Previous Q Paper - GROUP "B" LDCE - AEN - 1987 1989, 1992 19961997 1999

                                                        CENTRAL RAILWAY

Limited Departmental Competitive Examination – Class II Service

Civil Engineering Department on 07 – 11 – 1987

Time: 2 hrs.                                                                                                             Marks : 50
NOTE:-   1. Give your question paper along with your answer sheets.
2.    Answer your questions either in English or in Hindi.
3.    All the questions are compulsory.
Q. 1 – For each of the following questions tick mark the choice that best answers the question.
1.) According to Revised Bonus Payment Act a worker receiving more than  ___________ /- per month will not be entitle for the bonus.
( a ) 2500/-   ( b ) 4500/-  ( c ) 800/-  ( d )  2000/-  ( e ) 1600/-           
2.) In which of the following generally we call FORTH  ESTATE to –
( a ) Parliament ( b )  Judiciary ( c )  Public Sector. ( d ) Executive  ( e )  Press.        
3.) Amritsar was founded by –
(a) Ram das   (b) Ravi das   (c) Teg Bahadur  (d) Gobind Singh     (e) None of these.
4.) Salim Ali is famous for –
   ( a ) Singer     ( b ) Painter   ( c ) Writer   ( d )  Ornithologist.
5.) Between which two countries the 1986 World cup hockey Match was played?

     ( a ) IndiaPakistan.                ( b )  AustraliaEngland
     ( c ) U.S.S.R – Australia            ( d )  West GermanyEngland.
6.) Who is the Chairman of Rajya Sabha (X – Officio chairman)?
    ( a ) President     ( b ) Prime Minister      ( c ) Vice President.    ( d ) President of ruling party. 
    ( e ) Chief of opposition party.
7.)  To which Indian President the Bharat- Ratna Award was not awarded?
      ( a ) Rajendra Prasad          ( b ) Fakruddin  Ali Ahmad.      ( c ) Dr. S. Radhakrishnan 
      ( d ) V .V.  Giri                      ( e ) Jakhir Hussain.
8.)  Triple Antigen doesn’t protect   from the following:-
      ( a ) Tetanus     ( b ) Deptharea      ( c ) Typhoid  ( d ) Whopping Cough    ( e ) None.
9.) The new education policy was presented by ______ mantralay.
      ( a ) Planning    ( b ) Social Work    ( c ) Education  ( d ) Human Source of development.
10.) The year 1986 was internationally celebrated as: -
       ( a ) Shelters for unsheltered people ( b ) Human Rights ( c )  Peace  ( d )  Young
       ( e ) None.
Q. 2  – What do the following abbreviations stand for?                     5
           ( a ) LTTE       ( b )  SAARC        ( c )  GNLF          ( d )  INTUC    ( e ) UNESCO. 
Q. 3 – Name the following: -                                                               5
1)    Governor of Jammu & Kashmir.
2)    Vice President of India.             
3)    Chief of Indian air Staff.    
4)    Chairman of Railway Board. 
5)    Chief justice of supreme court.
Q. 4 – What are the following famous for?                                       (5)
           1.) Chera Punzi. 2.) Mount Everest. 3.) Peramboor.  4.) Khadankvasala.
           5.) Konark.
Q. 5 – Write short notes on any Two of the following: -                       (6)              
             1.      Operating Ratio            2.  Official languages Act                             
3)          Reasons for Black money & its prevention method. 4) Railway Electrification.
Q. 6 – Explain briefly –                                                                         (9)
1)      When the relative humidity is more than 90%, Than why it is difficult to keep cool in the summer season.
2)      Why red colour selected for the danger signal.
3)      If air is the bad conductor of heat, Then why don’t we feel hot, when we are cloth less.
Q. 7 – Do discussion for –                                                                   ( 10 )
           ( a )  By passing strong laws , Dowry system and bride burning cannot be controlled.
           ( b ) Position of drought in the country and the effect of there preventive measure on the country.
Limited Departmental Competitive Examination
Civil Engineering Department
Date : 07 – 11 – 1987                                                                                          Time : 3 Hours.
PAPER – II ( i )                                                                                                       Marks : 100 
NOTE : All questions carry equal marks.
             Answer any FIVE questions.
             Marks given in bracket.
Q. 1 – ( i )  What is Least Count of the Theodolite.                        ( 5 )
          ( ii ) A man standing on the bank of a river sees a tower on the for bank magnetic bearing 40 degree. He walks 200 m. along the bank to ward east and find that its magnetic bearing is now 310 degree. If the river flows east west find its width.       ( 15 )
Q. 2 – The following in the extract of a page of level field book fill in the missing reading and calculate the RL apply arithmetical check.     ( 20 )

BM No. 1














BM No. 2
Q. 3 - A Beam  A B 12 meter long rests on  supports 7 meter apart the right hand end over hanging the supports by 3 meter and the left hand end by 2 meter. The beam carries a uniformly distributed load of 450 kg per meter. The beam also carries a point load of 4000 kg at center                                                          
           Construct the shear force and bending moment diagrams and also calculate the maximum bending moment.                                      (20)    
Q. 4 – There is a railway colony 2000 house holds source of water is from a tube well 2 km away the colony is 10 m higher then the ground at source. Tube well is 20 m deep & height of tank 10 m. Design the water supply system a high service Tank.       (20)
Q. 5 – Calculate quantity of Steel & Concrete of RCC Column footing blow ground level -   (20) 
1)      Lean Concrete Course (1 : 4 : 8 ) 20 cm thick.
2)      1 : 2 : 4 C. C. Footing 2m x 2m.
3)      Depth of second footing  1,5 m.
4)      Depth of first footing 1.0 m and size 1.5 m x 1.5 m.  
5)      Steel Reinforcement –
( a ) 12mm f Bar 15 cm. Center to center both side For each footing.
( b )  16 mm f  Bar – 6 nos. which are projected over ground level. Assumed cover 5 cm.      
Q.No. 6 - Write short notes on any four of the following, illustrating with sketches where necessary: -                                                              (20 marks)                                        ( a ) Plumb concrete.     ( b ) Coursed Rubbal masonry.     ( c ) Water cement ratio.       ( d ) Pre stressed concrete sleeper.   ( e ) Rapid sand filter.  ( f ) Well foundation.
Q. 7 – Write short notes on any two of the specification of the following –
1)      Wood work for door & windows.
2)      Brick Work.
3)      Railway Ballast for Track route.
4)      Pitching of slope.                                       ( 20 )
Q. 8 – Describe different types of foundations for buildings & Bridges in civil engineering Railway Department. Explain briefly with sketches.      ( 20 )
Limited Departmental Competitive Examination
Civil Engineering Department
Date : 08  – 11 – 1987                                                                                           Time : 3 Hours.
PAPER – II ( ii)                                                                                                           Marks : 100 
NOTE :  i ) All questions carry equal marks.
              ii ) Answer any FIVE questions.
              iii ) Wherever required the written material should be supplemented by neat explanatory sketches.
Q. 1 – Write short notes on any four of the following :-                  ( 20 )
           ( a ) Rulling Gradient . ( b ) Curve compensation in B. G.    ( c ) Transition Length          
           ( d ) Cant deficiency in B. G.    ( e ) Maximum Cant on B. G.  ( f ) Equilibrium Cant.
Q. 2 - Explain in details the various operations involved in Through Packing – conventional Maintenance by beater Packing.                   ( 20 )
Q. 3 - Write short notes on any four of the following :-                  ( 20 )
           ( a ) Measured Shovel Packing.   ( b ) Directed Track Maintenance.       ( c ) P.Q.R.S.
           ( d ) Anti – creep device.              ( e ) Building cost Index.
           ( f ) Permanent adjustment of dumpy level.
Q. 4 – As an AEN in charge, what inspection will you under taken at the time of inspection of Girder Bridge 3 x 60 feet.                                (20)
Q. 5 -( a ) What are the items of works requiring the sanction of the CRS?         (10 marks)
         ( b ) Describe the procedure for obtaining sanction of CRS for a re – building of 2 x 10 ft. arch bridge.                                               (10 marks)
Q. 7 - Write short notes on any five of the following: -           (20)
         ( a ) Measurement book.                 ( b ) Limited tender.                 ( c ) Cash imp rest.        ( d ) Danger Level & High Flood Level in 1 x 60 ft. girder bridge.   ( e ) Engineering Time allowance mark.  ( f ) Manson Patrolling.  ( g ) Central Railway schedule of rates. 
Q. 8 – Explain briefly along with comparative assessment any two of the following: -      (20)
1)      Flush butt-welding and Thermite welding.
2)      Short welded rail and Long welded Rail.
3)      Pile foundation & open foundation.
4)      Railway land given on license and lease.
5)      I.T.K.M. and E.T.K.M.
Q. 9 - Write short notes on any five of the following: -                            (20)
          ( a ) Urgency Certificate.      ( b ) Private Siding.       ( c ) U.S.F.D.                  ( d ) O.D.C.  
          ( e ) R. H. Girder.        ( f ) Revised Estimate.        ( g ) On account Bill to Contractor.
          ( h ) Rail Lubrication.  
Limited Departmental Competitive Examination – Class II
Date : 08   – 11 – 1987                             Time : 1 hour.                          Max. Marks : 25
Q. 1 - Write short notes on any three of the following: -      (15)
         ( a ) Draft Para.                  ( b ) Consolidated fund of India.  ( c ) Deposit Works.   
         ( d ) Material Modification. ( e ) Departmental Charge. 
         ( f ) Late tender and delayed tender. 
Q. 2 – What are the economies that can be achieved in civil engineering department and how?  OR
          What are the conditions governing examination of tenders by tender committee? What are responsibilities of tender committee?    (10)
Limited Departmental Competitive Examination – Class II
Date : 08  – 11 – 1987                         Time : 1 hour.                              Max. Marks : 25
Q. 1 – What constitutes a break in service for a –
           ( a ) Casual labour for the purpose of continuity in service to attain temporary status?
           ( b ) Under what circumstances an employee is not liable to pay any compensation to a workman in respect of an injury caused by an accident arising out of and in the course of employment.
           ( c ) What procedure is followed to change the classification of a gate man under HOER.
Q. 2 - Write short notes on any three of the following: -  
         ( a ) Hospital Leave.         ( b ) Family pension.        ( c ) Trade Test.        ( d ) Over Time.
         ( e ) Substitute.                 ( f ) Zonal corporate enterprise group. 
Q. 3 -  ( a ) How many hours in a day a workman governed by factories act can normally be asked to work.
           ( b ) Can a monthly rated casual labour be a member of a Railway institute.
           ( c ) How many passes the widow of an employee is entitled to.
           ( d ) Name the two recognized unions on Indian Railways.
           ( e ) When does a project CL become entitled for a temporary status?
           ( f ) What is the maximum gratuity payable to a Railway employee on superannuation.
Date :- 8 – 4 – 1989                                     Paper – I                                     Max. Marks :  50
Time : -  Two hours                      GENERAL  KNOWLEDGE
NOTE :-  Answer Six  Questions. Questions 1 and 6 are compulsory.
Q. 1 – For each of the following questions tick mark the choice that best answers the question.
1.    The country popularly known as the land of the “ Rising Sun” is: -
( a ) Japan   ( b ) Norway   ( c ) China    ( d ) India
2.    The heart of a young man beats approximately: -
( a ) 90 times a minute ,                   ( b ) 100  times a minute,    
( c )  82 times a minute ,                  ( d )  72  times a minute.     
3.    Indian National Congress was founded by :-  
( a )  Bal Gangadhar tilak ,                ( b ) Mahatma Gandhi,
( c )  Subhash chandra Bose,           ( d ) A. D. Huma.
4.    Tropic of Cancer is :-
( a ) A kind of disease ,    ( b ) A scientific apparatus to detect cancer,
( c ) 23½0  S. latitude,      ( d ) 23½0  N. latitude, 
5.    Whose signature is found on the one-rupee currency note in India :-  

