Question Bank & Answer - Operating / Traffic - PART - 13 - Short Notes


 Write Short Notes

1. Calling on signal.

2.  Symptoms of Roller bearing hot axle..

3 . Objectives of Disaster management.

4. Serious Accident .

5. Semi Automatic signal.

6 . Automatic signal .

7.  Essential of Absolute Block System.
8.  Importance of Tail lamp / Tail Board.

9. Amount of minimum air pressure in Engine and Brake van of Passenger train.

10. Minimum amount of Air pressure in Engine and Brake van of Goods train.

11.  Shunting precautions of passenger train.

12.  Shunting rules on gradient station.

13.  Stabling the load at road side station.

14.  Clearing stable load from road side station.

15. Differences between Warner and Distant signals

16.  Differences between Calling on and Shunt signals.

17. Difference between catch and slip sidings

18. Vehicle Guidance.

19 .Authority to proceed.

20. Protection of Train when train stopped in block section.

21.  Duties of Guard regarding punctuality.

22 . What is IBS and how to pass it at ON position?

23. Personal store of Guard.

24. Personal store of Loco Pilot .

25. Symptoms of Plain bearing Hot axle

26. Averted collision.

27. Shunting rules and precautions.

28 . Lock and Block System and how it is assist to Absolute Block system.

29. Marshaling of Goods train.

30. Duties of Guard and LP in case of Hot Axle .

31.  Duties/related to Flat Tyre

32. Duties of Guard in case of Train on Fire.

33 .  Duties of Guard in case of Train Dividing.

34. Classification of stations

35 .Train Intact Arrival Register.

36.  Train Signal Register.

37. Duties of SM before introducing TSL.

38. Essentials of Automatic Block system.

39.  Admission of train on unsignaled line .

40.  Procedure of reception of train on obstructed line.

41. Differences between GR and SR

42.  Definitions of Block Back & Block Forward.

43.  Essentials of One Train Only System.

44. Shunt signal.

45. Block overlap and Signal overlap.

46. Differences of Air and Vacuum Brake system

47.  Caution order .

48. standards of Interlocking .

49. Working of Trains when Starter Signal becomes defective.

50 Differences between Point and Trap Indicators.

51.Differences between Distant and Warner signals

52. Various Stop signals controlling the movement of trains

53. Facing and Trailing points.

54. Visibility Test Object.

55. Fog signal post .

56. Duties of Station Master when train passes through without Tail Lamp / Tail Board

57 . Working of trains in case of Home signal defective at B class station in MACLS system.

58. Action to be taken when track defects.

59. Duties of Station Master when he observes Hot axle on a through train.

60. Protection of Material Train.

61. Demanding of assisting Engine.

62. Working Time Table.

63. Station Working Rules

64 . Permanent and temporary speed restrictions.

65. Differences between Block and Non block stations

66.  Breach of Block Rules.

67.  Indicative accident

68 . Conditions of putting flasher light at ON

69. Co-acting signal .

70.  Repeating signal .

71 .Various types of Engineering indicators.

72.  Differences between BSLB and SLB.

73. Station section

74. Train delayed in block section.

75.Patrolman delayed in block section.

76. Maximum Permissible Speed.

77. Booked speed.

78.  NRT and MRT

79.  Circumstances in which IBS is treated as defective.

80. Circumstances in which signal treated as defective.

81.  Differences between Panel and RRI.

82. What precautions should be taken before operation of EWN button

83. Disconnection and Reconnection memo.

84.Circumstances in which Block Insrtument is treated as failed.

85.Working of Trains in case of distant signal failed in OFF condition.

86 . Siren or hooter code.

87.  Write about the Guard wagon.

88.  Duties of Guard in case of murder in running train.

89 . Duties of Guard and Loco Pilot in case of ACP in block Section.

90. Signal calling out.

91.  Road learing

92. SPI  Shunting Permitted Indicator

93 . Minimm sighting distance of various signals

94 . Consequential train Accident.

95. What precautions should be taken while clearing the block section?

96. Sending assisting engine / train into obstructed block section.

97 . Duties of Station Master when he observes any abnormal condition in running train.

98. Continuity test

99. FOIS

100. COIS

101. ACD

102 . Action to be taken when Loco pilot passed a STOP signal at ON position.

103. Procedure to pass G marker gate signal at ON position.

104 .Procedure to pass Automatic and semi-automatic signal at On position.

105 . Working of train without brake van

106 . Marshaling chart

107.  Minimum equipment of signals

108.  Detonating signal

109 .Write serially the means of communication for taking line clear

110.  Write the parts of T/B 602

111. Information written on caution order of T/D 602

112. Private Number Sheet

113 .Procedure of obtaining line clear on Control Phone.

114 .Precautions taken by Loco Pilot while starting and stopping the train.

115 . Shunting in the face of approaching train.

116 . Procedure of cancellation Line clear.

117 . Tower Wagon working

118 .Action to be taken when train delayed at First stop signal

119. Stock Report

120. Wagon Turn Round

121. Working trains in windy stormy weather

122.  LED based flashing hand signal lamp

123. Train working of without proper Guard.

124.  Use of Axle counter and Track Circuit.

125. Serious injuries as shown in IPC 320

126.  Reportable Train Accidents

127.  Corridor Block

128. Demanding and cancellation of Assisting Engine from block section.

129. Circumstances in which BPC becomes invalid

130 OHE लॉक मे टेशन मा टर केकत / Duties of Station Master during OHE block.

131.  Last stop signal defective.

132.  Duties of Loco pilot at the starting station

133.  Duties of Guard at the starting station

134. Train working during overhauling at station

135. Write the matter of message when accident happened in block section.

136 .What action to be taken when EMU overshoots platform near starter signal?

137 . What is Equipment failure according to Accident Classification?

138 .  What are the equipments at the brake van of Guard?

139. Amendments in subsidiary rules.

140.  Signal sighting committee

141.  Enquiry of SPAD.

142.  Enquiry of Level crossing gate accident.

143  Section capacity.

144 .Throughput

145.  Punctuality

146. Corridor block

147. Control office.

148. Joint foot plate inspection of signal.

149. Interchange forecast.

150. Operating Ratio.

151. Datalogger

152 .  Enquiry of Yard Accident.

153 Procedure to clear fouling mark.

154  Procedure to correction of SWR.

155 objectives of accident enquiry.

156.  Railway men conduct rules.

157. Breathanalyzer

158. Action to be taken when signal extinguished.


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