Question & Answer - Traffic Accounts Set -1

Question & Answer - Traffic Accounts Set -1

1 Q) The Duties of TIAs are of such nature that calls for the

A) Special initiative

B) Vigilance

C) Tact & Watchful ness

D) All of the above

Answer : D

2 Q) The TIAs should pay attention while checking the records of Stations that

A) The returns submitted by the Stations to the Accounts office have been correctly prepared

B) The figures furnished are in accordance with the initial documents and maintained efficiently and relied upon and used as evidence in a court of law

C) Both (A) & (B) are correct

D) Both (A) & (B) are not correct

Answer : C

3 Q) The TIAs are responsible to check and exercise

A) Acritical check over the transactions as recorded in the initial records which do not come under the purview of Accounts Office check.

B) Take initiative, show dedication, constant effort and be on the alert to trace any fraud

C) Both (A) & (B) are correct

D) Both (A) & (B) are not correct

Answer : C

4 Q) Choose Correct Answer: As advisors at stations, the TIAs are also responsible to

A) Provide reasonable assistance/guidance to the station staff by way of clarifications and interpretation of rules and regulations

B) The duties of Accounts Inspectors are solely to find fault and not to educate, instruct and help staff towards better performance

C) Both (A) & (B) are correct

D) Both (A) & (B) are not correct

Answer : A

5 Q) To carry out checks by TIAs, which include Train Checks, Surprise Inspections of Stations, Goods Depots, Sidings etc., the TIA should carry

A) Checking Authority Card

B) Identity Card issued by AO

C) Checking Authority cum Identity Card

D) Permission letter from the respective HOD

Answer : C

6 Q) The TIAs are expected to work not less than hours a day, time.

A) 6 Hours a Day: No scheduled travelling

B) 8 Hours a Day: No scheduled travelling

C) 6 Hours a Day: Excluding travelling

D) 8 Hours a Day: Including travelling

Answer : B

7 Q)TIAs are required to maintain Showing the movement of work done and forecast of movements for the next period and the advice in prescribed format sent to HO not later than the beginning day of the succeeding week.

A) Movement Register
B) Field Book
C) Journal of Movement
D) Advice of Movements

Answer : C

8 Q) The Rules regarding charging of Wharfage and Demurrage Charges on Coaching Traffic, PCEV etc., are dealt in
A) IRCA Coaching Tariff Part | Vol.III
B) IRCA Coaching Tariff Part Il
Cc) IRCA Coaching Tariff Part III
D) IRCA Coaching Tariff Part IV

Answer : A

9 Q) contains the calculated rounded off fares for passenger trains for different classes for distances upto 5000KM, and beyond 5000KM, Station to Station fares for Rajdhani, Shatabdi etc.
A) IRCA Coaching Tariff Part |
B) IRCA Coaching Tariff Part II
C) IRCA Coaching Tariff Part III
D) IRCA Coaching Tariff Part IV

Answer : B

10 Q) contains various parcel rates VIZ / scales R,P & S upto 5000KMs. These rates are shown for 10 KG and multiples of 10 KG

A) IRCA Coaching Tariff Part |
B) IRCA Coaching Tariff Part Il
Cc) IRCA Coaching Tariff Part III
D) IRCA Coaching Tariff Part IV
Answer : C

11 Q) This is a common publication for Coaching and Goods Traffic containing detailed Rules for acceptance, booking , Carriage and delivery of all explosives and other dangerous goods

A) IRCA Coaching Tariff
B) IRCA Coaching Tariff - Special Items
C) IRCA Goods Tariff - Special Items
D) IRCA Red Tariff
Answer : D

12 Q) As per the rules under IRCA Goods Tariff Part | Vol. II, a commodity which cannot be placed in any of the main commodity heads given in the Goods tariff, shall be charged

A) At the highest Class
B) At the Lowest Class
C) At Special Rate fixed by Zonal Railway
D) As per Rates communicated by Railway Board from time time

Answer : A

13 Q) contains freight rates per tonne for different class of commodities for distances up to 5000KMs. In the Annexure |, freight rates for selected commodities per tone is given approximately for distances 500,1000 & 1500Km. In the Annexure II indicative freight rate for one rake for different type of commodities were given.

A) IRCA Goods Tariff Part | .Vol.1

B) IRCA Goods Tariff Part Il

C) IRCA Goods Tariff Part III

D) IRCA Goods Tariff Part IV

Answer : B

14 Q) book contains special rules, rates and conditions for the conveyance of explosives
and dangerous goods belonging to military department.

