Commercial CLAIM - PART I

1. What is the procedure to be followed or settlement of high value claims?
2. What are the responsibilities of railways as common carriers?
3. What is the procedure followed for settlement of claims for compensation for death or injury in case of accidents/untoward incidents?
4. What are the various steps taken by railways to prevent claims arising out of loss/damage/destruction/deterioration/non-delivery of goods?

5. Write in detail the procedure followed for disposal of 

a) Excess unconnected goods. b) Unconnected wagons/parcels.

6. Write short notes on Open Delivery and Assessment Delivery?
7. Write short notes on any three of the following:
a) Wagon Demand Registration Fee.
b) Exemption from payment of WDRF.
c) Refund of WDRF.
d) Premier Registration Scheme.
8. Write short notes on
a) Weight only system b)Credit Notes
9. What is the procedure for granting delivery of Goods in the absence of Railway Receipt and Invoice? What is perishable deposit?
10. Differentiate rebooking and diversion?
11. What is the procedure for indenting of printed card tickets? What is recalled indent?
12. What are the general rules for booking of luggage? What is the maximum permissible limit for carrying luggage withpassengers in different classes?
13. What is meant by Rationalization of Parcel Traffic? How does it help Railways in minimizing claims?
14. What are the various scales under which parcels are charged? What is PCEV charge and how do you calculate PCEV charges for motorcycles?
15 .What is the basis for categorization of stations for the purpose of providing passenger amenities? What are the classificationsof passenger amenities?
16. What is irregular travel? What is the penalty levied on a passenger detected travelling without ticket?
17. What is meant by Station Outstanding? What are the steps taken to minimize outstanding?
18. Write short notes on any two:
a) ZRUCC b) DRUCC c) Station Consultative Committee.
19. Enumerate the refund rules under the following circumstances:
a) Abnormal circumstances b) Failure of Air Conditioning Equipment
c) Loss of Tickets.
20. Write short notes on the following
a) Tatkal Scheme b) Ticket Deposit Receipt.
21. Write Short Notes on the following:
a) RCT b) RRT c) Claims Website
21. Write Short Notes on the following
a) Single File System
c) Method to watch Boards and MRs references
22. What are the incentives and Awards Scheme available on S.C. Railway for implementation of Hindi?
23. What are the constitutional provision regarding use of Official Language Policy?

Commercial CLAIM - PART II

Objective Type Questions: Fill in the blanks.

