Question Paper – AWM (Assistant Works Manger) Group “B” 23.04.2022


Date: 23.04.2022 Maximum                                              Marks: 100

 Time:3.00 hrs

Answer any five questions. Question No 1(ONE) is compulsory. Each question carries equal marks. Answer should be brief and to the point.

1.  You have been appointed as the in-charge for wheel/axle shop. What are the initiatives that you would plan in order to increase productivity, reduce downtime, improve safe working and ensure better quality? You can answer either for wheel shop or axle shop. The answer should detail your initiatives and their practical implementation to bring qualitative and quantitative improvement. (20 Marks)

2. What are the responsibilities of an officer who reaches the accident site first? Answer this question with reference to an open-line accident involving a mail-express train. Assume that you are the senior most officer available on site.  (20 Marks)

3. Write short notes on: (20 Marks-5 marks each)

a. Databases

b. Operating System

c. Microprocessor

d. Local Area Network

4. Write short notes on the following heat treatment process at RWF: (20 marks-5 Marks each)

a. Wheel Shop-Normalizing Furnace

b. Wheel Shop-Draw Furnace

c. Axle Shop-Rotary Hearth Furnace

d. Axle Shop-Quenching of Loco Axles

5. Describe the entire process of purchase of (20 Marks- 10 marks each)

a. Maintenance Spare-Solenoids worth a total of Rs. 2 Lakhs through a non-stock indent

b. Stocking application for a foundry consumable which will have an annual consumption worth Rs. 1 crore rupees per year

6. Describe the entire process for proposing the following under M&P: (20 Marks-10 Marks each)

a. A new drilling Machine worth Rs. 75 Lakhs

b. A new Axle Forge Complex worth Rs. 300 Crores

7. Answer the following questions about machine tools: (20 Marks- 5 Marks each)

a. What do you understand by the term machine tool?

b. Take any example of a machine tool, draw a rough sketch and indicate its major components

c. How are conventional machine tools different from CNC machine tools?

d. Explain the use of importance of machining centres in modern manufacturing setups like RWF

8. What do you understand by CLW pattern and Group Incentive scheme? Explain the process of incentive calculation at RWF in terms of the RITES Incentive Study of 2019. (20 Marks)

9. Explain the manufacturing of cast wheels in RWF, starting from scrap to Final Processing along with quality checks at each stage. (20 Marks)

10. Explain the process of manufacture of WAG-9 axle in RWF, starting from the billet cutting to final machining in Axle Shop along with quality checks at each stage. (20 Marks)

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