Establishment ( Railway) - Question With Answer -1

Establishment ( Railway) - Question With Answer:

Q.1 What is Honorarium? 

Ans: Honorarium is a remuneration for work performed which is occasional or intermittent in character and either so laborious or of such special merit on to justify a special reward. 

Q.2 What is substantive Pay? 

Ans: Substantive pay means the pay other than special pay, personal pay or emoluments classified as pay by the President under Rule 1303

(iii) to which Railway Servant is entitled on account of post to which he has been appointed substantively or by reasons of his substantive position in a cadre.
 Q.3 What is meaning of “Officiating”?

 Ans: Officiating Means the Railway Servant officiate in a post where he performs the duties of a post on which any other person holds a lien or when a competent authority appoints him to officiate in a vacant post on which no other railway servant holds lien. 

Q.4 What is LDCE? 

Ans: Limited Departmental Competitive Examination. In Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, S&T Dep. 25% of Vacancies are filled by this minimum pass Marks are 60%. 

Q.5 What is Dearness Allowance? 

Ans: Dearness Allowance is in the nature of compensation for Established increase in the cost of living and comprised of Dearness Allowance, Additional Dearness Allowance and Dearness Pay as the Government may from time to time decide. 

Q.6 Which are the allowances are exempted from the income tax?

 Ans: 1. Sumptuary Allowance and uniform Allowance 2. Death cum Retirement gratuity received by Government Servant their families. 3. Gratuity received by an employee 4. Any payment in commutation of pension. 5. Amount by way of encashment of unutilized earned leave. 6. Any some received under life insurance policy.

Q.7 Elaborate Vigilance Organization and what is Central Vigilance Commission Act 2003?

 Ans: Vigilance implies a state of being watchful or on the alert. There is a Chief Vigilance commission for all Central Government Ministries and departments. Indian Railway had set up a Vigilance unit under a under Control of Sr.,Dy. ,GM on Zonal Railways. CVC ACT, 2003 Mandates - the Central Vigilance Commission to enquire or cause an enquiry into complaints against public servants wherein allegations of corruption are involved. The commission can cause an enquiry through the Chief Vigilance Officer of the Organization concerned or CBI or any other anti-corruption investigating agency under the Government of India

Q.8 What is Arbitration?

 Ans: Arbitration is a device for setting up difference between the Railway Administration and contractor by intervention of third person without the help of Court of Laws. Under the procedure the contractor may call for arbitration after 90 days of his presentation of final claim on disputed matter. There would be two Arbitration and also umpire over them. Arbitrators are appointed by General Manager. 

Q.9 What are the objectives of PREM? 

Ans: The broad objectives of PREM are : 

1. evaluate the functioning of the Railways and exchange date and ideas on way and means of improving the efficiency and viability of the enterprise 

2. to facilitate effective and meaningful participation of the Railway employees in the management process. 

3. to discuss and identify the measures for improving the quality of service in the rail passengers and safety operations. 

Q.10 What is Trade Union Act 1926?

 Ans: The Act provides for Registration of Trade Unions. It clarifies privileges of Registered Trade Unions and Rules. 

Q.11 What is a tribunal and purpose of CAT.?

 Ans: It is a forum appointed by a statute having powers to all adjudicate on the matter falling with in its jurisdiction. The Central Government has Established. Administrative tribunals with effective from Nov. Ist 1985. Purpose: Speedy and inexpensive adjudication or trial of disputes or complaints regarding recruitment and conditions of service of Central Government employees

Q.12 What is workmen's compensation act 1923 and its features?

 Ans: It provides for Payment of compensation to workers in case of accidents involving injuries to them or to their dependents in case of death. The Act also provides for a machinery to deal with claims of the workers. Important features: 

1. Pay limit which was Rs.1000 hitherto) for a person in Schedule II to be a “Workman” has been removed. So now such a person shall be covered by this Act irrespective of his pay limit. 

2. The amount of compensation will now be related to a ‘relevant factor’ has been given in Schedule IV. 

3. ½ monthly payment will now be 25% of monthly wages.  

4. Amount spent on medical treatment shall not be deemed as a payment or allowance received by worker 5. A new and more comprehensive Schedule III of Occupational diseases’ has been given. 

Q.13 What are the objectives and applicability of factories act 1948?

 Ans: The Act lays down the obligation of the occupier of a factory in the matter of cleanliness of the premises, disposal of wastes and effluents, maintenance of proper ventilation and temperature, prevention of overcrowding, provision of cool drinking water, latrines and urinals, fencing of machinery, maintenance of machines in safe condition, precautionary measures against fire hazard, provision of washing facilities, fixing of weekly holidays and payment of overtime allowance, prevention of accidents etc. The factories Act applied to all Railway Workshops and production units, but does not extend to Loco sheds and carriage and Wagon Depots which have been specially exempted. 

Q.14 What are the objectives and applicability of payment of wages act 1936? 

