Question Paper PWay – LDCE (Civil Engineering) (25 – 10 – 1986) Paper II


Limited Departmental Competitive Examination 

Civil Engineering Department 

Date : 25 – 10 – 1986 ( A. N. ) Time : 3 Hours. 

PAPER – II ( i ) Marks : 100 

NOTE : All questions carry equal marks. 

Answer any FIVE questions. 

Make suitable assumptions regarding data where necessary. 

Q. 1 – ( a ) If the degree of curve is defined by the angle at the center subtended by an arc (or chord) 20 meters, find the length of the chord in meters so that the versine measured in cms is equal to the degree of curve. 

( b ) What is an ideal transition curve and by what name it is generally called. A transition curve is required for a circular curve of 200-meter f radius, the gauge being 1.5 m. and max super elevation restricted to 15 cm. The transition restricted to 15 cm. The transition is to be designed for a velocity such that no lateral pressure is imposed on the rails and the rate of gain of radial acceleration is 30 cm / sec3 . Calculate the required length of transition. 

Q. 2 – ( a ) Two concentrated loads of 100 & 200 KN advance along a girder of 20 m. span, the distance between the loads being 8 m. Find the position of the section which has to support the greatest bending moment and calculate the value of this bending moment. 

( b ) A reinforced concrete pipe is of uniform thickness and 24 inches mean diameter. The loading from above may also be considered of uniformly distributed both loads having a value of 1600 Lbs per sq feet. If the pipe is 2 inches thick what maximum stress is induced. Draw the Bending moment diagram? 

Q. 3 – ( a ) What are the material required for reinforced cement concrete structure of a multi - storied building. Describe them in brief with specification. 

( b ) Design a concrete mix from the following data: - 

Strength desired – 3800 psi, 

Slump - 1” , 

Fineness modules of fine and coarse, aggregates available are 2 and 6.2 and max size of particle is ¾”, Weight of fine and coarse aggregates are 110 lbs per cft. And 100 lbs per cft respectively, Weight of cement is 90 lbs per cft. Voids in fine and coarse aggregates are 40 % each. Water cement ratio for a strength of 3800 psi = 0.64, the fineness modulus of combined aggregates may be taken as 4.7, voids in cement 50 % 

Q. 4 – ( a ) What are loads and forces taken into account for designing a pile and what is load carrying capacity of a pile. 

( b ) Determine the load carrying capacity of an RCC pile. Given the following data Section of the pile = 50 cm x 50 cm 

Length of the pile = 15 m. 

Weight of concrete = 2.4 t / m3 

Weight of falling hammer = 5 tonnes. 

Weight of free fall = 1 m. 

Average penitration under last ten blows. = 5 mm 

Efficiency of hammer = 100 % 

Co-efficient of restitution = 0.5 

Total elaste compression = 30 mm 

Use Hiley formula. 

Q. 5 – ( a ) Describe Bernoulli’s ‘ theorem for liquids. Illustrate with equation. How this is applied for the construction of venturimeter. 

50 liters per sec of water flow in a horizontal pipeline which is 200m long and the centerline of which is 3 m above the datum line. The pipe tapers from 30 cm diameter to 20 cm dia. If the pressure at the larger end of the pipe is 1kg / Cm2. Calculate the pressure on the other end. Neglect losses. 

( b ) A bridge is to be constructed over a stream having a catchment area = 20 miles2 partly in plains and partly in hills. Portion in hills has a length of 1.7 miles and fall of 880 ft. and that in plains has a length of 5.7 miles and a fall of 244 ft. Calculate the flood discharge if co elf of discharge is 80 % and area factor 95 5 and value of constant for calculating time of concentration = 14 for hills and 6 for plains. One hr rain fall intensity may be assumed as 2.5’’. 

Q. 6 – A new railway Colony is going to have a population of 60,000. suggest the arrangements of water supply and sewage disposal. There is a river having perennial flow, which can be used, as source of water supply and also for disposal of treated sewage. Draw a neat diagram. 

Q. 7 – Write short notes on any five: - 

a) Triangulation 

b) Proof stresses and working stresses. 

c) Bricks. 

d) Well foundation. 

e) Unit Hydrograph. 

f) Activated sludge process.

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