)      Danger Level and High Flood Level in an important bridge.
f)       Working of CSMs in Crane working.
g)      Precautions in Crane working
h)      Flash Butt Welding of rails.
Q. 8 – ( a ) What are the different types of ODCs ? Who is the competent authority to sanction the movement of ODCs of different classes ? ( 6 marks )
           ( b ) describe the various aspects to be looked into while inspecting 1 x 6 m arch bridge and 3 x 30.5 m through girder bridge.         ( 9 marks )


Date : 20.12.2003                             ( Maximum Marks 150 )                                 Time : 3 hours
Note : 1) Candidate should clearly write their roll number in words also.
           2) Be brief and to the point in your answer.
           3) Score out blank space in answer sheet.
              i.        Answer any two of the following questions
             ii.        All questions carry equal marks : 2 x 25 = 50
1.  a) Write all the salient features covered under section 3 (3) of Raj Bhasa Act 1963? (10)
     b) Also indicate the target fixed for the year 2003-04 for the implementation of official language for ‘B’ region for various activities ?                           ( 10 marks )
     c) Write the correct Hindi words for the following terms.
         i) Top priority  ii) Until further orders.  iii) Self contained note   iv) Put up for sanction
         v) Funds not available.                                                                ( 5 marks )
2.  Write full form of the following abbreviation.               ( 2½ x 10 = 25 marks )
     i) RBI              ii) BSF             iii) IMF             iv) BHEL            v) AIIMS
    vi) PAC          vii) GMT           viii) SAIL           ix) ADB              x) UPSC
3. a) With which sports the following trophies/ tournaments are connected with.  ( 5 Marks )
        i)  Wimbledon   ii) Ashes   iii) Durand Cup   iv) Agha Khan Cup   v) Duleep Trophy.
    b) Name the personalities to whom the following Titles are connected with. ( 5 Marks )
        i) Frontier Gandhi   ii) Banga bandhu   iii) Chacha   iv) Man of Iron   v) Sunny.
    c) Write the capitals of the following Countries.                          ( 5 Marks )
        i) France   ii) Japan   iii) Malaysia   iv) Egypt   v) Sri Lanka. 
    d) Write the name of the commodities to which the following trade names are connected with.
        i) Dunlop   ii) Omega   iii) Vespa   iv) Indane   v) Broke Bond                ( 5 Marks )
    e) Unit of Measurement of the following.                                     ( 5 Marks )
        i) Electric Current   ii) Heat   iii) Power   iv) Speed of Ship   v) Resistance of a Conductor.
PART – II – CIVIL ENGINEERING ( GENERAL )             ( 100 Marks )
Note :  Answer any four questions out of the following
            All questions carry equal marks : 4 x 25 = 100
1.   Draw the Shear force and Bending movement diagrams in the following cases duly indicating the values at various locations.
    a)                                                                                                       ( 12½ Marks )
    b)                                                                                                       ( 12½ Marks )
2. The top of a hill subtends an angle of 390 28’ at a point ( A ) near its foot and angle of 530 49’ at a point ( B ), 80 m from ( A ) towards the hill. The points ( A ) and ( B ) being in line with its top. Determine the height of the hill and the horizontal distance from ( A ) to the top of the hill, assuming the elevation of the instrument axis to be the same for each setting.
( cos390 28’ = 0.7720 ; sin 390 28’ = 0.6356 ; cos 530 49’ = 0.5904 ; sin 530 49’ = 0.8072 )[ 25 ]
3.   a ) Fill up the missing data in the following entries in a level book                       ( 20 Marks )
Reduced level
Back sight
Inter sight
Fore sight
( A )
0 m


