Q Paper & Ans - Staff & Welfare Inspector Exam Dt. 05.03.2021

 Question Paper & Answer - Staff & Welfare Inspector Exam Dt. 05.03.2021 (BCT Division)

Question. 1 - Who authorised IREC / IREM?

(A) Secretary Railway Board

(B) Member Staff

(C) Principal Chief Personnel Officer

(D) D.G. 

Answer - (A) Secretary Railway Board

Question. 2 - Who is the authority to interpret the rules given in IREC/IREM

(A) Railway Board

(B) President of India

(C) Secretary Railway Board

(D) Minister of Railway 

Answer - (B) President of Indi

Question. 3 - full form of IRSEE?


(A) Indian Railway Service of Electronic Engineers

(B) Indian Railway Service of Electric Engineers

(C) Indian Railway Service of Electrical Engineers

(D) Indian Railway Service of Electrical Engineer 

Answer - (D) Indian Railway Service of Electrical Engineer 


Question. 4 - Definition of gazetted post has-


(A) Selected from UPSC

(B) Recruited through the President

(C) Appointment is made by notification in Gazette of India

(D) None of above


Answer - (C) Appointment is made by notification in Gazette of India



Question. 5 - Supernumerary the post is generally created for


(A) Indefinite time period

(B) Specific time period

(C) One year

(D) None of the above


Answer - (B) Specific time period

Question. 6 - In Railway, Power to make rules for Gr. C and Gr. D staff lies with

(A) Railway Board

(B) DoPT

(C)Ministry of Law & justice

(D) None of the above 


Answer - (A) Railway Board



Question. 7 - Placement Committee is form for:

(A) Promotion

(B) Transfers/Posting




Answer - (B) Transfers/ Posting



Question. 8 - Who has the power to promote Gr. C staff to Gr. B officer post?

(A) Railway Board

(B) Ministry of Railways

(C) General Manager

(D) Principle head of the department 


Answer - (C) General Manager



Question. 9 - Full form of LDCE

(A) Limited Department Competitive Exam

(B) Limited Departmental Competitive Examination

(C) Limited Departmental Competitive Exam

(D) Limited Department Complete Examination 


Answer - (B) Limited Departmental Competitive Examination



Question. 10 - People holding nationality of which countries are eligible to apply for Indian Railway Services?

(A) India, Nepal, Bhutan

(B) Only India

(C)India, Nepal, Bhutan, Tibetan Refugees

(D) India, Nepal, Bhutan, Tibetan Refugees & PIOs of certain other countries 


Answer - (D) India, Nepal, Bhutan, Tibetan Refugees & PIOs of certain other countries 



Question. 11 - Following Word is not used in “Oath of Allegiance”

(A) Integrity

(B) Promptness

(C) Trustworthy

(D) Impartially


Answer - (B) Promptness


 Question. 12 - Article 311 is related to


(B) Pay


(D) Recruitment & Training 


Answer - (A) DAR


Question. 13 - Apprentice other than governed by Apprentice Act, 1961, except as otherwise provided in his service agreement, his service shall be liable to termination on notice of

(A) One month

(B) 3 months

(C) One week

(D) None of the above 


Answer - (C ) One week


Question. 14 - What is the full form of MDDTI

(A) Multi-Disciplined Divisional Training Institute

(B) Multi-Disciplinary Division Training Institute

(C) Multi-Dimensional Divisional Training Institute

(D) Multi-Disciplinary Divisional Training Institute 


Answer - (D) Multi-Disciplinary Divisional Training Institute 


Question. 15 - All expenditure from the Staff Benefit fund shall be authorised by the Committee or by a Sub- Committee duly appointment under the provisions of Rule of IREC Vol. I.

(A) Rule 805

(B) Rule 808

(C)Rule 810

(D) None of the above 


Answer - (B) Rule 808



Question. 16 - A member of SBF Committee shall hold office for one year unless he is removed by the General Manager or resigns but shall be eligible for re-nomination or re-election.

(A) 2 years

(B) 3years

(C) 1 year

(D) None of the above


Answer - (C) 1 year



Question. 17 - Lay off means

(A) The failure, refusal or inability of an employee to work

(B) Refusal to work by a group of employees

(C) Refusal to work by all workers

(D) Failure/ refusal or inability of an employee on account of shortage of coal, power, or raw materials to give employment to a workman. 


Answer - (D) Failure/ refusal or inability of an employee on account of shortage of coal, power, or raw materials to give employment to a workman. 



