CIVIL ENGINEERING – 31July 1993 ( Supplementary )

Q.1.- Write short notes on any Three of the following -                            
a)  Single tender.
b)  P.P.E. Act.            
c)  Completion estimate.                       
d)  On Account Bill and Final Bill..                     
e)  MAS Account.                                                                          
( a ) Single Tender –
In case of emergency, the tender can be invited from a single contract provided that he should be from approved list of contractor.

( b ) P.P.E. Act :-               
Public Premises eviction Act – It is the act passed by the Parliament for eviction of unauthorised persons from the public premises.
Under this act Railway officers are nominated as estate officer to whom judiciary powers are allotted equal to civil judges.
Any order issued by Estate officer can not be quashed over ruled by other civil court except for appellant purposes.
Under this act action is taken against persons who have un authorisely occupied Government land building or using any fittings etc.
Different Forms used under this Act are as under –
Form No.
Sections & Sub sections of eviction act.
Sub sec 1 of sec 4
Issue of notice to show cause against order of eviction.
Sub sec 1 of sec 5
Order of eviction after hearing on show cause notice within specified time.
Sub sec 1 of sec 6
After waiting 30 days a notice to be issue of giving time limit of 14 days and circulate in one of the local news paper for recovery of the amount by auction.
Sub sec 3 of sec 6
Show cause notice for recovery of rent and arrears.
Sub sec 1 of sec 7
Order for payment of rent / license fee and arrears.
Sub sec 3 of sec 7
Show cause notice for recovery of damages and order for payment of damages as per schedules.
Sub sec 2 of sec 7
-  do  -
Sub sec 2 of sec 12
Order for asking information on schedule I & II as per section 12.
Sub sec 2 of sec 14
Certified and order letter to collector for recovery of amount due a land revenue.
Sub sec 2 of sec 13
Notice for recovery from their in case of deceased or defaulter.
( c ) Completion estimates –
A Completion estimate is prepared in super session of construction estimate. Following particulars are included in the Completion estimates.
                      i.    Amount of sanctioned estimate.
                     ii.    Actual expenditure on all works up to the date of construction estimate.
                    iii.    Commitments on that date.
                   iv.    Anticipated further outlay.
                    v.    Total estimated cost and
                   vi.    Difference between the sanctioned estimate and the estimated cost.
It is prepared on form No E 713.
( d ) On account Bill & Final Bill :-
On account Bill :- On account Bill  or running bill prepared on Form No. E 1337 is indicated for use in contract works only and not supplies . On account  payments before the completion of a work should be made through this form.
Final Bill :- The final bill prepared on form No. E 1338 should be  used for making final payments . i.e. On closing running accounts for works . Normally only one final bill should be prepared against an agreement or work order . But in cases where groups of annual repair works are included in one agreement or work order there is no objection to more than one final bill being prepared on the completion of each group or certain groups.
( e ) M.A.S. Accounts –
This stands for material at site account. This is a suspense head of account that is maintained to watch actual consumption of materials obtained for specific work such materials stores are requisitioned separately by the executive officer and consigned to the site of work. The monitory value of materials consumed is debited to the work concerned through works Register. The balance under this suspense represents materials on hand yet to be consumed.

Q.2.- Describe the various budget stages for review / modification of budget grants, what is the time schedule for the divisions to submit their requirements to the Head quarters at each stage?                                                                                          
Ans.- Following are the Budgetary reviews under taken on Railway during the course of a financial year –
    i.  August Review – This is one of the Budgetary reviewed stages. This is conducted in the month of August every year by all the spending units / executives to see that any modification are necessary in the allotments placed at the disposal at the beginning of the year.
   ii.  The second budgetary review is carried out at the time of submission of revised and Budget estimate. The revised estimates for the current year are shown on the basis of conclusions derived after this examination in respect of revenue expenditure.
  iii.  Modification Statements – Railway Administration are required to review the budgetary position even after the receipts of revised allotment and advise the position to Railway Board in regard to additional allotment required or surrenders to be made during the current year under each head of grant or appropriation. This is done through the submission of modification statements. First modification statement is sent to Board by 1st February and final modification statement is sent by 21 st February.