           ( a ) President of India,    ( b ) Prime Minister of India,     ( c ) Cabinet Secretary of India,

           ( d ) Finance Secretary,  ( e ) Ministry of Finance.

6.    When an element burns in air it :-

      ( a ) Changes into energy,                ( b ) Changes into a gas,

      ( c ) Is converted into a compound , ( d ) Is destroy.  

7.    Meningitis is a disease of human beings that of facts :-  

( a ) Kidney,    ( b ) Heart,  ( c ) Liver,  ( d ) Central Nervous system. 
  1. Deficiency of vitamin ‘A’ in man results in :- 
1) Short stature,     2) Night Blindness ,     3) Colour Blindness,        4) Xeropthamia.
( a ) 1 & 4 ,      ( b ) 2 & 4 ,        ( c ) 1  & 3 ,       ( d ) 3 & 4.
  1. Which of the following is incorrectly matched :-
( a ) Lignite - Nayvelli,          ( b ) Mica – singarani
( c ) Diamond – Panna ,       ( d ) Kyanite – Mayur Bhanj .
  1. Second largest spoken language in India is :-
( a ) Tamil,      ( b) Bengali ,      ( c ) Telegu ,      ( d ) Urdu .
  1. Road construction in south – India is cheaper than that in Gangetic plain because of :-
( a ) Abundance of cheap ballast,  ( b ) Hard rocky land surface ,
( c ) Availability of cheap labour,   ( d ) None of the above.
  1. The value of  p was first given by :-
( a ) Bhaskara,  b ) Aryabhatta ,  ( c ) Varahmihir ,  ( d ) None of the above.
  1. Sonar is used in :-
( a )  Detecting object in air ,       ( b ) detecting object under water ,
( c )  Measuring intensity of sound waves , ( d ) Measuring intensity of light waves.
  1. Which is/are the most important row materials required in Cement industry :-
( a ) Limestone , ( b ) Clay , ( c ) Limestone & clay ,  ( d ) Gypsum & clay.
  1. Who is the Supreme Commander of Armed Forces ?
( a ) President , ( b ) Prime Minister ,   ( c ) Defence Minister,   ( d ) Chief of Army staff .
Q. 2 – Expand the following abbreviations :-                                      7
       ( i ) N.T.P.C. ( ii ) D.M.K. ( iii ) B.H.E.L. ( iv ) A.I.D.S. ( v ) R.I.T.E.S.  ( vi ) I.P.K.F.
       ( vii )  UNICEF.
Q. 3 -  Name the following :-                                                               7
                                 i.        Chairman , Law Commission.
                                ii.        Chief of Air Staff.
                               iii.        Governor of Madhya Pradesh.
                               iv.        Chief Minister of Bihar.
                                v.        Speaker, Lok Sabha.
                               vi.        Prime Minister of Sri Lanka.
                              vii.        Member ( Engineering ) , Railway Board.
Q. 4 – Why were the following in news recently ?                              7
           ( i ) Salman Rushdie ,        ( ii ) R. K. Dhawan ,       ( iii ) Namibia ,
           ( iv )  Jalalabad,                 ( v ) AIADMK,         ( vi )  V. T. Station , 
           ( vii ) Mrs. Pamella Bordes .
Q. 5 -  Explain briefly : -
  1. Why do stars twinkle ?                                                          
  2. When metallic objects are touched in winter, they give a colder sensation as compared to wooden object .                                                      2
  3. Why is mercury commonly used as a thermometric fluid rather than water ?        
Q. 6 – write a short note on any one of the following :-                           7
    1. Highlights of the Railway budget 1989 – 90 .
    2. High speed trains on Indian Railways.
    3. Settlement of claims of Bhopal gas tragedy victims.
    4. Reduction in voting age from 21 to 18 years.
Q. 7 – ( a ) What are the States coming under ‘A’ and ‘B’ regions.    7
           ( b ) What are the provisions under Official languages Act        12 .
Q. 8 -  What are the following famous for ?                                        7
           1 ) Rabindra Nath Tagore ,           2 ) Rana Pratap ,
           3 ) Bal gangadhar Tilak ,               4 ) Satchidanand Rautroy ,
           5 ) G. B. Shaw ,                             6 ) Borie Becker,
           7 ) Shyam benegal .


PART II  (  i  )                               PROFESSIONAL  SUBJECT
All questions carry equal marks.
Answer any five questions. Where needed, illustrate simple sketches .
Time    :     3  hrs.                                                                                             Total marks :   100
Q. 1 -  ( i ) What is Bench Mark ?                                        ( 5 marks )
           ( ii ) What is plane of collimation ?                            ( 5 marks )
           ( iii ) Enumerate the permanent adjustment of a dumpy level and explain the adjustment by a two peg method .  ( 10 marks ) 
Q. 2 - A man standing on the bank of a river sees a tree on the for bank in the direction  N 30 degree W . He walk 100 meters. Along the bank to wards west and find that its direction is now  N 30 degree E . If the river flows east west find its width ?         (  20 marks )
Q. 3 - A simply supported beam 10 m long is subjected to three point loads of 1 T, 2 T   and   3 Tones each at distance of 3m, 5m and 8m from the left end. draw S. F. & B. M. diagram for  the  beam.        (20) 
Q.No. 4 – Write short notes on any four of the following, illustrating with sketches where necessary: -                                                                    (20 marks)       
a)    Rolled steel channel section.
b)    Flash Butt welding.
c)    Infiltration Gallery.
d)    Drop Man – hole.
e)    Water cement ratio.
f)     Plum concrete.
g)    Open Foundation. 
Q. 5 – Write short notes on any two of the specification of the following –
                      i.       Brick work.
                     ii.       Liquid limit, Plastic limit   and Plasticity Index.
                    iii.       Pile foundations.
                   iv.       Advantage of Pre – stressed concrete.          (20 marks)
Q. 6 - Design a RCC column and footing to carry a load of 100 tonnes. Soil at 8 ft. depth has a safe bearing capacity of 15 tonnes per M2. propose the quality of concrete, footing and illustrate by a dimensional sketch.                      (20 marks)
Q. 7 - There is a railway colony of 500 house holds source of water is from a tube well 800 m away. The colony is 10 m higher then the ground at source. Tube well is 60 meters deep. Design the water supply system a high service tank.               (20 marks)
Q. 8 - The following figures are extracted from a level field book. some of the entries being missing. Calculate all the figures by the rise and fall method.      (20 marks)  


















DATE :- 9th April , 1989 .                                                                                         Marks – 25
Subject :- Establishment                                                                          Total time – One hour.
Q.No. 1 – ( a ) What are the various Penalties that can be imposed on Railway Servant under DAR?                                                         5
                 ( b ) In which cases of imposing a Major Penalty an enquiry is not necessary.    5
Q. 2 – Write short notes on any three of the following: -                      15
( a ) PNM ( b ) staff benefit fund. ( c ) Family Pension. ( d ) Corporate Enterprise Group ( CEG ).
( e ) Industrial Despute Act.          ( f ) HOER           ( g ) Official Language Act.
Date :- 9 – 4 – 1989                                                                                           Total  Marks :  25
Time : -  One  hour.               Paper –  FINANCIAL RULES   
Q. 1 – Write short notes on any three :-                                     15
           ( a ) Financial appraisal of Railway Projects .  ( b ) Completion Estimate.
           ( c ) depreciation Reserve Fund .                   ( d ) Public Accounts Committee.
Q. 2 – Define Operating Ratio. In what way dose it serve to judge the efficiency of a Railway .   OR
           What are the demands for Grants? How do they serve as a tool for Budgeting control.


