Q Bank With Answer Related to RTI ACT

RTI ACT 2005

1. Which of the following is not come under the definition of 'information' under RTI Act 2005?

A) Log books
B) File notings 
C) Data material held in any electronic form
D) Circulars

Answer -  B) File notings 

2. The officer designated by the public authorities in all administrative units or offices under it to provide information to the citizens requesting for information under theAct is known as

A) Appellate Authority 
B) Chief Information Commissioner (CIC)
C) Public Information Officer (PIO)
D) Assistant Public Information Officer
Answer -  C) Public Information Officer (PIO)

3. What is the time limit to get the information under RTI Act 2005?

A) 15 days
B) 45 days
C) 60 days
D) 30 days

Answer -  D) 30 days

4. What is the time limit to get the information concerning the life and liberty of a person?

A) 48 hours
B) 24 hours
C) 5 days
D) 10 days
Answer -  A) 48 hours

5. If the interests of a third party are involved in information sought for, the maximum time limit to get the information will be

A) 30 days
B) 40 days
C) 45 days
D) 60 days
Answer -  B) 40 days

6. If information sought has been supplied by third party or is treated as confidential by that third party, the third party must be given a representation before the PIO in reply to the notice issued to him within days from the date of receipt of such notice. 

A) 5 days
B) 15 days
C) 10 days
D) 7 days
Answer -  C) 10 days

7. First appeal to the first appellate authority can be preferred by the applicant within -------- days from the expiry of the prescribed time limit or from the receipt of thedecision from the PIO

A) 30 days 
B) 45 days
C) 60 days
D) 90 days
Answer -  A) 30 days 

8. First Appeal shall be disposed of by the first appellate authority within --- days from the date of its receipt.

A) 30 days
B) 45 days
C) 60 days
D) 90 days
Answer -  A) 30 days

9. Which Section of RTI Act deals with 'exemption from disclosure of information'.

A) Section 8 
B) Section 9
C) Section 11
D) Section 7
Answer -  A) Section 8 

10. The long title of the RTI Act seeks to promote the following qualities in the working of every public authority:

A) Tra nsparencyA
B) Punctuality
C) Efficiency
 D) Reputation
Answer -  A) Tra nsparency

11. "The `RTI Act, 2005` stipulates that a Public Authority should transfer an RTI application or a part thereof to another Public Authority if the application or a part of it pertains to information"

A) Held by another Public Authority
B) The subject matter of which is more closely connected with the
functions of another Public Authority
C) Both (A) and (B)
D) Neither (A) nor (B)
Answer -  C) Both (A) and (B)

12. The RTI Act gives right to seek information from the following:

A) private companies
C) public authorities
D) associations
Answer -  C) public authorities

13. Section 4 (1) (b) (xi) of RTI Act states that a public authority should publish:

A) The budget allocated to each of its agency 
B) Proposed expenditures
C) Reports on disbursements made
D) All the above
Answer -  D) All the above

14. Which Section of RTI Act 2005 deals with 'obligations of public authorities'
A) Section 6 
B) Section 7
C) Section 4(1)
D) Section 8
Answer -  C) Section 4(1)

15. "How much time does an APIO, at the most , have to forward an RTI application/appeal to the Public Information Officer/First Appellate Authority "

A) 30 days 
B) 5 days
C) 35 days
D) 48 hours.
Answer -  B) 5 days

16. Right to information includes the right to obtaining information in theform of:

A) Diskettes 
B) Floppies
C) Tapes
D) All the above
Answer -  D) All the above

17. Right to Information includes the right to :

(i)inspect works, documents, records
(ii) take notes, extracts or certified copies of documents or records
(iii) take certified samples of material
(iv) obtain information in form of printouts, diskettes, floppies, tapes, videocassettes or in any other electronic mode or through printouts

Chose the correct answer from the codes given below

A) i, ii & iii
B) i, ii & iv
C) i, iii & iv
D) i, ii, iii & iv
Answer -  D) i, ii, iii & iv

18. What are the information not open to disclosure under RTI Act 2005 ?

(i) disclosure of which would prejudicially affect the sovereignty andintegrity of India, the security, strategic, scientific or economic interests of the State, relation with foreign State or lead to incitement of an offence

(ii) information which has been expressly forbidden to be published by any court of law or tribunal or the disclosure of which may constitute contempt of court
(iii) information, the disclosure of which would cause a breach of privilege of Parliament or the State Legislature
(iv) information including commercial confidence, trade secrets or intellectual property, the disclosure of which would harm the competitive position of a third party, unless the competent authority is satisfied that larger public interest warrants the disclosure of such information

A) i, ii & iii
B) i, ii & iv
C) i, iii & iv
D) i, ii, iii & iv
Answer -  D) i, ii, iii & iv

19. How could a Public Information Officer receive applications?

(i) Those submitted by a requester in hand.
(ii) Those sent by an applicant by E-Mail.
(iii) Transferred by another Public Authority.
(iv) Forwarded by an Assistant Public Information Officer.