Q.3.- Distinguish between any three of the following -              
a)  Earnest money and security deposit.
b)  General Conditions of Contract and Special Conditions of contract.
c)  Revised Estimate and Supplementary Estimate.
d)  Final modification Material Modification.
e)  Reappropriation of Funds and Misappropriation of Funds.
( a ) Earnest money and Security Deposit –
Earnest money –
The Tenderer shall be required to deposit Earnest money with the tender for the due performance with the stipulation to keep the offer open till such date as specified in the tender. Earnest money should be either in cash, deposit receipts, pay orders, demand draft.
The earnest money shall be 2% of estimated tender value. The earnest money shall be rounded to the nearest Rs. 10/- . Earnest money shall be applicable for all modes of tendering
Security Deposit – A Security deposit is taken for the satisfaction of and efficient execution of the work within the agreed time from contractors. Such Security deposit may also be percentage deduction from on accounts bills of contractors called as retention Money usually 10% of the gross amount of bill. The scale of Security Deposit is as under –
  1. Contracts up to one lack in value 10% of the value of contract.
  2. Next one lack in value 7½% of the value of contract.
  3. For 3rd one lack and above in value 5% of the value of contract. Subject to maximum of 10 lacks.
The amount over and above 3 lacks to be recovered from the progressive bills of the contractor at the rate of 10% till it reaches the required value.
( b ) General Conditions of Contract and Special Conditions of Contract -
General Conditions of Contract – Operation of a contract is based upon the various stipulation contained in the General condition of contract. This is in the form of a booklet and forms as essential part of the tender documents and ultimately of the contract documents. It is essential that every body dealing with contract should be aware of the contracts of this booklet. These general conditions are normally applicable to all contracts and can be superseded when special conditions are specially formed and stipulated in the tender documents / agreement.
Special Conditions of Contract – These are the conditions which are not covered in the general conditions of the contract.
The special conditions of contract arise due to the site conditions and the nature of work to be carried out. These conditions are framed by the Executive and the contractor is bound to fulfill the conditions during the execution of specific works and all out general application.
( c ) Revised Estimate and Supplementary Estimate.-
Revised estimates –
Revision of estimates is some times necessary if there is rise in rates of materials, cost of labour, alteration in design etc. If the rise in the cost of work is likely to be more than 10% or Rs. 10,000/- a revised estimates is required to be made. Revised estimates should be prepared in the same degree of detail as the original estimates. The reasons for exceed should clearly explained.
Supplementary estimates –
If it is necessary to do any additional work, after an estimate is sanctioned or if any substantial changes are required to be made Supplementary estimates are made in a similar manner as the detailed estimate. The details of items should include only the extra amount of work needed to be executed.
( d ) Final modification Material Modification. -
Final Modification :- 
Railway administration are required to review the budgetary position even after the receipts of revised allotment and advise the position to Railway Board in regard to additional allotment required or surrenders to be made during the current year under each head of grant of appropriation . This is done through the submission of modification statements.
The third review is conducted in the month of February every year and is known as final modification. Actual expenditure during first Nine months and approximate expenditure for the Tenth month is reviewed and compared with: -
Budget grant/ revised grant (if received)
Budget proportion.
Actual expenditure during the last financial year.
Actual expenditure during corresponding period of the last financial year.
Material modification :-
No material modification in a work or scheme as sanctioned should be permitted or under taken with out the prior approval of the authority who sanctioned the estimate . In the case of estimates sanctioned by the Railway Board or higher authority instances of will be considered to be a material modifications of a sanctioned project or work are given in below –
The following may be taken as material modifications on the lines under construction and open line works estimated to cost rupees one crore and over .
Any change in the alignment likely to affect the facilities offered to the public in the neighborhood or likely to increase or decrease the length of the line by over one kilometer.
Introduction of any new station or omission of any station.
Any alteration in the type or number of engines or vehicles provided in an estimate for rolling stock.
A change in the layout of a yard affecting the general method of working or increasing or deducting the number of trains that can be dealt with.
    i.  Any departure from the standards of  construction as accepted by the railway board in the Abstract estimate or use of any second new material.
   ii.  The introduction or omission of any work or facility involving a sum of Rs. 5 Laces and over.
  iii.  Any modification of a sub work provided for in the estimate of a sanctioned work involving an additional out lay on that sub work of more than Rs. 5 laces.
  iv.  The introduction of any new sub work not provided for in the estimate of a sanctioned work involving an out lay of more than Rs. 5 laces.
   v.  Any alteration in the standards of inter locks.
( e ) Reappropriation of Funds and Misappropriation of Funds. -
Reappropriation  -   
The transfer of funds originally assigned for expenditure on a specific object to supplement the funds sanctioned for another object is called ‘’ Reappropriation’’.  
Misappropriation Of Fund  -
Misappropriation Of Funds allotted for specific works under capital or Revenue demand but the expenditure is incurred for another work for which there is no competent authority sanction i.e. expenditure is not voted by Parliament, voted by Parliament but not Reappropriated by the competent authority. Misappropriation Of Fund is a major irregularity in financial point of view and may invite accounts as well as audit objections.

