1. The lowest pay Scale in railway is ___________________

2. New Pension scheme has come into effect from_______________

3. E.S ____________ deals with the latest schedule of powers o­n Establishment

matters in S.E.Railway.

4. The General Manager of the South Eastern Railway is __________________

5. A person convicted by a court of law can be removed from service without

conducting enquiry in terms of Ruls_________ of D&A rules 1968.

6. Central Administrative Tribunals were established with effect from___________

7. The official languages Act. Was passed in the year ______________

8. ____________percent of post are required to be reserved for Physically

Handicapped Category.

9. The Enquiry in a D&A case should be conducted o­n terms of Rule________of

D&A rules 1968.

10. The lowest competent authority to approved grant of compassionate appointment to a divorced daughter of the Ex-employee is _________________

11. Pay fixation o­n promotion from a lower to a higher grade is done in terms of


12. In a normal selection where mode of selection, is written test o­nly, the Record of  service shall carry _______ marks in terms of latest instructions.

13. An employee can be taken up for bringing outside political influence in service matters in terms of Rule__________ of Rly. Service conduct Rules.

14. SF___________ is used for appointment of Enquiry Officer in a Major Penalty Case.

15. An employee was drawing Rs.6500/- as his emoluments at the time of his death after 6 years of service. The amount of Death Gratuity payable to him will be Rs__________.

16. The pay scale of a Gang-mate of Engineering Dept. is ______________

17. The selection Board should consist of JAG officers for selection to posts in

Scale________________ and above.

18. Compassionate appointment in the case of missing employee can be processed after_________ months from the date of missing of the employee.

19. The present rate of Dearness Allowance is _________ Percent.

19. An employee convicted by a court of law can be removed from service without holding an enquiry in terms of Rule _________ of D&A Rules, 1968.

21. E.S 57/2000 deals with _________________.

22. The staff of S.E.Rly. Co-operative Society who has completed 15 years of

service will be eligible for issue of _________ sets of Privilege passes every


23. The Principal Bench of Central Administrative Tribunal is at __________.

24. The qualifying service calculated for grant of pensionary benefit of an

employee who has takes voluntary retirement after 25 years of service will be

________ years.

25. All kinds of leave takes together cannot exceed ______ months at o­ne time.

26. Maximum amount of LAP which can be granted at o­ne time can not exceed

__________ days.

27. The maximum numbers of stagnation increments which can be granted are


28. The participants in PREM meeting are

29. Maximum amount of LAP that can be taken at a time is _____

30. Rightsizing implies.

31. o­nly live permanent post can be surrendered. ( True/False)

32. Statutory canteen id required where no. of employees is .

33. SBF Committee consists of

34. Medical Category for Gangman is

35. EA o­n CG for missing cases can be processed after

36. Any Rly. Dues of a retirement employee can be recovered from (i) DCRG

only. (ii) DCRG and Commuted value of pension or (iii) Last month’s Salary.

37. Expand RELHS.

38. SLP.

39. General Selection implies

40. Show the division of DRQ/DPQ and LDCE in this hypothetical cadre.

Category Santioned Strength

MCM 08

Tech-I 25

Tech-II 56

Tech-III 146

41. SCL for sportspersons I available for ____________ days in a year.

42. Safety Related Retirement Scheme is available for which categories ?

43.Salary payment through banks is essential/non-essential for the Gr.C

employees in South Eastern Railway.

44. An employee’s ACR can be filled by his supervisory authority o­nly if he has

worked under his for a minimum period of __________.

45. Matching surrender required for creation of posts for new assets is in the ratio


46. IRLDA stands for .

47. Joining time admissible in the case of temporary transfer not exceeding 180

days is _____________.

48. Provision of an attendant to a Railway employee referred to Rly. or recognized hospital may be considered by the authorized medical officer depending upon the severity of the case ( True/False )

49. No Railway servant shall be granted leave of any kind for a continuous period exceeding ____________.

50. In no circumstances shall the resignation of a Railway servant whose conduct is under investigation be accepted without the sanction of the authority competent to dismiss him. ( True/false ).

51. The headquarter of a Railway servant under suspension is his last place of

duty( True/False ).

52. A Rly servant who has acquired lien o­n a post ceases to retain lien o­n that post while o­n foreign service. ( True/False ).

53. Extraordinary leave granted o­n Medical Certificate can be converted

retrospectively into “ leave not due “( True/False).