Ans: This Act Aims securing prompt and regular payment of wages with out any arbitration. Deductions to certain clause of person employed in Industrial Establishment including Railway either directly or through a sub – Contractor by a person full filling agreement with Railways and Employing or having employed twenty or more person are any day of proceeding 12 months. 

Q.15 What is the classification of workers under HOER? 

Ans: (i) Continuous: An employment is continuous except when it is “Excluded” or declared to be “Intensive” or “Essentially Intermittent”.

 (ii) Intensive: An employment is intensive when declared to be so on grounds that it is of a strenuous nature involving continued mental or physical strain or hard manual labour with title or no periods of relaxation. 

(iii) Essentially intermittent: An employment is essentially intermittent. When it is declared to be so on grounds that daily hours of duty normally include periods of inaction aggregating to six hours or more including at least one such period of not less than one hour or two such periods of not less than half an hour each during which the employee may be on duty but is not called upon to display either physical activity or sustained attention. 

Q.16 What is the railway conduct rule 1966

 Ans: The conduct rules which were revised as a result of recommendation of Shanthanam Committee and other prescribed the standard of conduct expected of every Railway servant and members of their family. All orders / instructions issued by Supervisors from time to time must be obeyed. 

Q.17 What are the principles for natural justice? 

Ans: Principle of natural justice are the principles which lay down and elaborate the reasonable opportunity which should be given to the charged employee. Principles: 

1. The hearing must be impartial. 

2. Reasonable opportunity should be given to defend the case. 

3. Reasons for decisions should be made known to the accused.

4. The charges should be intimated in advance. 

5. Justice should not only be done, it should also appear to have been done.

 Q.18 Describe appointing authority ? 

Ans Appointing Authority in relation to a Railway Servant means – 

(a) the authority to make appointment to the service of which the railway servant is, for the time being a member or to be grade or the service in which the Railway servant is, for the time being included or 

(b) the authority empowered to make appointments to the post which the Railway servant for the time being holds. Or 

(c)The authority which appointed the Railway servant to such service, grade or post, as the case may be or 

(d) where, the Railway servant having been a permanent member of any other service or having substantively held any other permanent post, has been in continuous employment under the Ministry of Railways, the authority which appointed him to that service or to any grade in that service or to that post, which ever authority is the highest authority. 

Q.19 Describe disciplinary authority ?

 Ans: (a) In relation to the imposition of a penalty on a Railway servant, the authority competent , to impose on him penalty is as per schedule in normal course and in case of imposing major penalties such authority would be Appointing Authority. 

(b) In relation to Rule 9 (Major Penalty) and clauses (a) and (b) of sub rule (1) of Rule 11 (Minor Penalty) in the case of any Gazetted Officer, an authority competent to impose any of the penalties specified in Rules 6. 

(c) In relation to Rule 9 in the case of any non-gazetted Railway servant, an authority competent to impose major penalties specified in Rule 6. An authority, who can impose any penalty under D&A rules, may impose a minor penalty. For initiating a disciplinary proceeding, an authority who is competent to impose a minor penalty, may issue the charge sheet. But as soon as he comes to know that based on the Inquiry (the punishment required to be imposed is not within his competence, he should forward the case to the competent authority. 

Q.20 Define suspension under DA & R ? 

Ans: Suspension is not a penalty.

(1) An employee may be placed under suspension – 

(i) When a disciplinary proceeding is contemplated or pending against him or 

(ii) When engaged in activities prejudicial to the interest of the State, or 

(iii) When a criminal case is pending investigation, inquiry or trial.. (2) An employee shall be deemed to have been suspended:-

(i) If he remains in police custody for exceeding 48 hours.

(ii) If he is convicted for an offence and sentenced to imprisonment for a period exceeding 48 hours and is not forthwith dismissed removed or compulsorily retired

Q.21 Define deemed suspension under DA & R ? 

Ans: When a penalty of dismissal, removal or compulsory retirement, imposed on an employee under suspension, is set aside on appeal or revision and the case is remitted for further inquiry or action, the order of his suspension shall be deemed to have continued in force from the date of the original order of dismissal etc. 

Q.22 Describe subsistence allowance? 

Ans: Subsistence Allowance is allowance granted to employee under suspension equal the leave salary an half average pay and allowance admissible on such pay.

 Q.23 Mention any four types of minor penalties? 

Ans: Minor: (i) Censure 

(ii) Withholding of promotion for specified period. 

(iii) Recovery from pay of the whole or part of any pecuniary loss caused to the Rly. Adm. by his negligence etc. 

(a) Withholding of passes or PTOs or both 

(b) Reduction to lower stage in time scale for not more than 3 yrs. Without cumulative effect and not affecting adversely his retirement dues. (iv) Withholding of increments (with or without cumulative effect). 

Q.24 Mention any four types of major penalties? 

Major: (1) Reduction to a lower stage (2) Reduction to a lower time-scale, grade, post or service (3) Compulsory Retirement (4) Removal (5) Dismissal. 