Q.4.- Write short notes on any Three of the following -                         
a)  Trade Test.
b)  Over Time.
c)  Corporate Enterprise Group.
d)  Payment Of Wages Act.
e)  Minor Penalty.
( a ) Trade Test  -
With a view of perform the work in a trade an artisan staff should have the skill required for the trade and for this Railway workers classifications Tribunal in 1948 emphasized that the fairest and the best means of classifying the artisans in skilled and semi skilled in each trade should be through the trade test method.
The trade tests will be arranged by an Assistant officer of the branch concerned. The results of Trade test  should be supervised by an official not below the rank of IOW in charge.
The trade test result with the recommendations of the trade testing officer will be placed through the senior scale office of the branch concerned officer of deputy’s rank who are competent to approve of the trade test Assessments.
( b ) Over Time –
Under the HOER the earning of over time depends on the extra amount of work performed between the rostered hours and statutory limits or beyond the statutory limits on the basis of either daily or weekly or two weekly periods as may be prescribed for different categories.
The staff has to work over time when it is necessary due to accidents emergencies, clerical staff are not entitled for over time.
Over time is paid at one and half times of the wages per hour of duty if the employee has worked between the rostered limit and statutory limit and twice the ordinary wages per hour of duty if the employee has worked beyond the statutory limit.
( c ) Corporate Enterprise group:-
In order to have better and systematic participation of labour in management for improvement in working of Railway system and appropriate changes for improving efficiency and viability a Corporate Enterprise Group was set up at central level in ministry of railways in the year 1972.
This group consists of chairman members and secretary of Railway Board on one hand and on the other hand three representatives each of the NFIR and AIRF and one representative of the officer’s federation.
The Board objectives of the corporate Enterprise Group are to –
Evaluate functioning of the Railways and exchange data ideas on ways and means for improving the efficiency and viability of the enterprise.
Appraise the investment programme, particularly in regard to housing and welfare service.
Identify areas and devise action-oriented methods for maximizing organizational effectiveness the use of technology and towards building up the image of the railways as a service organization.
Staff matters including those which come within the purview of the PNM & JCM are not to be discussed by the Corporate Enterprise Group.
( d )The payment of wages Act 1936 –
This act makes provision for prompt payment of due wages to certain classes of persons employed in industrial establishments including Railway & Railway workshop whose wages do not exceed the limit as specified in the act. This also regulated deductions from wages of the persons governed by this act.
( e ) Minor Penalties :-
    i.  Censure.
   ii.  Withholding of Promotions for a specified period.
  iii.  Recovery from pay of the whole or part of any pecuniary loss caused to the government or railway administration by negligence or breach of orders.
 ( a ) Withholding of Privilege Passes or PTO’s or both.
 ( b ) Reduction to a lower stage in the time scale of pay for period not exceeding 3 years. NC and not adversely affecting pension.
  iv.  Withholding of increments of pay for a specified Period ( NC / C )

Q.5.- ( a )  ( i ) Who is the highest paid employee who is entitled to earn Bonus?   
                 ( ii ) When is an employee detained in custody deemed to be under suspension?
                 ( iii ) Under the Railway service conduct rules, above which financial limit is a non gazetted employee required to report a transaction in movable property? 

Q.6.- What are the various types of leave that an AEN can possibly get ? What are their respective entitlement/ which of these can be carried forward to the next year? What is the maximum limit to which the same can be accumulated?           

Ans.- Various types of leave that an AXEN / ADEN can possibly get as indicated below –

              i.     Earned Leave ( APL ) – Thirty days Earned Leave is credited to one’s leave account every year 15 days on 1st Jan. and 15 days on 1st July. Maximum leave that can be accumulated at any time is 300 days. Encashment of un utilized leave up to 300 days is permissible on retirement / death of an employee.
             ii.     Leave on Half Pay – It is earned at the rate of 20 days for each calendar year . Leave on Half pay can be converted in to full pay on medical grounds and also for approved course of study. The leave converted is called Commuted Leave. In case of grant of Commuted Leave twice the amount of such leave is debited against the half pay leave due. Half pay leave credited in 10 days on 1st Jan and 10 days on 1st July on every year. Encashment not permissible.
            iii.     Maternity Leave – It may be granted to female Railway employees for a period of 135 days on full pay provided they do not have more than one child. This is also admissible in case of abortion / miscarriage to the extent of 45 days in the entire service.
           iv.     Paternity Leave – A male Railway servant with less than two living children may be granted Paternity Leave for a period of 15 days during the confinement of his wife.
            v.     Study Leave – Study Leave up to a maximum period 24 months in the entire service may be granted to a Railway servant for undergoing a special course consisting of higher studies or specialized training in a professional or technical subject having a direct and close connection with the sphere of his duties or being capable of widening his mind and improving his ability as a railway servant.
           vi.     Casual Leave – casual leave is not a recognized form of leave. It can not be combined  with any other kind of leave. Holidays, Sundays falling within the spell of casual leave do not count as casual leave. The staff who are not permitted to enjoy all holidays are entitled to 11 days casual leave. Casual leave if not availed during a calendar year will lapse.

