Q Bank - RPF Department (Dep Head Constable, ASI, SI and Inspector in RPF)

Sample Question Bank - Selection of Constable to the rank of Hd. Constable, Hd. Constable/Constable to ASI, ASI to SI and SI to Inspector in RPF

Part 1 - Q Bank - RPF (Railway Protection  Force) Departmental Exam  - True or False 


1) What are the salient feature (ingredients) of amended RP (UP) Act ? 

2) What are the salient features of RPF Amendment Act 2003 ? 

3) What are the salient features of Rly. Amendment Act 2003 ? 

4) Being an ASI In charge of an outpost, you have conducted raid and recovered stolen railway property valued Rs 5000/- What are the steps to be taken during enquiry till filling of PR?

5) What is right of private defence? Under what circumstances death can be caused to the assailant in exercising right of private defence against an act affecting body and property? 

6) What are the general procedures in conducting house search? What precautions should be taken before conducting search? Quote the relevant section of law? 

7) What are the powers and provisions conferred to an officer of the Force in dealing with offences under railway Act as per latest amended Railway Act? 

8) Under what provision of law a person can be arrested without warrant. Quote the relevant sections of law? 

9) What are the provisions to be followed to compel the attendance of an accused in the court in a RP (UP) Act case? Write the procedures in detail, quote relevant section of law?

10) What is seal ? How many types of seal used in Indian Railway, 

11) What are the importance of Seal ? Write 10 Nos. of defective seal found during seal checking. 

12) What are the general power and functions of RPF? Quote the relevant Rule. 

13) What are the punishments that can be imposed upon enrolled member of the force? 

14) What are the circumstances an enrolled member of the force can be placed under suspension? 

15) Under what circumstances court of enquiry shall invariably be held?

 16) Under what circumstances appeal can be withheld? What is revision? 

17) What is crime? What are the classifications of crime? 

18) What are the causes of crime? Explain the procedures to prevent crime?

19) What are the causes of claim? Write the measures to prevent claim?

20) What do you mean by DDM? What precautions to be taken during open delivery? 

21) As an ASI in charge of train escorting party, suggest the actions to be taken for effective escorting of train? 

22) What do you mean by Unlawful assembly? What are the procedures to disperse unlawful assembly? 

23) What do you mean by Human Rights? State the guide lines issued by Supreme Court? 

24) What do you mean by leadership? What are the qualities of a good leader? 

25) What is disaster ? Explain the role of RPF at accident site quoting the S.O ? 

26) What do you mean by juvenile delinquency? State the causes of juvenile delinquency? 

27) What do you mean by Mob psychology ? What are the duties of RPF during mob?

 28) Do you think that the menace of drugging and poisoning to passengers is alarming? State the measures to be taken by Railway as well as RPF to aware the passengers. 

29) How many Regions" India is divided on the basis of language (as per official language Act)? Mention details? 

30) Which documents are obligatory to be written in bi-lingual as per Official language Act? 

31) Explain the use of modern security gadgets during threat perception. 

32) What do you mean by Integrated security system. Explain in detail with the security gadgets to be installed/used.?

 33) Draw the proforma of Seizure list? 

34) Explain the duty at access control beat? 

35) Explain SOR & SR cases (quoting rule and S.O.) 

36) Name 10 Modern Security gadgets? 

37) What are the Records and Registers maintained at post? 

38) What is the utility of Dog Squad in RPF? 39) Duty of ASI as shift officer? 

40) Explain BDDS? 

41) Explain Pass Rule and entitlement? 

42) Explain Refund rule of reservation tickets? 

43) What is Tatkal reservation. explain? 

44) Explain Menace of Tout and action to prevent touting activity? 

45) Withdrawal of PF and provision explain? 

46) Explain the steps to be taken to prevent the menace of TOPB.? 

47) Explain Passenger Feed Back Form.? 

48) Co-ordination meeting with GRP/Police and its usefulness.? 

49) Untoward incident and role of RPF.? 50) MOK drill and its necessity.? 

51) What are the powers available to RPF personnel under various laws and acts to arrest without warrant? Distinguish between the following. 

52) Robbery and Dacoity. 

53) Theft & Extortion 54) RPF enquiry & Police Investigation 

55) Murder & Culpable Homicide. 

56) Bailable & Non-bailable warrant 

57) Cognizable & Non-cognizable offence. 

