I RLY Q BANK - Commercial - REFUND

1 Minimum cancellation charges on reserved AC First class ticket is

[a] Rs.50/- [b] Rs. 30/- [c] Rs.20/- [d] Rs.10/-

2 When a I class reserved ticket is canceled one day in advance, the cancellation charge is equal to 

[a] 50% of fare [b] 25% [c] 75% [d] minimum cancellation charges.

3 If a train is canceled, full amount can be refunded at station upto

[a] 6 hours [b] 2 hours [c] 3 hours [d] 3 days

4 When a train is running late by more than 3 hours, ______ on cancellation of reserved tickets.

[a] cancellation charge due is collected [b] clerkage due is collected
[c] full amount is refunded [d] no refund is due

5 For trains leaving between 21.00 hours and 06.00 hours (actual departure), refunds shall be admissible within first ______ after the opening of reservation office

[a] 4 hours [b] 2 hours [c] 6 hours [d] 8 hours

6 _______ cancellation charges will be collected on tickets on which preponement or postponement of journey has been permitted

[a] one [b] three [c] two [d] four 

7 When a passenger holding reserved ticket is not provided with accommodation,________ on cancellation of the ticket

[a] full fare shall be refunded [b] minimum charges shall be collected
[c] clerkage will be collected [d] 50% of fare will be refunded

8 In case of death/injury to a passenger due to accident, 

[a] fare is refunded deducting clerkage [b] fare for the traveled portion is retained
[c] full fare for the entire booked journey is refunded [d] 10% of fare retained with Railway

9 When train services are dislocated due to bandh, agitation or rail roko 

[a] fare for the traveled portion is retained and the untraveled portion is refunded
[b] 25% of fare is refunded [c] 50% of fare is refunded [d] full fare is refunded

10 Duplicate ticket can be issued for the purpose of undertaking journey when ticket is

[a] lost [b] misplaced [c] torn/mutilated [d] all the above circumstances 

11 Unused wait listed or RAC tickets if canceled and if reservation is not confirmed at the time of cancellation ______ will be collected.

[a] 10% of fare [b] only clerkage [c] 25% of fare [d] 50% of fare

12 On party or family ticket in which some have confirmed reservation and other in waiting list/RAC, full refund of fare, less clerkage, is allowed for confirmed passengers also if the ticket is canceled

[a] within 4 hours before scheduled departure of train
[b] upto 4 hours after actual departure of train
[c] upto 12 hours after the departure

13 When confirmed reservation is provided to RAC/WL tickets at the time of cancellation

[a] only clerkage is collected [b] cancellation charges is levied as per rule
[c] 10% of fare only collected [d] none of these

14 When reservation for starting journey is confirmed but onward journey is not confirmed and such ticket is presented for cancellation 

[a] cancellation charges will be levied for the confirmed portion only
[b] only clerkage is collected
[c] Cancellation charges will be levied for the entire journey
[d] none of these

15 When reservation for starting journey is RAC/wait listed and onward journey is confirmed and such ticket is presented for cancellation

[a] cancellation charges will be levied for the confirmed portion only
[b] only clerkage is collected
[c] cancellation charges for the confirmed portion and clerkage for the RAC/wait listed portion [d] none of these

16 Ticket on which change of reservation was permitted from lower class to higher class, if canceled, ______ is collected

[a] cancellation charges due with respect to original reservation and time/date when change of reservation was allowed
[b] cancellation charges due with respect to altered reservation and the time/date of cancellation
[c] two cancellation charges due as mentioned in (a) and (b) above.
[d] none of these

17 When a passenger misses connecting train at any junction station due to late running of train by which he traveled, if surrenders the ticket for refund

[a] fare for the traveled portion is retained [b] fare for the un-traveled portion is refunded [c] refund is not allowed [d] none of these

18 When the train is canceled due to floods, breaches etc. ________upto 3 days

[a] full refund shall be granted [b] clerkage is collected
[c] 90% of fare is refunded [d] none of these

19 When air conditioning facility could not be provided for a portion of journey on AC FC ticket, _______ is refunded. 

[a] difference of AC FC and FC fare [b] difference of AC FC and II fare
[c] entire AC FC fare [d] none of these

20 Due to dislocation of train services, full fare for the entire booked journey shall be refunded

[a] when the railway is unable to carry the passengers to destination station by arranging alternate transportation

[b] when passenger involved in accident died/injured
[c] when kith and kin of dead/injured passenger have to terminate journey
[d] all of these

21 When passenger is not willing to avail alternate transportation to destination due to dislocation of train services, if cancels his journey

[a] fare for the traveled portion shall be retained [b] fare for the un-traveled portion is refunded [c] clerkage and fare for the traveled portion is retained [d] none of these

22 After verification of supplied printed card tickets, the acknowledgment foil should be sent to ____ Office by the Station Master

[a] DCM [b] Accounts [c] Printing Press d] None above

23 Before placing emergent indent, approval of ___ should be obtained.

[a] Accounts Office [b] CCM [c] Printing Press [d] DCM

24 For the purpose of placing ticket indent, stations are classified as______ depending upon the sale of ticket

[a] monthly, quarterly & half yearly [b] daily, monthly & quarterly
[c] quarterly, half yearly & annually [d] half yearly, yearly & monthly

