Question Bank - OPERATING ( For Group "B" / Guard / Station Master etc) Part - 3 H - Circumstance For Authorities

Question Bank - OPERATING ( For Group "B" / Guard / Station Master etc) Part - 3 H - Circumstance  For Authorities

 Write the circumstance in which the following authorities are issued: 

1. T/ 806 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 2. T/ D 602 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

3. T/ 511 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

4. T/ 609 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

5. T/ 409 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

6. T/ B 409 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

7. T/ A 409 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

8. T/ A 602 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

9. T/C 602 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

10. T/512 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

11. T/509 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

12. T/A 912 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

13. T/1410 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

14. T/369 (1) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

15. T/369 (3b) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

16. T/A1425 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

17. T/B 1425 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

18. T/C 1425 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

19. T/D 1425 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

20. T/D 912 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

21. T/C 912 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

22. T/B 912 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

23. T/B 602 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

24. T/E 602 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

25. T/F 602 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

26. T/G 602 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

27. T/H 602 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------


1. For Shunting purpose. 

2. During TSL working on double line. 

3. While starting a train from unsignalled line. 

4.  Issued by Guard to Loco Pilot for taking part load from block section to next station. 

5.  Caution order to give information of temporary speed restrictions.

 6.  Reminder caution order during pushing back.

 7.  NIL caution order, when there are no temporary speed restrictions in section. 

8.  For sending assisting Engine / train into obstructed block section. 

9.  For starting the train during all communication fail on Double line. 

10. For starting the train from a line with common starter signal.

11.  To receive a train on obstructed line. 

12.  To pass automatic, semi automatic stop signal, gate signal at ON position. 

13. Train intact arrival register for Guard’s signature. 

14.  Pre-intimation from station in rear to pass the First stop signal at ON position. 

15.  To pass the stop signal at ON position. 

16. Filled by outward SM when line clear is not obtained on Block Instrument. 

17.   Filled by inward SM when line clear is not obtained on Block Instrument. 

18.  Paper line clear Ticket, for UP direction 

19.  Paper line clear Ticket, for DN direction. 

20.  When all signals failed in automatic section for a prolonged period. 

21.  Sending assisting train / Engine in to obstructed Automatic block section. 

22.  When both signals and communication failed in Automatic section. 

23. To open the communication during all communication failure in single line. 

24. To ask for line clear for more than one train during all communication failure in single line. 

25.  Line clear reply message during all communication failure in single line. 

26. Line clear Ticket on Single line during all communication failure (Up direction)

27. Line clear Ticket on Single line during all communication failure (Down direction)

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