QUESTION BANK SSE (Works) Grade Rs 6500-10500 (RSRP)



1. Engineering Stores.
3. Cannons of financial property.
4. Different types of minor penalties.
5. Disciplinary proceedings on an employee after his retirement.
6. Classification of employees as per HOER.
7. Out of turn works.
8. Procedure for the acquisition of land.
9. Final modification to budget estimate.
10. Dead stock register.
11. Procedure for licensing of Railway land for oil companies.
12. Code of conduct.
13. DS-8 Note.
14. M&P Programme.

15. Trade Test.
16. DCRG.
17. Liability Register.
18. Urgency Certificate
19. Deposit Works
20. Schedule of rates.
21. Material at site Account
22. Stock Verification
24. S.B.F.
25. M.A.S.
26. Specification for first class bricks.
27. Slump test.
28. Trolley permits.
29. Payment of Wages Act.
30. Specification for 12 mm thick cement plaster 1: 6
31. Specification for laying of 30 cm (12” dia) SW sewer pipe.
32. Specification for laying of IPS flooring 40mm thick
33. Specification for painting of woodwork.
34. Flood gauging at important bridge.
35. Imprest stores.
36. Pre-stressed concrete.
37. Method of measurement for painting of door and window frames and shutters.
38. Corrosion in RCC structures.
39. Water proofing of roofs
40. Concrete admixtures.
41. Leave Not due.
42. LAP Earned Leave
43. Proceeding for imposing minor penalties.
44. Provision of Official Language Act.
45. Verification of stock by stock verifiers of Accounts Deptt.
46. Final modification to budget estimate.
47. Out of turn work
48. Canons of financial propriety
49. Dead stock register
50. Procedure for licensing of Railway land for oil companies.
51. Code of conduct
52. DS 8 note
53. M & P Progremme
54. Trade test
55. DCRG.
56. Liability register
57. Urgency Certificate
58. Deposit works
59. Schedule of rates.
60. Material at site Account.
61. Stock verification.
62. First Class bricks.
63. Stone masonry – coarse rubble, first sort.
64. Cement concrete in foundation.
65. Flooring with cement tiles.
66. Works programme.
67. Service Cards of Casual labour.
68. Trade Test
69. Workmen’s Compensation Act.
70. S.B.F.
71. M.A.S.
72. Provisions of Official language Act.
73. Priestesses concrete.
74. Verification of stock by Stock Verifiers of Accounts Deptt.
75. Nominal mix concrete (ord. Concrete) and controlled concrete,
76. Slump test
77. Material at site returns.
78. Trolley permits.
79. Specifications for 12mm thick cement plaster 1:6.
80. Specifications for laying of 30 cm
81. (12” dia) SW sewer pipe.
82. Specifications for laying of IPS flooring 40mm thick.
83. Specification for painting of wood work.
84. Flood gauging at important bridge sites.
85. Imp rest Stores.
86. Prestressed concrete.
87. Method of measurement for painting of door and window frames & shutters.
88. Method of measurement for measurement of RCC slabs and beams, beams & Columns, columns and footings.
89. Major and minor penalty.
90. General charges in estimates. b) Deposit work. c) Corrosion in RCC structures.
91. Water proofing of roofs. E) Concrete admixtures.


1. Draw a sketch of stone masonry arch bridge. Show its important features and posts.
2. What are different types of joints used in pipe line? Explain with sketchs.
3. What are the different types of bridges? Explain in brief.
4. What are different type of Engineering surveys? Explain in brief.
5. What are the duties of SE(Wks). Explain in brief?
6. What is the procedure for imposing major penalty?
7. What are different type of Engineering Estimates? Explain in brief.
8. What is meant by imprest stores. Give examples?
9. What do you understand by Directed Maintenance of quarter. Explain in brief?
10. What are the type of estimates?
11. What is urgency certificate?
12. What precaution you will take while (any two)
a) constructing of brick masonry wall.
b) supervising mass concreting work.
c) accepting supply of teak wood.
d) supervising construction of IRS Shed.
13. What is the necessity of having a schedule of dimension? What do you understand by “Recommended Dimension”?
14. Write the following dimensions as specified in Schedule of Dimension
1. In 25 KV AC traction areas, minimum height above rail level for heavy overhead structures such as road over bridges.
2. Maximum horizontal distance from center of track to face of passenger platform coping.
3. Minimum horizontal distance of any building on a passenger platform from center line of track from 305 mm above platform level to 3430 mm above rail level.
4. Maximum distance apart of trolley refugees in tunnels.
5. Minimum height above rail level for goods platform (except horse and end loading platforms).
6. Slope of the ramp at end of passenger platforms.
7. Minimum horizontal distance from center of track to any structure in yard from rail level to 305 mm above rail level.
8. Minimum height above rail level for a width of 1600mm on either side of center of track of tie rods or any continuous covering in a passenger station.
9. Minimum distance between center to center of track.
10. Height of above rail level for high passenger platform.
11. Minimum horizontal distance from center of track to any structures at height of 3ft 6 inches to 11ft.
12. Maximum gradient in station, yards unless special safety devices are adopted/special rules are followed to prevent accidents.

