

Q.1.- Describe in brief format in which a Detailed Estimate of Construction covering all activities will have to be arranged ( without quantities ) for                                          
                A Road Over Bridge for PWD on deposit Term Basis.
                Railway siding for a cement Plant on  deposit Term Basis.
Q.2.- Write short notes on any Three of the following -                                
i)    Part I & Part II Audit Reports.
ii)   Advice Note.
iii)  Stock Sheet.
iv) Write Off.
v)  Final Bill.

Ans.- ( I ) Part I & Part II Audit Reports –
The DAuO conduct inspection of the executive and subordinate offices of the entire division once in 3 years. Programme is made in advance and the concerned officers are advised in advance so as to enable them to keep their records ready.
The reports, as a result of such inspections consist of two parts –
Part I – Contains more important irregularities.
Part II – Contains minor irregularties.
The final disposal of Part II audit notes rests with the Accounts Officer and no reply to the divisional audit Officer is necessary. However, when required these should be made available to the DAuO.
Replied to Part I are to be submitted by the Divisional Officers to the DAuO through the Divisional Accounts Officer, as early as possible ( within 2 months ) indicating there in the action taken. The closure of the objections rests with the ADuO.

( ii ) Advice Notes –
Advice Notes to prepared on form no. S- 1539 returning to stores. Separate Advice Note should be prepared for each group and for new, second-hand, crap and condemned materials and should show the nomenclature and other particulars of the stores, the head or heads of account to be credited as well as the rates and value of the stores.  Separate serial numbers should be given for Advice Notes originating from each shop.
The foreman returning to stores should retain one copy as his block foil send the remaining four foils along with the materials to sub-ward-keeper.
The materials should be checked with the Advice Notes and arranged for inspection and valuation by the Depot Officer or a gazetted officer on his behalf.  Immediately after the stores the stores in stock are valued, the sub-ward-keeper should complete the four foils in this respect, take into stock (either his own or that of the parent ward) and initial the advice Notes and send them to the depot office through the parent ward where they should be assigned R.O. numbers as usual.
The four foil, after signature by the Depot Officer or a gazetted officer on his behalf, should be disposed of, as follows:-
The first foil retained as record,
The second foil sent to the returning officer,
The third and fourth foils sent to the Stores Accounts Office after the numerical ledgers    
have been posted.

( iii ) Stock Sheets  -
The proper custody and accountal of stores is the prime duty and function of an executive or the stockholder. To ensure this verification of stock is done either departmentally or by the Accounts stock verifier. The stock verification sheets are prepared giving the numerical balances of items as in the ledgers and actual stock. The verification between ledger balances and actual stock are clearly brought out. The verifier and the stockholder jointly sign these sheets.
One copy of the sheet is kept with the stock verifier and three copies are handed over to the stockholder. The stock holder is required to offer his explanation for variation and recon cite the discrepancies and submit the sheets in duplicate to the divisional office for scrutiny and acceptance. These sheets are then forwarded by divisional office along with their remark to the Accounts.
Clearance of out standing S.V. Sheets is closely watched by the department and also by accounts. At the time of handing over charge the stock holder is required to clear the out standing S.V. Sheets for any reason the same should be recorded in the handing over notes by the stock holder.

( iv ) Write off –
When ever any sums become accrued due to the railway for any kind of services rendered of sums due to the recovered under extent procedure from staff / Parties considered as irrecoverable either fully or partially are said to be written off under competent authorities sanction with out collection of effecting recoveries. The communications authorizing non recovery / not collection are called write off sanction.

( v ) Final Bill :-
The final bill prepared on form No. E 1338 should be  used for making final payments . i.e. On closing running accounts for works . Normally only one final bill should be prepared against an agreement or work order . But in cases where groups of annual repair works are included in one agreement or work order there is no objection to more than one final bill being prepared on the completion of each group or certain groups.

Q.3.- State the agency would meet the expenditure on following cases:    
      i. Construction of a level crossing meant to meet Railway’s Statutory Liability.
     ii. Construction of a new ROB / RUB to meet demand due to increased road traffic.
    iii.Replacement of a Busy Level Crossing by an RUB which was originally provided at Railway’s cost.
   iv. Widening of Existing ROB.
    v.Upgrading of a level Crossing.
   vi.Interlocking of an existing Level crossing

Ans.- ( I ) The Construction of a level crossing meant to meet Railway's statutory, liability under the Railway Act is chargeable to the Railway.
( ii ) Construction of a new ROB / RUB to meet demand due to increased road traffic of the Road Authority, provided that in either case any extra cost due to additional width or length or other facilities required on account of probable future developments will be born by the Authority requiring such addition or facilities. 
( iii ) Replacement of a Busy Level Crossing by an RUB which was originally provided at Railway’s cost the apportionment of the cost of replacement will be as under :-
(i)         The Railway will bear 50 per cent of the total cost of the over or under-bridge including approaches. The total cost would include the cost of diversion of road, sewers, cables, gas and water mains, etc., but would exclude the cost of acquisition of any land and structures thereon required for approaches or diversions.
(ii)        The Road Authority will bear 50 per cent of the total cost of over or under-bridge including approaches, etc., as referred to above and the cost of acquisition of any land required for approaches and diversions and structures thereon.
( iv ) Existing road over Bridge is required to be widened  the cost will be borne by the authority requiring such widening. Any extra cost due to additional width or length or other facilities required by any authority shall be borne by that authority.
( v ) Upgrading of a level Crossing is chargeable to the Railway.
( vi ) Interlocking of an existing Level crossing is chargeable to the Railway.