1. RCF stands for _________________________. 
2. FOIS stands for ___________________________________. 
3. IVRS stands for ____________________________________. 
4. POET stands for ____________________________________
5. COIS stands for _____________________________________. 
6. CONCERT stands for __________________________________. 
7. RDSO stands for ______________________________________. 
8. CRIS stands for ______________________________________. 
9. IRCTC stands for _______________________________________. 
10. RITES stand for ____________________________________. 
11. IRCON stands for ___________________________________________. 
12. IRFC stands for ____________________________________________. 
13. NTES stands for ___________________________________________. 
14. TIELS stands for ____________________________________________. 
15. Commercial Manual Vol.I deals with___________. 
16. Commercial Manual Vol. II deals with _____________________. 
17. Goods Tariff Part I Vol I contains rules regarding _____________ of goods. 
18. Goods Tariff Part I Vol II contains rules regarding _____________ of goods. 
19. Goods Tariff Part II contains _____________ of goods. 
20. Coaching Tariff part I contains rules regarding ____________. 
21. Coaching Tariff part II contains rules regarding ____________. 
22. Coaching Tariff part III contains rules regarding ____________. 
23. TRC stands for ____________________________________________ 
24. TMS stands for ___________________________________________ 
25. Bans are imposed by _________________________. 
26. Restrictions are imposed by _____________________. 
27. Wagon demand cannot be accepted when _______________ are in force. 
28. Forwarding note should be preserved for a minimum period of _____________. 
29. Preferential traffic order is governed by Section ___ of the railway act. 
30. Excepting on ___________ days allotment of wagons should be done as per priority. 
31. PT Order is valid a period of ______________________. 
32. PTO is published by _______________________. 
33. Allotment of wagons as per oldest date of registration is done on ______________. 
34. The number of priorities in PT Order is _______________. 
35. For dispose unconnected or undelivered goods y public auction instructions from _______________ is required. 
36. In case of said to contain RR, excess packages are delivered on _____________________________ and _______________________. 
37. WT is certified by ____________________. 
38. BCX standard rake consists ____________ wagons
39. Change of commodity is permitted by the DCM if the commodity is __________________. 
40. In case of misdeclaration, the minimum penalty per quintal is ___________. 
41. If PCEV charges are not paid Railways liability per sheep/goat is _______. 
42. MDG stands for ____________________________________________ 
43. SWA stands for ______________________________________________ 
44. SLO stands for _____________________________________________ 
45. VDS stands for _____________________________________________ 
46. JSR stands for __________________________________________ 
47. MPA stands for ________________________________________ 
48. Delivery short of destination is called _______________________. 
49. Diversion fee per wagon is Rs. ____________________. 
50. When consignments are diverted freight outstanding can be cleared through _______________________. 
51. Rebooking of perishables is ___________________. 
52. When consignments are rebooked freight outstanding can be cleared through ______________. 
53. RR is issued at the door step of consignor in _______________ services. 
54. Demurrage charge is levied on per__________ & _____________basis. 
55. Normal Goods shed working hours are from _______ to ________.. 
56. DDM/DDPC is addressed to ______________________. 
57. Damage and Deficiency message is issued with in __________ hours of opening of the wagon. 
58. Joint survey report is prepared in ____________ copies. 
59. Joint survey report is submitted to _________________. 
60. Wharfage charges on Goods are on per __________________ basis. 
61. Wharfage charges on Parcels are on per _____ & _________basis. 
62. Wax seals should not be used on wagons loaded with __________. 
63. The object of riveting a wagon is to ________________. 
64. Maximum number of rivets that can be provided on each door is _____. 
65. Rivets are bent at _____________ angles 
66. Minimum PCEV charge for general commodities is __________. 
67. WDRF for a 4 wheeler BG wagon is _______________. 
68. WDRF is refunded when the demand is cancelled after _________ days. 
69. Private marking is done by _____________. 
70. Sale notices are served under section __________ and __________. 
71. Permission of DCM is required to rebook _________________________. 
72. In case of wagon load general goods the weight for charge is rounded off to ______ 
73. If PCEV is not paid the Railway liability per Bull is _____________. 
74. If PCEV is not paid the Railway liability per Elephant is _____________. 
75. If PCE If PCEV is not paid the Railway liability per Dog is ______. 
76. If PCEV is not paid the Railway liability per Horse is _____________. 
77. When packages are short, excess or exchanged _______ is issued. 
78. Section ________ of the Railway Act is connected with the Sidings. 
79. The extent of monetary liability for loss/damage of goods is prescribed in section ________ of Railway Act. 
80. In case of undelivered general goods sale notices are served after _______ days. 
81. Error sheets are prepared in Accounts Office and sent to station in _______ foils. 
82. Error sheets receive from Accounts office should be accounted on ________ side of the balance sheet. 
83. In case of consignments which are diverted enroute outstanding freight at original destination is cleared by ____________. 
84. SMs are authorized to grant refund of overcharges of freight at the time of delivery in case of _____________. 
85. Wharfage remission orders are accounted on the ____________ side of the balance sheet. 
86. Wharfage accrued is accounted on the _____ side of the balance sheet. 
87. Exgratia payment to passengers in case of simple injuries is Rs. ______. 
88. Exgratia payment to passengers in case of grievous injuries is Rs. ____ 
89. Exgratia payable in case of death of a passenger is Rs. ______ 
90. Compensation payable in case of death of a passenger is Rs. ____ 
91. Compensation payable to passenger in case of permanent disability is Rs __ 
92. Maximum compensation payable in case of any grievous injuries is _________ 
93. Admitted debits should be immediately paid if the amount is upto _____. 
94. Demurrage charges accrued is accounted on the __________ side of the balance sheet.