PART II  (  ii  )
All questions carry equal marks.
Answer any five questions. Where needed, illustrate by simple sketches .
Time    :     3  hrs.                                                                                         Total marks :   100
Q. 1 – Write short notes on any four of the following :-             ( 20 marks )
           ( a ) Cant deficiency.   ( b ) Equilibrium Cant.   ( c ) Catch siding.   ( d ) Slip siding.              ( e ) Curve compensation.            ( f ) Cant gradient in transition length.
Q. 2 – Explain the various operations as per the Permanent Way Manual for through packing .   
                                                                                                                                    ( 20 marks )
Q. 3 – Write short notes on any four of the following :-             ( 20 marks )
         ( i ) End cropping of rails. ( ii ) De – stressing in LWR.  ( iii ) Deep screening under traffic.    ( iv ) Building Cost Index . ( v ) Mansoon patrolling. ( vi ) Method to improve track alignment. 
Q. 4 -  ( a ) What are the items of works requiring the sanction of the CRS ?    ( 10 marks )
           ( b ) Describe the procedure for obtaining sanction of CRS for a re – building of 12 ft. arch bridge.                                    ( 10 marks )
Q. 5 - Write short notes on any four of the following :-             ( 20 marks )
           ( i ) Danger level and high flood level in an important bridge .                     
           ( ii ) safety precautions in track renewal work . ( iii ) Measurement book .     
           ( iv ) Central Railway’s Schedule of Rates.       ( v ) Limited tenders.                
           ( vi ) Tree Plantation on Central Railway in your section.
Q. 6 – Draw a dimensional sketch for proposed diversion with a bank height of 3 meters on a bridge re – habilitation work of 4 x 10 ft. arch . Calculate the grades, curvatures, and length for the diversion.                                   (20 marks)
Q. 7 – Explain briefly along with comparative assessment any two of the following: - (20 marks)
           ( a ) Licensing and leasing of Railway land.  ( b ) Major bridge and important bridge.
           ( c ) free rail and long welded rail.              ( d ) Flash Butt Welding and Thermit Welding.
Q. 8 – Write briefly on any four of the following: -                       (20 marks)
           ( a ) Rail lubrication . ( b ) Weld failures in track . ( c ) Inspection of track on a through girder.                     ( d ) Urgency Certificate.     ( e ) U. S. F. D.


L.D.C. Examination – Civil Engineering – 1992

PAPER I                                                                                                   Maximum marks  150

27 – 6 – 1992                                                                                                      Time : 3 hours

Note :  Candidates should write their Roll number clearly in words also.
            Candidates may please answer both Part A and Part B separately as per instructions. The same answer book should be used.

PART – A                                                                                                        [ Max. marks  50 ]

All questions carry equal marks.
Q. 1 – Give expanded form of the following –
           (a) JNR    (b) NIC   (c) IMF   (d) NTPC   (e)  CAD              5 x2 =10
Q.2 – Give the correct answer out of the multiple choice given to the questions below: - 5x2 =10
           (a) Amjad Ali Khan is associated with –
                  (i) Sitar  (ii) Cricket   (iii) Films   (iv) Sarod   (v) Shehnai  
           (b) Water has highest density at a temperature of  -
(i)            00 C  (ii) 40 C  (iii) 100 C  (iv) 1000 C  (v) None of these
           (c) Who holds the record for the highest score in a single Innings in test Cricket in the world –?
                  (i) Don Brad man        (ii) Sunil Gavaskar         (iii) Kapil Dev      (iv) Garfield Sobers       (v) Hanif Mohammad
           (d) First man to walk on the moon –
            (i) Yuri Gegaria  (ii) Amstrong  (iii) Rakesh Sharma  (iv) Edmund Hillary
           ( e ) The latest film stare to have been elected to the Lok Sabha –
             (i) Shatrughan Sinha. (ii) Sunil Dutt  (iii) Rajesh Khanna   (iv) Deepika Topiwala
Q. 3 -  ( a ) What is the past while U.S.S.R. now called? Name as man / Status as you can into which this mighty country can stands divided?                    6
            ( b ) In Europe we have also had the occurrence of unification of a few countries recently. Name them, What is their common name now?                                    4
Q. 4 - Name the following – 10 x1 = 10
            i.       President of Russia
           ii.       An Industrious Industrialist of India on whom the title of  ‘’ Bharat Ratna “ was conferred recently.
          iii.       Speakar of Lok Sabha
          iv.       Prime Minister of Israel
           v.       Chairman / Chairperson of Rajya Sabha
          vi.       Chief of P.L.O.
         vii.       Union Minister for External Affairs
        viii.       Capital of Nagaland
          ix.       Currency of Italy
           x.       Youngest player to play Test Cricket in India
Q. 5 – ( a ) Write briefly what you know about –                                      5
                   Recent Security Scandal   [ SCAM ]
                   New economical Policy of Government
           ( b ) In how many regions has the country been divided under the Official Language Policy? What do these region signify?    5
                                         PART  B                                                    Max. marks     100
N.B. Attempt any FIVE Questions. All Questions carry equal marks. Wherever applicable, neat sketches should be used in your answers.
Q. 1 – Write short notes on any FOUR of the following :-              4x5 = 20
            i.       Triangulation
           ii.       G.T.S. Bench Mark
          iii.       Quick Sand Effect
          iv.       Permanent adjustment of a Dumpy level
           v.       Water Cement Ratio
          vi.       Least Count of a Theodolite     
Q. 2 – What are under-reamed piles? Where are they used on the Railways and under what circumstances? Describe briefly the procedure for laying of there piles.             20 
Q. 3 -  ( a ) What do you understand by the following: -
                   i.       Aerobic and anaerobic action                                                3
                  ii.       Self Cleaning Velocity                                                         2
                 iii.       Septic Tank                                                                           3
                iv.       Residual Chlorine                                                                  2
          ( b ) Give salient features of “ SUJALA” Filtration Plant.             10
Q. 4 -   ( a ) Draw the shear force and bending moment diagram of a RCC Beam with the following loading?                               15
( b ) Show in a rough sketch the type of reinforcement required for this beam. No calculations or size of reinforcement is required.           5
Q. 5 - In order to as certain the height of a light house, a surveyor seiec to two    points A & B on the sea shore collinear with the base of the light house. He measures an angle of elevation 30 0 and 45 0 to the top of the light house from A  & B separately. The distance from A to B taped by the surveyor come to 102.92 meters. Find-
                      i.       The height of the light house.
                     ii.       The distance of light house from A.                                     20

Q. 6 – ( a )     Define young’ s modulus.                                                      5

           ( b )     What force would be required to cause an elongation of 1 mm

                      in a steel rod of diameter 25 mm and a length of 5 m ,

                      young’ s  modulus of  steel 1.5 x 10 6 kg   cm 2                    13

           ( c )     Which material would have higher modulus of elasticity    rubber or steel.   2

Q. 7 – Give in brief the current specifications for any two of the following: -
                                 i.        First Class bricks
                                ii.        Track Ballast
                               iii.        Earthwork in high embankments
                               iv.        Reinforced Cement Concrete                   10 x 2 = 20
Q. 8 - ( a ) What are the different type of foundations used for bridges and under what conditions is each type recommended?                       8
              ( b ) What is understand by the yield of a Tube well? How is it determined?  8
              ( c )  What do you understand by Venturimeter?                         4
Q. 9 -( a ) What is the basic difference between Reinforced Concrete and Prestressed concrete? What are the advantages of latter over the former?                          10
           ( b ) What type of a road would you construct in a Railway Colony at a wayside station having 80 staff quarters. Briefly describe the method of construction of this road.  10


L.D.C. Examination – Civil Engineering – 1992

PAPER II                                                                                                     Maximum marks  150

28  – 6 – 1992                                                                                                         Time : 3 hours

Note :  Candidates should write their Roll number clearly in words also .
            Candidates may please answer both Part A and Part B separately as per instructions. The same answer book should be used.

