Q BANK - Chief Loco Inspector Departmental Examination

1 : General Descriptive Questions 

1 What are the duties of Loco Inspector, being as first official to accident site?

 2 What are the duties of Loco Inspector during Train parting? 

3 What are track parameters affect the running of a train? 

4 What are the measurements to be taken in derailed Loco? 

5 What are the measurements to be taken in derailed coach? 

6 How an accident message will be given and explain with the contents?
7 Explain how excess twist will cause an accident with diagram.

 8 What are the parameters to be taken on track during derailment? 

9 What are parameters available in strip chart of SPM and how they can be read? 

10 Write various oscillations that happen in locomotives while on run with brief explanation of each.

11 What is the procedure to be followed if any Railway Staff found in drunken state while „Sign-ON‟ and „Sign-OFF‟? 

12 How can the Overtime be reduced?

13 How can PAD and PDD be reduced?

14 How will you improve the implementation of 10-hrs duty Rule? 

15 Write about new categorization of Loco Pilots. 

16 How will you conduct a fact finding inquiry if loco hit a foreign body being a first official to the spot? 

17 Define the following: a) Railway Accident b) Consequent Accident c) Indicative Accident d) Yard derailment 

18 What are the various types of inquires held to investigate into Railway accident? 

19 How the periodical medical examination and psychological test of staff contribute towards improved safety in train operations? 

20 Describe some of the mechanical / electrical safety devices recently introduced for better safety in train operation. 

21 How does the monitoring and periodical screening of staff help in reducing accidents? 

22 What are your suggestions to improve safety consciousness among the running staff to reduce the train accidents?

23 What are the duties of CPRC?

24 What are the duties of PRC? 

25 What are the duties of CC? 

26 What are the duties of CCC? 

27 Being a first official to the accident spot of manned level crossing gate how will you deal the situation? 

28 Being a first official to the accident spot of train passed a stop signal at ON how you will deal the situation? 

29 Write about payment wages act. 30 Write about minimum wages act.  

31 Write about the importance of workmen‟s Compensation Act (WCA).

32 What are the factors which will not come under WCA during accident for payment of compensation? 

33 What are the duties of supervisor in case of on duty injury or disablement of an employee?

34 How the assessment of Mail & Express and passenger Crew will be done? 

35 Write short notes about factory act.

36 What are norms to be kept in mind while preparing loco links and explain with illustration? 

37 What are norms to be kept in mind while preparing crew links and explain with illustration? 

38 What are the advantages of air brake? 

39 In a Diesel Loco Shed, 160 WDM2 locos are available. How much outage can be given to goods if coaching requirement is 41? 

40 What are the services / movements come under ineffective outage? 

41 How many employees are required if 2 members working in a shift of 12 hrs roster and 8 hrs roster?

 42 How the assessment of Goods crew will be done? 

43 How survey to be conducted at RCD? 

44 Write about new JPO of CC+6+2 and CC+8+2. 

45 What is ruling gradient and how it is affecting the sectional Load? 

46 What is critical block section?

47 What is the procedure to conduct running time trials? 

48 How the load trials will be conducted what are factors affecting in fixing of train load? 

49 Write the duty at a stretch and rest rules pertaining to Running staff. 

50 Draw a sketch of crew link having 8 men. 

51 How the dead locos type-wise will be cleared? 

52 What are steps to be taken to improve outage in goods service? 

53 What are the steps to be taken to improve the average speed? 

54 How fuel trip ration trails shall be conducted and trip ration fixed? 

55 Write about RCD and Registers available in RCD. 

56 How will you counsel a loco pilot to drive a train if 20 KMPH speed restriction at the peak of the gradient?

 57 Expand the following: 



3) CMS 

4) RDSO 

5) CORE 

6) FOIS 

7) COIS 

8) IVRS 

9) CRIS 


58 Expand the following: 

1) BCM

 2) TTM 


4) TRR 

5) TFR 

6) TSR 

7) PQRS 

8) BWM 

59 What is fire? How fires are classified and how each fire will be controlled? 

60 Write the procedure to be followed to condemn a detonator and fuse. 

61 How track reading will be taken during derailment? 

62 What are the reasons for stalling? 

63 What is combined train report? 

64 Write about Working time table and passenger time table and why skip time is necessary. 

65 Write the types of passes available in Railways to the Railway employees. 

66 Write the entitlement restrictions of various passes to running staff. 

67 What is the split pass? 

68 What is hospital pass? 

69 What is privilege pass? 

70 What are the service restrictions in issuing of number of privilege passes to the Railway employee? 71 What are the service restrictions to issue post retirement passes? 

72 What is the time limit for usage of privilege pass? 

73 What is school pass and by whom it will be issued? 

74 Who are eligible for inclusion in privilege pass? 

75 If wife and husband both are Railway employees for how many passes both are eligible? 

76 What is SDP and for what distance it can be used? 

77 What is „DCP‟ and to whom it will be issued? 

78 When a son aged beyond 21 years will be included in a privilege pass? 

79 When a daughter is aged beyond 21 years can she be included in a privilege pass? 

80 Up to what date last year passes and PTOs can be issued? 

81 If last year passes issued in current year, till what date it will eligible to travel?

82 If a loco pilot is retiring on 31st Jan, for how many privilege passes and PTOs he is eligible? 

83 What is joining time for first 1000 kms? 

84 How many days joining time is admissible during request transfer? 

85 What are the restrictions to be followed to suspended employee in respect to promotion? 

86 What type of documents can be allowed to examine by the DE? 

87 Write about the documents in respect of DAR cases. 

88 Who will be nominated as presenting officer and who will be nominated as inquiry officer? 

89 What is periodicity of PME to be followed? 

90 What are medical standards to be maintained by a Loco Pilot and Loco Inspector? 

91 If a person completed his PME on June 20th of 43rd year, what is his next medical due date? 

92 What are the PME period treated as on duty? 

93 What are the occasions can the employee shall be directed for special PME? 

94 What action Railway administration has to take if an employee reports after 45days absent?

 95 What action Railway administration has to take if an employee reports after 

90 days absent? 

96 What are the types of leaves existing in Railways? 

97 Write about Leave rules. 98 What is the procedure to grant quarantine leave? 

99 How many days of LAP/LHAP credited in January? 

100 How many days LAP can be enchased? 

101 How a sick leave can be commuted? 

102 Write short notes on paternity leave. 

103 ” ” Maternity leave. 104 ” ” Hospital leave. 

105 ” ” Casual leave. 

106 ” ” Special casual leave. 

107 ” ” leave not due. 

108 If a person joins in December into Railway service, how many casual leaves he is eligible? 

109 Is casual leave can prefix or suffix with any kind of leave? 

110 How many days of causal leave eligible to running staff in a calendar year? 

111 What is S.O.P in granting of leave by Sr. Supervisor to Running staff and other staff? 

112 Write the duty roster of running staff. 

113 List out the categories under HOER and indicate rostered hours of each category? 

114 Write the differences between Essentially Intermittent and Continuous categories. 

115 Write about PNM and JCM. 116 Distinguish between Excluding and Continuous category. 

117 Distinguish between Supernumerary posts and Temporary post. 

118 What is assumed attendance? 

119 Write short notes on Intensive and Essentially Intermittent category. 

120 What are the allowances admissible to running staff? 

121 What is the formula for calculating for break rest allowance? 

122 How shunting allowance admissible to running staff? 

123 Write short notes on OSDA. 

124 What are the minor penalties? 

125 What are the major penalties? 

126 What is the procedure to impose minor penalty? 

127 What is the procedure to impose minor penalty during the loss of Railway properties? 

128 What is the procedure for imposing major penalty? 

129 What are the various stages in imposing procedure of imparting major penalty? 

130 Write model time schedule for progress of major penalty „DAR‟ cases. 

131 What are the occasions to change inquiry officer? 

132 What is the determination of appellate authority? 

133 What are the differences between removal and dismissal? 

134 What are the facilities to be given to the defense counsel? 

135 What is the procedure for procuring non stock items? 

136 How many types of indents are there? 

137 Procedure for condemnation of pretty items? 

138 Write the abbreviations of the following: 

1) DAR 
2) VC 
3) SPE 

139 What are standard forms for the following? 

a) Order suspension under Rule No.5 (1) 

b) Order suspension under Rule No.5 (2) 

c) Appointment of Inquiry/Board inquiry All the forms 

140 Standards Forms for using disciplinary proceedings? 

141 Order of suspension under Rule 5 (1) is -- 

142 Order of deeming a railway servant under suspension under Rule 5(2) is 

143 Certificate to be furnished by suspended official under Rule 2043 (I)-RII is -- 

144 Order of revocation of suspension under Rule 5(5)(c) is -- 

145 Charge sheet for major penalty under Rule 9 is -- 

146 Refusing of permission to inspect documents is -- 

147 Appointment of Inquiry/Board of Inquiry -- 

148 Appointment of presenting officer in common proceedings is -- 

149 Memorandum of charge for imposing minor penalties is -- 

150 Charge-sheet for initiation of Minor penalty proceedings in cases where Disciplinary Authority decides to hold the inquiry under Rule 11(1)(b)/11(2) is -- 

151 Taking disciplinary action for minor penalty where charge-sheet for major penalty was initially issued is -- 

152 Memorandum where action is proposed under Rule 14(i) is -- 

153 Standard form of sanction under Rule 2308 RII is -- 

154 Standard Form of charge-sheet for proceedings under Rule 2308 RII is -  G&SR/Accident Manual - 

Descriptive Questions 

1 Write the essentials of absolute block systems. 

2 Write the essentials of automatic block system. 

3 Which trains can be dispatched to open communication in single line during total interruption of Communications? 

4 What is station section and block section? 

5 Write the station section of B-class station multiple aspect signals in double line. 

6 Write the station section of B-class station multiple aspect signals in single line. 

7 Write the station section of B-class station two aspect signals in double line. 

8 Write the station section of C-class station multiple aspects in double line.

 9 Write the conditions to grant line clear in B-class station double line. 

10 Write the conditions to grant line clear in A-class station. 

11 Write the conditions to grant line clear in C-class station. 

12 Explain block overlap and signal overlap. 

13 What type of abnormalities will come under breach of block rules? 

14 What is block back and block forward? 

15 Explain how a train can be received in to an obstructed line. 

16 Explain how a train can be received into an unsignalled line. 

17 How to distinguish the general rule and subsidiary rule? 

18 Write about subsidiary signals. 

19 What is a Repeating Signal and Signal Repeater? 

20 What are the minimum equipment of signals to be provided in A-class, Bclass and C-class stations? 21 Write about exchanging of alright signals.

 22 Write the procedure to work a train without guard. 

23 Write the procedure to work a train without brake van. 

24 Write the significance for provision of IB signal. Explain how the signal is provided with diagram and write how to pass IB signal at ON. 

25 Write about detonating signals. 

26 Write about fuse signals. 

27 Write about block section limit board and shunting limit board. 

28 Write about various engineering indicators come across while working a train. 

29 Write about Stop-board, S-board, W-board, W/L-board, W/B-board and shunting warning board. 

30 Write how to pass an automatic signal at „ON‟ in double line and single line. 

31 How the communications will be opened in single line during total interruption of communications? 

32 How the trains can be worked in automatic block system if prolonged failure of automatic signals? 
33 How the train can be secured in block section and station section? 

34 What are the precautions to be taken while working material train?

 35 How to clear the front portion and leftover portion from block section? 

 36 How many types of shunting available and explain each of them. 

37 Write about the responsibilities for supervising the shunting. 

38 How many types of interlocking are available? Explain each of them.

 39 What are the occasions to issue a caution order? How it will be prepared and served? 40 Write about station working rules. 

41 Write about various types of ODCs working.

 42 How the wagons containing explosives and inflammables will be marshalled in various trains?

 43 Which is the circumstance called as total interruption of communication and in double line how the trains can be dealt? 

44 Write about the duties of loco pilot in case loco unable to haul the load. 

45 Write the duties of loco pilot in case of train parting. 

46 How the trains will be worked in case one line obstructed in double line.

 47 How a damaged vehicle can be cleared? 

48 How you will guide the loco pilot to clear the stalled train from the peak of the gradient?

 49 A train arrived to BZA by 120 min. late. BZA-MAS is the last lap of its journey. Engg. Allowance is 34 min, traffic allowance is 48 min. and loco allowance is 32 min. Explain how the train can be gained punctuality. 

50 Write about the indications of accident siren and in case of siren defect how the communication is dealt. 

51 How the railway accidents are categorized? 

52 How a run-over case is dealt? 

53 Write short notes on block ticket. 

54 Write the conditions for taking off home signal. 

55 Write about point indicator and trap indicator. 56 Write about how a stop signal can be passed at ON. 

57 What are the duties of loco pilot in absence of fixed signal?

 58 Write about the hand signals. 

59 Write the duties of loco pilot in case of accident. 

60 Why signal warning boards are necessary and where they are provided? 

61 What are the duties of loco pilot while starting from an originating station? 

62 How the guard can be intimated by the loco pilot to protect the train in rear in case unable to proceed further? 

63 How the engineering indicators will be provided in case of various speed restrictions within 200 meters at same spot? 

64 How many types of working systems existing and among them which are available in S. C. Railway? 

65 How an automatic gate signal will be passed at ON?

 66 What are the occasions to back the train and what is the procedure be followed? 

67 How a semi automatic signal will be passed at „ON‟?

 68 How many types of freight train BPCs are available and explain them. 

69 What are the communications available between loco pilot and guard? 

70 What are the various injuries related to accident manual and explain each of them. 

71 How the train can be worked in case explosion in track or train? 

72 What are the instructions regarding the usage of portable field telephone? 

73 How many types of signals available? 

74 How a train can be dealt on calling on signal? 

75 How many types of repeating signals available and explain each of them. 

76 What are the signals that cannot be used for shunting operation? 

77 If two home signals are placed on same post, explain to which route they belong. 

78 Why signal sighting committee is needed and what is the periodicity of inspections? 

79 Write the duties of loco pilot on seeing a flasher light on adjacent line. 

80 Write the duties of loco pilot in case of explosion of a detonator. 

81 How the train can be protected in case of accident in double line absolute block system? 

82 How the train can be protected in case of accident in double line automatic block system? 

83 How the train can be protected during the total interruption of communication in single line absolute block system? 84 How the train can be protected on double line during total interruption of communication? 

85 How the train can be stopped on out of course at station in automatic block system? 

86 What are the duties of loco pilot when train detained at first stop signal? 

87 What are the precautions to be taken when moving a C-class ODC in electrified section? 

88 How the trains can be dealt during struck up of permissible signal in OFF aspect? 

89 What are the authorities will be given in single line to perform shunting at various occasions provided with push button type block instrument? 