Q.7.- ( Compulsory ) Write short notes on any Six  of the following -                
a)  Under Reamed Piles.                  
b)  C.S.M.                    
c)  Track Recording.
d)  Railway affecting tanks.
e)  Over dimensional consignment ( O.D.C. )      
f)   Scour.                       
g)  Pressure Filter for drinking water supply.
h)  ‘A’ region states under Official Language Act.
i)    Security patrolling.
j)    Gauge conversion.
Ans.- ( a ) Under Reamed Piles –
Under Reamed Piles mainly used in shrinkable soils ( black cotton soils ) to over come the effect of differential settlement due to volumetric change in soil effected by seasonal variations. It can also be used for sandy and clayey soils. These are three type –
        i.Single under reamed piles.
       ii.Double under reamed piles.
     iii.Multiple under reamed piles.
The diameter of under reamed bulb is normally 2.5 times the pile diameter and spacing of bulb should not exceed 1.5 times of the bulb. The minimum diameter of piles should be 20 cm. The top most bulb should be at minimum depth of two times of the bulb diameter. Minimum spacing of piles should be two times the bulb diameter.
( b ) CSM –
A new type continuous action 09-CSM tamping machine has been introduced by M / S Plasser & Theurer. The actual work units however which consist of tamping lifting and lining units are positioned in a separate under frame and are moved in a work cycle from sleeper to sleeper.
Two independent tamping units are provided, one for each rail. These are attached to the machine frame by means of vertical guiding columns.  The tamping units are fitted to the satellite Frame.
The tamping units may be for tamping one sleeper or two sleepers or three sleepers at a time depending upon type/model of tamping machine. 16 tamping tools are provided for tamping each sleeper. The tools are arranged in pairs and each sleeper is tamped by 8 such pairs, on both side of each rail. The units are held by horizontal guiding column in order to slide sideways, which allows their automatic centering over the rails in curves.
The tools are vibrated by piston rods pivoted on eccentric shaft driven by hydraulic motors.
( c ) Track recording –
Track recording consists of objective method of assessment of the quality of track with the help of sophisticated equipments. A continuous record of various track parameters is made with the help of the track recording devices from which an assessment can be made about the running quality of track. Using any of the following equipments- normally does track recording
 i.          Hallade Track Recorder.
ii.          Amsler Track Recording Car.
iii.          Oscillograph Car.
iv.          Portable Accelerometer.
v.          Track Recording cum Research Car.
vi.          Track Recording Trolley.
( d ) Railway Affecting Tanks –
Where as per current practice the Public Works or Revenue Department forwards to the Divisional Engineer every year, their inspection reports on the condition of these tanks which are classified as Railway affecting, action should be taken as follows:–
(a) The Divisional Engineer should peruse the reports carefully and mark those tanks which he considers are not in satisfactory state of repair. He should then forward the reports to the Assistant Engineer with instructions that the tanks so marked should be inspected and reported on.
(b) The Assistant Engineer should inspect those tanks and report to the Divisional Engineer details of the action being taken by the Public Works or Revenue Department. The Divisional Engineer should prevail on the authorities concerned to carry out all necessary repairs before the ensuing monsoon.
(c) Copies of the inspection notes of ‘Railway Affecting’ tanks as received from the Public Works or Revenue Department with particulars of date of inspection and notes of action taken or proposed by him should be included in the Register of Railway
Affecting Works maintained by the Assistant Engineer.
Vigilance over Railway Affecting tanks during heavy rains –
(1) the Divisional Engineer and the Assistant Engineer should arrange with the local authorities/village headman in whose jurisdiction ‘Railway Affecting’ tanks are situated to watch them during periods of heavy rain and give timely intimation to the nearest Station Master, if there is likelihood of any tank failing. The Station Master will telephone/ telegraph reports received from village Headman to the Permanent Way Inspector, Assistant Engineer and Divisional Engineer.
(2) When the railway line is threatened, the Assistant Engineer and Permanent Way Inspector shall take adequate steps to ensure the safety of Railway property and staff and arrange patrolling of the line and or post watchmen with necessary equipment at the place or places threatened and advise the Divisional Engineer accordingly.
(3) All the Bridges which are likely to be affected by Railway affecting tanks or other storage works should be provided with a tablet on top of one of the parapets, with the letters RAW engraved on it, followed by an arrow mark pointing in the direction of the railway affecting storage work in question.
(4) If the bridge in whose catchment a Railway affecting tank is located is classified as a vulnerable location, stationary watchmen should be posted during monsoon.
( e ) Over Dimensional Consignment –
Over Dimensional Consignment may be brought out here that the net clearance between the consignment as loaded and the fixed structure should be calculated after making an allowance from the gross clearance of 75 mm for bounce in the vertical direction on a straight track. In case of curved track the following additional factors should be taken into account.
  1. Horizontal Clearance – Allowance for lean due to super elevation and over head due to curvatures additional lurch on curves.
  2. Vertical Clearance – Vertical tilt to be added to the height of consignment.
Depending on the dimensions of the fully loaded consignments after allowing the extra clearance.
( f )  Scour-
The maximum scour depth in a stream can be ascertained when ever possible by actual sounding at or near the site proposed for the bridge during or immediately after a flood. Before the scour holes have had time to silt up due to allowance should be made in the observed depth for increase in scour resulting from-
  1. The designed discharge being greater than the flood discharge during which the scour was observed.
  2. The increase in velocity due to the obstruction in flow caused by construction of the bridge.
Where the above practical method of determining scour is not possible the following theoretical method may be used as a guide when dealing with natural streams is alluvial beds.       D = 0.473 [ Q / F ] 
Where D = Depth of scour below HFL for regime conditions in a stable channel in meters.
           Q = Design discharge in cumecs.  
           F= Silt factor = 1.76 √ m , m is the mean diameter of particles in mm.
( g ) Pressure filters: -
These are just like small rapid sand filters placed in closed vessels. Water passed under pressure such filters are located in airtight vessels. Water from the sedimentation tanks is pumped into the filter by mean of pumps. The pressure varies from 3 to 7 kg pressure. Filters are classified as –
1)         Horizontal pressure filter.
2)         Vertical Pressure filter.
The diameter varies from 0.30 m to 2.75 m and height varies from 2 m to 2.5 m in case of vertical pressure filter. In case of horizontal pressure filters the diameter varies from 2 to 3 m and length up to 9 m. The rate of filtration is 6000 to 15000 Lit. / hr / m2 of filter area. The cleaning is done in a similar way as in case of rapid sand filter. In order to increase the rate of filtration air pressure is generally maintained on the water surface.
These are less efficient than rapid sand filters in removing turbidities and bacteria’s. The quality of water is not good. These are preferred for treating smaller quantities of water and are best suited for swimming pools, railway stations, private estates, individual industries etc.
( h ) ’A’’ Region states under official language Act :-
States coming under ‘’A’’ Region states under official language Act, are as under –
Bihar  ,  Haryana  ,  Himachal Pradesh  ,  Madhya Pradesh  ,  Rajasthan ,  Uttar Pradesh and The Union territory of Delhi .
( I ) Security Patrolling –
Security Patrolling of the specified section is done on special occasions link civil disturbances strikes etc with the object of protect trains against any sabotage etc like tampering of track placing of obstructions on the line etc.
( j ) Gauge Conversion -
All the advanced countries of the world have recognized the need for uniformity of gauge. There are a number of problems that have cropped up on the Indian railways because of three gauges. The evil effects due to the change of gauge ( more popularly known as break of gauge ) are numerous and some of these are enumerates below –
    i.  Inconvenience to Passengers.
   ii.  Difficulty in transshipment of goods.
  iii.  Inefficient use of rolling stock.
  iv.  Hinderance to fast movement of goods and passenger traffic.
Serious problems exist on Indian Railways due to break of gauges but unfortunately the BG and MG systems have developed simultaneously to such an extent the converting the whole system into one uniform gauge at the stage has got deep financial and operational implications. Indian Railways have however recently taken up some gauge conversion projects totaling about 300 rout kms for converting meter gauge lines into broad gauge lines in order to accelerate and remove bottle necks for movement of passenger and goods traffic.
Q.8.- ( a ) What do you understand by gap survey? On what type of track is it carried out and when? What is the follow up action.                                      
        ( b ) What do you understand by distressing? On what types of track is it generally done? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a rail tensor for distressing work?                                                                                  
Q.9.- A bridge of 2 x 3.05 m arch is distressed and required to be rebuild. What type of new bridge would you recommended as replacement? Explain briefly with a neat free hand sketch as to how you would execute the work?                              
Q.10.- An Express train has derailed in mid section in your jurisdiction as an AEN, you are the first officer to reach the site. On reaching the site, you are sure that apart from serious injuries, some deaths have also taken place. Explain in brief what action would you take in order of precedence till a more senior officer arrives and there after.   
Ans.- The following steps will be taken –
 i.   Protect the train by flags/ lamps / detonators. In the case of double line if the other lie is also affected by the accident steps should be taken to protect both the lines.
ii.   Reason the trapped and render first aid to injured, first aid can be given by calling doctor even from out side as well as request those who are traveling by the train.
iii.   Preserve clues if any in case of sabotage is suspected and / or till joint measurements are taken.
iv.   Survey the site and advice on field phone to higher authority for relief operation required for restoration as well as for medical help.
v.   Protection of property of passangers.
vi.   Prepare dimensional sketch.
vii.   Arrangement for restoration of traffic after relief train has arrived and in case of suspected sabotage.
viii.   Arrangement for transshipment if required.
After this immediately a message will be sent to head quarters office through senior official giving full details of accident such as section location, time , persons , injured, dead, relief required damage to P.Way and structure, material and labour repaired type of track involved and if possible probable cause of accident etc. to be given.

