Objective Type Of Questions & Answer On P-Way

Question Banks - Objective Type Of Questions & Answer On P-Way

See Answer in bracke[  ]

1.Quantity of ballast/ m on concrete sleeper track with 300mm ballast cushion on Straight [ b ]

a) 1.682 M3 b) 2.158 M3.

c) 2.314 M3 d) 1.962M3

Answer - b) 2.158 M3.

2. For ballast supply on B.G. the maximum permitted aggregate abrasion value is [ c ]

a) 10 % b) 20 %

c) 30% d) 40%
Answer - c) 30%
3. For ballast supply on B.G. the maximum permitted aggregate Impact value is [ b ]

a) 10 % b) 20 %

c) 30% d) 40 %
Answer - b) 20 %
4. The permitted range of % retention on 40mm square mesh sieve in case of machine crushed ballast. [ c ]

a) 10 - 20 b) 20 - 40

c) 40 - 60 d) 60 - 80
Answer - c) 40 - 60

5. In case of ballast supply, if retention is 65 to 70% on 40mm square mesh sieve, how much % of rate in contracted rate is reduced. [ d ]

a) 25 % b) 20 %

c) 15 % d) 10%
Answer - d) 10%

6. The minimum height of ballast stack permitted in plain terrain in meters [ b ]

a) 0.5 b) 1

c) 1.5 d) 2
Answer - b) 1

7. Minimum ballast quantity of each stack permitted is [ c ]

a) 10 M3 b) 20 M3

b) 1 d) 40 M3
Answer - b) 1

8. The% deduction for voids in shrinkage permitted on the gross measurement

in cess collection for making payment in case of ballast supply [ a ]

b) 1b) 4 %

c) 8 % d) 12 %
Answer - b) 1

9. Can inadequate ballast depth affect maintenance of track ? [ d ]

(a) No, it has no concern

(b) No, but drainage will be affected

(c) Yes, but the effect will be marginal

(d) Yes, the formation pressure will increase

Answer - 

10. Concrete Sleeper is a structural member which may fail due to - [ d ]

(a) High compression stress

(b) High tensile stress

(c) High axial compressive prestressing stress

(d)Fatigue failure due to poor maintenance of fittings and depth of ballast.
Answer - 

11 .Proposal for through fastenings renewal should be initiated when [ a ]

(a)20% or more of sample size records toe load below 400 kg & confirmed by 5% sample size

(b)20% or more of sample size records toe load below 600 kg out more than 400 kg.

(c)25% or more of sample size records toe load below 400 kg & confirmed by 5% sample size.

(d)25% or more of sample size records toe load below 300 kg. & confirmed of 5% sample size.
Answer - 

12. If 20% or more of sample size of ERC records toe load below 600 kg., the frequency of inspection and sample size shall be respective (for non-corrosion prone area) [ d ]

(a)Once in four years, 1% on every 100 sleepers

(b)Once in four years , 2% on every 700 sleepers

(c)Once in two years, 1% on every 100 sleepers.

(d)Once in two years, 2% on every 100 sleepers.
Answer - 

13. While doing track renewal, minimum cushion to be ensured in a cutting is [ b ]

(a) 150 mm

(b) 200 mm

(c) 250 mm

(d) Immaterial, being a solid base
Answer - 

14. When is a concrete sleeper due for next round of packing ? [ d ]

(a) After 1 year in service

(b) After 50 GMT Traffic has passed

(c) Before centre binding produced stresses are 40% of rail seat bottom stresses

(d) After two years or 100 GMT which ever is earlier.
Answer - 

15. Lubrication of ERCs shall be done in corrosion prone areas - [ b ]

(a) Every 3 months

(b) Every year

(c) Once in 2 years

(d) Once in 4 years
Answer - 

16. As per Testing Criteria of Toe Load on ERCs, Which one of the following is correct [ d ]

(a) Testing be done at a frequency of 4 years or passage of 100 GMT

(b) In corrosion prone areas every year testing be done

(c) If 20% of results (verified by 5% sample) are less than 600 kg TFR proposal be initiated

(d) TFR proposal be initiated if 20% of results (verified by 5% sample) are less
than 400 kg

Answer - 
(d) TFR proposal be initiated if 20% of results (verified by 5% sample) are less
than 400 kg

Answer - 
17. Formation cross slope shall be 1 in [ d ]

a)10 b)20

c)30 d)40
Answer - 
18. Overhauling of track is essential because it improves: [ c ]

(a) Longitudinal resistance of track (b) load bearing capacity

( c) drainage. (d) Longitudinal resistance of track

19. The sieve size used for manual Deep screening in mm. [ d ]

a) 10 b)15

c) 20 d) 25
Answer - 
20. In through packing, ballast should be opened out on either side of rail seat [ d ]

to a depth of

a)15mm. b)25mm.

c) 35 mm. d) 50 mm.
Answer - 
21. While doing slewing operation, angle between planted crow bar and vertical of rail should not be more than [ c ]

a) 10 b) 20

c) 30 d) 40
Answer - 

22. Easement gradient at the time of passage of trains while doing lifting should not be steeper than

a) 25 mm. per rail b) 10 mm. per rail [ a ]

c) 15 mm. per rail d) 30 mm. per rail
Answer - 

23. During deep screening, it should be ensured that when ballast is being removed from any sleeper, invariably, there are at least ___________ fully supported sleepers between it and the next sleeper worked upon. [ b ]

a) 2 b) 4

c) 6 d) 8
Answer - 

24. The gap at Junction & combination fish plated joint should be [ d ]

a) 6 mm. b) 4 mm.

c) 2 mm. d) Zero
Answer - 

25. The gap at machined joint should be [ d ]

a) 6 mm. b) 4 mm.

c) 2 mm. d) Zero
Answer - 

26. The schedule of inspection of ADEN for manned level crossing is [ d ]

a)once a month b) once in two months

c) once in three months d) once in six months
Answer - 

27. The sections, which are normally to be patrolled during monsoon will be identified and notified by [ c ]

a) PWI b) ADEN

c) DEN d) CE
Answer - 

28. The authority for introducing or continuing night patrolling outside the stipulated dates, duly advising all concerned is [ c ]

a) Gang Mate b) PWS

c) PWI d) ADEN
Answer - 

29. Who will prepare patrol charts for each of the sections where monsoon patrolling is required to be done. [ c ]

a) PWI b) ADEN

c) DEN d) CE
Answer - 
30. Patrolling in pairs can be introduced with the approval of [ d ]

a) PWI b) ADEN

c) DEN d) CE
Answer - 
31. If a patrolman on the arrival at the end of his beat does not find the next patrolman, then he should [ b ]

a) continue patrolling as per patrol chart. B) Continue further and report to the SM

c) Wait for him c) Suspend the traffic
Answer - 

32. The selected patrolman should pass…………test and then only should be employed.[ b ]

a)A-I b) A-III

c)B-I d) Not necessary
Answer - 

33. The PWI should submit a certificate to the DEN through AEN………… advance before commencement of monsoon. [ a ]

a)one month b) 2 months

c)6 months d) 1 year
Answer - 

34. When no danger is apprehended, the patrolman should stand on the ___ on the left hand side facing the train and exhibit his number plate. [b ]

a)Middle of the Two lines b) Cess

c)Under a Tree d) Ballast
Answer - 

35. The PWI overall Incharge shall cover his entire sub-division once in…….by train/push trolly in night and check the patrolmen. [ b ]

a) Fortnight b) a month

c) a week d) a year
Answer - 

36. The PWI should check the equipment of all patrolmen and watchman once in a [ b ]

a)Fortnight b) a month

c) a week d) a year
Answer - 
37. The PWI incharge should check over patrolling at nights by train once a_________[ b ]

a)Fortnight b) a month

c) a week d) a year
Answer - 
38. The Railway affecting tank which still requires heavy repairs, despite repeated reminders of Railway, should be considered and included in the list of___ locations. [ a ]

