SYLLABUS - LDCE Group 'B' of ADEN /AEN ( Civil Engineering Department )


( Civil Engineering Department )

Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for Promotion from Class III to


Time : 3 Hrs.

Marks : 150

Paper I - General Knowledge & Civil Engineering

Part I General Knowledge  50 marks  Common topics on general knowledge, Current affairs & Railway management & policy regarding Hindi language and Rules.

Part II                                      Civil Engineering ( general )                            100 marks

1. Surveying

( i ) Chain and Compass survey :-

Basic principles, base lines, check lines, tie lines, perpendicular and oblique offsets, conventional signs, plotting of survey, true and magnetic bearings, open and closed traverse, recording and plotting of traverse, closing errors.

(ii) Plain table Survey –

Plain table outfit, method of radiation, intersection and traversing, contouring with plain table using telescopic alidade, merit and de-merits.

(iii) Levelling –

Level lines, datum, bench marks, simple leveling, arithmetical check, longitudinal and cross section contouring.

(iv) Theodolite survey –

Types of theodolite, measurement of horizontal angles, vertical angles, magnetic bearings and deflection angles, prolonging a straight line, traversing by method of included angles, balancing the survey closing errors, calculations of latitude and departure, use of theodolite as a tacheometer.

(v) Curves –

Elements of simple circular curves, setting out simple circular curves, different methods.

(vi) Setting out works –

Setting out buildings, culverts, center lines of railway alignment.

(vii) Care & Custody of Survey Instruments.

Handling of instruments – Transport and protection, permanent adjustments, repairs and periodical overhaul.

2. Strength of Materials, Structural Design & Drawings.

(a) Strength of Materials - Stress, Strain, Hooke’s Law, working stress, factor of safety, bending moment and shear force in simply supported beams and cantilevers, simple theory of bending, moving loads on simply supported beams, influence lines for bending moment and shear force in statically determinate beams, short columns, long columns empirical formulas. 

(b) Structural Design & Drawings.

(i) Steel Structures - Riveted and welded joints, tension & Compression members, plate girders, connections, IRS Code of Practice for steel structures, sketching of connection details.

(ii) RCC Structure – Slab-Singly and 2-way reinforced, beams rectangular, T and doubly reinforced, Bond, Shear reinforcement, design of columns, footing, IRS code of Practice for RCC Structures, Sketching of RCC details of simple structures.

3. Construction Materials.

Description, Specification, properties and uses of building materials- stones, sand, timber, bricks, cement, lime, building hardware, paints, varnishes, glasses, tiles.

4. Foundation & Construction Engineering.

(a) Soil Mechanics – Elements of soil mechanics – Physical properties of soils compaction, field methods of compaction, stablisation of soil, safe bearing capacity of soils, determination of safe bearing capacity, earth pressure, plate loading test, specifications and construction of earth work in embankments & cuttings.

(b) Foundation Engineering – Function of foundations, different types of foundations, settlement of foundations, methods of reducing differential settlement, pile foundations, well foundations for bridges.

( c ) Buildings – Bricks and stone masonry, construction details – roofs, floors, staircases, joinery, scaffolding.

(d) Reinforced & prestressed concrete – Bending & placing of reinforcement, fine and course aggregates, concrete mixing, laying and compaction, finishing of RCC surfaces, formwork, curing, testing.

(e) Steel Structures – Standard rolled sections, fabrication – templating, straightening, drilling, riveting, belting and welding, match marking, trial erections, testing, site erections equipment methods.

(f) Construction Machinery & Equipment – Drilling and blasting equipment for quarrying, tunneling and excavation in rock, pile hammers and pile driving, equipments, pumps, concrete mixers, vibrators, grouting equipment, air compressors, pneumatic tools and different types of cranes.

5. Hydraulics & Hydrology.

(a) Hydraulics – Elements of hydraulics – open channel flow, flow in pipes, frictional loss, empirical formulas.

(b) Hydrology – Rainfall and run off, rainfall statistics, rain gauges, run off calculations by empirical methods, flood discharge estimation, measurement of flood discharge current meter.

(c) Hydraulic Structures – Design of bridges- alignment, number of spans, economic spans, waterway calculations, scour depths, afflux, clearance, depth of foundations, Box and pipe culverts, river training works spurs, groynes, aprons, lavees.

6. Public Health Engineering.

(a) Water Supply.

(i) Quality of water – Physical, Chemical and bacteriological standards of water, water borne diseases, water demand methods of fore casting, sources of water, treatment of water – aeration, sedimentation, filtration (slow and rapid sand filters), disinfection, hardness methods of removal.

(ii) Conveyance and Distribution – Pumping equipment, rising mains, systems of distribution residual pressures, different types of pipes and fittings, testing of pipes.