Q. Draw the sketches of the following
a) Reinforcement arrangement in column footing.
c) Reinforcement arrangement in box culvert
d) English & Flemish bond in Brick masonry.
e) Plan of modified RB-I quarter.
f) Pile foundation double reamed.

Q. What precaution should be observed in respect of materials and workmanship to get quality concrete?
Q. Explain the procedure for inspection of bridges. State one important item to be checked in case of hume pipe culverts, RCC slab culverts and Arch bridges.
Q. . Write the procedure of granting compensation under Workman Compensation Act.
Q. Describe various stages of budge.
Q. Describe various types of estimates prepared in the Railways. Also explain purpose of each type of estimate.
Q. Please give salient features of present policy of Central Government on Raj Bhasha (Hindi). Also indicate the policy for writing name, boards on stations.
Q. Write 2 pages on measures that you will suggest for increasing the use of Raj Bhasha (Hindi) in your IOW’s office in Railways.
Q. Give salient features of Official Languages Act.
Q. Describe briefly the rule governing use of the Hindi as laid down in the Official Languages Action application to the State where you are posted.
Q. What is the importance of general and subsidiary rules? What is the main difference between the two?
Q. What are the different types of survey equipments and their function?
Q. What are different types of joints used in pipe line. Explain with sketches.-
Q. The grade of concrete M 250 means that compressive strength of a 15cm cube after 28 days is 250 Km/cm?
Q. Write the procedure of grouting compensation under workman compensation act.
Q. What is meant by imp rest stores Give example.

Q. Describe various stages of budget.
Q. (i) Give salient features of Official languages Act.
(ii) What steps do you propose for increasing use of Hindi in IOWs Offices?
Q. What is the importance of general and subsidiary rules? What is the main
Differences between the two?
Give salient features of any two of the following-
(i) Payment of Wages Act.
(ii) Hours of employment regulations.
(iii) Workmen’s Compensation Act.
Q. Write the following dimensions as specified in schedule of Dimension.
(i) In 25 KV AC traction areas, minimum height above rail level for heavy
Overhead Structures such as road over bridges.
(ii) Maximum horizontal distance from center of track to face of passenger
Platform Coping.
(iii) Minimum horizontal distance of any building on a passenger platform from
Centerline of track from 305mm above platform level to 3430 mm above rail
(iv) Maximum distance apart of trolley refuges in tunnels.
(v) Minimum horizontal distance from center line of track to a pillor, column,lamp or similar isolated structure on a goods platform from platform level to 305mm above platform level.
(vi) Maximum height above rail level for low passenger platforms.
(vii) Maximum height above rail level for goods platform (except horse and end loading platforms)
(viii) Slope of the ramp at end of passenger platforms.
(ix) Minimum horizontal distance from center of track to any structure in yard from rail level to 305mm above rail level.
(x) Minimum height above rail level for a width of 1600mm on either side of track of tie rods or any continuous covering in a passenger station.
Q.: (a) Write the correct answer from the alternatives given for each sub-question.
(i) No. Of bags required per cubic meter of 1:3:6 concrete is:
(a) 4.5
(b) 5.7
(c) 6.5
(d) 8
(ii) Minimum height of FOB above rail level is:
(a) 6100 mm
(b) 6250 mm
(c) 5730 mm
(d) None of these.

Q. Write specification for any three of the following -
(i) Earth work
(ii) Water Bound Macadam
(iii) Pointing
(iv) Glazed tile flooring.
Q a) What is necessary of having a Schedule of Dimensions?
What do you understand by ‘Recommended Dimensions’?
b). Indicate B.G. schedule of dimensions for the following
(i) Minimum distance between center to center of track.
(ii) Height above rail level for high passenger platform.
(iii) Minimum horizontal distance from center of track to any structure at a height 3 ft. 6 inches to 11 ft.
(iv) Maximum gradient in station, yards unless special safety devices are
adopted/special rules are followed to prevent accidents.
(v) Maximum height above rail level for Goods platform.
(vi) Minimum horizontal distance of any building on a passenger platform from
Centerline of track from platform level to 1 foot above platform level.
(vii) Horizontal distance from center to the face of passenger platform coping.
(viii) Maximum
Q Describe briefly the salient features of -
(a) Payment of wages Act.