A) IRCA Military Tariff Vol.|
B) IRCA Military Tariff Vol. II
C) IRCA Military Tariff Vol .III
D) IRCA Military Tariff Vol. IV

Answer : B

15 Q) is published by the Railway Board and contains rules connected with Coaching traffic, booking and carriage of animals, birds, Railway’s monetary liability and prescription of percentage charge and levy of various charges etc., with procedures for performing day to day work at stations.

A) Commercial Manual Vol.|

B) Commercial Manual Vol.II

C) Indian Railway Code for Traffic Department

D) Indian Railway Accounts Code Vol.II

Answer : A

16 Q) As per the Schedule of Inspections TIAs are required to inspect ‘A’ Class Stations once in every___ covering total __in a financial year.
A) Four Months : Three Inspections
B) Three Months : Four Inspections
Cc) Six Months : Two Inspections
D) Four Months : Four Inspections

Answer : A

17 Q) As per the Schedule of Inspections TIAs are required to inspect ‘B’ Class Stations once in every— half year ending covering total in a financial year.

A) Four Months : Three Inspections
B) Three Months : Six Inspections
C) Six Months : Two Inspections
D) Four Months : Four Inspections

Answer : C

18 Q) As per the Schedule of Inspections TIAs are required to inspect ‘C’ Class Stations once in every— covering total in a financial year.

A) Four Months : Three Inspections

B) Two Months : Six Inspections

C) Six Months : Two Inspections

D) Four Months : Four Inspections

Answer : B

19 Q) As per the Schedule of Inspections TIAs are required to inspect ‘D’ Class Stations once in every— covering total in a financial year.

A) Four Months : Three Inspections
B) Three Months : Four Inspections
C) Six Months : Two Inspections
D) Month : Twelve Inspections

Answer : D

20 Q) Statement (A): TIAs should confine to verification of initial records at stations and examination of the Accounts. Statement (B):At times TIAs are responsible for compilation of accounts, collection of cash, issue of tickets and other allied works at stations.

A) Statement (A) is Correct
B) Statement (B) is Correct
C) Statements (A) & (B) are Correct
D) Statements (A) & (B) are not Correct

Answer : A

21 Q) Statement (A): 
The nature and object of check exercised by the TIA on station accounts demands that his visits to the station should contain an element of surprise. 
Statement (B):
The TIA should give intimation to the station staff of dates of their Impending inspection either on regular or on surprise.

A) Statements (A) & (B) are Correct

B) Statement (B) is Correct

C) Statements (A) & (B) are not Correct

D) Statement (A) is Correct

Answer : D

22 Q) During the investigation of a fraud at stations, if it is suspected that any tampering of record is contemplated, the TIA has —————relating to case and can take the record with him enquiry by issuing a————— to custodian and other officials.

A) authority to impound certain or whole record : ‘Seizure Memo’
B) authority to impound certain or whole record : acknowledgement
C) to take a recorded statement : memo
D) no authority to impound certain or whole record : letter to the commercial department

Answer : A

23 Q) The final report of fraud investigated by TIA should contain inter-alia___ showing the amount separately under each head of irregularity.

A) Statement of Charge
B) Statement of Loss
C) Statement of Responsibility of Staff
D) Statement of modus operandi

Answer : B

24 Q) Every Book, register or return inspected should be initialled in RED INK and dated by the inspecting TIA, whether there has been any transaction or not since last inspection. Purpose of itis known as

A) Transaction Check
B) Objective Check
Cc) Evidence of check
D) Token of verification

Answer : C

25 Q) Statement (A):
 While investigating the fraud, TIA should be careful to record the evidence completely and in such a way as to with stand the test of cross examination. 
Statement (B):
The TIA should not make any statement either orally or in writing to the Commercial/
Vigilance/RPF/Police authorities, if and when asked, without the express permission from

A) Statement (A) is Correct

B) Statement (B) is Correct

C) Statements (A) & (B) are Correct

D) Statements (A) & (B) are not Correct

Answer : C

26 Q) For the efficient discharge of duties every Inspector should maintain a...... and ....n which he should note every day the station inspected and a brief record of work done with particulars required for the Report

A) Field Note Book : Diary
B) Rough Note Book : Movement Register
C) Rate Advice : Diary
D) Field Note Book : Rate advice
Answer : A

27 Q) (A)Station Inspection Report should be made in 2 parts. Part I, a special report should cover areas other than those of prescribed check, dealing with procedural or administrative lapses and irregularities. 

(B)Part II deals with the report on prescribed check of Coaching and Goods Accounts of stations as per the prescribed formats

A) Statements (A) & (B) are Correct
B) Statements (A) & (B) are not Correct
C) Statement (A) is Correct
D) Statement (B) is Correct

Answer : C

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