Question Bank - OPERATING ( For Group "B" / Guard / Station Master etc) Part - 3 E - Answer in one sentence

Question Bank  - OPERATING ( For Group "B" / Guard / Station Master etc) Part - 3 E - Answer in one sentence:

Answer in one sentence: 

1. Meaning of two hooters 

2. Meaning of three short whistles 

3. Use of T/609 

4. Meaning of OFF condition of Warner 

5 . Meaning of four short whistles

6. Minimum equipment of signals at a C class station with CLS system.
7 .Meaning of two long two short whistles 

8 . Speed when curved switch is provided on 1 in 8 ½ turnout 

9. When is T/806 issued 

10. Meaning of sounding of four hooters 

11. Use of T/511 

12. Meaning of long short long short whistle 

13.  Speed over 1 in 12 curved switch 

14. Meaning of green aspect of Distant signal 

15. Use of T/D 602 

16 . Gate man showing green flag vertically up and down means 

17. Duties of Loco pilot while proceeding on wrong line during TSL 

18. Duties of Loco pilot on seeing flasher light 

19. Meaning of Loco pilot sounding long short long short whistle after stopping at outermost facing point 

20. Meaning of Loco pilot sounding long short long short whistle while passing through the station 

21.  Duties of Loco pilot on seeing blank Distant signal

22. First duty of Loco pilot when the load stalled on gradient 

23. Duties of Loco pilot on getting information of bursting of points 

24. Duties of SM on getting information of bursting of points 

25. Authority filled by SM after restoration of any of the means of communication after ACF. 

26. Necessary information filled by Guard on T/609 

27. Precautions to be taken while attaching the parted load 

28. Duties of Loco pilot of passenger train if Points man is not present at facing points of the non-interlocked station 

29. Duties of Loco pilot of goods train if Points man is not present at facing points of the non-interlocked station 

30. Duties of Loco pilot if train stops at first stop signal for more than 5 minutes and reason not known

 31. Duties of Loco pilot on getting the calling on signal in off condition 

32. Duties of Loco pilot on seeing the extinguished semaphore approach signal 

33.  Duties of Loco pilot on seeing the extinguished semaphore departure signal


1.  ART/Road mobile ART required at home station 

2.  Train out of control, Guard to apply hand brakes. 

3.  Given by Guard to Loco Pilot for taking part load to next station 

4. Train will go through via main line. 

5. Train unable to proceed ahead in block section, Guard to protect the train. 

6.  Distant and Home 

7. To call the Guard to Engine by Loco Pilot 

8. 15km/h 

9. For Shunting purpose 

10.  MRV required at home station 

11. To start the train from unsignalled line. 

12. In case of Train parting and when part load is approaching. 

13. 15km/h 

14. Train admitted on Main line 

15.  Authority given during TSL 

16. Informing about train parting 

17.Will sound danger whistle and keep flasher light ON. 

18. Act as if Danger hand signal is seen. 

19. Loco Pilot came with part load after dividing the train. 

20. Loco Pilot informing about Train Parting. 

21.  Loco Pilot will stop and proceed after seeing P board. 

22. Put ON flasher light 

23.  Will not come back on point but will act as per the direction of SM. 

24. If point is safe then SM will set, clamp and pad lock the concerned point and will permit movement on that point 

25. T/I 602 

26.  Load with Engine, particulars of last vehicle and place of obstruction. 

27. If there is 10 units or less in second part then it will not coupled but if there is banker, it may be coupled. 

28. Loco Pilot will stop at facing point and after ensuring that points are set and locked will proceed up to station and inform SM 

29. Loco Pilot will proceed with 10 km/h and inform the Station Master. 

30.  Loco Pilot will sent Assistant Loco Pilot to the Station Master to know the cause. 

31.  Will proceed cautiously and be prepared to stop before any obstruction. 

32.  Loco Pilot will observe day aspect of Signal. 

33. Will illuminate the signal lamp or T369 (3b) will be given. 

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