Q.25 What is ex-party enquiry? 

Ans: When charged employee refuses to participate the despite repeated sittings, but not when he is submitting Medical Certificate of sickness Ex-partee inquiry is conducted. 

Q.26 What is the period of availability of privilege passes?

a) Single Journey pass – 3 months from the date of issue 

b) Return Journey pass – 4 months from the date of issue 

c) Settlement Pass – 1 year from Retirement

d) Kit Wagon Pass – 1 month from issue.

Q.27 What is the meaning of “Family” in view of passes?

 Ans: (i) Wife/Husband whether earning or not. 

(ii) Son under 21 years when wholly dependent 

(iii) Unmarried daughters of any age – earning or not 

(iv) Widowed daughters when wholly dependent (“Wholly dependent” is one whose monthly income from all sources including pension/pension equivalent does not exceed Rs.3000/- to rs.3500/- p.m. plus appropriate dearness relief as sanctioned from time to time or 15% of pay whichever is more. 

(v) Step-sons, unmarried step-daughters. Age limit will not apply to bonafide students and invalid children,.

Q.28 Mention any 8 types of passes. ? 

Ans 1. Privilege Pass 

2. Resident Card Pass 

3. Duty Pass 

4. Post Retirement Passes 

5. Special Passes 

6. Kit Passes or Transfer/Retirement 

7. School Pass 

8. Platinum Pass. 

Q.29 What is encashment of leave? 

Ans: Those retiring after 30-09-77 were able to draw cash equivalent of leave salary on average pay to the extent of LAP at their credit at the time of their retirement subject to maximum of 300 days LAP For Group C & D Employees during service eligible Encashment of leave average pay upto 10 days at the time of availing passes/PTOs for a maximum period of 60 days in their entire service. 

Q.30 What is the procedure for sanction of commuted leave? 

 Ans: Reconversion or commutation of one type of leave into another retrospectively may be considered if the sick and fit certificates are from the Authorized Railway Medical Attendant. LHAPs may be committed to LAP by surrendering 2 days LHAP for one day of LAP without any limit in case of an medical grounds.

 Q.31 Define Maternity Leave? 

Ans: It is a full pay leave, Female Government Servant with less than 2 Serving Children may be granted Maternity leave by an authority competent to grant leave for period of 135 days from the date of its commencement. Total period of Maternity leave on account of mis-carriage/abortion should be restricted to 45 days in the entire service of Female Railway servant.. 

Q.32 Give any six General leave rules? 

Ans: General: 

a) Leave cannot be claimed by the employee as a matter of right. The right to grant or refuse leave vests in the authority competent to sanction leave. 

b) The leave usually commences on the day charge is handed over and ends on the day the charge is taken over again. 

c) Leave sanctioning authority cannot alter the kind of leave due and applied for except at the written request of the employee. 

d) Leave already availed may be converted into another kind of leave on employee’s request retrospectively but not after retirement. 

e) Leave cannot be sanctioned for more than 5 years. 

f) Combination of holidays proceeding or in continuation of leave is permitted. In case of medical certificate of sickness, the holidays will be part of sickness leave.

 g) The employee is not permitted to take up any employement during the period of leave.

 Q.33 What is LHAP? 

Ans: At the rate of 20 days per year. No restriction on accumulation. It can be availed on medical certificate or otherwise. It may be commuted to LAP by surrendering 2 days LHAP for one day of LAP without any limit in case of on medical grounds and upto 180 days in entire service in other cases. However, if any employee does not return to duty after commuted LHAP is over, it shall be reconverted to LHAP. Teachers will not earn LHAP after 11-12-84. 

Q.34 Describe any six kinds of leave? 

Ans: 1. LAP (Leave Average Pay) 

 4. ML (Maternity Leave) 

5. SDL (Special Disability Leave)

 6. S L (Study Leave)

Q.35 What is Restricted Holiday? 

Ans: Restricted Holidays are optional Holidays. Two Restricted Holidays are to be selected by each employee working in administrative office from the list circulated for this purpose. The office opens on these days. 

Q.36 What is productivity-linked Bonus? 

Ans: Productivity Linked Bonus is a Bonus based on the productivity of the Railway during the year. The year 1977 – 100 is the base year entitling to a Bonus of 25 days and any excess or decrease over it by 2250 million Revenue Tonne KM will less bonus. If the productivity falls below Index 90 then no Bonus shall payable for that year. 

Q.37 What is Incentive bonus?

Ans: If an employee does not withdraw any amount from his Provident Fund Account (including Voluntary Provident Fund) for a period of three continuous years. He is granted additional 1% incentive bonus as interest after adding up his interest for the third year. 

Q.38 What is PF?

Ans PF is Provident Fund. Every employee contributes 8 ½% of his monthly pay to his Provident Fund Account which is maintained in the Accounts Department. This amount to recovered from his pay Bill. Each Provident Fund Account is allotted a Specified number.

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