90 What is the authority to perform shunting in double line multiple aspect signals at various occasions? 

91 Write the differences between position light shunt signals and shunting permitted indicator. 

92 How a train can be dispatched from an un-signaled line? 

93 How the train can be passed on a weld failure / rail fracture or multiple rail fracture? 

94 How a work spot having stop and start will be protected by engineering indicators? 

95 Which type of indicative accident is reportable by telephone to Railway Board by the Zonal Railway and by the Division to the Zonal Railway?

96 Who is the accepting authority for all other Consequential Train Accident, except UMLC accidents?

 97 What is the station section at a Class „B‟ station with Multiple Aspect Signals on double line? 

98 What is the authority required for performing shunting beyond outermost facing point/BSLB on a double line class „B‟ station? 

99 “Dispatch a message from a block station intimating the block station immediately in rear on a double line or either side on a single line that the block section is obstructed or being obstructed”. What is this? 

 Diesel Locomotives - Descriptive Questions

 1. How to conduct AIR BRAKE SELF TEST in WDG4 loco? 

2. Write about cab console changing in WDG4 MU. 

3. How to trouble shoot MR drooping in WDP4 loco? 

4. Explain the Cranking and shutdown procedure in WDG4 loco. 

5. How to move WDP4/WDG4 loco as live, banker and DEAD in train? 
6. Write the CRS sanction speeds of WDP4 over GNT Division. 

7. Write the CRS sanction speeds of WDP1 over GNT Division. 

8. Write the CRS sanction speeds of WDM2 over GNT Division.

 9. Write the isolation of TCC1 in WDP4 step wise operation of EM2000. 

10. Write about AUTO FLASHER LIGHT. 

11. How Air Dryer function in DSL locomotive? 

12. Write about AIR FLOW INDICATOR.

 13. Write BP charging and destruction and recharging in WDM2 loco.

 14. Write the independent brake working in WDM2 loco. 

15. Write about C2 relay valves function in the loco barking system. 

16. Draw the circuit and explain load meter not responding. 

17. Draw the circuit and explain Throttle not responding 

18. Write the details of important modifications issued by RDSO. 

19. Draw the circuit and explain Engine not cranking. 

20. Draw the circuit and explain Engine cranking but not firing. 

21. Draw the circuit and explain Engine firing but not holding. 

22. Write about power ground. 

23. How to detect defective traction motor (continuous wheel slip). 

24. Write about MU32B valve.

 25. Write about F1 selector valve.

 26. What are the circumstances Dynamic brake should be avoided?

 27. Reasons for HOT engine and how to work the train? 

28. Write about the TEN tests to be conducted while taking over charge. 

29. Write the fuel oil system in WDP4 with neat sketch. 

30. Explain MR system in WDP4/WDG4 Locos with neat sketch. 

31. How will you trouble shoot in case of GR power/GR dynamic in WDP4/WDG4 Locos? 

32. Write short notes about 

1) AC control beaker 
2) control breaker 
3) Local control breaker in WDP4/WDG4 Locos. 
4)Turbo Lube pump breaker. 

33. Write short Notes about
1) Radar 
2) EPD-Engine protection device 
3) Ejector 
4) Pressure Cap. in case of WDP4/WDG4 Locos. 

34. Trouble shoot 
1) Loss of train Line pressure 
2) Low MR equalizing Pressure. 

35. Write short Notes about 
1) Return sight glass 
2) Bypass sight glass 
3) creep control 
4) L/T switch. 

36. How to conduct load rest in case of WDP4/WDG4 Locos? 

37. Write Functioning and purpose of Flange lubrication system in WDP4/WDG4 Locos. 

38. How will you trouble shoot for” No Load-No companion alternator output, Check aux.Gen fld breaker”? 

39. How you will conduct Leakage test and BP efficiency test in case of WDP4/WDG4 Locos? 

 Diesel Locomotives - Multiple Choice Questions

 1 What is the minimum Head light Focusing distance required in the locomotives provided with electrical head light? d
a) 100 meters 
b) 1000 meters 
c) 2000 meters 
d) 250 meters and above 

2 What is the Fuel oil tank capacity in WDP1 locomotive in litres? c

 a) 4000 
b) 5000 
c) 3000
c) 2000 

3 When OPS drops or LLOB trips, the engine will_______. b 

a) Raise 
b) Shutdown 
c) Comes to Idle
 d) Hunting 

4 Expressor lube oil pump is driven by_____________. b 
a) Gear 
b) Chain 
c) Motor 
d) Belt 

5 The exhaust manifold is connected to ________part of the TSC. a 

a) Gas Inlet Casing 
b) Intermediate Casing 
c) Turbine Casing 
d) Blower Casing 

6 One of the following is the equipment in Nose compartment c

 a) MR1 
b) MR2 
c) Control air pressure reservoir 
d) All the above 

7 How many Power Contactors are available in WDG4 Locomotive? d

 a) 7 
b) 9 
c) 8 
d) 0 

8 What is the Lube oil capacity (in litres) in WDP1 locomotives? a 

a) 760 
b) 910 
c) 1100
d) 1457 

9 If white smoke is emitting from exhaust chimney, what could be the reason? a 

A) Water mixed with fuel oil 
b) Governor oil mixed with fuel oil 
c) Lube oil mixed with fuel oil
 d) None of these 10 What is the effective Rundown test timing (in seconds) of NAPIER Turbo? In seconds c 

a) 120 to 200 
b) 90 to 180 
c) 25 to 65 
d) 200 to 280 
 11 Water leaking continuously from water telltale pipe b 
a) Dummy it and work further
 b) Fail the loco 
c) Do fast pumping d) Work on lower notches 

12 Cooling Water capacity in WDM2 locomotive is_____ liters. d 
a) 900 
b) 910
 c) 1300
 d) 1210

13 The rundown test of NAPIER Turbo is to be conducted on _____notch. a
a) Idle 
b) 4 
d) 2 
14 During one of the following occasions Hot engine alarm indication will get c 
a) Continuous 8th notch working 
b) Excess load 
c) Water pump not working 
d) Full water in expansion tank 

15 HS4 Pressure is set at ? c 

a) 10 psi 
b) 15 psi 
c) 24psi 
d) 30 psi 

16 What is the Safety Device provided in the Lube oil system? c

 a) GFOLR 
b) OSTA 
c) LLOB / OPS 
d) LWS 

17 The more Oxygenated Air is required for better_______. b 

a) Control air pressure 
b) Combustion of fuel 
c) Braking 
d) Cooling 

18 Hot engine alarm (HEA) will come at _______degrees centigrade in WDG3A locos. c

 a) 60 
b) 70 
c) 90 
d) 80 

19 Electro Pneumatic Governor is located in c 

a) Expressor room 
b) Radiator room 
c) Nose compartment 
d) Rear compartment 

20 During the MR air pressure efficiency test ___kg /cm2 pressure should be created within_______ minutes. d
 a) 1.0 , 7
 b) 1.5 , 6
 c) 0.9 , 8 
d) 0.7 , 5 

21 The number of Brake cylinders provided on WDM2 locomotive b 
a) 6
 b) 8 
c) 10 
d) 12 

22 What is the maximum permissible speed of ( designed for ) WDG4 locomotives c 
a) 150 kmph 
b) 120 kmph 
c) 200 kmph 
d) 200 kmph 

23 Fuel oil pressure is not building up though the FPM is working & sufficient fuel oil is available in tank. c 

a) CK1 and CK2 not picked up 
b) GF contactor is not picked up 
c) Fuel booster pump not working 
d) Fuel pump contactor not picked up 

24 Lube oil Filter drum is located in________. d 
a) Nose compartment 
b) Generator room 
c) Engine block 
d) Radiator room 

25 How many kinds of Brakes are provided on Diesel locomotive WDM2? a 

a) 5 
b) 10 
c) 11 
d) 9 

26 Lube oil relief valve is set at_____ psi. d 

a) 70 
b) 90 
c) 120 
d) 130 

27 LWS is connected to b

 a) Water left side return header 
b) Water expansion tank 
c) Water right side return header 
d) All the above 

28 Main Reservoir (compressed air pressure) Unloading will takes place at_____kg /cm2. c 
a) 8 
b) 9 
c) 10 
d) 11 

29 N 1 Reducing valve is located in c 

a) Radiator room 
b) Expressor room 
c) Nose compartment 
d) Rear compartment

 30 If the VRR fuse is fused, the__________indication will come. d 

a) CK1 and CK2 contactor tips welded 

b) Battery over charging 

c) Green lamp and engine idle 

d) Battery discharge 

31 From where the control air pressure will get air pressure_______. b 

a) MR2 
b) MR1 
c) BKTs 
d) J filter 

32 Lube oil dipstick gauge of WDG3A is having ______ liters capacity. c 
a) 400 
b) 380 
c) 600 
d) 500 

33 Fuel pump motor is not working though the all circuit breakers are switched ON, the immediate reason could be_________. d 

a) ERF not closed
 b) R1 and R2 not picked up 
c) GFC not picked up 
d) FPC not picked up

34 On what notch the rundown test of ABB Turbo is to be conducted? d 
a) Idle 
b) 2 
c) 3 
d) 4 3

5 Reduction in BP pressure causes ______. c

 a) Brakes release 
b) Brakes slow release 
c) Brakes application 
d) MR pressure increasing 

36 Railway Board has made re - nomenclature of the Diesel locomotives in which the last two digits denotes c 
a) Lube oil capacity 
b) Fuel oil capacity 
c) Horse Power 
d) Weight of the loco 

37 _____ Number of brake blocks are provided on WDM2. b 

a) 16 
b) 24 
c) 32 
d) 22 

38 WDG4 Engine idle RPM c 

a) 469 
b) 369 
c) 269 
d) 360 

39 The Fuel oil crossover flexible pipe is located in c 
a) Radiator room 
b) Nose compartment 
c) Power takeoff end 
d) Free end 

40 In WDM2, having IRAB brake system the VA1B valve is located in/at d
 a) Nose compartment 
b) Drivers cab 
c) Long hood control stand 
d) None of the above 

41 After cooler cooled air in air inlet casing is also called as________. d 
a) Control air pressure 
b) Vacuum control air pressure 
c) HS4 pressure 
d) Booster air pressure  

 42 Lube oil Cooler is located in________. a 
a) Radiator room 
b) Expressor room 
c) Generator room
 d) Under truck 

43 Lube oil Bypass valve in WDM2 locos is set at _____ psi. d

 a) 50
 b) 40 
c) 30 
d) 20 

44 The compressed air enters to MR1 tank through d 

a) MR Safety valve 
b) MR2 
c) Cooling Coil 
d) 3 / 4" cut out cock 

45 Inter cooler safety valve is set at______ psi., pressure. c 
a) 100 
b) 80 
c) 60 
d) 40 

46 In WDG3A locomotives 3/4" COC(BP COC) is located in/at a
 a) Nose compartment 
b) Driver cab 
c) Short hood control stand 
d) None of the above 

47 Air pressure Cooling coils in WDG4 is located at c 
a) Under truck 
b) Engine block 
c) Radiator room 
d) Expressor room 

48 Lube oil dip stick gauge capacity in WDG4 locos is ______liters. c 

a) 400 
b) 550 
c) 625 
d) 700 

49 The combined unit of Exhauster and Compressor is called b

 a) Impellor 
b) Expressor 
c) Super charger 
d) Processor 

50 ABB turbo super charger effective Rundown time_______in seconds. b 

a) 200 to 280 
b) 120 to 200 
c) 25 to 65 
d) 90 to 180 

51 Where 28VB control valve is is located? c 

a) Engine block
 b) Back panel 
c) Short hood control stand 
d) Long hood control stand 

52 In WDM2 locomotives, during cranking, if Normally Closed Interlock of SAR is not getting closed , the result will be _______ c 

a) Throttle will not respond 
b) Load meter will not respond 
c) Engine will crank and fire but not hold 
d) Engine will not fire

  53 In WDM2 engine, the Water pump is driven by c
 a) Motor 
b) Pulley 
c) Gear 
d) Belts 

54 On WDG3A high adhesion bogie the loco body weight is supported on bogie frame through a 
a) four side bearers 
b) centre pivot 
C centre pivot and side bearers 
d) side group springs 

55 For WDG3A on each truck ………… of hydraulic dampers are provided. b 
a) 5 
b) 6 
c) 8 
d) 16 

56 …………….is provided on WDG3A bogie to avoid run out of bogie from chassis. c 

a) center pivot 
b) side bearers 
c) Shackles 
d) side stoppers 

57 On WDG3A each truck is fitted with …………………arrangement of traction motors. d 

a) LLR 
b) LRR 
c) LRL 
d) uni directional 

58 Now a days the wick pad type suspension bearing is replaced with ……… new loco's. a
 a) Roller bearing
 b) Hanging type 
c) lubrication with soft grease 
d) Higher quality lube oil 

59 In vacuum formation auto flasher function whenever vacuum drops below …… other than A9 operation. b 

a) 20
 b) 38
 c) 16 
d) 42

 60 To reset auto flasher …………is to be used. c 
a) SP1 
b) SP2 
c) SW1/SW2
d) GFOLR reset button 

61 Whenever A9 is brought to emergency position action taken place in auto flasher system is a

 a) DMR de-energise 
b) BKT will come to bkaking 
c) GFOLR will trip 
d) Flasher light will glow 

62 In auto flasher system the difference of pressure between P1 and P2 switches is …….Kg/cm2. c
 a) 0.5 
b) 1 
c) 0.1 
d) 0.2 

63 The following may be used for fast charging of BP on WDG3A. c 
a) Release position of A9 
b) foot pedal 
c) SP1 
d) SW1 

64 Whenever BP pressure drops below ……kg/cm2 other than A9 operation auto flasher will come in to action. b 
a) 4.1 
b) 4.4 
c) 4.3 
d) 4.5 

65 In twin beam head lights ……..volts halogen lamps are used. c 

a) 72 
b) 32 
c) 24 
d) 20 

66 In twin beam head light system in DC-DC convertor if one unit is defective the stand by unit can be brought into function by a 

a) operating change over switch on DC-DC converter 
b) By changing to other control stand 
c) by replacing bulb 
d) none 

67 Axle driven alternator contains ………….no of carbon brushes. c 
a) 2 
b) 3 
c) Nil 
d) 4 

68 In MCBG loco actuator /sensor unit is located at d 
a) inside engine block 
b) excitation panel
 c) Driver cab 
d) existing location of governor 