a)Vulnerable b) Bad

c)Important d) Waste
Answer - 

39. A list of vulnerable locations should be maintained by each ________in a register form and updated. [ a ]

a)AEN b) PWI

c)DEN d) HQ
Answer - 

40. The …………will be responsible for instructing patrolmen in their duties and stationary watchman to posses the correct equipment. [ c ]

a) APWI b) AEN

c) PWI in charge d) DEN
Answer - 

41. In PQRS working, Auxiliary track should be laid at a gauge of [ a ]

a) 3400 mm b) 1676 mm

c) 5400 mm d) 4400 mm
Answer - 

42. There are………….no. of categories of Engineering works. [ c ]

a) 1 b) 2

c) 3 d) 4
Answer - 

43. Works of “short duration” are those. [ a ]

a) Can complete one day b)To put Engg. Indicators

c)Dose not require any SR d) Take prior permission from CRS
Answer - 

44. For works of short duration, when train has to stop at worksite, then hand signals shall be exhibited at _____, _____, and ______.m. in case of BG [ a ]

a) 30, 600, 1200 b) 30, 400, 800

c) At spot, 400, 600 d) at spot, 270, 540
Answer - 

45. The flagman placing detonators should station himself at a distance not less than………………m from the place of detonators. [ b ]

a)100 b)45

c)1200 d)600
Answer - 

46. The ……………..will be responsible for obtaining sanction of CRS and sending safety certificate on completion. [ d ]


Answer - d)DEN

47. In multi speed restrictions when s1 is less than s2, then minimum length of s1 zone should be ………………m. [ b ]

a)100 b)200

c)300 d)400
Answer - b)200

48. For intermediate tracks on triple or multiple lines, Engineering indicators shall be fixed between tracks to within……………mm from rail level. 

[ c ]

a)100 b)200

c)300 d)400

49. Indicators shall be placed on the ………….side as seen by the Drivers except on CTC sections (Single line)

 [ a ]

a) left b)right

c)centrally d)oblique
Answer - 
50. When works at times of poor visibility are to be undertaken and site is protected by temporary engineering fixed signals……nos..detonators, 10m apart be fixed not less than…………..m in rear of CI and a caution hand signal exhibited to approaching trains. [ b ]

a)3&600 b) 2&270

c)2&800 d)3&1200
Answer - 
51. Whistle Indicators should be provided at a distance of …………..m. [ c ]

a)500 b)400

c)600 d)300

52. The normal life of detonator is [ b ]

a) 10 years b) 5 years

c) 15 years d) 7 years

53. The life of detonators can be extended to ……………….years on an yearly basis after testing……………..detonators from each lot of over 7 years. [ d ]

a) 7&one b) 8 & two

c) 10 & one d) 10 & two

54. The safety radius at the time of testing of detonators is ….m. [ d ]

a)10 b)20

c)40 d)50

55. The bottom most parts of CI, SI should be …………..m above R.L [ b ]

a)1 b)2

c)1.5 d)2.5

56. The bottom most part of T/P & T/G should be ………………m above R.L. [ c ]

a)1.20 b)1.55

c)1.65 d)2.00

57. When more than one person holding competency certificate travels in a trolley, the ………………………………is responsible for its safe working. [ c ]

a) The Head Trolley man b) Trolley Holder

c)The man who is manning the brakes d) Higher official accompanying trolley

58. The quantity of petrol in the tank of motor trolley should not exceed……liters while loading into train as per G&SR [ d ]

a)3 b)5

c)8 d)9

59. In cuttings and high banks trolley refuges should be provided at …m intervals.

 [ b ]

a)50 b)100

c)150 d)20

60. The night signal for trolley/motor trolley/lorry on single line shall be….. 

[ a ]

a)Both side Red b) red on one side and green on the other

c)both side green d) one side white and otherside red

61. Push Trollys shall be manned by atleast ……men. [ c ]

a)2 b)3

c)4 d)5

62. During night and at times of poor visibility the trolly shoul work under [ d ]

a)supervision of SM b) Trolley memo

c)following a train d) Block Protection

63. Protection of trollies with H.S. flags is required only when the visibility is less than………………..m [ a ]

a)1200 b)800

c)600 d)350

64. When two or more trollies are running together in the same direction in the same line, minimum separation required is …………m. [ b ]

a)50 b)100

c)150 d)200

65. When a motor trolly is worked with block protection, it should be manned by atleast…………men [ c ]

a)2 b)3

c)4 d)5

66. Sample size for measurement of toe load of elastic clip is – [ a ]

(a)1% of ERCs randomly on every 100 sleepers

(b)2% of ERCs randomly on every 100 sleepers

(c)3% of ERCs randomly on every 100 sleepers

(d)0.5% of ERCs randomly on every 100 sleepers.

67. When the lorry is required to remain stationery for more than…………..minutes in Station limits then it should be protected. [ d ]

a)5 b)10

c)8 d)15

68. Lorries working in gradients steeper than ………………..should be controlled by hand brakes as well as by rope tied in rear. [ b ]

a) 1 in 200 b) 1 in 100

c) 1 in 400 d) 1 in 300

69. The check rail clearances in BG turnouts and L-Xings are – [ a ]

(a)44-48mm and 51-57 mm respectively

(b)38-41mm and 48-51 mm respectively

(c)48-51mm and 63-68 mm respectively

(d)63-68mm and 76-80mm respectively

70. While lifting the track on a gradient, the lifting should proceed – [ a ]

(a)from downhill to uphill

(b)from uphill to downhill

(c)from both the ends towards a central meeting point

(d)It does not matter.

71. What is the minimum horizontal distance of a platform coping (goods or passenger) from the adjacent track centre ? 

[ a ]

(a) 1670mm (b) 1690mm

( c) 840mm (d) 760mm

72. What is the maximum distance apart of trolley refugees in tunnels [ d ]

(a)30.5 mts. (b)50 mts.

(c) 80 mts. (d)100 mts.

73. What is the minimum height of the bottom of an ROB in AC traction area  from rail level
[ a ]
(a)5870 (b)5500

(c)5460 (d)5200

74. What is the minimum centre to centre on B.G. tracks in mid section ? [ c ]

(a)4265mm (b)1676mm

(c)4725mm (d) 2350mm

75. For all routes identified for running 22.1 axle load wagons, sleeper density of ___ nos./km must be maintained. [ c ]

(a) 1560 (b) 1620

© 1660 (d) 1600

76. Second hand 52 kg rails can be used on Group ____ routes. [ c ]

(a) A route (b) B route

© D and E route (d) only C route

77. A sleeper density of ___ sleepers per km is a must on Shatabdi/Rajdhani routes. [ c ]

(a) 1880 (b) 1760

© 1660 (d) 1720

78. Life of rail not only depends upon the ___ but also on the maximum  axle load moving over it.
[ b ]
(a) Speed (b) GMT

(c) Both speed and GMT (d) Fastening

79. The width of ballast shoulder to be provided on the outside of the curve  in case of LWR is provided on the reverse curve –
[ c ]
(a) 500mm (b) 550 mm (c) 600 mm (d) 650 mm

80. SEJ to be provided from the abutment at a minimum distance away of – 
[ a ]

(a) 10 m (b) 20 m (c) 30 m (d) 40 m

81. The minimum depth of bridge timber excluding notching for 80’ span as per RDSO’s Drg. No. BA 11075 is – 
[ c ]

(a) 150 mm (b) 125 mm (c) 180 mm (d) 240 mm

82. The maximum cant that can be provided on BG has to be [ b ]

(a) 150 mm (b) 165 mm (c) 200 mm (d) 240 mm

83. The Recommended yard gradient for new lines in B.G. [ d ]

(a) 1 in 200 (b) 1 in 400 (c) 1 in 1000 (d) 1 in 1200

84. The formation is said to be very bad when - [ c ]

a) less than 6 attentions are given per year

b) 6-12 attentions/year are given

c) More than 12 attentions/year are given

d) Formations are classified based on the TRC and OMS-2000 results.