(b) Sewerage – sewage, water collection and carriage, design and sewers house connections, storm water drains, disposal of sewage – river pollution and control, sewage treatment, land irrigation, septic tanks, primary clarifiers, sludge and scum removal, trickling filters, activated sludge process, sludge digesting, principles of anaerobic digestion, sludge gas, sludge drying and disposal.

Time : 3 Hrs.

Marks : 150

Paper II

Professional Subject, Establishment and Finance Rules

Part I                                                                                                            100 marks

Professional Subject (Civil Engineering railway )               

1. Survey & Construction

Classification of surveys, Principle governing location, ruling gradients, compensation for curves, vertical curves, hill surveys, catch sidings, tunnels, preparation of drawings, design of large bridges, progress reports on surveys, project estimates, standard of construction, junction arrangement, project report, preliminary arrangement for construction of new lines, letting out contracts, programme of work, critical path net works, execution of works and measurements, progress reports, completion of works.

2. Railway Track –

Description, specification and functions of track structure elements, Rails sleepers, fastenings, ballast, formation and other sub structures, points and crossings, geometry and design features, Track layouts.

3. Maintenance of Permanent Way

a)    Duties – duties of Assistant Engineers, duties of Permanent way Inspectors, duties of works Inspectors, duties of Bridge Inspector, duties of Mates, Key men and Gang men.

b)    Maintenance of permanent way, system of maintenance, Beater packing, Machine packing, systems of maintenance, overhauling, systematic through packing, picking up slacks, Direct Track maintenance, miscellaneous works, lifting and lowering of tracks, screening of ballast, maintenance of drains, lubrication of rail joints, adjustment of creep, maintenance of level crossing maintenance of points and crossings.

c)    Maintenance of Short welded Rails – laying & its maintenance.

d)    Long welded rails and continuous welded rail – laying, maintenance, Manual provisions.

e)    Maintenance of track in circuited sections & electrified section- special precautions.

f)     Maintenance of curved track and realignment of curves, Curvature, transitions, super elevation of curves, safe speeds, cant deficiency, speed on curves with turnouts, realignment of curves, methods.

g)    Testing of track with track recorders – OMS 2000, TRC, TGI & CTR concept, Oscillograph car, Interpretation of track recording charts, Attention to track defects and records of track defects.

4. Maintenance of Bridges –

Inspection of bridges, Records of inspection, details of bridge inspections, works connected with maintenance of Bridges, laying of bridge sleepers, replacing cracked bed blocks, painting of steel work.

5. Inspection & maintenance of Tunnels –

Inspection of tunnels, Records of inspection, equipment of inspection, details of Tunnel inspection, works connected with maintenance of tunnels.

6. Inspection & maintenance of Buildings –

General instructions, Direct Building maintenance, additions and alterations to quarters, transfer of buildings, Building registers, scale of accommodations and other facilities, vacant railway buildings, Maintenance of buildings – inspection and repairs, petty repair books, periodical inspections, details of inspections.

7. Maintenance of sanitary and hygienic condition in station yards and railway colonies, water supply drainage & sewerage –

a)    Sanitary – Formation of sanitation committees, inspection of sanitation committee, sanitary arrangement in station and colonies, drinking water, well protection, cleaning of wells, disinfection, prevention of infections diseases, disinfection of quarters.

b)   Water supply – Sources of water supply, water sample analysis, open wells-size, pumping capacity, improving yield, shallow tube wells, deep tube wells, impounding reservoirs, storage capacity, flood discharge, record of water levels in wells, rainfall registers, high level storage tanks, precaution against pollution, pumps types selection, Installation, aqueducts and pipelines-types, selection, laying estimating requirements of water, layout of distribution system, water supply from outside sources, maintenance and operation of water supply installation, responsibilities of Engineering Department and Mechanical Department.

c)    Drainage and Sewerage – Drainage systems, waterborne sewerage, size of sewerage, sewage treatment systems, sewage disposals, sewage purification systems, surface drainage layout, size of drains, disposal of sullage effluent, drainage of latrines, maintenance of sewerage and drainages systems, maintenance of open sullage drains, storm water drains, house connection, connection for sanitary arrangements, responsibilities of Engineering staff.

8. Acquisition management & disposal of land –

General Code Rules, ownership of railway land, sanctioning authority for acquisition and relinquishment, principles for acquisition and relinquishment, procedure for acquisition and relinquishment, plans and schedules, taking over and handing over, demarcation of boundaries, land records – demarcation and verification of railway boundaries, maintenance of right of way, religious structures, management of Railway land leasing of licensing, lease or license of land, merchants and vendors at stations, oil installation, natural products and grazing, construction of building near railway land, sale of natural products, felling of trees within railway land, outside railway land, felling of tree near electric or telegraph wires.