69 In MCBG loco when shut down occurs due to over speed initiated by MCBG , it should be acknowledged by a 
a) Resetting push button 

b) OST test key switch 

c) Power switch 

d) GFOLR reset button 

70 In MCBG loco if sensor signals not coming or wire opens what will happen? a 

a) engine will shut down 

b) Engine will not fire 

c) engine will not respond 

d) Load meter will not respond 

71 The conventional electronic type excitation system is replaced with ……… new loco's a 

a) Microprocessor controlled 

b) static type 

c) shunt type 

d) self excitation 

72 In WDG4 loco HP input to Traction motors is b 

a) 4000 
b) 3726 
c) 3100
 d) 3900

 73 In WDG4 loco compressor is cooled by d 
a) Nature 
b) Air 
c) Oil 
d) Water 

74 In WDG4 turbo is cooled by c 
a) Nature 
b) Air 
c) Oil 
d) Water 

75 In WDG4 power contactors are replaced with d 

a) FS contactors 
b) only relays 
d) DC Link 

76 In WDG4 traction motors are b 
a) DC 
b) AC 
c) 50%AC and 50% DC 
d) Low voltage 

77 In WDG4 (ECS) isolation switch is having ……….no of positions. b 
a) 1 
b) 2 
c) 3 
d) 4 

78 In WDG4 when driver fails to acknowledge the alerter it gives audio warning for ….sec. c 

a) 5 
b) 11 
c) 17 
d) 28 

79 For quick charging of BP in WDG4 ………… used. d 

a) SP1/SP2 
b) SW1/SW2 
c) Foot pedal d) A9 (auto brake) release 

80 In WDG4 hot oil detector is set at….degrees centigrade. b

 a) 100 
b) 126 
c) 200 
d) 124 

81 In GF contactor is fluttering after taking II transition check d 

a) GF relay 
b) P2 
c) S1 
d) P32 

82 GR protects from b
 a) Nothing 
b) earth fault 
c) hot engine 
d) melting of grids 

83 OPS2 function is d 
a) to when OPS1 is defective
 b) To watch OPS1 
c) To watch fuel oil pressure 
d) to safe guard engine from low lube oil pressure on higher notches 

84 When GFOLR resetting button is defective ……………….to be done. d 

a) inform shed 
b) ask for R.E. 
c) Use L rod 
d) reset manually 

85 …………………..brake is available only in WDP4. c 
a) Computer brake 
b) vigilance brake 
c) blended brake 
d) tread brake 

86 Blended brake is mixture of b

 a) Vacuum +Air 
b) Formation +Dynamic+ loco 
c) Formation +Loco 
d) Dynamic +Loco 

87 In WDP4 when the loco is moving in opposite direction to the reverser position……….will happen soon the speed increases to 5 kmph. a

 a) Dynamic brake come into action 
b) alerter will come into function 
c) power ground will take place 
d) loco will shutdown 

88 Now a days the following item is removed on WDM2 loco's b 

a) Transition switch 
b) Lube oil by pass valve 
c) VCD system d) vacuum brake 

89 While on run if SPM drops to zero and transition also drops it may be due to d 

a) emergency brake 
b) ACP 
c) Defect in mother card 
d) ADA dropped 

90 When wheel is floated speed is restricted ……..kmph. b
a) 25 
b) 30 
c) 35 
d) 40 

91 WDM2 expressor is having …………….couplings. a 

a) Fast and flexible 
b) CBC and Baby 
c) ABC and fast 
d) Universal and flexible 

92 On WDM2 loading and unloading is done by b 

a) EP governor 
b) AC governor 
c) Manually 
d) Automatic 

93 If SAR coil is open circuited during cranking c 

a) GR trips 
b) nothing will happen 
c) OSTA trips 
d) Throttle will not respond 

94 If CK1 bridge interlock defect …………trouble. a 
a) not cranking 
b) not holding 
c) ck1/ck2 fluttering 
d) not firing 

95 If batteries are weak during cranking can be identified by b 

a) battery ammeter 
b) fluttering of CK1,CK2 
c) starting lamp 
d) smoke from batteries 

 96 While working on higher notches with full load if B.A.P. is repeatedly dropping and raising is called c 

a) Sneeging 
b) Hunting 
c) Surging 
d) None 

97 In WDM2 GE governor loco, when stop switch is pressed …………..will be energised. c 

a) ESR4 
b) Clutch coil 
c) stabilising coil 
d) SAR coil 

98 On WDM2 if engine not cranking ………….power contactor NCI to be checked. a 

a) P22/S1 
b) P21/S1 
c) P22/S21 
d) P22/S31 

99 TDR in WDM3a (cranking circuit) is set at b 

a) 1.5 minutes
 b) 1.5seconds 
c) 2seconds 
d) 1second 

100 During cranking if e 

c) FPB 
d) OPS 

101 FS21 and FS22 coils get supply through these breaker b 

a) FPB 
b) MFPB 
c) CCEB 
d) MCB 

102 Stabilising and clutch coil get supply through these breakers. d

 a) FPB 
b) CCEB 
c) MCB 
d) MFPB 

103 ECC coil get supply through breaker. a 

a) FPB 

b) CCEB 

c) MCB 

d) MFPB 

104 For 10 minutes time gained by loco ………..ltrs. of fuel is allowed. c

 a) 25 
b) 35 
c) 50 
d) 60 

105 In fuel oil system ………..type of filters are used. d 
a) socks type 
b) foam type 
c) mesh type 
d) paper type 

106 On WDM2 while working with full load on raising gradient …………liters of fuel will be consumed for an hour. d 
a) 1000 
b) 400 
c) 380 
d) 480 

107 The minimum fuel balance in WDM2 is …………….+trip ration+ 10% of trip ration b 

a) 600ltr 
b) 800ltr 
c) 850ltr 
d) 900ltr 

 108 CTR no is d
 a) T500 
b) T600 
c) T700 
d) T720 

109 WDM2 glow rod gauge scale is b 
a) 600 to 5000 
b) 540 to 5000 
c) 800 to 5000 
d) 1000 to 5000 

110 The only loco provided with two dipstick gauges to measure lube oil is c 
a) WDM2A 
b) WDG3A 
c) WDP4
 d) WDG4 

111 The oil pressure switch in wood ward governor loco is in c 
a) engine block 
b) inside crank case 
c) in built governor 
d) inside nose compartment 

112 In WDG4 engine cylinders are cooled by c 
a) Water 
b) oil and water 
c) super charged air and water 
d) air conditioning 

113 Conventional air maizd oil bath filters are replaced with c 
a) baggie type 
b) paper filter type 
c) cyclonic type 
d) mesh type filters 

114 While working air brake passenger train if air leaking badly from FP angle cock do a 

a) close 1" C,O,C, 
b) Close leading FP angle cock 
c) Close 3/4" C.O.C. 
d) Close 28VB C.O.C. 

115 EMU and DHMU are provided with ……………..couplings c 
a) CBC 
b) Automatic 
c) Shacoo 
d) ABC 

116 If sufficient vacuum is not available in expressor ……….will take place. d 
a) train brakes will apply 
b) only loco brakes will apply 
c) expressor will burn 
d) oil throw takes place 

117 Breather valve provided on c 
a) Governor 
b) Driver cab 
c) expressor 
d) main generator 

118 On modified (Rack)28LAV1 brake system conjunctional brakes takes place through b
 a) 28VB control valve 
b) C3W valve 
c) VA1B valve 
d) none of these 

119 In MU trailing loco during parting, trial position changes lead position in brake system through d 

a) A1 Differential pilot valve 
b) MU2B 
c) VA1 release valve 
d) F1selector valve 

120 Weak batteries causes a 
a) over charging 
b) Discharge 
c) None 
d) Load meter will not respond 

121 DMR picking up in idle but dropping on opening throttle means c 

a) Week DMR 
b) DMR all interlocks defective 
c) Self interlocks defective 
d) PCS knocked out 

122 If DMR not picking up in idle but on opening throttle to 2nd notch by pressing DMR if it is picking means b 

a) Week DMR 
b) Throttle & selector interlocks defective 
c) Self interlocks defective 
d) PCS knocked out 

123 Excess Brake cylinder pressure can cause c 
a) quick speed dropping 
b) train brakes not required 
c) wheel skidding 
d) Dynamic brake not necessary 

124 While on run if airflow meter shoots up with jerk means b 
a) defect
 b) parting taken place 
c) spring broken 
d) moisture in air 

125 Power contactors flutters due to c 

a) less magnetism 
b) Load meter defective 
c) less control air pressure 
d) week batteries 

126 GFC not picking up in motoring due to a 

a) CK1welded 

b) ECS run 

c) Rev. at motoring 

d) Throttle notch 1 

127 …….no traction motor will be defective in case continuous wheel slip with WSR1 in Series parallel and WSR3 in Parallel operating. c 

a) 1 
b) 3 
c) 4 
d) 5 

128 When there is current difference of ……..Amps between two traction motors in a group of Traction motors WSR will pick up. b

 a) 200 
b) 125 
c) 100 
d) 120 

129 ………………..type of speedometer is available onWDG4. b

 a) Mechanical 
b) radar sensor 
c) Electrical 
d) Electronic 

130 The lube oil consumption for every 100 liters consumption of fuel on WDM2/WDG4 is b

 a) 1.7/1.0 ltrs 
b) 1.5/0.5 ltrs 
c) 1.6 / 0.7 ltrs
 d) 1.0 / 0.3 ltrs

  G&SR/Accident Manual - Multiple Choice Questions 

1. Approved special instructions are issued or approved by ______________. 
(D)Sr DOM (C) 

2. Special instructions are issued by ______________________. 
(A).Authorized Officer 
(B).Controlling officer 
(C).Supervisor in charge 
(D).All the above (A) 

3. _____________________ is the authorized officer of South Central Railway. 
(B) COM 
(D).CSO (B) 

4. ______________________________ is the normal authority to proceed on Single Line token / token less sections.
 (A).Starting Memo 
(D). None (C) 

5. On Double line or on Single Line when block instrument is defective ____________ is given as ATP for the Driver. 
(A).T/A 912 
(D). T/C-D 1425 (D) 

6. Block stations under Absolute Block System are sub-classified as ___________, ____________, _____________ & _______________. 


7. BOL in TAS and MAS is _________ and ___________ meters, which shall be reckoned from _______________. 
(B).400 -180-FSS 
(D).200-180 -FSS (B) 

8. SOL in TAS and MAS is ___________ and ________ meters. 
(A). 120-120 
(D).180-180 (C) 

9. SOL is measured on Single Line from ______________ and on Double Line from_________________. 
(A). Trailing Points-Shunting Limit Board 
(C).Trailing Points –BSLB 
(D). LB-PB (A) 

10. The distance from outer signal to outermost facing points on SL shall be _________meters. (A).400 
(D).800 (C) 

11. The distance from Home signal to BSLB shall be ________ meters. 
 (D).580 (A) 

 12. At Standard-I interlocking station the maximum speed permitted for the train on DL is not more than __________ kmph. 
(D).MPS (B) 

13. At Standard-III interlocking station the maximum speed permitted for the train on ML is above __________ kmph. 

(A) 15 
(B) 50 
(C) 75 
(D) MPS (C)

 14. The maximum speed permitted on loop line is _______ kmph.
(A) 15/25 
(B) 15/30 
(C) 8/10 
(D) 10/15 (B) 

15. Isolation is necessary where the trains are permitted to go above _________ kmph at a station. 

(A) 15 
(B) 50 
(C) 75 
(D) MPS (B) 

16. ________________ is the best positive method of isolation. 

(A) Cut Point 
(B) Catch Siding 
(C) Slip Siding 
(D) Sand Hump (D) 

17. Point indicator, wherever available shall show ___________ during day and __________ light during night when point is set for Main line. 

(A) Red Target-Red 
(B) White Target-White 
(C) Green Target-Green 
(D) No Target-Green (B) 

18. Point indicator, wherever available shall show ___________ during day and __________ light during night when point is set for Loop line. 

(A) White Target-White
 (B) Green Target – Green 
(C) No Target – White 
(D) No Target – Green (D) 

19. When Trap indicator is provided, it shall show ___________ during day and ________ light during when it is in open position 

(A) White Disc – White 
(B) Red Disc – Red 
(C) No Target – White 
(D) None of the above(B) 

20. Station limits are available between _______________ signals at a Block Station.

(A) Inner Most 
(B) Outer Most 
(C) Home 
(D) LSS (B) 

21. At Class „D‟ station, station limits are available between ______________. 

(A) Platform Ends 
(C) Fog Signal Posts
(D) No Limits (A) 

22. On Double line, class „B‟ station two aspect signaling, station section lies between ____________ signal to ___________ signal in either direction. 

(A) Home – Starter 
(B) Home - LSS 
(C) Distant - LSS 
(D) Distant-Home (B) 

23. On Double line class „B‟ station Multiple Aspect Signaling station section lies between _______________ to _______________ signal in either direction. 

(B) Home-LSS 

 24. Station Section is available only at ___________________ station.

 (D) CLASS (B)

25. Sub-Rules are framed by __________________________. 

(A) Authorized Officer 

(B) Reporting Officer 

(C) Competent Authority 

(D) DRM (A) 

26. General Rules can be amended by _________________________. 

(A)Railway Board 
(B) Railway Tribunal 
(C)Joint consultant machinery 
(D)GM (A) 

27. At a class „A‟ station, to grant line clear, line shall be clear not only up to Home Signal, but also clear ______________________. 

(A) Up to 200 meters 
(B) up to 400 meters 
(C) Up to 580 meters
(D) Up to 180 meters (B) 

28. The minimum equipment of signals required at class „A‟ station are, _______________, __________________ & ___________ signals. 
(B) Distant-Home-LSS 
(D) None of the above (A) 

29. Wind velocity can be measured by ____________________. 
(A)Hygro meter 
(B) Anemo Meter 
(C)Thermo meter 
(D) Calori meter (B) 

30. NO Railway Servant directly connected with the working of trains shall not take or use any alcoholic drink with in ______________ hours before the commencement of his duty. 
(A) 8 
(B) 7 
(C) 9 
(D) 1 (A) 

31. South Central Railway is divided into ________ Zones for the purpose of Weather Warning. 
(A) 8 
(B) 7 
(C) 9 
(D) 1 (A) 

32. Heavy winds above ___________ kmph is considered as dangerous for running trains.. 

(B) 45 
(D) 25 (A) 

33. Rainfall above ________ cross in 24 hours is considered as dangerous for running trains. 

(A) 5CM 

(B)6 CM 

(C) 7CM 

(D)8CM (A) 

34. When there is severe storm endangering the safety of passenger trains, SM shall not ___________ or ____________________________. 