85. The regular greasing of ERC’s shall be done by – [ a ]

(a) keyman (b) gangs (c) contractor (d) all the above

86. 20 Kmph caution order is prevailing at a deep screening spot. The caution  indicator board should be fixed at a distance of _______meters from the work spot as per IRPWM
[ c ]
(a) 400 m (b) 600 m (c) 800 m (d) 1200 m

87 Existing 90 R rails can be allowed to continue in main line upto max. permissible speed of -
 [ a ]
(a) 100 Kmph (b) 130 Kmph (c) 160 Kmph (d) 80 kmph

88. In comparison with non-corrosion prone area, the frequency of toe load testing of ERC in corrosion prone area is - [ a ]

(a) Doubled (b) Same (c) Half (iv) No relaltion.

89. 1 in 20 cross cant is not provided at – [ d ]

(a) SEJ (b) Derailing switch (c) Buffer rails (d) Points and Crossing.

90 Gauge is measured ___________mm below rail table. [ b ]

(a) 10mm (b) 13mm (c) 15mm (d) 18mm

91 Sleeper spacing on a curve is the centre to centre distance between two  consecutive sleepers when measured at
[ a ]
(a) Outer rail (b) Inner rail (c) Centre line of track

(d)average of all the above.

92. What is not marked in gang chart [ a ]

(a) Casual rail renewal (b) Deep screening of track

(c) Cleaning of side drains (d) Machine packing

93. Laying tolerance of sleeper spacing are [ a ]

(a) ± 20 mm (b) ± 2mm (c) ±15mm (d) ±10 mm

94. Maximum permissible gradient on LWR is [ a ]

(a) 1in100 (b) 1 in 200 (c) 1 in 300 (d) 1in400

95. Deficiency of ballast on LWR track during summer may result in [ b ]

(a) Creep (b) Buckling (c) sinking (d) cracking

96. Most feasible parameter to judge the health of an LWR will be [ a ]

(a) gaps measured at the SEJs

(b) creep at measuring posts fixed at the ends of breathing lengths

( c) Creep at the measuring post fixed at the centre of LWR

(d) Creep at the middle of the breathing length

97. Hot whether patrolling is to be introduced in LWR territory [ c ]

(a) when the rail temperature goes beyond tm + 10

(b)When the rail temperature goes beyond td + 10

© When the rail temperature goes beyond td +20

(d) When the air temperatures goes beyond tm + 20

98. In PSC sleeper track what speed restriction should be imposed during consolidation period on LWR when the temperature goes beyond td +20º when crib and shoulder ballast compaction has been done.
[ d ]
(a) 15 Kmph (b) 20 Kmph

( c) 30 Kmph (d) 50 Kmph

99. The breathing length of an LWR exhibits movement of – [ a ]

(a) rail sleeper frame (b) rail alone

( c) sleeper alone (d) none of the above.

100. CWR is similar to an LWR except for – [ c ]

(a)its movement at the SEJ is different (b)it requires more careful attention

(c)its distressing has to be done by splitting it into parts (d)always requires patrolling

101. The distressing temperature of a 52 kg rail is - [ c ]

(a) tmto tm –5 (b) tm to tm +5

© tm + 5 to tm +10 (d ) tm + 10 to tm +15.

102. Of the various types of thermometers, the most reliable and quick device [ c ]

for rail temperature measurement is –

(a)Black bulb thermometer (b) rail embedded thermometer

© dial type thermometer (d) the clinical thermometer.

103. Maintenance operations in a LWR should be restricted to a temperature range of – [ a ]

(a) td + 10 to td – 30 (b) td + 5 to td – 25

© td to td – 20 (d) td + 20 to td - 20.

104. In other than concrete sleeper track, if the temperature rises above td+20oC after [ b ]

a maintenance job, during the period of consolidation, when only manual ballast

compaction has been done, SR to be imposed is –

(a) 50 km/h in BG and 40 km/h in MG (b) 30 km/h in BG and 20 km/h in MG

© 75 km/h in BG and 50 km/h in MG (d) none of the above.

105. While doing deep screening in LWR territory, if the rail temperature is anticipated [ c ]

to rise above td+10oC, we should do the following –

(a) stop the work (b) immediately cut the LWR

© do a temporary destressing at a temperature of tmax – 10oC (d) continue

106. While repairing a fracture in which a gap 'g' has been created and paint marks made [ b ]

at a distance of 'a' and 'b' from the fractured rail ends, the following relationship

should hold good if a closure rail piece of length 'L' is inserted –

(a) a + b + 1 mm = L + (2 x 25mm) (b)a + b + g + 1 mm = L + (2 x 25mm)

© a + b - 1 mm = L + (2 x 25mm) – g (d) none of the above.

107. While passing an LWR over a girder bridge the rail-sleeper fittings should be – [ a ]

(a) rail free type (b) rigid type

© two way keys (d) elastic rail clips with effective toe load.

108. The maximum span of a girder bridge with LWR in MG is – [ a ]

(a) 20m (b)30m (c) 43m (d) depends upon bearing arrangements in the bridge.

109. The gap at SEJ at the time of laying / Subsequent distressing of LWR for a 52 kg Rail section is [ b ]

(a) 60 mm (b) 40 mm (c) 20 mm (d) 120 mm.

110. Gap survey of an SWR has to be done – [ c ]

(a) Just before the monsoon (b) just after the monsoon

© before the onset of the summer season in Feb / March (d) none of the above.

111. Destressing by tensor has to be resorted to when – [ c ]

(a) labour force available is small (b) the blocks are not available

© the prevailing temperature is less than td

(d) a more sophisticated method has to be used.

112. Hot weather patrolman have a beat of – [ a ]

(a) 2 km on single line track (b) 1 km of a single line track

© 2 km on a double line track (d) not more than 5 km

113. If the temperature rises above td+20oC, hot weather patrolling can be started by – [ d ]

(a) DEN (b)AEN (c) Keyman (d) Gangmate.

114. In a yard with LWR, for track circuiting make use of – [ b ]

(a) insulated block joints (b)glued joints of G3L type

© cut the LWR into SWR (d) none of the above.

115. Gap at fracture in an LWR is more than the theoretical value. This is due to: [ c ]

(a) a sudden fall of temperature (b) the battering received from the moving wheels

© the longitudinal ballast resistance mobilised is less

(d) the longitudinal ballast resistance mobilsed is more.

[ a ]

116. The maximum curvature permitted for laying an LWR is –

(a) 4o Curve (b) 2o Curve (c) 3o Curve (d) ) 1o Curve

117. SEJs are inspected by the PW / APWI once – [ d ]

(a) every 15 days (b) every 7 days (c) As desired by the AEN (Open Line).

(d) every 15 days in the two hottest and two coldest months of the year and once in 2 months from the remaining period

118. Generally, while performing through packing manually on LWR, opening of [ d ]

sleepers is limited to –

(a) alternate sleeper to be opened (b) upto 100 sleepers to be opened at a time

© no restriction but the temperature restriction to be observed

(d) only 30 sleepers to be opened within a temperature range of td + 10 and td - 30oC.

119. Permissible speed on 1 in 8.5 turnout with curved switch 52/60 kg on PSC sleepers [ b ]

(a) 10 kmph (b) 15 kmph (c) 20 kmph (d) 25 kmph

120. Minimum and maximum rail temperatures at Bareilly shown in the map

as 70 (30) will be [ c ]

(a) –30 and + 30 (b) – 55 and + 35 (c) – 5 and 65 (d) 0 and 60.

121. While maintaining CST-9 track with LWR, it should be ensured that – [ b ]

(a) requisite no. of reverse jaw sleepers are provided (b)reverse jaw sleepers are removed

©LWR cannot be laid on CST-9 (d) Constant patrolling of track is done.

122. Emergency repairs to a buckled track involve – [ c ]

(a) Slewing track to original position

(b) Machine cut a rail piece out of track and slew back the track

© Gas cut and slew back to original alignment

(d) Wait for temperature to go down before slewing back track to original position.

123. At an SEJ theoretical calculations of movement of one LWR end indicates an [ b ]

Expansion of 4 mm and a contraction of 3 mm during rising and falling temperature trends,

Respectively, If the standard gap at td is 20mm what range of gap is permissible as per LWR

manual –

(a) 23mm to 16mm (b) 33mm to 6mm (c) 3mm to 4mm (d) None of the above.