PART – A                                                                                                       [ Max. marks  50 ]

Q. 1 – write short notes on any three of the following: -                  12
                                 i.        Assessed Rent of Quarters
                                ii.        Canons of financial Propriety
                               iii.        Local Purchase
                               iv.        Cash Imp rest
                                v.        Payment of wages act
                               vi.        Retirement benefits                
Q. 2 – What penalities can be inflicted on a non-gazetted Railway Servant? What procedure is to be followed to remove a PWI Gr. III from service?     15
Q. 3 – What are the various types of Audit and accounts Inspection reports / Notes? At what level are these finalised and closed?                  12
            Write brief notes on any three: -                                         3 x 4 = 12
            i )  ACSPF ( ii )  Reappropriation iii ) Depreciation Reserve Fund ( iv ) Final Modification 
Q. 4 – Describe in brief the procedure to rescind a works contract.          11
           Describe in brief the various types of Engineering Estimates.        11
N.B.  First three questions ( Q.1, Q.2 and Q.3 ) are COMPULSORY. Answer any two from the remaining. All questions carry equal marks.
Q. 1 – Write short notes on any four of the following :-                 4 x 5 =  20
                                 i.        Open and limited Tenders
                                ii.        Urgency Certificate
                               iii.        Chamfering of rail – holes
                               iv.        Engineering Speed Restrictions
                                v.        Rail – tensors
                               vi.        HFL and Danger Level of an important Bridge
Q. 2 – Draw a neat dimensioned cross-sectional sketches of a -              20
                      i.        New single Line B.G. track in a cutting on a mainline route.
                     ii.        New double Line B. G. track on a trunk route having MBC sleepers with 60 kg CWR track on embankment.
Q. 3 –  An Express train has derailed in mid-section in your jurisdiction as an AEN.   You are the first officer to reach the site. On reaching the site, you are sure that apart from serious injuries, some deaths have also taken place. Explain in brief what action would you take in order of precedence till a more senior officer arrives and thereafter.      20
Q. 4 -  ( a ) What do you understand by the Schedule of dimensions for Railways? Who is competent authority to issue or modify them? How many schedules does Schedule of B. G. contain? What is the significance of each?                                               12
             ( b ) Indicate the prescribed dimensions in metric system for any four of the following on B. G.
                                 i.        Minimum radius of curvature   
                                ii.        Recommended maximum gradient in Station Yards in new constructions.
                               iii.        Minimum height above rail level at center of track for road –over bridge in 25 kv A.C. Traction Territory.
                               iv.        Maximum and minimum horizontal distance from the centerline of track to face of a passenger platform.
                                v.        Minimum horizontal distance from center of track to any structure from 1065 mm to 3355 mm above rail level in new construction.               4 x 2 = 8
Q. 5 - ( a ) What is the minimum prescribed track structure for LWR / CWR on Broad Gauge? 6
          ( b ) What do you understand by “distressing” of LWR / CWR? Why is it required?   4
          ( c ) Explain how you would distress a recently laid LWR of one km. length on MBC sleepers with Elastic clips using rail-tensors.   10
Q. 6 -   ( a ) What are R.H. Girder? Where are these required?            5
            ( b ) Explain with a free hand sketch the outline of procedure to be adopted to rebuild a distressed arch bridge of 2 x 3.0 m. span.       15
Q. 7 -  A complete Track Renewal work of 20.52 km has been sanctioned with 60 kg rails laid on MBC sleepers. The existing track consists of 52 kg CWR laid on CST-9 sleepers. Explain briefly step by step the procedure to be adopted to carry out this work using track machines  (available on Central Railway) to the maximum extent possible.   20
Q. 8  -  Write short notes on any four of the following :-                4 x 5 = 20   
                                 i.        Cant Deficiency.
                                ii.        Building Cost Index.
                               iii.        Arbitration.
                               iv.        On account bills and final bills.
                                v.        Reconnaisance Survey
                               vi.        Final Location Survey
                              vii.        Hot Weather Patrolling
Q. 9 – What are the detailed duties of an AEN on the Indian Railways? Give prescribed schedule of his inspections on the Central Railway.   20
Date  :  10 – 02 – 1996                                  Time  :   3 hours                        Marks :    150
PART – I – General Knowledge and Hindi Policy  
                   In this Part all Questions are to be attempted -   
Q.1 – Please give salient features of the present policy of the Central     Government on Raj Bhasha {Hindi}. Also indicate the policy for writing name board on the stations.   15
Write 2 pages on measures that you will suggest for increasing the use of Raj Bhasha {Hindi} in your office in Railways.
Q.2 – In the Answer sheet write the correct answer in the form of (a)  (b)(c) etc. for each on i.e. (i) (ii) (iii) etc.    [One mark for each part]      20
    i.       The first nuclear experiment on India took place at –
         a) Pokhran,                    b )  Bombay ,                  c ) Nellie.
   ii.       Black soil is best suited for the cultivation of –
         A ) Wool ,          b ) Tea ,            c ) Cotton ,              d ) Coffee
  iii.       Uttar Pradesh tops the list of sugarcane producing states of India, which of the following states holds the 2nd position –
         a) Bihar ,   b ) Maharashtra ,    c )  Karnataka ,   d ) Madhya Pradesh.
  iv.       Konarak temple is situated in –
         A ) Andhra Pradesh,      b ) Bihar,      c) West Bengal ,     d ) Orissa.
   v.       Michael Ferreira is associated with –
         a)  Chess ,      b ) Billiards ,      c )  Badminton ,       d )  Tennis.
  vi.       Yuan is the currency of –
         A ) Japan ,         b ) China ,        c ) Indonesia ,         d ) Burma.
 vii.       Gandhiji started Dandi March –
a)    To demonstrate against the British empire ,  b ) To break the salt law ,   
c )  To boycott foreign goods.
viii.        Who was the first woman President of Indian National Congress –
          A ) Sarojini Naidu ,          b ) Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit ,        c ) Raj Kumari Amrit Kaur.
  ix.        Union Territories are headed by –
          A ) The President ,       b ) The Lt. Governors ,       c ) The Governors.
   x.        India’s first underground Metro services started at –
          A) Delhi, b) Calcutta, c) Bombay, d) Madras.
  xi.        In which Indian city ‘ Operation Blue Star’ took place –
          A ) Ludhiana ,       b ) Delhi ,       c ) Bombay ,        d ) Amritsar.
 xii.        Who is the speaker of Lok sabha –
          A ) Madhav Rao Scindia ,      b ) Shivraj Patil ,     c ) Najma Haptullah.
xiii.        Where is the National Defence Academy situated –
          A ) Khadakvasala ,          b ) New Delhi ,            c ) Jhansi .
xiv.        The 1996 Olympics comes will be played at –
           A ) Sharjah ,        b )  Atlenta ,         c ) Delhi ,        d ) Seol .
xv.        ‘ Bombay High ‘ is famous for –
           a ) High City ,  b ) Having Highways ,  c ) Offshore Oil exploration , d ) High Buildings.
xvi.        The first Indian to go into space was –
          A ) L. M. Katre ,       b ) Prakash Padukone ,      c ) Rakesh sharma.
xvii.        Who is the Supreme Commander of Armed Forces –
          A ) The President ,    b ) The Prime minister ,        c ) defence .
xviii.        Occean currents originate due to –
          A ) Winds ,  b ) temperature difference ,  c ) Difference in the density of sea water , 
          d ) All of the above .
xix.        Genetic information is decoded in –
          A ) Blood ,          b ) Bones ,          c ) Brain ,         d ) DNA.
xx.        Which statement is correct about the Solar Eclipse –
          A ) It occurs on new moon day ,      b ) It dose not occur on new moon day ,
          c ) It occurs on full moon day.
Q. 3 -  each part i.e. ( i ) , ( ii ) etc. are of 3 marks .                        15
    i.        Name of the following –
          A ) Governor of Maharashtra ,  b ) Chairman of Railway Board ,
          c ) Chief Election Commissioner of India .
   ii.        What are the following associated with –
          A ) Boris Becker ,  b ) Ravi Shankar ,  c ) R . K. Laxman .
  iii.        What do the following abbreviations stand for –
          A ) AIRF ,  b )  UNICEF ,  c ) INTUC.
  iv.        Match the following –
          A ) Gulzari Lal Nanda      ....   First Prime Minister of India .
          B ) Jawahar Lal Nehru     ....   Second Prime Minister of India .
          C ) Lal Bahadur Shastri    ....  Twice Acting Prime Minister of India .
   v.        With which game the following terms are associated with –
          a ) Checkmate ,              b ) Deuce ,                c ) LBW .
Note: Please answer question totaling 100 marks. At least one question from each group “A” ,”B”, ”C”,”D”,”E” & ”F” should be attempted.
Answer to questions of 20 marks need not to be more than 3 pages & for those of 10 marks need not to be  more than 2 pages.
Group ‘’ A ‘’
Q.1 - For a curve of 50, apex angle of 900  & transition length of 60m, calculate the parameters for setting out curve by a Theodolite for TTP, mid point of transition, CTP and a point 100m from CTP. Make out a dimension sketch showing transition tangent point, curve tangent point, transition length and length of curve.                                    (20)
Q. 2 -    Write notes / attempt on any two: -                             (20)
        i.        Explain calculation of cross sectional area by midordinate rule. What method do you follow for calculation for volume of earth work in a railway embankment when cross sectional area are known? Give the formula used.
       ii.        What leveling instrument are being used by the railways? What are the permanent adjustments in a dumpy level? How these are done?
      iii.        In running fly level from a bench mark of  RL  365.655, the following readings were obtained.
Back sight  - 0.964, 1.632, 1.105, 0.850,0.369.
Fore sight   - 0.947, 1.953, 1.184, 1.125.
For the last position of  the instrument , seven pegs at 10 m interval are to be set out from a uniform gradient of 1 in 50. The first peg is to be have RL of 365.000. Workout the staff reading required for setting out the tops of pegs on the given gradient and enter the results in level book form.
Group ‘’ B “
Q. 1 - Draw the shear force and bending movement diagram for the following  beam configuration.                                           (20)
Q. 2 – What are influence line diagrams on a simply supported beam AB of 6 m span, a single wheel load of 8 tonnes moves from A to B. Draw influence line diagram for bending movement at 2 m from B. Also draw a maximum bending movement diagram for the beam taking dead load on the beam to be 0.5 t. per meter.                        (20)
Q. 3 – A rectangular beam section 300 mm width and 550 mm deep is reinforced with 4 x 14 mm dia. Tension bars (center line of bars from the beam is 50 mm). Determine stress induced in top compression fiber of concrete and in steel for a bending moment of 55 KNM. Concrete is of M 15 grade? (20)
Q.4 - 4 member of a steel truss are connected to a gusset plate 12 mm thick by 22 mm power driven shop rivets as per sketch below. Find the number of rivets required in each member to take the load mentioned in the sketch. Member 1 and 2 are double angle sections and 3 & 4 are single angle sections.
           Permissible stresses for power driven rivet are -In shear   Ps   = 1025 kg / cm2, in bearing   Pb  = 2360 kg  / cm2.                        (20)
Group ‘’ C ‘’
Q. 1 – Explain any two of the following -                                                (20)
                 i.        Hooks Law and Elastic limit.                                     
                ii.        Neutral axis and radius of gyration.
               iii.        Euler’s Theory for long column and Slenderness ratio.
               iv.        Water cement ratio, slump in concrete and grading of concrete as M15, M20 etc.
Q. 2 - Explain any two of the following -                                          (20)
    i.        What is the difference between painting, polishing and varnishing as for as woodwork is concerned? What are their advantages and disadvantage?
   ii.        What are the various types of tiles available in the market for floor and for walls? What basic precaution would you take for their laying and for choosing the type, colour and size of tiles?
  iii.        What water proofing materials are available for ensuring leak proof roofs of new buildings? Make sketches showing arrangements of roof slabs, water proofing arrangements and terracing, including junction arrangements with parapets.
  iv.        What elements of railway track are more prone to corrosion? For each of them, indicate the preventive maintenance, precautions required to be taken.
Q.3 – Draw a realistic dimensioned sketch of -                              (20)
    i.        RCC ‘T’ beam, showing its reinforcement in a longitudinal section, cross section and a sectional plan.
Details ‘A’ of the ‘N’ truss shown in the sketch, indicating gusset plate, rivet connection and bearing plates.

