Q. B Special Class Railway Apprentices (SCRA)

Part -A

Selecting Words 

Directions : In the following passage, at certain points you are given a choice pf three words market (a), (b) and (c), one of which file the meaning of the passage. choose the best word out of the three. Mark the letter, viz, (a),(b) or (c), relating to this word on your Answer Sheet. Example K and L have been solved for you. 

                     K                                                      L  

the (a) boy was in the school in simla.     (a) She was homeaick 
     (b) horse                                              (b) It 

     (c) dog                                                 (c) He 

Example : Out of the list given in item K, only, 'boy' is the correct answer because usually, a boy, and not a horse or a dog, attends school. So (a) is to be marked on the Answer Sheet for item K.A boy is usually referred to as 'he' so for item L. (c) is the correct answer. Notice that to solve the first item K, you have to read the rest of the sentence and than see what fits best. 


It is not true to say that stress and anxiety are experiences o recent origin for mankind. Every ern 

has been an age of anxiety. A few hundred               (a) then was not threat of nuclear war, 
years ago, for example,                                              (b) here
                                                                                    (c) there 

2.                                                                                  3.
(a) yet there was the terrible dangr of                     (a) the plague which quite literally destroyed whole
(b) but                                                                      (b) a
(c) still                                                                      (c)that

4.                                                                                  5.
(a) Populations. Everything in human life is           (a) uncertain and contingent - you may be rich 
(b) continents.                                                          (b) impossible
(c) departments.                                                       (c) unbearable 

(a) now and poor tomorrow, or healthy or sick ; this has been true throughout history . 
(b) always 
(c) today 

Ordering of words in a sentence 

Directions : In each of the items in this action, there is a sentence of which some parts have been jumped up. you are required to rearrange these parts which are labelled P,Q,R and S to produce the correct sentence. choose the proper sequence and mark in your Answer Sheet accordingly. 

7. If you need help - promptly and politely ask attendants to help our customers 
                                  ------------------------    ----------------  -------------------------
                                                  P                             Q                        R 
who have instructions. 

The proper sequence should be 
(a) S Q P R                       (b) Q P S R 
(c) Q S R P                        (d) S Q R P 

8. he was so kind and generous that     he not only  made others do so  but also helped them himself 
                                                              -------------   ---------------------   ---------  -----------------------
                                                                      P                     Q                     R                   S 

The proper sequence should be 

(a) P S R Q            (b) S P Q R 
(c) P R S Q            (d)  Q P R S 

9. People  at his dispensary went to him of all professions for medicine and treatment.
                 -------------------   -------------  --------------------  --------------------------------
                               P                     Q                      R                          S 

The proper sequence should be 

(a) Q P R S        (b) R P Q S 
(C) R Q S P        (d) Q S P R

10. Little that  he had been let down stood by all these years did he realize 
                -------------------------------  ---------------------------  ---------------
                                P                                             Q                          R

by a colleague whom he

The proper sequence should be 
(a) R P S Q   (b) RSQP
(c) Q S R P   (d) QSPR

11. There was needed for its everyday life a time when each family for it self most of the things it 
                        --------------------------------  ----------------------------   -----------------------------------
                                             P                                      Q                                         R

actually produced.

the proper sequence should be 
(a)  Q R S P               (b) R Q P S 
(c)  R S P Q               (d)  Q S R P 

12. We have to as we see it  speak the truth there is falsehood and darkness even if all around us. 
                         -------------   -----------------   ------------------------------------  ------------------------
                                   P                   Q                              R                                           S

The proper sequence should be 

(a)  R Q S P            (b)   Q R P S 
(c)  R S Q P            (d)    Q P S R 

13. This majestic mahogany table belongs to an old prince which has one leg missing
                                                       ----------------------------   ------------------------------
                                                                            P                                   Q
 who is now improverished  but proud of his background 
---------------------------------  ---------------------------------
                             R                         S

