Question Bank & Answer - Operating / Traffic Part - 1C - Fill in the blank Part I

Question Bank - OPERATING ( For Group "B" / Guard / Station Master etc) Part - 1C - Fill in the blank Part I Fill in the blanks:

 Fill in the blanks:

201. If the block instrument becomes defective on a double line, ___ signal is also treated as defective.

202. Block section is protected by the ______________________ signal.

203. Line clear is obtained from __________ / ________ to send the train upto IBS.

204. After ACF, all the related authorities are inspected by _____________ and its report is sent to DRM within 7 days.

205. Sounding of 4 hooters means ____________.
206. Dead engine is attached at ___________ position on a Mail / Express train.

207. If the points are set for main line, point indicator gives ____ light in the night.

208. At a C’ class staion in two aspect signalling system, _______ and home signals are provided.

209. If position light shunt signal is placed below a stop signal, it shows _______ light in ON condition.

210. 400 meters beyond the home signal of a C’ class station is called as _____.

211. If the Loco Pilot sounds long short long short whistle and passes the home signal it means ____________.

212. If the Loco Pilot stops after passing the home sinal and sounds long short long short whistle, it means ___________________.

213. To start the train from a line with common starter, _____ authority is issued.

214. The number of line clear ticket in up direction is _________.

215.  The number of line clear ticket in down direction is _________.

216. To start a train from unsignalled line ____ authority is issued.

217. In case of defective head light, _________ bell code is given on block instrument to the station in advance.

218. Except __________ signal, cabin master shall not show any other signal from his cabin during shunting.

219. In case of defective home signal of C’ class station, T/369(3b) authority is issued on which ______ of the staion in advance is written.

220.  Signal that controls the entry of trains into the block section in advance is called as _________.

221. Calling on signal shows ______ light in off position in two aspect signalling system.

222. Shunt signal is a ___________ signal.

223. IBS shows ________ light in normal condition.

224. While passing through the non-interlocked points, maximum speed of the train shall be _________ km/h.

225. In case of home signal defective the speed of the train while passing over the poins  shall not be more than ___ km/h.


201)  last stop signal         202) Last stop signal      203) Track circuit / axle counter    204)  TI

205) Road mobile ARTand MRV required at home station    206)  next to Engine     207) White

208) Warner             209) Nil            210)  Overlapping block section                   211)  train parted

212) train divided    213) T / 512     214) T/C 1425      215) T/D 1425       216) T / 511

217) 000000 - 0      218)  red hand signal     219)  Private Number   220)  Last stop signal

221) Yellow     222)  Subsidiary     223) Red      224) 15 km/h       225) 15 km/h

226. Number of the caution order is ________.

227.  Number of the Nil caution order is __________.

228. Number of the Reminder caution order is _________.

229.  Warner signal is of ________ shape in TALQ signalling system.

230. During TSL working in thick and foggy weather, speed of the first train shall not exceed _______ km/h.

231. In case of train parting ______ bell code is given on block instrument.

232. Adequate distance kept beyond the starter signal to take off the home signal is called as _________.

233. To admit the train on loop line, generally the far end points are to be ser for ________.

234. Capacity of a catch siding is _____________.

235. Capacity of a slip siding is _____________.

236.Loco Pilot shall sound ________ whistle if SM do not exchange hand signals.

237. Visibility test object is placed at a distance of _____ meters from the station building.

238. Sounding of _______ hooters means accident of goods train at home station.

239. In case of block forward, private number of _____________ station is written on shunting authority.

240. Signal overlap at a terminal station with multi aspect colour light signalling is ______.

241. Maximum speed of trains during day in case of OHE failure is ________.

242. Signal passed at danger is treated as __________________ accident.

243. In case of 1 in 100 rising gradient, _________ siding is provided.

244. Time taken by train running at MPS is called as __________________.

245. Time taken by train running at booked speed is called as __________.

246.  Station limit is the portion between ____________.

247. Authorised officer of Central Railway is _____________.

248. Illuminated A marker of semi-automatic signal means _______________.

249. Block overlap in two aspect signalling system is _________ meters.

250. Block overlap in multiple aspect signalling system is _______ meters.


226) T/ 409      227) T/A 409      228) T/B 409     229)  fish tailed    230) 25 km/h   231) 000000-000

232) signal overlap      233) main line    234) equivalent to length of full train   235) 3 or 4 wagon

236) two short       237) 180 meter     238) 2     239)  same station, T /806     240) Nil  241) 60 km/h

242) Indicative    243) slip     244) Minimum Running Ttime     245) Normal Running Time

246) outermost signal      247)  COM    248) working as Automatic signal   249) 400    250) 180

251. There are 8 appendices and ________ parts in SWR.

252.  Target time for departing ART during day is 30 minutes and during night is _________ minutes.

253. Permission to run C’ class ODC is given by CRS and the maximum speed of train is ________ km/h.

254. Maximum No. of ___ coaches can be attached in rear of SLR of passenger train.

255. In case of vehicles escaping on wrong line, ________ bell code is given on block instrument to inform the station in advance.