Group ‘’ D ‘’
Q.1 – What do you understand by ’bad formations’ for track? Give in short, various methods available for improvement to bad formations. (10)
Q.2 – Define water content, void ratio and dry density of a soil. If wet density of a soil is 1.9 gm per cm at a moisture content of 24%, what will be its dry density?               (10)
Q.3 -  A retaining wall 5 m height is shown in the sketch. Density of the back fill is 1.9 T / m3 its angle of shear resistance is 30o and cohesion is zero. Work out the resultant earth pressure on the wall and its point of application.                      (20)

Group ‘’ E “
Q. 1    What is the method of calculation of flood discharge for a new flood opening?  What surveys will it require?  What formula will be used?                                     (10)
Q. 2 – How would you decide the water way required for a new flood opening after knowing the design discharge and the alignment and cross section of river. Explain by sketches. (10)
Q. 3 –  Make out a typical sketch of guide bunds for an important river. How do you calculate the width of apron for the guide bund? Give formulas used.                             (10)
Group “ F “
Q. 1 - State different types of chlorination processes available in Railway & market for disinfect ion of water. What type of chlorine used in the above different process. What do you understand by Residual Chlorine and how it is measured?                            (10)
Q.2 – There is a colony having 15 blocks of Type – II quarters, each block having 8 quarters. Make out a diagram of distribution pipelines from an overhead tank and up to the quarters. Showing diameter of pipeline in various sketches.                           (10)
Q.3 – Make out a dimension free hand sketch for a septic tank for 300 users, also indicating there in the disposal of affluent from the septic tank. Justify size of the septic tank by calculation.                                                                                                        (10)


Date:  11 – 02 – 1996                                         Time: 3 hours                              Marks:    150
Note – Each question carry 15 marks. Attempt 10 questions in all choosing at least 2 questions from each of the sections (a) (b) and (c). Reply to each question need not Exceed 2 pages.
Section “ A “
Q.1 – What are avoidable Rail fractures? List out preventive action and precautions that you will take to reduce rail fractures separately for fish plated zone and non-fish plated zone.
Q.2 – What are special precautions that you must take while maintaining LWR on CST-9 sleepers? Draw sketches showing ballast profiled for LWR on MBC and on CST-9 sleepers.
Q.3 – What are the causes of buckling of track in short welded Rails? What preventive measures, precautions would you take to prevention of buckling?
Q. 4 – Design super – elevation and transition length for a 30 curve on a ‘ B ‘ route with maximum permissible speed of 105 KMPH for passenger train and 65 KMPH for goods train permissible cant deficiency 75 mm.
Q. 5 – Draw neat sketches showing recommended formation width for bank and cutting for concrete sleeper track on B.G. as per latest guidelines of the Railway Board for double line. Side drain required in cutting should also be shown?
Q. 6 – Draw a sketch showing telescopic speed restriction required for deep screening work with BCM and duematic and location of speed restriction boards. The work is progressing on the double line against direction of traffic.
Q. 7 – Write notes on any two –
              i.        Working of CSMS in design mode.
             ii.        Preventive maintenance of track machines.
            iii.        Classification of spare parts required for track machines on the basis of their criticality. What are critical parts of a CSMS?
Q.8 – Make out a sketch of a typical PQRS train and explain field working of renewal with PQRS.
Section “ B “
Q.1 – List out various surveys carried out for a new line, in their order of precedence. Indicate type of drawings and estimates prepared in the preliminary survey.
Q.2 – Make out a dimensioned sketch showing temporary arrangements for rebuilding a 2 x 2.4 m. arch bridge with 1x 6m. PRC slab where height of formation is about 8 mt. Give reasons for choosing the length of temporary span. What will be the permissible speed on the arrangement during the period of rebuilding?
Q. 3 – 9 m. span steel girder on a double line section with bank of 6 m. is to be replaced with PRC girders. Explain with sketches methodology that you will adopt for this re-girdering on down line when 1 m. deep water is flowing in the bridge?
Q.4 – What are yard sticks for manning and up gradation of level crossing? What safety boards and at what distance are to be provided for road user and track for un manned level crossing?
Q.5 – What are rules for working of dip lorries and their protection arrangements on a single line section? Explain with sketches.
Q.6 – Make out a checklist of all elements of good drainage, sanitation and cleanliness in a residential colony that should be checked during the inspection.
Q. 7 – Reply any two of the following: -
    i.        What is grade compensation on curves? Why it is provided? What compensation will be provided for 1 in 100 gradient on 5-degree curve on BG line and what will be absolute gradient are on this compensation.
   ii.        What is a vertical curve? Why and where are they provided? What are stipulations in engineering code for them for B. G. Railway track?
  iii.        What are various classes of ODCs ? What precautions are to be taken for their movements? Who is the competent authority to sanction the movements of ODCs, of different classes?
Section “ C “
Q. 1 – Write notes on any two: -
                 i.        Urgency certificate.
                ii.        Deposit works.
               iii.        On account bills.
               iv.        Issue of tools and plants to contractors.
Q.2 – What are the various types of estimates prepared for Railway works? Essence in 5 lines for each one of them.
Q.3 - Write notes on any two: -
                 i.        Prevention of encroachment.
                ii.        Material at site account.
               iii.        Single   tender.
Q.4 - Write notes on any two: -
                 i.        Hours of employment regulations
                ii.        Major Penalties.
               iii.        Railway service conduct rules.
Q.5 – Under what demand of grant and sub – head the following expenditure will be booked (Reply any 7).
                 i.        Maintenance of water supply in a staff colony.
                ii.        Cleanliness of a station.
               iii.        Trial bore for water supply for a workshop.
               iv.        Survey for re modeling of a yard.
                v.        Salary of divisional officers.
               vi.        Maintenance of track machines.
              vii.        Casual renewal of fitting in a track.
             viii.        Replacing of rails and sleepers damaged in an accident.
               ix.        Track renewal.
                x.        Casual labours of bridge branch.
Q. 6 - Write notes on any two: -
                 i.        Compassionate appointment.
                ii.        Entitlement of MRCL.
               iii.        Permanent negotiating machinery.
Q.7 – Indicate steps that you will take to reduce unauthorised absenteeism of staff working under you also indicate 5 important steps that you will take to improve productivity of departmental labour.