95. Short Accountal and Short Remittances upto Rs.100/- should be cleared through __________________. 
96. SMs are not authorized to grant refund of overcharges at the time of delivery in respect of ____________ or __________________. 
97. At the end of the day, the SM will remit station earnings through _____________ 
98. Prior Finance concurrence is required for waiver of DC/WC charge, when the demurrage

Commercial CLAIM - PART III

Multiple Choice Questions:

1 Head of pubic relations department at Zonal level is
( ) (a) CPRO (b) CCM (c) COM (d) Sr.DCM
2 Functions of the Commercial Department are
( ) (a) Sale of transport (b) Development of traffic (c) Maintaining public relations (d) all.
3 Head of public complaints at Zonal railway is
( ) (a) Sr.DOM (b) AGM (c) DRM (d) COM
4 Head of Public complaints at Divisional level is
( ) (a) Sr.DCM (b) ADRM (c) Sr.DOM (d) DRM
5 DDM should be issued within _____ hours from the time of opening of the wagon.
( ) (a). 3 (b). 4 (c). 5 (d). 6
6 J.S.R. is submitted to
( ) (a). CCM (b). CCO (c). DCM (d). ACM
7 SM is empowered to deliver the consignments on indemnity bond up to a maximum of
( ) (a). Rs.50,000 (b).Rs.One lakh (c).Rs.2 lakhs (d). Rs.80,000
8 Sale notice should be served under sections
( ) (a).83,84 (b). 64,66 (c). 89,90 (d). none
9 ________ consignments are not delivered on indemnity bond.
( ) (a) Self (b) Perishables (c)To pay consignments (d) None
10 Time limit for claiming refund on perishable deposit is ______ months from the date of delivery
( ) (a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 6 (d) 7
11. When invoice is not available, for delivery of general goods on indemnity bond, permission is required from 
( ) (a) SM (b) CPO (c) DCM (d) FA & CAO
12. Gate pass is prepared in __________ foils 
( ) (a) two (b) three (c) four (d) none
13. Duplicate RR is 
( ) (a)can be issued (b)Cant be issued (c) Is permitted by CCM 
14. DDPC is issued 
( ) (a) Within 6 hours (b) On the day of unloading (c) Within 24 hours (d)Within 48 hours.
15. General Indemnity bond is valid for 
( ) (a) 1 year (b) 6 months (c) 3 years (d) 7 days
16. Packages may remain unconnected for want of 
( ) (a) Private or Railway marking (b) Illegible marking 
(c)Markings are faded and unreadable (d) All of these
17. Monetary limit of CCM to waive demurrage charge is 
( ) (a) Rs. 25,000/- (b) Rs. 50,000/- c) Rs. 1 lakh (d) Unlimited 
18. Monetary limit of GM to waive demurrage charge is 
( ) (a) Rs. 25,000/- (b) Rs. 50,000/- c) Rs. 1 lakh (d) Unlimited
19. Pre-ponement of journey on reserved ticket is permitted 
( ) (a) 6 hours before departure of train (b) 24 hours before departure (c) 3 days in advance d) None of these
20. Postponement of journey on reserved ticket is permitted 
( ) (a) 6 hours before departure of train (b) 24 hours before departure (c) 3 days in advance (d) None of these
21. General Responsibility of the Railways is defined in Section ____ of the 
Railways Act.
( ) (a) Section 93 (b) Section 94 (c) Section 95 (d) Section 96.
22. Section of the Railways Act which deals with Defective Packing Condition.
( ) (a) Section 96 (b) Section 97 (c) Section 98 (d) Section 99.
23. Monetary Liability of Railways is defined in Section ___ of the Railways Act.
( )(a) Section 101 (b) Section 102 (c) Section 103 (d) Section 104.
24. Responsibility of the Railways in Carriage of Live Stock is defined in Section ____ of the Railways Act.
( ) (a) Section 101 (b) Section 102 (c) Section 103 (d) Section 104.
25. Notice of Claim for Compensation shall be given as per Section___ of the 
Railways Act.
( )(a) Section 103 (b) Section 104 (c) Section 105 (d) Section 106.
26. Section of the Railways Act which deals with Burden of Proof.
( ) (a) Section 107 (b) Section 106 (c) Section 109 (d) Section 110
27. Section ___ of Railways Act, 1989 deals with right of railway administration to check contents of certain consignments or luggage.
( )(a) Section 103 (b) Section 104 (c) Section 105 (d) Section 106.
28. Section ___ of Railways Act, 1989, deals with the person entitled to claim for compensation.
( ) (a) Section 107 (b) Section 106 (c) Section 109 (d) Section 110

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