(A)Exchange of all right signal
 (B) Take OFF LSS or Take off Starter 
(C) Grant LC or Give LC 
(D) None of the above (C) 

 35. If train parting is observed by any Railway Servant ________ signal should not be exhibited.

 (A) Right 
(B) Danger
 (C) No (D)
 None (B) 

36. At non-interlocked station, speed of the trains on mail line shall not exceed __________ kmph. 

(D) 45 (A) 

37. Block forward and Block back is permitted only on ____________. 

(A)Single Line 
(B) Double Line 
(C) Triple Line 
(D) None (B) 

38. Axle counters and track circuits are treated as authorized ________________________________. 
(A)Means of Communication 

(B) Means of Knowledge 

(C)Means of Transportation 

(D) None (A) 

39. A train, which as started under as ATP and has not completed its journey, is called ______________________. 

(B) POL 
(C) TOL 
(D) None (C) 

40. A fixed stop signal of a station controlling the entry of trains into next block section is called _____________________. 
(A) FSS 
(C) LSS 
(D) None (C) 

41. Signals used for controlling movement of trains as per G & SR are ________________ and __________________. 

(A)Fixed, Hand, Detonating, Flare 


(C)Shunt Signals and Calling ON 

(D) None (A) 

42. An independent Warner signal will have a _____________ light above the signal at a distance of _____________________ 

(A) 1.2 MTS 
(B) 1.5MTS 
(C) 2.0 MTS 
(D) 1.0 MTS (B) 

43. Warner in „OFF‟ position indicates __________________ 

(A)Next Block section is clear and passing through station 
(B)Station Section is clear 
(C) Main Line Occupied 
(D) None (A) 

44. At a class „B‟ station, Warner signal is required only when the speeds of trains exceeds ______________ kmph.

 (A) 40 
(B) 25 
(C) 15 
(D) 50 (D) 

45. In colors light area Warner and distant signals are identified by ______. 
(B) T marker 
(C) G marker 
(D) P marker (D)

 46. Distant signal tells about the aspect of __________ signal ahead. 


47. In semaphore distant signal, the distant between two yellow lights in “attention” aspect is __________. 

(A) 1.5 METERS 
(B) 2.0METERS 
(C) 3.0 METERS 
(D) 4.5 METERS (A)

 48. Distant signal location is __________ meters before the stop signal. 
(A)Not less than 1000 meters
 (B) not less than 500 meters 
(C)Not less than 200 meters 
(D) Not less than 1500 meters (A)

 49. Wherever double distant signal is provided, distant signal location is ________ meters before the stop signal. 

(A)Not less than 2000 meters 
(B) not less than 500 meters 
(C)Not less than 200 meters 
(D) Not less than 1500 meters (A)

 50. The normal aspect of distant signal on double distant signal area is ____________ aspect. 

(A) Caution 
(B) Attention 
(C) Danger 
(D) Proceed (B) 

51. _______________________ is not required wherever double distant signal is provided.

(B) Outer 
(C) Distant 
(D) LSS (A)

52. When colour light distant is combined with Gate / LSS, the normal aspect of that signal is _________________. 


(B) Danger 

(C) Caution 

(D) Attention (B) 

53. Outer signal is available only at _____ station with _____ type of signals. 

(A) Class A-MAS 

(B) Class B-TAS 

(C) Class D-MAS 

(D) Class C-TAS (B)

54. On double line class „B‟ station with TAS, the distance from outer to Home signal is not less than _______ meters. 

(A) 400 

(B) 200 

(C) 580 

(D) 180 (C) 

55. At a class „B‟ station, Single line with MAS, the distance form Home signal to outermost facing point shall be not less than ________ meters. 

(A) 300 

(B) 200 

(C) 500 

(D) 180 (A)

 56. In MAS, a single arm home signal is sufficient (common Home) as long as the train speed does not exceed ___________ kmph. 

(A) 50 
(B) 65 
(C) 75 
(D) 15 (C) 

57. Under approved special instructions at a class „B‟ station, Single Line with TAS when Home signal is eliminated, the station section lies between _________________. 

(A) Outer most Trailing Points 
(B) Outer Most Facing Points 
(C) Between home signals 
(D) between LSS (B) 

 58. Starter signal protects _______________________________________. 

(A) Facing Points 
(B) Trailing Points 
(C) Block Section 
(D) Station section (B) 

59. Advanced Starter signal protects ________________ section. 

(B) Block 
(C) Signaling 
(D) None (B) 

60. To start a train from a station having common starter, the Driver shall be given _________ + ____________+ _______________. 

(A)T/ 512, ATP, PHS 
(B) T/511, ATP, PHS 
(C)T/409, ATP, PHS 
(D)T/369 3
(b),ATP,PHS (A) 

61. Under approved special instructions when two home signals are provided on the same post one below the other, the top one refers to ___________ line and the bottom one refers to ________ line. 

(A)Main, Loop 
(B) Loop, Main 
(C) Common loop, main 
(D) common loop, loop (A) 

62. Advanced starter “OFF” position is interlocked with _______________. 

(A)Block Instruments 
(B) Axle Counters 
(C)Track Circuits 
(D) None (A) 

63. Except automatic stop signal, all other fixed signals normal aspect is ____________________. 

(A) Proceed 
(B) Danger 
(C) Caution 
(D) Attention (B) 

64. To take “OFF” calling ON signal, the train must be in the _____________ zone and it will take ___________ time to “OFF” aspect, if calling ON is taken “OFF”.

 (A)Calling –On, 60 

(B) Calling On, 120 

(C)Danger, 180 

(D) Danger, 160 (B)

 65. Colour light calling ON signal is identified by _________________. 

(A)A Marker 
(B) B Marker 
(C) C Marker 
(D) D Marker (C) 

66. Except __________ signal, the calling ON signal can be placed below any stop signal. 

 (C) Starter 
(D) Calling on (B)

67. Except ____________ signal, shunt signal can be placed below any stop signal. 

(B) LSS 
(C) Starter 
(D) Calling on (A) 

68. Calling ON signal will show ____________ light in “ON” position. 

(A) Red 
(B) Green 
(C) White 
(D) No (D) 

69. Calling ON signal is to be used only on two occasions, they are _______ and______________. 

(A) Signal is defective, Line is occupied 
(B) Point failure, on inter locking working 
(C) Derailments, accidents 
(D)None of the above (A) 

 70. Signal sighting committee comprises of ____, ____, and _____. 

(D)SS,LI,TI (B) 

71. Signal sighting committee will go on footplate inspection once in __________________. 

(A) 3
 (B) 2 
(C) 4 
(D) 5 (A) 

72. Calling ON signal cannot be taken “OFF” during _______ failure. 

(A) Signal 
(B) Track
 (C) Point 
(D) Block instruments (C) 

73. Shunt signal below starter will show ___________ light in “ON” position. 

(B) Green 
(C) White 
(D) No (D) 

74. Shunt signal protects ________________________.
(B) Track 
(C) Signal 
(D) None (A) 

75. Independent shunt signal or shunt below stop signal when defective ____________ is the authority to pass at “ON” for Driver. 

(A)T/369 3
(b) (B)T/409 
(D)T/511 (A)

 76. Shunt signal is of _____ types, and they are __________ and ____________. 

(A) 2, Colour Light, semaphore 
(B) 3, Miniature Arm, Disk, Position 
(C) 1, color light 
(D) none of the above (B) 

77. __________________ Type of shunt signals are provided only in colour light area. 

(B) Disk 
(C) Miniature arm 
(D) All the above (A) 

78. Detailed working instructions about Shunting Permitted Indicator are available in ________________. 
(B) TSR 
(C) CO 
(D) None (A) 

79. When Shunting Permitted Indicator is defective, __________ is the authority for the Driver. 

(A)T/369 3(b)+PHS 



(D) PHS (A)

 80. Co-acting signals are also known as _______________ signals. 

 (B) Repeating 
(C) Calling on 
(D) All of the above (A) 

81. Repeating signals are required only in __________ type of signals and they are identified by _________ mark board / light. 

(A)MAS, c 
(B) TAS, R 
(C) TAS, C 
(D) MAS, R (B) 

82. ___________________ Type of signal will not show any light in any position at any time. 

(A)Banner type repeating 

(B) Calling ON 

(C)Co acting 

(D) All the above (A) 

83. When Driver finds that the repeating signals in any way defective, he shall report the matter to __________________. 

(A)Next reporting station 
(B) Rear Station 
(C)Next Stopping Station 
(D) Crew Lobby (C) 

84. At the end of semaphore arm having a black ring denotes, that signal is for ______________________________________________. 

(A) Goods lines 

(B) Passenger Lines 

(C) Loop lines 

(D) None (A) 

85. IB signal is identified by __________________________________. 

(A)ID Marker 

(B)P marker 

(C) IB Marker 

(D)C Marker (C) 

86. IB signal will have ____________________ facility. 

(A)Phone Facility 
(B) Calling ON 
(C)Axle counter 
(D) All the above (A) 

87. Gate signal is identified by _______________________. 
(A) ID Marker 
(B) P marker 
(C) IB Marker 
(D) G Marker (A) 

88. Route indicators are treated as _____________________________. 

(A) Permissive 

(B) Stop 

(C) Duplicating 

(D) Repeating (B) 

89. Route indicators are of ______types and they are (a) _______ __(b)_______________ (c) _________ ________.

 (A) 3, multiplr, strncil, Junction 
(B) 2 colour light, semaphore 
(C) All the above 
(D) none of the above (A) 

90. There are four types of Electric repeaters and they are (a) _________ (b) _______ (c) ______ (d) _____. 
(A) Signal arm-Signal light -Miniature light -Light emitting diode type 

(B) Strencil-junction-multiple-semphore 

(C) Reception-dispatch-admission-junction 

(D) None of the above (A) 

91.The electrical repeaters of a departure signal when defective, the corresponding ___________ shall also be treated as ____________ immediately. 

(A) Points –defective 

(B) signal-defective 

(C) line-defective

 (D) track -defective (B) 

92.The backlight of the signal is visible only in _________ position. 

(B) OFF 
(C) Defective 
(D) working (A) 

93.The minimum equipment of signals at a class “B” station is ____________________, _____________________ and ______________.

 (A) Outer, home and starter 

(B) distant, home and Lss 

(C) Distant, home and starter 

(D) Warner, home and starter (C) 

 94. At a class “A” station the minimum equipment of signals are___________, ________________ and _____________________.

 (A) Outer, home and starter 
(B) distant, home and Lss 
(C) Distant, home and LSS 
(D) Warner, home and starter (D) 

95. Shunting limit board is provided at ___________________________.
 (A) Class-B 
(B) Class-A 
(C) Class-C 
(D) Class-D (A) 

96. Block Section Limit Board is provided at ____________ station with ____________ signals where the first point is a trailing point or where there are ________________. 

(A)Class B, TAS, No signals

 (B) Class B, MAS, No points 

(C) Class A, TAS, No signals

 (D) none of the above (D)

 97. Outlying siding points are identified by ______ mark board. 

(A) P 
(B) S 
(C) IB 
(D) G (B) 

98. Detailed working instructions about outlying siding are incorporated in ____________________. 

(A) SWR 
(B) TSR 
(C) PNR 
(D) None of the above (A) 

99 A signal which is taken “OFF” for a train will be put to “ON” position only to _________________ _____________________ or when information about engine failure is received. 

(A) Issue emergency caution order 

(B) Avert accident 

(C) give precedence to other train 
(D) none of the above (B) 

100 .Home signal lever / switch will be normalized after the passage of____________________________. 

(A) Goods train 
(B) Passenger Train 

(C) Whole train 
(D) none of the above (C) 

101 . The reception stop signal shall be tested by SM ____________ and pass the remarks in __________________. 
(A) Monthly, SWR 
(B) Weekly, SWR 
(C)Daily, Station Dairy
 (D) All the above (C) 

102 .Whenever signal inspector is testing the signal, the remark shall be recorded _____________________. 

(A) SWR 

(B) SR 

(C) Station Diary 

(D) All the above (C) 

103 ________ No. of detonators shall be placed at a distance of ______ meters from the ___________________ in Automatic Block System to stop a train “Out of Course”.

 (A) 3,120 

(B) 2,180 

(C) 1,120 
(D) none of the above (B)

 104 Normal setting of points is for ___________________________. 

(A) Main Line 

(B) Loop Line 

(C) common loop 

(D) Branch line (A)

  105 On single line, immediately after the arrival of a stopping train, the points in ___________ and in _________ shall be set against the _______________________. 

(A) front, rear, line train occupied 

(B) front, rear, loop line 

(C) Front, rear, mainline 

(D) none of the above (A) 

106 On double line after the arrival the stopping train, the point‟s ________________ will be set against the ______________________. 

(A) Front, rear, mainline 
(B) front, rear, loop line
 (C) Rear, line train occupied 
(D) none of the above (C)

107 When all the lines at a station are blocked by passenger carrying trains, and still line clear is granted for a train, the points shall be set for ________________.

 (A) Turnout preferably express 

(B) turnout preferably passenger 

(C) Turnout preferably engine fouling 

(D) none of the above (A) 

108 To receive a stopping train on loop line having sand hump or buffer stop, the points must be set for ___________________ only. 

(A) Main line 
(B) sand hump 
(C) None of the above 
(D) A & B (B) 

109 ____________, ________________, ________________ signals are prohibited to be used for shunting purpose. 
(A) Calling ON, Starter and LSS 
(B) Calling ON, Home and Starter 
(C) LSS, Home and Outer 
(D) None of the above (C) 

110 When _____________ glass roundel is broken in semaphore stop signal, the signal is treated as defective during _________ only.

 (A) Green-Night 

(B) Red-Night

 (C) Red- Day 

(D) Green-Day (B) 

111 Signal founts must be emptied and drained in the ___________ of the month.

 (A) 1ST Week 

(B) 2nd Week 

(C) 3rd Week 

(D) 4th Week (A) 

112 Catch siding is intended to protect ___________________________. 

(A) Block section 

(B) Station limits 

(C) Station section 

(D) none of the above (C) 

 113 Slip siding is intended to protect _____________________________. 

(A) Block section
 (B) Station limits 
(C) Station section 
(D) none of the above (A) 

114 When there is a falling gradient of _________________ towards station section the provision of catch siding is compulsory. 
(A) 1 IN 100 
(B) 1 IN 80 
(C) 1 IN 200 
(D) 1 IN 150 (B) 

115 When there is a falling gradient of _________________ towards block section the provision of slip siding is compulsory. 

(A) 1 IN 100 
(B) 1 IN 80
 (C) 1 IN 200 
(D) 1 IN 150 (A) 

116 Catch / Slip siding points key can be extracted from the Block Instrument, only when the block instrument is in ______. 

(A) Open position 
(B) Locked position 
(C) Closed position 
(D) none of the above (C) 

117 Normal setting of points wherever catch / slip sidings are provided is for _____________________. 

(A)Main line 

(B) Loop line 

(C) Catch/Slip sidings 

(D) none of the above (C) 

118 Catch siding length shall be suitable to ______________________. 

(A)Shortest Train in section 

(B) Lengthiest Train in section

(C) None of the above 

(D) A & B (B) 

119 Catch and Slip siding not be used for _________________ and ________________________ purposes. 

(A) Stabling-Shunting 

(B) passenger-express 

(C) Goods-passenger 

(D) none of the above (A) 

120 Whenever points / signals / block instrument is disconnected by SI/ ESM, SM shall ensure that ________________ is issued by SI / ESM. 