Date  :  26  – 04 – 1997                                    Time  :   3 hours                            Marks :    150
Note -  1) Candidate should clearly write their roll number in words also.
            2) Attempt all questions in part ‘ A ‘.
            3) Be brief in your answers.
PART – I – General Knowledge and Hindi Policy
Q. 1 – Give the full form of –
           a) I.M.F.   b) U.S.F.D.  c) N.A.M.  d) UNICEF   e) CAD     (5 marks)
Q.2 – Name the following –
         a) The Prime Minister of UK.     b) Chairman Railway Board.
         c) Governor of the reserve Bank of India.
         d) Chief Election Commissioner of India.
         e) The Richest man in the World.                                  (5 marks)
Q.3 – Which sport do you associate the following with –
a)    Vishwanathan Anand  b) Leander Pace  c) Rahul Dravid  d) Pargat Singh   
                  e) Mohammed Ali                           (5 marks)
Q.4 – What is the Capital of –
         A) Bangladesh b) Gujrat   c) Tripura   d) Malaysia   e) Iran (5 marks)
Q.5 – Where are the following situated –
         a)  Jalianwala Bagh    b) Brindavan Gardens    c) Rail Coach Factory
         d) National Defence Academy      e) Eiffel tower            (5 marks)
Q.6 – Fill in the blanks –
                 i.        Water has the highest density at ............
                ii.        ........... is the lightest element.
               iii.        The first nuclear explosition in India took place at ..............
               iv.        ........... is the currency of Japan.
                v.        The S.I. unit of force is ..............                             (5 marks)
Q.7 - a) Who was the first Indian to receive the Noble Prize for Physics?
b)      Who is the author of the book “ The Golden Gate”?
c)      Name the Supreme Commander of the Armed Force of India.
d)      Which metal is found in liquid form at room temperature?
e)      Who was the first Indian to go into space?            (5 marks)
Q. 8 – State True or False –
                 i.        Solar eclipse occurs on full moon day.
                ii.        Sound travels faster in steel then in water.
               iii.        Diamond is harder than Granite.
               iv.        The sun never sets at the North Pole.
                v.        India gate is located in Mumbai.                    (5 marks)
Q. 9 – What are your obligation under sec. 3 (3) of the official Language Act?      (10 marks)
           What measure would you suggest to increases the use of?
           Rajbhsha (Hindi) in the day-to-day working of the Railways?                 (10 marks)
Q.1 – Write short notes on any four of the following –
                 i.        Elastic Limit.
                ii.        Residual Chlorine.
               iii.        Workability of Concrete.
               iv.        Optimum moisture content.
                v.        Self-Cleaning Velocity.
               vi.        Under reamed piles.
              vii.        Influence line diagram.                                     (4 x 5 marks)
Q. 2 – Design a footing for a rectangular column 500mm x 300mm to carry a vertical load of 8,000,000 N. The bearing capacity of the soil is 200 KN / m. Use M- 15 concrete. Take C = 5 N / mm, t = 140 N / mm and m = 18. Values not given may be assumed. (20 marks)
Q. 3 - a) Explain briefly the measures you will take to ensure quality of Concrete for a major bridge construction project.      (5 marks)
             b) What are the important considerations for deciding the depth of the foundation of a pier to be located in an alluvial river?                                                      (5 marks)
Q.  4 – a) A beam A B C with an overhang is simply supported at A & B, AB = 8 meters and BC = 2 meters. The beam   supports a Uniformly distributed load of 6 KN / m and a concentrated load  Of 28 KN at 3m from A. Calculating the bending moment and Shear force at a cross section located 5 m from A?                   (15 marks)
            b) What advantage can be derived by making a beam Continuous?           (5 marks)
Q. 5 - a) What is pressure filter and where will you recommend its Use?    (10 marks)
          b) What is the function of Alum Dosing in a filtration plant? (5 marks)
          c) What is a Venturimeter?                                   ( 5 marks )
Q. 6 - a) What do you understand by Aerobic and an- aerobic action?                      (5 marks)
          b) What is a septic tank? Draw a neat sketch for a septic tank for 100 users.  (15 marks)
Q. 7 – Write in brief the current specifications for any two of the
           following –
                 i.        Fine aggregate for concrete.
                ii.        First class bricks.
               iii.        Wood for framework.
               iv.        Distempering.
                v.        Water bound macadam road.                           (5 marks)
Q. 8 –  In a 16 m span truss, the bottom tie is subjected to a tensile force of 52.5 KN. The tie member is ISA60, 60,6. The welded construction is proposed to be adopted Design the gusset joint for the bottom tie. The properties of ISA60, 60,6 are A = 684mm, t = 6mm, Cy = 16.9mm, Fy = 250 N / mm. Any data not given may be assumed.      (20 marks)
Q. 9 – Answer any five of the following –               (4 x 5 marks)
                 i.        Define Poisson’s ratio.
                ii.        What is the function of Shear Connectors in a Composite girder?
               iii.        What is the importance of bond in R.C.C.?
               iv.        Which material would have higher modules of elasticity rubber or steel?
                v.        What is a Slender column?
               vi.        What do you understand by dynamic augment?


Date:  27 – 04 – 1997                                 Time: 3 hours                                     Marks:    150
Note - 1) Candidate should clearly write their roll number in words also.
          2) a) Attempt question No. 1 and any other two, questions from Part ‘ A ‘.
               b) Attempt any five questions from Part ‘B’. All questions carry Equal marks.
           3) Be brief in your answers.


Q. 1 – Write short notes on any five of the following –
           i.        Depreciation Reserve fund.              ii.     Urgency Certificate.
          iii.       Single tender.                                   iv.    Material modification.
           v.       Qualifying service.                            vi.    D.C.R.G.
  vii.    Commutation of Pension.                                     (5 x 4 = 20)
Q.2 -a) What are the circumstances under which a railway servant can be placed under suspension?                                                                     (8)
            b) State the circumstances under which an employer is liable to pay compensation to a workman under Workmen’s Compensation Act.                        (7)
Q.3 –a) How does the parliament exercise control over Railways Finances?                 (5)
             b) What are main reasons for excess / over expenditure in Railways? What are you suggestions to keep the expenditure under control?                                  (10)
Q.4 - a) Describe in brief the procedure to terminate a works contract. (10)
         b) What are the service conditions of a casual labour?             (5)

Part B – Professional

Q.1 –  a) Why there are restrictions on taking LWR through girder    bridges?    (5)
           b) What precautions will you take to avoid buckling of track in LWR section?      (8)
Q. 2 – Write short notes on any four of the following –
                i.       Cant deficiency.                                  
               ii.       Cold weather patrolling.
              iii.       Building cost index.
             iv.       OMS – 2000
              v.       ETKM
             vi.       Elastomeric bearings.
            vii.       Ruling gradient.
           viii.       Final location survey.                                                 (4 x 5 = 20)
Q. 3 – a) what is cumulative frequency diagram?                             (5)
           b) A curve on a B.G. section has to be laid with a radius of 875 m. Actual cant to be provided is 100mm and maximum cant deficiency of 75mm is permitted. Determine the maximum permissible speed and desirable length of transition.            (15)
Q. 4 – a) What aspects you will check while inspecting a 3 x 18.3m girder bridge. Sub – structure is of mass concrete and the river has a non-corrodible bed.           (12)
             b) A stone masonry arch bridge 1 x 3.05 m has developed a transverse crack near the crown. What action will you take to rehabilitate the bridge?                            (8)
Q. 5 – What are the duties of an Assistant Engineer in charge of an open line sub- division? Give the prescribed schedule of his inspection on central Railway.                     (20)
Q. 6 –a) Draw out a checklist of all-important elements for inspection of a residential colony.
          b) What steps will you take to ensure that good quality water is supplied at railway stations and for staff quarters?                             (10)
Q.7 – a) Describe the construction of a 6.0 m high embankment with soil requiring mechanical compaction.                                    (15)
           b) What do you understand by Bulk age factor and Shrinkage allowance?             (5)
Q. 8 – a) What are the works for which CRS’s prior sanction is necessary before their commencement?                                            (5)
            b) Write a short note on mechanical relaying of track with concrete sleepers.    (15)