The proper sequence should be 
(a) P Q S R                 (b) Q R S P
(c) P R S Q                 (d)  Q P R S 

14. By this time at the railway station  reported mass looting 
                   -------------------------------  -------------------------
                                         P                                    Q

reports of violence were flooding in while police dispatches.  
-------------------------------------------   ---------------------------
                                   R                                     S

The proper sequence should be 

(a) R S P Q         (b) S P R Q 
(c) S Q R P          (d) R S Q P 

15. It would appear from his atatement  about the policy of the management  
                     ------------------------------    ------------------------------------------
                                     P                                                 Q

in dealing with the strike that he was quite in the dark. 
-----------------------------   ---------------------------------
                    R                                     S

The proper sequence should be 

(a) R  P  S  Q               (b) P S Q R 
(c)  R Q P S                 (d)  P R Q S 


Directions : Each question in this section consists of a word printed in capital letters followed by words or phrases listed as (a), (b), (c) and (d). Choose from these the word or phrase that has most nearly the same meaning as the word in capital letters. 

(a) find the exact position of 
(b) lessen the pain 
(c) give up gracefully 
(d) to apportion for a specific purpose 

(a) most satisfactory 
(b) relating to 
(c) cheerful 
(d) not compulsory 

(a) cut off a part 
(b) annoy exceedingly 
(c) carry off 
(d) conclude 

(a) save 
(b) old - fashioned 
(c) hoard 
(d) store 


Direction: Each question in this section consists of a word printed in capital letters followed by words or phrases listed as (a), (b), (c) and (d), choose from these the word or phrase that has most nearly the meaning opposite to the word in capital letters. 

(a) impartially 
(b) entirely 
(c) favouring one party 
(d) not toether 

(a) Paralyzed 
(b) sickly 
(c) living 
(d) misled 

(a) barren 
(b) productive 
(c) without germe 
(d) infectious 

(a) quite similar 
(b) expressing admiration 
(c) showing compassion 
(d) unable to exist together with 

(a) debate 
(b) agreement
(c) discussion 
(d) contradiction 


Direction : Read the following short passages. After each passage, you will find several questions based on what is stated or implied in the passages. Answer the questions that follow each passage. 

Passage - 1 

Vehicles do not move about the roads for mysterious reasons of their own. they move only because people want them to move in connection with he activities which the people are engaged in. Traffic is therefore a 'function of activities' and because, in towns, activities mainly take place in buildings, traffic in towns is a 'function of buildings' The Implications of this line of reasoning are inescapable. 

25. Line 1 of the passage means that vehicles move on the roads. 
(a) for reasons difficult to underground. 
(b) to serve specific purposes of people. 
(c) in a haphazard fashion. 
(d) in ways beyond our control. 

26. The author says that traffic is a function of activities he means that 
(a) human activities are taking place. 
(b) human activities are dependent on traffic
(d) traffic is connected with human activities 

27. The author suggests by his argument that 
(a) to regulate traffic more policemen have to be employed 
(b) to regulate activities traffic has to be controlled 
(c) to regulate traffic buildings have to be taken into consideration 
(d) to understand the traffic problem we must examine the social context in which it is found 

28. By 'this line of reasoning' the author means 
(a) Idea contained in this line 
(b) Idea contained in any one lime of his argument 
(c) the manner of arguing 
(d) this row of printed characters. 

Passage - 2 

Governments throughout the world act on the assumption that the welfare of their people depends largely on the economic  strength and wealth of the community. Under modern conditions, this requires varying measures of centralized control and the help of specialized scientists such as economists and operational research experts. Furthermore, it is obvious that the strength of a country's economy is directly bound up with the efficiency is directly bound up with the efficiency of its agriculture and industry, and that this in turn rests upon the efforts of scientists and technologist of all kinds. it also means that governments  are increasingly compelled to interfere in these sectors in order to step up production and ensure that it is utilized to the best advantage. 