124. Formation is classified on “very bad” when number of attention received in a year are more

than [ d ]

(a) 6 (b) 8 (c) 10 (d) 12

125. Maximum permissible vertical wear on wing rail or nose of crossing shall be [ a ]

(a) 10mm (b) 5 mm (c) 15 mm (d) 20 mm

126. SEJ can be laid on transition curve with degree not sharper than – [ b ]

(a) 1° (b)0.5° (c)2° (d) SEJ shall not be located on transition.

127. OMS equipment measures [ a ]

(a) Ride Index (b) CTR (c) TGI (d) Performance index

128. The competency certificate for LWR maintenance is issued by [ a ]

(a) DEN (b)AEN (c) PWI (d) PCE

129. For checking correct curvature of tongue rail, ordinates should be measured [ c ]

(a) at every 3m (b) at mid point of the tongue rail

(c) at mid point and quarter points of the tongue rail

(d) at every 20 m

130. On a fan-shaped lay-out same sleepers can be used for a right hand T/O and left hand T/O. For this purpose [ a ]

(a) right end of the sleepers should remain on right side

(b) right end of the sleepers should be brought towards the left side by rotating the sleepers

© sleepers in the switch should remain as it is but those in the lead should be rotated to bring the right end to the left side

131. Recommended throw of switch on BG is [ d ]

(a)95mm (b) 105mm (c) 110mm (d) 115mm.

132 Behind the heel of a switch spherical washers should be fitted on left hand side towards _____surface. [ b ]

(a)vertical (b) inclined (c)gauge (d) horizontal

133. Chord length for measuring lead curvature of a turn-out is [ c ]

(a) 3m (b) 4m (c) 6m (d) 9m.

134. As per the provisions of IRPWM, the gauge just ahead of actual toe switch shall

be _______ for switch entry angle (SEA) £ 0°20’0” and ________ for

SEA > 0°20’0” [ b ]

(a)+6mm, Neat (b) Neat, +6mm (c) Neat, Neat (d) +6mm, +6mm

135. Frequency of inspection of Points & Crossings on running lines by a PWI incharge & his Assistant is once in _____ in rotation [ c ]

(a) month (b) two months (c) 3 months (d) 4 months

136. Max. permissible speed on 1 in 8 ½ curved switch is ___ kmph and that on 1 in 12 curved switch is ___ kmph. [ a ]

(a)15&30 (b) 30&15 (c) 15&25 (d) 30&50

137. Maximum permissible wear on nose of crossing, wing rail is ___ [ d ]

(a)4mm (b) 6mm (c) 8mm (d) 10mm

138. The maximum permissible value for cant deficiency is _________ mm [ c ]

on group ‘A’ route with nominated rolling stock.

(a)50mm (b)75mm ©100mm (d)125mm

139. The maximum permissible value for actual cant, cant deficiency and cant [ b ]

excess is ___ , ___, __ and mm respectively for BG, group ‘E’ route.

(a)100,50,50 (b)165,75,75 © 140,65,65 (d) 180,100,100

140. The maximum in built twist on a transition curve is ____mm/meter [ b ]

for BG.

(a)1.4mm/m (b)2.8mm/m ©3.6mm/m (d)4.2mm/m

141. Frequency of inspection of a curve by PWI in BG group-A routes is once in [ b ]

(a)3 months (b)4 months (c) 5 months (d) 6 months

142. Extra shoulder width of ballast on curve double line in LWR is __ [ b ]

(a) 200mm (b) 300mm © 400mm (d) 500mm

143. On wooden sleeper track, the number of spikes/under each rail seat on the outside of a curve is ____________ [ c ]

(a)Zero (b)One ( c) Two (d)Three

144. Station to station versine variation permitted for 110 kmph speed is [ a ]


(a)15mm (b)10mm ©20mm (d)40mm

145. Flat tyre causes maximum damage at a speed of [ b ]

(a)90 to 100 kmph (b)25 to 30 kmph (c)10 to 15 kmph (d) 50 to 75 kmph

146. As per IRCA rules, the rejection limits for wheel flange thickness is – [ c ]

(a) 38 mm (b) 25.4mm (c) 16 mm (d) 20mm

147. The standard play on B.G. is [ b ]

(a) 25 mm (b) 19 mm (c) 20 mm (d) 15mm

148. Emergency crossovers should be [ a ]

(a) lubricated on the gauge faces to reduce derailment proneness

(b) lubricated on the rail table to reduce derailment proneness

(c) lubricated on the gauge tie plates to reduce derailment proneness

(d) Lubricated on non gauge face to reduce derailment proneness

149 Track Geometry to be achieved after track maintenance should be better than [ b ]

(a) New Track Tolerance (b) Maintenance Tolerance

(c) Service Tolerance (d) Safety tolerance

150. TGI can not assume the following value – [ c ]

(a) Less than 100 (b) Less than 50 (c) Less than 0 (d) Less than 25

151. Radius of a 5˚ curve is [ c ]

(a) 1750 (b) 875 (c) 350 (d) 550

152. The suffix with track category A, B, C etc. pertains to number of peaks

exceeding the outer limit of which category [ b ]

(a) ‘A’ Category (b) ‘B’ Category (c) ‘C’ Category (d) ‘D’ Category

153. Acceleration peaks exceeding following is taken for track quality [ b ]

assessment on BG high speed routes.

(a) 0.2g (b) 0.15g (c) 0.35 g (d) 0.3g

154. Which Index is based on SD Values – [ c ]

(a) CTR (b) A, B, C categorisation (c) TGI (d) OMS

155. Track is classified as ‘Very Good’ if the average no.of total vertical and

lateral acceleration peaks/Km on High speed routes is – [ b ]

(a)>1.0 (b) <1.0 (c) <1.5 (d) <2.0

156. Urgent attention is required at all locations where vertical & lateral [ d ]

acceleration peaks exceed -

(a) 0.2g (b) 0.15g (c) .30g (d) 0.35g

157. If the average number of peaks of vertical and lateral accelerations exceeding 0.3g is more than____per km. Or more than____ in any particular km.,the track will need attention. [ c ]

(a) 1 &1 (b) 0.5 & 1 (c) 0.25 & 1 (d) 0.25 & 2

158. Need for urgent maintenance of track, arises when the value of individual indices of different parameters of TGI is less than [ d ]

(i) 100 (ii) 75 (iii) 50 (d) 35

159. Frequency of overhauling of a level crossing is once a _______ [ a ]

(a) year (b) two year © six months (d) three

160. Height gauges should be located at a minimum distance of ___ m

from the gatepost. [ b ]

(a) 6 (b)8 ©10 (d)20

161. Frequency of census at a level crossing where TVU is [ d ]

between 75,000 to 1,00,000 will be ___years.

(a) 1 (b)1 ½ (c)2 (d)2 1/2

162. In skew level crossings, the angle of crossing should not be [ d ]

less than _______0

(a)20 (b)30 ©40 d)45

163. Drivers of trains shall get no light indication except at ________ [ a ]

level crossings where they will observe red lights when the gates are closed across

the railway line and are open for road traffic.

(a)Special (b)A class ©B class (d) C class

164Level crossings beyond the ____________signals shall be under [ c ]

the control of the Permanent Way Inspectors both as regards to their operation and


(a) Home (b)LSS ©Outermost Stop (d) Starter

165. A gateman should have certificate of fitness of Class _________ [ b ]

from Medical Department.

(a)A-I (b)A-III ©B-I (d)B-II

166. At night the gateman should lit ____nos. hand signal lamps. [ a ]

(a) 2 (b)1 © nil (d)3

167. The minimum clearance of check rails at a level [ b ]

crossing should be ____mm

(a) 41 (b 51 © 61 (d) 31

168. For level crossing with PSC sleepers, in no case opening be [ d ]

delayed by more than __________ years.

(a)half (b)one © one and half (d)Two

169. As per IRPWM one speed breaker should be provided [ c ]

on either approach of level crossing located within the railway boundary at a distance

maximum feasible but not exceeding __________ m.