Q.1.- ( a ) What is the procedure for creation of additional posts for additional assets.
         ( b ) How Group ‘D’ vacancies are filled up these days on Railways.  
Ans.- ( a ) Creation of additional posts for additional assets –
Railway Board have banned of all posts of Gazetted and Non gazetted staff in the open line on Revenue Account.
General Manager have full powers for the creation of non gazetted posts for operation and maintenance of new / additional assets with matching surrender.

Q.2.- What procedure is to be adopted for change of classification of staff from one category to other under HOER Rules.                                                                       

Q.3.- What is meant by –
         Permanent total disablement & Permanent partial disablement in case of an accidental injury to Railway workman. What is the compensation admissible in both the cases?
 Ans.-   Permanent Total disablement -  Such disablement, whether of a temporary or permanent nature, as incapacitates a workman for all work which he was capable of performing at the time of the accident resulting in such disablement.
Permanent Partial disablement -  Where the disablement is of a temporary nature, such disablement as reduces the earning capacity of a workman in any employment in which he was engaged at the time of the accident resulting in the disablement, and, where the disablement is of a permanent nature, such disablement as reduces his earning capacity in every employment which he was capable of undertaking at that time.
The amount of compensation is payable only if the injury manifest beyond the period of three days following the date of accident. Amount of compensation Payable – 60 % of average monthly wages ( max. 2000 ) multiplied by age factor = Rs. 60000/- minimum.                                                                                                       


Q.1.- Explain with hand sketch, the method of building a bridge under running line by ‘box pushing’ method. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this method.

Ans.- Box pushing’ method –
Technique of Box pushing is used an opening with out causing disruption to traffic. The process of box pushing consists of the following steps.
A reinforced concrete thrust wall of adequate height, Thrust bed, Jacking pit, reaction frame is constructed  from the slope of bank at the proposed bed level as per approved drawing. Then the work consists of construction of RCC box over the thrust bed and a cutting edge frame to be fixed at the end of box and pushing  same by using Jacks under the existing railway embankment.
A jacking rig having pockets for provided 6 hydraulic jacks of 50 MT capacity each is fixed vertically against the thrust wall. Oil pressure is than applied to the Hydraulic jack which forces the shield and the box in to the slope of the bank. The earth falling inside the shield is removed manually.
The process of pushing continues till the cutting edge comes out from the other end and is taken out by providing some temporary arrangements to protect the slope of the bank.
While jacking of the precast boxes to form of opening under the railway under traffic conditions maximum allowable deviation at any time from the theoretical alignment will be limited to 200 mm horizontally and 100 mm vertically. Any deviation beyond this tolerance will have to be rectified.
Grouting of all joints after completion of pushing with epoxy compound so as to make then water tight. Removal of all existing under ground as well as over head obstruction in the railway area near the site of the work which are likely to obstruct the work of box pushing is to be removed before operation of pushing.
Adequate precautions are taken to watch the bank on top so that no disturbance to the running traffic takes place. Also alignment of pushing is checked from time to time with the help of a theodolite.
Necessary provision of opening in the roof of Boxes for bentonite pumping if required for pushing of boxes safely to be made and bentonite slurry to be injected. The work will be carried out under suitable speed restriction.

Advantages – 
              i.     In this method work can be done with out any traffic block.
             ii.     In this method Crane not required.
Disadvantages –
              i.     At the time pushing alignment, level of track should be disturbed which is to be attended frequently.
            ii.     At the time pushing should be keep close watch of Railway Track.
           iii.     At the time pushing RCC Box alignment should be disturbed which is to be rectified.

Q.2.- Please explain the important items to be observed while inspecting a multi span plat Girder Bridge of 18.3 m span.
The Assistant Engineer shall inspect every bridge on the sub division including road and foot over bridges once a year after monsoon during the prescribed months and record results in ink in the Bridge inspection register.
Bridges the condition of which warrant special attention should be inspected more frequently.
In case of Girder Bridge 3 x 60 feet Bridge classified on major Bridge. For major bridges entries of bridge inspection should made under the following heads –
  1. Foundation & flooring – Extent or scour and damage.
  2. Masonry – Condition and extent of defects.
  3. Protective works – Scour slips or settlement.
  4. Bed Blocks – Tendency to movement and cracking.
  5. Bearing and expansion arrangements – Defects in seatings and expansion arrangements.
  6. Steel work – Structural condition of girders and Paint.
  7. Sleepers – Condition and renewals required.
  8. Track – Defects in line and level.
Under each head the first entry should state whether the previous year’s notes have been attended.