1. Pune is classified in class___________ for the purpose of calculating CCA.
2. Central Railway has _________ divisions.
3. __________% of total vacancies are reserved for handicapped persons.
4. A railway employee is entitled to get __________ days of Casual Leave per year.
5. Staff amenities are chargeable demand No. __________.
6. GM is empowered to create gazetted workcharged posts upto _____ grade level.
7. A male employee with less than _____ surviving children can only avail paternity leave.
8. _____% money value of posts surrendered at Divisional level shall be credited to Headquarter vacancy bank.
9. Repairs and maintenance of station building is chargeable to Demand No._____.
10. Indian Railways are divided in _____ zones.
11. ________ is the headquartered of Western Railway.
12. Shri __________ is the President of India.
13. Every Railway employee is entitled for _____ days full pay leave in a year.
14. In case of _______________ land there is no danger of accrual of occupancy rights.
15. The _________estimate is prepared to obtain administrative approval to the proposal.
16. According to hours of employment regulation, the pump driver is classified as ________.
17. Seniority of casual labour is maintained _____ wise in open line.
18. Publication under section ________of land acquisition act is required before entering into private land for survey.
19. The height of a column of water equivalent to atmospheric pressure is _______ft.
20. The radius of a transition curve to a circular curve of a radius “R” is _______ at the commencement of the curve.
21. The ratio of tensile stress and _________ is known as modulus of elasticity.
22. The maximum bending moment due to uniformly distributed load (w) on simply supported beam of length ‘L’ is given by _______.
23. The minimum horizontal dimension from center of track to the nearest isolated column on platform at platform level is __________.
24. No. of bags required per cubic meter for 1:3:6 concrete is _____________.
25. The characteristic strength of concrete is to be determined by testing the cubes_____________.
26. First class Bricks should not absorb more than _______% of water of its own dry weight.
27. The standard dimension of first class bricks is ___________.
28. While doing Engineering surveys, benchmarks are fixed at _________intervals.
29. The grade of sewer line are generally designed to cover for _________.
30. The scale adopted for land plan is___________.
31. For course rubble masonry IInd sort, the visible Joint shall not be more than__________ M.

Fill in the blanks

(a) Repairs and maintenance of station building is chargeable to Demand No.
(b) Indian Railways are divided in--------zones.
(c) -------is the headquarter of Western Railway
(d) Shri--------is the President of India.
(e) Every Railway employee is entitled for-----days full pay leave in a year.,

5. Choose the correct answer

1.In case of licensing of land there is no danger of accorded occupancy rights
(Leasing/ Licensing)
2.In cement concrete the lower the water cement ratio, the-----is the strength of Max.
3.The---- estimate is prepared to obtain administrative approval on the proposal.
4. According to hours of employment regulation, the pump driver is classified as------
5. Seniority of casual labour is maintained-----wise in open line ( IOW/AEN/DEN)
6. Publication under section------- of land acquisition act is required before entering
into Private land for survey ( 8/ 4/ 16)
7. In case of fetal accidents, the compensation------pay of the fact that
Workmen was under at the time of accident ( is/ is not).
8. The height of a column of water equivalent to atmospheric pressure is---
9. The radius of a transition curve to a circular curve of a radius ‘R’ is----at the
Commencement of the curve. (R/ infinite/ 1000 meters.)
10.The ratio of tensile stress and -----is known as modulus of elasticity.(Tensile
Strain/compressive strain/volumetric strain)
11. The maximum bending moment due to uniformly distributed load (w) on simply Supported beam of length ‘L’ is given by-------( W 12/8, WL/4, W1/2 )


