Question Bank - LGS ADEN

Question Bank - LGS - ADEN  1998 

P. Way

Q.1.- Write short notes on -

i. Railway affecting Works.

ii. CMS. [LGS 1998]

iii. Cumulative frequency diagram for curves.

iv. Switch Expansion Joint.

v. Lubrication of Rail joints.

Q.2.- ( a ) What are the permitted locations for LWR/CWR?

( b ) Why LWR require distressing?

( c ) What is breathing length?

( d ) What is a hot weather patrolling and when is it necessary?

Q.3.- ( a ) Enumerate the Pre-temping and Post-temping operations in a section under machine maintenance.

( b ) What precautions will you take to obtain a good results for cast in situ weld?

( c ) How will you utilize CMS 2000 for improving the running quality of your section?

Q.4.- ( a ) What are the various categories of Over dimensional consignments ( ODCs )? Who can authorize their movement?

( b ) Give the following Schedule of dimensions for Broad Gauge section -

i. Maximum spacing of bridge sleepers.

ii. Maximum distance apart of trolly refugees on bridges.

iii. Maximum gradient in station yards unless special safety devices are provided.

iv. Minimum radius of curves.

v. Minimum distance center to center of tracks.

vi. Maximum distance of checkrail opposite nose of crossing.


Q.1.- Write short notes on -

i. Under Reamed Piles.

ii. Water Cement Ratio. 

iii. Direct maintenance of quarters.

iv. Prestressed Concrete.

v. Earth Work compaction at optimum moisture content

vi. Dumpy Level.

vii. Pressure Filter for drinking water supply.

Q.2.- Describe any type of foundation you would recommend for a double storied building in black cotton soil area. The depth of BC soil is up to 3.0 m. Data required if any may be assumed.

Q.3.- Design and draw neat sketch of a septic tank for colony having 100 units of quarters. Indicate and design the arrangements for disposal of affulents, if there is no natural drainage such as a nallah or a river, nearby.

Q.4.- A Beam A B 10 meter long is simply supported at 2 m and 1 m from A and B respectively. The Beam carries a uniformly distributed load of 200 kg per meter and concentrated loads of 1500 kg and 2000 kg at A and B respectively.

Draw the shear force and bending moment diagrams and also calculate the maximum bending moment. 


Q.1.- Write short notes on -

i. Afflux. 

ii. Early steel girders.

iii. R.H. girder.

Q.2.- In an embankment 3 m high, a culvert 1 x 3.0 m arch is in distressed condition and is required to be rebuild. Describe the phase of work, illustrating by neat sketches. The depth of foundation existing is 1.2 m below the bed level.

Q.3.- ( a ) What precautions are required for achieving good quality in painting of steel girders?

( b ) Illustrate with sketches the following types of girders, and the locations for their adoption-

1. Deck Type Girders.

2. Under Slung Girders.

3. Through Type Girders.

4. Semi Through Type Girders.

Engg Code

Q.1.- Describe the various kinds of tender system for letting out works on contracts.

Q.2.- Write short notes on -

i. Deposit works.

ii. Supplementary estimate.

iii. Arbitration.

iv. Stock verification Sheets.

Q.3.- What are the different types of Engineering surveys under taken before construction of a new line/ Explain their scope and significance.

Q.4.- What are the various type of estimates prepared for railway works? Essence in 4-5 lines for each of them should be given.

Question Bank

Finance Rules

Q.1.- Describe the various budget stages for review / modification of budget grants.

Q.2.- Write short notes on -

i. Pink book.

ii. Urgency Certificate.

iii. Canons of financial properties.
iv. Depreciation reserve Fund.


Q.1.- ( a ) Describe briefly the provisions of the Payment of Wages Act.

( b ) Who is eligible to get PLB as per extant instructions?

Q.2.- Write short notes on -

i. Hours of Employment Regulations.

ii. Compassionate appointment.

iii. Permanent Negotiating machinery. [

iv. Staff benefit Fund.

v. Family Pension.

vi. Section 3 ( 3 ) of Official Language Act.

Q.3.- ( a ) Enumerate major and minor penalties under the Railway Rules for discipline & Appeal.

( b ) Describe in brief the procedure for imposing of a major penalty on a Railway Servant? 

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