Date  :  12   – 06 – 1999                          Time  :   3 hours                             Max. Marks :    150
Note -  1) Candidate should clearly write their roll number in words also.
            2) Attempt all questions in part  I .  
                 Attempt any five questions in Part II.
                 All questions carry equal marks.
            3) Be brief in your answers.
PART – I – General Knowledge and Hindi Policy
Q. 1 – Give the full form of -                                                     ( 5 marks )
           ( a )  R.A.W.     ( b ) U.N.E.S.C.O.     ( c ) S.P.C.A.      ( d )  G.A.T.T.     ( e )  N.T.P.C. 
Q. 2 – Name of the following -                                                   ( 5 marks )
a)    Chairman, Planning Commission.
b)    Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission.
c)    Secretary General , U.N.O.
d)    Chief Election Commissioner.
e)    Supreme Commander of Armed Forces of India . 
Q. 3 – What is Capital of -                                                         ( 5 marks )
           ( a ) Mizoram , ( b ) Arunachal Pradesh ,   ( c ) Norway ,   ( d ) Thailand ,   ( e ) Mauritius .
Q. 4 – What sport do you associate the following with ?            ( 5 marks )
           ( a ) Dingko Singh , ( b ) Mahesh Bhupati , ( c ) Robin Singh , ( d ) Geet Sethi ,
           ( e ) Jyotirmoyee Sikdar  
Q. 5 - In the answer sheet, write the correct answer in the form of ( a ) ,     ( b ) ,   ( c ) , .... etc. for each of the following.                 ( 20 marks )
          ( i ) Which of the following sports personalities received the Rajiv Khel   Ratan Award 1998 ?
a)      Sachin tendulkar.
b)      Leander Paes.
c)      K. Malleshwari.
d)      Limba Ram.
e)      Vishwanathan Anand.
          ( ii ) Which of the following is not a programming language of computer ?
                   ( a ) BASIC    ( b ) FORTRAN     ( c ) LASER    ( d ) PASCAL       
                   ( e ) All are programming languages .
          ( iii ) Prof. Amratya Sen, who was awarded the 1998 Nobel Prize has contributed to which of the following fields?
                   ( a ) PHYSICS    ( b ) CHEMISTRY     ( c ) MEDICINE             ( d ) WORLD PEACE
                   ( e ) ECONOMICS
          ( iv )  OLYMPICS 2004 is to be held in –
                   ( a ) JOHANNESBERG ( b ) CAPE TOWN ( c )  ROME ( d ) SYDNEY
                   ( e ) None of these.
          ( v )  The currency of the proposed European Monetary Union is –
                   ( a ) DOLLAR     ( b ) EURO      ( c ) GUILDER     ( d ) MARK   ( e ) None of these.
          ( vi )  The city, which has been given the name of Silicon Valley of India , is in which State   ( a ) Karnataka   ( b ) Kerala  ( c ) Maharashtra  ( d ) Haryana
          ( vii )  India is the largest producer of –
                   ( a ) MICA    ( b ) COAL      ( c ) TIN      ( d ) LEAD  
          ( viii ) Which of the following crops has most dispersed distribution in India ?
                   ( a ) COFFEE      ( b ) COTTON      ( c ) JUTE       ( d ) TEA  
          ( ix ) The Dandi March was the Satyagraha against –
                   ( a ) Untouchability      ( b ) Salt Tax     ( c ) Prohibition  ( d ) Child marriage 
          ( x ) Who among the following remarked that “Swaraj is my birth- right and I shall have it “
                 ( a ) Dadabhai Nauroji    ( b ) Aurobindo Ghosh               ( c ) Gopal Krishna Gokhale
                 ( d ) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
          ( xi.)  The soil with poor water- holding capacity is –
                   ( a ) SILT       ( b ) CLAY       ( c ) SAND         ( d ) LOAM
           ( xii ) The latest Magsaysay Award winner from India is –
                    ( a ) B. G. Varghese  (  b ) Kiran Bedi  ( c ) T. N. Seshan  ( d ) M. S. Swaminathan
           ( xiii ) The filament of an electric bulb is made of –
                    ( a ) COPPER  ( b ) SOFT IRON       ( c ) CAST IRON       ( d ) TUNGSTEN 
           ( xiv ) The acid used in car battery is –
                    ( a ) Hydrochloric acid     ( b ) Boric acid     ( c ) Sulphuric acid   ( d ) Carbonic acid.
           ( xv ) A characteristic gas smells near unclean public urinals. Which is this gas?
                    ( a ) Ammonia   ( b ) Chloride    ( c ) Sulpher dioxide      ( d ) Carbon monoxide  
           ( xvi ) Which of the following is a result of surface tension?
                    ( a ) Gravitational pull  ( b ) Viscosity   ( c ) Capillary action   ( d ) Radiation
           ( xvii )The first session of the Indian National Congress was held at –
                    ( a ) Bombay ( Mumbai )  ( b ) Delhi    ( c ) Calcutta   ( d ) Madras ( chennai )
           ( xviii ) Deccan Trap areas in Western India Largely have –
                     ( a ) Alluvial soil  ( b ) Black soil  ( c ) Red soil ( d ) Laterite soil
           ( xix ) The natural wax and lac are obtained as –
                     ( a ) Petroleum products                  ( b ) Resins of forest Plants
                     ( c ) Byproducts of Sugar Industry  ( d ) Insect secretions 
           ( xx ) Ist  December of every year is observed to mark –
                     ( a ) World Habitat day       ( b ) Universal Children’s day
                     ( c ) World AIDS day          ( d ) Anniversary of United Nations.
Q. 6 – In how many regions has country been divided under the Official Language Act ?
                                                                                                                               ( 5 marks )
Q. 7 – What are your obligations under sec. 3 (3) of the Official Language Act ?    ( 5 marks )
Q. 1 – ( a ) What Leveling instruments are being used in Railway ? What are the Permanent adjustment in a Dumpy Level, How are they done? ( 10 )
           ( b ) In running fly level from a bench mark of  RL 375. 655, the  Following reading were obtained -                                                    
             Back sight : - 0.964 , 1.632 , 1.105 , 0.850 , 0.369 . 
             Fore Sight  -  0.948  , 1.953 , 1.184 , 1.125 . 
             From the last position of the instrument, five Pegs at an interval of 10 m. are to be set up on a uniform gradient of 1: 60. The first peg is to have 365.00. Work out the staff reading required for setting out the top of pegs on the given gradient and enter the results in a level book form?  ( 10 )
Q. 2 - Draw Shear Force and Bending Moment diagram for the following beam configuration.
                                                                                                                               (  20 marks )
 Q. 3 - A rectangular beam section 400 mm width and 650 mm deep is reinforced with 4 x 20 mm dia. Tension bars, center line of bars from the bottom of the beam is 50 mm. determine stress induced in top compression fiber of concrete and in steel for a bending moment of 60 KNM. Concrete is of M 20 grade?                ( 20 marks )   
Q. 4 – ( a ) Explain by sketch the working of NEERI type latrine. What are the merits and demerits compared to Aqua privy?       ( 8 marks )
             ( b ) Give a typical cross section of a manhole in a sewarage scheme at the intersection of two sections, 5 m deep from the ground level.     (  8  )      
             ( c ) What is self cleansing velocity.                          ( 4 marks )
Q. 5 – Explain any four of the following, with relevant formula, wherever necessary?  
             ( i ) Afflux   ( ii ) Foundation design discharge  ( iii ) Hydraulic Jump  
             ( iv ) Grip length for the foundation of a bridge
             ( v ) Quick sand effect        ( vi ) Economic span of a bridge .   ( 4 x 5 marks )
Q.6 - ( a ) What are different methods of chlorination available for disinfection of water ? Indicate the form of chlorine used in each of them.  ( 6 marks )
         ( b ) What do you mean by and how do you check residual chlorine ?         ( 4 marks )
          ( c ) There is a Railway Colony of 500 type quarters, source of water is from a tube-well 800 m away . The colony is 10 m higher than the ground at source . Tube – well is 60 m deep . Design water supply system with a High Service Tank .        ( 10 marks )
Q. 7 -  ( a ) Explain the Unit hydrograph Method for estimation of peak flood discharge in a river.
                                                                                                                              ( 8 marks )
           ( b ) Draw neat sketches of the following -                  ( 3 x 4 marks )
                   ( i ) Typical cross section of BG track  where  soil  stabilisation
                         has been carried out on BC soil .
                   ( ii ) Joint of a parapet wall and a roof slab on the terrace .
                   ( iii ) Cross section of a deep well foundation on sand .
                   ( iv ) Water – proofing with Indian Patent Stone .
Q. 8 – The piers and abutments of a bridge come rising 5 x 30.5 m span girders are ready. How would you organise launching the girders ? Give details including sketches, with the requirements of tools & equipment and manpower etc. the girder material are being received from CWM Manmad.                              ( 20 marks )   
Q. 9 -  ( a ) What are the advantages and disadvantages of welding in fabrication of steel structures ?                                ( 4 marks )
              ( b ) Calculate the size of weld required for the welded bracket loaded as shown in figure blow .                               ( 16 marks )
Take allowable shear stress in weld as 1025 kg / cm2.