Q.11.- What are steps required to be taken to acquire land for new line/ Part of the Alignment passes through Forest Land. Is it possible to commence the work before compensation has been paid to the landowners? If so under what circumstances and how?
Q.12.-  Distinguish between any three of  the following.                            
a)  Slip Siding and Catch Siding.                                           
b)  Reinforced concrete and pre stressed concrete.
c)  Permanent and Temporary adjustments of dumpy level.
d)  On track tamper and Off track temper.
Off Track Tampers –
Off Track Tampers are portable tempers and can be taken off the track in a short time. These tampers are like tools driven by compressed air, electricity or petrol. These tampers work during the interval between trains and do not require any traffic block. These Tampers worked in pairs from opposite sides of the sleepers diagonally under the rail seat in order to have maximum consolidation of ballast.

Q.13.- ( a ) What are the works require the sanction of CRS?                   
           ( b ) Indicate the following dimension for BG track -             
1.    Minimum clearance at checkrail on level crossings.
2.    Maximum distance apart between trolley refuges in tunnels.
3.    Maximum horizontal distance from center of track to the face of a goods platform.
4.    In 25 kv AC electrified section, the minimum height above rail level for a distance of 1600 mm on either side of the centerline of track for a road over bridge.
5.    The minimum length and depth of a bridge timber resting directly on longitudinal girders.
6.    Maximum gradient that can be normally permitted in the station yards on a new line under construction.
Q.14.- The roof of a rectangular hall 6.00 m wide and 21.00 m long is supported by rectangular RCC beams located 3.00 center to center. Assuming the thickness of slab to be 10 cm. design an intermediate beam using M 150 concrete and a live load 500 kg/ m2, ignore ‘T’ beam affect. Indicate clearly the assumptions made.                          
            Make a neat sketch showing the reinforcement details.                            