54. Hospital leave is granted to Rly. servants other than in _______ or ________.

55. No Rly. servant shall accept any gifts as per Rule________of Rly. conduct


56. Accident allowance is admissible to running staff who are held up at any

station other than their HQ due to an accident for a period exceeding.

57. Example of a major penalty.

58. Change in name of a female Rly. servant consequent to her marriage can be

done with the personal approval of CPO.( True/False ).

59. Hutting allowance is admissible during accidents to the affected Rly.

servants(True/False ).

60. IRCTC stands for

61. Competent authority to remove OS-II is under D&A is .

62. PREM stands for.

63. JCM stands for.

64. TDS

65. Khalasi Helper is now redesignated as __________________.

66. Provision for warm clothing allowance exists when an employee is transferred from plains to hiss ( True/False.)

67. Adhoc promotion can be granted with the approval of CPO for a period of


68. Laundry allowance to nurses will not be admissible if the period of leave

exceeds 15 days at a time ( True/False ).

69. Present Rate of DA is __________.

70. change in name due to clerical error can be rectified at the Divisional Level

itself ( True/False ).

71. MPP

72. SLP

73. OS-II post is a selection/non-selection post.

74. Revocation of suspension is done through form________.

75. An employee who has passed a suitability test o­nce need not be called again


76. Appeal against the order of CAT lies in ________________.

77. o­nly women can be members of Vishaka Committee (True/False.)

78. Chairman of SBF committee at Zonal level is _____________.

79. CTG is equivalent to o­nly o­ne month’s basic salary ( True/False.)

80. TC from unrecognized school is acceptable for EA o­n CG ( True/False)

81. Promotion can be effected during punishment (True/False)

82. Allotment of Qr. is done o­n the basis of Seniority/date of application.

83. The highest pay scale in railway is Rs. 30,000/- fixed.

84. Employment assistance in case of a missing employee can be granted with the approval of DRM.

85. Gr.D employee who retires after 10 years of qualifying service shall be

eligible for grant of 2 sets of Post retirement Complimentary passes in a year.

86. The pay scale of a technician –III in 4000-6000/-.

87. It is permissible for the same office to both set of questing paper and evaluate

the answer in a selection.

88. An employee is not eligible for pension if he is compulsorily retired from


89. Compassionate appointment in the case of missing employee can be processed after _________months from the date of missing of the employee.

90. The present rate of Dearness Allowance is _________ percent.

91. An Employee convicted by a court of law can be removed from service

without holding an enquiry in terms of Rule_______of D&A Rules,1968.

92. E.S. 57/2000 deals with ____________.

93. The staff of S.E.Rly. Co-operative Society who has completed 15 years of

service will be eligible for issue of __________ sets of Privisege passes every


94. The Principal Bench of Central Administrative Tribunal is as __________.

95. The qualifying service calculated for pensionary benefit of an employee who

has taken Voluntary retirement after 25 years of service will be ___________


96. All kind of leave takes together cannot exceed___________months at o­nce.

97. Maximum amount of LAP which can be grated at o­ne time can not exceed

___________ days.

98. The maximum number of stagnation increments which can be granted are


Write full forms of the following :-








1. Discuss the salient features of the New Pension Scheme.

2. Discuss the various modules of Prime ? In your opinion, how will PRIME

help in efficient punctioning of Personnel Dept.

3. Discuss the main provisions related to compassionate appointment. In your

opinion, what are the bottlenecks in speedy disposal of Comp. Appt. cases.

4. (a ) How change of classification is done under Hours of Work and

periodic rest(HWPR)

(b) How duty roster is prepared and what is the rule of payment of overtime

allowance ?

5.As a Personnel Inspector how would you promote use of Hindi in Office and

write monetary & non-monetary incentives to promote use of Rajbhasha ?

6.What do you mean by compassionate appointment ? what procedure is adopted

for giving compassionate appointment in case of missing employee ? How will

you reduce the cmpassionate appointment cases pending in your division ?

7.Who are workmen under W.C.Act. 1923 ? Under what circumstances an

employer is liable to pay compensation to workman employed under him ?

8.Briefly discuss the role of Personnel/Welfare Inspector in staff matters ?

9. That date of birth of Shyamal is 06.3.1946 . While he was o­n Scale of Rs.

6500-10500/- his basic pay was Rs. 7100/- . He was promoted to the scale Rs.

7450-11500/- o­n 01.01.2006.. o­n the date of superannuation he will complete

31. yrs. 7 months qualifying service. ( a) Calculate retirement Pension , (b)

Calculate retirement gratuity.( c) Calculate Commutation value of Pension.