Choose the correct answer from the following codes:

A) i, ii & iii
B) i, iii & iv
C) i, ii & iv
D) i, ii, iii & iv
Answer -  D) i, ii, iii & iv

20. If a Public Information Officer (PIO) reasonably severs non-exempted portions of a record from exempted portions, and partially provides information to an applicant, he/she has to

i) Give the name and designation of the person giving the decision.
ii) Reasons for the decision.
iii) Details of fees the applicant may have to pay
iv) applicants rights for a review of the decision.

Choose the correct answer from the following codes:

A) i, ii & iii
B) i, iii & iv
C) i, ii & iv
D) i, ii, iii & iv
Answer -  D) i, ii, iii & iv

21. A Public Information Officer will be liable to be imposed a monetary penalty for

A) Refusal to receive an information application. 
B) Not providing information within specified time limits
C) Destroying information.
D) All of them
Answer -  D) All of them

22. While inquiring into a complaint, Information Commissions have the power to

A) Receive evidence on affidavit. 
B) Requisition record or copies thereof from any court or office.
C) Issue summons for examination of witnesses or documents.
D) All of them
Answer -  D) All of them

23. For the PIO to disclose certain information, the Competent Authority should be satisfied that larger public interest warrants its disclosure. This information pertains to

(i) commercial confidence.
(ii) trade secrets.
(iii) intellectual property.
(iv) information available to a person in his fiduciary relationship

Choose the correct answer from the following codes:

A) i, ii & iii
B) i, iii & iv
C) i, ii & iv
D) i, ii, iii & iv

Answer -  D) i, ii, iii & iv

24. Wakf is

A) Permanent dedication by a person professing Islam,
B) Of any movable or immovable property
C) For any purpose recognised by the Muslim law as pious,
religious or charitable
D) All of the above
Answer -  D) All of the above

25. The marriage of minors under Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 is

A) Valid but punishes the organizers
B) Void
C) Voidable
D) Invalid
Answer -  C) Voidable

26. What is Nikha

A) Marriage under muslim personal law
B) Divorce under muslim personal law
C) Mutual Divorce under muslim personal law
D) None of the above
Answer -  A) Marriage under muslim personal law

 (Part - 19 Right to Information सूचना का अधिकार ) 

1. सूचना का अधिकार संसद में कब पास हुआ?

Answer -  15 जून 2005 

1. Date on Which RTI was passed in Parliament 

Answer - 15th June 2005

2. सूचना का अधिकार कब से पूर्णतः लागू हुआ

Answer -  12 अक्टूबर 2005 

2. Date from which RTI came fully into force

Answer -  12th October 2005

3. सूचना का अधिकार का मुख्य उद्देश्य क्या है। 
Answer - सूचना का अधिकार अधिनियम का मुख्य उ‌द्देश्य सरकारी कामकाज में नागरिकों के लिए प्रजातंत्र में लोगों के लिए वास्तव में पारदर्शिता लाना और जिम्‌मेदारी तय करना, भष्ट्राचार हटाना

3. What is thebasic object of the Right to Information Act?

Answer - The basic object of the Right to information act is to empower the citizens from transparency and accountability in the working of government, curtailing corrpution and make our democracy work for the people in real sense

4. सूचना का अधिकार अधिनियम लागू करने के लिए किसे नियुक्त किया गया है।

Answer -  जनसूचना अधिकारी 

4. Each authority covered by RTI act must appoint their.... 

Answer - Public Information officer

5.. सीआयसी का फुल फॉर्म क्या है

Answer -  केन्द्रीय सूचना आयोग

5. What is full form of CIC 

Answer - Central Information Commission

6. आवेदन का उत्तर देने की समय सीमा क्या है

Answer - यदि जनसूचना अधिकारी से सूचना मांगी गई है प्राप्त होने के 30 दिनों में

6. What is the time limit for replying to the request 

Answer - If the request has been made to the PIO, the reply is to be given within 30 days of receipt

7. कौन से निकाय सीधे तौर पर आरटीआई अधिनियम के दायरे में नहीं हैं?

Answer - निजी संस्थाएँ सीधे तौर पर अधिनियम के दायरे में नहीं हैं।

8. जिन मामलों में जीवन या जिम्‌मेदारी शामिल ऐसे मामले में उत्तर देने की समय सीमा क्या है ?

Answer - जनसूचना अधिकारी व्दारा 48 घंटे में उत्तर दिया जाना अपेक्षित है.

8. What is the time limit for replying to the request of life or liberty ofany person is involved?

Answer - The PIO is expected to reply within 48 hours

9. सूचना का अधिकार के अधीन क्या जानकारी मांगी जा सकती है

Answer - यदि किसी सामग्री का कोई स्तर शामिल है तो

a) रिकार्ड
b) कागजात
c) मेमो
d) ई-मेल
e) मत
f) सक्यूर्लर आदेश
g) रिपोर्ट
h)इलेक्ट्रॉनिक फॉर्म में रखा डाटा

9 .What is information under RTI Act:

Answer - Information is any material in any form. It includes) records b) documents c)
memos d) E-mails) opinions f) circulars g) orders h) reports h) data material held in electronic form

10. सूचना का अधिकार के अधीन कितने खंड है।

Answer -  10 खंड

10. How many sections are covered under RTI Act?

Answer - 10 sections

11. सूचना का अधिकार के तहत किन मामलो को छुट है या अलग है। 
Answer - खंड 8 और 9 में उन सूचनाओं की गणना है जिनको दिए जाने की छुट है

11. Which sections of RTI act which are exempted from disclosure?

Answer -  it enumerates what? Sections 8 & 9 It enumerates the categories of information which are exempted from disclosure.