(a)5 (b)10 ©20 (d)30

170. There should be no rail joint on running rails for a distance [ c ]

of _____m on either side at a level crossing in SWR

(a)1 (b)2 © 3 (d) 6

171. Minimum number of gate keepers on ‘B’ class level [ b ]

crossing should be __________

(a) 1 (b) 2 © 3 (d) 4

172. Whistle indicator board on the approaches of unmanned level crossings [ c ]

should be provided at a distance of

(a) 200m (b) 400 m (c) 600 m (d) 800 m

173. At the close of tamping work in mechanised maintenance [ c ]

P.Way Manual prescribes a ramp gentler than

(a) 1 in 100 b) 1 in 500 (c) 1 in 1000 (d) 1 in 720

174. Hot weather patrolling in LWR/CWR shall be introduced when temperature is [b]

(a) td + 10˚ or above (b) td + 20˚ or above (c) td + 30˚ or above (d) td + 50˚ or above

175. Formation slope is 1 in _________ [ d ]

(a)10 (b)20 ©30 (d)40

176. Name the equipment that can be effectively used to warn [ a ]

the driver of an approaching train on a track fouled by a derailed train on

an adjacent track _____________

(a)Flare signal (b)Detonator ©Red flag (d)Red lamp

177.What distance from a danger location should [ d ]

3-detonators be fixed on BG?

(a) 270 mtrs. (b) 600 mtrs © 800 mtrs. (d)1200 mtrs

178. During deep screening, it should be ensured that when ballast [ d ]

is being removed from any sleeper, invariably, there are at least ___ fully supported

sleepers between it and the next sleeper worked upon.

(a)1 (b)2 ©3 (d)4

179. The sections, which are normally to be patrolled during [ c ]

monsoon will be identified and notified by the ___________

(a)PWI (b)ADEN ©DEN (d)CTE

180 Who is authorized level of supervisor for deep screening works in LWR works [ c ]

(a)PWM (b)PWI (C) Mate (d) Keyman

181 After emergency repairs to fracture in LWR Track, the first train has to pass at a speed of [ a ]

(a) Stop Dead & 10 kmph (b) Stop Dead & 20 kmph (c) 20 kmph (d) 30 kmph

182 CWR/LWR shall not be laid as curves sharper than __________m radius both [ a ]

For BG and MG track

(a) 440 m (b) 340m (C) 240m (d) 140m

183 Clearance between Guard rail and Running rail on bridges in case of BG track [ a ]

(a) 250 + 50 mm (b) 200 +25 mm (c) 150 + 25 mm (d) 25 + 25 mm

184. The PWI should submit a certificate to the DEN through [ a ]

AEN _______ in advance before commencement of monsoon.

(a)1 month (b) 2 months © 3 months (d) 4 months

185. The PWI should check the equipment of all patrolmen and [ a ]

watchmen once in a ____________

(a)1 month (b) 2 months © 3 months (d) 4 months

186. The PWI incharge should check over patrolling at nights [ a ]

by train once a __________

(a)1 month (b) 2 months © 3 months (d) 4 months

187. The _________will be responsible for instructing patrolmen [ a ]

in their duties and ____________will be responsible to ensure that the

patrolmen and stationary watchmen posses the correct equipment.

(a)PWI and MATE (b)ADEN & PWI © DEN & AEN (d) CTE&DEN

188.Overhang beyond the last lifting/ slinging point while [ c ]

lifting 90 UTS rails should not exceed ________ m.

(a)2.5 (b) 3.0 © 3.25 (d)3.5

189. After ignition of ‘portion’ in AT welding, efforts should be [ b ]

made to follow a tapping time of very near to ____ sec.

(a)10 (b)20 ©30 (d)40

190. Class ‘C’ ODC is one where net clearance available is less [ a ]

than _________mm.

(a) 75 (b)100 ( c) 125 (d) 150

191. For spans more than 6.1m, rail joints should preferably [ c ]

be provided at ____ of span from either end.

(a)full length (b)half ©1/3rd (d)2/3rd.

192.Length of bridge timbers should be distance of outside to outside [ b ]

of girder flanges plus _______ mm but not less than _________mm

for B.G.

(a)205 &2340 (b)305&2440 © 405&2220 (d)505&1320

193. The clear distance between bridge timbers at joints [ d ]

should not exceed ________mm both B.G and M.G. is

(a)100 (b)450 ©200 (d)50

194. The top table of the guard rail should not be lower than that of [ d ]

the running rail by more than___________mm.

(a)10 (b)15 ©20 (d)25

195. On the bridge approaches, for a length of about ______mtrs. [ b ]

the width of cess should be ____ cm clear of full ballast section.

(a)50 &100 (b)100 &90 ©150&120 (d)120&60

196. Permissible amount of creep on BG track [ b ]

(a) 100 mm (b) 150 mm (c) 200 mm (d) 250 mm

197. Any deviations from the dimensions of Schedule I will require [ c ]

prior sanction of _______

(a) RDSO (b) PCE © RB (d) CTE

198. In tunnels, through and semi-through girder bridges, the minimum [ b ]

distance centre to centre of tracks for B.G. shall be ____mm

(a)4495 (b)4725 ©4265 (d)1676

199. The maximum gradient in station yards BG should be __________ [ b ]

unless special safety devices are adopted and/or special rules enforced.

(a)1in260 (b)1in400 ©1in1000 (d)1in1200

200. The recommended minimum distance centre to centre of track BG is [ c ]

_______m, for B.G.

(a)4265 (b)4725 ©5300 (d)1676

201. For B.G, the minimum radius of a curve is ____________m. [ d ]

(a)350 (b)275 ©200 (d)175

202. The recommended minimum widths of embankment for [ b ]

B.G. single line is _______mm

(a)5300 (b)6850 ©6250 (d)4725

203. The recommended minimum widths of embankment for [ b ]

B.G. double line is ____________ mm

(a) 4495 (b)12155 © 4265 (d)1676

204. The recommended minimum widths of cutting for B.G. Single line [ c ]

(a) 4495 (b)12550 © 6250 (d)1676

205. The recommended minimum widths of cutting for B.G. double line [ b ]

(a)4495 (b)11550 ©4265 (d)1676

206. Check rails should normally be provided where the radius is [ d ]

______m or less in B.G.

(a)158 (b)258 ©318 (d)218

207. On B.G., minimum and maximum clearances of check rails at [ b ]

a level crossing are _________mm & ___________mm respectively.

(a)44 &48 (b) 51 & 57 © 41 &45 (d) 48 &54

208. Minimum depth of space for wheel flange from rail level in B.G. [ c ]

is _________mm.

(a)18 (b)28.5 ©38 (d)44

209. For buildings and structures on B.G., the minimum horizontal [ b ]

distance from centre of track to any structure from rail level to 305 mm

above rail level is __________mm.

(a) 1540 (b) 1675 © 1905 (d)1690

210. For buildings and structures on B.G., the minimum horizontal [ c ]

distance from centre of track to any structure from rail level to 305 mm

above rail level is __________mm for new works or alterations to existing works.

(a) 1540 (b) 1675 © 1905 (d)1690

211. Minimum distance of any telegraph post measured from the center [ d ]

of track and at right angles to the nearest track excluding the height of postis

__________ mm for B.G.

(a) 1540 (b) 1675 © 1905 (d)2135

212. Minimum height above rail level for a distance of 915 mm on [ b ]

either side of the centre of track for B.G. for overhead structures is____ mm.

(a) 4540 (b) 4875 © 5905 (d)4690

213 For B.G., maximum height above rail level of any part of [ d ]

interlocking or signal gear for a width of 1600 mm is __________mm.

(a) 95 (b) 85 © 75 (d)65

214. The maximum and minimum horizontal distances from centre of track [ b ]
 o face of passenger platform coping for B.G. are ________ mm & ________
 mm respectively.

(a) 1540 &1500 (b) 1680 &1670 © 1905 &1675 (d)1690 &1575

215. ______mm & _______mm are the maximum and minimum [ c ]

distances from centre of track to the face of goods platform coping for B.G.