58) Complaint & Charge sheet 

59) Section 3(a) & 3(b) of RP(UP) Act. 

60) Open Delivery & Assessment Delivery 

61) Railway Receipt & Invoice 

62) Wharfage & Dummerage 

63) Summon and warrant. Write short notes on the following. 

64) Surakshya Sammelan. 

65) RSKN 

66) Security Control Room 

67) DD Message 

68) Open Delivery 

69) Forwarding Note 

70) PLM QuestionPaper.Org 

71) DRS Card 

72) Railway Property 

73) Special Report 

74) Special Occurrence Report 

75) Booked consignment 

76) RPF Mitra Yojana 

77) Standing Order 


79) When did the RPF Act 1957 come into Force? 

80) When did RPF Amendment Act 2003 come into Force? 

81) What is the time limit for appeal against an order of disciplinary authority? 

82) As per which section of RPF Act officers and member of the force are deemed to be railway servant? 

83) Is Hd. Constable empowered to search a person without warrant? 

84) To whom the persons arrested under RPF Act shall be made over? 

85) As per which section of RPF Act, officer and member of the force to be considered always on duty and liable to be employed in any part of Rlys? 

86) Is the police (incitement to disaffection) Act 1922 applicable to RPF? 

87) Which section of RPF Act enumerates the protection to member of the force? 

88) When did the Railway Amendment Act 2003 come in to force? 

89) Which section of Railway Act defined "Demurrage"? 

90) Which section of Railway Act defined "officer authorized"? 

91) Which section of Railway Act defined "wharfage"? 

92) Which section of Rly. Act refuges to carry passengers suffering from infectious or contagious diseases? 93) When did RP (UP)Act 1966 come in to force? 

94) Which section of RP(UP)Act defines "railway property"? 

95) Which section of RP(UP)Act defines punishment? 

96) Offences under RP(UP) Act are Cognizable/Non0cognizable? 

97) Which section of RP(UP)Act empowers superior officer and member of the force to arrest without warrant? 

98) Which section of RP(UP)Act empowers officer of the force to exercise the powers of QIC of police station while investigating a cognizable case? 

99) Which section of RP(UP)Act empowers the officer of the force to summon persons to give evidence and to produce document? 

100) As per which sections of IPC the proceedings under RP(UP)Act case shall be deemed to be judicial proceeding? 

101) Which section of RP(UP)Act empowers the officer of the force to take house search? 

102) When did the RPF Rules 1987 come in to force? 

103) Is the Railway service (conduct) Rules'1966 applicable to all member of the force? 

104) Quote RPF Rule describe the procedures for imposing major punishment? 

105) Quote RPF Rule describes the procedures for imposing minor punishment? 

106) Quote RPF Rule describes the composition and constitution of security court? 

107) What is the time limit of appeal as per RPF Rule? 

108) Who is competent to order close the non SR cases? 

109) Who is competent to order close the SR cases? 

110) Quote RPF rule deals with the procedures for causing enquiry in to public complaint? QuestionPaper.Org 111) Can ASC order a court of enquiry? 

112) Shall guard of honour be given after retreat? 

113) Is Static guard is provided for guarding the unit Magazine, ? 

114) Quote the section of RIy. Act authorizes "Officer authorized" to arrest any person commits an offence punishable U/S 137 to 139,141 to 147, 153 to 157,159 to 167 and 172 to 176 without warrant? 

115) Which section of RIy. Act empowers the "officer authorized "to exercise' the same powers and provisions as the officer in charge of a police station when investigating a cognizable case? 

116) Cognizable offence is defined under section ------of Cr.PC? 

117) “Investigation" is defined under section ---------of Cr.PC.? 

118) "Non cognizable" offence is defined under section ---------of Cr.PC? 

119) “Warrant case" is defined under section ---------- of Cr.PC.? 

120) As per which section ---------of Cr.PC persons arrested not to be detained more than 24 hours? 

121) Dispersal of unlawful assembly by use of civil force is mentioned in ------- section of Cr.PC?

 122) Information in cognizable cases is made as per —section of Cr.PC? 

123) Information in non cognizable cases is made as per — section of Cr.PC? 

124) Recording of confessions and statements is made as per — section of Cr.PC.? 

125) How many RPSF battalions are there in Indian Railways? 

126) What is the name given to recently introduced super fast trains which run from origin to destination without any en-route stoppage for passengers? 

127) How much percentage of fare paid will be refunded if a confirmed unused ticket is cancelled 6 hours before the scheduled departure of train? 