Date:  13 – 06 – 1999                                         Time: 3 hours                      Marks:    150
Note - 1) Candidate should clearly write their roll number in words also.
           2) Be brief in your answers.
           3) Blank space in answer sheet should be crossed.
( Attempt question No. 1 and any other two, questions from  Part ‘ A ‘.)
Q. 1 – Write short notes on any five of the following –  ( 5 x 4 = 20 marks )
           ( a ) Canons of financial propriety.     ( b ) Hours of Employment Regulations.     
           ( c ) Draft Paras.       ( d ) Late and delayed tenders.                ( e ) Pink Book .
           ( f ) Railway Service Conduct Rules .           ( g ) DCRG      ( h ) Qualifying service.
Q. 2 -  ( a ) Describe the procedure to rescind a Works contract. ( 6 marks )
           ( b ) Describe in brief the various types of Engineering estimates.       ( 9 marks )
Q. 3 -  ( a ) What are the main provisions of the Payment of Wages Act? What are the permissible deductions under this Act?   (8 marks)
           ( b ) What procedure is to be followed to remove a PWI Gr. III from service under D & A Rules?                                        ( 7 marks )
Q. 4 – Distinguish between any three of the following – ( 5 x 3 = 15 marks )  
            ( a ) Earnest Money and security deposit.
            ( b ) General Conditions of Contract and Special Conditions of Contract.
            ( c ) Developmental Fund and Depreciation Reserve Fund.
             ( d ) Final Modification and Material Modification.   
( Attempt Question No. 1 and any other four questions from Part B )
Q. 1 – Answer briefly the following with sketches where necessary.   ( 20 x 2 = 40 marks )
                 i.        What should be the maximum difference in height between running rail and guard rail on a girder bridge?
                ii.        What is the spacing of trolly refugee on ballasted deck bridges?
               iii.        What are the ‘d Special’ and ‘B special’ routes on C. Rly.? 
               iv.        What is the spacing of distance pieces on track adjacent to platforms?
                v.        What is the maximum value of Cant excess and cant deficiency on BG for speeds more than 100 kmph?
              vi.        In Which month gap survey on SWP should be done and under what weather conditions should it be done?
              vii.        What is the height of speed indicator board from rail level?
             viii.        At what distance, speed breakers should be provided on unmanned level crossing?
               ix.        What is the minimum permissible radius of curve and steepest permissible grade on which LWR can be laid?
                x.        What should be the minimum distance of SEJ from a girder Bridge on which LWR can not be carried through?
              xi.        On LWR track, in what temperature range, maintenance of track can be done? What action should be taken if the temperature exceeds the prescribed range, after the maintenance operations.
              xii.        Where distressing of LWR is required to be done?
             xiii.        Where is ‘hot weather’ and ‘cold weather’ patrolling started on LWR track?
            xiv.        In need-based concept of USFD testing, what will be the frequency of testing in the following cases?
    ( a ) Group ‘B’ route  - Annual GMT 16.
    ( b ) Group ‘D’ route – Annual GMT 10, during previous testing 17 REM defects were noticed over a length of 10 km.
             xv.        In need-based concept of USFD testing, what action should be taken when a ‘REM rail or Defective weld is detected?
            xvi.        What is the minimum radius of vertical curve on A & B routes?
           xvii.        What are the Railway Affecting Works?
          xviii.        For what purpose are the following track machines used?    ( a ) CSM     ( b ) FRM       ( c ) DTS      ( d ) BCM
            xix.        What are ‘Buffer rail’? Where are they used?
             xx.        Draw a sketch showing telescopic speed restrictions required for deep – screening work with BCM and duomatic and location of speed restriction boards. The work is progressing on up line against the direction of traffic.
Q. 2 – Explain briefly, with comparative assessment, any three of the following –  (3 x 5 marks)
                         i.       Licensing and leasing of Railway land.
                        ii.       Major bridge and Important bridge.
                       iii.       Flash butt welding and Thermit welding.
                       iv.       Rocker and Roller bearings.
                        v.       Slip siding and catch siding.
Q. 3 ( a ) What are the items of work requiring the sanction of CRS? ( 6 + 9 marks)
       ( b ) Describe the procedure for obtaining sanction of CRS for rebuilding of 4 m arch bridge.
Q. 4 – Write short Notes on any three of the following -          (3 x 5 marks)
           ( a ) Danger Level and High flood level in an important bridge.  ( b ) Measurement Book
           ( c ) Limited Tenders    ( d ) Building Cost Index    ( e ) Tree plantation in your section.
           ( f ) Chamfering of Rail holes.
Q. 5 – What are the various types of surveys? Explain the procedure for conducting final location survey in case of doubling of a section consisting of 3 block sections. Indicate the type of drawings and estimates prepared after the survey.         (15 marks)
Q. 6 – ( a ) Budget for maintenance of service buildings is very tight these days. Describe the procedure you would adopt to maintain service buildings within available funds to ensure long life and functional usefulness of service buildings.            (10 marks)
            ( b ) Why roofs of the buildings leak? What are the different methods you would adopt to repair leaking roofs?                          (5 marks)
Q. 7 – What are the functions of track ballast? Why it is important to have clean ballast in the track? What would be the procedure for manual deep – screening in LWR track?  (15)
Q. 8 – ( a ) How can the incidence of rail and weld fractures under traffic be reduced? (6 marks)
           ( b ) What could lead to buckling of track, both under LWR and SWR? What precautions should be taken to prevent this, in both such tracks?                (9 marks) 
Q. 9 - Write short Notes on any three of the following -          (3 x 5 marks)           
          ( i ) Zero Based Budget. ( ii ) Procedure for passing road traffic at manned level crossing
                Gate. ( iii ) Off track tampers .     ( iv ) Annual review of Gang strength.
          ( v ) Directed Building Maintenance.  ( vi ) R. H. Girder .  ( vii ) Submerged Arc Welding.
          ( viii ) Grade Compensation on Curves.           ( ix ) TGI

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Q Bank - Establishment / Personnel Dept. (82) Q Bank - Electrical Engineering (80) Q Bank - OS / Clerk / Typist (72) Q B Engg (P Way & Work) (67) Q BANK - Operating (63) Group 'B' Exam (60) Q Bank - APO ( Asst. Personnel Officer) (57) QUESTION BANK WITH ANSWER (55) Q B Establishment (48) Q Bank - Goods Guards (45) Q Bank - OHE/TRD/PSI (36) Q B - CIVIL ENGINEERING (AEN) (27) Q B - Welfare Inspector (27) Q BANK - C & W ( Carriage & Wagon ) (26) Q Bank - Account (24) Q BANK - LOCO (23) Q BANK Exam - Station Master (23) Q Bank - Commercial (22) Q Bank - AOM (19) Q BANK - Station Master (18) Q Bank - S & T (14) 1. Syllabus (13) Q Bank - D & AR (Discipline and Appeals Rule) (12) Q Bank - Medical (12) Q Bank - Posts (Civil Engineering & P way) Dept (12) 2. Q Bank - Group D To C (11) INDEX (11) QB - ENGINEERING ( MECHANICAL ) (11) Q Bank - LOCO (Diesel) (9) Q Bank - ACM (Assistant Commercial Manager) (9) Q BANK - Jr Engineer ( Diesel Mechanical ) (8) Q BANK - LOCO (AC) (8) Q Bank - Law Assistant (8) Q Bank - AME/AWM (7) Q Bank - Group D To C (6) Q Bank - General Knowledge (5) Q Bank - Publicity Inspector (5) Q Bank - Rajbhasha (राजभाषा) (5) Q Bank - Stores (5) RRB EXAM (5) NTPC (4) Q Bank - ADSTE / ASTE (4) Q Bank - AEE (4) Q Bank - CLI (4) Question & Answer (4) Q Bank - Appointment On Compassionate Ground Exam (3) Q Bank - Commercial Instructor Exam (3) Q Bank - Engineering (Bridge) (3) Q Bank - IT (3) Q Bank - Protocol Inspector (3) Q Bank - RPF Department (3) Short Notes (3) Q BANK - Jr Engineer ( Mechanical ) (2) Q Bank - C & M (2) Q Bank - CCTC (2) Q Bank - Carpenter (2) Q Bank - General English (2) Q Bank - Jr Engineer (Tele) (2) Q Bank - Ministerial Staff (2) Q Bank - Track Machine (2) Q Bank -Section Controler (2) Video (2) ABB (1) FAQ (1) GDCE Exam (1) IRMS (Indian Railway Management Service (1) JUNIOR ENGINEER (Non -AC) GRADE - II (1) Minimum Wages Act (1) Project & Planning (1) Q BANK & Answer - C & W ( Carriage & Wagon ) (1) Q BANK - Shunting Master (1) Q Bank - Instructor (1) Q Bank - AMM (1) Q Bank - All Department (1) Q Bank - Ballast Train Checker (1) Q Bank - Complaints Inspector (1) Q Bank - GK (Computer) (1) Q Bank - Leave Rule (1) Q Bank - Mason (1) Q Bank - Maths (1) Q Bank - NPS (New Pension Scheme) (1) Q Bank - OS / Clerk Typist (1) Q Bank - Pass Rule (1) Q Bank - Planning Inspector (1) Q Bank - Railway (GK) (1) Q Bank - Stenographer (1) Q Bank - Technician (Ele) (1) Q Bank - Traffic Costing Inspector (1) Question Bank - Technicians of TLAC Group. (1) Short Notes - Establishment (1) Short Notes - Operating / Traffic (1)