Question Bank Goods Guards & Answer (PART 4)

Q.1. Differentiate between

a) Warner and Distant signal
b) Calling on signal and shunt signal
c) Point indicator and trap indicator
d) Block station and non block station.
a) Warner and Distant signal

b) Calling on signal and shunt signal

c) Point indicator and trap indicator

d) Block station and non block station.

Q. 2. How trains will be worked in the following cases.

a) Home signal defective
b) Starter and Adv. Starter Defective
c) Gate signal at ON
d) Automatic signal at ON.

2. ANS - 

a) Home signal Defective.

There are four methods for receiving the train when Home signal becomes defective, they are:
(1) Calling “ON” method (2) Pre- Warning Method (3) T.369 (3b) Method (4) Telephonic Method.

Calling “ON” Method:

1. Line is to be kept free up to Trailing points
2. All the points are to be correctly set to the admission line.
3. Train is to be stopped at signals before taking “OFF” Calling “ON” signal.

Pre-Warning Method:

1. Station Master gives Pre-warning message to Notice station and Rear station Masters.
2. Notice SM or Rear SM gives Pre-warning Memo T 369 (1)
3. Line is to be kept free up to Advance starter or shunting limit board.
4. All points are to be correctly set clamped and pad locked in the presence of Station Master
5. Points man shall go in uniform to the Home signal
6. While going if any LC gates are to be closed.
7. Standing at the foot of defective Home signal, proceed Hand signal ( PHS) is to be exhibited to the approaching.

T.369 (3b) Methods

1. Line is to b e kept free upto Trailing points.
2. All the points are to be correctly set clamped and pad locked in the presence of Station  Master.
3. Points shall go T. 369 (3b) Memo to Home signal
4. While going if any LC gates are to be closed.
5. After stopping the train at Home signal T 369 (3b) is tobe handed over to the Driver.
6. Proceed Hand signal shall be exhibited standing at the foot of defective Home signal.

b) Starter Defective.

There are two methods for dispatching the train when starter becomes defective. They are:

(1) Calling “ON” Method. (2) T 369 (3b) Methods.

Calling “ON Method: If calling on signal is provided below starter signal train is to be stopped at the signal and then calling “ON signal is to be taken “OFF”

T369 (3b) Method.:

1. All points are to be set correctly clamped and pad locked in the presence of Stationmaster.

2. Points man shall take T 369 (3b) from Station Master and Hand over to Driver.

3. Proceed hand signal to be exhibited at the foot of defective starter.

Advance starter Defective.

1. On double Line - PLCT to be given.

2. On signal line token less section - PLCT To be given

3. On signal lie token section

When token not extracted.

PLCT - Paper line clear ticket. Down direction

PLCT No. T/B 1425 Up direction

PLCT No. T/C 1425

c) Gate stop signal is at ON

1. Drivers shall given continuous whistle and stop the train at the signal.
2. If the gate signal is provided with ‘G’ marker:
a) Wait 1 minute by day and 2 minutes by night give a long whistle, exchange signals with guard, draw ahead cautiously and stop short of level crossing.
b) Pass the gate on the hand signal exhibited by the Gateman
c) If gateman is not available, pass the gate on the hand signals of the Asst. driver or guard who will do so after ensuring that the gate is closed and locked against road traffic.
d) After passing the gate, stop at two-vehicle length from level crossing gate and arrange to open the gate for road traffic.

3. If gatemen is not found, stop the train out of course at next station and report the matter to SM.
4. If gate signal is not provided with ‘G’ marker, the train shall be stopped and dealt as per the special instructions.

Q.3. Duties of Driver and Guard when an Automatic Stop signal on double line is to be
passed at ‘on’. ––

(1) When a Driver finds an Automatic Stop signal with an `A` maker at `on`, he shall bring his train to a stop in the rear of the signal. After bringing his train to a stop in the rear of the signal. The Driver shall wait there for one minute by day and two minutes by night. If after waiting for this period, the signal continues to remain at `on`, he shall give the prescribed code of whistle and exchange signals with the Guard and then proceed ahead, as far as the line is clear, towards the next Stop signal in advance exercising great caution so as to stop short of any obstruction.

(2) The Guard shall show a Stop hand signal towards the rear when the train has been so stopped at an Automatic Stop signal, except as provided for in sub-rule (4)

(3) Where owing to the curvature of the line, fog, rain or dust storm, engine working the train pushing it, or other causes, the line ahead cannot be seen clearly, the Driver shall proceed at a very slow speed, which shall under no circumstances exceed 8 kilometers an hour.Under these circumstances, the Driver, when not accompanied by a Fireman or an Assistant Driver, and if he considers necessary, may seek the assistance of the Guard by giving the prescribed code of whistle

(4) When so sent for by the Driver, the Guard shall accompany him on the engine cab, before he moves forward, to assist the Driver in keeping a sharp lookout.

(5) When an Automatic Stop signal has been passed at ‘on’, the Driver shall proceed with great caution until the next Stop signal is reached. Even if this signal is ‘off’, the Driver shall continue to look out for any possible obstruction short of the same. He shall proceed cautiously up to that signal and shall act upon its indication only after he has reached it. S.R. 9.02 1. The ‘on’ position of an Automatic Stop signal may be due to the presence of a train in the Automatic Signaling section ahead or due to an obstruction on the track or a broken or a displaced rail or any other cause.

1. When a Driver passes an Automatic Stop signal at ‘on’ he shall proceed at a speed not exceeding 10 KMPH to enable him to stop short of any obstruction. He shall continue to drive cautiously at this speed until he passes the next Stop signal. The speed shall be further restricted to 8 KMPH during poor visibility due to curvature of the line, fog, dust- storm, engine working the train pushing it or any other cause.

2. When it becomes necessary to stop a train in rear of an Automatic Stop signal at ‘on’ it shall be brought to a stop as close as possible in rear of that Automatic Stop signal so as to provide the maximum possible margin for the Driver of a following train, driven cautiously, to stop clear of the train ahead.

3. The indication of an Automatic Stop signal applies only to the track beyond the signal and there is a possibility of a train standing in rear of the signal while it is showing `off` A Driver having passed an Automatic Stop signal at ‘on’ shall not, therefore, act on the indication of the signal ahead until he has actually reached it.
4. Distance between two trains in Automatic signaling territories after passing an Automatic Stop signal at ‘on’-

After passing an Automatic Stop signal at ‘on’, the Driver of the following train hauled by any locomotive, shall ensure that a minimum distance of 150 meters or two clear OHE spans (on electrified sections) is maintained between his train and the preceding train or any obstruction on the line.

However, the above distance may be reduced to 75 meters or one clear OHE span in case of EMU train following. In special circumstances like floods etc., the following train may be pulled closer to the preceding train or the obstruction.

5. After passing an Automatic Stop signal at ‘on’, the Guard of a train shall watch that the Driver does not exceed the speed prescribed in para 1. If the Driver exceeds the speed prescribed, the Guard shall take action as per G.R. 4.45.

Duties of Driver and Guard when an Automatic Stop signal on single line is to be passed at‘on’.

(1) When a Driver finds an Automatic Stop signal with an ‘A’ marker at ‘on’, he shall bring his train to a stop in rear of that signal and wait there for one minute by day and two minutes by night.

(2) If after waiting for this period the signal continues to remain at ‘on’, and if telephone communication is provided near the signal, the Driver shall contact the Station Master of the next block station or the Centralized Traffic Control Operator of the section where Centralized Traffic Control is provided, and obtain his instructions. The Station Master or the Centralized Traffic Control Operator, as the case may be, shall, after ascertaining that there is no train ahead up to the next signal and that it is otherwise safe for the Driver to proceed so far as is known, give permission to the Driver to pass the signal in the ‘on’ position and proceed up to the next signal, as may be provided under special instructions.

(3) If no telephone communication is provided near the signal or if the telephone communication provided near the signal is out of order and cannot be made use of, the Driver shall give the prescribed code of whistle and exchange signals with the Guard and then proceed past the signal as far as the line is clear, up to the next Stop signal in advance, exercising great caution so as to stop short of any obstruction.

(4) The Guard shall show a Stop hand signal towards the rear when the train has been so stopped at an Automatic Stop signal, except as provided for under sub-rule (6)

(5) Where owing to the curvature of the line, fog, rain or dust storm, engine working the train pushing it, or other causes, the line ahead cannot be seen clearly, the Driver shall proceed at a very slow speed, which shall under no circumstances exceed 8 kilometers an hour.

Under these circumstances, the Driver when not accompanied by a Fireman or Assistant Driver, and if he considers it necessary, may seek the assistance of the Guard by giving the prescribed code of whistle.

(6) When so sent for by the Driver, the Guard shall accompany him on the engine cab, before he moves forward, to assist the Driver in keeping a sharp lookout.

(7) When an Automatic Stop signal has been passed at ‘on’, the Driver shall proceed with great caution until the next Stop signal is reached. Even if this signal is ‘off’, the Driver shall continue to look out for any possible obstruction short of the same. He shall proceed cautiously up to that signal and shall act upon its indication only after he has reached it.

S.R. 9.07. The Driver of a train passing an Automatic Stop signal at ‘on’ on single line shall also adhere to the provisions of subsidiary rules given under G.R.9.02

Q.4. Write the procedure of stabling of material train in the yard.

Ans 1. A material train shall not be stable on a running line at a station, except in unavoidable circumstances.
2. The stationmaster and guard are jointly responsible for ensuring that.
a) Points are set against occupied line and locked and the keys of the padlocks shall be kept under the personal custody of stationmaster.
b) Sufficient number of hand brakes including brake van are applied
c) The train is berthed clear of fouling mark
d) If any shunting is to be performed, the Guard shall supervise such shunting.
3. The guard is responsible for securing Materials train at an outlying siding.

Q.5 What are the means of communication available for obtaining line clear?

Ans. The following means of communication available for obtaining line clear.

a) Block instrument or track circuits or axle counter
b) Telephone attached to the block instrument
c) Station to station tele phone
d) Control telephone
e) VHF set.
f] BSNL telephone and Auto telephone.