29. According to the author, the function of the government of a country is to 
(a) ensure the progress of science in all directions. 
(b) encourage mainly agriculture production 
(c) redistribute the wealth of the community 
(d) promote economic growth and proper utilization of resources 

30. Government needs the help of 
(a) scientists engaged in theoretical 
(b) scientists who belong to different 
(c) social scientists only 
(d) scientists with a wide general knowledge 

31. The author states that a country 's economy is 
(a) strengthened by the contribution of science to agriculture and industry 
(b) entirely dependent on its agriculture 
(c) chiefly bassed on the industry of its people
(d) closely related to the industry of its people 

32. Which of the following statements best expresses the main idea of the passage? 
(a) Environmental science is the most important of science 
(b) The community as a whole is dependent on industry 
(c) The government is unnecessarily interfering with science and technology 
(d) Science and technology are increasingly coming under the control of the government. 

Sentence Improvement 

Directions : Look at the underlined part of each sentence Below each sentence are given three possible substitutions for the underlined part, If one of them (a), (b) or (c) is better than the underlined part, indicate your response on the Answer sheet against the corresponding letter, If none of the substitutions improves the sentence, indicate (d) as your response on the Answer Sheet. 

33. He has gone to Kolkata last week.
(a)  went to Kolkata last week 
(b)  has left for kolkata last week 
(c)  has proceeded to Kolkata last week 
(d)  No improvement 

34. If he would receive my letter in time, he would be able to change his plans. 
(a) If he will receive my letter in time. 
(b) If he receive my letter in time 
(c) Since he would receive my letter in time 
(d) No improvement 

35. I have been ringing the doorbell five times but no one has answered.
(a) I had been ringing the doorbell 
(b) I am ringing the doorbell 
(c) I have rungs the doorbell 
(d) No improvement 

36. Raman is having a good ear for music. 
(a) Raman has a good ear 
(b) Raman is owning a good ear 
(c) Raman is possessing a good ear 
(d) No improvement 

37. The new medicine made the children get better. 
(a) the children to get better 
(b) the children getting better 
(c) the children got better 
(d) No improvement 

38. When he will arrive, the band will play the National Anthem. 
(a) After he will arrive 
(b) If he would arrive 
(c) When he arrive 
(d) No improvement 

39. I did't do it with the hopes to get something. 
(a) with the hope to get something. 
(b) with the hope of getting something. 
(c) with the hope for getting something. 
(d) No improvement

40. This inheritance of ours is something to be proud of. 
(a) This inheritance of our 
(b) Our this inheritance 
(c) This inherited of ours. 
(d) No Improvement 

41. He will break up the marriage unless the promised dowry is paid to him before the ceremony 

(a) The marriage will break down 
(b)The marriage will be broken up by him 
(c) He will break off the marriage 
(d) No improvement 

42. The cell usually comprises of to distinct forms of protoplasm.

(a) comprised of 
(b) comprises 
(c) comprise of 
(d) No improvement 

43. The Planning Commission is drawing up a scheme for involve the scientists of the country. 
(a) for involvement 
(b) in involvement 
(c) to involve 
(d) No Improvement 

44. Magnesium - Aluminium alloy has been developing for covering Uranium fuel elements in certain types of nuclear reactors. 
(a) have been developed 
(b) is being develop 
(c) has been developed 
(d) No improvement 

45. Tu - 124 aircraft consumed excessive fuel comparing to modern fuel - efficient jets. 
(a) compare with 
(b) compared to 
(c) compared for 
(d) No improvement 

46. The heads of safety matches usually contain some Sulphar of Charcoal. 
(a) head of safety matches 
(b) heads of safety matches 
(c) head of safety match 
(d) No improvement 

Spotting Errors 

Directions : In this section you have to spot errors in sentences , Read each sentence to fine out whether there is an error in any underlined part. Errors, if any, are in the underlined parts. No sentences has more than one error. Letters (a),(b) and have been placed beneath the underlined parts for their identification. When you find an error in any one of the underlined parts, indicate your response on the separate Answer sheet in the relevant column. you may feel that there is no error in the sentence. In that care, letter (d) will signify a ' No Error' response. 