10. Draft a major penalty chargesheet to be issued to Sri Buddha Dasgupta, Head

Clerk, for unauthorized absence. His attendance for last months is shown


Jan:- LAP- 12.1.06 to 16.1.06 , CL- 21.1.06. LWP- 22.1.06 to 31.1.06.

Feb :- LAP – 3.2.06 to 5.2.06, LWP – 8.2.06 to 18.2.06.

Mar :-CL – 11.3.06 LWP – 12.3.06 to 31.3.06.

11. a) What are the monetary incentives for use of Hindi?

b) How will you increase use of Hindi . Give suggessions ?

12.a) What is the difference between selection and suitability? Discuss with

separate examples for both .

b ) Trade test is done in which categories / cases ?How is it done ?

13. Discuss the provisions for absorption of

i. Medically dectegorised staff.

ii. Staff rendered surplus.

14. a) What is seniority ? How it is affected in case of transfer- own request,

Mutual , administrative?

b) NBR and Pfroforma fixation.

15. Suggest 5 practical measures to encourage use of Hindi in normal day to day


16. Sri Kumar has been selected as ASM and has finished theoretical training. He

is posted as ASM in ADA division. Before taking independent charge, he

applies for Extra ordinary leave for 2 years as he wishes to appear for Civil

Service Exams. Give the provisions relating to EOL, its admissibility and

discuss if Sri Kumar is eligible for EOL as applied for.

17. What procedure is followed for grant of compassionate appointment ? Show

the steps in a chart and suggest if any steps can be eliminated or combined to

reduce time and duplication.

18. A diesel Loco shed has proposed for creation of additional 224 posts

consisting of 50 supervisors, 120 technical and 54 Gr.D staff. Yardstick may

be assumed to be 4.6 per loco.

What are the issues you will raise in your note to Sr.DPO as in charge of

Cadre dept ? or what quires will you ask from the shed in charge ?

Assume o­nly this much information is available to you.

19. What benefits are admissible to staff at the time of retirement ?

20. Discuss the various provisions of Official Language Act.

21. Discuss workman’s compensation Act. With respect to the following:

a. Conditions in which compensation is payable

b. Definition of Workman

c. “in course of an during “employment “.

d. Procedure for dealing with Compensation cases.

22. Brief history of the case of Sri V K Rao is given. Prepare parawise remarks .

Brief History :- Sri V K Rao was working as KSI(H) under

SE(W)NW/KGP . He expired o­n 20.8.85 while in service leaving behing

following members :

Smt. Kavitha Wife

Sri K S Rao Son

Smt. Lalitha Married daughter.

Sri K S Rao was minor at the time of death of the employee. DOB being


Application for Employment assistance was made o­n 13.3.04 to

Sr.DPO/KGP. Another representation was sent o­n 22.11.04. Both appeals

were regretted since the case was time barred. Application dated 13.3.04

was not received in the office.

23. a) How change of classification is done under Hours of Work and Periodic

rest(HWPR) ?

b) How duty roster is prepared and what is the rule for payment of overtime

allowance ?

24. As personnel Inspector how would you promote to use of Hindi in office and

write monetary and non-monetary incentives to promote use of Rajbhasa ?

25. What do you mean by comassionate appointment in case of a missing

employee ? How will you reduce the compassionate appointment case

pending in your division ?

26. Who are workman under W.C.Act 1923 ? Under what circumstances an

employer is liable to pay compensation to workman employed under him ?

27. Briefly discus the role of personnel /Welfare Inspector in staff matters ?

28. The date of birth of Shyamal is 06.03.1946. While he was o­n Scale Rs. 6500-

10500/- his basic pay was Rs. 7100/- . He was promoted to the Scale Rs.

7450-11500/- o­n 01.01.2006. o­n the date of supernnuation he will complete

31 Yrs., 7 months qualifying service.

a) Calculate retirement pension.

b) Calculate retirement gratuity.

c) Calculate Commutation Value of Pension.

Relevant Para of OA preferred by Smt. Kavitha

1.1. That the husband of the applicant unfortunately expired o­n 20.8.85

while in service. That the son of the applicant made a representation

before competent authority enclosing a copy of death certificate of his

father stating his death.

1.2. The he made a representation seeking compassionate appointment in

his favour.

1.3. That, the DRM(P) informed that compassionate assistance could not

be considered since the application was not made within the

prescribed limit of 5 yrs. from the date of death.