2. The following procedure shall be adopted for working of trains.

1. Trains shall be brought to a stop at station.
2. The SM who has trains to dispatch shall open communication with the SM of block station at the other end by sending any one of the following vehicles in the order of preference.
a) Light engine
b) Train engine, after it is detached from the train.
c) Motor trolley/tower car – accompanied by a guard or by off duty ASM
d) Trolley/Cycle trolley/Moped trolley accompanied by a guard or by off duty ASM
e) Diesel Car /EMU/DMU after detraining the passenger
Q.6 While on duty the reception signal at your station becomes defective explain the procedure
for piloting of train.

Ans (1) In the event of an Outer or a Home or a Routing signal becoming defective, the Station Master shall advise the station in rear and the nominated station in rear, save in case where a signal post telephone or a Calling-on signal is provided on the defective signal, in order that the Drivers of approaching trains may be warned of the defective signal and issued a written authority to pass such signal on receipt of Proceed hand signal at the foot of the defective signal.

(2) The Station Master in rear as referred to in sub-rule (1), on receiving the advice of the defective signal, shall immediately acknowledge it and advise the Station Master of the station where the signal has become defective, of the number of the first train which will be notified of the defective signal and again on receipt of the advice that the defective signal has been put into proper working order, shall advise the number of the train so notified last.

(3) The Station Master of the station where, the signal has become defective shall, before authorizing a train to pass the defective signal, ensure that the conditions for taking ‘off’ that signal have been fulfilled (all relevant points clamped and padlocked). He shall then authorize the Driver to pass the defective signal at ‘on’ in one of the following manners.

(a) When the Driver of an approaching train has been advised of the defective signal at station in rear-- by deputing a competent railway servant in uniform under clause (b) of sub-rule (1) of Rule 3.68, to exhibit Proceed hand signal at the foot of the defective signal to the approaching train. In such cases, the Station Master shall not give Line Clear to the station in rear unless the conditions for taking ‘off’ the signal which has become defective, have been complied with; or

(b) When the Driver of an approaching train has not been advised of the defective signal at a station in rear-- by having a written authority, authorizing the Driver to pass the defective signal at ‘on’, delivered at the foot of the defective signal through a competent railway servant; or (c) by taking ‘off’ the Calling-on signal where provided; or

(d) by authorizing the Driver to pass the defective signal at ‘on’ over the signal post telephone where provided, in accordance with special instructions.

(4) When the Home signal becomes defective, the Outer shall also be deemed to be out of order and the procedure prescribed in sub-rules (1), (2) and (3) shall be followed.

S. R 3.69.1. The procedure laid down in the SWR for reception of trains should, rigidly, be complied with even during failure of signals, if interlocking permits.

2.1. The station in rear or the nominated station in rear shall on being advised of a defective signal notify the Drivers by issuing T/369(1)

The description of the signal such as first loop Home, second loop Home, main Home etc., should be clearly indicated.

2.2. If T/369(1) is not issued by the station in rear, the train shall be brought to a stop in rear of the defective signal. A written authority should, then, be delivered to the Driver to pass the defective signal at ‘on’ in accordance with G.R.3.69 (3b). The Driver should proceed at a speed not exceeding 15 kmph only after observing the PHS exhibited at the foot of the defective signal by a competent railway servant in uniform.

3. In the two aspect signaling territory, the Driver of a train, when notified of a defective Home signal by the station in rear, or the nominated station in rear, may pass the Outer signal taken ‘off’ in conjunction with one of the Home signals in working order at a restricted speed of 15 kmph.

4. When the Outer signal is defective, the railway servant deputed at the foot of the Outer signal shall not deliver the written authority for passing the signal at ‘on’ or exhibit the PHS to the Driver, unless the relevant Home signal has been taken ‘off’ correctly. If the correct Home signal is not taken ‘off’, he should exhibit a Stop hand signal to the approaching train and stop the train at the Outer signal.

Q.7. Write short notes on the following.

1.Mansoon Patrolman not turned up in time.

10.4. if a Patrolman does not turn up within 15 minutes of his scheduled arrival, the SM on duty shall take the following action.
10.4.1. He shall stop run through trains proceeding into the block section:–
10.4.2. He shall advice the SM at the order end of the block section to take similarly action and also advice the SCOR, the Gang mate and the PWI.
10.4.3 He shall issue a caution order to all trains proceeding into the block section advising the driver to be on the alert and specify a speed restriction of 40 KMPH

The caution orders will be issued until the Patrolman has arrived and reported that the line is safe for passage of trains.

2. when no response from level crossing gate
  1. When telephonic communication fails or it does not get any response from the Gateman despite or 3 attempts, the following procedure should be adopted
  2. SM on duty shall send written advice to the Gateman through the porter with full details of number, description and direction of the train.
  3. Gateman on receipt of such advice shall close the gate and transmit the key to the SM/Switchman which will enable them to take OFF reception/departure signals
  4. When sufficient time is not available because of greater frequency of train service, SM will issue
  5. Written authority to the train driver to pass the signal at ON position.
  6.  In addition the SM shall also issue a caution order advising the Driver to whistle continuously and approach the gate cautiously.
  7.  The train Driver shall be instructed to pass the gate cautiously, on being hand signaled by the Gateman. If hand signal is not seen, Driver should be prepared to stop short of the gate and ensure that gate is closed following GR 3.73 (2) (b).
  8.   In case of an approaching train, the SM shall advise the SM at the dispatching end, that the telephone at the gate has failed.
  9.   The SM at the dispatching end shall then issue a caution order to the Driver before dispatching a train in the block section from his end.
  10.   SM should also advise S&T staff responsible for maintenance of the telephone to rectify the defect at the earliest.
  11.  Normal working will be resumed only after S&T staff rectifies the telephone and issue reconnection/fit memo for the same.

In the case of an obstruction at the level crossing the gateman shall maintain the gate signals if any in “on” position. And shall show stop hand signal and do his best to stop approaching train if any. He shall at once remove the obstruction and if unable to do so, shall inform the station/cabin and shall proceed to protect the line as follows:-

1. On the double line, if both lines are obstructed, during day, he shall plant a staff fixed with red flag, 5 meters ahead of the obstruction on the line on which the train is expected to arrive first, and plant another staff fixed with red flag. 5 meters in the opposite direction on the other line. He shall then proceed on that line to a point 400 meters on the MG and 600 meters on the BG from the level crossing and place one detonator on the line, after which he shall proceed further to a point not less than 800meters on the MG and 1200 meters on the BG from the level crossing and place 3 detonators in staggered manner on the rails about 10 meters apart so that two will be on the driver side. Apart protecting the line on the a train is expected to approach first, he shall return to the level crossing, picking up the intermediate detonator on his way back. He shall then proceed on the other line showing the stop hand signal, place detonators similarly and return to the site of obstruction to warn the Driver of an approaching train.

2. On the signal line, if the line is obstructed during day, he shall plant the staff fixed with red flag 5 meters ahead of the obstruction towards the direction form which train is expected to arrive first and then plant the other staff fixed with red flag 5 meters in the opposite direction fro the site of obstruction. He shall then protect the line in the direction from which a train is expected to approach first, return to the site of obstruction and proceed the with all haste in the direction to protect the line. After protecting the line on both sides, he shall station himself at the place of obstruction to warn the driver of a approaching train.

3. In automatic Block territories on double line sections, if both lines are obstructed, during day, he shall plant a staff fixed with red flag 5 meters ahead of the obstruction on the line on which the train is expected to arrive first and plant another staff fixed with red flag, 5 meters in the opposite direction on the other line. He shall then proceed showing stop hand signal proceed on that line to a point 90 meters from the level crossing and place one detonator on the line after which, he shall proceed further to a point not less than 180 meters from the level crossing and place two detonators on the rails about 10 meters apart. After protecting the line on which a train is expected to approach first, he
shall return to level crossing picking up the intermediate detonator on way back and he shall proceed on the other line showing stop hand signal, place detonators similarly and return to the site of obstruction to warn the Driver of an approaching train.

4. In Automatic block territories on signal line sections if the line is obstructed during day, he shall plant a staff fixed with red flag 5 meters ahead of obstruction from which a train is expected to arrive first, and then plan another staff fixed with red flag 5 meters in the opposite direction from the site of obstruction. He shall then as in sub-para 3, protect the line in the direction from which a train is expected to approach first, return to the site of obstruction and proceed in other direction to protect the line. After protecting the line on both sides, he shall station himself at the place of obstruction to warn the driver of an approaching train.

5. at night the gateman should light the two hand signal lamps and take action to exhibit red light and [protect the lines as in sub-para 1 to 4.

Q 8 Mention the Zonal railways,. Which are in Operation in Indian Railways along with their
Head quarters.?

Ans : Zonal Railway Head Quarters.

1. Central Railway - Mumbai
2. Eastern Railway - Kolkata
3. Northern Railway - Delhi
4. North Eastern Railway - Gorkhpur
5. Northeast Frontier Railway - Guwahari
6. Southern Railway - Chennai
7. South Central Railway - Secunderabad
8. South Eastern Railway - Kolkata
9. Western Railway - Mumbai ( Church gate)
10. North Western Railway - Jaipur
11. East Central Railway -Hajipur
12. East Coat Railway - Bhubaneswar
13. South Western Railway - Hubli
14. West Central Railway - Jabalpur
15. North central Railway - Allahabad
16. South East Central Railway-Bhilaspur

Q 9. Write a letter to your officer asking for 20 days LAP?

Model letter Date:
Sr. Divl. Operations Manager
.......  Divn
Respected Sir,

Sub: Request for leave ( LAP ) – Regarding.