(A) Reconnection notice 

(B) Disconnection notice 

(C) None of the above 

(D) A & B (B) 

121 SM shall inform cabin man / CASM / SWM under exchange of _________whenever the points / signals / block instrument is disconnected. 

(A) TN

 (B) PC 

(C) PN

 (D) none of the above (C) 

122 When the disconnected signal / point is reconnected, SM shall test _________________________. 

(A) Twice 

(B) Thrice

(C) Once 

(D) none of the above (B) 

123 From the time of disconnection to reconnection, the trains shall be admitted by _______________ method. 

(A) Piloting 

(B) Taking of reception signals 

(C) A & B 

(D) none of the above (A) 

124 A green flag by day and a white light by night moved vertically as high and as low as possible indicate _____________________. 
(A) Train stalling 
(B) Train parting 
(D) none of the above (B) 

125 Violently waving a white light horizontally across the body of a person indicates ___________________________. 
(A) Proceed 
(B) go slowly 
(C) Stop dead 
(D) none of the above (C) 

126 Detonators are known as ______________________________. 

(A) Audible signals 

(B) Visible signals 

(C) Fixed signals 
(D) none of the above (A)

 127 VTP is painted _____________________ alternatively. 

(A) White & green 

(B) White & green 

(C) Red & green 

(D) white & yellow (D) 

128 FSP is painted ______________________ alternatively. 

(A) White & black 

(B) White & green 

(C) Red & green 

(D) white & yellow (A) 

129 VTP is located at ________ meters from either side of __________. 

(A) 180-station building 

(B) 180-outer most facing points 

(C) 270-station building 

(D) 270-outer most signals (A)

 130 FSP is located at ____ meters from ____________________ signal. 

(A) 180-station building 

(B) 180-outer most facing points 

(C) 270-station building 

(D) 270-outer most facing signals (D)

 131 ____________ Number of detonators are given to each fog signalman. 

(A) 24 

(B) 12 

(C) 10 

(D) 30 (A) 

132 When pre-warning is given about foggy weather by SM in rear, the caution order contains the restriction of ________ kmph to be observed after passing ____________.

 (A) 25 –facing points 

(B) 10-outer most signals 

(C) 60-Home 

(D) 15- Home (B) 

133 When Driver observes foggy weather in the block section, a speed restriction of _________ kmph in Absolute Block System and ___________ kmph in Automatic Block System shall be followed.

 (A) 60 – 30
 (B) 45 – 25 
(C) 30 - 45 

(D) none of the above (A) 

134 Normal life of a detonator is _________________.

 (A) 10 years 
(B) 7 years 
(C) 12 years 
(D) 15 years (B) 

135 Testing of detonator shall be done by moving an empty wagon at a speed of __________ kmph. 

(A) 10

 (B) 12 

(C) 15 

(D) 8 (D) 

136 After testing the detonator, the life can be increased for one year subject to a maximum of ___________ extensions.

 (A) 4 
(B) 5 
(C) 3 
(D) 7 (C) 

137 Nominated fog signalmen are two from _____________ department and _____________ two from ____________ department. 


(B) mechanical-electrical 

(C) commercial-electrical

 (D) mechanical-commercial (A)

 138 Fog signalman shall retain at FSP for a period of ______ hours on Main line section. 
(A) 4 
(B) 5
 (C) 3 
(D) 10 (C) 

139 For signalmen‟s assurance will be taken in ___________ register by SM. 

(A) SWR 

(B) TN 

(C) Station Dairy 

(D) none of the above (C) 

140 The knowledge of the staff that is required to use detonators shall be tested by the testing officials once in _______________. 

(A) 3 months 
(B) 4 months 
(C) 5 months 
(D) 6 months (A) 

141 ________________ shall prescribe the No. of detonators which shall be kept in stock at a station. 
(A) TSR 
 (C) TN 
(D) PN (B) 

142 Normal life of fuse is _________________.
 (A) 10 years 
(B) 7 years 
(C) 12 years
 (D) 15 years (B)

 143 After successful testing of a fuse, its life can be increased by one year, subjected to a maximum of ____________ extensions.
(A) 4
 (B) 5 
(C) 3 
(D) No limit (D) 

144 Every gate located on DL, Ghat, Suburban and Automatic System shall be proved with __________ no of fuses. 

(A) 3 
(B) 5 
(C) 7 
(D) 10 (A)

 145 Fuse when lighted will display ____________ flame, which will last for _____ minutes. 
(A) White – 10 
(B) red – 5 to 7 
(C) green-8 
(D) yellow-9 (B) 

146 Whenever a signal which is detecting a point becomes defective, these points are treated as ____________________________. 
(A) Working 
(B) defective 
(C) clamped 
(D) padlocked (B) 

147 Whenever a signal/point/block instrument is defective, SM shall make an entry in ______________________. 
(A) SWR 
(B) PN 
(C) TSR 
(D) TN (C) 

148 Pre-warning about defective reception signal is not required when there is _________signal provision or when ________ is provided. 

(A) Repeating - clamping 
(B) Calling ON - telephone
 (C) Co acting - VHF 
(D) none of the above (B)

 149 Pre-warning, when given it will be given in _______ authority. 
(A) T/369(1) 
(B) T/369 3(b) 
(C) T/512 (D) T/511 (A)

 150 When semaphore reception stop signal struck in “OFF” position, and pre-warning is given, SM shall allow the train to go on _______________________ authority.
 (A) Taking of signals 
(B) Taking of LSS 
(C) PLCT-T/369 (1) 
(D) none of the above (C)

 151 When semaphore LSS got struck in “OFF” position, SM shall start the train ____________________ on authority. 
 (B) taking off Shunt signal 
(C) Taking of Co acting signal
 (D) none of the above (A) 

152 When Home is defective in TAS, class “B” station, __________ signal is also treated as defective. 
(A) Calling-ON 
(B) Shunt signal 
(C) Co acting signals 
(D) Outer (A) 

153 When Home is defective and pre-warning is given, the train shall be admitted by _____________________________. 

(A) Taking off Calling ON 

(B) taking off Shunt signal 

(C) Taking of Co acting signal 

(D) Piloting (D) 

154 When train is received on Calling-ON, in podanur panel, CallingON cancellation takes ______________ seconds. 

(A) 220 

(B) 240 

(C) 150 

(D) 120 (B) 

155 When Driver passes starter at “ON” partly and stopped before Advanced starter subsequently line clear is taken. ____________ ________________________, ____________________ will be given 

(A) PLCT & T/369 3(b) 

(B) taking off LSS

 (C) Taking of Co acting signal 

(D) none of the above (A)

 156 When Driver finds a reception stop signal in semaphore area in “OFF” condition without light, he shall observe _______________.

 (A) Night aspect 

(B) taking off Shunt signal
 (C) Day aspect

 (D) none of the above (C)

 157 When Warner / Distant failed in “OFF” position, SM shall arrange to depute one competent railway Servant to show ___________________ from the defective signal.

 (A) PLCT 

(B) taking off Shunt signal 

(C) Taking of Co acting signal 
(D) PHS (D) 

158 When IBS is defective ___________________ is the authority to start the train. 

(A) PLCT + T/369 3(b)

 (B) taking off LSS 

(C) Taking of Co acting signal

 (D) PHS (A)

 159 On DL when LSS is defective ________________ is the authority to start a train.

 (A) PLCT 

(B) taking off Shunt signal

 (C) Taking of Co acting signal 

(D) none of the above (A) 

160 When IBS is at “ON” and the telephone is out of order, Driver after waiting for _______ minutes shall proceed at speed of __________ when view is clear / not clear up to next stop signal.

 (A) 10-10/8 KMPH 

(B) 15-15/8 KMPH

 (C) 25-25/8 KMPH

 (D) none of the above (B) 

161 When Driver passes IBS at “ON” ___________ indication will appear to SM in rear.

 (A) K1
(B) K2
(C) K3
(D) K4 (A)

 162 When Driver passes LSS in “OFF” position __________ indication will appear which will become normal by putting back ________________________.

 (A) K1-FSS Lever to normal
(B) K2-LSS Lever to normal
(C) K3-FSS Lever to normal
(D) none of the above (B)

163 Whenever IBS or IB distant signal bulb is fused OFF, __________ indication shall appear along with buzzer.

(A) K1

(B) K2

(C) K3
(D) K4 (D)

164 When Driver passes IBS in “OFF” position, ________ indication will appear after which block instrument is to be put in __________________ position.

(A) K1-SOL

(B) K2-TOL

(C) K3-POL (D) none of the above (B)

165 Whenever axle counter of IBS is functioning improperly, SM in rear with the co-operation of SM in advance shall operate _____________ buttons to reset axle counter.

(A) PB2 in co-op PB3

 (B) PB4 in co-op PB3

(C) A & B

(D) none of the above (A)

166 Wherever IBS is provided, LSS is interlocked with _____________ and IBS is interlocked with _______________________.


(B) Axle counters-Block section

(C) Calling on-co acting

(D) none of the above (B)

 167 Whenever color light signal is flickering / bobbing and does not pickup a steady aspect at least for _____________ time, the signal shall be treated as defective.

(A) 60 seconds

(B) 120 seconds

(C) 180 seconds

(D) none of the above (A)

 168 Signal warning board is located at a distance of _______meters before a stop signal.

 (A) 1500 meters

 (B) 1200 meters

(C) 1400 meters

(D) none of the above (C)

169 After exploding the detonator, the Driver shall proceed cautiously up to a distance of _________ and can pick-up normal speed if there is no obstruction beyond that distance.

(A) 1.2 km
 (B) 1.5 km
(C) 2.0 km
(D) none of the above (B)

170 The Driver and Guard will be given _______ No. of LR trips to work in Ghat Area.

(A) 3
(B) 2
(C) 6
(D) none of the above (C)

171 Gate-cum-Distant signal will be located at a distance of ______ meters before the gate.

(A) 120
(B) 180
(C) 240
(D) none of the above (B)

172 The normal aspect of distant signal is ___________________.

(A) Proceed

(B) Danger

C) Attention

(D) none of the above (C)

173 “G” marker on a gate signal is eliminated when there is a ___________between Gate stop signal and gate.

(A) Gate

(B) Bridge

(C) points

(D) none of the above (B)

 174 When there is no response from Gateman, the SM shall stop the train and issue ___________________________.

(A) Co to observe gate rules


(C) Written memo

(D) none of the above (A)

 175 TI/SM/PWI shall test detonators once in _____________________.

(A) four months

(B) three months

(C) one month

(D) none of the above (B)

176 The speed of train on 1 in 81/2 turnout is _________ kmph.

 (A) 8

 (B) 10

(C) 15

(D) none of the above (B)

177 The speed of goods train while entering goods terminal yard is restricted to ________ kmph.

 (A) 8
(B) 10
(C) 15
(D) none of the above (B)

178 When a signal is newly erected or shifted, it shall be jointly inspected by __________________.

(D) none of the above (A)

 179 When a signal is newly erected or shifted, caution order shall be given for a period of __________ days.
 (A) 8
(B) 10
(C) 15
(D) none of the above (B)

 180 Color light repeating signal is identified by __________________.

(A) A Marker
(B) S Marker
(C) illuminated R marker
(D) none (C)

181 In Co-acting signal, the top one is known as main arm and the bottom one is known as __________________ arm.

(A) Calling on
(B) duplicating
(C) Co acting (D) none (C)

182 When IB distant fails in “OFF” position ______________ is the authority for trains before dispatching.

(A) PLCT+T/369.3(b)
(B) taking off Shunt signal
(C) Taking of Co acting signal
 (D) none of the above (A)

183 When IBS is at “ON” the Driver shall stop the train at IB and contact ________ by IB Phone.

(A) Front station master
 (B) rear station master
(C) Guard of the train
(D) none of the above (B)

184 INNER Distant signal is identified by ______________.
(A) ID Marker
(B) IB marker
(C) P marker
(D) none (A)

185 When points are treated as non-interlocked, the speed of the trains on main line is _________________________.

 (A) 25
(B) 15
(C) 45
(D) none (B)

186 Semaphore distant is painted ______________ and the end of the arm is _________________.

(A) white-cross tail
B) yellow- fish tail
(C) green-rectangular
(D) none of the above (B)

187 Station Warner‟s “OFF” aspect is interlocked with _____________.


(B) Shunt signal

 (C) LSS

(D) none of the above (C)

188 At station where there is common Home or at station where there are no starters, ________________ is required.

(A) Point indicators

(B) Shunt signals

(C) Co acting signals

(D) none of the above (A)

189 At a class “C” station on DL when home signal is defective _______ is the authority to pass at “ON” position.

(A) Calling on signal

(B) taking off Shunt signal

(D) none of the above (C)

190 ODC shall be allowed to be attached by a train for transport only with the prior sanction of _________________________.

(D) none of the above (A)

191 Speed of a class “C” ODC by day shall be ____________ kmph.

 (A) 25/15
 (B) 45/30
(C) 20/10
(D) 75/15 (A)

 192 When class „C‟ ODC is attached by a train ______, __________ and __________ shall proceed as a escort.
(D) none (B)

193 ODC wagon trains shall as far as possible be received on _____________ line.

(A) Loop Line
(B) Main Line
(C) Common Loop
(D) none (B)

194 Speed of class „B‟ ODC on BG shall not exceed ________ kmph.

 (A) 40
(B) 25
(C) 15
(D) none of the above (A)

 195 Engine pushing is not permitted without the prior permission of ____________.

 (A) Guard
(B) LI
(C) Rear Station Master
(D) none (C)

196 When engine pushing a train and guard is traveling in brake van, which is leading, the speed shall not exceed ________ kmph, when guard is not traveling in leading vehicle, the speed shall not exceed _____ kmph.

(A) 15/10
(B) 25/8
(C) 40/25
(D) none of the above (B)

 197 A train which is coming with engine pushing shall be admitted in to the station on SL by _________________ and on DL by _____________.

(A) PLCT-Taking off signals
(B) taking off Shunt signal-T/369 3(b)

(C) Co acting signal-PLCT

(D) Taking off reception signals-Piloting (A)

198 When head light is defective after putting marker light the train can go with a restricted speed of ____________ kmph.

(A) 40
(B) 25
(C) 15
(D) none of the above (A)

199 Side lights are dispensed for ___________ and ______________ train.

(B) passenger- express
(D)none of the above (C)

200 An engine exclusively deployed for shunting purpose shall put on _________ colour marker lights on both sides.

(A) Yellow
(B) Red
(C) No light
(D) none of the above (B)

 201 Light engines or coupled light engines shall have ____________________.

(A) BV
(C) LV Board
(D) none of the above (C)

202 When leading compartment of electric engine is defective and the train is driven from trailing cab by Asst Driver, the speed shall not exceed _________ kmph.