Question. 18 - Canteen is required to be provided and maintained by Occupier for the use of workers wherein more than ...................workers are ordinarily employed.

(A) 100

(B) 200

(C) 250

(D) 500 


Answer - (C) 250



Question. 19 - The primary purpose of employee safety program is to preserve the employees

(A) Mental Health

(B) Physical Health

(C) Emotional Health

(D) All of the above 


Answer - (D) All of the above 



Question. 20 - A railway servant whose employment is intensive or Continuous shall be granted a weekly rest of not less than _____consecutive hours

(A) 12

(B) 24

(C) 36

(D) 30 


Answer - (D) 30 



Question. 21 - In each station or other establishments, a copy of chapter____ of the Act & HW & PR, 2005 in English, Hindi, and local language was displayed in a conspicuous place.

(A) XI





Answer - (C) XIV


Question. 22 Minimum wages Act is not applied to the staff?


(A) Employee in Construction, Maintenance & Repair of the Roads, Construction of buildings etc.

(B) Employee as cooks in Canteen

(C) Employee in the construction or maintenance of permanent way

(D) None of the above


Answer - (C) Employee in the construction or maintenance of permanent way



Question. 23 - Under which rule prescribed in the “The Railway Service (Conduct) Rules, 1966”, a railway servant is prohibited from becoming a member of political party?

(A) Rule 8

(B) Rule 4

(C) Rule 6

(D) Rule 5 


Answer - (D) Rule 5 



Question. 24 - If a railway servant has availed EOL and or some period of absence is treated as ‘DIES-NON’ during previous half year, the credit shall be reduced by 1/10th or the period of such EOL and or DIES-NON subject to a maximum of _____days.

(A) 15

(B) 8

(C) 10

(D) 20 


Answer - (A) 15



Question. 25 - When the first CAT has been established?

(A) 01.11.1985

(B) 11.11.1985

(C) 01.05.1985

(D) 01.01.2000


Answer - (A) 01.11.1985



Question. 26 - Group B gazetted officer get first class A duty pass

(A) True

(B) False 


Answer - (A) True



Question. 27 - Which of the following is not a method for fixing minimum wages under the Minimum wages Act, 1948?

(A) Notification Method

(B) Committee Method

(C) Bargaining Method

(D) None of the above


Answer - (C) Bargaining Method



 Question. 28 - Which is the full form of SLP?

(A) Special Leave Petition

(B) Supreme Leave Petition

(C) Special Legal Petition

(D) Special Learning Programme 


Answer - (A) Special Leave Petition



Question. 29 - Who is the Secretary of Central Staff Benefit Fund Committee?


(B) DGM (G)

(C) Dy. CPO/(welfare)

(D) None of the above 


Answer - (C) Dy. CPO/ (Welfare)


Question. 30 - Where is training (classroom-based) of Indian Railway Personnel Service Officers held?

(A) Mumbai

(B) Vadodara

(C) Lucknow

(D) Delhi


Answer - (B) Vadodara



Question. 31 - Anticipated Vacancies for next months are considered for non-selection post.

(A) 8

(B) 12

(C) 6

(D) 5 


Answer - (B) 12



Question. 32 - Can a removed Railway Employee participate in the meeting of SBF committee?

(A) Yes

(B) No


Answer - (B) No



Question. 33 - Name of the online grievance redressal machinery for Railways:

(A) Nivaran


(C) E-Karmic

(D) None of these


Answer - (A) Nivaran



Question. 34 - The minimum wages as fixed under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 must be revised at least once in 

(A) 2 years

(B) 3 years

(C) 5 years

(D) No mention under the Act 


Answer - (C) 5 years



Question. 35 - Minimum Number of members required to form a selection board is:

(A) 2

(B) 3

(C) 4

(D) 6


Answer - (B) 3



Question. 36 - राजभाषा के प्रोत्साहन के लिए इनमें से कौनसी योजना/पुरस्कार घोषित किए गए हैं?

      1. प्रवीण 2. प्रबोध 3. प्राज्ञ

(A) केवल 1

(B) 1 और 2

(C) केवल 2

(D) 1,2 और 3 


Answer - (D) 1,2 और 3 


Question. 37 - Under the Minimum Wages Act, which of the following cannot be appointed by the appropriate government by notification under the official gazette for deciding claims arising out of payment of less than the minimum rates of wages?