Kindly grant me ____ days leave ( LAP ) from ________ to _____ as my daughter’s marriage is to be performed on ________

Thanking you sir,
Yours faithfully

Q 10. Write short notes on

a) Engine pushing
b) Caution order
c) Working time table
d) Material train.

a) Engine Pushing

a) No engine may push the train out side station limits expect in accordance with special instructions.
b) This rules shall not apply to a train the leading vehicle of which is equipped with driving apparatus (Push – Pull train)
c) This rule shall not apply to an engine assisting in rear of train.
d) Patrol or searchlight special with one or more vehicles in front of the engine may be permitted to run at a maximum speed of 40 KMPH.
e) Engine pushing may be permitted in the following circumstances.

1) In connection with working of material trains.
2) Inability of the engine to haul the load.
3) Trains are required to work to the point of obstruction.
4) Working of relief/Transshipping train during accidents.
5) To pick up injured passenger, if considered necessary.

f) Except in case of ( 5) when it is not possible to go forward, and no relief engine is available, the guard in consultation with the Driver, can decided to push back the train.
g) The guard /Driver shall contact SMs/SCOR/TPC telephonically and obtain permission to push back. Such permission will be given by rear Station Master supported by PN.
h) If guard/driver cannot contact SMs/SCOR/TPC, the guard/Assistant Driver shall walk to the nearest station. If the station in advance is nearest, SM of the station shall issue caution order permitting pushing back after obtaining permission from stationmaster in rear supported by PN. If the station in rear is nearest the SM permits pushing back by  giving caution order.
i) The guard shall travel in the leading vehicle, if it is fitted with brake valve or hand brake, If not travel in the nearest vehicle fitted with brake valve.
j) The speed of the train is restricted to 25 KMPH when guard is traveling in the leading vehicle and 8 KMPH when guard is not traveling in the leading vehicle.
k) The guard while pushing the train, shall keep a good look out and continuously exhibit PHS.
l) On single line, reception can be arranged by taking off signals after stopping the train at FSS.
m) On double line, reception can be arranged by piloting after stopping the train either at opposite to FSS of other line or LSS of same line which ever he comes across first.


1. Whenever, in consequence of the line being under repair or for any other reason, special precaution are necessary, a caution order detailing the kilometers between which such precautions are necessary, the reason for taking such precaution and the speed at which a train shall travel, shall be handed to the Driver at the stopping station immediately short of the place where such precautions are necessary, or at such other stations and in such manner, as prescribed under special instructions.
2. Sub – Rule ( 1) does not apply in the case of long continued repairs when fixed signals are provided at an adequate distance short of such place and have been notified to the running staff concerned.
3. The Caution order referred to in sub-rule (1) shall be on white paper with green font and be made out and signed in full: Provided that as a temporary measures the caution order may be on white paper with a green band running diagonally across the form


The working timetable is supplied to all the running staff the information pertaining to each section is presented in the following sequence.

a) First sheet gives salient sectional information such as system of working traction; line capacity utilization ruling gradients, passenger load table, total route kilometers, number of stations and axle load.
b) Standard of interlocking/signaling and loop capacity
c) Detailed sectional timings of Express/Passengers trains
d) Skip timings
e) Time allowance provided for Mail/Express trains and authorized detentions for connecting at Junction stations.
f) Intersectional running times.
e) Integrated blocks for maintenance and traffic/Engineering payments schedules.
f) Permanent speed restrictions
g) Speed restrictions on steep gradients
h) Details of level crossing gates.
i) The general information pertaining to whole division is given in one group in the last section under the heading – other information.

d. Material Train:

 Material train’ means a departmental train intended solely or mainly for carriage of railway material when picked up or put down or for execution of works either between stations or within station limits.

Q 11. What is shunting? Explain shunting precaution and authorities

Shunting means movement of vehicles from one line to another line with or without
engine or a light engine or detaching or attaching of vehicles.
They are five types of shunting they are
1. Hand shunting
2. Flat shunting or push and pull shunting
3. Loose shunting
4. Fly shunting
5. Hump Shunting.

1. Shunting operations should be controlled by fixed signals or hand signals or by verbal instructions.
2. The driver shall, before moving, observe the stop signal/shunt signal taken off for him / observe the hand signals of the railway servant conducting shunting.
3. At the stations where separate shunting staff is employed, they shall attend to all shunting operations. The Guard shall supervise at all other stations, shunting operations.
4. In the case of shunting of trains from one line to another line across main line or wagons containing explosives, the shunting operations shall be carried out under personal supervision of SM.
5. No vehicle shall be loose shunted unless it is equipped with an effective hand brake or unless it is attached to another vehicle, which is so equipped. A loose shunted vehicle shall be accompanied by a railway servant to pin down the hand brake whenever necessary.
6. Loose shunting of or against empty or loaded oil tank wagons, trucks loaded with heavy machinery / rails / timber, cranes, vans loaded with explosives, livestock, wagons labeled as “not to be loose shunted”, coaching vehicles etc., is prohibited.
7. In case the shunt movements are governed by shunt signals or starter signal, which detect the facing points, the shunt signal or starter shall be taken “off” and in all other cases the facing points shall be clamped/ cotter bolted and pad locked.
8. The speed during shunting operations shall not exceed 15 Kmph. In case of vehicles containing inflammable liquids, explosives, the speed is restricted to 8 Kmph.
9. Carriages occupied by passengers shall not be moved for shunting purposes without the orders of the SM and also the Guard of the train who will jointly responsible to warn and prevent accident to the passengers in the carriages or those who entrain or detrain thinking that the train is leaving.
10. Slip coaches shall not be kept on blocked line in the rear of passenger carrying trains.
11. While performing shunting on passenger carrying trains, shunting engine with or without coaches shall first come to a halt at 20 m away from the train and thereafter perform shunting carefully.
12. When vehicles moved by an engine for attaching to passenger train, the vacuum brake should be connected up so that adequate brake power will be available.
13. In case of shunting on Goods trains at intermediate station the vacuum brake shall, as far as possible, be connected with engine.
14. No engine shall be allowed on to a line where passenger carrying is waiting, except the one which has to perform shunting on the same train.
15. Gradients of 1 in 400 or steeper in respect of roller bearing stock and 1 in 260 or steeper in respect of other than roller bearing stock are considered as steep gradient.
16. Hand shunting of carriages occupied by passengers is strictly prohibited.
17. At a station yard where the outer most points are on a steep gradient, shunting shall be done only with the engine attached towards the falling side of the gradient.
18. Hand shunting of the roller bearing stock is prohibited at a yard where the outer most points are on or within 100 m of a gradient steeper than 1 in 400.
19. Hand shunting of other than roller bearing stock is permitted at a station yard on a gradient steeper than 1 in 260, having slip, subject to the following precautions:
a) The block section is free of an approaching train.
b) Personal supervision by SM or competent staff.
c) Only one vehicle is moved at a time.
d) The vehicle to be moved is fitted with an efficient hand brake.
e) A competent railway servant mans the hand brake.
f) The speed does not exceed 5 Kmph.


1. Where shunting operations are supervised by Guard/ ASM, Driver shall be given T.806 (Shunting order form) duly filled in. At major stations where separate staff viz., outdoor SM/ AYM/ Shunting Jamedar/ Shunting Master are provided for supervising. the shunting, form No.T.806 need not be given. The respective Sr.DOMs will notify such stations.
2. Shunting operations shall be controlled by fixed signals or hand signals or by verbal directions.
3. Outer, Home and LSS should not be taken 'off for shunting.
4. If Advanced starter is provided, free Starter can be taken 'off for shunting.
5. When a fixed shunt signal on a post by itself or below a stop signal or Shunting permitted indicator becomes defective, T / 369(3b) shall be issued and , PHS shall be shown from the foot of such defective signal after ensuring the locking of points.

i) Shunting within the station section: T.806.
ii) Up to FSS: Provided that no train is on line clear and signals are at ‘ON’: T.806 in token sections, T.806 + shunt key in token less sections.
*If shunt key cannot be extracted in Podanur Push button type block instrument, advise SM at the other end to take out shunt key and give PN. T.806 with PN is the authority for the Driver.
iii) Beyond FSS: Treated as train movement. Authority under the system  Memo to the Driver to push back to the station after the shunting is completed. Take 'off 'all departure/reception signals for departure and reception.
iv) Shunting beyond the Home signal in TAS territory and outermost facing points in MAS territory, in the· face of an approaching train - Generally not permitted. If permitted, the following conditions
Should be fulfilled:
a) SLB / Advanced starter is provided
b) Permission is indicated in SWR.
c) Shunting warning board is provided in rear of FSS
Note: In TAS territory. after ensuring that the incoming train has come to a stop at the outer signal, shunting may be performed upto Outer signal, subject to the following conditions.
i) When authorized by Special Instructions.
ii) Shall not be done in thick, foggy or tempestuous weather impairing visibility or during night
iii) Provision shall be available in SWR
i) Within station section: T.806.
ii) Beyond LSS: Block forward & T.806 with PN.
iii) Beyond LSS behind a train traveling away:
T.806. Without PN if SWR permits. As soon as the preceding train clears the section. the line should be blocked forward if the shunting is not completed.
iv) Behind BSLB / outermost facing points: Block back & T.806 with PN.
v) Involving LSS : T.806 with PN + T.369 (3b) to pass LSS at 'on'. (Both sections shall be treated as one.)

Q 12. Write the names

  1.  Railway Minister :
  2.  Chairman Rly Board:
  3.  C.R.S :
  4.  General Manager :
  5.  DRM :

Q 13. Write a letter to your friend abut your visit to a tourist place

Candidates has to write the letters on their own according to the question asked.

Q 14. Write a letter to your father about your job
Candidates has to write the letters on their own according to the question asked.

Q 15. Write a letter to your friend about your experience of a long journey by train.
Candidates has to write the letters on their own according to the question asked.

11. Differentiate between
a) General rule & Subsidiary Rule
b) Facing points & Trailing points
c) Slip siding & catch siding.