30 m



60 m



90 m



120 m



150 m

Change point

180 m



210 m



240 m



270 m

Change point

300 m



( B )
330 m



b) Determine the gradient of the line AB in the above case.                     ( 5 Marks )
4. Write short notes on the following :
    a)  Points to be kept in mind while collecting water samples for testing from tap, stream & T/well separately.                                                                              ( 5 Marks )
    b)  Where and why foot valve, check valve & gate valve to be provided for efficient running of pumps & maintaining the discharge in pipe line.                               ( 5 Marks )
    c)  What do you under stand by ‘Self Cleaning Velocity’ in a sewer design. Explain how ‘Egg shaped’ sewer lines are superior in comparison with ‘ Circular’ sewer lines. ( 5 Marks )
    d)  Explain so as to why provision of ‘Man holes’ is considered important/ necessary in laying a sewer line net work system.                                                           ( 5 Marks )
    e)  Explain the functioning of a ‘Septic tank’ in a sewerage disposal system with a sketch.[5]
5. Write short notes on the following :
    a) ‘Water-Cement ratio’ in concrete & its importance on the property of the concrete. What is the recommended value of this item in concrete.                 ( 5 Marks )         
    b)  Most commonly adopted field test to measure the workability of concrete. Explain the test procedure in detail. Also indicate the recommended values for RCC & Mass concrete works in this connection.                                                        ( 5 Marks )
    c)  Draw and explain the ‘Stress- Strain’ curve of mild steel. Also mark the corresponding points in the graph to represent the yield stress & ultimate strength. Which stress is taken in our design calculations and why?                                       ( 5 Marks )
    d)  How ‘Prestressed Concrete Structure’ is considered superior to the ‘RCC Structure’? Explain the same by drawing the stress diagram for both type of designs.    ( 5 Marks )
    e)  Name different methods of providing foundations to a structure ( building / Bridges ). Also explain so as to which type of foundation shall be adopted under different soil conditions in order to gain advantage of safety & economical.                               ( 5 Marks )