128) Which standing order of DG/RPF specifies about proper wearing of medals and reband on uniform? 

129) Under which section of the Rly Act making a false claim for compensation for non delivery of consignment is punishable?

130) Under which section of RPF Act 1957 (as amended in 1985 & 2003), members of the force will be considered always on duty? 

131) If a passenger is drugged during a train journey, under which section of IPC, a case will be registered by law enforcing agency against the accused person? 

132) Which breeder dog is generally considered not suitable for sniffing explosive purposes ? 

133) What is the time limit for filing an appeal by the administration in case of an acquittal in an RP(UP) Act case? 

134) How much is the lump sum grant admissible from RSKN in case of death of RPF staff during encounter with anti social elements as per recent governing council decision (after 1/1/2010)? 

135) Under which section of the Rly Act, a Rly servant is punishable if he attends duty in an intoxication state? 

136) Under which section of Indian evidence Act, Burden of Proof defined? 

137) If a person insults the national flag in public place, under which Act, is he punishable? 

138) Under which section of the Indian Rly Act, a person who attempts to wreck a train by removing Fish plates on track is punishable? 

139) On what date, 'Police Commemoration Day' is being observed every year by police/paramilitary forces? 

140) What is the prescribed medical category for RPF personnel as per Rly medical rules? 

141) What are the badges of rank to be worn by an officer of rank of Inspector General? QuestionPaper.Org 

142) Under which Section of RPF Act, all Officers and Members of RPF are deemed to be Railway Servants? 

143) What is the time limit for filing of an appeal by the accused in an RP(UP) convicted case? 

144) Which Section of Cr.PC provides procedure for conducting house Search? 

145) Under which Section of Cr.P.C., an RPF Officer files complaint of an RP(UP) offence in the Court? 

146) The minimum number of persons required for unlawful assembly Is_________________. 

147) Under which Section of IPC, a robbery offence is registered by the Police?

148) Name the badges of ranks to be worn by an Officer of the rank of DIG? 

149) What should be the minimum value of the theft of Railway Material to register as a Special Report Case? 

150) Under which Section of RP(UP) Act punishment for connivance at the offence was mentioned? 

151) What is free luggage allowed per passenger having a sleeper class ticket in a Mail / Express train? 

152) Quote the relevant section of Rly. Act, 

153) How many zones in Indian Railway? 

154) What is the codal life of the following items? 

a) RPF Ensign 
b) RPF shoulder batch 
c) Mosquito Net 
d) Ammunition shoe 
e) Beret cap 
f) Belt leather 
g) Ground sheet 
h) Cap badge 
i) jungle shoe 
j) Kit bag 
k) Shoe canvass 
l) Blanket woolen 

155) Mention the DG/RPF’s Standing Order Nos. for the following. 

a) Mission statement 
b) Assistance to Railway officials in lodging FIR by RPF 
c) Maintenance of Dossier in RP(UP)Act cases 
d) Action against the undesirable elements 
e) Maintenance of Dossier in Rly.Act cases 
f) The Role of RPF at the accident site 
g) Use of Camera by RPF 
h) Setting up of RPF Assistance Post 
i) Duty of RPF in arranging medical aid to injured passengers 
j) Crime against women passengers-role of RPF 

156) The commissioner of railway safety works under the Ministry of ----------. 

157) Section 10 of RP(UP)Act corresponds to which section of Cr.PC . 

158) Whosoever obstructs RPF officer from conducting a valid search is punishable under section: 

159) How many days of maximum earned leave, an enrolled member of a Force can encash at the time of retirement? 

160) Name the type of fire extinguisher used in electrical fire? 

161) Expand the following abbreviation 

1. RDSO 
2. ICF 
3. RDX 
4. PRS 
5. PNR 
6. CRIS 
7. BDDS 
8. CBI 
9. CVC 
10. DFMD 
11. HHMD 
12. NHRC 
13. RTI 
14. RCT 
15. CRB 
16. CRS 
17. RAC 
18. IRCTC 
19. EMU 
20. DMU 
21. RSKN 
22. IED 
23. NDMA 
24. PRAN 
25. ART 
26. ARME 
27. DRDO 
28. RAW 
29. UIN 
30. FIR 
31. NBW 
32. RRB 
33. NDRF 
34. DLW 
35. CLW 
36. RITES 
37. ISS 
38. CCTV 

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