Grievous Hurt: Grievous Hurt as defined in section 320 of the Indian Penal Code Includes.
a. Emasculation.
b. Permanent privation of the sight of either eye.
c. Permanent privation of the hearing of either ear.
d. Privation of any member or joint.
e. Destruction or permanent impairing of the powers of any member or joint. Fracture or dislocation of a bone or tooth
g. Permanent
Any hurt which endangers life or which causes the sufferer to be, during the span of twenty days, in severe bodily paint or unable to follow his ordinary pursuits.

2. Sabotage: Means the criminal interference with any part of the working machinery of a railway with the object of rendering it inoperative or any act intended to cause damage to railway property other than train wrecking or attempted' train wrecking.

3. Train Wrecking: Means the willful obstruction of or tampering with the permanent way, works or rolling stock, resulting in an accident to a train with or without loss of life or damage .

4. Engine failure and time failure:
a) An engine is considered to have failed when it is unable to work its booked train from start to destination. Reduction of the load for a part of the journey would constitute an engine failure, provided this is due to a mechanical defect on the engine or mismanagement on the part of the engine crew.
Note: In the even of an engine failure, the Driver shall give written advice of it to the Guard. The Guard will advise the Station Master who will issue the necessary" All concerned" message.
b) When an engine causes a net delay of one hour or more throughout the entire run owing to some mechanical defect or mismanagement on the part of the engine crew, it would constitute a time failure. Train stalling due to engine trouble or mismanagement by the engine crew necessitating working of the train in two portion would constitute a time failure provided the net loss of time on the entire journey exceeds an hour.


Collision are one of type of the accident in which two trains vehicles /wagons/self profiled vehicles collide each other either in the same direction are opposite direction and also includes side collision.
The collision is the most dreaded of all railway accidents as it is likely to result in grave consequences. In fact, the causalities have been heavy in case of collisions as compared with other consequential accidents. Such accidents are, therefore, viewed seriously collisions may be of the following types.

  •  Head -on collision, i.e. one train ramming into the other from the rear.
  •  Side -collision due to a train moving on a partially blocked line fouled by a train or vehicle on the adjacent line.
  •  Collision between a train and a trolley pushed into the same section in violation of the Block Working rules.
  •  Averted Collision: An averted collision is a circumstances under which, but for the vigilance shown by any person or persons, a collision would have occurred either in the block section or within the station limits between two trains or between a train and an obstruction.
  •  These collision falls under Al to AS class and Fl to F4 class.
6/ Derailment:

When ever a train are vehicle /wagon involved in an accident and whose wheels are gone off the track is known as derailment. 
Derailment can be classified into 3 Yard derailment/station derailment, Mid section derailment.
Derailment are classified in accident manual under class D from D1 to D6

Q.17. Write short notes on

a) Train delayed in mid section
b) Engine unable to haul the load
c) Weld failure
d) Rail breakage
e) Averted collision.

a) Train Delayed in Mid Section.

1. If a passenger carrying train does not arrive within 10 minutes or if a goods train does not arrive within 20 minutes after allowing for its normal running time, the SM shall immediately advise the station in rear and the control of this fact.
2. Both the SMs shall stop all trains proceeding into the block section on adjacent line/lines and warn the drivers and guards by issuing caution orders and also ascertain the where about of the delayed train.
3. The SM shall also send a railway servant into the block section to get information regarding the where about of the delayed train.
4. On double line sections, if there is tunnel in which the train is delayed, the SM shall not allow any train in the opposite direction until he ensures that the line is clear.
5. The guard of the train carrying passengers, when delayed in the block section for over ten minutes, shall inform the SCOR through portable field telephone, the cause and the probable detention for the train.
6. The SCOR on receipt of such advice shall immediately alert the stations where ART and MRT are located to keep them in readiness for moving them immediately on receipt of further information, if required.

b) Engine unable to haul the Load.

The driver of a train at time may feel that the engine is not in a position to haul the load due to the following circumstances:
1. Stiff gradients
2. Excess load
3. Engine defects
4. Weather conditions.
When driver felt that engine is not in a position to haul the load, he shall bring the train to a stop on a level grade and then:
Firstly protect, secondly inform and finally to clear the block section:
a) Driver shall inform guard about inability to proceed by whistle code ( 0 0 0 0 )
b) Train be protected as per G.R. 6.03
c) Clear the block section by choosing one of the three alternatives viz (i) To push back to the block station in rear (ii) to divided and clear and (iii) to ask for relief engine.


It is of paramount importance that whenever a weld failure is noticed, immediate action is taken to restore the track, if necessary with restricted speed with the least possible delay. The mate/key men /Gagmen, as soon as he notices the weld failure should first protect the track. He should also send information to the PWI and the stationmaster of the nearest station .In the case of weld failure, joggled fish –plates and clamps should be used. After doing the emergency repairs the trains may be passed at 20KMPH by a Mate/Keyman, until the PWI attends.

d) Rail breakage

1. If a driver realizes, while on run that there is rail breakage he shall stop the train immediately, protect the train and examine. If considered safe, he will proceed. If considered unsafe, Engineering Official has to certify for the passage of trains.
2. If a Gang mate /Key man/Patrolman detects rail fracture of less than 30 mm gap, he shall show stop hand signals and inform Driver of first train to pass the fracture spot at 10 KMPH and subsequent trains at 15 KMPH.
3. Driver of the train shall stop his train at the next block station and give memo about the rail fracture.
4. SM, who receives report from Driver about the rail fracture, shall inform the SM of the station at other end of the block section.
5. Both the SMs shall arrange to issue caution order to trains to observe SR of 15 KMPH and also advise all concerned.
6. If the gap is more than 30 mm or in case of multiple fractures, PWM/PWI only is authorized to pass the trains after attending the track.

An averted collision is a circumstance under which, but for the vigilance shown by any person or persons, a collision would have occurred either in the block section or within the station limits between two trains or between a train and an obstruction. Provided, further, that such an occurrence may not be treated as an Averted Collision.
a) If, outside the station limits, the distance between the two trains or the train and the obstruction at the time the train or trains have finally come to a stop is 400 metres or more.
b) If, within the station limits, there is an intervening stop signal at danger governing the moving train and compliance by the moving train with the indication conveyed by the stop signal averted the collision between the trains or between the train and the obstruction.

Q.18. What are the incentives and Awards provided by Railways for effective implementation of Hindi as official language?

Ans: Railway Boards Awards

Railway Minister gives this award every year at all India Hindi Week Celebrations. 6to 8 officers/ employees are awarded. Each awardees will be given Rs. 1000/- and a certificate.

General Manager’s Award

This award is given by GM every year on the eve of SC Rly’s Hindi Saptah Celebratations. 10 Officers 30 employees will be awarded. Each awardee will be given Rs. 1000/- and a certificate.

Home Ministry’s Award.

Employees of all the Zones can participate subject to the following conditions. Officers/employees working in regions. ‘A’ and ‘B’ Regions. “C” Region.
For writing minimum 2000 for writing minimum 10000 words in Words in Hindi per year. Hindi per year.
Awards Given
Two first prizes - Rs. 800/- each
Three second prizes - Rs. 400/- each
Five third prizes - Rs. 300/- each
Collective Cash Award
Given to three departments for doing commendable work in Hindi.
1 Prize - Rs. 6000/- 60 employees
2 Prizes - Rs. 4000/- 40 employees
3 Prizes - Rs. 3000/- 30 employees.

Every year these competitions are conducted at Board level and Zonal level and 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes are given to the winners for each of the above said competitions separately. Board level competitions is conducted in August.
1st prize - Rs. 700
2nd prize - Rs. 600
3rd prize - Rs. 500
Consolation - Rs. 200)for 5

Zonal level competition is conducted in July.
1st prize - Rs. 600
2nd prize - Rs. 500
3rd prize - Rs. 400
Consolation - Rs. 100(for 3)

Training Awards

Officer/Employees of Group A,B,C to pass Prabodh/Praveen/Pragy examination will be given lumpsum award on passing
Parveen/Prabodh – Rs. 6000 Pragya – Rs. 800/-
In addition to the above award if they secure the following percentage of amrks addition amount is given.
Prabodh, Praveen & Pragya
70% or more - Rs. 600
60% or more - Rs. 400
55% of more - Rs. 200
In addition to the above for a period of 12 months an amount equal to the employees increment is also given.

Divisional Award.

During Railway Hindi Week Celebration Divisional Awards are also given to the Officer/employees who has done commendable work in Hindi, according to the funds available for Hindi implementation scheme.

Q.19. Write short notes on

a) Point indicators

They are necessary – in multiple aspect upper quadrant territory when signal armed home signal is provided and in multiple aspect colour light signaling territory when route indicator is not provided on Home signal or when there are no departure signals or when there is common departure signal.
Point indicator shall show a white target by day or a white light by night in both directions when the points are set for the straight and no target by day and a green light by night in both directions when the points are set for the turn out.

b)Crank Handle

Crank handles are provided at stations where motor operated points are provided. When motor operated points fall crank handles are required to operate the points. They are chained to keys in HKTs which are housed in boxes, padlocked and scaled. A releases button is provided on HKT by pressing by which the key can be taken out. Once this is done, the concerned pressing by which the key can be taken out. Once this is done, the concerned route will get disconnected and signals will refuse to assume off aspect. Crank handles should be used, strictly in accordance SR 3.38 whenever points are operated by crank handle they should be clamped and padlocked. A crank handle Register should be maintained giving particulars of its use. After the failure is rectified the crank handle must be restored in the Box and HKT key inserted in the HKT and turn fully to the right ‘Key in” indication appears on the panel. The box should be then be locked and sealed.


It is a time saving electrical arrangement for transmitting keys over long distances. A cast iron case with an indicating needle and a key hole is kept at both the places concerned. One of the key remains locked in one of those instruments at one time. If ‘A’ wants to transmit the key to ‘B’ he will insert it in the key hold of the transmitter and turn it in the clock wise direction. This causes both the needles deflect and a bell to ring at “b”, “b” will then turn the key at his end in the anti clock wise direction and take it out.
This stops the bell and bring the indicators to normal. “A’ leaves the key in the transmitter which gets locked up ‘B’ will return the key to ‘A’ after the work by repeating the procedure. HKT is useful in interlocking a number of outside siding points, gates, slip siding etc with reception or dispatch signals. It is also used to connect LSS with the block instrument.