Q.4.- Explain in brief the classification of Rail / weld defects for need based concept of USFD.
Ans.- Classification of Rail / weld defects for need based concept of USFD - 
1. For Rail Defects -
Probe used
Nature of defect
Oscillogram pattern
1. Normal probe (sensitivity set with 5 mm dia. standard hole at rail web foot junction).
Within fish placed zone
A. Any defect connected with the rail end in any location (head, web, foot junctions) of the rail end covering both the bolt hole length.
1. No back echo, and 2. Flaw echo with or without multiples
B. Any defect connected with the rail end in any location (head, web, foot junctions) and covering first blow hole or any defect connecting both bolt holes or any defect originating from bolt holes and extended upto head web junctions.
1. No back echo, and 2. Flaw echo with or without multiples
Outside fish plated zone Any horizontal defect progressing transversely in the rail head.
1. No back echo 2. Shifting flaw echo with normal probes.
70probe (sensitivity set with 12 mm dia. standard hole at rail head).
A. Any transverse defect in the rail head at one location within 1 m of fish plated joint, or at more than one location less than 4 m apart in length beyond fish plated joint.
Flaw echo of 50% horizontal scale movement and 60% of full scale height or more.
B. Any transverse defect in the rail head at any location.
Flaw echo of 30% horizontal scale movement and 20% of full scale height or more.
In case of open top major bridge including 100 m of approach on either side, other criteria remaining same, for transverse defects 15% or horizontal scale movement and 20% of full screen height or more shall qualify as REM.
2. Weld Defects –
0 & 70 probe
Same as applicable for rails to be tested along with rail.
80O probe (Flange testing for AT welds)
A moving flaw signal of 50% or more height observed in any of the six zones.
A moving flaw signal of 40% or more height observed in any two zones.

Q.5.- List the various types of small track machines. Write short notes on any two small track machines.

Ans.- Small Track machines – Various small track machines are as under -
( I ) Rail Drilling Machine.    ( ii ) Rail Sawing machine.    ( iii ) Sleeper drilling machine.
( iv ) Portable rail grinding machine.   ( v ) Flexible Shaft Grinder. ( vi ) Hydraulic Rail Bender.     ( vii )  Rail Joint Straighter.        ( viii )  Hydraulic track lifting cum slewing device.                           ( ix ) Non infringing track jacks.                      ( x ) Light weight Hydraulic Jack.
( xi ) Rail straightness recorders.  ( xii ) Long rail skates.  ( xiii )  Insertion Tool for elastic rail clip. ( xiv ) Special tool for handling of concrete sleepers.          ( xv ) Multipurpose portable welder.   
( xvi )  Chamfering equipment.                                  ( xvii ) Semi mechanized ballast screener.
( xviii ) Rail reprofiling machine.         ( xix )  Rail creep adjuster.            ( xx ) Sleeper Squarer.
( xxi ) Ballast Compactor.                  ( xxii )  Rail Tensor.                      ( xxiii ) Rail Lubricators.  
( xxiv ) Bolt/ Nut Tightener.    ( xxv ) Mono Rail wheel barrow.

Rail Drilling Machine –
This is a self powered small portable machine used for drilling holes in the rails for fish bolts etc. The machine is light weight and the total weight including all attachments is about 50 kg. The machine can drill holes from 22 mm to 35 mm dia in all types of rails. The time required for drilling a hole varies from 3 to 5 minutes including attaching and removal of the machine unit.

Rail Sawing machine –
Rail Sawing machine is a self powered machine which can be used for cutting the rails. The saw frame and blade are precision adjusted in cutting position by means of a shaft allowing displacement along with it is approximately 30 mm. The machine generally weight about 75 kg and have cutting height and length up to 190 mm. The machine is able to deliver a cut within 5 to 15 minutes.

Q.6.- ( a ) What are the different methods of chlorination available for disinfection of water? Indicate the form of chlorine use in each of them.                    
         ( b ) What do you mean by and how do you check ‘residual chlorine’’?     