(A) Any commissioner for Workmen’s compensation

(B) Any officer of the Central government exercising functions as a Labour Commissioner for any region

(C) Any officer of the state Government not below the rank of Labour Commissioner

(D) Any officer not less than the rank of District Magistrate 


Answer - (D) Any officer not less than the rank of District Magistrate 



Question. 38 - Staff falling in “Continuous” category are allowed _______ hours of rest every week.

(A) 48

(B) 24

(C) 30

(D) 36 


Answer - (C) 30



Question. 39 - Under the Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986, a child is one who has not completed his

(A) 18 years

(B) 16 years

(C) 15 years

(D) 14 years 


Answer - (D) 14 years 



Question. 40 - Joining time for more than 1000 km but less than 2000 km is

(A) 10 days

(B) 15 days

(C) 12 days

(D) 14 days 


Answer - (C) 12 days



Question. 41 - Running allowance is described in which chapter of IREM?

(A) 5

(B) 9

(C) 3

(D) 13


Answer -  (B) 9



Question. 42 - Retention of Railway quarter in case of Death is permissible for _months

(A) 24

(B) 20

(C) 18

(D) 12 


Answer - (A) 24



Question. 43 - General Manager has the power the grant _____ years of Hospital leave to railway servant.

(A) 5 years

(B) 6 years

(C) 2 years

(D) unlimited 


Answer - (D) unlimited 



Question. 44 - Full form of HRMS?


 (A) Human Resource Management System

(B) Human Resource Managerial System

(C) Human Research Management System

(D) Human Resource and Management System


Answer - (A) Human Resource Management System


Question. 45 - What is the maximum percentage of commutation of Pension?

(A) 40

(B) 60

(C) 75

(D) 80 


Answer - (A) 40


Question. 46 - How much money is reserved for ‘Women Empowerment' through SBF?

(A) 18%

(B) 27%

(C) 22%

(D) 23% 


Answer - (D) 23% 



Question. 47 - Under CGA, the minimum required (for other than widow) educational qualification for getting a Gr. ‘C’ post is

(A) 10th

(B) 12th


(D) 8th 


Answer - (B) 12th



Question. 48 - TA comes under income tax net

(A) yet

(B) not in any situation

(C)in some situation

(D) None of these 


Answer - (B) not in any situation



Question. 49 - Function of SF 14 is

(A) To appoint enquiry officer

(B) To give charge sheet to retired railway servant

(C) To suspend

(D) None of these 


Answer - (B) To give charge sheet to retired railway servant



Question. 50 - Which of the following legislations apply to unorganized sector workers in India?

(A) Minimum Wages Act

(B) Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986

(C)Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970

(D) All of the above


Answer - (D) All of the above



Question. 51 - राजभाषा अधिनियम 1963 कब पारित हुआ?

(A) 15 मई 1963

(B) 26 अगस्त 1963

(C) 10 मई 1963

(D) 12 जनवरी 1963


Answer - (C) 10 मई 1963



Question. 52 - In which year did the payment of wages act come into force?


(A) 23rd April, 1925

(B) 28th March, 1940

(C) 23rd April, 1936

(D) 28th March, 1937 


Answer - (C) 23rd April, 1936



Question. 53 - Staff in “Excluded” category are eligible for NDA.

(A) Correct

(B) Incorrect

(C)With prior permission of competent authority

(D) None of above 


Answer - (B) Incorrect



Question. 54 - Ayurvedic/Homeopathy physician who works for 4 hours every day will be paid Rs. 9000/- as honorarium.

(A) Correct

(B) Incorrect

(C) With DA

(D) DRM decides 


Answer - (B) Incorrect



Question. 55 - As per Railway Services (Liberalised Leave) Rules, 1949, casual Leave can be followed by

(A) Leave on an average pay

(B) Maternity leave

(C) Child care leave

(D) Quarantine leave


Answer - (D) Quarantine leave



Question. 56 - The Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986 is an example of  

(A) Regulative Labour Legislation

(B) Protective Labour Legislation

(C)Social Security Legislation

(D) Welfare Legislation 


Answer - (B) Protective Labour Legislation



Question. 57 - How many School Cheque passes can be issued in a year?

(A) 5

(B) 7

(C)  4

(D) 3


Answer - (D) 3



Question. 58 - The special Provisions relating to Lay-off, retrenchment, and closure as given under the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 apply to those establishments where at least.