A) 50
(B) 40
 (C) 25
(D) none of the above (B)

 203 When leading compartment of electric engine is defective and the train is driven from trailing cab by Driver, the speed shall not exceed _________ kmph.

(A) 50
(B) 40
(C) 15
(D) none of the above (C)

 204 In emergency a goods train without brake van or without guard is ordered by ______________________.

(A) Sr DOM

 (D) none of the above (A)

205 Running of goods train without brake van or without guard is strictly prohibited during ___________________.

 (D) none of the above (B)

 206 Goods train without guard shall have last ___________ brake cylinders in working condition.

(A) 5

(B) 7

(C) 12
(D) none of the above (C)

207 Running of train without guard is not permitted in __________ sections of Hubli Division.

(A) 1 in 100 or steeper gradient

(B) Ghat

(C) Pilot

(D) handicapped (B)

 208 When hot axle is reported by rear SM that train shall preferably be admitted on __________ line.

(A) Loop line

(B) Main line

(C) Common Loop

(D) none (B)

209 ______ Number of damaged vehicles are permitted to be attached in rear of Brake van during _____________ only.

(A) 2- night

(B) 1- night

(C) 1-day

(D) none (C)

 210 Fresh BPC is required whenever ___________ No. and more vehicles are attached or detached.

(A) 10 FWU

(B)15 FWU

(C)25 FWU

(D) none of the above (C)

 211 When non-CC rake train is stabled for more than ______ hours fresh BPC is required.

(A) 52

(B) 24

(C) 12

(D) none of the above (B)

212 A goods train having 56 wagons, the BP pressure in engine shall be _____ and in BV __________.

(A) 5.0 Kg./cm2-4.8 kg/cm2

(B) 5.2 Kg./cm2-5.0 kg/cm2

(C) 5.3 Kg./cm2-4.6 kg/cm2

(D) none of the above (A)

213 FP pressure in loco shall be ___________ and in BV ___________.

(A) 6.2 kg/cm2-5.7 kg/cm2

(B) 6.0 kg/cm2-5.8 kg/cm2

(C) 6.1 kg/cm2-5.0 kg/cm2

(D) none of the above (C)

 214 A goods train having 58 wagons. The BP pressure in loco shall be ________ and in BV ____________.

(A) 5.0 kg/cm2-4.7 kg/cm2

(B) 5.2 kg/cm2-5.0 kg/cm2

(C) 5.2 kg/cm2-5.1 kg/cm2

(D) none of the above (A)

 215 All cut off angle cocks must be in __________ position except front side of loco and rear side of LV to ensure _________________.

(A) closed-open

(B) open-closed

(C) isolate-open

(D) none of the above (B)

 216 Empty / Load handle shall be kept in load position when the gross load is above _________ tones.

(A) 45.5

(B) 44.5

(C) 42.5

(D) none of the above (C)

217 DV isolating handle in vertical position indicates DV is in _______ position.

 (A) Working

(B) isolate

(C) running

(D) none of the above (A)

 218 DV isolating handle in horizontal position indicates DV is in _______ position.

 (A) Working

(B) isolate

(C) running

(D) none of the above (A)

 219 Reduction in BP pressure causes __________________.

(A)Brake binding
(B) wheel skidding
(C) Brake application
(D) none of the above (C)

220 Creation of BP pressure causes ___________________.

(A) Brake release
 (B) wheel skidding
 (C) Brake binding
(D) none of the above (A)

221 All _________________ trains shall have Twin Pipe working.

(A) Goods

(B) Coaching

(C) siding

(D) none of the above (B)

 222 Within station limits where gradient is 1 in 400, to detach the loco of goods train without BV ____________ No. of wagons hand brakes are to be put ON.

(A) 1/2

(B) 1/3

(C) 1/4

(D) none of the above (B)

 223 To detach loco of a goods train having BOX N / BCN / BRH, etc., minimum ___________ no. of vehicles hand brake are to be applied from both ends excluding BV.

(A) 15
(B) 10
(C) 5
(D) 12 (B)

  224 When SM / Station staff does not exchange „all-right‟ signals, the Driver shall give _________ engine whistle code.

 (A) Two long

(B) two long, one short

(C) Two short

(D) none of the above (C)

225 Even though FSS is in OFF position, still if a Driver of an incoming train stops at FSS and gives – 0 – 0 engine whistle it indicates ____________.

(A) Train stalled

(B) Train arrived incomplete

(C) Train running late

(D) none of the above (B)

 226 Engine whistle code 0 0 – indicates _______________________________.

(A) Train arrived incomplete

(B) Train stalled

(C) Less vacuum/Air pressure

(D) none of the above (C)

227 When engine whistle fails on run, after clearing block section, the loco shall be attended or it shall be _____________________.

(A) Worked further

(B) replaced

(C) Removed

(D) none of the above (B)

 228 AC SLR guard shall show all right signal to SM by __________________.

(A) Putting on /off side lights

(B) no exchange

(C) Showing green light

(D) none of the above (A)

229 In token less section SM shall arrange points man to show all right signals for a run through train from _________________________ side.

 (A) Station building side

(B) off side
(C) No exchange
(D) none of the above (B)

230 When a train is held up at FSS for more than ________ minutes, the Driver shall depute Asst Driver to go to station.

 (A) 10
 (B) 12
(C) 15
(D) 5 (D)

231 While at a station, the Driver is to obey ___________ orders.


(B) SM


(D) none of the above (C)

 232 Normally, the material train shall be ordered by ___________ time only.

 (A) Night

(B) Day

(C) summer

(D) none of the above (B)

 233 Material train shall be ordered to work with the permission of _______.

(D) none of the above (C)

 234 The BPC of a material train is valid for _______ days subject to examination of the train by TXR once in _______ days.

(A) 21-7
(B) 15-5
(C) 25-10
(D) none of the above (A)

235 The required brake power of material train shall be ____________.

(A) 100%
(B) 80%
C) 90%
(D) none of the above (C)

236 The required brake power of passenger carrying train shall be ________ and for a goods train shall be ________ at originating station.

(A) 100%-85%

(D) none (A)

 237 Whenever BPC is invalid or while clearing a stabled load, before starting ________ check shall be conducted for which ________ time is given for one four wheeler.

(A) Brake power-60 seconds
(B) GDR-30 seconds
(C)DDR- 150 Seconds
(D) none of the above (C)

 238 While stabling a material train at a station, the responsibility lies with the ____________________.

 (A) Driver

(B) SM/Guard

(C)Points man

(D) none of the above (B)

 239 To dispatch the material train for working in the block section ATP under the system of working and ___________ should be given.

(A) Memo counter signed by Guard
 (B) Memo from PWI
(C) Memo from SS
(D) none of the above (A)

240 Dividing of material train in the block section where the gradient is steeper than ___________ is prohibited.
(A) 1 IN 150
(B) 1 IN 200
(C) 1 IN 100
(D) none (C)

241 The maximum speed of TTM is _____________ kmph.

(A) 15
 (B) 40
(C) 25
(D) none of the above (B)

 242 TTM is permitted to work in the block section only during ___________.
(A) Day
(B) Night
(C) Line block
(D) none of the above (C)

243 NIL caution order form no. is ________________.

 (A) T/A 409
(B) T/409 (C) T/512
(D) none of the above (A)

 244 Caution order form no. is ________________.

(A) T/A 409
(B) T/409
(C) T/512
(D) none of the above (A)

245 All existing caution order shall be brought forwarded by SM on every _______________.

(A) Night

(B) Day

(C) mid night

(D) none of the above (B)

 246 On completion of caution order book, it shall be preserved for a period of ______________________.

(A) 12 months

(B) 15 months

(C) 6 months

(D) 18 months (A)

 247 As per G&SR control of shunting is done through __________________, __________________________ and ________________________.

(A) detonating-flare signals

(B) visible signals

(C)Fixed signals, hand signals-visible instructions

(D) none of the above (C)

248 For shunting purpose _____________, _____________ and _____________ signals are not to be used.

(A) starter, Warner-distant

(B) outer, home-LSS

 (C) Calling on, co-acting-distant

(D) none of the above (B)

249 While shunting wagons containing explosives, the supervision for shunting shall be done by ________________.

(A) Guard

(B) SS

(C) Points man

(D) none of the above (B)

250 While backing a full train from one line to another via main line the shunting supervision is done by ________________________.

(A) Guard
(B) SS
 (C) Points man

(D) none of the above (B)

 251 Shunting speed of explosive and POL products shall be _________ kmph.

(A) 10
 (B) 5
 (C) 8
(D) none of the above (C)

 252 For the purpose of shunting the points, which are not protected by signals, they must be locked by _____________________ or by _____________ method.
(A) Electrical-electronic
(B) padlocking-clamping
 (C) mechanical-electrical
 (D) none of the above (B)

 253 While performing shunting with passenger running trains, the shunting engine or train engine with or without slip coaches, before coming on to the formation it should be stopped _________ meters before the formation.
(A) 45
 (B) 20
(C) 45
(D) 30 (D)

 254 To receive a train on to an obstructed line, the Driver shall be given ___________________ authority where there is no calling ON signal and signal post telephone.

(A) T/369.3(b)

(B) T/509

(C) T/512

(D) T/511 (B)

255 While received a train on obstructed line, SM shall arrange to post one competent Railway servant to show __________ hand signal from ______ meters before the obstruction.

(A) Red-30

(B) green-35

(C) stop-45

(D) none of the above (C)

256 To dispatch a train from unsignalled line where tangible authority is not given as ATP, ___________ authority should be given.

(A) T/511+PHS+ATP

(B) T/512

(C) T/409

(D) none of the above (A)

 257 To start a train from a station having common starter signal, in addition to ATP ___________ authority should be given.

 (A) T/512

(B) T/511

(C) T/409

(D) T/509 (A)

258 ______________ Gradient is considered as dangerous for shunting roller bearing wagon and ___________ gradient for non roller bearing wagons.

(A) 1 in 400-1 in 260

 (B) 1 in 100-1 in 150

(C) 1 in 300- 1 in 450

(D) none of the above (A)

259 When 10 BOX wagons are shunted having Transition Couplers, the shunting impact speed should not exceed _________ kmph.

A) 10-15

(B) 2-3

(C) 20-25

(D) none of the above (B)

 260 Maximum Hand shunting speed is __________ kmph.

A) 10
(B) 15
(C) 5
(D) none of the above (C)

261 When „Lurch‟ is reported by Driver, the SM shall issue caution
order restricting the speed to---------------kmph.

(A) 10
(B) 15
(C) 8
(D) none of the above (C)

262 When „Lurch‟ is reported on DL by Driver, SM shall give caution order for adjacent line trains to proceed with _______________________.

(A) Special caution order

(B) memo


(D) none of the above (A)

263 Rail fracture of less than 30 mm, the speed of first train shall be _________ kmph, the speed of second and subsequent trains shall be _________ kmph.

(A) 10-15

(B) 25-8

(C) 15-40

(D) none of the above (A)

264 Rail fracture of more than 30 mm or multiple fractures, certification shall be given by ____________ and above rank.




(D) none of the above (C)

  265 During TIC on DL _____________ is the ATP authorizing the Driver to proceed with a restricted speed of ___________ kmph.

(A) T/C 602-25/10

(B) T/D 609-15/8

(C) T/A 611-10/8

(D) none of the above (A)

266 Light engine which is going to open communication shall proceed on ______________ authority.

(A) T/B 602
(B) T/C 609

(C) T/D 611

(D) none of the above (B)

267 When enquiry is made for more than one train _____________ authorities are required for the light engine which is going to open communication.

(A) T/C 603+T/D611

(B) T/B 602+T/E 602

 (C) T/A 602+T/G 645

(D) none of the above (B)

268 When trains are dealt on T/C 602, the time interval between two trains shall be ____________ minutes.

(A) 60
(B) 30
(C) 45
(D) none of the above (B)

 269 During TIC on SL / DL and TSL working except ____________ signal, all other signals can be taken OFF.


(B) Starter


(D) none of the above (C)

270 After opening the communication, the train speed shall be __________.

(A) Booked speed


(C) Cautious

(D) none of the above (A)

271 After opening communication ________________ is ATP for the light engine to come back.

 (A) T/G 602/T/H 602

(B) T/A602/T/I 609

(C) T/H 602/T/H 611

(D) none of the above (A)

 272 If enquiry is made for more than one train and reply is also received, the second train can be allowed to go with a restricted speed of _________ kmph.

 (A) 25/10

(B) 15/8

(C) 10/5

(D) none of the above (A)

 273 After block telephone, ___________ telephone is the authorized means of communication in absolute block system.


(B) Control

(C) Walkie-Talkie

(D) none of the above (B)

 274 Light engine, which is going for opening communication, shall proceed with a restricted speed of ___________ kmph.

(A) 25/15

(B) 15/10

(C) 20/8

(D) none of the above (B)

 275 When there is even flow of trains, enquiry and reply messages are sent through ___________________.

(A) Train drivers/guards

(B) SS

(C) Points man

(D) none of the above (A)

276 On T/E 602 ______________ number of trains enquiry can be made.

(A) More than one

(B) less than one

(C) One

(D) none of the above (A)

 277 Form No. of UP/DN CLCT is ________________________.

(A) T/G 602/T/H 602

(B) T/A602/T/I 609

 (C) T/H 602/T/H 611

(D) none of the above (A)

 278 When motor trolley / tower car is sent for opening communication, it shall be accompanied by _______________________________.

(C) Guard/ASM
(D) none of the above (C)

279 When goods train is dispatched on T/J 602 the speed shall not exceed ___________ kmph.

 (A) 25/8
(B) 45/25
(C) 15/8
(D) none of the above (C)

280 During TSL working, the speed of first train shall be ____ kmph.

(A) 25

 (B) 50

(C) 15

(D) none of the above (A)

281 During TSL working the speed of second and subsequent trains shall be ____________________.

(A) Booked speed

(B) 25 KMPH

(C) 15 KMPH

(D) 45 KMPH (A)

282 __________________ is the authority for trains working on TSL working.

(A) T/A 602

(B) T/D 602

(C) T/C 602

(D) T/B 602 (B)

283 During TSL working the block instrument shall be kept and locked in ______________ position.




(D) none of the above (A)

 284 If Driver enters block section without authority and subsequently sends his Asst Driver with a memo to SM in rear / SM in advance that SM shall give _________ and ___________ respectively.