25 In case of stations upto 250 km, PCT can be indented when there is a minimum sale of ___ tickets in a year

[a] 10 or more [b] 100 or more [c] 200 or more [d] 400 or more

26 In case of stations beyond 250 km, PCT can be indented when there is a minimum sale of ___ tickets in a year

[a] 10 or more [b] 100 or more [c] 200 or more [d] 400 or more

27 DTC book is a complete record of ____ earnings at a station.

[a] coaching [b] goods [c] luggage [d] parcels

28 Non-issued tickets are sent to Accounts Office every day through

[a] courier [b] free invoice way bill [c] CR note [d] monthly returns

29 Free allowance of luggage on AC I class ticket is

[a] 70 kg [b] 150 kg c] 50 kg [d] 100 kg

30 Free allowance on I class pass is (Green)

[a] 50 kg [b] 70 kg [c] 100 kg [d] 140 kg

31 In case of booking of scooter with 150 CC, the chargeable weight is

[a] 100 kg [b] 200 kg [c] 250 kg [d] none

32 Maximum permissible luggage with owner in AC chair car compartment is

[a] 80 kg [b] 70 kg [c] 50 kg [d] 40 kg

33 Articles exempted from weighment on II class ticket are

[a] umbrella [b] walking stick [c] Tiffin box [d] all these

34 Maximum weight of luggage permitted to be carried with owner in sleeper class is

[a] 70 kg [b] 80 kg [c] 40 kg [d] 100 kg 

35 The requisition portion of HOR retained at station is treated as

[a] cash voucher [b] traveling authority [c] special credit letter [d] none of these

36 HOR is issued to High Officials such as

[a] General Manager [b] Prime Minister [c] C.C.M. [d] FA&CAO

37 Rail Travel coupons are provided for

[a] MLAs [b] MLCs [c] Press correspondents d] All [e] None of these

38 Bed rolls are supplied free of cost for passengers of

[a] AC I class [b] AC 2 tier [c] AC 3 tier [d] All 

39 Cloak room charges per article for first 24 hours or part thereon

[a] Rs.10/- [b] Rs.12/- [c] Rs.15/- [d] None of these

40 Platform permits are issued for a period of

[a] monthly [b] quarterly [c] yearly [d] half yearly [e] all 

41 B/J endorsement consists of

[a] station code initial [b] date [c] initials of SM/TC [d] All 

42 When a ticket is reserved upto destination for more than 500 KMs, B/J short of destination is

[a] allowed [b] not allowed [c] permitted once only [d] permitted twice only.

43 Maximum number of B/Js permitted on a circular journey ticket is

[a] 8 times [b] 6 times [c] 10 times [d] no limit

44 B/J can be permitted for those holding single journey tickets for distance more than

[a] 200 km [b] 500 km [c] 400 km [d] any distance [e] None

45 B/J rules are not applicable to

[a] season ticket holders [b] railway pass holder [c] Indrail pass ticket holder [d] all

46 Break journey is not permitted at

[a] junction stations [b] intermediate station [c] suburban stations [d] non-suburban stations

47 B/J is not allowed on

[a] blind concession ticket [b] senior citizen concession ticket

[c] concession tickets when issued for a specific purpose 

[d] physically handicapped concession ticket

48 Registration-cum-security deposit per coach is

[a] Rs. 1000/- [b] Rs. 10,000/- [c] Rs. 5,000/- [d] Rs. 15,000/-

49 For reserving a special coach ___% service charge is levied on fare.

[a] 12% [b] 15% [c] 20% [d] 25%

50 Reservation on telephone can be made for

[a] Ministers [b] Governors of State [c] Chief Justice and Judges of Supreme Court
d] MPs [e] All 

51 ____ contains details of various concession allowed by Railways in fares.

[a] Coaching Tariff No.25, Part I, Vol.II [b] Coaching Tariff, Part II
[c] Coaching Tariff, Part III [d] Coaching Tariff, Part IV

52 Concession fare shall be calculated on

[a] Total fare [b] reservation charges [c] basic fare [d] none of these

53 Concession is not admissible in respect of

[a] reservation charges [b] super fast surcharge [c] both [a] & [b] [d] basic fare

54 The charging of minimum fare is not applicable to

[a] concession tickets [b] child tickets [c] adult tickets [d] both [b] & [c]

55 No. of concessions allowed at one time is

[a] one only [b] two [c] three [d] four

56 Cancer patients traveling to and from hospital

[a] can break journey [b] cannot break journey [c] can break journey only once [d] can break journey twice

57 Concessions are granted across the counter at

[a] out agencies [b] reservation office [c] booking office [d] all of the above

58 SC/ST students are charged at _____ of the normal concessional fare admissible for general students

[a] 25% [b] 75% [c] 50% [c] 33.3%

59 Student concession on season ticket is allowed in

[a] II class only [b] I class only [c] ACCC [d] I class & II class

60 Concession is allowed for senior citizens in

[a] II class only [b] I class only [c] AC 2 tier only [d] all classes.

61 The element of concession allowed for senior citizen in all classes is ____ of fare.

[a] 25% [b] 50% [c] 30% [d] none of these

62 When a I class reserved ticket is canceled one day in advance, the cancellation charge is

[a] 50% of fare [b] 25% [c] 75% [d] None of the above

63 _______ cancellation charges will be collected on tickets on which preponement or postponement of journey had been permitted

[a] once [b] thrice [c] twice [d] four times

64 When a passenger holding reserved ticket is not provided with accommodation, the amount of refund allowed is

[a] full fare [b] 25% of fare [c] less clerkage [d] 50% of fare

65 In case of death/injury to a passenger due to train accident, the kith and kin of passenger will be given____ as refund 

[a] total fare [b] fare for the traveled portion is retained and the balance is given
[c] fare is refunded deducting clerkage [d] 75% of fare 

66 When train services are dislocated due to bandh, agitation or rail roko, the refundable amount is

[a] fare for the traveled portion is retained and the balance is refunded 
[b] 25% of fare [c] 50% of fare [d] full fare

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