(a) 1540 &1500 (b) 1905 &1675 © 1680 &1670 (d)1690 &1575

216. The maximum and minimum distances from center of track to [ b]

the face of any platform wall are ___________mm & ____________mm respectively.

(a) 1540 &1500 (b) 1905 &1675 © 1680 &1670 (d)1690 &1575

217. Maximum and minimum heights above rail level for B.G. high level [ a ]

passenger platforms are __________ mm & ___________ mm.

(a) 840 &760 (b) 950 &1050 © 1680 &1670 (d)1690 &1575

218. The maximum height above rail level for B.G. goods platforms is _____mm [ c]

(a) 1500 (b) 1200 © 1065 (d)1690

219. The minimum horizontal distance of any building on B.G. passenger [ c ]

platforms from centre line of track, from platform level to 305mm above

platform level is

(a) 5540mm (b) 5180

© 5180mm gradually increasing

uniformly to 5330mm (d)5330 gradually decreasing to 5180

220.The minimum horizontal distance from centre line of track to [ a ]

a pillar, column, lamp or similar isolated structure on a passenger

platform or any building on a goods platform from platform

level to 305mm above platform level for B.G_________ mm.

(a)4570mm increasing uniformly to 4720mm

(b)4720mm decreasing uniformly to 4570mm

©4570 mm. (d)4720 mm.

221.A pillar or column which has more than ___________cm2 in plan for [ c ]

B.G. must be classed building and not as isolated structure.

(a) 1550 (b) 1915 © 3716 (d)2560

222. The clear distance between consecutive sleepers laid over unballasted[ a ]

bridge on BG should not exceed_____________

(a)510 mm (b)650 mm (c)450mm (d)150

223. The width of BG wooden sleeper over bridge should be ___________mm [ c ]

(a)180 mm (b)210 mm ( c) 250 mm (d) 300 mm

224. Vertical curves are introduced when the algebraic difference between two [ b]

grades becomes equal to or more than _______%

a) 0.04 b) 0.40 c) 4.00 (d) 0.20

225. In single line CST-9 sleeper track, the keys are to be driven in the direction [ c]

a) Along the traffic b) Against the traffic

c) Opposite to each other on alternate sleepers

d) Three sleepers in one direction and fourth in opposite direction

226. In need based system of USFD testing, rail with IMR defect should be [ c]

replaced within

a) 10 days b) 5 days c) 3 days (d) 7 days

227. In BG track, the opening of road for through packing should be done [ a]

from end of sleeper to a distance of ______ inside the rail seat

a) 450 mm b) 350mm c) 250mm (d) 150mm

228. In case of mass lubrication by gangs, the minimum level of supervision [ a]

should be

a) PWay Supervisor b) APWI c) Gang Mate d) CPWI

229. Toe Load should be tested for ERC in other than corrosion prone areas [ b]

for every

a) 2 years or after passage of 100 GMT of traffic whichever is earlier

b) 4 years or after passage of 200 GMT of traffic whichever is earlier

c) None of the above.

230. The minimum depth of ballast cushion for SWR track is [ b]

a) 150mm b) 200 mm c) 250mm (d) 300 mm

231. In a turnout, the turnout side stock rail should be given a bend at [ c]

a) Actual Toe of Switch b) Heel of Switch © Theoretical Toe Switch

(d) SRJ

232. The work that requires CRS sanction is [ c]

(a) Alteration in main line turnouts

b) Permanent diversion of 1 km length with station

c) All the above

233 IR Designation of a curve is done by [ a]

a) degree

b) radius

c) degree or radius

d) Curvature

234. Degree of a curve of radius 1750m [ b]

a) 1.25° b) 1° c) 2° c) 0.5°

235. Dynamic gauge for BG [ a]

a)1750mm b) 1776 mm b)1676mm c) 1057mm

236. The difference between actual cant provided on track and the cant [ b]

calculated corresponding to minimum speed in the section

a)cant deficiency

b)cant excess

c)rate of change of cant

d) equilibrium cant

237. Maximum permissible cant deficiency on BG Group D route is [ c]

a) 100mm. b) 65mm .c) 75mm d) 50 mm

238. Cant gradient is [ b]

a) actual cant/cant defficiency

b) actual cant / transition length

c) actual cant/cant excess

d) actual cant / length of a curve

239. The compensation for curve when added to the Existing gradient should not exceed the______ [ c]

(a) Falling gradient (b) Rising gradient (c) Ruling gradient (d) Exceptional gradient

240.Recommended center to center distance of tracks for new lines_______ [ c]

(a) 7265mm (b)4265mm ©5300mm (d)4725mm

241.Minimum radius of curve___________mtrs. [ a]

(a) 175 (b) 200 © 225 (d)250

242. Maximum clearance of check rail at level crossing___________ [ d]

(a) 44mm (b) 51mm © 48mm (d)57mm

243. Minimum horizontal distances, Telegraph posts measured from the center of

track and at right angles to the nearest track is Ht. of Telegraph post__mm

(a)1635 (b) 1915 © 1675 (d)2135 [ d]

244. The maximum distance apart from refuges in the tunnel_______mtrs. [ c]

(a) 125 (b) 80 © 100 (d) 50

245. Maximum gradient of the station yard 1 in __________ [ b]

(a) 1200 (b) 400 © 100 (d)500

246. Recommended gradient in station yard_________________________[ a]

(a) 1200 (b) 400 © 100 (d)500

247. Horizontal distance from center of track to place of any platform wall Minimum

________mm. and Maximum______________mm [ b]

(a) 1600,1800 (b) 1675,1905 © 1905,1670 (d)1670,1680

248. The Maximum height above the rail level for high level platform_________________ [ d]

(a) 760mm (b) 1000mm © 900mm (d)840mm

249. Minimum check rail clearance opposite nose of crossing is [ b ]

(a) 57mm (b) 44mm © 48mm (d)51mm

250. Maximum check rail clearance opposite nose of crossing__________[ c]

(a) 57mm (b) 44mm © 48mm (d)51mm

251. Minimum length of tongue rail ______________________ [ d ]

(a) 1200m (b)1425mm © 3200mm (d)3660mm

252. The range of Destressing temperature for 52 kg. rails is Tm+5Deg. To Tm+10 Degrees Centigrade

253. The permitted gradient in LWR track is 1 in 100

254. Minimum radius of vertical curve in LWR of Group `A’ route is -- [ d]

(a) 1550 m (b) 1915m © 3716m (d) 4000 m

255. Minimum Ballast cushion under PSC sleeper is 250 mm.

256.Maximum permitted speed on Group `D’ is 100 KMPH

257. Maximum distance apart from trolley refuges on

(a) Bridges with main span < 100 mtrs. is 100 mtrs.

(b)Bridges with main span of 100 mtrs. and more is one on each pier

(c) Ballasted deck bridge is 50mtrs.

258. Clearance between the Guard rail and running rail at center of the bridge

250+ 50mm

259. Limiting loss of section due to wear on 52kg. rail is __6__%

260. The limits of vertical wear on 60 kg. rail is 13mm

261. ERC is a rail free fastening (b)

(a) True (b) False

262.The permitted Guage on 400 mtrs. Radius curve as per the IRPWM is -6mm to +15 mm.

263. The maximum permitted cant deficiency on Group`A’ routes is100 mm

264. In LWR/CWR cold weather patrolling is introduced when the rail

temperature is less than Td-30 Degrees Centigrade

265. the life of a detonator is 7 years and it can be extended up to 10 years

266. What is the maximum distance between two bridge timbers on BG is 510


267. The maximum height of the low level passenger plat form on BG is 455mm

268. The patrol beat to be fixed for a hot weather patrolman on BG single LWR

line is 2 km.

269. The W/L Board is to be fixed at a distance of 600 mtrs. from the

unmanned level crossing gate.

270. The gate post for an unmanned LC gate to be provided at 3 mtrs. distance

from the center line of nearest track.