Ans.- Chlorination –
The process of applying small quantities of chlorine   or chlorine compounds to water is called chlorination.
The form in which Chlorine can be applied may be any one of the following –
1. Bleaching powder 2. Hypochlorities   3. Chloramines   4. Chlorine dioxide    5. Liquid chlorine 6. Chlorine gas.
Chlorination should be done generally using chlorine Gas or other similar methods by Engineering department. At other places chlorination has to be done by mixing good quality bleaching powder solution at a particular rate with raw water in the pumping main at the pump house it self or at the high level storage Tanks by the IOW. 
Different form of chlorination –
  1. Plain chlorination
  2. Pre chlorination
  3. Post chlorination
  4. Double chlorination
  5. Break point chlorination
  6. Super chlorination
  7. De chlorination
Plain chlorination -             
When only chlorine treatment is given to raw water the process is termed as Plain chlorination.
Pre chlorination –
When chlorine is added to raw water before any treatment, the process is termed as Pre chlorination.
Post Chlorination –
When chlorine is applied after all the treatment, the process is termed as Post chlorination.
Double chlorination –
When chlorine is added to raw water at more then one point, the process is termed as Double chlorination.
Break point chlorination –
The process of adding chlorine beyond the Break point is called Break point chlorination.          
Super chlorination –
The application of excess amount (residual chlorine 0.5 PPM To 2 PPM) of chlorine thus removes high concentration of Taste Odour & Bacteria. The type of treatment is termed as Super chlorination.
De chlorination –
The process of removing excess chlorine from water is called De chlorination Following chemicals are used for this purpose  – Sodium bisulphate, Sodium thiosulphate, Sodium sulphate, Potassium per magnate, sulphur dioxide, activated carbon.
( b ) Residual chlorine: -            
The amount of chlorine remaining at the end in treated water after chlorine used in killing bacteria’s called as Residual chlorine. The dose should be such that a residual chlorine of about 0.2 PPM appears in water after a contact period of 20 minutes.
Free or Residual chlorine available in the water can be very easily found out using chlorotex apparatus (chloroscopes) such apparatus should be available with all engineering staff in charge of chlorination at filtration Plants.
Q.7.- Write short notes on any Two of the following -                                
a)    Cant Deficiency and Cant Excess.
b)    Score depth and danger level.
c)    Design mix and quality control in concrete.
Ans.- ( a ) Cant Deficiency and Cant Excess -
Cant Deficency –
Cant Deficency occurs when a train travels around a curve at a speed higher than the equilibrium speed. It is the difference between the theoretical cant required for such higher speed and actual cant provided.
Cant excess –
Cant excess occurs when a train travels around a curve at a speed lower than equilibrium speed. It is the difference between the actual cant and the theoretical cant required for such lower speed.
( b ) Score depth and danger level -
Depth of Scour-
The maximum scour depth in a stream can be ascertained when ever possible by actual sounding at or near the site proposed for the bridge during or immediately after a flood. Before the scour holes have had time to silt up due to allowance should be made in the observed depth for increase in scour resulting from-
  1. The designed discharge being greater than the flood discharge during which the scour was observed.
  2. The increase in velocity due to the obstruction in flow caused by construction of the bridge.
Where the above practical method of determining scour is not possible the following theoretical method may be used as a guide when dealing with natural streams is alluvial beds.       D = 0.473 [ Q / F ] 
Where D = Depth of scour below HFL for regime conditions in a stable channel in meters.
           Q = Design discharge in cumecs.  
           F= Silt factor = 1.76 √ m , m is the mean diameter of particles in mm.
Danger level –
It is not possible to lay down any adhoc levels for fixing danger levels. It has to be decided on the spot for each and every individual bridge depending upon the site conditions. Local conditions such as nature of bed, condition of approach bank, depth of foundation & free board to be allowed should influence the decision.
The marking of danger level would imply that is would be safe for the flood water to reach up to the danger level with out affecting the safety of the bridge structure or of its foundations or approaches. Danger level for a particular bridge should be fixed after site inspection, examination of records of past history, local enquiries about flood, afflux and velocity of water under bridge.
( c ) Design mix and quality control in concrete –
Design mix –
The mix shall be designed to produce the grade of concrete having the required workability and characteristic strength not less than the appropriate value. The tar gate mean strength of concrete mix should be equal to the characteristic strength plus 1.65 times the standard deviation.
The objective of concrete mix design is to produce a concrete of desired compressive strength with adequate workability. Design of concrete mix involves determine of the proportions of cement , water, course and fine aggregates.
Quality control in concrete –
Adequate quality control measures should be taken at the site of work. The construction should result in satisfactory strength serviceability and long term durability so as to lower the over all life cycle cost. Quality control in construction activity related to –
              i.     Proper design.
             ii.     Use of adequate materials and components to be supplied by the producers.
            iii.     Proper workmanship in the execution of works.
           iv.     Proper care during the use of structure.
            v.     Materials for concrete.
           vi.     The related plant and machinery, equipments.
          vii.     The tasks and responsibility of all persons involved.
         viii.     For adequate checking and control.
           ix.     Maintenance of adequate documentation.

Q.8.- Suggest a scheme for replacing of existing early steel plate girders of 10 x 18,3 m span by new MBG welded girders received at site on a single branch line non electrified section Daily / Weekly Blocks of required duration can be arranged on this section and adequate width is available on abutments and piers for temporary arrangements and all spans are having flowing water.