Q.20. Write short notes on

a)All right signal
b)Banner flag
C) Detonators

a)All right signal
1.The Driver and the Guard of a train shall, while running through a station, look out for and, except under special instructions, acknowledge the ‘all-right’ signals which the Station Master and such other staff at the station as may be specified by special instructions shall give if the train is proceeding in a safe and proper manner. If the train is not proceeding in a safe and proper manner, the Station Master or the other staff shall exhibit a Stop hand signal on receipt of which the Guard and the Driver shall take immediate steps to stop the train.
1.1. The ‘all-right’ signal is given by holding out the green flag horizontally by day and by waving the green light horizontally by night. This signal shall normally be exchanged on the platform side unless the track is on a curve and signals cannot be seen from that side. When a train starts after stopping outside the station limits, the signals shall be exchanged on the left hand side, unless the track is on a right hand curve, in which case signals shall be exchanged from the other side.
1.2. The Driver may depute the Assistant Driver to exchange ‘all-right’ signals on his behalf.
2. Exchange of ‘all-right’ signals between the Guard and the Driver.

To ensure that the Guard is in his brake-van and that the train can proceed, ‘all-right’ signals
shall be exchanged between the Guard and the Driver as detailed below .––
2.1. When a train starts after stopping at a station.
2.2 When a train starts after stopping between stations.
2.3. When a train runs through a station.
2.4. While passing through ghat section.
2.5. When approaching important girder bridges.

Banner flag

A banner flag is a temporary fixed danger signal, consisting of a red cloth supported at each end on a post and stretched across the line to which it refer. Banner flag shall not be less than 150 centimeters long and 45 centimeters wife. The shall be stretched across the track on poles not less the 1.5 metres high at an adequate distance from the stop which they are intended to protect.


Detonating signals otherwise know as detonators or fog signals, are appliances which are fixed on the rails and when an engine or a vehicle passes over them, the explode with a loud report so as to attract the attention of the driver.

Q.21. How will you receive a train on obstructed line

In case of reception of a train on to an obstructed line, the SM shall:

  1. wherever possible, intimate the Driver through the SM in rear about the reception of train on obstructed line.
  2. Keep the reception signals on ‘ON’
  3. Ensure that all points leading to the said line are correctly set and facing points are clamped and padlocked when received on authority T 509 or one signal post telephone.
  4. After stopping the train at the relevant stop signal, it may be received by authorizing the driver to pass the stop signal at ‘ON’
  5. By taking off the calling on signal, if provided, or
  6. By authorizing to pass the signal at ON duly giving a P.N through telephone on the signal post, if provided or
  7. By delivering a written authority ( T/509) and piloting it.
  8. Stop the train at the facing point leading to the obstructed line and hand signal forward by a competent railway servant. Show stop hand signal at a distance of 45 mts from the obstruction. The Driver shall keep his train well under control and be prepared to stop short of any obstruction

Q.22. Procedure for stabling of train on running line

Stabling of trains on running line at stations

Vehicles detached from a train shall not be allowed on a running line for a longer period thatabsolutely necessary

  1. They shall be coupled together and all the necessary hand brakes of vehicles and brake van to be applied.
  2. Vehicles not provided with hand brakes shall be secured by chains.
  3. At night, the side and tail lamp of coaching vehicles at both ends shall be switched ON. If not, fix hand signal lamp showing red at both ends. In case of goods vehicle berthed on main line tail lamps, f available, duly lit, shall be fixed at both ends during night time.
  4. Red ink entry shall be made in TSR
  5. The SM shall advise and exchange private numbers with cabin ASMs when running line is occupied and cleared.
  6. The occupation of running lines shall be recorded in the station diary at the time of handing over and taking over charge.
  7. be stabled on non – running lines or on lines which are isolated from other running lines.
  8. When the track machine is stabled on a running line due to unavoidable circumstances, the mechanical had brake shall be applied and the machine shall be securely chained to the rails. ( SR )

Q.23. What are the occasions when caution order is issued

1. Circumstances under which Caution Orders are to be issued:
1.1. When engineering works or repairs are undertaken inside or outside station limits.
1.2. When unusually slack or rough running or heavy lurch is reported by the Driver.
1.3 When any Patrolman does not report at the time at which he is due.
1.4 Unsafe condition of the bunds of tanks or rivers.
1.5 when water level rises over the danger level marked at bridges.
1.6 when emergency patrols are put on.
1.7 When there is doubt or suspicion from the condition of run through passing train or observations made, that the block section in rear might have been affected or obstructed during the passage of the train.
1.8. On sections where bell and /or telephone communications have been provided between level crossing gate (outside FSS) and either of the two stations of the block section, if the Gateman’s acknowledgement is not received for a train to enter the block section from either end.
1.9. Lorry on line.
1.10. Trolley on line on the specified sections notified in SR. 15.26. 2.1
1.11. When a signal is newly erected or recited.
1.12. Any other condition or circumstance which may require the issue of a Caution Order or Caution Order issued under local or special instructions.

Q.24. What is weather warning message and the action taken by SM after receiving the same?

Weather warning message is a message received from Meteorological Department or weather forecast made by All India Radio/Television,

When Weather warnings are issued

a) When rainfall is likely to exceed 5 cms in 24 hours ( limit of rainfall)
b) When wind velocity is likely to exceed 65 KMPH ( limit for wind speed)
ii) convey the weather warning message to the AND/Section Engineer/P.Way/Gangmate.
iii) Inform nominated patrolmen at the station.
iv) Maintain continuous record of message in a register.
v) Obtain acknowledgement about delivery of message in the register.
vi) Detain a train in case of heavy cyclonic storm when there is doubt or safety of train in consultation with Driver and guard
vii) Refuse line clear for any incoming traim under above circumstances.

Q.25. What are Hand signals used while performing shunting

Ans Hand signals used for shunting

[a] Indication: Move away from the person signaling.

How given by day: By a green flag or one arm moved slowly up and down.
How given by night: By a green light moved slowly up and down.

[b] Indication: Move towards the person signaling.

How given by day: By a green flag or one arm moved from side to side across the body.
How given by night: By a green light moved from side to side across the body.
Note: The hand signals for move away from the person signaling and move towards the person signaling shall be displayed slower and slower, until the stop hand signal is given if it is desired to stop.
[c] Indication: Move slowly for coupling.

How given by day: By a green and flag held above the head or both hands raised over the head and moved towards and away from each other.
How given by night: By a green light held above the head and moved by twisting the wrist

Q.26. Define:

a. Station
Station’ means, any place ON a line of railway at which traffic is dealt with or at which an authority to proceed is given under the system of working.

b. Day ‘Day’ means from sunrise to sunset.

c. Line Clear
Line clear’ means the permission given from a block station to a block station in rear for a train to leave the latter and approach the former, or the permission obtained by a block station from a block station in advance for a train to leave the former and proceed towards the latter
d. Act. ‘Act’ means the Railways Act, 1989 (24 of 1989)

Q.27. Write Short notes on

a) Marshalling of wagons containing explosives
b) Marshalling of SLRs
c) Marshalling of dead engines
d) Marshalling of wagons containing Petroleum and other inflammable liquids

a) Explosives:
a) Maximum number of such wagons allowed by goods trains are five, by mixed or Parcel trains are three.
b) They shall be separated by dummy wagons as follows: Not less than three dummy wagons from steam engine, B/Van, Passenger coaches, wagons containing dangerous goods. or inflammable articles.
c) They shall be coupled close by each other as well as other wagons.
b) Marshalling of SLRs:
a) SLRs shall be at the extreme end of the formation of the train. I.e. next to the engine and rear most.
b) Maximum of 2 coaches may be attached in rear of SLR of Express trains. A saloon can be an additional coach.
c) Passenger trains also follow the stipulations described in para (b); on short distance passenger trains SLR can be in the middle of the composition and three coaches are permitted in the rear of SLR.
c) Dead Engines:
a) If permitted it can be next to train engine.
b) If not permitted next to train engine six guard wagons must intervene between dead engine and any other engine.
c) Two and more than two dead engines are permitted by a same train.
d) Dead engine shall not be the last vehicle of the train.
d) Wagons containing petroleum and other inflammable liquids.
1. No limit as regards to the number of such wagons.
2. Must be coupled closely.
3. Guard wagons: Class A
a. From engine, passenger coaches or brake van and other wagons containing explosives, dangerous goods and inflammable articles not less than three
b. Electrical/diesel engines –not less than one.
Class B.
1. This wagon should be separated from Electric/Diesel Loc, B/Van, Pass coach by one dummy wagon.
2. Compressed and liquefied gases by two wagons.
3. Explosives by three wagons.


