Q 1. Who is the competent authority to decide the classification of posts as Non-selection in each Department?

a) GM
b) HOD
c) Rly. Board
d) DRM

Ans: c) (para 210-212 of IREM 1989)

Q2. A suitability test should held at the interval which should not be less then:-

a) 4 months
b) 6 months
c) 12 months
d) 15 months.

Ans: b) (Estt.Srl.No. 16/64)

Q3. The period of 6 months for holding a fresh suitability test is reckoned from :-

a) The date of assessment of vacancy
b) The date of announcement of the previous result
c) After completion of promotion order
d) None of these

Ans: b) (Para 5 of IREM ’89)

Q4. How many Officers are required for holding a departmental suitability test?

Ans: a)

Q5. In case of suitability test, the vacancies are to calculated on the basis of :-

a) Existing vacancy
b) Anticipated vacancy
c) Resultant vacancy
d) All of the above

Ans: d) (Estt.Srl.No. 51/98)

Q6. In case of suitability test, anticipated vacancies will be taken into account for the:-

a) Next 4 months
b) Next 6 months
c) Next 12 months
d) Next 15 months

Ans: b) (Estt.Srl.No. 51/92)

Q7. In case of Trade test, anticipated vacancy will be taken into account for the :-

a) Next 4 months
b) Next 6 months
c) Next 12 months
d) Next 15 months

Ans: a) (Estt.Srl.No. 144/96)

Q8. What is the number of staff to be called for appearing in Suitability/Trade test for Promotion to non-selection post in Gr.’C’ category?

a) 3 times the number of vacancies
b) 5 times the number of vacancies
c) Equal to the number of vacancies
d) None of the above

Ans: c) (Estt. Srl.No. 51/98)

Q9. Non selection posts are filled by promotion of staff on the basis of:-

a) Seniority
b) Suitability
c) Seniority-cum-Suitability
d) None of these

Ans: c)

Q10. Continuity suitability test will be done within:-

a) 4 months
b) 6 months
c) 12 months
d)15 months

Ans: b) (Estt.Srl.No. 160/80)

Q11. What period of service in the lower grade is required for promotion in Gr.’C’ post (Non-safety Category) ?

a) 1 year
b) 2 years
c) 3 years
d) 4 years

Ans: b) (Estt.Srl.No. 183/87)

Q12. The condition of 2 years service should stand fulfilled
a)At the time of actual promotion
b)At the stage of consideration
c)At the stage of appearing the suitability test
d)None of these
Ans: a) (Estt.Srl.No. 200/98)

Q13. Modified suitability will be held on the basis of

a) Written test
b) Viva-voce
c)Written test and Viva-voce
d)Service record and confidential reports/working report

Ans: d) (Estt.Srl.No. 4/04)

Q14. How many marks are to be obtained in a suitability test against an unreserved vacancy ?

a) 40 %
b) 50%
c) 60%
d) 80%

Ans: b) (Estt. Srl.No. 83/63)

Q15. How many marks are to be obtained in a suitability test against a reserved vacancy?

a) 40 %
b) 50%
c) 60%
d) 80%

Ans: a) (Estt.Srl.No. 41/70)

How many chances are given by GM to the widow to appear in the suitability test in case of compassionate appointment-
a) 1st
b) 2nd
c) 3rd
d) 4th
Ans.   (c) [Authority: Board’s letter No. E(NG)II/2001/RC-1/Genl/II, dated:21.9.01.(RBE No.192/01), (SER Estt.Srl. No.128/2001)]

Q. 17 The candidates applying for appointment on compassionate ground in a Gr.C post, suitability test should be adjudged by Sr. Scale Officers consists of--

a) 1 members
b) 2 members
c) 3 members
d) 4 members
Ans.  ( c ) (SER- Estt.Srl. No. 274/89)

18. Suitability for non-selection post being determined by _______ on the basis of the record of service and/or departmental tests if necessary. 
Ans.   (the competent authority) 

19. A suitability test for non-selection post should be held at the interval which should not be less than _______ months. 
Ans. (six) 

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