Ans.- For replacing of existing early steel plate girders of 10 x 18,3 m span by new MBG welded girders of the major bridge, The following are the four methods :-
1.    By slewing method – This method is suitable when there is adequate space to accommodate old and new spans on the abutment and piers.
2.    Replacing by sliding method – This method when there is no space to accommodate old and new spans on the abutment and piers, the new spans are erected with the help of trussels.
3.    Replacing by Rolling method – In rolling method the new spans are erected on the approaches hence that line is blocked. Diversion should be avoided by inserting the turnout before commencing the replacing work.
4.    Replacing by Service span method or Enveloping method – This is the most reliable method by launching the service span and replacing can be carried out advantage of this method.
Before taking the work of replacing CRS should  be approached for his sanction along with the method of replacing. CRS sanction should be obtained.
Draft circular notice to be prepared and published for the phase working and blocks.
Phase I – Obtain suitable block and launch the service span for the Ist span.
Phase II – Obtain suitable block, change the floor system from old spans to service span and allow the traffic with restricted speed.
Phase  III – Remove the old spans under suitable blocks.
Phase IV – Launch the new spans in positions with the help of check trolley under suitable block.
Phase V – Under suitable blocks change the floor system from service span to the new span.
Phase VI – Under the suitable block roll the service span to the next span.
This process is repeated till all the ten five spans are replaced.

Q.9.- Write the important items to be inspected during level Crossing inspection. How do you take census of traffic at level crossing.                
Ans.-Important items to be inspected during level Crossing inspection -
  1. Examination of Gate equipment and Gateman in Rules.
  2. Obstruction of view.
  3. Condition of sleepers and fittings, rails and fastenings inspected at least once a year or more frequently.
  4. The painting of gates and discs.
  5. Whistle boards and 'STOP' boards provided on the approaches to level crossings.
  6. The Assistant Engineer should inspect the equipment at every manned level crossing on the sub-division every six months, and examine the Gateman in rules during his inspection.
  7. The Assistant Engineer should scrutinise the manuscript register of level crossing maintained by the Permanent Way Inspectors and inspect as many level crossings as possible, when they are completely opened out during the year.
  8. Visibility Requirements for unmanned Level Crossings.
  9. Provision of speed breakers on the approaches of level crossing.
  10. Appointment of Gatemen , Rosters and Medical fitness Certificates.-
  11. Gate Lamps and Blinders.
Census of Traffic at Level Crossings –
Periodical census of traffic at all level crossings, unmanned/manned should be taken at least once in five years to review the classification, in the case of manned level crossing and need for manning in the case of unmanned level crossing. However, for manned level crossings with traffic density 75000 TVUs or more but less than 1 lakh TVUs, the census should be taken up once in a 2-1/2 years to determine their eligibility and priority for replacement with ROBs/ROBs on cost sharing basis. The total train vehicle units/day (Train units ´ vehicle units) are worked out taking the census for a week. Train, motor vehicles, Bullock carts and Tongas being considered as one unit. Cycle rickshaw/ Auto rickshaw being considered as half unit.

Q.10.- Describe briefly the specifications of machine crushed ballast. What are the important precautions required while measurement & passing of ballast.
Ans.- Specification for Track ballast -
Scope: These specifications will be applicable for stone ballast to be used for all types of sleepers on normal track, turnouts, tunnels and deck slabs etc on all routes
Basic Quality:  Ballast should be hard durable and as far as possible angular along edges/corners, free from weathered portions of parent rock, organic impurities and inorganic residues.
Particle Shape: Ballast should be cubical in shape, not be flaky and should have generally flat faces.                                                                                              
Mode of Manufacture:  To ensure uniformity of supply machine crushed ballast should be preferred for broad gauge and metre gauge routes.                            
Physical Prosperities
Ballast sample should satisfy the following physical properties
Aggregate abrasion value –
30% Max  for BG, MG & NG (Planned/sanctioned for conversion)
35% Max for NG&MG(Other than those planned for conversion)
Aggregate Impact Value –
20% Max  for BG, MG & NG (Planned/sanctioned for conversion)
30% Max for NG&MG(Other than those planned for conversion)
Size and Gradation -
Ballast should satisfy the following size and gradation:
Retained on 65mm sq. mesh sieve  - 5% Maximum and Retained 40mm sq.mesh sieve* 40% - 60% for machine crushed ballast only
Under Size Ballast :  The ballast shall be treated as undersize and shall be rejected if –Retention on 40mm Sq. Mesh sieve is less than 40% Retention on 20mm square mesh sieve is less than 98% (for machine crushed)
Stack Measurement: Stacking shall be done on a neat, plain and firm ground with good drainage.  The height of stack shall not be less than 1m except in hilly areas where it may be 0.5m.  Top width of stack shall not be less than 1.0m.  Top of stack shall be kept parallel to the ground plane.  The side slopes of stack should not be flatter than 1.5:1 (Horizontal: Vertical).  Cubical content of each stack shall normally be not less than 30 cum in plain areas and 15 cum in hilly areas.
Wagon Measurement - In case of ballast supply taken by direct loading into wagons, a continues white line should be painted inside the wagon to indicate the level to which ballast should be loaded.  The cubical content in cubic meter corresponding to which line should also be painted on both sides outside the wagon.
Shrinkage Allowance -Payment shall be made for the gross measurement either in stacks or in wagons without any deduction for shrinkage/voids.  However, when ballast supply is made in wagons, shrinkage up to 8% shall be permitted while verifying the quantities at destination.
Sampling and Testing -A minimum of 3 samples of ballast for sieve analysis shall be taken for measurement done on any particular date even if the numbers of stacks to be measured are less than three.
The test viz., determination of Abrasion Value, Impact Value and Water Absorption should be got done through approved laboratories or Railway’s own laboratories
Sample should be collected using a wooden box of internal dimensions 0.3mx0.3mx0.3m from different parts of the stack/wagon.