(A) 100 workers are employed

(B) 50 workers are employed

(C) 200 workers are employed

(D) 500 workers are employed 


Answer - (A) 100 workers are employed



Question. 59 - Manpower Planning facilitates

(A) Promotion at right time

(B) Surrender of posts

(C) Recruitment

(D) All of above


Answer - (D) All of above



Question. 60 - Financial assistances from “Railway Minister’s Welfare and Relief Fund” is granted only for sickness of Railwaymen or their dependents

(A) Correct

(B) Incorrect

(C) In specific situation

(D) In situation of rail accident only 


Answer - (B) Incorrect



Question. 61 - इनमें से कौन राज्य संघ शासित प्रदेश, राजभाषा के अधिनियम अनुसार क्षेत्र के अंदर नहीं आता हैं?

(A) बिहार

(B) महाराष्ट्र

(C) हरियाणा

(D) उत्तर प्रदेश 


Answer - (B) महाराष्ट्र



Question. 62 - Concession of education assistance, reimbursement of tuition fees and hostel subsidy will be available up to _____ (no. of) children

(A) 3

(B) 2

(C) 1 any number

(D) Any number 


Answer - (B) 2



Question. 63 - ‘First come last go and last come first go’ is the principle of

(A) Lay-off

(B) Closure

(C) Retrenchment

(D) Dismissal


Answer - (C) Retrenchment


Question. 64 - Gazetted railway servants can become members of Consumer Co-operative Society but cannot be elected as Office bearers. Give your views on this.

(A) Yes

(B) No

(C)They cannot be member

(D) They can be both, there is no restriction


Answer - (D) They can be both, there is no restriction



Question. 65 - The total amount of deductions from wages of employees should not exceed -----percentage.

(A) 50%

(B) 70%

(C) 25%

(D) 40% 


Answer - (A) 50%


Question. 66 - Full form of PREM


(A) Participating of Railway Employees in Management

(B) Participation of Rail Employees in Management

(C) Participation of Railway Employees in Management

(D) Participation of Railway Employee in Management 


Answer - (C) Participation of Railway Employees in Management


Question. 67 - Which of these is the purpose of recruitment?


(A) Make sure that there is match between cost and benefit

(B) Selecting right person for the right job

(C) Help the firm create more culturally diverse work-force

(D) None of the above


Answer - (B) Selecting right person for the right job



Question. 68 - Under SBF scheme, amount reserved for giving scholarship for technical education to children of SC employee is

(A) 15%

(B) 8%


(D) None of above 


Answer - (A) 15%



Question. 69 - The disciplinary Authority can never act as Inquiry Officer. Give your views.

(A) Correct

(B) Incorrect

(C) with prior approval

(D) Possible in case of SAG 


Answer - (B) Incorrect



Question. 70 - The Workmen’s compensation Act 1923, the Maternity Benefit Act, 1965, and the Employees State Insurance Act, 1948

(A) Together can be applicable

(B) The Maternity Benefit Act and the Employees State Insurance Act can be applicable at a time

(C)The Workmen’s Compensation Act and the Employees State Insurance Act can be applicable at a time.

(D) If the Workmen’s Compensation Act and the Maternity Benefit Act are Applicable, the Employees State Insurance Act is not applicable. 


Answer - (D) If the Workmen’s Compensation Act and the Maternity Benefit Act are Applicable, the Employees State Insurance Act is not applicable. 



Question. 71 - As per 7th CPC, what is the percentage of “non-practicing allowance”?

(A) 15

(B) 25

(C) 20

(D) 10 


Answer - (C) 20



Question. 72 - Casual Labour can get benefit of MACP.

(A) Correct

(B) Incorrect

(C)With prior approval

(D) For those who get less than minimum wage 


Answer - (B) Incorrect



Question. 73 - When the people involved in the process comprehend unlikable results from their interactions with the environment, it is specifically called.

(A) Time stress

(B) Anticipatory Stress

(C)Positive Stress

(D) Negative Stress 


Answer - (B) Anticipatory Stress



Question. 74 - DCRG of retired Employee is stopped till he vacates the quarter.

(A) Correct

(B) Incorrect

(C) It can be given with prior approval of DRM

(D) None of the above


Answer - (A) Correct



Question. 75 - Under Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923, Which of the following are considered as dependent of deceased workman for the purpose of paying compensation?

(i) A minor brother or an unmarried sister or a widowed sister

(ii) a widowed daughter-in-law

(iii) a minor child of a pre-deceased son

(iv) a minor child of a pre-deceased daughter where no parent of the child is alive

(v) a paternal grandparent if no parent of the workman is alive;

(A) i, ii & iii

(B) I, ii, iii & iv

(C) i, ii, iii, & v

(D) i, ii, iii, iv & v 


Answer - (D) i, ii, iii, iv & v 



Question. 76 - How many times PNM meetings are organised in a year at divisional level?