9. Large scale Permanent renewals –

Classification of routs and tracks, track renewal programmes, factors governing permanent way renewals, preparation for relaying, preliminary work, restriction to be observed during relaying, post relaying work, classification and disposal of released materials.

10. Bridge Works –

What precautions when working on bridges, rebuilding or alterations to bridges, design and execution of bridge works, temporary arrangements, work for erection of Girders, assembly and creation of girders, cranes of girders, testing of girders, proposals for strengthening existing girder spans, methods of re-girdering major bridges.

11. Works affecting Railway Safety and opening new works –

General references to rules : Works requiring sanction of the CRS and notice thereof, applications to the CRS for execution of works and safety Certificates, documents to accompany application, submission of safety certificate, deviation from plans approved by CRS, applications for running of new types of locomotives and or rolling stock and for increase in speed, notification to railway officials when opening works, works resulting from accidents, opening of new lines, infringement to Schedule of dimensions- condonation, procedure thereof, movement of ODCs-type and procedure for sanction for movement, precautions during movements.

12. Railway Operation :

( a ) General :

Reference to G & SR, Types of signals and their significance, rules for working of trains, block working rules, introduction of temporary single line working.

( b ) Engineering restriction and indicators: General- Definitions, Responsibility of the Inspector-in-charge, works of short duration, protection of line in block section and procedure for passing trains, works of long duration, temporary engineering fixed signals, arrangements prior to commencement of work, protection in block section for speed restrictions, procedure for blocking lines for engineering purposes, works at times of poor visibility, temporary signals in emergency, periodical notices of engineering restrictions, permanent speed restrictions indicators, review of permanent speed restrictions, indicators General.

( c ) Level Crossing :

General – Classification, Standard Specifications, normal position of gates, level crossing equipment, traffic and engineering gates, sitting gate lodges, appointment of Gatemen, duties of gatemen, maintenance of level crossings, examination of gate equipment and gatemen in rules, level crossing register, road traffic census, manning / demanning of level crossings.

( d ) Working of Trolly / Lorry / Dolly :

General instruction-rules for working, distinction between trollies, lorries and mortar trollies, certificates of competency, officials permitted to use trollies and lorries, responsibility for safe working, work at night or in bad weather, working on track circuited sections, conveyance of non railway officials, trolly permits for private sidings, trolly refuges, protection, equipment trollies and lorries, working of trollies and lorries in block sections, in station limits.

( e ) Ballast and material trains :

General –

Rules for working in running ordering of ballast trains, issue of ‘’fit & run’’ certificate, equipments testing of brake power working in block sections, running on Ghat section, loading and unloading for Hooper wagons, planning of ballast and material train movement, training out materials and daily reports of ballast train working, charges for ballast trains, register of engineering vehicles.

13. Accidents :

General –

Observance of rules, intimation of accidents by station masters, duties and responsibilities of the engineering officials in the event of accident impairing through traffic, action at site, reporting details of accident-provision of Accident Manual, action in case of derailments, examination of site and preparation of sketches, recording track and rolling stock measurements accidents procedure, use of recorded data, restoration of through running, procurement and arrangement of labour and equipment, temporary arrangement at site of accident, transshipment, funds required due to emergency, attendance of police at accidents, driver’s reports on defects in track, action on receipt of reports of defective track, abnormal occurrence attributable to oscillation of locomotives, accidents not impairing through traffic, records of accidents.

14. Rivers and floods

( a ) Rivers and floods, General pre-monsoon precautionary measure and patrolling of Railway line –

Behavior of rivers, watchmen at important bridges, pitching and boulder reserve, vigilance during floods, floods records survey of the course of river, river protection works, types, design, records-rivers and floods.

( b ) Pre-monsoon pre-cautionary measures.

Vulnerable section, materials for anticipated emergencies, monsoon emergency rakes, equipment, tools rail clusters, temporary bridge spans, protective works, railway affecting tanks, inspection and vigilance over railway affecting tanks :- pre-monsoon, during monsoons.

( c ) Monsoon and emergency patrolling –

Kinds of patrolling, key men’s daily patrol during abnormal rain, systematic night patrolling during monsoon, stationary watchmen at vulnerable points, review of patrolling systems and vulnerable locations, security patrolling during civil disorders, protection of line in emergency, duties of patrolmen and their equipment reporting damage & obstruction on track to Station Master, check over patrolling, inspection of equipment, surprise checking at night.