1.4. That, the applicant again made an appeal that considering the poor

financial condition of family, case may be considered


29. Suggest 5 practical measures to encourage use of Hindi in day to day working.

30. Sri Rao has made an appeal to ADRM. The facts are as follows :-

He was declared unsuitable in modified suitability test conducted to fill up vacancies due to Restructuring since he was undergoing punishment of reduction to lowest stage in time scale of pay 3050-4590. He also had a vigilance case pending on 1.11.03 against him. Sri Rao has appealed that since his punishment was effected from 4.12.03, he may be granted promotion. 

Put up a note discussing the issues involved.

31. What is annual cadre review ? Is it done for all categories ?

32. Settlement payment of Lt. Shri V Khana is being processed in the name of his

wife Smt. Usha Khanna. However, 1 day before the payment can be made, a

lady claims she is the real wife of Lt. Shri Khanna. You are OS/Settlement.

Put up a note discussion of issues and the possible solution.

33. What types of allowances are admissible to nursing staff ?

34. Give 2 examples each of states in A, B & C categories for purposes of


35. The cadre of supervisory category in Elect (TRD ) is as under

Category Sanc. St. o­n Roll.

SSE 5 3

SE 10 2

JE-I 18 12

JE-II 28 34

You have to conduct a selection for section Engineer, do the following:

a. Assessment if vacancies/No. of candidates to be called.

b. Nomination of selection Board.

c. Instructions for setting question paper and evaluation.

d. Competent authority to approved panel.

e. Preparation of a tabulation sheet.

36.Brief history of the case of Smt. P Prasanna is given . Prepare parawise


Brief History : The husband of the applicant died o­n 12.11.05. The applicant

made a representation dt. 25.1.06 requesting for EA o­n CG. She was asked to

submit the requisite documents including the Death certificate.

She requested CMS/KGP to issue the death certificate by post since the original

was lost. CMS informed her that certificate of death is issued o­nly after

submission of relevant documents ie. Medical Certificate for cause of death and

creation certificate is handed over by the applicant. In no circumstances, is it sent

through postal services.

Relevant Para of OA preferred by Smt. Prasanna.

1.1. The applicant submits that she is the legally wedded wife of the exemployee.

They were marred in the presence of village elders and they

have two children aged 7 and 5 respectively.

1.2. The applicant’s husband was not looking after her properly. Hence she

was compelled to stay in her mother’s house but used to go to her husband

to get financial help.

1.3. The applicant came to know that after the death of her husband, here

husband’s sister collected the death certificate from the Rly hospital and

being in grief, she was not aware of the fact.

1.4. then she submitted a representation to Sr.DPO for employment assistance

and she was orally advised to submit death certificate. Hence she submitted representation to issue her death certificate but it was denied to her.

1.5. That the respondents know that the death certificate has been given to the

ex-employees sister but deliberately they are harassing her and denying

pension & pensionary benefits.

37) Describe various features of NPS.

38) Describe about implementation of 6th PC.

39) Describe about Promotion & MACP after implementation of 6th PC.


Give short answers :

1. What is SLP ?

2. What does ALK stand for? When is it admissible ?

3. Deemed suspension is done in which conditions?

4. What is for 16 ?

5. How is LDCE different from general or departmental selections ?

6. What is succession certificate ? when is it required ?

7. What is gallantry pass ?

8. Which cases are referred to as DPG cases ?

9. In what circumstances is o­ne eligible for ex-gratia pension ?

10. Give examples of any 2 permissible deductions from wages under the PW


11. Change of classification under HOER.

12. Job Analysis.

13. Rule 14(2) of DAR.

14. Absorption of medically decategorised staff.

15. Assessment of vacancies for a selection post.

16. Constitution of SBF committee at Divisional level.

17. Para 3.3. of official language Act.

18. What is Freedom fighter pass ?

19. How is the New Pension scheme different from the earlier scheme ?

20. What is PAN ?

21. What is Personal Pay ?

22. What is meant by Audit Para ?

23. What is para 3.3. of official language Act. ?

24. What do you understand by redundant categories ? give and example ?

25. Give two examples of non-selection posts .

26. What is the difference between removal and dismissal from service ?

27. What are the different classifications under HOER ?

28. Work Study.

29. Redeployment of surplus staff.

30. Refusal of promotion for selection post.

31. Classified seniority list.

32. Outstation (Relieving) allowance.

33. Procedure for change in name.

34. Incentives for use of Hindi.

35. What is MACP?

Write short Notes

a) Section 3(iii) of Official languages Act.