(A) 4

(B) 6

(C) 8

(D) Unlimited 


Answer - (B) 6



Question. 77 - Study leave is counted as service for the purpose of granting increment.

(A) Yes

(B) No

(C)In case of medical education only

(D) with special approval of MR


Answer - (A) Yes



Question. 78 - Choose the correct option where no workmen shall go on a strike in breach of contract and no employer of any such workmen shall declare a lock-out during.

(A) The pendency of conciliation proceedings before aboard and 7 days after the conclusion of such proceedings.

(B) The pendency of proceedings before labour court, tribunal, or national tribunal and 2 months, after the conclusion of such proceedings.

(C)During any period in which a settlement or award is in operation, in respect of any of the matters covered by the settlement or award.

(D) All of the above. 


Answer - (D) All of the above. 



Question. 79 - संसद में प्रयोग होने वाली भाषा का प्रावधान संविधान के किस अनुच्छेद में किया गया हैं

(A) अनुच्छेद 110

(B) अनुच्छेद 20

(C) अनुच्छेद 18

(D) अनुच्छेद 120 


Answer - (D) अनुच्छेद 120 



Question. 80 - Which form is issued for appointment of Inquiry officer under DAR rules?

(A) SF-1

(B) SF-5

(C) SF-11

(D) SF-7 


Answer - (D) SF-7 



Question. 81 - Will a workman be entitled to compensation if he does not present himself for work at all establishment at the appointed time during normal working hours at least once a day?

(A) Yes

(B) No 


Answer - (B) No 



Question. 82 - The present wage ceiling per month for the purpose of the payment of wages act, 1936 is

(A) Rs. 10,000/-

(B) Rs. 15,000/-

(C) Rs. 18,000/-

(D) Rs.20,000/-


Answer - (C) Rs. 18,000/-



Question. 83 - Which Section of The Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986 defines the term “Child”

(A) Section 1

(B) Section 2(i)

(C) Section 2(ii)

(D) Section 2(iii)


Answer - (C) Section 2(ii)



Question. 84 - Which of the following is not included under the definition of wages given under the Payment of Wages Act, 1936?

(A) Basic Wage

(B) Dearness Allowance

(C) Incentive

(D) Gratuity 


Answer - (D) Gratuity 



Question. 85 - As per Factories act, “Adult” means a person who has completed ____ years of age.

(A) 15

(B) 16

(C) 17

(D) 18


Answer - (D) 18



Question. 86 - The President of India makes DAR rules in exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso of Article______ of the Constitution of India.

(A) Article 308

(B) Article 309

(C) Article 310

(D) Article 311


Answer - (D) Article 311



Question. 87 - Communication from subordinate to superior is called-----

(A) Lateral communication

(B) Downward Communication

(C) Upward Communication

(D) Horizontal Communication


Answer - (C) Upward Communication



Question. 88 - Gr. D staff with GP 1800 are entitled to which type of quarter?

(A) Type II

(B) Type I

(C)Type III

(D) Type IV


Answer - (B) Type I




Question. 89 - Which of the following is machinery for settlement of industrial disputes?

(A) Indian Labour Conference

(B) Joint Management Council

(C) Industrial Tribunal

(D) Standing Labour Committees


Answer - (C) Industrial Tribunal



Question. 90 - _______is a scientific and Systematic effort to modify the characteristics of an employee’s job.

(A) Job redesign

(B) Time-out

(C) Mentoring

(D) Employee Empowerment 


Answer - (A) Job redesign



Question. 91 - Assertion (A): Provisions of Employees’ compensation Act and Maternity Benefit Act d not apply to all industries.

        Reason (R): Employees’ compensation Act is a Comprehensive social security legislation.


(A) (A) is wrong, but (R) is right.

(B) (A) is right, but (R) does not related to the (A)

(C) (A) and (R) is right and (R) Validates the (A)

(D) (A) and (R) are wrong 


Answer - (A) (A) is wrong, but (R) is right.



Question. 92 - The children education allowance per child per year shall be Rs. __________

(A) Rs. 24,000

(B) Rs. 27,000

(C) Rs. 28,500

(D) None of above


Answer - (B) Rs. 27,000



Question. 93 - Who is the Secretary of PNM meeting at Railway Board Level?