Q.11.- What are the different types of Patrolling? When these are adopted? What are points to be considered while preparing the charts?
Ans.-  Types of Patrolling.
1. Keyman's Daily Patrol. Every portion of the permanent way shall be inspected daily on foot by the keyman of the beat in which the portion of the track falls. Provided that the interval between such inspections may, under special instructions, issued by Chief Engineer be increased to once in two days in the case of specified section of lines with light and infrequent traffic.
2. Gang Patrol during Abnormal Rainfall or Storm. This patrol should, in case of heavy rainfall, confine its inspection to known points of danger, such as cutting or culverts likely to scour, banks affected by tanks likely to breach and bridge approaches. In case of high winds.
3.Night Patrolling during Monsoon. During the monsoon, certain section of the railway line, as may be specified, shall be patrolled to detect damage by flood, such as breaches, settlements, slips and scours and immediate action taken to protect trains.                            
4.Security Patrolling during Civil Disturbance and on Special occasions - On apprehension of a Civil disturbance, the Divisional authorities should contact the local Civil authority and arrange, as circumstances may warrant for security patrolling of the railway line. This may be arranged on the pattern of the monsoon patrolling with modifications, as deemed necessary, in consultation with civil authorities.
      Security patrolling on special occasions should be carried out according to the special instructions issued by the administration.
     The primary duty of the patrolman employed on Security patrolling shall be to protect trains against any condition of danger, such as tampering with track or obstruction placed on line.
5.Hot weather Patrolling for L.W.R./C.W.R. Hot weather patrol is carried out when the rail temperature reaches td + 20 degree or above.
6.Watchmen at vulnerable locations. In addition to patrolmen, stationary watchmen are posted at known or likely locations of danger or trouble.
Points to be considered while preparing the patrol Charts-
i)    Ordinary patrolling will be carried out by a single patrolman, but in regions where danger from wild animals, dacoits and other risks as in ghat sections exist, patrolling in pairs may be introduced with the approval of the Chief Engineer.
ii)   All trains carrying passengers between sunset and sunrise get the maximum protection possible.
iii)  As far as possible, each block section will be treated as a unit and the length will be divided into equal beats. The length of each patrol beat should not normally exceed 5 km. Where the block section is more than 10 km. an intermediate flag station, if any, or any other suitable point may be fixed as intermediate station, to keep the length of beat at about 5 km.
iv) The walking speed of a patrolman may be taken as 3 km. per hour.
v)  The maximum distance covered by a patrolman should not normally exceed 20 km. in a day.
vi) A period of at least & 1/2; hour rest is desirable between consecutive beats.
vii)If the frequency of train services is high, and one set of patrolmen is not able to cover all the trains in the section, a second set of patrolmen may be introduced to reduce the interval.
viii) For giving better protection to all the passenger trains, between sun-set and sun-rise it would be advantageous to plot the scheduled paths of all passenger trains and then plot the patrol movement in such a way, so as to minimise the time interval between patrolling of the beat and passage of train.

Q.12.- ( a ) As an AEN what precautions you will take while casting of an RCC slab of room.
           ( b ) Show the details of reinforcement of an over hanging canopy with a sketch.
Ans.- ( a ) Following precautions you will take while casting of a RCC slab of a room  
      i.        Adequate quantity of material of material of approved quality available at site.
     ii.        The form work props are in order.
    iii.        The reinforcement is as per approved drawing and spacers for cover is provided.
   iv.        Concrete is mixed in a mechanical mixture.
    v.        Least time less between mixing of laying of concrete.
   vi.        Foreign material such as wood shaving etc. are removed from form work before lay concrete.
  vii.        Water cement ratio is controlled.
 viii.        Cement added to the correct proportion.
   ix.        Compaction mechanically.
    x.        Provide opening / cavities wherever indicated.
   xi.        Laying to be done continuously. If unavailable take necessary precautions. 
( b ) Details of reinforcement of an over hanging canopy -