15. Preparation of Plans & estimates :

Preparation of Plans – General procedure, plan for other departments, sizes of drawings, titles and numbering of drawings, Scale of drawing, details on drawing, symbols and colours of drawings, Railway Board drawings/ plans issued by the Chief Engineer’s Office/ plans in Divisional / Asstt. Engineer’s / Inspector’s office, completion drawings, care and filling of tracings, preparation of estimates – Code rules, technical details, rates and quantities, schedule of rates and price – listing of stores, report and justification, rent statement for staff quarters, special features of estimates, remodeling of station yards, track renewal works, deposit depot works, urgency Certificate, Supplementary Estimates.

16. Contract and Execution of works :

( a ) Contracts, General – Code reference for contracts, list of approved contractors & registration of application, Schedule of rates, Analysis, non-scheduled rates, special rates, tenders, procedure, tenders documents drawing and specifications committees, acceptance of tenders, contracts, procedure, contract documents, General and special conditions of contract, loan of tools and plants to contractors, issue of departmental material to contractors, lease or license of railway quarries, measurements and measurement books – code reference, recording measurements, ‘on account’ measurement, standard measurements, responsibilities of inspectors and Asstt. Engineer for measurements of works, ballast, measurements, computation for quantities, preparation of abstracts in measurement books, submission of bills, checking of bills, bill registers, disputes with contractors.

( b ) Execution of works – General instruction :

Code rules, agencies for executing works, responsibilities of executive officers, deposit works, excess and savings on estimates, attention to public interest, prevention of accidents, religious edifies and archaeological remains, revision of lightening conductors, planning critical path net works, PERT, Departmental execution of works record, progress reports, charges for stores and labour, execution of works in Engineering workshops, contacted works, issue of work orders, completion documents, works pertaining to other departments.

17. Miscellaneous :

( a ) Management of Engineering stores general :

Reference to code Rules, procurement of stores – requisition, acknowledgement of receipt, claims of short receipt etc. custody of stores – classification, handling and storage, Account heads of stores – operation, records and returns, disposal of released and surplus stores – return to stores depot, disposal by auction, verification of stocks and adjustment for shortages / excess.

( b ) Law and Order, Railway police :

Lodging of complaints, co-operation with Railway police, cognizable offences, non-cognisable offences, powers against railway staff, action by railway staff in case of attempted sabotage, answering of Court summons, prevention of trespass, disposal of human bodies found run over, disposal of cattle found dead on the line.

PART – II                                                                                                                   50 Marks


Personnel Management.

1.    Organisation of the Personal Department in the railway. The objectives of the Personal Department, functions and policies of the Personal Department, Role of the Personal Officer in the Headquarters and on the Divisions.

2.    Classification of services – Recruitment to the different services Groups ‘A’ to ‘D’ – Recruitment of Artisan –staff – Special Reservation in the Rly Services, Role of Railway service Commissions in recruitment – recruitment other than through usual channels – Promotion policy and methods.

3.    Personal supervision – leadership styles, formal and informal democratic or Participative leadership style, advantage of participation, Joint councils of Management, negotiating Machinery Schemes, Zonal and Divisional corporate Enterprise groups.

4.    Inspection of Loco Shed, C & W Depots, Stations, Engineering Offices.

Labour Relations and welfare :

Union and their Role :

1.    Important recognized trade union in Railways, Role of unrecognized unions and methods of dealing with them.

2.    Industrial Disputes and the legislative, Framework, Causes of Industrial Disputes basic remedies the Industrial Disputes Act 1947, Strikes, Lock – outs and lay – offs, handling of grievances at Divisional and in the Headquarters, handling of grievances by labour Enforcement Officers.

3.    The hours of Employment regulations, Overtime, job – analysis and its mechanics.

4.    The factories Act, Special rules for workshop staff in the Railways.

5.    The Workmen’s Compensation Act – Ex – gratia payment, Incentive Bonus scheme.

6.    Pass rules.

7.    Retirement benefits under the Provident Fund and schemes, Final Settlement.

8.    Welfare for the whole family of Railway men – concept and practice obtaining on the railway.

Finance Rules 

1.    Parliamentary control over railway Finance – public accountability, canons of financial property.

2.    Financial planning and Budgeting – Budgetary and financial Reviews – Appropriation accounts.

3.    Rules of allocation – Classification of Expenditure – Control over expenditure, Responsibility accounting – performance budgeting – Exchequer control, financial results of working.

4.    Works programme – financial justification of works – Survey preparation of Estimates – Capital Budget – control over capital expenditure – Productivity test.

5.    Financial control over stores expenditure – Purchase and stores keeping procedure – Inventory Control and A.B.C. Analysis.

6.    Financial and cost control in Railway Workshops.

7.    Rules and procedure relating to Tender and contracts for execution of works & Procurement of stores.

8.    Procedure for processing and finalizing the audit objection and Draft, Paras.

9.    Delegation of Powers.

10. Losses, Frauds and embezzlements.


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