12. जानकारी मांगने के लिए फीस क्या है और इसका भुगतान कैसे किया जा सकता है।
Answer -  आवेदक व्दारा केन्द्रीय सहायक जनसूचना अधिकारी के पक्ष में जारी रु 10/- का डिमांड ड्राफ्ट / बैंकर चेक / भारतीय पोस्टल ऑर्डर या नकद रूप में संस्था के जनसूचना अधिकारी के पक्ष में जमा कराकर

12. For seeking information what is fee & in which format it should pay.

Answer - The applicant, alongwith the application should send a demand draft or a banker's cheque or an Indian Postal order of Rs.10/- payable to accounts officer of the public authority or by way of cash to accounts officer of the public authority or to the Central Assistant Public Information officer

13. पहली अपील किसे कब दी जा सकती है

Answer - पहली अपील सूचना प्राप्त होने के 30 दिन के अंदर या वैधता समाप्त होने जो कम हो में सूचना या निर्णय केन्द्रीय जनसूचना अधिकारी के पास दी जा सकती है, अपीलीय अधिकारी केन्द्रीय सूचना अधिकारी से वरिष्ठ होना चाहिए.

13. The period when first appeal should be filed and to whom? 

Answer - First appeal should be filed within a period of 30 days of supply of information is expired or from the date on which the information or decision of the CPIO is received. The first appellate authority is an officer senior in rank to the CPIO.

14. दूसरी अपील का अपीलीय अधिकारी कौन है

Answer - दूसरा अपीलीय अधिकारी केन्द्रीय सूचना आयोग है

14.Who is 2 appellate authority?

Answer - Second appellate authority is Central Information Commission

15. दूसरी अपील की अवधि क्या है

Answer - प्रथम सूचना अधिकारी से सूचना प्राप्त होने या अपीलकर्ता को सूचना प्राप्त होने तक से 90 दिनों के अंदर

15. What is the period for 2 appeal? 

Answer - Within 90 days from the date on which the decision should have been made by the first appellate authority or was actually received by the appellant.

16. सेक्शन 2 क्या है?

Answer - खंड 02 में सूचना का अधिकार के अंतर्गत आने वाले शर्तों की परिभाषा है।

16. What is section 2 

Answer - Section 2 is for all definitions of terms covered RTI Act.

17. सेक्शन 4 में क्या दर्शाया गया है?

Answer - जनसेवकों पर लगाया गया आरोप खंड 4 के अंतर्गत निहीत है।

17. What is defined in section 4?

Answer - Obligations of Public authorities are defied under section 4

18. सेक्शन 5 में क्या दर्शाया गया है

Answer -  जनसूचना अधिकारी का पद खंड 5 में तय किया गया है।

18. What is defined in section 5?

Answer - Designation of Public Information officers is defined under section 5

19. सेक्शन 6 में क्या दर्शाया गया है

Answer - यह सूचना मांगने से संबंधित अनुरोध है।

19. What is section 6?

Answer - It is regarding request for obtaining information.

20. सेक्शन 7 में क्या दर्शाया गया है

Answer -  यह सूचना निपटान का अनुरोध है।

20. What is describe in section 7?

Answer - It is regarding disposal of requests.

21. धारा 8 में क्या बताया गया है?
Answer - इसमें सूचना के खुलासे से छूट के संबंध में उल्लेख किया गया है.

22. धारा 9 और 10 में क्या वर्णित है?

 Answer - यह वर्णन करता है कि आरटीआई अधिनियम के कुछ मामलों में पहुंच को अस्वीकार करने का आधार क्या है और पृथक्करणीयता क्या है।

23. बताएं कि दूसरी अनुसूची में निर्दिष्ट किन्हीं चार केंद्रीय खुफिया और सुरक्षा एजेंसियों को बाहर
रखा गया है?

Answer - ए) आईबी 
बी) आयकर महानिदेशालय (जांच) 
सी) रॉ
D) केंद्रीय जांच ब्यूरो

24. कोई 2 सुचनाए  बताए जो आरटीआई अधिनियम के सेक्शन 8 के अंतर्गत नही दी जा सकती है।

Answer -  (ए) ऐसी जानकारी जिसे किसी भी अदालत या न्यायाधिकरण द्वारा प्रकाशित करने से स्पष्ट रूप से मना किया गया है या जिसके प्रकटीकरण से अदालत की अवमानना ​​हो सकती है
(बी) विदेशी सरकार से विश्वास में प्राप्त जानकारी।

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