Question Paper - Complaints Inspector (ex-cadre post) exam Date 10.05.2011

Selection for the post of Complaints Inspector (ex-cadre)

Date of examination: 10.05.2011

Time: 3 hours (10.00-13.00 hrs.)
 Total marks: 100

Part-1 (50 marks)

(1) Expand the following: 5 x2=10

(a) CVC

(b) SPE


(d) CRIS

(e) RCF

(2) Choose the correct answer: 5 x 2 =10

(a) Tamilnadu comes under which one of the region under Official Language:

(i) A

(ii) B

(iii) C

(iv) D

(b) Under RTI, every PIO will be liable for fine of Rupees ................ per day for knowingly giving incomplete, incorrect, misleading information.

(i) Rs.2500

(ii) Rs.250

(iii) Rs. 1000

(iv) Rs.300

(c) Office staff are classified as ................ under HOER.

(i) excluded

(ii) intensive

(iii) continuous

(iv) no classification

(d) The "LONG ON" in the case of continuous worker is:

(i) over 10 hours

(ii) over 8 hours

iii) over 12 hours

(iv) 10 hours

(e) A self propelled vehicle used for repairs in OHE is:

(i) Tower wagon

(ii) Ladder Trolley

(iii) Moped Trolley

(iv) Cycle Trolley

(3) Write YES or NO: 5 x 2 = 10

(a) Length of a BG ICF coach is 21.337 metres

(b) Maximum speed of BG 8 wheeler Tower wagon in 100 kmph

(c) Public Grievance Cell function under the control of SDGM

(d) Entries in Registers / Service Books in Central Govt. offices located in "A" and "B" regions are required to be made in Hindi.

(e) Free allowance on First 'Al pass is 70 kgs.

(4) Fill in the blanks: 10 x 2 = 20

(a) Hajipur is the Headquarters of ---- Railway

(b) RTI Act came into force from ............... (dd/mm/yy)

(c) The official language of Arunachal Pradesh is ..........

(d) The highest Officer-in-charge of Commercial in Railway Board is .........

(e) The post-retirement passes for minimum 25 years of service for Group 'A' and 'B' is ............

(f) The maximum time for giving Information under RTI is .......... hours for Information concerning the life and property of a person.

(g) The 'Hindi Day' is celebrated every year on ............. (dd/mm)

(h) Maximum joining time allowed on Transfer account is ............. days.

(i) When 'C' class ISMD is to be moved, sanction of ........... is required.

(j) "Short off" in the case of "Continuous" category is less than ........... hours.

Part-II 5 marks

Write short notes on the usage of Hindi in Commercial department at Divisional level.

Part-III 3 x 15 45 marks

Answer any THREE of the following:

1. How stations are classified for provision of Passenger Amenities ? What are the amenities that are to be provided at a Class "A" station?

2. Railway is not only a Commercial organization, but also a Public Utility concern-Discuss.

3. What are the different sources of Complaints received in Railways? When received, how they are dealt with? Explain in detail until the File is closed.

4. To reduce Passenger Complaints, what are your suggestions for improvements in passenger interface area?

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