Date : 21.12.2003                             ( Maximum Marks 150 )                                 Time : 3 hours
Note : 1) Candidate should clearly write their roll number in words also.
           2) Be brief and to the point in your answer.
           3) Score out blank space in answer sheet.
PART – I - PROFFSSIONAL SUBJECT                                 
Note :   Answer any four of the following questions
All questions carry equal marks : 4 x 25 = 100
1.  a)  Precautions to be taken while working in track circuited areas? Name the two methods to insulate the track circuited section from the adjacent section.                       (10 Marks)
     b)  Explain the purpose of providing ‘Structure Bonds’ and Jumbers’ in Electrified areas.[5]
     c)  Explain in detail the system of carrying out ‘ Gap Survey & adjustment of gaps’ in SWR track.                                                                                           ( 10 Marks )
2.  a)  With a clear sketch indicate the position of Engineering Indicators in case of Multi speed restriction where the Ist speed restriction is lower in comparison to the 2nd speed restriction on one of the line of a double line section in the direction of train movement in a BG section .                                                                             ( 12½ Marks )
      b)  With a clear sketch indicate the system of protection of line for works of short duration where ‘ Stop dead restriction’ need to be observed on a single line section on a BG track. .                                                                                         ( 12½ Marks )
3.  a)  A 600 m radius Curve on a B.G. line on which the speed for determining the equilibrium Cant is fixed at 80 km/h. the maximum sectional speed is 110 km/h. calculate the equilibrium cant, the actual cant that can be provided on this curve, the maximum permissible speed on this curve, the length of the transition curve assuming that the maximum permissible cant, cant deficiency, cant excess as 165 mm, 100 mm and 75 mm respectively. Take the booked speed of goods train as 50 km/h.      ( 17 Marks )
      b)  What do you understand by compensation for curvature on gradient for a ruling gradient of 1 in 200, on a curve of 583 m radius in BG, calculate the actual gradient to be provided in the field.                                                                                ( 8 Marks )
4.  a)   Briefly explain the various kinds of surveys that are carried out as a part of a new Railway Project.                                                                                      ( 8 Marks )
      b)   What will be considered as a material modifications on line under construction and open line works estimated to cost Rupees one crore & over.                         ( 8 Marks )
      c)   What do you understand by ‘ Time is the essence of Contract ? Explain the GCC clauses under which extension of time is granted under different circumstances leading to delay in executing of work.                                                                 ( 9 Marks )
5.   a)  Precaution to be taken before the commencement of Monsoon ? ( 5 Marks )
      b)  Scheme of painting of bridge girders as laid down in the Bridge Manual for areas with severe corrosion and not severe corrosion.                      ( 5 Marks )   
      c)  An existing bridge is having only one span of 20 ft. steel girder. However one of the Abutment of this bridge is in a badly distressed condition and hence has to be rebuilt at the same location under traffic flow condition. Accordingly make out a rehabilitation scheme in the form of a neat sketch. Also indicate the sequence of execution of this work and the precautions to be taken at site while execution of the work.      ( 15 Marks )
Note :   Answer any two of the following questions
All questions carry equal marks : 2 x 25 = 50
1.   a)  Explain about ‘ canons of financial propriety’.                                ( 10 marks )
      b)  Explain all the salient feature of ‘ Houre of Employment Regulations(HOER) along with classification of Rly. Employees for the purpose of hours of work. Give one example of category of staff under each classification.                                    ( 10 marks )
      c)  What do you understand by ‘ Operating Ratio’? How this aspect determine the efficiency of working of a particular Rly system.                                             ( 5 Marks )
2.   a)  What do you understand by ‘ corporate Enterprise Group’, now known as ‘PREM’ group ? Explain the working system of PREM group at Divisional level. Also indicate so as to how it is different from PNM set up.                                                 ( 10 marks )
       b)  Write in detail the procedure & rules laid down in connection with promotion to Group ’B’ posts in Railways.                                                                             ( 10 marks )
       c)  What do you understand by ‘ROR of a Rly project? Why the factor ‘POR’ is important before a project is sanctioned for execution in field.                             ( 5 Marks )
3.   a)  Explain about ‘Exchequer Control’.                                                      ( 5 Marks )
      b)  Explain so as to under what clauses of GCC, a contract can be terminated between the Railways and the contractor.                                                                 ( 5 Marks )
      c)  When a Rly servant shall be deemed to have been placed under suspension by an order of the Competent Authority.                                                                   ( 5 Marks )
      d)  Under what circumstances the ‘Out of turn allotment of quarters’ can be made as per rules laid down.                                                                                      ( 5 Marks )