Q.13.- You have been posted as an open Line AEN in charge of works and track. Draw your annual inspection schedule taking into consideration the latest CE’s Circular on the subject.
Ans.- The important inspection to be carried out by Assistant Engineer are summarized below –
Works side –
1. Inspection of building and structures - Systematically inspect all buildings and structures periodically, One fifth every year on a Programme basis , 10% to 20% test check inspection of structures under each group, He shall record brief details of repair works to be carried out and plan to carry out the same.
He should also examine the Petty Repairs Book maintained by Section Engineer (Works) at stations.
2. Inspection Of Water Supply - The Assistant Engineer shall inspect water supply installations.  He shall ensure cleaning of overhead/underground storage tanks and proper disinfection of drinking water supply.
3. Inspection of Sewerage and Drainage System – Periodically inspect sewerage and drainage systems and its  efficient performance.
4. Inspection of Railway affecting works/ Railway affecting tanks (RAW/RAT) - Assistant Engineer shall jointly inspect with civil authorities, all RAW/RAT before the monsoons every year and arrange for their safe maintenance to avoid any danger to nearby tracks and structures.  Records of these annual inspections should be kept in registers as prescribed.
5. Land & Land Boundaries - Periodically inspect land and land boundaries in his jurisdiction.              
6. Private Siding – Inspect Private sidings maintained by private parties once in six month.
7.The Assistant Engineer should associate himself with various Committees and Groups such as the Colony Committee, the Sanitation Committee and the Station Improvement Group  as decided  by the Administration and take prompt action for items pertaining to his jurisdiction.
Schedule of Inspection Of Assistant Engineer ( as per C. E. circular No. 153 )
Schedule of Inspection in connection with maintenance of station and important Service building and structures as per C. E. Circular No. 153 are as under –
Category of building to be inspected
1.Staff Quarters- ( a ) Staff quarters at wayside stations .
                            ( b ) Staff quarters in major colonies.
2.Other important Structures and Service buildings- ( A ) Station buildings  ( i ) Station with waiting rooms & refreshment rooms. Way side stations.
( ii ) Junction and important Stations.
( B ) Important Service Building – ( i ) Rest house/ Retiring room.
( ii ) Running room.
( iii ) Cabins.
( iv ) Dispensaries.
( v ) Hospitals.
( vi ) Administrative offices.
( vii ) All sheds ( Loco, Goods , IRS type cover over.
( viii ) Roads, Platforms surface.
( ix ) FOB, ROB, RUB.
3.Water Supply – ( a ) High Service tanks & Under ground tanks.
( b ) Filter Plants and Chlorination plants.
( c ) open well and tube wells.
( d ) Reservoirs Dams Infiltration galleries.
4.Drainage –( a ) Under ground drainage system.
( b ) Oxidation ponds. ( c ) Septic tanks. ( d ) Manholes. ( e ) Aqua type chambers.
5.Gardening – ( a ) Lawn –
                        ( b ) Nursery.
6.Land – ( a ) Verification of land boundary in station yard ( where IOW is Stationed )
( b ) Checking encroachments.
( c ) Licensing of land .  ( d ) Shops.
7.Stores.- Departmental verification of stores.
Once in 2 years.
Once in a years.

Half Yearly
Half Yearly
Half Yearly
Half Yearly
3 Years
Once a year.
10 Nos. in 2 years.
Once in 6 months
Once in 2 years.

Once in 3 years
P. Way side
1. Inspection of Permanent Way The important inspections to be carried out by the Assistant Engineer are summarised below :
(1) Trolly Inspection – The entire sub-division should be inspected by trolly once a month.
(2) Fast Train Inspection – The entire subdivision should be covered by Engine (foot plate)  once in a month.
(3) Inspection of Level Crossings – He should inspect all the manned level crossings once in six months.
(4) Checking of curves – The Assistant Engineer shall check at least one curve in each P. W. I.’s jurisdiction every quarter by verifying its versine and super-elevation.
(5) Checking of Points and Crossings – He shall inspect once a year all points and crossings on passenger lines and 10 percent of the points and crossings on other lines.
(6) Monsoon Patrolling – When Monsoon Patrolling is introduced he should check the work of Patrolman at night once in a month.
(7) Track on Bridges – The track on Girder Bridges should be inspected as a part of the annual Bridge inspection.
(8) Scrutiny of Registers during Inspection– He should scrutinise the registers maintained by P W I, such as Creep register, Curve register, Points and Crossing register, SEJ and Buffer rail register, Gap Survey register and Section register.
(9) Inspections of L W R / C W R Track – The Assistant Engineer shall inspect the SEJs/Buffer                         rails provided in the L W R / C W R track once in every six months.