Q.1.- Write short notes on any Four  of the following -                             
a)  Tender Committee.                                          
b)  Proprietary Article certificate.                     
c)  Termination of contract.                                                              
d)  Operating ratio.                       
e)  P.P.E. Act.            
f)   Revenue Grants pertaining to Engineering Department.
g)  Fixing of License fee for Railway land.
Q.2.- Spot the correct answer for each of the following questions from amongst the multiple choice given against each. Each correct answer gets you 2 marks, while each wrong answer would attract a penalty mark of 1.
         ( a ) A candidate has to pass a trade test to get promoted from-
                      i.       Highly skilled Fitter Gr. I to SOM.
                     ii.       Hammer man to Black smith.
                    iii.       Junior clerk to Senior Clerk.
                   iv.       None of these.
         ( b )  Engagement  of Casual labour ( fresh faces ) can be done under personal approval of -     ( 1 ) G.M.       ( 2 ) C.E.     ( 3 ) D.R.M.       ( 4 ) Sr. DEN.
         ( c ) The normal upper age limit for recruitment of group ‘D’ service in Railway is –
       ( 1 ) 25 years.       ( 2 ) 28 years.      ( 3 )  30 years.       ( 4 ) None of these.
         ( d ) Night duty allowance is payable for performance of duty between –
                      ( 1 ) 22.00 to 08.00 hrs.                       ( 2 ) 00.00 to 08.00 hrs. 
                      ( 3 ) 22.00 to 06.00 hrs.                       ( 4 ) None of these.
        ( e ) Leave on half average pay can be converted into ‘commuted leave’ as leave on average pay for half the period on - 
                      ( 1 ) Medical ground only.                                    ( 2 ) In emergent cases.  
                      ( 3 ) When LAP due to the employees in nil.       ( 4 ) For higher studies.
          ( f )   An employee  can request for voluntary retirement after putting in minimum service of -   ( 1 ) 15 years.     ( 2 ) 20 years.     ( 3 ) 25 years.    ( 4 ) None of these.
Q.3.- What are the entitlement of a monthly rated casual labour? What additional benefits does he get when absorbed against a regular post?                                
Q.4.- Write short notes on any Three of the following -                           
a)  Declaration under service conduct Rules.
b)  Family Pension.
c)  Hours of Employment Regulations.
d)  Compassionate appointment.
e)  Major Penalty.                                   
Q.5.- Write short notes on any Five  of the following -               
a)  Hot weather patrolling.              
b)  Rail Tensor.        
c)  Well foundations.
d)  Land acquisition Act.
e)  CRS Sanction.                                
f)   Cover in RCC.               
g)  Oiling and greasing of Important Bridge.
h)  POH of the tie Tamping Machine.
Rail Tensors –
For distressing and permanent repairs Indian Railway have procured a few Rail Tensors either of hydraulic type called hydro stressors or of mechanical type called mechanical rail tensor.
A hydro stressor consists essentially of a hydraulic pump which transmits its force through connecting vans to clamps which grips the rail. In case of mechanical tensor the force is exerted mechanically by longitudinal jacks by means of this force the rail can be pushed or pulled to a desired length. In case of pushing the force should not exceed 30 tons otherwise the track is likely to buckle on that account. The rail are however normally pulled only during the distressing operations. The rail tensor is capable of distressing a rail at any time when the rail temperature is less than distressing temperature.

Q.6.- A single storied community hall 30 x 9 m size has a R.C.C. roof. The roof slab overhangs beyond the outer walls by 1.0 m on all sides. Draw a neat free hand sketch including the arrangement of typical reinforcement required for the beam and slab arrangement by drawing a cross section.                                                                   
Q.7.- Explain the action to be taken after a weld failure has been reported in a LWR track.
         If there are frequent weld failures in a section, what could it indicate and what is the remedy?                                                                                               
Q.8.- ( a ) What do you understand by the provisions of section 3 ( 3 ) of the Official languages Act?                                                                                                     
         ( b ) As per the extent instructions are the schedules of inspection of an AEN of the following -                                                                                   
1.   Catch water and side drains in cuttings.
2.   Infringements.
3.   Surprise Inspection of payments of PWI / IOW.
Q.9.- Distinguish between the following. Attempt any four.                          
e)  CTR value of the track and CTR of track.
f)   Reinforced concrete and pre stressed concrete.
g)  CSM and TRT.
h)  Channel sleepers and S.T. sleepers.
i)    R.H. Girder and Early steel girder.
j)    Ruling Gradient and Compensated gradient.
Q.10.- A 1 x 4.57 m span distressed arch bridge is to be rebuild fully ( including sub structure and foundation ) with a 1 x 6.10 m PSC slab bridge. Height of formation above bed level is 6.0 m. Bottom of the proposed and existing foundations is 1.50 m below bed level. Other dimensions may be suitably assumed. No raising of the existing rail level is necessary. Please draw a neat dimensioned sketch indicating the temporary arrangements required to carry out this rehabilitation work.                
Q.11.- ( a ) Describe in brief the various tests laid down to judge the portability of drinking water?                                                                                          
            ( b ) Draw a neat sketch showing the general layout of a ‘ Sujala type of filtration plant.  
Q.12.- A serious accident involving a Passenger carrying train on a double line section has led to both deaths and grievous injuries, the affected train was an up train but the derailed vehicles are also fouling the DN track. You are the first officer to reach the site. Described briefly the action required to be taken by you at the site of the accident in order of priority.                                                                            