      e)  Explain briefly the system laid down for filling up of Non selection posts & Selection posts.                                                                                                     ( 5 Marks )
West Central  Railway
Date : 11.06.2005                             ( Maximum Marks 150 )                                 Time : 3 hours
PAPER – I – GENERAL KNOWLEDGE & Civil Engineering
Note : 1) This question paper has 2 parts, Part – I & Part – II:
                    Answer any two question from Part – I
                    Answer any four question from Part – II
           2) Total only 6 ( Six ) questions are to be answered.
           3) Answers may be written in Hindi or English.
           4) Question on Rajbhasha may be replied in Hindi only.
           5) Answers should be brief and to the point.
           6) Before depositing the answer books, blank pages should be crossed by the Candidates.
           7) Candidates should write their roll numbers in words also.
           8) Making any identification marks or writing name in the answer books is strictly prohibited. \any candidate not observing this will be disqualified.
           9) Marks allotted for each question are written in the right hand side margin in brackets.
Q.1.- ( a ) Write full form of the following abbreviations :                                 [ 1 x 10 = 10 ]
                ( i ) NDDB    ( ii ) LED    ( iii ) DGCA   ( iv ) GATT   ( v ) CBDT   ( vi ) GPS   ( vii ) VAT   
                ( viii ) ONGC    ( ix ) BCCI    ( x ) IMA
         ( b ) Write the correct answer in the form of ( a ), ( b ), ( c ), …. For each of the following :
                 ( i ) Bauxite is an ore of –                                                                [ 1 x 15 = 15 ]
                       ( a ) Copper   ( b ) Zinc   ( c ) Tin   ( d ) Aluminium
                 ( ii ) X-rays were discovered by -
                       ( a ) Isaac Newton   ( b ) Wilhalm Konrad Roentgen   ( c ) Thomas Alva Edison
                       ( d ) Albert Einstein.       
                 ( iii ) The Capital of Oman is -
                       ( a ) Peru     ( b ) Baghdad   ( c ) Lagos     ( d ) Muscat   
                 ( iv ) FIFA World Cup 2006 is slated to be held in -
                       ( a ) USA      ( b ) Poland   ( c ) Brazil   ( d ) Germany.
                 ( v ) The largest river in the world is -          
                       ( a ) Brahmaputra     ( b ) Mississippi      ( c ) The Nile    ( d ) Chenab.  
                 ( vi ) The present prime minister of China is -         
                       ( a ) Deng Xiaoping   ( b ) Wen Jiabao       ( c ) Sun Zhenyu   ( d ) Sun Yuxi     
                 ( vii ) Indian Sepoy Mutiny took place in the year -
                       ( a ) 1843            ( b ) 1857             ( c ) 1889        ( d ) 1904  
                 ( viii ) Pangolin is a type of -                      
                       ( a ) Animal          ( b ) Musical instrument          ( c ) Flower            ( d ) Fish.
                 ( ix ) The 2005 – 06 Union budget envisages achieving a growth rate between -
                       ( a ) 5 – 6%          ( b ) 6 – 7%           ( c ) 7 – 8%      ( d ) 8 – 9%
                 ( x ) If the volume and surface area of a cube are equal than the side of the cube is -
                       ( a ) 2               ( b ) 4                ( c ) 6           ( d ) 8     
                 ( xi ) 9/11 is referred to a happening which took place in -                                             
                       ( a ) New York        ( b ) Bhopal           ( c ) Baghdad     ( d ) Kabul 
                 ( xii ) Bronze is an alloy of -                       
                       ( a ) Copper & Zinc ( b ) Copper & Tin   ( c ) Copper & iron  ( d ) Copper & nickel
                 ( xiii ) The farthest planet in our solar system is - 
                       ( a ) Pluto           ( b ) Jupiter          ( c ) Uranus      ( d ) Neptune
                 ( xiv ) The metal / alloy widely used in aircraft is called -                                          
                       ( a ) Aluminium       ( b ) Chrome steel     ( c ) Zinc        ( d ) Duralumin
                 ( xv ) The study of heredity is called -                                          
                       ( a ) Cytology        ( b ) Anatomy          ( c ) Genetics    ( d ) Paleontology
Q.2.-( a ) Write the salient features covered under Sec 3 ( 3 ) of Rajbhasha Adhiniyam 1963.[10]
        ( b ) In how many regions has the country been divided under the Official language Act?[5]
        ( c ) Answer the following ( answer should be to the point and few words )    [ 1 x 10 = 10 ]
                 i.        What does a SPURT car do?
                ii.        Where is the headquarters of Integral Coach factory?
               iii.        What is SRSF?
               iv.        Give an example of a renewable energy source.
                v.        What is referred to as FMCG?
               vi.        Name the manual that lays down the rules and procedure for conducting the LDCE.
              vii.        What is the coldest possible temperature that can be achieved?
             viii.        What is the unit of coefficient of linear thermal expansion?
               ix.        At what temperature, the density of pure water is 1 g/ cm3?
                x.        Marble is formed from which rock?
Q.3.- ( a ) Write whether the following statements are true or false:        [ 1 x 20 = 20 ]
                 i.        Warm air can hold more moisture than cold air.
                ii.        Proteins are made of fatty acids.
