Q Bank on Signal For Departmental Exam of Traffic & Signal Dept

1. The time interval method of train working is not practicable due to

a) Speed of trains vary

b) Terrain is not same throughout the country

c) Hauling capacity, Load of train and Brake power is not same for all trains

d) All


2. It is not possible to control the movement of trains under the "Time interval method", a better method of control called the ….. is adopted


a) "Space Interval Method"

b) Time interval method

c) Pilot method

d) shunting


3. A ……… means to convey a particular pre-determined meaning in non- verbal form to approaching loco pilot

a) Railway signal

b) whistle

c) voice

d) b and c

4. Fixed signals are generally located on. of the track.

a) Left hand side

b) Right hand side

c) Center

d) a & b


5. The semaphore arm of the …….. is square ended, painted Red with White bar parallel to the square end in front and painted white with black bar in rear of signal

a) stop signal

b) Permissive signal

c) Flare signal

d) Detonating signal


6. Semaphore signal, horizontal position of the arm during day time is considered as the ……….aspect and the inclined position is the "OFF" aspect of the signal.


a)  ON

b) OFF

c) Marker light

d) All


7. Semaphore signal inclined position of the arm during day time is considered as the -------aspect of the signal


a) ON

b) OFF

c) Marker light

d) All

8. Name of the permissive signal in LQ signalling is

a) Warner signal

b) Outer signal

c) Home sig

d) Starter signal


9. Different types of signals used for train operation are

a) Fixed signals

b) Hand signals

c) Flare/ Detonating signals

d) All


10. Semaphore signals used on the Railways are in the form of a arm fixed to a vertical ……. post.

a) Rectangular or fish tailed

b) Square type

c) Circle type

d) All


11. A signal of fixed location indicating a condition affecting the movement of a train and includes a semaphore arm or disc or fixed light for use by day and a fixed light for use by

night’ is …..

a) Fixed signal

b) Flare signal

c) Hand signal

d) Detonating signal


12. The Signals, which are governing the approach and entry of trains into a station section are


a) Signal for Reception

b) Signal for Dispatching

c) Detonating signal

d) Miscellaneous signals

13. A ……signal in case of Two aspect signalling can be placed below the first stop signal or below the Last Stop Signal or can be on a post by itself with fixed green light above

a) Warner

b) shunt

c) Flare sig

d) starter

14. The Purpose of warner signal is to warn the Loco Pilot that he is approaching a stop signal or to warn him about the condition of. …….ahead.


a) Station

b) Block section

c) Station section

d) Panel

15. If the sectional speed is 120 kmph or above, two "DISTANT" signals shall be provided, these signals are called ….. and ……. respectively

a) Home & Calling On

b) Distant & inner Distant

c) Starter & shunt

d) Calling ON & Shunt



16. Minimum one permissive and one stop signal are sufficient for trains approaching a station, when stop signal is taken 'OFF' it permits the train to enter the station, this is called ……. signal of the station

a) Warner

b) Distant

c) Home

d) Shunt


17. At a station where two stop signals are provided in the approach, the first one shall be called …… and the next shall be …..

a) Outer, Home signal

b) Distant, Inner Distant

c) Shunt, Calling ON

d) Repeater, Route signal


18. Where the distance between the Home signal and the Reception lines of the station is far away, one more stop signal may be provided, as One Home signal will not be sufficient to facilitate the reception. So a stop signal provided between Home and the Reception lines shall be called a

a) Starter signal

b) Routing Home signal

c) Flare signal

d) Distant signal


19. In Multiple Aspect Signalling a ……….. signal is provided to indicate the Loco Pilot about the condition of the stop signal ahead

a) Warner

b) Distant

c) Shunt

d) Flare signal


20. A Warner signal may be shall be located on separate post at

the distance of not less than ----------- in rear of the first stop

signal or Gate Stop Signal, unless otherwise it is permitted

by approved special instructions.


a) 1200 mts

b) 400 mts

c) 600 mts

d) 180 mts



21. A Warner is a permissive signal may be placed either ….

a) On a post by itself with a fixed green light by night 1.5 to 2 mts above it

b) On the post, 1.5 to 2 mts below the arm of the Outer signal

c) On the post, 1.5 to 2 mts below the Last Stop Signal of a station.