b) Hindi Training scheme.

c) Ex-gratia Pension.

d) Staff benefit fund.

e) Study Leave.

f) Grievance Redressal Machinery in railways.

g) Compassionate Allowance.

h) Workmen’s Compensation Act.

i) NBR

j ) PREM

k) CTG

l ) Railway Services(pension) Ammendment Rules, 2006.

m)Payment of Wages (Amendment ) act, 2005.

n) Bench Marking

o) Dies non.

p) Leave Not due.

q) Public-Private partnership.

r)Pre-promotional training.

s)Review of service at 55 yrs of Age.

t)Out of turns allotment of Quarter

u)Breakdown allowance

v)Talent scouting.

w) Hospital committee.

x)Provision of Pass for union office bearers.

y)Minor Penalty under D&A rules.

z) CTO

A)Railway Services(pension) Amendment Rules-2006,


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Q Bank - Establishment / Personnel Dept. (82) Q Bank - Electrical Engineering (79) Q Bank - OS / Clerk / Typist (71) Q B Engg (P Way & Work) (67) Q BANK - Operating (62) Group 'B' Exam (60) Q Bank - APO ( Asst. Personnel Officer) (57) QUESTION BANK WITH ANSWER (55) Q B Establishment (47) Q Bank - Goods Guards (45) Q Bank - OHE/TRD/PSI (36) Q B - CIVIL ENGINEERING (AEN) (27) Q B - Welfare Inspector (27) Q BANK - C & W ( Carriage & Wagon ) (26) Q Bank - Account (24) Q BANK - LOCO (23) Q BANK Exam - Station Master (23) Q Bank - Commercial (21) Q Bank - AOM (19) Q BANK - Station Master (18) Q Bank - S & T (14) 1. Syllabus (13) Q Bank - D & AR (Discipline and Appeals Rule) (12) Q Bank - Medical (12) Q Bank - Posts (Civil Engineering & P way) Dept (12) 2. Q Bank - Group D To C (11) INDEX (11) QB - ENGINEERING ( MECHANICAL ) (11) Q Bank - LOCO (Diesel) (9) Q Bank - ACM (Assistant Commercial Manager) (9) Q BANK - Jr Engineer ( Diesel Mechanical ) (8) Q BANK - LOCO (AC) (8) Q Bank - Law Assistant (8) Q Bank - AME/AWM (7) Q Bank - Group D To C (6) Q Bank - Stores (5) RRB EXAM (5) NTPC (4) Q Bank - ADSTE / ASTE (4) Q Bank - AEE (4) Q Bank - CLI (4) Q Bank - General Knowledge (4) Q Bank - Publicity Inspector (4) Q Bank - Rajbhasha (राजभाषा) (4) Question & Answer (4) Q Bank - Appointment On Compassionate Ground Exam (3) Q Bank - Commercial Instructor Exam (3) Q Bank - Engineering (Bridge) (3) Q Bank - IT (3) Q Bank - Protocol Inspector (3) Q Bank - RPF Department (3) Short Notes (3) Q BANK - Jr Engineer ( Mechanical ) (2) Q Bank - C & M (2) Q Bank - Carpenter (2) Q Bank - General English (2) Q Bank - Jr Engineer (Tele) (2) Q Bank - Ministerial Staff (2) Q Bank - Track Machine (2) Q Bank -Section Controler (2) Video (2) ABB (1) FAQ (1) GDCE Exam (1) IRMS (Indian Railway Management Service (1) JUNIOR ENGINEER (Non -AC) GRADE - II (1) Minimum Wages Act (1) Project & Planning (1) Q BANK & Answer - C & W ( Carriage & Wagon ) (1) Q BANK - Shunting Master (1) Q Bank - Instructor (1) Q Bank - AMM (1) Q Bank - All Department (1) Q Bank - Ballast Train Checker (1) Q Bank - CCTC (1) Q Bank - Complaints Inspector (1) Q Bank - GK (Computer) (1) Q Bank - Leave Rule (1) Q Bank - Mason (1) Q Bank - Maths (1) Q Bank - NPS (New Pension Scheme) (1) Q Bank - OS / Clerk Typist (1) Q Bank - Pass Rule (1) Q Bank - Planning Inspector (1) Q Bank - Railway (GK) (1) Q Bank - Stenographer (1) Q Bank - Traffic Costing Inspector (1) Question Bank - Technicians of TLAC Group. (1) Short Notes - Establishment (1) Short Notes - Operating / Traffic (1)