47. Arun explained me his problem   and he asked me  to help him  No errors
      --------------------------------------   --------------------  --------------  -----------
                          (a)                                       (b)                    (c)               (d) 
48. My father knows  the most of the engineers   working at BHEL  No errors 
      --------------------  ------------------------------    ---------------------   -----------
               (a)                              (b)                                     (c)                     (d) 

49. Neroli oil is an essential oil  obtained from  the flowers of orange trees. No error
      --------------------------------   -----------------   -------------------------------   ---------
                     (a)                                (b)                              (c)                            (d) 

50. Neurotoxin attacks the nervous system and damage it  No error.
      ----------------------   ----------------------   ---------------   ----------
                    (a)                       (b)                          (c)              (d) 

51. I went to see   the coal mines in Asansol  in last sunner  No Error
      --------------    ------------------------------    ----------------  ----------
               (a)                           (b)                             (c)                  (d) 

52. All his children  are knowing at least one foreign language No error
     -------------------   --------------  ----------------------------------  ----------
                 (a)                 (b)                         (c)                                 (d) 

53. we don't discuss about the case in his presence  No error 
      ---------   -------------------------  ------------------  ----------
        (a)                     (b)                        (c)                   (d) 

54. Who  do you think that did it?  No error. 
       -----  ---------------  ------------   ----------
         (a)         (b)                  (c)             (d) 

55. He did't know  whether he will enjoy  himself  No error 
      ----------------   -------------------------   ---------   ---------
             (a)                         (b)                       (c)            (d) 

56. what are    their reasons to say it?  No errors 
      ----------     --------------  ---------    ------------
          (a)                  (b)            (c)             (d) 

57. I was filled  with admiration  by watching him No error 
      -------------   ------------------    -----------------     ----------
            (a)                     (b)                   (c)                     (d) 

58. He has   only coffee in breakfast  No error 
      --------   -------------   ------------    ---------
        (a)             (b)                (c)              (d) 

59. You had better worked   harder if you  want to get a promotion No error 
        -------------------------    ---------------   ----------------------------  ----------
                    (a)                             (b)                       (c)                             (d) 

60. Man does not live by bread alone No error 
      -----  --------------   -----------------   ---------
        (a)        (b)                    (c)                  (d) 

Part B

Direction : (for the next three items) 

In each of the following three items below, there is a statement followed by two courses of action I and II. Which one among the following courses of action logically follows? 

(a) if only i follows 
(b) If only II follows 
(c) If either I or II follows 
(d) If neither I nor II follows 

61. Statement: 
An increasing number of graduates produced by Indian universities is unemployable. 

Course of action I : 
Colleges and institutes of  higher learning colleges and institutes of higher learning colleges and given greater autonomy to decide course content. 

Course of action II : 
Foreign universities should be encouraged to set up campuses in India. 

62. Statement : 

Heavy rains hit the State during  October, Just before the state Assembly selection and caused heavy damage to standing erops in most of the state. 

Course of action I : 

Elections should be postponed to give candidates the opportunity to campaign. 

Course of action II : 

The Government should announce a relief package for those who are affected. 

63. Statement : 

Cell phone users have found that tariff plans are not as attractive as promoted by telephone companies and complained to the regulatory authority about the same. 

Course of action I : 

The regulatory authority should direct telephone companies to be transparent on the tariff structure of all plans. 

Course of action II : 

The government should restrict the number of telephone companies operating in the country. 