271. Oiling and greasing of fish plated joint should be done once in a year

272. Location of Height gauge from the Gate post is 8 mtrs.

273. Minimum railway authority to work with the rail dolly is a Key man

274. Number of sleepers to be greased by a Keyman on his daily beat in PSC

sleeper track 20 sleepers

275. Maximum and minimum check rail clearances to be provided at LC gate are

57mm and 51 mm

276. The minimum throw of switch that can be permitted is 95 mm

277. What is the gap provided at SEJ initially at Td in Zone II for 52 kg.rail is


278. Destressing temperature for 60 kg. rail whose Td is 37 42 to 47 Deg.

279. What is the minimum distance at which the SEJ can be laid in the approach

of single span girder bridge.30 mtrs.

280. Minimum radius of the curve on which check rail has to be provided is 218


281. Hot weather patrolling has to be introduced when the temperature

exceeds Td + 20 Degrees C

282. The gang muster roll and the T&P of the gang unit are to be maintained by

Sup/P-Way when the Supervisor P-Way is in charge of the unit.

283. When two or more trollies are running together in the same direction, they

should be kept at least 100 m distance between them.

284. How many Fuses to be available with the gate keeper on Double and multiple

lines?________________________ [ c ]

(a) 1 (b)2 ©3 (d)4

285. Write is the formula for calculating the Equilibrium Cant in mm for BG track

------------------ 13.76X(V eq)2


286. 2 Nos. Red and 1 no. Green HS flags to be provided at Manned LC on

double line section

287. Rail dolly shall not work where gradient is steeper than________ [ b ]

(a) 1 in 400 (b)1 in 200 (c)1 in 100 (d) 1 in 300

288.Minimum no. of men required for working of Trolleys [ d ]

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

289. Tolerance for head finishing on side at welding with 10 cm. straight edge

(a)+-0.1mm (b)+0.3mm. (c)-0.3mm (d) +-0.3mm [ d ]

290. Preheating time for AT welding by SKV process is in minutes for

60kg.(90UTS) rails [ c ]

(a)6-8 (b)8-10 (c)10-12 (d)4-6

291. Frequency of refresher course for keyman/ Mate/PWM is once in

(a) 2 years (b)6 years (c)8 years (d) 5 years [ d]

292. When more than one track machine is running in a block section, there should be a minimum distance of ________ m between two units. [ a]

(a) 120m (b)160m (c)200m (d)220m

293.Lubrication of ERCs should be done once in a _________in corrosion prone area. [ d ]

(a)4 years (b)3 years (c)2 years (d) year

294. Metal lines are used in track circuit areas with PSC track [ b ]

(a) True (b) False (c) irrelevant

295. Medical category of LC gateman is [ c ]

(a) A1 (b)A2 (c)A3 (d)B1

296. Speed restriction on the fourth day after Deep screening manually in BG line [ c ]

(a) 30 Kmph (b)20 Kmph (c)45 Kmph (d)50 Kmph

297. Limiting lateral wear for rail renewal in `A’ route curved track [ d ]

(a) 6mm (b) 7mm (c) 4mm (d) 8mm

298. The limit for vertical wear for 60 kg. rail is [ d ]

(a) 4.5mm (b)5.0mm (c) 8.0mm (d)13.0mm

299.Whereever LWR is followed by fish plated track/SWR, the same track

structure as that of LWR shall be continued beyond SEJ for- [ b ]

(a)two rail length. (b)three rail length.

(c)four rail length. (d)five rail length.

300. In other than concrete sleeper track, if the temperature rises above td + 20deg.C after a maintenance job, during the period of consolidation, when only manual ballast compaction has been done, SR to be imposed is –[a]

(a)50 km/h in BG and 40 km/h in MG

(b)30 km/h in BG and 20 km/h in MG

(c)75 km/h in BG and 50 km/h in MG

(d) 30 km/h in BG and 10 km/h in MG

301 .While doing deep screening in LWR territory, if the rail temperature is anticipated to rise above td+10 deg. C, [ c]

(a)stop the work (b)cut the LWR

(c)do a temporary distressing at 10 deg.C lower than maximum anticipated

rail temperature

(d) Tamping destressing is not necessary

302. While continuiong the LWR over a girder bridge the rail- sleeper fittings

should be [ a ]

(a)rail free type (b)rigid type (c)two way keys (d) Freed type

303. Gap survey of a SWR has to be done – [ c ]

(a)just before the monsoon (b)just after the monsoon

(c)before the onset of the summer season in Feb /March

(d) during summer

304. The distressing by tensor can be done whem temperature

prevailing (tp) is – [ b ]

a)More than td

(b)Less than td

(c)Equal to td

(d) td + 5˚ C

305. In a yard with LWR/ glued joints are used for track circuiting areas [ b ]

(a)_______________ joints (b)glued joints

(c)fish plated joint (d) _____________ fish plated joint

306.The maximum curvature permitted for laying an LWR is [ a ]

(a)4 degree (b)2 degree (c)1 degree (d) 50 degree

307. SEJs are inspected by the PWI / APWI once [ b ]

(a)every 15 days

(b)every 15 days in the two hottest and two coldest months of the year and once in e months from the remaining period

(c)every 7 days

(d)Once in every month

308.Generally, while performing through packing manually on LWR, opening of

sleepers is limited to – [ c ]

(a) upto 100 sleepers to opened at a time

(b) no restriction but the temperature restriction to be observed

(c) only 30 sleepers to be opened within a temperature range

of td + 10 and td- 30 deg.C

(d) Only 50 sleepers

309. Destressing is to be done to induce internal stress in LWR __________ [ b ]

(a)True (b) False

310. For checking correct curvature of tongue rail, ordinates should be measured [ c ]

(a)at every 3m (b)at mid point of the tongue rail

(c)at mid point and quarter points of the tongue rail

(d) at every 6 m.

311 On a fan shaped layout same sleepers can be used for a right hand T/O and

left hand T/O. For this purpose [ a ]

(a)right end of the sleepers should remain on right side

(b)right end of the sleepers should be brought towards the left side by

rotating the sleepers

(c)sleepers in the switch should remain as it is but those in the lead should be ratated to bring the right end to the left.

(d) Sleeper can be laid in any way.

312. Behind the heel of a switch spherical washers should be fitted on [ a ]

(a)left hand side(b) right hand side(

313.Chord length for measuring lead curvature of a turn-out is 6m.

314. As per the provisions of IRPWM, the gauge just ahead of actual toe switch shall be Neat for switch entry angle (SEA) < 0˚ 20’ 0” and + 6mm SEA > 0˚ 20’ 0”

315.Frequency of inspection of Points & Crossings on running lines by a PWI incharge & his assistant on running lines is once in 3 months by rotation

316. Max. Permissible speed on 1 in 8 ½ curved switch is 15kmph and that on 1 in 12 curved switch is 30 kmph

317. Max. permissible wear on nose of crossing & wing rail is 10 mm.

318. The gap to be maintained at a Machined joint is Zero

319. Rail Joints should be avoided within 3m of a bridge abutment.

320. Desirable clearance between top of stretcher bar and bottom of stock rail is 1.5 to 3.0 mm

321.Extra shoulder width of ballast on curve is 150 mm.

322. On wooden sleeper track, the number of spikes/ sleeper on the outside of a

curve is Two

323.The permitted gauge variation on 3 deg. Curve is – 3 mm. to + 6 mm.