(A) Signals-Signals

(B) PLCT-Caution order

(C) Memo-signals

(D) none of the above (B)

 285 When explosion sound is heard by SM and location is not known and light engine could not be sent for testing purpose, the whole train shall be allowed to go with a restricted speed of __________ kmph.

(A) 15

 (B) 10

(C) 25

(D) 40 (B)

 286 In case of fire accident in a passenger train, the first objective to be achieved is to ______________________.

 (A) Clear the section

(B) detach the vehicle

(C) Safety of the passengers

(D) ask for relief (C)

287 The light engine which is coming on T/609 to pick up the second portion shall come with a restricted speed of ___________ kmph.

(A) 25

 (B) 15

(C) 40

(D) 50 (C)

288 When vehicles are running away on single line and on wrong line double line _____________ bell code to be given by SM.

 (A) 6 pause 4

 (B) 5 pause 2

 (C) 8 pause 2

(D) 4 pauses 2 (A)

 289 One important essential required for automatic block system is that it shall be provided with continuous _________________ or ____________.

(A) track-signals

(B) track circuit-axle counters

(C) points-signals

(D) none of the above (B)

 290 The line between the block stations, when required, be divided into series of __________________ sections.

(A) Signaling

(B) track

(C) Continuous

(D) none of the above (A)

291 Fully automatic stop signal is identified by _________________ board.

(A) S- marker

(B) illuminated A-marker

(C) A-Marker

(D) none of the above (C)

 292 Semi-automatic stop signal is identified by ____________ light.

 (A) S- marker

B) Illuminated A-Marker

(C) A-Marker

(D) none of the above (B)

 293 All Guards, Drivers, Asst Drivers, Motor men who are required to work in automatic block system shall undergo one day intensive training a certificate shall be given once in ________months.

A) 12

(B) 5

(C) 6

(D) 36 (C)

294 When Drivers finds an automatic stop signal at ON, after stopping for _________ minutes Day / Night shall proceed with a restricted speed of ________ kmph up to next stop signal or up to the obstruction.

 (A) 1/2-10/8

(B) 2/4-15/8

(C) 5/10-12/8

(D) 3/4-25/10 (A)

 295 The automatic stop signal shall not assume OFF aspect unless the line is clear not only up to the next automatic signal but also for an adequate distance of not less than _________ meters.

(A) 240

 (B) 150

(C) 120

(D) 180 (C)

296 After passing an automatic signal at ON the Driver of the following train hauled by any locomotive shall ensure that a minimum distance of _________ meters is maintained between his train and preceding train.

(A) 240

(B) 150

(C) 120

(D)180 (B)

297 The minimum equipment of fixed signals in automatic system on SL shall be _______________ and ________________________ signals.

(A) Distant-Home

(B) Automatic-Semi automatic

(C) home-LSS

(D) Outer- Home (B)

 298 The gate signal in automatic system is identified by _________________________________________________.

 (A) A-Marker

(B) P-Marker (D)

(C) G-Marker
(D) illuminated A-Marker & G-Marker

 299 When LSS failed on SL automatic block system ____________ is the ATP for the train and the first train, which shall go with a restricted speed of _________ kmph.

(A) PLCT-25

(B) T/602-15


D) none of the above (A)

 300 When LSS on SL failed __________________ is the authority to pass all other intervening signals at ON.

 (A) T/A 912

(B) T/D-912

(C) T/C912

(D) T/P 912 (A)

301 During prolonged failed of signals on DL the authority given in automatic signaling is _________ which authorizes the Driver to go a restricted speed of _________ kmph.

(A) T/A912-30

(B) T/D912-25


 (D) T/B912-60 (B)

302 When signals and communication fails on DL, the authority given to the Driver is ___________________.

(A) T/B912

(B) T/C912

 (C) T/D912

(D) T/A912 (A)

 303 The time interval between two trains during signal and communication failure on DL shall be ___________ minutes.

(A) 30

(B) 25

(C) 15

(D) 45 (C)

304 The light engine, which is going to open communication, shall proceed with a restricted speed of ___________ kmph.

 (A) 12-15

(B) 15-10

(C) 15-20

(D) 10-8 (D)

 305 During TSL working in automatic section the first train proceeding on right line when signal and communication are working shall proceed on _____________ authorities.

(A) T/D 912

(B) PLCT+T/A912

(C) T/C912

(D) T/B 912 (B)

 306 During TSL working when signals and communication are working the second and sub-sequent train proceeding on right line shall proceed on ___________________________.

(A) Cautiously

(B) whistling


(D) written memo (C)

 307 All trains from wrong line during TSL working shall proceed on ___________________ as ATP.
(A) Written memo

(B) caution order

(C) cautiously

(D) PLCT (D)

308 When train meets with an accident in automatic block system on DL and the adjacent line is obstructed, the adjacent line shall be protected as per __________________________ rule.

(A) GR 6.06

 (B) GR6.12

(C) GR6.09

(D) GR 6.03 (D)

309 In Automatic block system when the train is unable to proceed further due to accident or obstructed or due to the failure of loco, the Guard shall protect the train in rear by placing one detonator at __________ meters and two detonators at ___________ meters from the point of obstruction.

(A) 90-180

(B) 120-150

(C) 150-300

(D)120-180 (A)

 310 To stop of a train out of course in automatic block system __________ no. of detonators are placed at ___________ meters from the end of platform in direction of the train.

 (A) 3-120

 (B) 2-180

(C) 1-120

(D) 4-600 (B)

311 In automatic block system to dispatch a relief loco / train into the occupied block section _______ is given as the ATP for the relief loco / train.

 (A) T/A 912

(B) T/B 912

(C) T/C 912

(D) T/D 912 (C)

312 In automatic block system Relief loco / train shall proceed with a restricted speed of ____ kmph.

(A) 25/15

 (B) 45/25

 (C) 60/30

(D)15/10 (D)

 313 Secunderabad, Kachiguda, Falaknuma, Moula Ali, Vijayawada and Krishna Canal stations are known as ____________ stations.

 (A) Flag

(B) Non-Block

(C) Reporting

 (D) Notice (C)

 314 Engineering indicators are (a) _______ (b) _______________ (c) _____________ (d) ___________________

(A) Caution Indicators, Speed Indicators, Stop Indicators, Termination Indicators

(B) Coasting Boards, Warning Boards, Whistle boards, LV boards

(C) A&B

(D) none of the above (A)

315 Caution indicator is located at ________ meters before the spot on BG.

 (A) 1300

(B) 1200


(D)2000 (B)

316 Stop indicator is located _________ meters before the stop dead and proceed speed restriction.

(A) 50

(B) 20

(C) 30

(D) 60 (C)

317 After stopping at the stop indicator, Driver shall sign in the ER-7 book and proceed with ___________ kmph.

(A) 15

(B) 20

(C) 10

(D) 25 (C)

318 “W/L” board before level crossing shall be provided at distance of ______ meters.

(A) 600

(B) 1200

(C) 1300

(D)1600 (A)

 319 When water over tops the rail ______ shall certify by walking over and probing that the track is safe and allow the train to go at a speed not exceeding __________ kmph.

(A) PWI-8

(B) DEN-15

(C) SrDEN-20

(D) Sr DOM (A)

 320 Neutral section lies between _______

(A) Two Block Sections

(B) Two Station Sections

(C) Two Sub-Stations

(D) Two Junctions (C)

 321 The speed of the train while passing through Neutral Section shall not be less than ____________ kmph.

(A) 45


 (C) 60

(D) 30 (D)

 322 Emergency telephone point is located at every ___________ meters in OHE area.

(A) 1000

 (B) 1500

(C) 900

 (D) 1600 (C)

323 In OHE area if a train is stopped for more than _____ minutes GDR shall to protect the train as per G&SR 6.03.

 (A) 5

(B) 25

(C) 15

(D) 60 (A)

 324 When healthy section is temporarily isolated and re-energised the speed of the first train shall be _________ kmph by DAY/Night.

(A) 60-30

(B) 25-15

 (C) 15-8

(D) 45-60 (A)

 325 During power block ______________ trains are only permitted to run.

 (A) Passenger

(B) Goods

(C) Sub-Urban

(D) Diesel (D)

326 The maximum speed of tower car shall be _______________________.

(A) 30

(B) 40

(C) 20

(D) 45 (B)

327 “Danger zone” means the zone lying within _____ meters of any live equipment.

(A) 2.0

(B) 2.5

(C) 1.5

(D) 3.0 (A)

328 Any irregularities noticed shall be reported to _______ in electrified section.




(D) TLC (C)

 329 When there is no tension in OHE, Driver shall _______________________ __________________________________.

(A) do coasting

(B) ask for relief

(C) inform guard

(D) stop and secure (B)

330 If the night petrol man does not turn up even after _____ minutes beyond the schedule arrival time, SM shall stop all the trains and issue caution order restricting the speed to _____ kmph.

 (A) 15,40

 (B) 15,25

(C) 20,15

(D)30,45 (A)

 331 A four-wheeler should not be marshaled between ___________________.

(A) Two SLRs

(B) Two Engines

(C) Two Eight wheelers

(D) None (C)

 332 Max. Numbers of explosive wagons permitted by goods trains are ______ and ________ by mixed train and parcel train.

 (A) 10-3

(B) 12-1

(C) 15-2

(D) 14-0 (A)

333 Min. _____ no. of wagons are to be given as support wagons from loco when explosive wagons are attached by goods train.

 (A) 10


(C) 3

(D) 4 (C)

334 Min. ____ no. of wagons are required to be given support wagons from BV / Passenger coach / other inflammables when explosives are carried by a train.

(A) 3


(C) 5

(D) 4 (A)

335 Dead engine must be manned minimum by ________ rank employee.

 (A) Driver

 (B) Asst Driver

(C) Guard

(D) SS (B)

336 Compressed / liquefied /dissolved gas shall be given min ________ wagons as support wagons from loco and BV.

(A) 1

(B) 2

(C) 5

(D) 4 (A)

337 A Mail/Exp train shall have at least one _________ after loco and as rearmost vehicle.

 (A) AC coach

 (B) SLR

(C) LV board

(D)Saloon (B)

 338 After rear SLR __________________ coaches can be attached excluding one inspection carriage other than Londa-Vasco section.

(A) 3

(B) 2

(C) 1

(D) 4 (B)

339 When four-wheeler is attached by passenger train, the speed of the train shall be ________ kmph.

(A) 60

(B) 25

(C) 75

(D) 15 (C)

340 When automatic danger level indicator is flashing red light the Driver shall stop the train ____________meters before the indicator.

 (A) 100


(C) 150

(D) 105 (A)

 341 Caution board before automatic danger level indicator shall be provided at ________________________.

(A) 1300


(C) 1500

(D) 1400 (A)

342 On DL sections when a train is unable to proceed but subsequently pushed back, the next train can be dispatched on _________________.

(A) Taking off Signals

(B) Written Memo

(C) PLC (D) Caution Order

(C) 343 When Railway property damage exceeds Rs. ______________it is treated as serious accident.

(A) 10,000

(B) 1, 20,000

 (C) 25, 00,000

(D) 1, 40,000 (C)

 344 Outside station limits when the distance between two trains is more than _________ meters, it is not treated as averted collision.

(A) 100

(B) 1200

(C) 400

(D) 140 (C)

 345 Give one example of consequential accident ___________________.

(A) Collision

(B) Passing signal at danger

(C) Breach of block rules

(D) Train received on wrong line (A)

346 Give one example of indicative accident ___________________.

(A) Loss of human life

(B) Passing signal at ON

(C) Collision

(D) Fir on Train (B)

347 Give one example of breach of block rules ___________________.

 (A) Loss of human life

 (B) Passing signal at danger

(C) Collision

 (D) Fire on Train entered block section without authority (D)

 348 The amount of compensation in case of death in Railway accident is Rs. __________________.

(A) 1, 00,000

(B) 1, 20,000

(C) 1, 50,000

(D) 4, 00,000 (D)

349 In case of death in a train accident Rs. _________ is given as ex-gratia.

(A) 15,000

(B) 12,000

(C) 10,000

 (D) 14,000 (A)

 350 In case of death in a manned LC gate accident Rs. _________ is given as exgratia.

 (A) 1000

(B) 12,000

(C) 5000

(D) 6000 (D)

 351 In case of serious injury in a train accident Rs. _________ is given as ex-gratia.

(A) 1000

(B) 12,000

 (C) 5000

(D) 6000 (C)

352 The claim for compensation shall be made within _________ from the date of accident through _________________________.

(A) 1 Year-Railway Claims Tribunal

 (B) 2 Years-High Court

(C) 15 months-CAT

(D) 14Months-Railways (A)

353 The target time for turning out ART is _______ minutes by Day / Night.

 (A) 30/45

(B) 15/20

(C) 15/25

(D) 25/40 (A)

 354 The target time for turning out MRT is _____ minutes for direct/indirect dispatch.

(A) 30/45

(B) 15/20

(C) 15/25

(D) 25/40 (B)

 355 Mock drill for ART shall be conducted once in _______________________.

(A) 1month

(B) 2 months

(C) 5 months

(D) 3 months (D)

 356 Accident siren three long indicates __________________________________.

 (A) Out station accident, main line block

(B) Out station accident, main line clears

(C) Out station accident, main line block, MRT required

(D) Out station accident, main line clear, MRT required (B)

 357 Accident siren four long, one short indicates ________________________.

 (A) Out station accident, main line block

(B) Out station accident, main line clears

(C) Out station accident, main line block, MRT required

(D) Out station accident, main line clear, MRT required (C)

358 On trunk route when traffic is disturbed for ______ hours and more it is treated as serious dislocation of trains.

(A) 10

(B) 12

 (C) 15

(D) 6 (D)

359 When explosion on track is reported, SM shall allow the train to go with a restricted speed of ____________ kmph.

 (A) 10

(B) 12

(C) 15

(D) 14 (C)

 360 When SM receives message about unsafe condition of tanks, rivers and bunds, he shall stop the train and issue caution order to _____________.

(A) Proceed with 15 kmph

(B) Proceed with 10 kmph

(C) Proceed with caution

 (D) Proceed with whistling (B)

361 Passing stop signal at danger is ____________ type of accident.

(A) Indicative

(B) Consequential

(C) Averted collision

(D) Breach of Block Rules (A)

 G&SR/Accident Manual - Fill in the Blanks 

1. Accidents are classified into ------- categories and they are -----------------------------------.

2. Train accidents are divided into ------ parts and they are ---- -----------.

 3. Loss of railway property above Rs………… is treated as serious accident.

4. Consequential train accidents that are reportable to Railway Board Safety Directorate are ----------.

5. General target time for turning out ART during day / night is ------ minutes.

6. General target time for turning out MRV with direct / indirect despatch facility is ------ minutes.

7. Composition of MRV is ------- and -----------.

8. Mock drill for ART / MRV shall be conducted once in ----- -- in case they are not moved on account of accidents.

9. ----------- is the ex-gratia to be paid in case of death / serious injury / simple injury in train accidents.