  4. ZRTI:                            ZONAL RAILWAY TRAINING INSTITUTE
  6. RWF:                            RAIL WHEEL FACTORY
  7. POET:                           PASSENGER OPERATED ENQUIRY TERMINAL
  8. IVRS:                           INTER VOICE RESPONSE SYSTEM
  9. CONRAJ:                     CONTAINER RAJDHANI
  10. CONTRACK:               CONTAINER ON TRACK
  11. PQRS:                           PLASSER QUICK RELAY SYSTEM
  12. CCRS :                         CHIEF COMMISSIONER OF RAILWAY ,SAFETY.
  14. DMRC :                       DELHI METRO RAIL CORPORATION
  15. KRCL :                        KONKAN RAILWAY CORPORATION LIMITED
  16. BOLT :                         BUILT OPERATE LEASE AND TRANSFER
  17. TOT :                           TRANSFER OF TECHNOLOGY
  19. MRVC :                        MUMBAI RAIL VIKAS CORPORATION
  21. TAWD :                        TRAIN ACTIVATED WARNING DEVICE
  23. COFMOW:                   CENTRAL ORGANISATION FOR MODERNISATION OF                                                         WORKSHOPS
  24. ACD ;                         ANTI- COLLISION DEVICE
  26. MOU :                         MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING
  27. OFC :                           OPTICAL FIBRE CABLE
  28. NRVY :                         NATIONAL RAIL VIKAS YOJANA
  29. IRCTC :                        INDIAN RAILWAY CATERING AND TOURISM CORPORATION                                            LIMITED.
  30. HRD :                           HUMAN RESCUE DEVICE
  31. CAD :                           COMPUTER RESCUE DEVICE
  32. PINS :                           PERSONAL INFORMATION SYSTEM
  33. EASY :                        EMPLOYEE ACCOUNTING SYSTEM
  34. EICS :                           EMPLOYEE INCENTIVE CALCULATION SYSTEM.
  36. FACT :                            FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING SYSTEM
  37. STROMS :                      STORE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM
  38. PURSYS                          PURCHASE SYSTEM
  39. PLANS                           PLANT MAINTENANCE SYSTEM
  40. NTPC                             NATIONAL TRANSPORT POLICY COMMITTEE
  41. IUC                                 INTERNATIONAL UNION OF RAILWAYS
  42. WOC                               WEIGHT ONLY CONDITON
  43. RSRC                              RAILWAY SAFETY REVIEW COMMITTEE
  44. TPWS                             TRAIN PROTECTION AND WARNING SYSTEM
  46. BOOM                             BUILD, OWN, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN
  47. CWC                                CENTRAL WAREHOUSING CORPORATION LIMITED
  48. EPZ                                 EXPORT PROCESSING ZONE
  49. LRDSS                            LONG RANGE DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM
  50. ROSHAN                         ROLLING STOCK HEALTH ANALYST
  51. SRSF                                SPECIAL RAILWAY SAFETY FUND
  52. TVU                                  TRAIN VEHICLE UNITS
  53. SPTM                                SELF PRINTING TICKET MACHINE
  54. BOT                                  BUILD, OPERATE AND TRANSFER
  55. DTFM                               DUAL TONE MULTIPLE FREQUENCY
  56. MEMU                               MAIN LINE ELECTRICAL MULTIPLE UNIT
  57. DHMU                               DIESEL HYDRAULIC MULTIPLE UNITS
  58. NTKM                               NET TONNE KILOMETERS
  59. WTR                                 WAGON TURN ROUND
  60. USFD                                ULTRA SONIC FLAW DETECTOR
  61. SPURT                             CAR SELF PROPELLED ULTRA SONIC RAIL TEST CAR
  63. IRISET                         INDIAN RAILWAY INSTITUTE OF SIGNAL ENGINEERING AND                                         TELECOMMUNICATION.
  64. IRIMEE                          INDIAN RAILWAY INSTITUTE OF MECHANICAL AND                                                              ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING.
  68. RCC                                RAILWAY CONVENTION COMMITTEE
  69. RDSO                              RESEARCH, DESIGN AND STANDARD ORGANISATION
  70. WFD                               WHEEL FLAT DETECTOR
  71. RMPU                              ROOF MOUNTED PACKAGE UNIT
  73. NETRA CAR                   NETWORK OF ELECTRIFICATION, TESTING, RECORDING                                                         APPARATUS CAR
  75. MRTS                                MASS RAPID TRANSIT SYSTEM
  76. MMTS                               MULTI MODEL TRANSPORT SYSTEM
  78. ICD                                         INLAND CONTAINER DEPOT
  79. CFS                                          CONTAINER FREIGHT STATION
  80. TEU                                          TWENTY FEET EQUIVALENT UNIT
  81. FEU                                         FORTY FEET EQIVALENT UNIT
  82. ADD                                        AUTO DRIVING DEVICE
  83. RO-RO                                     ROLL ON ROLL OFF
  84. CRIS                                         CENTRE FOR RAILWAY INFORMATION SYSTEM
  85. RMS                                          RAKE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM
  87.                                          ENHANCED  RESERVATION AND TICKETING
  88. PRS                                              PASSENGER RESERVATION SYSTEM
  89. RSC                                            RAILWAY STAFF COLLEGE
  91. IRICON                                  INDIAN RAILWAY CONSTRUCTION CO., LTD
  92. RRB                                          RAILWAY RECRUITMENT BOARD.
  93. RCT                                          RAILWAY CLAIMS TRIBUNAL
  94. RRT                                         RAILWAY RATES TRIBUNAL
  95. MTP                                          METROPOLITAN TRANSPORT PROJECTS
  96. RTM                                          RAILWAY TRANSPORT MUSEUM
  97. RLO                                          RAILWAY LIAISON OFFICER
  100. KRC                                       KONKAN RAILWAY CORPORATION
  101. ICF I                                       NTEGRAL COACH FACTORY
  102. CLW                                          CHITTARANJAN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS
  103. DLW                                         DIESEL LOCOMOTIVE WORKS
  104. DCW                                          DIESEL COMPONENT WORKS
  105. RSK                                           RAIL SPRING KARKANA
  106. FOIS                                          FREIGHT OPERATIONS INFORMATION SYSTEM
  107. CRB                                           CHAIRMAN RAILWAY BOARD
  108. COM                                          CHIEF operations Manger
  109. MT                                              MEMBER TRAFFIC
  110. GM                                            GENERAL MANAGER
  111. IRCA                                         INDIAN RAILWAY CONFERENCE ASSOCIATION
  112. MPA                                           MACHINE PREPARED ABSTRACT
  113. RTSA                                         RAIL TRAVEL SERVICE AGENT
  114. MR CELL                                  MONITORING CELL
  115. NR CELL                                   NON RECEIPT CELL
  116. LVCD                                         LAST VEHICLE CHECK DEVICE
  117. FRED                                          FLASHING REAR END DEVICE
  118. ACT                                            ANTI COLLUSION DEVICE
  119. APM                                           ADMINISTERED PRICING MECHANISM
  120. CRS                                            CARRIAGE REPAIR SHOP
  121. CRS                                              COMMISSIONER OF RIALWAY SAFETY.


1. The railways distributed the following articles in a Railway School during 2004-05. A TV set costs Rs. 12,258, a VCR costs Rs. 12,575 and a water cooler at the cost of Rs. 5,757. What is the total cost of the articles?

Cost of TV. - Rs. 12,258.00
Cost of VC R - Rs. 12,575.00
Cost of Water cooler - Rs. 5,757.00
Total cost - Rs. 30,580.00

2. An exhibition was held at Secunderabad on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.The number of employees who visited the exhibition was 517,2928, 1648,2452. How many employees visited the exhibition.

Number of employees visited on Sunday - 517
Number of employees visited on Monday - 2928
Number of employees visited on Tuesday - 1648
Number of employees visited on Wednesday - 2452
Total number of employees visited - 7545

3. A person has three daughters, Bindu, Indu and Swathi. He gave Rs. 3,42,506 to Bindu, Rs. 2,68,372 to Indu and Rs. 1,75,429 to Swathi. Fin the total money he has given to his three daughters.

Bindu - Rs. 3,42,506.00
Indu - Rs. 2,68,372.00
Swathi - Rs. 1,75,429.00
Total Amount - Rs. 7,86,307.00

4. A cycle merchant brought 25 cycles and paid Rs. 20,000 and promised to pay remaining amount of Rs. 1,250 later. If so find the cost of one cycle?

Amount paid for 25 Cycles =Rs 20,000
Amount to be paid = Rs 1,250
Total Amount for 25 = Amount paid + amount to be paid
Cycles = Rs 21,250
Therefore cost of one cycle = Total amount/No of Cycles
= 21250/25
= Rs 850
Cost of one cycle =Rs 850.

5. If 52 TV sets cost Rs. 6,40,380 find the cost of each TV set.

Cost of 52 TV sets = Rs 6,40,380
No of TV sets = 52 sets
Cost of each TV set = Total cost of 52 TV sets/No of TVs
= 640380/52
= Rs 12315

6. The cost of 25 buffaloes is Rs. 65,925 find the cost of one buffalo.

Cost of 25 buffaloes = Rs 65,925
No of buffaloes = 25
Cost of each buffalo = Total cost of 25 buffaloes /No of buffaloes
= 65,925/25
= Rs 2637

7. If a passenger purchased tickets worth Rs. 7250/- If one ticket cost Rs. 125. Find the number of ticket purchased.

Cost total Tkts = Rs 7250/-
Cost of one TKT = Rs 125/-
Number of Tickets Purchased = Cost total Tkts /cost of one TKT
= 7250/125
= Rs 58


8. An employee gets Rs. 800/- as consolidated pay. If 43 are working find the amount to be paid?

Consolidated pay of the employee = Rs 800.
No of employees working = 43
Total amount to be paid = pay of the employee x No of
= 800 x 43
= Rs 34400.

9. The Government paid to each family, which lost house due to floods Rs. 550/- find theamount required to give 120 families?

Amount paid to the each family = Rs 550
No of families =120
Amount required for 120 families =
amount paid to each family x No. of families
= 550 x 120

=Rs 66000
10. If a bag of rice cost Rs. 890/- what is the cost of 45 bags?

Cost of one rice bag = Rs 890
Total no of bags =45


1.Approved special instruction are issued by _________ (CRS)

2. Special instruction are issued by ____________ (Authorized Officer)

3. Authorized Officer of SC Railway is ___________ (COM)

4.Authority to proceed on double line __________ (Taking of LSS)

5.When block instrument is defective the authority to proceed is __________ (PLCT).