Date : 20.11.1993                   ( Maximum Marks 150 )                          Time :  3 hours
Q.1.- Write short notes on any Four  of the following -                          
a)  Procedure for calling and finalization of single tender.
b)  PU-27 and PU- 28 for stores expenditure.
c)  Procedure for approval of works at divisional level.                   
d)  List of passenger amenity works.
e)  Capital Fund.          
f)   Liability register.
g)  Material modification.
PU-27 and PU-28 for stores expenditure - 
The primary units are an important and integral part of the classification of expenditure as they serve to analyse the expenditures by the elements of cost viz wages / stores / other expenditure etc. A few examples of classification using the code of primary units of expenditure. The code 27 representing  PU-27 ( Primary unit 27 ) ‘’ Cost of material from stocks. And the code 28 representing  PU-28 ( Primary unit 28 ) ‘’ Cost of material direct purchase.

Q.2.- What are the latest instructions regarding fixing of gang strength of P. Way gangs.  
Q.3.- If a working monthly rated casual labour dies in service, what are the rules and procedure for compassionate appointment?                                                                   
Q.4.- What are minor penalties and what is the procedure for imposing these?        
Q.5.- If you are the senior most officer at a site of Passenger train accident, what action will you take?                                                                                                                       ( 30 )
Q.6.- What are the rules regarding adoption of steel girders, composite girders and prestressed concrete girders / Give advantages and disadvantages of these type of girders.   ( 24 )  
Q.7.- What could be reason for pealing of concrete cover of RCC slab Bridge? What action will you take for repair of such a bridge? What precautions should be taken during construction to avoid such a failure?                                                              ( 24 ) 
Q.8.- What are rules regarding provision of LWR on girder bridges? Why LWR is not allowed on certain girder bridges?                                                                                    ( 24 )
Q.9.- Why it is necessary to record conditions of track both by a track recording car and by an accelerometer mounted on coaches? Which track defects remain undetected even after using both above methods of testing?                                                             ( 24 )
Q.10.- What are the advantages of using 60 kg 90 UTS rails on heavy traffic density routes? What are the do’s and don’ts to be observed while using 60 kg, 90 UTS rails?     ( 24 )
Q.11.- ( a ) What are the classification of states regarding correspondence in Hindi? What are the rules regarding Hindi correspondence with different types of States?    ( 15 )
            ( b ) Give your opinion regarding relative advantages and disadvantage of trolley and foot inspection of track.                                                                                   ( 9 )
Q.12.- How water supply requirement of a railway station is calculated, and what are the rules regarding providing proper source, pumping and storage.                                     ( 24 )
Ans. - Requirement   of Water  -
The scale of daily supply may be computed on the following minimum basis unless other wise justified by particular circumstances allowance should be made for future development.
Officers  & Staff Qrt.  *
200 Lit. / Head/ Day.
45 Lit. /Head/ Day.
25 Lit. / Head/ Day.
30 Lit. / Head/ Day.
450 Lit. /Bed/ Day.
135 Lit. /Bed/ Day.
15 Lit. / Seat/ Day.
Retiring Room  & Rest House.                    
180 Lit. / Bed/ Day.
Apron Washing
10 Lit. / M2.
Plate Form Washing.                                      
5 Lit. / M2.
Running Room.                                                
250 Lit. / Bed/ Day.
Carriage Washing - [A] On Washing Line.