d) All



22. In Two aspect signalling where Outer signal is provided, it will be the. ………… of the station

a) First stop signal

b) Last stop signal

c) Permissive signal

d) Flare signal


23.I n two aspect signalling where Outer signal is provided, it shall

be placed not less than ……… in rear of the point up to which the line may be obstructed after the line clear ……. has been given to the station in rear on Double line


a)1200 mts

b) 400 mts

c) 600 mts

d) 180 mts


24. In two aspect signalling where Outer signal is provided on single line it shall be placed at not less than ---------in rear of the point up to which the line may be obstructed after the line ……. clear has been given to the station in rear.

a) 1200 mts

b) 400 mts

c) 580 mts

d) 180 mts


25. Home signal (LQ) shall be located in rear of all connections, and close to the first set of facing points clear of lock bar, or the fouling mark to protect …..

a) Adjacent line

b) Stop Board

c) Trap point

d) All

26. In LQ Signalling the starter signal shall be placed at not less than ……. in advance of the Home Signal

a) 1200 mts

b) 400 mts

c) 600 mts

d) 180 mts


27. An ……. shall be placed in rear of the point or fouling mark to which it protects

a) Intermediate starter signal

b) Shunt signal

c) Flare signal

d) Detonating signal


28. In LQ, an advanced starter shall be placed at outside all connections on the line to which it applies; it shall be placed at not less than ……  from the outermost point on single line.


a) 1200 mts

b) 400 mts

c) 600 mts

d) 180 mts


29. In MAUQ on single line or double line, the distant signal shall be placed at an adequate distance i.e. Normal braking distance in rear of the first stop signal of the station or gate stop signal, which shall not be less ……..

a) 1000 mts

b) 400 mts

c) 100 mts

d) 180 mts



30. The signals, which control the movement of trains within the

station section are …….. and ……..sign


a) Calling —On sig

b) Shunt signal

c) Flare signal

d) a and b


31. Shunt signals authorise movement only at such slow speeds as to be able to stop short of any obstruction and control ___ movements

a) Shunting

b) Block Back

c) Block Forward

d) b and c


32. Shunt signal can be placed on a separate post by itself close to the ground or can be placed below a stop signal other than the__ signal of a station

a) First and last stop signal

b) Last stop signal

c) Permissive signal

d) Flare signal


33. More than one shunt signal may be placed on the same post in which case the top- most signal shall apply to. …… and the second shunt signal from the top shall apply to the next line from the extreme left and so on


a) Extreme left hand line

b) Extreme right hand line

c) center line

d) b and c


34. Shunt signal shall be either ….. types

a) Disc type shunt signal

b) Position Light Shunt Signal

c) Under special instructions, a shunt signal may be a miniature arm also

d) a,b and c


35.  When a dependent Shunt Signal is placed below a Stop Signal, it shall show ___ in the "ON" position

a) no light

 b) yellow light

c) Green light

d) b and c


36. At certain stations where uninterrupted shunting operation is required in both the

directions (to-and-fro towards the shunting neck or other connected lines) ……. may be provided for shunting

a) a Shunting Permitted Indicator (SPI)

b) Route indicator

c) Flare signal

d) b and c


37. ………… is not a stop signal, but an indicator, which is operated by a ground frame lever and works in conjunction with the stop signal such that either the SPI or the associated Shunt signal can be taken off at a time

a) a Shunting Permitted Indicator (SPI)

b) Route indicator

c) Flare signal

d) b and c


38. A Shunting Permitted Indicator is of ………..types


a) Disc type - a black disc with yellow cross - painted on it.

b) Light type - Yellow cross light.

c) Control Disc

d) All


39. A calling on signal is a subsidiary signal and has no

a)  Independent existence

b) OFF aspect

c) C marker

d) b and c


40. A calling on signal is a subsidiary signal and has no independent existence, It is provided below any stop signal other than _....

a) FSS

b) LSS

c) Permissive signal

d) Detonating signal


41. Colour light Signal not in use or not commissioned are provided with

a) Crossbars on signal unit and such signals shall not be lit

b) Cross mark on signal unit rear and such signals shall not be lit

c) Cross mark on signal unit both sides and such signals shall not be lit

d) Crossbars on signal unit and such signals shall not be lit


42. A Shunting Permitted Indicator is of types

a) Disc type - a black disc with yellow cross - painted on it.

b) Light type - Yellow cross light.

c) Control Disc

d) a and b


43. A calling on signal is a subsidiary signal and has no

a) independent existence

b) OFF aspect

c) C marker

d)b and c


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