Write in detail:

1. Duties of Guard when the load stalled on gradient?

2. Precautions to be taken while clearing the load from road side station.

3. Precautions to be taken while stabling the load at road side station? 

4. Duties of Station staff, Guard and Loco Pilot. 

5. What do you understand by Caution Order? Circumstances in which it is issued and the duties of train crew regarding Caution order.

6. What is Serious Accident? What are the duties of Guard when accident occurred in Block Section?

7. What is Serious Accident? What are the duties of Loco pilot when accident occurred in Block Section?

8.  What is Serious Accident? What are the duties of Station Master when accident occurred in Block Section? 

9. Write the duties of Guard while taking charge of train from marshalling yard.

10. Duties of Guard in Protection, demanding of assisting engine and restarting the train when engine fails in block section.

11. Write in detail the procedure of temporary single line working on double line.

12. Explain the duties of a Guard from starting station to destination.

13. Explain the duties of a Loco pilot from starting station to destination. 

14. Write the Protection rules in different conditions. 

15. Write the working of trains during all communication fail on single line. 

16. In which circumstances signal treated as defective? Write the procedure when Home signal becomes defective at a B class station on Double line (Two aspect and Multy aspect signal). 

17.  What do you understand by Station Working Rules? Write matter of it and what are the duties of Station Master regarding it? 

18. Reception of train on obstructed line. 

19.  Reception and Departure of trains from Unsignaled line. 

20. Conditions for granting line clear at B and C class stations 

21. Conditions for clearing back section at B and C class stations.

22. Train working during thick and foggy weather. 

23. What is Caution Order and how is prepared. 

24.  What are the duties of Station Master when signal becomes defective? 

25.  Working of trains during all communication failure on double line section 

26.  Draw a diagram of B class on Double line in Multy aspect signalling system in which show the following: 

(A) Station section (B) Station Limit (C) Block section. 

27.  Draw a diagram of B class station on Double line with two aspect signalling system in which show the following: 

(A) Station section (B) Station Limit (C) Block section. 

28. Write in detail about the Monsoon Patrolling. 

29. Write in detail about the movement of ODC
30. Write the procedure of train dividing.

31. Write the duties of Guard and Loco Pilot in case of train parting.

32. What are the duties of Station Maste in case escaping of vehicles?

33. What is delayed train and what are the duties of Station Master if train is delayed?

34.  What are the symptoms of hot axle and how a train with hot axle is received at a station? 

35.  Action to be taken on getting information of defect in railway track? 

36.  Motor Trolly working. 

37.  Material train working. 

38. Role of Gurad regarding Punctuality. 

39. Conditions in which pushing back can be done. 

40. Train Pushing back.

41. Show the various Engineering Indicators and distance between them.

42.  Write the various Whistle Codes.

43. Write the various bell codes given on Block Instrument.

44.Classification of Accident.

45. What are the objectives of Accident Enquiry. 

46.Explain the Train working when all signals failed in Automatic section. 

47. Time limt of Accident Enquiry. 

48. Level of Enquiry. 

49.Role of Loco Pilot regarding punctuality 

50. Role of Station Master regarding punctuality.

51. What do you mean by Line capacity? Write down its kinds and the Scott formula.

52. What do you mean by Throughput and give the suggestions to enhance it.

53. Safety Equipment kept at level crossing Gate. 

54.  Duties of Loco Pilot regarding Signals. 

55. Write in detail about the Working Time Table. 

56.  Explain the working of TTM on single line and double line section. 

57.  Explain the various buttons on Panel which are used by operating department. 

58. Write the working of TSL on double line in Automatic block section.

59.  Explain in detail about the Indicative accident .

60. Show the aspects of signals in Double Distant signalling System when train admitted on main line and loop line.

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