324.Station to station versine variation permitted for 110 kmph speed is 15 mm

325.Track Geomentry to be achieved after track maintenance should be

better than [ b]

(a)New Track Tolerance (b)Maintenance Tolerance

(c)Service Tolerance (d) Normal tolerance

326. Track is classified as ‘Very Good’ if total no. of vertical and lateral acceleration peaks/km on High speed routes is – [ b ]

(a)>1.0 (b)<1.0 (c)<1.5 (d) <0.5

327.The standard play on BG is [ b ]

(a)25mm (b)19mm (c)20mm (d) 16mm

328.Emergency crossovers should be [ a]

(a)lubricated on the gauge faces to reduce derailment proneness

(b)lubricated on the rail table to reduce derailment proneness

(c)lubricated on the gauge tie plates to reduce derailment proneness

(d)Lubricated on non-guage face to reduce derailment proneness

329. The effect on wheel off loading in a vehicle having spring defect in two

diagonally opposite spring is a result of [ a ]

(a) twist

(b) alignment

(c) versine


330.Wear on switches can be reduced by [a ]

(a)Lubrication of guage face of tongue rail

(b) Lubrication of guage face of stove rail

© Lubrication of non-guage face of tongue rail

(d) Lubrication of non-guage face of stove rail

331. A false flange may split open points while traveling in [ b ]

(a)leading direction (b)trailing direction (c)both the above condition

(d) Straight track

332.In design mode of levelling, lift values should be fed at [ a ]

(a)front bogie of tamping machine (b)at middle measuring trolley

(c)at the rear measuring trolley (d) Rear bogie of tamping machine

333.At the close of tamping work in mechanized maintenance, P.Way Manual

prescribes a ramp gentler than [ c ]

(a)1 in 100 (b)1 in 500 (c)1 in 1000 (d) 1 in 400

334.Minimum length of check rail, for a square crossing, should be 3 m more than width of


335.Frequency of overhauling of a level crossing is Once a year

336.Frequency of census at a level crossing where TVU is between 75,000 to 1,00,000 will be 2 1/2 years.

337.Level crossings beyond the outermost stop signals shall be under the control of the Permanent Way Inspectors both as regards to their operation and maintenance.

338.At night the gateman should lit Two nos hand signal lamps.

339.For level crossing with PSC sleepers , in no case opening be delayed by more than Two years.

340. As per IRPWM one speed breaker should be provided on either approach of level crossing located within the railway boundary at a distance maximum feasible but not exceeding 20 m.

341. If a patrolman on the arrival at the end of his beat does not find the next patrolman he should still continue patrolling as per patrol chart

342. When no danger is apprehended, the patrolman should stand on the cess on the right hand side facing the train and exhibit his number plate.

343. The Railway Affecting Tank which still requires heavy repairs, despite repeated reminders of Railway, should be considered and included in the list of vulnerable locations.

344. Distance pieces are used to obviate the possibility of infringement of the horizontal distance from centre of track to face of platform coping.

(a)True (b) False [ a ]

345. Caked cushion below sleeper causes increased fractures [ a ]

(a)True (b)False

346.The minimum width of Cess in formation [ b ]

(a)600mm (b)900mm (c)500mm (d) 1000mm

347. Works of “short duration” are the works which can be completed by sunset

and no S/R thereafter is required.

348. The device used for compensating the wear of the fishing planes of at free rail joint

Tapered shims

349.At what distance from a danger location should 3 detonators be fixed on BG

1200 mtrs.

350.Easement gradient at the time of passage of trains while doing lifting should

not be steeper than 25 mm per rail length of 13 mtrs.

351. The sections, which are normally to be patrolled during monsoon will be identified

and notified by the DEN

352 A formation is classified as bad when number of attentions required in a year is 6 to 12

353. Patrolling in pairs can be introduced with the approval of Chief Engineer

354. The selected patrolman should pass A3 medical test and then only should be employed.

355. The PWI incharge should check the gang tools once in a month

356. The PWI should check the equipment of all patrolmen and watchmen once in a month

357. The PWI in charge should check over patrolling at nights by train once a month

358. A list of vulnerable locations should be maintained by each ADEN/DEN in a register form and updated.

359. The flagman placing detonators should station himself at a distance not less than 45 m from the place of detonators.

360. Indicators shall be placed on the left side as seen by the drivers except on CTC sections (S/L) where they should be placed on right side

361. When works at times of poor visibility are to be undertaken and site is protected by temporary engineering fixed signals Two detonators, 10m apart be fixed not less than 270 m in rear of Caution Indicator and caution hand signal exhibited to approaching trains.

362. The safety radius at the time of testing of detonators is 50 m.

363. The bottom most parts of Caution & speed Indicators should be 2 mabove R.L and that of T/P & T/G should be 1.65 m above R.L

364. When more than one person holding competency certificate travels in a trolley, the man

who is manning the brakes is responsible for its safe working

365. Guard rails should be provided on all girder bridges whether major or minor

(a) True (b) False [ a]

366. In through girder bridges on double line, the guard rails should be splayed on both end/ends on both line/lines

367. For spans more than 6.1 m, rail joints should preferable be provided at 1/3of span from

either end.

368. Depth of bridge timbers excluding notching should not be less than 150

mm for B.G.

369. Length of bridge timbers should be distance from outside to outside of girder flanges plus 305 mm but not less than 2440 mm for B.G.

370. On the bridge approaches for a length of 100 m,the width of cess should be 90 cm. clear of full ballast section.

371. In tunnels, through and semi through girder bridges, the minimum centre to centre distance of tracks for B.G shall be 4725 mm for new works.

372. In tunnels, through and semi through girder bridges, the minimum centre to centre distance of tracks for B.G shall be 4495 mm for existing lines

373. The recommended minimum widths of cutting excluding side drains for B.G. single line is 6.25 m

374. The recommended minimum widths of embankment of B.G. single line is 6.850 m

375. Minimum depth of space for wheel flange from rail level in B.G is 38 mm.

376. For B.G. maximum height above rail level of any part of interlocking or signal gear for a width of 1600mm is 64 mm.

377. The maximum and minimum horizontal distances from centre of track to face of passenger platform coping for B.G are 1680 mm & 1670 mm respectively

378. 1680 mm & 1670 mm are the maximum and minimum distances from centre of track to the face of goods platform coping for B.G.

379. The maximum height above rail level for B.G. goods platforms ( except horse and end loading platforms) is 1065 mm.


Maximum accumulation of LAP is _______days [ c ]

(a) 100 (b) 200 (c) 300 (d) 400

381. LAP is and advance credit at the rate of _______ days for every

half year. [ b ]

(a) 10 (b) 15 (c) 20 (d) 25

382. The maximum days Lap can be availed at a time is _______ days. [ a ]

(a) 180 (b) 200 (c) 20 (d) 300

383. LHAP is an advance credit at the rate of _______ days for every half year. [ d ]

(a) 5 (b) 15 (c) 20 (d) 10

384 The eligibility of CL for field staff is _______ [ a ]

(a) 8 (b) 10 (c) 11 (d) 12

385. If a male employee undergone family planning operation, then he is

eligible for _______ days as a special casual leave [ b ]

(a) 8 (b) 6 (c) 10 (d) 12

386 If a female employee undergone family planning operation, then she is

eligible for _______ days as a special casual leave [ c]

(a) 10 (b) 12 (c) 14 (d) 16

387.If a male employee’s wife undergone for family planning operation

then male employee is eligible for _______days as special casual leave [ d ]

(a) 8 (b) 10 (c) 12 (d) 7

388. Maternity leave for female Rly.employee is eligible for _______days[ a ]

(a) 135 (b) 120 (c) 150 (d) 90

389.Paternity leave for male Rly.employee is eligible for _______days.

[ c ]

(a) 5 (b) 10 (c) 15 (d) 20

390.The no. of privilege passes eligible for a Rly.Employee having three

and a half years of service is _______ set. [ a ]

(a) 1 set (b) 2 sets (c) 3 sets (4) 4 sets

391. The Standard Form (SF) used for minor penalty charge sheet is_______ [ c ]

(a) SF 5 b) SF 1 c) SF11 d) SF3

392. The Standard Form (SF) used for major penalty charge sheet is

_______ [ a ]

(a) SF 5 b) SF 1 c) SF1 d) SF3

393. The validity of half set privilege pass_______ [ c ]

(a) 1 month b) 2 months c) 3 months d) 4 months

394 When employee is kept under suspension, he is eligible for

_____________________ [ a ]

(a) Subsistence Allowance (b) Failing Allowance (c) Supervision Allowance


1. As per OL policy Jammu & Kashmir comes under ________ region

[ b ]

(a) A b) B* c) C d) none

2. When was the official language act formed _____ [ c ]

(a) 1947 b) 1956 c) 1963 d) 1976

3. When the official language rules were formed _______[ c ]

(a) 1947 b) 1956 c) 1963 * d) 1976

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