Q.14.- What are the items to be attended on the track for getting best result from machine tamping at the following periods –
i)    Before Tamping.
ii)   During Tamping.
iii)  After Tamping.
Ans.- The following items to be attended on the track for getting best result from machine tamping –
( i ) Before Tamping -
      i.        Field survey should be carried out to determine existing profile of track.
  1. The beginning and the end of curve/transition curves should be marked on sleepers. Super-elevation and slew should be marked on alternate sleeper to act as guide for the operator.
    iii.        Ballast shall be heaped up in the tamping zone to ensure effective packing.
  1. Hogged, battered and low joints shall be attended.
  2. Low cess should l be made up.
  3. Track drainage should be improved for better retentivity of packing, Pumping locations should be attended. Ballast should be replaced with clean and angular ballast.
  4. Deficient fittings and fastenings should be made good and all fittings and fastenings like fish bolts, keys, cotters, loose jaws, elastic rail clips, pads etc should be properly tightened. Worn out fittings should be replaced.
  5. Broken and damaged sleepers shall be replaced.
   ix.        Sleepers should be squared, correctly spaced and gauge corrected.
  1. Destressing of rails, adjustment of creep, expansion gaps in joints, buffer rails and SEJs etc.,if necessary shall be carried out.
  2. Guards rails at the approach of bridges and check rail shall be removed temporarily.
  3. All obstructions such as rail lubricators, signal rods, cable pipes, which are likely to obstruct the tamping tools should be clearly marked and made known to the operator before the start of the work.
  4. In electrified sections, the earthing; bond should either be removed or properly adjusted for tamping.
( ii ) During Tamping –
  1. The gap between top edge of the tamping blade and the bottom edge of the sleeper in closed position of the tamping tool should be adjusted depending upon the type of rail and sleepers. The gap for different types of sleepers will be as under:
a)    Metal sleeper : 32-25mm
b)    Flat bottom sleeper : 10-12mm
  1. The tamping (Squeezing) pressure should be adjusted according to the type of sleeper as under:
a)    CST-9 sleeper : 90 - 100 kg/
b)    ST or wooden sleeper : 100 - 110 kg/
c)    PSC sleeper : 110 - 120 kg/
  1. Care should be taken to ensure that tamping tools are inserted centrally between the sleepers into the ballast to avoid damage to sleepers. The number of insertions of the tamping tool per sleeper varies with the type of sleeper and the amount of track lift to be given. While tamping, following guidelines should be adopted:-
a)    CST-9 sleepers and steel trough sleepers may require double insertion before passing on to the next sleeper.
b)    Wooden sleepers, require one insertion up to 20 mm lift and two insertions for lifts above 20mm.
c)    One additional insertion for joint sleepers will also be required.
d)    Concrete sleepers require one insertion up to 30 mm lift. Two insertions may be required for lifts above 30mm.
  1. For maintenance packing, squeezing time of 0.4 second to 0.6 seconds should normally be adequate. Higher squeezing time may be required for track with caked up ballast.
  2. The machine should have full complement of tamping tools. The tamping tools should not be loose or worn out. The wear on the tool blade should not be more than 20% of its sectional area.
   vi.        A ramp of 1 in 1000 shall be given before dosing the day's work and obligatory point.
  1. Care shall be taken to provide for Slew and lift compensation as necessary. Heavy slewing or lifting should normally be done in steps of not more than 50 mm. For LWR/CWR track, the relevant provisions of. LWR manual shall be adhered to.
  2. During tamping, the parameters of tamped track should be checked immediately after tamping for cross level and alignment and necessity corrective action should be taken.
( iii ) After Tamping –
  1. Checking and Tightening of loose fittings.
  2. Replacement of broken fittings.
  3. The ballast shall be dressed neatly. Proper consolidation of ballast between the sleeper shall be done.
  4. Final track parameters should be recorded with the help of recorders provided in the tamping machine. A copy of this record should be kept with the Section Engineer (P. Way).
  5. If the recorder is not available, then track parameter of at least four stretches of 25 sleepers per kilometer of tamped track should be recorded. In addition, the versines and super-elevation of curves shall be recorded for at least ten stations at a specified cord length.
  6. The fixtures like check rails removed during pre-tamping operation should be restored.

Q.15.- What are the various items to be checked while inspecting 1 in 12 turnout on PSC sleeper with CMS crossing and curved switch.

Ans.- After laying in track, the resurfaced points and crossing shall be inspected quarterly in order to record the amount of wear on the nose, left wing and right wing rail as well as stock and tongue rail and also for the structural soundness, presence of disintegration or any other defects. Wear shall be recorded in crossing at ten different locations marked (A1, A3, B1, B3, C1, C2, C3, D1, D2 & D3) as shown in Fig and in tongue rails at seven different locations starting from one at toe to places each 100 mm away towards heel side and up to 600 mm from the toe.
The following aspect of these points & crossings should be regularly checked and recorded in a register –
Maximum misalignment on 7.5 m chord any where on the run through lie from the stock rail joint to the backing of the crossing. Misalignment defect beyond 3 mm are to be attended to within 3 days of inspection. Cross level at 15 cm from the nose of crossing defects beyond 4 mm are to be attended to immediately.
Wear at the nose of the crossing on high speed route of BG wear should not exceed 4 mm.



Q.1.- Describe in brief format in which a Detailed Estimate of Construction covering all activities will have to be arranged ( without quantities ) for                                        
                A Road Over Bridge for PWD on deposit Term Basis.
                Railway siding for a cement Plant on  deposit Term Basis.


Q.1.- ( b ) How Group ‘D’ vacancies are filled up these days on Railways.                   
Q.2.- What procedure is to be adopted for change of classification of staff from one category to other under HOER Rules.                                                             

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