256. Distant signal shows _______ light in normal condition in double distant signalling is provided.

257. If the vehicles escaped on right line on a double line _______ bell code is given to the station in advance.

258. Speed of the last train during ACF on double line is _____ km/h.

259. Maximum speed of shunting of wagons with explosives is _____ km/h.

260. Caution order is carried forward at stations on ________ at 09:00 hours.

261. Caution order is carried forward at stations on Monday at ______ hours.

262. Where there is no TSR, station master shall make entries in ________

263. DRM nominates ________ for each section to issue caution orders to train crew.

264. If the train passes through without headlight, SM shall give _______ bell code and advise the reason.

265. ________ is measured with the help of anemometer.

266. If the SE (P.way) is not with the train, maximum speed at the spot of lurch shall be _____ km/h.

267. Semi-automatic signal is identified by ________.

268.Shunting restrictions of station is written in _________.

269. Signals are normally located to the ________ side of the line.

270. D class station board is placed _____ meters from the end of the platform.

271. Passenger warning board is placed at a distance of _______ meters from the first stop signal.

272. Semaphore of the signal is painted in the colour as it shows in the night in _______condition.

273. Colour of the semaphore calling on signal is ____________.

274.  Colour of the semaphore Distant signal is ___________.

275. Colour of the semaphore repeating signal is ___________.

251) 12       252) 45     253) 25    254) 2    255) 000000-0000    256) two yellow    257) 000000-00000

258) 25/10/walking           259) 8            260) Monday           261) 09:00            262)  station diary 

263)  caution notice station         264) 000000-0          265)  wind velocity                266) 10         

267)  illuminated A marker        268)  SWR       269) left      270) 500                271) 1000

272) on     273) white     274)  yellow          275)  yellow

276. In double Distant signalling, outermost signal is called as _______.

277. In double Distant signalling, outermost signal post is painted with __________.

278. Under approved special instructions, Distant signal can be placed along with the _____________________ signal of the station in rear.

279. Material train is a ____________________ train.

280. Troop train is a ____________________ train.

281. In-charge of material train is _____________.

282. When more than one shunt signal is placed on a single post, top most signal is provided for _________ line.

283. For passing shunt signal at ON during shunting, it is mentioned on _________.

284. Maximum speed of shunting is ____________________ km/h.

285. Maximum shunting speed of passenger train is _________________ km/h.

286. ____________________ bars are used to indicate the signals not in use.

287. While performing shunting _________ shall be informed first.

288. While attaching an engine to a passenger train, it shall be stopped _______ meters before the train.

289. Minimum sighting distance of distant signal is _______ meters.

290. Minimum sighting distance of inner distant signal is ____ meters.

291. Minimum sighting distance of warner signal is ____ meters.

292. Minimum sighting distance of outer signal is _______________ meters where the speed is more than 100 km/h.

293. Minimum sighting distance of outer signal is _______________ meters where the

speed is less than 100 km/h.

294. T/409 is issued for ______________________ speed restrictions.

295. Permission to attach crane by passenger train is given by ______________.

296. If the distance between obstruction and the train is ______, then it is treated as  averted collision.

297. Loco Pilot will pass automatic signal in On position after waiting for 01 minute by day and ____ minutes by night.

298. Livestock is attached at ____ position from engine on a goods train.

299. Permission to run goods train without brake van is given by _________.

300. Damaged wagon is attached at _______________ position on a goods train.


276)  distant       277)  black and yellow      278) last stop      279)  Departmental     80)  passenger

281) Engineering official        282)  outermost left line     283) T/ 806    284) 15      285) 15

286)  cross          287)  Passengers         288) 20      289) 400            290) 200             291) 400

292) 1200            293) 800      294) temporary    295)  COM           296)  less than 400 meter

297) 2             298)  second      299) Sr.DOM / DOM      300)  rear of brake van

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