               iii.        Altemator is an electrical generator that produces direct current.
               iv.        The currency of Israel is Rail.
                v.        Japan is known as the Land of Midnight Sun.
               vi.        Construction of a new railway line is charged to Development Fund.
              vii.        Midnight Children is written by Salman Rushdie.
             viii.        Sachin Tendulkar is the only Indian cricketer to be awarded the Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award.
               ix.        A profit making Railway’s operating ratio will be more than 100.
                x.        Principal Director of audit works under the Ministry of Railways.
               xi.        Nightblindness is caused generally due to deficiency of vitamin E.
              xii.        The sun’s light takes about 8 minutes to reach the earth.
             xiii.        An earthquake of magnitude 4 on the Richter scale is 10 times as powerful as one of magnitude 3.
            xiv.        Of all the Seven wonders of the world only one wonder survives today.
             xv.        Prithviraj Kapoor is known as the father of Indian cinema.
            xvi.        Kolkata is known as the city of palaces.
           xvii.        Dribbling is a term associated with football.
          xviii.        Acupuncture is an ancient Japanese technique of deadening pain.
            xix.        Greenwich Mean Time is the standard time of UK.
             xx.        Guwahati – Trinandrum Express is the longest distance covering train of India.
         ( b ) What are the following instrument used for -                 [ 1 x 5 = 5 ]
                      I.    Echo-sounder.
                    II.    Alcometer.
                   III.    Hydrometer.
                  IV.    Pyrometer.
                    V.    Geophone.
Part-II : Civil Engineering ( General )
( Answer any four questions : 4 x 25 = 100 Marks )
Q.4.- Draw the Shear force and Bending movement diagrams in the following cases duly indicating the values at various critical locations.                              
    a)                                                                                                                          [ 12½ ]
    b)                                                                                                                          [ 12½ ]             
Q.5.- Write short notes on any five of the following :                         [ 5 x 5 = 25 ]
                 i.        Differential settlement.
                ii.        Setting and hardening of cement.
               iii.        Percussion boring.
               iv.        Water hammer in pipe lines.
                v.        Punching shear on footing.
               vi.        GTS Bench Mark.
Q.6.- ( a ) What are the various processes involved in the purification of water drawn from intake so as to make it potable? ( mention only the name of each process and what it achieves. Be brief.)                                                                                [ 5 ]
         ( b ) What are the advantages and disadvantages of using cast iron pipes for water mains?[5]
        ( c ) what do you understand by self- cleansing velocity of flow in drains and sewers? [ 5 ]
        ( d ) Explain the working principle of a septic tank? What will happen if the top cover of septic tank remains open?                                                                          [ 5 ]
        ( e ) Draw a neat sketch showing the construction details of a typical manhole used for inspection of a drain or sewer line ( dimensions need not be given ).          [ 5 ]
Q.7.- ( a ) Briefly explain the difference between compaction and consolidation of soil. What is the effect of compaction on soil properties?                                                 [ 5 ]
         ( b ) The field density of a compacted fill is determined by means of a core cutter whose empty weight is 1000 g and volume is 1000 cm3. The cutter full of soil weights 2890 g. If the water content is 11%, what is the dry density?                                   [ 5 ]
         ( c ) What is a raft foundation and in what type of soil it is used?                     [ 5 ]
         ( d ) What do you understand by End Bearing Pile and Friction Pile? A pile to be constructed entirely in clay will be designed as a Friction Pile or an End Bearing Pile?[5]
          ( e ) Describe briefly the method of construction of a bored cast-in-situ concrete pile with the help of a sketch.                                                                                [ 5 ]
Q.8.- ( a ) The following consecutive readings were taken with a dumpy level :             [ 20 ]
                 0.790, 1.645, 1.990, 3.115, 0.855, 0.925, 0.615, 0.110, 2.055, 0.995, 3.255.
                The instrument was shifted after the fourth and the eight readings. The first reading was taken on a bench mark whose reduced level was 650.005 m.
                 Rule out a page of a level field book and enter the above readings. Calculate the reduced levels of the stations and apply arithmetical checks.
         ( b ) What are the disadvantages of Plane Table Surveying?                              [ 5 ]
West Central  Railway
Date : 11.06.2005                             ( Maximum Marks 150 )                                 Time : 3 hours
PAPER – II – Professional Subject, Establishment & Finance Rules
Note : 1) This question paper has 2 parts, Part – I & Part – II:
                    Answer any four questions from Part – I
                    Answer any two question from Part – II
           2) Total only 6 ( Six ) questions are to be answered.
           3) Answers may be written in Hindi or English.
           4) Answers should be brief and to the point.