(A) Member Staff

(B) Chairman Railway Board

(C) Deputy Director (Establishment)

(D) None of the above 


Answer - (C) Deputy Director (Establishment)



Question. 94 - Which of the following is an illegal industrial action as per Industrial Dispute Act?

(A) Mutual Insurance

(B) Collective Bargaining

(C) Luck out

(D) Gherao 


Answer - (D) Gherao 



Question. 95 - The maximum the compassionate allowance which shall be granted to an employee who is removed from service is ___of compensation pension.

(A) Full

(B) 3/4th

(C) 2/3rd

(D) 1/2       


Answer - (C) 2/3rd



Question. 96 - The _____of Railway Production units have been appointed as “Occupiers” of the respective units in terms of the provisions of the Factories Ad. 1948. (MC23)

(A) General Manager

(B) Chief Personnel Officers

(C) Chief Mechanical Engineers/ CWM

(D) Chief Security Commissioners 


Answer - (C) Chief Mechanical Engineers/ CWM



Question. 97 - “Tata Motors refused to accept an order of 1000 truck placed by Pakistan” This is an example of ----

(A) Ethics

(B) Governing Principles

(C) Corporate Social Responsibility

(D) Corporate Governance 


Answer - (A) Ethics



Question. 98 - Memorandum का हिन्दी अनुवादन क्या हैं

(A) अभिलेख

(B) इतिवृत

(C) ज्ञापन

(D) पत्रिका 


Answer - (C) ज्ञापन



Question. 99 - Age relaxation for OBC candidates for recruitment in Government service is

(A) 3 years

(B) 5 years

(C) 6 years

(D) 4 years 


Answer - (A) 3 years



Question. 100 - As per Factories Act, a factory does not include which among the following? [Sec2 (m)]

(i) A mine subject to the operation of the Mines Act, 1952

(ii) A mobile unit belonging to the Armed Forces of the Union

(iii) A railway running shed

(iv) A hotel, restaurant or eating place


(A) 1 and 2 only

(B) 1, 2 and 3 only

(C)1, 2, 3 and 4

(D) 1, 2, 4 only


Answer - (C) 1, 2, 3 and 4



Question. 101 - Exemptions from disclosure of information are mentioned in which section of Right to information Act?

(A) Section 6

(B) Section 8

(C) Section 9

(D) None of above


Answer - (B) Section 8



Question. 102 - Which among the following statement relating to leadership is false?


(A) Leadership is a process of influence

(B) Leadership is goal-oriented

(C) Leadership is bossism

(D) A leader must have followers


Answer - (C) Leadership is bossism



Question. 103 - Retired Gr. Railway employee is charged Rs. ______ for availing the facility of Holiday Home.

(A) Rs.60

(B) Rs.100

(C) Rs.50

(D) None of these


Answer - (A) Rs. 60



Question. 104 - Under the Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act 1986, a child one who has not completed his

(A) 18 years

(B) 16 years

(C) 15 years

(D) 14 years


Answer - (D) 14 years


Question. 105 - बी क्षेत्र के केंद्र सरकार की कार्यालाओ में आपस में संपर्क निम्नलिखित भाषा में होगा 

(A) हिन्दी अथवा इंग्लिश

(B) केवल हिन्दी

(C) केवल इंग्लिश

(D) केवल प्रादेशिक भाषा


Answer - (A) हिन्दी अथवा इंग्लिश



Question. 106 - उड़ीसा राज्य कौन से क्षेत्र में आता हैं?

(A) A

(B) B

(C) C

(D) D


Answer - (C) C



Question. 107 - The exhaustion suffered by an individual due to continuous exposure to a stress-causing situation is normally known as

(A) Entrapment

(B) Tiredness

(C) Irritability

(D) Burn-out


Answer - (D) Burn - out



Question. 108 - केन्द्रीय हिन्दी समिति के अध्यक्ष कौन होते हैं?

(A) गृहमंत्री

(B) रेल मंत्री

(C) शिक्षा मंत्री

(D) प्रधानमंत्री


Answer - (D) प्रधानमंत्री



Question. 109 - निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा राज्य क्षेत्र के अंतर्गत आता हैं?

(A) गुजरात

(B) हरियाणा

(C) केरल

(D) बिहार


Answer - (A) गुजरात



Question. 110 - राजभाषा के आधार पर देश को कितने क्षेत्रों में बाटा गया हैं

(A) 2

(B) 1


(D) 4 

Answer - (D) 3




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