64. Which of the following statements 'communalism' are correct?

1. It refers to aggressive chauvinism based on religious identity. 
2. A communal person or state is one that does not favour  any particular religion over others. 
3. A communalist may or may bot be a devout  believer may or may not be a communalist 
4. It is an aggresive political ideology linked to religion. 

select the correct answer using code given below: 

(a) 1,2 and 4 
(b) 3 and 4 only 
(c) 1,2 and 3 
(d) 1,3 and 4 

65. The term 'hot money' is used to refer to 
(a) Currency + Reserves with the RBI 
(b) Net GDR  receipta 
(d) Foreign Portfolio Investment 

66. The loss of the ozone layer has serious implications fo the quality of the environment because
(a) Ozone (O3) protects organisms from UV rays 

67. What do you understand by caste structure in India? 

1. Caste is a system of social stratification which lies at very root of Indian social structure. 
2. It is a pattern of social behaviour in which groups and individuals are guided by a prescribed set of norms, values and sanctions. 
3. in this system, individual are born into a certain and there by acquire the role and status with that caste identity. 

Select the correct answer using the code given below:

(a) 1 and 3 only 
(b) 2 only 
(c) 1,2 and 3 
(d) 2 and 3 only 

68. Which of the following statements regarding relative humidity ia / are correct ? 

1. It is an index of the amount  of water vapour present in the atmosphere. 

2. It measures the rediness with which vapour will condense from the air. 

3. The value of the relative humiditiy varies inversely with temperature and rises during night. 

4. It is the retie  of the  mass or weight of water vapour per unit volume of air measured in grams per cubic meter. 

select the correct answer using the code given below : 

(a) 1 and 4 only 
(b) 2 and 3 only 
(c) 4 only 
(d) 1,2 and 3 

69. Balanced growth implies that 

(a) growth of no sector is impeded by inadequate growth in another sector 
(b) supply and demand grow at the same pace 
(c) growth rate of income and consumption are the same 
(d) growth rate of savings is equal to growth rate of investment 

70. The Inter Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) normally occurs near the 
(a) Equstor 
(b) Thopic of Cancer 
(c) Tropic of Capricorn 
(d) Artic Cirele 

71. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is called 'gross' because its computations does not exclude 

(a) depreciation of capital (consumption) of capital in production process) 
(b) subsidies on consumption of goods 
(c) earning of foroign factors in host country 
(d) impact of price rise 

72. In India, fiscal deficit shot up from 2 -5 percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2007 - 08 to 6-0 percent of GDP in 2008 - 09 (global recession year) because, ad a ratio of GDP 

(a) revenue receipts dose faster than revenue expenditure 
(b) revenue receipts fell and revenue expenditure on subsidies rose 
(c) capital receipts rose while revenue receipts fell 
(d) revenue receipts and non - debt receipts fell while revenue expenditure shot up 

73. In India, which one among the following taxes/ duties now follows a negative list approach? 
(a) Customs duty 
(b) Excise duty 
(c) Service tax 
(d) Income tax 

74. Which one among the following is not a correct demographic fact of India for recent years? 
(a) Female life expectancy at birth is lower than its male counterpart 

(b) Female infant mortality is higher than its male counterpart 

(c) Female literacy rate is lower than its male counterpart 

(d) Female birth rate is lower than its male counterpart  

75. In recent years, shares of agriculture, industry and services in gross Domestic product (GDP) of India have roughly reached the ratio of (respectively) 

(a) 20 : 20 : 60 

(b) 15 : 25 : 60 

(c) 25 : 20 : 55 

(c) 25 : 20 : 55 

(d) 25 : 25 : 50 

76. Match list I with List II and select the correct answer using the given below the Lists : 

List I                                                         List II 

(cell type)                                 (Most Important Function) 

A. RBC                                       1. Immunity 

B. Neutrophils                            2. Oxygenation 

C. Eosinophils                            3. Clotting

D. Platelets                                 4. Mechanism Of allergy 

Code 1 

         A       B            C        D 

(a)     3       4             1         2 

(b)     3       1             4         2 

(c)     2        1            4          3 

(d)     2       4             1           3 

77. Under which of the following  conditions is the phenomenon of 'solar constant the highest ? 
(a) When the rays of Sun travel a grater distance 

(b) When the output of the energy is less 

(c) When there is a presence of larger amount of dust particles, water vapour , salt and smoke 

(d) When the duration of sunlight is more 

79. Which of the following statements relating to District Council under Article 244 (2) of the Constitution of India is / are correct ? 