6. PLCT number for Up direction is _________, (T/C1425) and for Dn direction is ___________ (T/D1425).

7. Block overlap in MAS shall be ______ (NLT180 Mts) from _______ (FSS)

8. SOL in MAS Double line shall be ________ (NLT120 Mts) from _______ (Starter)

9. SOL in MAS single line shall be ________ (NLT120 Mts) from _______ (Outer most trailing point)

10. The distance between Home signal and BSLB shall not be less than ________ (180 Mts)

11. Point indicator shows __________ by day (White target) and _______ (White light) by night.

12. Point indicator shows ________ (No target) by day ________ (Green light) by night when set for loop line.

13. When Trap point is open trap indicator shows ______ (Red target) by day_________ (Red light) by night.

14. When Trap point is set, trap indicator shows _____ (Knife Edge) by day and ________________(Green light) by Night.

15. Station limits are available between _______ (Two outer most signals) at block station.

16. On double line MAS signalling station, station section lies between_______ (Outer most/BSLB) to ______ (LSS) on either direction

17. Station section is available only in ______ (Class B) station

18. Wind velocity can be measured by _________( Anemometer)

19. No Railway servant directly connected with working of trains shall not consume any alcoholic drink with in _________ (8) hours befor commencement of duty.

20. SCR is divided into _____ (7) zones for the purpose of weather warnings

21. Heavy wind with velocity above _______ (65 KMPH) is considered as dangerous for running trains

22. Rainfall above _______ (5 cms) in 24 Hrs is considered as Dangerous for running trains

23. When there is a severe storm endangering the Safety of passenger trains SM shall not __________ (Grant Line Clear) or __________ (Obtain Line Clear)

24. Axle Counters and Track circuits are treated as authorized _________ (Means of Communication)

25. A train which started with proper ATP and has not completed its journey is called _________ (Running Train)

26. The lines which are protected by fixed signals at a Block station are called ___________ (Running lines)

27. A fixed stop signal of a Block station which controls the entry of trains into next Block section is Called _________ (LSS)

28. When double distant is provided the distance signal is located at _________ (200 Mts) from FSS

29 When double distant is provided the normal aspect of distant signal is _______(Attention / Double yellow

30 When double distant is provided _______ (Signal warning board) is dispensed with

31. Starter signal protects __________ (Points) in___________ (Fouling mark)

32. Advance starter protects __________ (Block Section)

33. Advance starter ‘OFF’ position is interlocked with _________ (Block instrument)

34. Normal aspect of stoop signals except in Automatic section is __________ (Most restrictive aspect/stop)

35. Calling – On signal shows ________(No light) in ‘On’ position

36. Calling – On signal shows ________ (Miniature yellow light) in ‘OFF’ position

37. Colour light Calling – On signal is identified by _________ (C) marker board

38. Calling – On signal is used for __________ (Admitting train on obstructed line __________ and (When above stop signal is defective)

39. Signal sighting committee comprises of ________ (TI) ________ (SSE/S&T) & __________ (SSE/LOCO)

40. Signal sighting committee will go on foot plate inspection once in ______ (3 months)

41. Shunt signal protects _______ (Points)

42. When shunt signal becomes defective _____ (T-369.3B+PHS) is the authority to pass at ‘On’

43. Shunting order form no ____________ (T-806)

44. Details working instruction about shunting permitted indicators is available in _______ (SWR)

45. When SPI is defective __________ (T-369.3B+PHS) is the authority to pass in ‘On’ position

46. Co – Acting signal is also known as ______ (Duplicate signal)

47. _________ (Banner type repeating signal) shows ‘No’ light in any position at any time.

48. Route indicators are treated as __________ (Stop signals)

49. Route indicators are ______ (3) types. They are _______ (Stencil type) _______ (Multi lamp) and ______ (junction type)

50. Electrical repeaters are _______ (4) types they ______ (Signal arm type) _______ (Signal light repeaters) ______ (Miniature colour light repeaters) and ______ (LED light repeaters)

51. Minimum equipment of signal in MAS ‘B’ class station are ______ (Distant) _______ (Home) _______ (Starter)

52. Block section limit board is provided at a ________ (‘B’ class) station on Double line with _______(MAS) signals, where outermost point is trailing or where there are ________ (No points at all)

53. Outlying siding points are indicated by __________ (S) mark boards

54. Detailed working instruction about outlying sidings is incorporated in _________ (SWR)

55. A signal which is taken ‘OFF’ for a train will be put back to ‘On’ position only_______ (in emergency to avoid an accident) or when information about ________(Engine failure) is received

56. Home signal lever/Switch will be normalised only after the passage of _________ (Complete train)

57. The reception Stop signal shall be tested by SM ________ (Daily) and shall pass the remarks in _________ (Station dairy)

58. When ever signal inspector tests the signal the remarks shall be recorded in(Station dairy)

59. To stop a train out of course in automatic section _______ (2) no of detonators shall be placed at a distance of ________ (180, 190) from the __________ (Platform end)

60. Normal setting of points shall be always to _______ (Main line)

61. On single line after the arrival of the stopping train the point in _______ (Rear) and ________ (Front) shall be set against the ___________ (Blocked line)

62. On Double Line after the arrival of the stopping train the points in ______ (Rear) will be set against the ________ (Blocked line)

63. When all the running lines at a station are blocked by passenger carrying trains and still line clear is to be granted for a train the points shall be set for _________(Loop line engine facing side)

64. To receive a stopping train on loop line having sand hump or buffer stop the points must be set for _______ (Sand hump/Buffer stop)

65. _________, _________ (Outer, Home) and ________ (LSS) are prohibited to be used for shunting

66. Catch siding is intended to protect ________ (Station section) and provided when there is falling gradient of _________ 1/80 towards station section

67. Slip siding protects ________ (Block section) and provided when the falling gradient is ________ (1/100) towards block section

68. Normal setting of slip/catch siding points are to __________ (Slip/Catch siding)

69. Catch siding and slip siding shall not be used for ________ (Stabling and shunting) purpose

70. When the disconnected signal /points are reconnected the ____ (SM) shall personally test them before accepting reconnection memo

71. Waving a white light horizontally across the body of a person violently indicates __________ (Stop Dead)

72. Detonators are also known as __________ (Fog signal)

73. VTP is painted with ___________ ( Self luminous yellow colour) and placed at a distant of _________ (180 Mts) from SM’s office

74. FSP is painted with ___________ (Black and self luminous Yellow stripes alternately) and placed ________(270 Mts) from ________ (FSS)

75. Normal life of Detonators is _________ (7 years) can be extended for _________ (3 years) after Testing _______(Yearly)

76. Fog signal men’s assurance will be taken in _________ (Fog signal register) by SM once in _________ (3 Months)

77. Whenever a signal detecting points becomes defective the concerned points are treated as ________ (Non – Interlocked points)

78. Whenever signal/points/block instrument become defective SM shall make entry in _________ (S&T failure register)

79. When Home signal becomes defective Pre – warning memo number ______ (T-369(1)) is given by ________ (Rear SM or Notice station SM)

80. Authority to pass defective stop signal at ‘On’ position ______ (T-369.3b)

81. When LSS fails the authority is _________ (PLCT)

82. When driver passes starter at ‘On’ partly and stopped before advance starter and subsequently line clear is taken _________ (ATP+T-369.3B for starter + restart memo counter signed by guard + PHS) will be given.

83. When IB is defective __________ (PLCT+T-369.3B to pass IB at ‘On’ position) is the authority to start the train.

84. Signal warning board is located ________ (1400 Mts) from ________ (FSS)

85. When there is no response from gateman, SM shall stop the train and issue ________ (Caution order)

86. When signal is newly erected or shifted Caution order will be given for a period of _________ (10 days)

87. ODC shall be moved only after obtaining prior sanction from ____________ (COM)

88. In emergency goods train without Brake van or without Guard ordered by (Sr.DOM/DOM)

89. Light engines or couple light engines shall have _________ (LV board) by day ______ (Tail lamp) by night

90. Side lights are dispensed with for _________ (Goods trains) and __________ (EMU trains)

91. ________ (One) number of damaged vehicles are permitted in rear of Brake van during ___________ (Day) only

92. Fresh BPC is required when ever _______ (10 Units) or more vehicles attached or detached

93. When non CC rake is stabled for more than _________ (24 Hours) fresh BPC is required

94. When SM/Station staff does not exchange All right signals the driver shall give _________ (Two short) engine whistle code

95. Even though FSS is at ‘Off’ position if LP of an incoming train stops at FSS and gives ____o ____o engine whistle indicates __________ (Train arrived incomplete)

96. o o ____________ engine whistle indicates__________ (Insufficient Brake pressure/ACP)

97. In a token less section SM shall arrange to show all right signal for run through train from __________ (Off side)

98. While stabling a material train at a station the responsibility lies with the __________ (SM & Guard)

99. When ever BPC is invalid or while clearing a stable load before starting _____________ (GLP) check shall be conducted for which _________ (30 seconds) time is given for 1 four wheeler unit

100. Divisional caution order number is ________ (T.409)

101. All existing caution orders shall be brought forward by SM on every__________(Monday ‘O’ hours)

102. While backing a full train from one line to another via mainline the shunting is to supervised by __________ (SM)

103. On completion of Caution order book it shall be preserved for a period of _________ (12 Months)

104. Shunting is controlled by ________ (Fixed signal) ________ (Hand signal) and___________ (Verbal instruction)

105. Normal speed of shunting is ________ (15 Kmph)

106. Shunting speed of oil tanks is __________ (8 Kmph)

107. Maximum speed of hand shunting is ________ (5 Kmph)

108. Authority for sending light engine into a blocked line_____(T/A602)

109. TIC on single line authority for opening communication is __________ (T/B602)

110. TIC on double line authority sending a a train is _______ (T/C602)

111. Authority for despatching a train during TSL working_____(T/D602)

112. Block ticket No is ____________ (T/J602)

113. Conditional line clear ticket for Up direction is _________ (T/G602)

114. Conditional line clear ticket for Dn direction is _________ (T/H602)

115. If loco pilot enters the block section without ATP and Subsequently sends his Asst.Loco Pilot with a memo to SM in rear/SM in advance the SM shall give _________ (PLCT) and _______ (Caution order) respectively

116. If a passenger Train/Goods Train doest not turns up even after normal running time after ________ (10 Mts)and ___________ (20 Mts) respectively SM shall to send _______ (Search party)

117. Semi automatic signal will have _________ (Illuminated ‘A’ master)

118. In Automatic section when Advance starter/LSS becomes defective ________ (T-369.3B + C/O 10 kmph) is the authority for loco pilot to pass signal at ‘ON’ position

119. During prolonged failure of signals in automatic section on D/L the authority for LP is ________ (T/D912)

120. In Token less section _________ (T/A1525) is given a ATP for the movement of motor trolley

121. When a Motor trolley is following a train or an engine or another motor trolley __________ (T-1525) is the authority given as ATP

122. Neutral section lies between_________ (Two consecutive) Substations.

123. If patrol man does not turn up even after ________ (15 minutes) beyond the schedule arrival time, SM shall stop all the trains and issue Caution order restricting the speed to _____________ (40 Kmph)

124. When railway property damage exceeds_______ (Rs.25 Lakhs) it is treated as serious accident

125. If traffic is disturbed for ________ (6 Hours) on trunk route, _________ (12 Hours) on main line and ________ (24 Hours) on branch line it is treated as serious accident or serious dislocation of trains.