           5) Before depositing the answer books, blank pages should be crossed by the Candidates.
           6) Candidates should write their roll numbers in words also.
           7) Making any identification marks or writing name in the answer books is strictly prohibited. \any candidate not observing this will be disqualified.
        8) Marks allotted for each question are written in the right hand side margin in brackets.
Part-I : Professional Subject
( Answer any four questions : 4 x 25 = 100 Marks )
Q.1.- ( a ) What are the tolerances allowed in thermit welds?                                     [ 5 ]
         ( b ) What precautions would you take to prevent buckling of SWR & LWR?    [ 5 ]
         ( c ) Write the specifications of machine crushed stone ballast in regard to its quality and gradation.                                                                                                   [ 5 ]
         ( d ) What will be the maximum permissible speed on a curve of radius 600 m if the actual cant ( Ca ) is 130 mm and cant deficiency ( Cd ) is 100mm?                    [ 5 ]
         ( e ) What is the frequency of running track  recording car on Rajdhani route with speed 120 – 130 kmph, other A & B group routes and C & D routs ?                  [ 5 ]
Q.2.- ( a ) Mention the essential duties of Assistant Engineer in regard to works matters?   [ 5 ]
         ( b ) Mention 5 essential properties a water proofing system should have?                  [ 5 ]
         ( c ) Show by neat sketch general arrangement at junction of roof and parapet wall. Mention the various parts including water proofing treatment and DPC in the sketch?[5]
          ( d ) Mention the various categories of stations for provision of passenger Amenities? [ 5 ]
         ( e ) How will you check the verticality of a tubewell ?                                          [ 5 ]
Q.3.- Write short notes on any five of the following :                         [ 5 x 5 = 25 ]
                 i.        Hot Wether patrolling.   
                ii.        Compensation for curvature on gradient.
               iii.        Danger Level & High flood Level in an important bridge.
               iv.        Licensing and leasing of railway land.
                v.        Chamfering of rail holes. 
               vi.        Final Location survey.
Q.4.- ( a ) What type of bridge girders are provided with camber and why?        [ 1 ]
         ( b ) What are the causes of loss of camber and measures taken to rectify the same. [ 4 ]
         ( c ) Draw a neat sketch showing a typical cross section of a circular well foundation. Name the various parts ( do not give any dimensions).                                        [ 5 ]
         ( d ) Mention the various types of river training works generally adopted on the Indian railways. Draw a sketch showing a typical arrangement of guide bunds in a railway bridge.                                                                                                                   [ 5 ]
          ( e ) What are the various forms of corrosion? What method are adopted to prevent the same ( do not explain the detailed procedure ) ?                                              [ 5 ]
          ( f ) What are the various types of defects that may develop in bed blocks? How these defects are rectified ? Be brief.                                                                          [ 5 ]
Q.5.- ( a ) You are the first to arrive at the accident site of a passenger train as AEN. List the various actions you take in chronological order.                                                [ 10 ]
         ( b ) What is a Railway Affecting Work ( RAW )? A Railway Affecting Work is situated at a distance of 1 km from a railway bridge. Show by a sketch the position of RAW tablet on the bridge and the details that will be painted on it.                                      [ 10 ]
         ( c ) If the track is submerged with the water overtopping the rails. What precautions will you ensure before allowing the train over the track?                                          [ 5 ]
Part-II : Establishment & Finance Rules
( Answer any tow questions : 2 x 25 = 50 Marks )
Q.6.- ( a ) Briefly describe the procedure of creating a work-charged post.                [ 10 ]
         ( b ) Mention the various classifications of staff under HOER. Give one example for each case.                                                                                                            [ 5 ]
         ( c ) When dose it become necessary to create a supernumerary post? Give an example. Be brief.                                                                                                        [ 5 ]
         ( d ) Write the various steps involved chronologically in finalizing a major penalty charge-sheet ( only mention the steps without explaining the details there of ).         [ 5 ]
Q.7.-  ( a ) Describe the procedure of terminating a works contract on risk and cost basis? [10]
         ( b ) What do you understand by the following terms ? Answers should be very brief preferably in one or two sentence :                    [ 2 x 5 = 10 ]
                 i.        Demand No.16.
                ii.        Budget Order.
               iii.        Completion Estimate.
               iv.        Delayed Tender.
                v.        Security Deposit.
         ( c )  How many budgetary reviews are made in a financial year and when and why?[5]
Q.8.-  Write short notes on any five of the following :                         [ 5 x 5 = 25 ]
a)    DAR action against retired employee.
b)    Commutation of pension.
c)    Productivity Linked Bonus.
d)    Construction Estimate.
e)    Delegation of Power.
f)     Liability Register.
g)    Out of Turn work.