                                 [B] On Plate Form.
3600 Lit. / Carriage. For [B.G.]
2600 Lit. / Carriage. For [M. G.]
500 Lit. / Carriage.
Passenger On Plate Form. **
25 Lit. / Passenger.
Carriage Watering.  ***
[As Per Actual requirement.]
Gardens  & Lawn.                                           
22500 Lit. / Hector.
Road Watering.                                                
2800 Lit. /Km./ Day.
Fire   Service.                                                  
5% To 10%
10% To 15%
  •     Number of persons considered in a quarter shall be taken 5.
** Number of passenger considered on a station shall be equal to    passenger entraining at the station plus half of the passengers detraining.
*** Quantity of water required for train originating station shall be equal to the full capacity of tank for all the coaches for trains scheduled for watering on other stations only 75 % capacity filling may be considered.
Tank capacity – 225 lit [in BEML coach]  & 275 lit [in ICF coach] each four tanks in a carriage i. e.  – 900 lit / carriage  & 1100 lit / carriage.
Actual Fire demand may be calculated by following formula: -
1.   Buston ‘s formula         Q  = 5663 Ö  P             
2.   Freeman’s formula     Q  =  1136.5 [ P / 5  + 10 ]
3.   Kuichling’s formula   Q  =  3182 Ö P
4.   National Board of fire under writers formula     Q  =  4637 Ö P [ 1- 0.01 Ö P ]
       Where   Q  = quantity of water required in liter / min.
                     P  =  Population in thousands.
Capacity Of Source -   
Ordinarily, in the summer season sources should be able to supply in eight hours the quantity of water normally consumed in a day.        
Capacity Of Pumping -
  [1] In 12 hours or less the normal quantity required in 24 hours,
  [2] In 16 hours or less the present maximum quantity required in 24 hours.
  [3] In about 20 hours the estimated maximum future requirement in 24 hours.

Storage Capacity: -

     [1] With   Efficient   Stand   By Pump.
              (a) ¼ the maximum water   consumption in 24 hours.
              (b) 1/3 the normal water consumption in 24 hours.
     [2] With Out   Stand   By   Pump: -
              (a) 1/3 the maximum water consumption in 24 hours.
              (b) ½    the normal water consumption    in   24 hours.

Q.13.- What quality controls are to be observed in an earthwork and RCC / PRC work of a new line construction? What records are to be maintained in this regard?                   ( 24 )

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Q Bank - Establishment / Personnel Dept. (82) Q Bank - Electrical Engineering (80) Q Bank - OS / Clerk / Typist (72) Q B Engg (P Way & Work) (67) Q BANK - Operating (63) Group 'B' Exam (60) Q Bank - APO ( Asst. Personnel Officer) (57) QUESTION BANK WITH ANSWER (55) Q B Establishment (48) Q Bank - Goods Guards (45) Q Bank - OHE/TRD/PSI (36) Q B - CIVIL ENGINEERING (AEN) (27) Q B - Welfare Inspector (27) Q BANK - C & W ( Carriage & Wagon ) (26) Q Bank - Account (24) Q BANK - LOCO (23) Q BANK Exam - Station Master (23) Q Bank - Commercial (22) Q Bank - AOM (19) Q BANK - Station Master (18) Q Bank - S & T (14) 1. Syllabus (13) Q Bank - D & AR (Discipline and Appeals Rule) (12) Q Bank - Medical (12) Q Bank - Posts (Civil Engineering & P way) Dept (12) 2. Q Bank - Group D To C (11) INDEX (11) QB - ENGINEERING ( MECHANICAL ) (11) Q Bank - LOCO (Diesel) (9) Q Bank - ACM (Assistant Commercial Manager) (9) Q BANK - Jr Engineer ( Diesel Mechanical ) (8) Q BANK - LOCO (AC) (8) Q Bank - Law Assistant (8) Q Bank - AME/AWM (7) Q Bank - Group D To C (6) Q Bank - General Knowledge (5) Q Bank - Publicity Inspector (5) Q Bank - Rajbhasha (राजभाषा) (5) Q Bank - Stores (5) RRB EXAM (5) NTPC (4) Q Bank - ADSTE / ASTE (4) Q Bank - AEE (4) Q Bank - CLI (4) Question & Answer (4) Q Bank - Appointment On Compassionate Ground Exam (3) Q Bank - Commercial Instructor Exam (3) Q Bank - Engineering (Bridge) (3) Q Bank - IT (3) Q Bank - Protocol Inspector (3) Q Bank - RPF Department (3) Short Notes (3) Q BANK - Jr Engineer ( Mechanical ) (2) Q Bank - C & M (2) Q Bank - CCTC (2) Q Bank - Carpenter (2) Q Bank - General English (2) Q Bank - Jr Engineer (Tele) (2) Q Bank - Ministerial Staff (2) Q Bank - Track Machine (2) Q Bank -Section Controler (2) Video (2) ABB (1) FAQ (1) GDCE Exam (1) IRMS (Indian Railway Management Service (1) JUNIOR ENGINEER (Non -AC) GRADE - II (1) Minimum Wages Act (1) Project & Planning (1) Q BANK & Answer - C & W ( Carriage & Wagon ) (1) Q BANK - Shunting Master (1) Q Bank - Instructor (1) Q Bank - AMM (1) Q Bank - All Department (1) Q Bank - Ballast Train Checker (1) Q Bank - Complaints Inspector (1) Q Bank - GK (Computer) (1) Q Bank - Leave Rule (1) Q Bank - Mason (1) Q Bank - Maths (1) Q Bank - NPS (New Pension Scheme) (1) Q Bank - OS / Clerk Typist (1) Q Bank - Pass Rule (1) Q Bank - Planning Inspector (1) Q Bank - Railway (GK) (1) Q Bank - Stenographer (1) Q Bank - Technician (Ele) (1) Q Bank - Traffic Costing Inspector (1) Question Bank - Technicians of TLAC Group. (1) Short Notes - Establishment (1) Short Notes - Operating / Traffic (1)