1. The District Council shall have power to make lawa with respect to marriage and divorce. 

2. The District council may establish, construct or manage primary schools, dispensaries and markets etc. 

Select the correct answer using the code given below : 

(a) 1 only 
(b) 2 only 
(c) Both 1 and 2 
(c) Neither 1 nor 2 

80. Which one among the following is not associated with Trade Organization ? 

(a) Dunkel Treaty 

(b) Reciprocity 

(c)TRIPS, TRIMS and Services 

(d) OECD and NIEO 

81. Consider the following statements: 
1. The word 'caste' is derived from the Portuguese word 'casta' which means a group 
2. In India, caste is not determined by birth 
3. Tribe is not a form of social stratification like caste and class. 

which of the statements given above is/are incorrect? 

(a) 1 and 3 
(b) 3 only 
(c) 2 only 
(d) 2 and 3 

82. The Government's priority in the first Five Year Plan of India was 

(a) Industry 

(b) Agriculture 

(c) Technology 

(d) Education 

83. In a Mendelian experiment breeding of tall pea plants (TT) bearing violet flowers (WW) was done with short pea plants (tt) bearing white flowers (ww) The progeny all bore violet flowers, but almost half of them were short. The genetic make  -up  of the tall parent can be 


2. TTww 

3. TtWW

4. TtWw

Which of these make - ups is/ are correct ? 

(a) 1 and 2 only 

(b) 2 and 3 only 

(c) 4 only 

(d)  3 only 

84. During December and January, North India experiences excessive cold weather because 

1. these areas being far away from the moderating influence of see, experience continental climate . 

2. the cold winds coming from Caspian Sea and Turkmenistan bring cold wave over the northern parts of India. 

3. low pressure develops over North India due to high temperatures. 

4. high pressure develops over North India due to high temperatures. 

Select the correct answer using the code given below: 

(a) 1 and 4 only 

(b) 2 and 3 only 

(c) 1, 2 and 4 

(d) 3 only 

86. Which one among the following will be the longest railway tunnel of the world which is scheduled to be operational in the year 2016 ? 

(a) Pir Panjal Railway tunnel India 

(b) South Liangshan tunnrl, China 

(c) Railway tunnel beneath the Swiss Alps, Switzerland 

(d) Seikan tunnel, Japan 

87. Which among the following is / are the function / functions of religion ? 

1. It performs a supportive function by providing consolation, reconciliation and relief from anxiety or fear. 

2. Religion may perform a social control function 

3. It may be a source of social change. 

Select the correct answer using the code given below : 

(a) 1 Only 
(b) 1, 2 and 3 
(c) 1 and 3 only 
(d) 2 and 3 only 

88. What do you understand by the concept of 'social control' ? 

1. Social control is the control to limit deviance and maintain scial order 

2. When deviant acts are serious., informal  controls are usually imposed 

3. The informal controllers are specifically appointed by the State, and they can be expected to punish deviants severely 

select the correct answer using the code given below: 

(a) 1 only 

(b) 2 and 3 only 

(c) 1,2 and 3 

(d) 1 and 2 only 

89. if a 17 - year - old male has still not undergone the changes of puberty, he is likly to be deficient in 

(a) Growth hormone 

(b) Testosterone 

(c) Progesterone 

(d) Oestrogen 

90. Which of the following is/are the characteristics of eyelone ? 

1. It is a system of low atmospheric pressure in which the barometric gradient is steep. 

2. It is a wind system in which winds are blowing inwards in an anti - clockwise direction in the 'N' hemisphere and in a clockwise direction in the 'S' hemisphre. 