10. ----------- is the ex-gratia to be paid in case of death / serious injury / simple injury at manned LC Gate accidents where prima-facie failure is on Railways.

11. Rs…………….. is the compensation paid in cases of death in train accidents.

12. Accident siren three long, one short indicate --------------.

13. Accident siren four long, one short indicate ---------------.

14. ----- is the duration of long siren and ------ is the duration of short siren.

15. Threshold value of Railway property loss is fixed at Rs……….

16. In the event of breakdown of control telephone, trains shall be given precedence over each other – in that process running of Goods trains takes ----------- place.

17. Block instrument bell code 000000 indicate ------.

18. Block instrument bell code 000000 – 000 indicate ------.

 19. BCC and PCC is valid for a period of ------------.

20. As a temporary measure when DSTE/ADSTE issue BCC for Signal Maintainers, such BCC is valid for ------- and such extension is limited to -------------.

21. Acknowledgement for block bell beat, if not received from the station adjacent, the code shall be repeated after a lapse of --------.

22. Single and double line TSR No. is -------------.

23. The TSR of the station shall be checked and signed by the SM in-charge of the station ---------.

24. TSR shall be retained in the station after its completion for a period of ------------------.

25. Outlying Sidings are identified by ------- mark board.

26. PN Sheets shall be preserved in the station after its completion for a period of ------------------.

27. --------- is the block instrument bell code for „cancel last signal‟.

28. ------------- is the block instrument bell code for „stop and examine the train‟.

29. When SM observes a train running through his station without LV board / Tail lamp during day / night, he shall give ------------ bell code to SM in advance and ------------- bell code to SM in rear.

30. BWM and Accident Manual are issued under ---------------- .


 1. 5, Train accidents, Yard accidents, Indicative accidents, Equipment Failure and Unusual incidences.

2. Two parts, they are Consequential train accidents and Other Train Accidents.

3. 2,00,00, 000/-

4. A1 to A4, B1 to B4, C1 to C4, D1 to D4 and E1

5. 30 / 45

6. 15 / 20

7. Medical Van, Auxiliary Van

 8. Quarter

9. Rs. 15,000/- / Rs. 5,000/- / Rs. 500/-

10. Rs. 6,000/- / Rs. 2,500/- / NIL

11. Rs. 4,00,000/-

12. Out station accident, mainline clear, MRV required.

 13. Out station accident, mainline blocked, MRV required.

14. 30 seconds , 5 seconds

 15. Rs. 1,00,000/-.

16. 11th place

17. Obstruction danger signal

18. Train parted or divided

19. Three years

20. One year, only once

 21. Not less than 20 seconds

22. T.14 for single line and T.15 for double line

23. Daily

24. One year from the half year ending in which it is completed

25. „S‟ mark board 26. Six months from the half year ending in which it is completed

27. 00000

28. 000000 – 0

29. 000000 – 00 to SM in advance and 000000 – 000 to SM in rear.

30. Special Instructions by COM

Diesel Locomotives - Fill in the Blanks 

1. Foot pedal switch is provided for _______________. Purpose of main generators in locomotive is _______________ and _______________.

2. If auxiliary generator fails _______________ Indication will come and work for _______________Hrs and Engine not to be ____________.

3. PCS will get knocked out by _______________ and _______________ valves operated.

4. In one and third (1st & 3rd) transition _______________ relay will pick up and _______________ contactors will close.

5. To pick up R1 contactor _______________ switch to be closed and thereby _______________ will start working.

6. SAR relay is located in _______________ type locos and ERR is located in _______________ type of locos.

7. On run if pinion slips _______________ relay will operate and if traction motor cable rubbed with loco body _______________ relay will pick up.

8. On run if anyone traction motor defective _______________ to be done for normal working and _______________ should not be used.

9. Alarm gang will operate for _______________ safety devices operated and buzzer will operate for _______________ safety device operation.

10. If transition relay (TR) pick up _______________ contactors will drop and _______________ contactors will pick up.

11. Expand E.C.C. _______________.

12. On run if CCE motor fails _______________ problem will be experienced.

13. On run if _______________ or _______________ breaker trips engine will come to idle.

14. _______________ Switch is fitted in brake system and it is making _______________ relay to operate.

15. During loco running main generator power is used for _______________ and during dynamic brake main generator power is used for _______________.

16. Auxiliary generator is a _______________ excited generator.

17. Mention any two different types of breakers making engine shut down on run _______________.

18. During engine starting _______________ supply will be feeding for _______________ machine.

 19. If ECC fails _______________ will not work and _______________ safety device will operate.

20. On bringing A9 to emergency _______________ switch will drop and _______________ relay makes engine to idle.

21. If MFPB1 and MFPB2 is defective _______________ contactor will not energise and to overcome the problem ______________ to be put on.

22. During engine running if AGFB is tripped _______________ Indication will come. 23. If GR knife switch is opened _______________ safety relay gets isolated.

24. ECS is to be kept in idle during _______________ and to be kept in run during _______________.

25. The operation of OPS will cause engine to _______________ with _______________ indication.

26. In WDM2 FS contactors are _______________ in numbers and they will pick up _______________ transitions.

27. VRP is for _______________ and it is protected by _______________.

28. Pressure cap assembly is fitted on _______________ expansion tank.

29. For the feed pipe, air is coming from _______________ reservoir through _______________ valve.

30. For charging the BP pressure, MU2B position is _______________ and ¾” BP COC is ______________Position.

31. For making MU operation, the trailing loco MU2B position is _______________.

 32. After attaching a loco to the air brake formation _______________ test to be conducted on formation.

33. Throttle not responding means _______________ and load meter not responding means _______________.

34. The purpose of batteries in locos is _______________ & _______________.

35. In between trap and fuel booster pump _______________ is fitted.

36. Booster air is cooled in _______________ unit by _______________.

 37. Lube oil is cooled in _______________ unit by _______________.

38. Lube oil bypass valve setting pressure is _______________.

39. For checking the lube oil level in sump ensure engine at _______________ speed & _______________ motor to be stopped.

40. Between engine block and cylinder head _______________ item is connected.

41. WDM2 OSTA tripping RPM is _______________.

42. To cool the water _______________ is to be done. 43. If water enters into traction motors _______________ relay will operate.

44. On run FPM fails _______________ will experience.

45. BK I V energizes during _______________ operation.

46. In case of TM isolation, remaining motors are connection in the circuit in _______________ combination.

47. Foot pedal switch is provided for _______________

48. In WDM2 8 th notch RPM is _______________ and idle RPM is _______________.

49. WDM2 horse power is _______________.

50. WDM2 lube oil sump capacity is _______________.

51. 20 PSI by-pass valve, lube oil filter drum, lube oil cooler are located in _______________.

52. Water is cooled in _______________ by _______________.

53. Brake pipe pressure is _______________.

54. Feed pipe pressure is _______________.

55. WDM2 is having _______________ number of brake cylinders.

56. Axle box bearings are lubricated by _______________.

57. Turbo super charger is rotated by _______________.

58. Air is cooled in _______________ before going to HP cylinder.

59. Turbo bearings are lubricated by _______________.

60. Napier turbo TRD should be _______________ seconds.

61. What is the position of MU2B valve for application of loco brake? _________________

62. What is the position of BC 3 way cocks in under truck for application of loco brakes? ________________

63. How much brake cylinder pressure is adjusted for application of loco brake? ___________________

64. What is position of SA9 cocks in control stand for application of loco brake? _______________________

65. If MU locos are parted, through which valve in conjunction brake will be applied in parted loco._____________

66. What will happen if BP and FP pipes are wrongly connected? _____________

67. What for foot pedal is provided? _____________

68. What is brake cylinder piston travel of WDG3A loco motive? _____________

69. What is brake cylinder pressure during in conjunctional brake? _____________

70. When loco motive is working as banker, what is position of 3/4or 1 inch BP cock? _____________

71. What happens if 3/4 or 1” BP cock is in open position when loco motive is working as banker? _________

72. What is purpose of air flow I indicator gauge? _______

73. Which valve plays vital role for application of loco brake? _____________

74. Which valve plays vital role for BP charging? _____________

75. Which relay will detect the wheel slip? _____________

76. During train parting through which relay engine RPM comes to idle? _____________

77. Other than A9 if BP or vacuum drops what will happen? _____________

78. What is the MPS of WDG3A? _____________

79. What is the MPS of WDM2? _____________

80. What is the MPS of WDM3A? _____________

81. What is the MPS of WDP1? _____________

82. What is the MPs WDP4? _____________

83. What is the MPS of WDG4? _____________

84. Which light to be switched on whenever the train is derailed? _____________

85. What the maximum length of wheel flat permitted on diesel loco? _____________

86. When hand brake is applied for how many wheels brake will be applied? _____________

87. After how many seconds VCD applied penalty brake? _____________

88. What we are supposed to do if loco motive horns are not working? _____________

89. What we are supposed to do if loco motive speed meters are not working? _____________

90. What is the brake power percentage of a train, in 50 wagons formation, for 12 wagons brake cylinder pistons are in operated? _____________

91. In MU operation if leading loco is failed, Working from leading loco what are the Changes to make? _____________

92. What is position of 3/4 or 1” BP cock in trailing loco, when loco motives are working as double headed? _____________

93. What happens if 3/4 or 1” BP cock is in open position, when loco motives are Working as double headed? _____________

94. What is reason for BP pressure dropping only in A9 emergency position? _____________

95. What is reason for BP pressure dropping from over reduction position? _____________

96. How do you secure engine and formation when loco motive shutdown in the section? _____________

97. What is safety device provided in brake system? _____________

98. What are breakers to be kept in off position to avoid VCD operation in MU trailing loco? _____________

99. What is the minimum wheel diameter of wheel in mm? _____________

100. What is the max. wheel diameter of wheel in mm? _____________

101. What is the height of cattle guard above the rail in mm? _____________

102. What is the height of rail guard above the rail in mm? _____________

103. What is the height of sander pipe above the rail in mm? _____________

104. What is the minimum flange thickness permitted in mm? _____________

105. What is the maximum flange thickness permitted in mm? _____________

106. What is the maximum root wear in mm? _____________

 107. What is the maximum tread wear in mm? _____________

108. What is buffer height should be minimum in mm? _____________

109. What is buffer height should be maximum mm? _____________

110. If dead loco BP is attached to formation what is position of MU 2B & 3/4 “BP cock? ___________


1. To crank the engine and to send power to traction motors.

2. Battery ammeter shows discharge;

 4 hours; Shutdown.

3. H5A, HB5

4. Field shunting relay, Field shunting contactors.

5. TS1, Radiator fan.

 6. GE Governor type, WW governor type.

7. WSR, GR

 8. TM isolation, Dynamic brake.


 10. Series parallel; FSR; Parallel contactors.

11. Eddy current clutch

12. Crank case explosion door opens.

13. MCB1, MCB2

14. PCS, DMR

15. Traction motors & traction motors fields only.

16. Self

17. MFPB, MB2, FPB

18. Battery, Main generator

19. Radiator fan, ETS 20. PCS, DMR

 21. Fuel pump, put on duplicate MFPB

 22. Battery ammeter showing discharge

23. GR, 24. Cranking, engine running

25. Shut down, low lube oil indication

26. 6, 1st & 3rd transitions

27. Maintaining constant voltage of 72 v, VRR fuse

28. Water

29. MR1, F2 feed valve

30. Lead, Open

31. Trail or dead

32. Air Continuity

33. Engine speed not raising, Traction motors not getting power supply from main generator.

34. To crank the engine, stand by auxiliary generator failure.

35. Primary filter

36. After cooler, water

37. Lube oil cooler, water

38. 20 PSI

39. Idle, CCEM

40. Water jumper

41. 1110-1150

42. Fast air pumping

43. Ground relay (GR)

44. Engine shut down without indication.

45. Dynamic brake

46. Parallel

47. Isolating loco brake during A9 application. & Quick release for Loco brakes

48. 1000,400

49. 2600/2400

50. 910 litres

51. Radiator room

52. Radiators, Atmospheric air

53. 5 kg/cm2

54. 6 kg/cm2

55. 8

56. Soft grease

57. Exhaust gases

58. Inter cooler

59. Lube oil

60. 25 to 65

61. Lead position.

62. Open position.

63. 3Kgs.

64. Working control stand SA9 cock open and non working SA9 cock close or both open.

65. F1 selector. 66. Formation brakes fail.

67. To release conjunctional.

68. 95.105MM.

69. 1.8kgs/cm2.

70. Close.

71. Brake power will be very poor.

72. To show the rate of leakage in BP.

73. C2 relay valve.

74. Additional C2 relay valve.

75. WSR.

76. DMR.

77. Engine RPM comes to idle, Automatic switching on of flasher light, audio and visual take place.

78. 100 KMPH.

79. 120 KMPH.

80. 120 KMPH.

81. 120 KMPH.

82. 160 KMPH.

83. 100 KMPH.

84. Flasher light.

85. 50MM

86. For one Wheel full and for other wheel half.

87. 76 sec.

88. They should get repair or fail the locomotive.

89. Fail the locomotive.

90. 76 percentage.

91. Switch off, FPB, CCEB, AGFB, in failed loco.

92. Closed.

93. Brake power will be very poor.

94. Working control stand A9 cock may be in closed position and non working control stand A9 cock may be in open position.

95. Both control stands A9 cocks may be in open position.

96. Apply SA9, Apply A9 to emergency position, Apply Hand brake, Keep the skids under neath the loco motive wheels, apply hand brakes of formation based on gradient, advise guard to apply hand brake of brake van.

97. PCS.

98. MCB1& MCB2.

99. 1016.

100. 1095.

101. 100.

102. 40.

103. 60.

104. 29.

105. 32.

106. 6.0

107. 6.5

108. 1030.

109. 1105.

110. Dead, close.

Official Language - Descriptive Questions 

1 When was official language act formed?

2 Write the communication procedure between „A‟ and „B‟ region central govt. officers.

3 Write the communications procedure between central govt. and state government offices of various regions.

4 Write the communications procedure between state govt. offices of various regions.

5 What are the states in „A‟, „B‟ and „C‟ regions?

6 Write short notes on proficiency in Hindi.

 7 Write short notes on working knowledge on Hindi.

8 Write short notes on manuals, codes other Literature articles of …. etc. to be maintained in relation to official language act.

 9 What are examinations will be held for improving Hindi and explain them briefly. 10 What are the incentives to be given to clerks in encouraging Hindi?

11 What are the incentives to be given to stenographers in encouraging Hindi?

12 What are the awards established for promoting Official language?

13 What is the importance on forming of official language?

14 Write your suggestions to improve the implementation of official language. 

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