126. Accidents are classified into 1.________ (Train accident) 2._______(Yard accident) 3._____(Indicative accident) 4._________(Equipment failure and) 5.________(Unusual accident)

127. Passing stop signal at danger is an _______ (Indicative) type of accident

128. When vehicles are running away in single line and on wrong line on double line _________ (6 Pause 4) bell code to be given by SM.

129. President of India __________________

130. Prime Minister of India __________________

131. Vice-President of India is __________________

132. Railway Minister is ________________

133. Capital of Independent India __________________(New Delhi)

134. RDSO Head Quarters _________________(Lucknow)

135. CCRS Head Quarters ________________________(Lucknow)

136. Railway Board Head Quarters ________________(New Delhi)

137. SC railway formed on _________________(02.10.1966)

138. First Railway line was laid between__________(Mumbai) to________(Thane) on _____________(16.04.1853)

139. Mahtma Gandhi was born on __________(02.10.1869) at _________(Porbandar) in________(Gujarat).

140. Capital of USA ___________(Washigton D.C.)

141. Capital of Russia ____________(Mascow)

142. Capital of China _________( Beijing)

143.Capital of Andaman & Nicobar Islands _________(Port Blair)

144. The Head of Union Territory is ___________(Lt.Governor)

145. The Head of Army ___________(General)

146. The Head of Navy is ________( Admiral)

147. The Head of Air Force is ____________(Air Chief Marshal)

148. Super Fast Trains are Monitored by ____________( Rly. Board)

149. Super fast Trains with complete AC Accomodation does not have ________________(General coaches)

150. The Section between SC-LPI Is ___________( Automatic section)

151. The Normal Aspect Of Automatic Stop Signal is ________ (Proceed)

152. G&SR Stands for ____________ (General & Subsidiary Rules)

153. MPS Stands for ___________( Maximum Permissible speed)

154. SWR stands for _________________(Station Working Order)

Expand The Following

155. TSR                    (Train Signal Register)

156. MMTS               (Multi Modal Transport System)

157. ZRTI                 (Zonal Railway Training Institute)

158. POET                (Passenger Operated Enquiry Terminal)

159. IVRS                 (Inter Active Voice Response System)

160. COIS                    (Coaching Operations Information system)

161. FOIS                    (Freight operations Information System)

162. ACD                       (Anti Collision Device)

163. IRCTC                     (Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation Ltd.,)

164. MEMU                       (Main Electrical Multiple Unit)

165. DHMU                    (Diesel Hydraulic Multiple Unit)

166. IRISET                      (Indian Railways Institute of Signal Engineering & Telecommunication)

167. RDSO                          (Research Design and Standards Organisation)

168. CRIS                                (Centre for Railway Information System)

169. RCT                                (Railway Claims Tribunal)

170. ICF                                    (Integral Coach Factory)

171. DLW                                    (Diesel Locomotive Works)

172. LVCD                                     (Last Vehicle Check Device)

173. FRED                                  (Flashing Rear End Device)

174. CRS                                  (Commissioner of Railway Safety)

175. SCOR                                 (Section Controller)

176. COM                                       (Chief Operations Manager)

177. PLCT                                       (Paper Line Clear Ticket)

178. MOSR                                       (Minister of State for Railways)

179. GM                                          (General Manager)

180. MT                                            (Member Traffic)

181. RSC                                      (Railway Staff College)

182. ART                                        (Accident Relief Train)

183. MRT                                         ( Medical Relief Train)

184. SPAD                                      (Signal Passing at Danger)

185. NTES                                    (National Trains Enquiry System)

186. IRTS                                      (Indian Railway Traffic Service)

187. SCR                                     (South Central Railway)

188. BPAC                                        (Block Proving Axle Counter)

189. IBS                                            (Intermediate Block Signal)


190. Tail lamp and LV board is not provided when Light Engine or Coupled Light Engines on run. (FALSE)

191. Train arriving with Hot Axle is to be admitted on main line. (True)

192. Motor Trolley is permitted into section without Line Clear.(False)

193. BSLB is provided in MAS double line when required (True)

194. SLB is provided on all Single line Block stations.(False)

195. T-806 is an authority to pass defective stop signal at ‘ON’ position.(False)

196. Semi Automatic signal is provided with illuminated ‘A’ marker. (True).

197. Train running without guard can be given through during Night time. (True.)

198. A white light by night or Green flag by day moved UP and Down indicates train parting.(True)

199. Shunt signal can be taken ‘OFF’ for dispatching a Train (False).

200. Fort Night Gazette is issued once a month (False)

201. Passenger carriages in order to save time and detention may be loose Shunted (False).

202. All permanent speed restrictions imposed are incorporated in WTT. (True)

203. Color Light Home signal will have ‘P’ marker board.(False)

204. Calling-on signal can be taken off for admitting a train on obstructed line. (True)

205. FSP is placed 270 mtrs. from outer most signal.(False)

206. T/J-602 is an authority given during TFC on Double Line (False)

207. T/J-602 is a Block Ticket (True)

208. At Road side station Shunting is supervised by Guard.(True)

209. Shunt signal can be placed below FSS (False)

210. Banner type Repeating signal shows Yellow light in ‘ON’ position during night. (True)

211. T-1425 is the authority for working trains on paper line clear ticket.(True)

212. VTO is placed at 270 mts from SM’s office.(False)

213. Out laying siding points are indicated by ‘S’ marker board.(True)

214. Signal sighting committee will go on foot plate inspection once in ‘3’ months. (True)

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Q Bank - Establishment / Personnel Dept. (82) Q Bank - Electrical Engineering (80) Q Bank - OS / Clerk / Typist (72) Q B Engg (P Way & Work) (67) Q BANK - Operating (63) Group 'B' Exam (60) Q Bank - APO ( Asst. Personnel Officer) (57) QUESTION BANK WITH ANSWER (55) Q B Establishment (48) Q Bank - Goods Guards (45) Q Bank - OHE/TRD/PSI (36) Q B - CIVIL ENGINEERING (AEN) (27) Q B - Welfare Inspector (27) Q BANK - C & W ( Carriage & Wagon ) (26) Q Bank - Account (24) Q BANK - LOCO (23) Q BANK Exam - Station Master (23) Q Bank - Commercial (22) Q Bank - AOM (19) Q BANK - Station Master (18) Q Bank - S & T (14) 1. Syllabus (13) Q Bank - D & AR (Discipline and Appeals Rule) (12) Q Bank - Medical (12) Q Bank - Posts (Civil Engineering & P way) Dept (12) 2. Q Bank - Group D To C (11) INDEX (11) QB - ENGINEERING ( MECHANICAL ) (11) Q Bank - LOCO (Diesel) (9) Q Bank - ACM (Assistant Commercial Manager) (9) Q BANK - Jr Engineer ( Diesel Mechanical ) (8) Q BANK - LOCO (AC) (8) Q Bank - Law Assistant (8) Q Bank - AME/AWM (7) Q Bank - Group D To C (6) Q Bank - General Knowledge (5) Q Bank - Publicity Inspector (5) Q Bank - Rajbhasha (राजभाषा) (5) Q Bank - Stores (5) RRB EXAM (5) NTPC (4) Q Bank - ADSTE / ASTE (4) Q Bank - AEE (4) Q Bank - CLI (4) Question & Answer (4) Q Bank - Appointment On Compassionate Ground Exam (3) Q Bank - Commercial Instructor Exam (3) Q Bank - Engineering (Bridge) (3) Q Bank - IT (3) Q Bank - Protocol Inspector (3) Q Bank - RPF Department (3) Short Notes (3) Q BANK - Jr Engineer ( Mechanical ) (2) Q Bank - C & M (2) Q Bank - CCTC (2) Q Bank - Carpenter (2) Q Bank - General English (2) Q Bank - Jr Engineer (Tele) (2) Q Bank - Ministerial Staff (2) Q Bank - Track Machine (2) Q Bank -Section Controler (2) Video (2) ABB (1) FAQ (1) GDCE Exam (1) IRMS (Indian Railway Management Service (1) JUNIOR ENGINEER (Non -AC) GRADE - II (1) Minimum Wages Act (1) Project & Planning (1) Q BANK & Answer - C & W ( Carriage & Wagon ) (1) Q BANK - Shunting Master (1) Q Bank - Instructor (1) Q Bank - AMM (1) Q Bank - All Department (1) Q Bank - Ballast Train Checker (1) Q Bank - Complaints Inspector (1) Q Bank - GK (Computer) (1) Q Bank - Leave Rule (1) Q Bank - Mason (1) Q Bank - Maths (1) Q Bank - NPS (New Pension Scheme) (1) Q Bank - OS / Clerk Typist (1) Q Bank - Pass Rule (1) Q Bank - Planning Inspector (1) Q Bank - Railway (GK) (1) Q Bank - Stenographer (1) Q Bank - Technician (Ele) (1) Q Bank - Traffic Costing Inspector (1) Question Bank - Technicians of TLAC Group. (1) Short Notes - Establishment (1) Short Notes - Operating / Traffic (1)