Q Bank & Answer Electrical Engineer - ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING

 01 Hard water contains 

a. Calcium Carbonate 

B. Magnesium sulphate 

C. Magnesium Carbonate 

D. All the above.

Answer - D. All the above.

02. Maximum permissible color for domestic supplies , based on cobalt scale is: 

A. 5 

B. 10 

C. 20 

D. 25

Answer - D. 25

03. The largest source of water for public water is : Ans: C

a. Lakes 

B. Ponds 

C. Streams 

D. Rivers

Answer -  C. Streams 

 04. On pH scale, maximum alkaline has the value of: 

A. 5 

B. 7 


D. 21

Answer -  C.14 

05. Disinfection of drinking water is done to remove: 

A. Turbidity 

B. Odor 

C. Color 

D. Bacteria

Answer - D. Bacteria

06. The temporary hardness of water can be removed by

A. Boiling 

B. Adding lime 

C. Adding alum 

D. Filtration.

Answer -  C. Adding alum 

07. The pH value of neutral water is 

a. 0 

B. 5 

C. 7 

D. 14

Answer -  C. 7 

08. The hardness limit of potable water ranges between: 

A. 50 to 75 ppm 

B. 75 to 115 ppm 

C. 115 to 150 ppm 

D. 150 to 200 ppm

Answer -  B. 75 to 115 ppm 

09. The permissible nitrites in public water supplies should be 

A. Nil 

B. 0.5 ppm 

C. 1 ppm 

D. 1.5 ppm

Answer -  A. Nil 

10. Biological Oxygen Dem and (BOD) for safe drinking water must be 

A. Nil 

B. 5 

C. 10 

D. 15

Answer -  A. Nil 

11. The bacteria which can survive with or without free oxygen is known as: 

A. Aerobic bacteria 

B. Anaerobic bacteria 

C. Facultative bacteria 

D. Pathogenic bacteria

Answer - C. Facultative bacteria 

12. For controlling algae, the most common Chemical used is 

A. Copper Sulphate 

B. Alum 

C. Lime 

D. Bleaching powder

Answer -  C. Lime 

13. The permissible pH value of drinking water should be between

B. 5.5 to 6.5 

C. 6.5 to 8.5 

D. 8.5 to 10.5

Answer - C. 6.5 to 8.5 

14. Aeration is done to remove

A. Odor 

B. Color. 

C. Hardness 

D. Turbidity.

Answer - B. Color. 

15. A plain sedimentation tank can remove suspended impurities up to 

A. 60% 

B. 70% 

C. 80% 

D. 90%

Answer - B. 70% 

16. Detention period for a plain sedimentation tank usually ranges from

A. 2 to 4 hrs. 

B. 4 to 8 hrs 

C. 8 to 12 hrs. 

D. 12 to 14 hrs

Answer -  B. 4 to 8 hrs 

17. the most common coagulant is 

A. Chlorine 

B. Alum 

C. Lime 

D. Bleaching powder

Answer - B. Alum 

18. To remove very fine suspended particles from water , the method adopted is 

A. Screening 

B. Sedimentation 

C. Titration 

D. Filtration

Answer - D. Filtration

19. The maximum permissible loss of head in rapid sand filter is 

A. 1 


C. 3 

D. 4

Answer - C. 3 

20. In rapid sand filter the air binding is caused due to 

A. Negative pressure 

B. Water Pressure 

C. Vacuum Pressure 

D. Atmospheric Pressure

Answer - A. Negative pressure 

21. Rapid Gravity sand filter can remove bacteria upto 

A. 50% 

B. 60% 

C. 70% 

D. 80%

Answer - D. 80%

22. Rapid Gravity can remove turbidity upto 

A. 15 gms /ltr. 

B. 20 gms /ltr 

C.30 gms/ltr 

D.40 gms/ltr

Answer -  D.40 gms/ltr

23. Disinfection of water is done by

A. Alum 

B. potassium permanganate 

C. Chlorine 

D. Zinc oxide

Ans: C Chlorine 

24. The Chlorine gas is converted to liquid when subjected to a pressure of


B.6 kg/cm2 

C. 7 kg/cm2 

D. 8 kg/cm2

Ans: C. 7 kg/cm2 

25. Raw water when treated with only chlorine is known as

A.Plane chlorination 

B.pre-chlorination Chlorination 

D.Super Chlorination

Answer -  A.Plane chlorination 

26. In plane chlorination the quantity of chlorine added is 


B.0.30 m/lit 

C.0.45 m/lit 

D. 0.50 m/lit

Answer - D. 0.50 m/lit

27. Hardness of water can be removed by boiling if it contains 

A.Calcium bicarbonate 

B.calcium sulphate 

C.calcium Chloride 

D.Calcium Fluoride

Answer - A.Calcium bicarbonate 

28. One degree hardness means when water has a salt of amount 

A.1.25 m/lit 

B.12.25 m/lit 

C.14.25 m/lit 

D.16.25 m/lit

Answer - B.12.25 m/lit 

29. The maximum permissible hardness for public consumption is 

A. 95 m/lit 

B. 105 m/lit 

C. 115 m/lit 

D. 125 m/lit 

Answer - C. 115 m/lit 

30. Permanent Hardness of water can be removed by

A.Coagulation process 

B.chlorination Process 

C.Filtration Process 

D.Zeolite Process

Answer - C.Filtration Process 


31. The quantity of fluoride permitted in drinking water is 

A.1 m/lit 

B.2 m/lit 

C.3 m/lit 

D.4 m/lit

Answer - A.1 m/lit 

32. The liquid waste from kitchen and bathroom is called as 



C.storm Water 

D. waste water.

Answer - B.Sullage 

33. The gas which may cause explosion in sewers is 



C.Carbon monoxide 

D.hydrogen sulphide

Answer - B.Methane 

34. In sludge digestion tank, the gas produced is 





Answer - C.Carbondioxide 

35. The removal of oil and greaser from sewage is known as 




D. Sedimentation

Answer - B.Skimming 

36. The water having pH-value 5,is known as 




D.all of the above

Answer - C.neutral 

37. Recuperation test is carried out to determine 

A. water table in well 

B. Depth of water in Well 

C. yield of well 

D. none

Answer - C. yield of well 

38. The presence of bi carbonates in water produce

A.Permanent hardness 

B.temporary hardness 



Answer -  B.temporary hardness 

39. The presence of carbonates in water produce 

A. Acidity 

B. permanent Hardness 

C. Alkanity 

D. temporary hardness

Answer - B. permanent Hardness 

40. Chlorination is done for the removal of 

A. Bacteria 

B. Hardness 

C. turbidity 

D Colour

Answer - A. Bacteria 

41. Alum is a good



C. Catalyst 

D. Oxydant

Answer - B.coagulant 

42. Pathogenic bacteria in water may cause 

A. typhoid 

B. cholera 

C. dysentry 

D.All the above

Answer - D.All the above

43. The sludge from septic tank should be removed after a max .period of 





Answer - B.3yrs 

44. The rate of accumulation of sludge per person per year is taken as 





Answer - C.15ltrs 

45. The average domestic consumption of water per capita per day is taken as 





Answer - C.135ltrs 

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