1. The maximum horizontal distance from Center of track to the face goods platform copying is 1670mm.
2. The ends of all platforms (except end loading platforms) must be ramped to a slope of 1 in 6.
3. The recommended maximum gradient in station yards is 1 in 1000.
4. Stock items cannot be purchased by DCOS.
5. Tri-axial test is used to test the permeability of soil.
6. Steel is good in taking tension.
7. Pile foundation is good in black cotton soil.
8. Workability of concrete can be increased by adding admixtures to it.
9. Minimum M15 grade of concreting should be used for concreting under water.
10. IS-800 is the IS Code for concrete works.
11. Post retirement, Gazetted Officer with more than 20 years of service, are eligible for 3 sets of passes per year.
12. Indian Railway is the second largest network in the world.
13. In mutual transfers, the juniors of the two employees retains his own seniority.
14. An employee availing joining time on promotion, shall draw salary equal to what he drew before relinquishing the post.
15. Employees of ‘A’ class cities having basic pay of Rs. 6000/- will get Rs. 240/- as city allowance.
16. Employee is entitled to get traveling allowance in favour of self, wife and children on account of transfer.
17. DRM can recruit casual labours when needed.
18. OS-II is competent to suspend a Jr. Clerk.
19. DRM is competent authority to accept single tender upto Rs. 25.00 lacs.
20. The maximum age limit for appointment of class-IV employee belonging to General Community is 25 years.
21. There are 10 Railway Zones in the Country.
22. The standard form to be issued for suspension is SF-1
23. A railway servant who has completed 22 years of service may be granted final withdrawal from PF.
24. Pension scheme was introduced on the Indian Railway on 11th Sept.1971.
25. Service of Gr. IOW-III can be terminated under orders of DRM.
26. A labour inspector is required to check the establishment of IOW Workshop once in 6 months.
27. Erection of steel girders across railway track main line for carrying water pipe lines does not require CRS’s sanction.
28. Recruitment of new face on railway as Casual Labours requires the sanction of General Manager.
29. Scrap materials in IOW’s workshop can be sold by auction by the AEN.
30. Banks of height more than 6 meters must be completed by machines.
31. Detailed estimate is not required to be prepared for a work costing Rs. 10 lacs.
32. No colour washing should be done to the outside of the structures built in covered/uncovered stone masonry.
33. According to the extant practice all curves are to be provided with transitioned curves.
34. A railway bridge of span 3/20M + 1/15M is classified as minor bridge.
35. Water is acidic if PH valve is less than 7.
36. The water is known as hard water if the consumption of soap is excessive.
37. The strength of cement increases with period of storage of cement.
38. An RCC column is treated as long column, if its slenderness ratio is more then 30.
39. An RCC column is treated as short column, if its slenderness ratio is less than 50.
40. The diameter iof main bars in RCC column shall not be less than 10mm.
41. If the diameter of longitudinal bars of a square column is 16mm, the diameter of lateral lies should not be less than 8mm.
42. Slump test of concrete is a measure of its tensile strength.

Say true or false:

(a) Employees of ‘A’ Class cities having basic pay Rs. 6000/- will get Rs. 240/- as city Allowance.
(b) Employee is entitled to get traveling allowance in favour of self, wife and children on Account of transfer.
(c) DRM can recruit casual labours when needed.
(d) OS-II is competent to suspend a Jr. clerk.
(e) DRM is competent authority to accept single tender up to Rs. 25,00 lacs.
(f) The maximum age limit of appointment of class-IV employee belonging to General Community is 25 years.
(g) There are 10 Railway Zones in the country.
(h) The standard form to be issued for suspension is SF-1
(i) A Railway Servant who has completed 22 years of service may be granted final withdrawal from PF.
(j) Pension scheme was introduced on the Indian Railways on 11th Sept. 1971.
Q Select the correct answer out of the choice against each:
(i) The minimum horizontal dimension from center to track to the nearest isolated
Column on passenger platform at platform level is-
a) 4200mm b) 4110mm c) 4720mm
(ii) The minimum height above rail level for a FOB is -
a) 6100mm b) 6250mm c) 5730mm.
(iii) No. of bags required per cubic meter for 1:3:6 concrete in-
a) 4.5 bags b) 5.7 bags c) 6.5 bags d) 8 bags.
(iv) The characteristic strength of concrete is to be determines by testing the
cubes -
a) after 6 days b) after 7 days c) after 14 days d) after 28 days.

Q. a) Describe briefly the rule governing use of as laid down in the official language
Act. Application to the State where you are posted.
b) Describe the procedure to be followed in important a major penalty on a class-IV employee.

8. State TRUE or FALSE.
a) Payment of casual lab our/ M.R. Service must be carried out within 72 Hrs. after termination service.
b) Services of IOW Gr. III can be terminated under orders of DRM.
c) A labour Inspector is required to check the establishment of IOW Workshop
once in 6 months.
d) Erection of steel Girders across railway track main line for carrying water pipe
lines does not require CRS’s sanction.
e) Recruitment of new face on railways as Casual Labours requires the sanction
of General Manager.
f) Scrap materials in IOWs workshop can be sold by suction by the AEN.
g) Bank of height more than 6 meters must be compacted by machines
made for voids while measuring stocks of boulders.
h) Detailed estimate is not required to be prepared for a work costing Rs. 10
i) power to sanction excess over estimates up to 50% of original estimated cost
of a work.


Q. Stretcher and header
Q. Queen closer and king closer.
Q. Damp proofing and water proofing.
Q. Hot bitumen and mastic asphalt.
Q. Corrosion and rusting.
Q . a) English bond and Flemish bond.
b) Simple piles and under- reamed piles.
c) Open foundation and raft foundation.
d) Filtration and chlorination.

Q. Translate in English-
(b) Translate in Hindi
1. Call explanation:
2. Allowance:
3- Transfer:
4- Joining Time:
5- Honorarium:
(a) Translate it in Hindi
(i) Explain delay
(ii) Ex-parte
(iii) Ex-Post facto
(iv) Ex-gratia

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