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Q Bank - Establishment / Personnel Dept. (82) Q Bank - Electrical Engineering (80) Q Bank - OS / Clerk / Typist (72) Q B Engg (P Way & Work) (67) Q BANK - Operating (63) Group 'B' Exam (60) Q Bank - APO ( Asst. Personnel Officer) (57) QUESTION BANK WITH ANSWER (55) Q B Establishment (48) Q Bank - Goods Guards (45) Q Bank - OHE/TRD/PSI (36) Q B - CIVIL ENGINEERING (AEN) (27) Q B - Welfare Inspector (27) Q BANK - C & W ( Carriage & Wagon ) (26) Q Bank - Account (24) Q BANK - LOCO (23) Q BANK Exam - Station Master (23) Q Bank - Commercial (22) Q Bank - AOM (19) Q BANK - Station Master (18) Q Bank - S & T (14) 1. Syllabus (13) Q Bank - D & AR (Discipline and Appeals Rule) (12) Q Bank - Medical (12) Q Bank - Posts (Civil Engineering & P way) Dept (12) 2. Q Bank - Group D To C (11) INDEX (11) QB - ENGINEERING ( MECHANICAL ) (11) Q Bank - LOCO (Diesel) (9) Q Bank - ACM (Assistant Commercial Manager) (9) Q BANK - Jr Engineer ( Diesel Mechanical ) (8) Q BANK - LOCO (AC) (8) Q Bank - Law Assistant (8) Q Bank - AME/AWM (7) Q Bank - Group D To C (6) Q Bank - General Knowledge (5) Q Bank - Publicity Inspector (5) Q Bank - Rajbhasha (राजभाषा) (5) Q Bank - Stores (5) RRB EXAM (5) NTPC (4) Q Bank - ADSTE / ASTE (4) Q Bank - AEE (4) Q Bank - CLI (4) Question & Answer (4) Q Bank - Appointment On Compassionate Ground Exam (3) Q Bank - Commercial Instructor Exam (3) Q Bank - Engineering (Bridge) (3) Q Bank - IT (3) Q Bank - Protocol Inspector (3) Q Bank - RPF Department (3) Short Notes (3) Q BANK - Jr Engineer ( Mechanical ) (2) Q Bank - C & M (2) Q Bank - CCTC (2) Q Bank - Carpenter (2) Q Bank - General English (2) Q Bank - Jr Engineer (Tele) (2) Q Bank - Ministerial Staff (2) Q Bank - Track Machine (2) Q Bank -Section Controler (2) Video (2) ABB (1) FAQ (1) GDCE Exam (1) IRMS (Indian Railway Management Service (1) JUNIOR ENGINEER (Non -AC) GRADE - II (1) Minimum Wages Act (1) Project & Planning (1) Q BANK & Answer - C & W ( Carriage & Wagon ) (1) Q BANK - Shunting Master (1) Q Bank - Instructor (1) Q Bank - AMM (1) Q Bank - All Department (1) Q Bank - Ballast Train Checker (1) Q Bank - Complaints Inspector (1) Q Bank - GK (Computer) (1) Q Bank - Leave Rule (1) Q Bank - Mason (1) Q Bank - Maths (1) Q Bank - NPS (New Pension Scheme) (1) Q Bank - OS / Clerk Typist (1) Q Bank - Pass Rule (1) Q Bank - Planning Inspector (1) Q Bank - Railway (GK) (1) Q Bank - Stenographer (1) Q Bank - Technician (Ele) (1) Q Bank - Traffic Costing Inspector (1) Question Bank - Technicians of TLAC Group. (1) Short Notes - Establishment (1) Short Notes - Operating / Traffic (1)