3. It is an air movement which is clockwise in the 'N' hemisphere and anti - clockwise in the 'S' hemisphere. 

4. A system of atmospheric pressure in which the isobars indicate high pressure at the center anf low pressure at the periphery. 

Select the correct answer using the code given below : 

(a) 1 and 4 

(b) 1 and 2

(c) 2 only 

(d) 2 and 3 

91. The property of 'Surface tension' arises arises due to 

1. excess potential energy of the molecules at the surface in comparison to their potential energy of the molecules at the surface in comparison to their potential energy at the interior . 

2. less potential energy of he molecules at the surface in comparison to their potential energy at the interior. 

3. hydrogen bonds present in liquid molecules 

4. Brownian motion of the liquid molecules

Select the correct answer using the code given  below : 

(a) 1 only 1, 2 and 3 only 

(b) 2,3 and 4 only 

(c) 1 and 4 only 

(d) 1,2,3 and 4 

95. Nosucomial infection is 

(a) acquired from 'nose' of humans 

(b) acquired from nasal cavity of animals 

(c) hospital acquired 

(d) an endemic disease 

96. What type pf forest can be found in western coast, upper Assam, lower slopes of eastern Himalaya, Orissa coast and neighbouring  hills?

(a) Dry tropical forest

(b) Alpine forest

(c) Moist tropical forest

(d) Montane sub - tropical forest

97. Among the following, which one statement about friction is not true?

(a) Friction reduces a machine 's efficiency by robbing some of its power.

(b) Sliding friction is less than rolling friction.

(c) Friction accompanies all motions.

(d) A heavy object has more friction than a lighter one.

98. The tern of office of Rajya Sabha members begins in case of Menbers elected/ nominated

1. biennially, from the date on which their names are notified by the Government of India in the official Gazette of the declaration of election of such persons.

2. to fill a casual vacancy, from the date of publication of election of such persons.

Select the correct answer using the code given below :

(a) 1 only

(b) 2 only

(c) Both 1 and 2

(d) Neither 1 nor 2

99. Consider the following statements :

1. A Gram Sabha may exercise such powers and perform such function at the village level as the Legislature of a State may, by law, provide.

2. Parliament may, by law, make provision with respect to maintenance of accounts by panchayata.

which of the statements given above is/ are correct?

(a) 1 only

(b) 2 only

(c) Both 1 and 2

(d) Neither 1 nor 2

100. Which one among the following is not responsible for 'green house effect' ?

(a) Water

(b) Carbon dioxide

(c) Nitrogen

(d) Chlorofluorocarbons

101. Which one among the following industries uses Bauxits  as a raw material ?

(a) Steel

(b) Electronics

(c) Aluminium

(d) Information technology

103. Which one among the following statements about the legislatures of India is not correct ?

(a) The President may prorogue the Houses or either House of Parliament and dissolve the lok Sabha.

(b) In the case of the State Legislatures, it is the Governor who may from time to time prorogur the House or either House of the Legislature and dissolve the Legislative Assembly.

(c) The proposal to summon, prorogue  or dissolve the lok Sabha may be made by the Prime Minister with or without the consultation o the cabinet.

(d) In no case should the time period intervening between the last sitting in one session of parliament and the date appointed for its first sitting in the next session exceed thirty - six weeks.

104. Whether a Member of lok Sabha has become subject to any disqualification will be decided by

1. the President on the ground of a corrupt practice at elections.

2. the Speaker on the ground of defection.

3. the Speaker on the ground of defection.

Select the correct answer using the code given below:

(a) 1 only

(b) 2 only

(c) Both 1 and 2

(d) Neither 1 nor 2

105. Which one among the following is not a function of a pressure group ?

(a) Formation of public opinion

(b) To influence the election process

(c) To work as a link between the government and the pubic

(d) To capture political power by entering election.

106. Viruses are parasitic, having DNA/RNA but they can be crystallized and lack respiration. thus they are treated as

(a) Living materials

(b) non - loving materials

(c) both living and non - living materials

(d) cellulose

107. Consider the following statements :

1. Rowlatt Act resulted in the tragedy of Jalliawala bagh.

2. Gabdhiji shot into prominence in the Indian politics after jallianwala bagh tragedy.

3. Gandhiji launched large scale mass movements in India before 1920.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct /

(a) 1 only

(b) 1 and 2 only

(c) 3 only

(d) 1,2 and 3

108. Consider the following statements:

1. The introduction of railways in India gave rise to the feeling of nationalism in India.

2. The  spread of the Western (English) education encouraged the emergence of nationalist feeling in India.

3. The emergence of Indian nationalism was accompanied by social religious movements that glorified Indian culture.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct ?

(a) 1 only

(b) 1 and 2 only

(c) 2 and 3 only

(d) 1,2 and 3

109. Which one of the following pairs of disease and nature is/are correctly matched ?

1. Scurvy  :  Nutritional

2. Malaria : Degenerative

3. Haemophilia  : Hereditary

Select the answer wsing the coade given below :

(a) 1,2 and 3

(b) 1 and 3 only

(c) 1 and 2 only

(d) 2 only

110. Minerals are deposited and accumulated in

(a)  sedimentary rocks

(b) metamorphic

(d) None of the above

111. Moment of inertia of a body does not depend on

(a) mass

(b) shape

(c) angular velocity

(d) axis of rotation

112. The Buddha laid down a 'code of conduct' for his followers. Which one among the following was not a part of his 'code of conduct?

(a) Do not use intoxicants

(b) Do not indulge in corrupt practices

(c) Do not marry

(d) Do not covet the property of others

113. Name the last Mauryan ruler who was assassinated by his general Pushyamitra shunga.

(a) Chandragupta

(b) Bindussara

(c) Brihadratha

(d) Kunal

114. Indicate the proper order of steps in the nutrition process.

(a) Digestion - Assimilation - Absorption - Egestion

(b) Digestion  - Absorption - - Digestion - Egestion

(c) Absorption  - Absorption - Digestion - Egestion

(d) Assimiliation  - Absorption - Digestion - Egestion

115. Koderma in Jharkhand is the leading producer of

(a) Bauxite

(b) Mica

(c) Iron ore

(d) Copper

116. In order to avoid the bukling of a beam, one has to

1. use material of high Young's modulus.

2. use material of high Young's modulus.

3. construct the beam with large load - bearing surface and enough depth.

4. construct the been with small

Select the correct answer using the code given below:

(a) 1 only

(b) 2 only

(c) 2 and 3

(d) 1 and 4

117. Consider the following statements about the Gandhara art :

1. In the Gandhara art the image of Buddha were made in the Graeco - Roman style.

2. The hair of Buddha was not fashioned in the Graeco - Roman Style.

3. The Gradhara art spread to Mathura and produced several images of mahavira.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct ?

(a) 1 only

(b) 1 and 3 only

(c) 2 and 3 only

(d) 1,2 and 3

118. Consider the following statements concerning temple architecture in India :

1. A pillarless hall was called mandap.

2. Temple architecture in the South attained its climax under the cholas.

3. The style of architecture which flourished under the cholas is called Dravid.

which of the statements given above is/are incorrect?

(a) 1 only

(b) 1 and 2

(c) 2 and 3

(d) 3 only

119. During the production of Youghurt from milk, the system is found to produce

(a) Citric acid

(b) Lactic acid

(c) Formic acid

(d) Acetic acid

120. Which one among the following is the main form of degradation in irrigated areas?

(a) Gully erosion

(b) Wind erosin

(c) Salinisation of solis

(d) Siltation of land

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