Railway Question Bank - LDCE ( Account) - September 1996


September 1996


Important: this paper contains two sections A and B. both the sections have to be answered. Section A carries 50 maximum, and section B carries 100 marks


GK1. Expand the abbreviations in any five 5 marks
 a) CTBT 
e) PSLV 
f) WTO 
g) SEBI 
h) MAT
i) ILO 
j) BIFR GK2.

(I) Write short notes on any five 10 marks 

a) Alamatti Dam 
b) CHIPKO Movement 
c) Medha Patkar 
d) Damodhar Valley Corporation 
e) Vote On Account f) Atlanta 
g) Solar Energy Or 

(ii) Write the main features of the official language Act 1963 (Act 19 of 1963) 

GK3. Write a note in not more than 200 words on any one of the following 15 marks 
a) Public sector disinvestment programme 
b) Amarnath yatra 

GK 4. Fill up the blanks with suitable preposition 5 marks Coming back _______ the Eastern Railway, operations were _____ its peak efficiency and ____ February and March 1969, _____ loading figures ____ coal and general goods set new records. ___ far ____ general goods loading is concerned the figures obtained _____ those months have never been reached subsequently. 

GK 5. Name the authors of the following books 5 marks 
a) Discovery of India
b) My experiments with truth 
c) Passage to India 
d) As you like it 
e) Ivanhoe 

GK 6. What is common to the following railway stations from the point of view of fast travel 5 marks Lucknow, Kalka, Amritsar, Dehardun, Bhopal, Bokaro, Ahmedabad, and Bangalore 

GK 7. Name the four highest civilian awards given in our country naming atleast two recipients of the highest award 5 marks 


This section contains two parts A and B. attempt any four questions taking any two from each part. All questions carry equal marks of 25 


BA 1. What are the various instruments through which the Indian railway finance corporation raises funds? How are these deposited to meet the capital requirement of railways ? how does the Indian railways discharge its liability to the corporation? 

BA 2. write short notes on any four 
a) Amortisation 
b) Capital Fund 
c) Railway Fare And Freight Enquiry Committee 
d) Activity Based Costing 
e) BOLT Schemes 
f) Budgetary Reports 

BA3. What are the various committees of parliament relating to railway financial performance? Explain in detail the working of any one of the committees 

BA4. “In the wake of economic reforms and liberalisation policies Indian railway‟s system and procedures require fundamental change” discuss 

BA 5. (a) What is the purpose of different funds in the set up of the existing railway‟s financial system? 

(b) What are the implications in financial terms and nature of justification between charging of works to capital fund and capital-at-charge? 


BB 1. What do you understand by zero based budget? How is this improvement over the conventional system of budgeting in railways? 

BB2. Explain the present system of remittance of earnings into government account. What are your suggestions for improving the promptness of accountal? 

BB3. How is the earnings budget of a railway formulated? What is the usefulness of various statistical data in this exercise? 

BB4. Within the appropriations voted by parliament, relays should be free to prioritise their investments on works, rolling stock and machinery and plant. Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer. 

BB5. The present system of closing of accounts and transfer adjustments delay the availability of accounting information for decision making. What are the areas in which this can be improved upon? 


Important: this paper contains two sections A and B. both the sections have to be answered. Section A is compulsory for all candidates and carries 50 marks maximum Section B which carries 100 marks maximum has two parts A and B. candidates should attempt either of the two papers depending on their optional subjects. 

Section A maximum marks 50 

A – 1. what do you understand by “life-cycle” costing? What are the important areas where it can be employed? How is it an improvement over the normally known costing system? 

A – 2. what is meant by financial ratios? Enumerate any three of them. Can the operating ratio be considered as a financial ratio? Give reasons for your answer 

A – 3. a work costing Rs 75 Lakhs and not included in the sanctioned budget is required to be executed urgently. What is the procedure to be followed in the zonal railway before the work can be commenced? 

A- 4. in regard to goods traffic what is the traffic costing information available? How are they helpful in investment formulation?

Section B Important: this section contains two part A & B. either part A or Part B should be attempted by candidates depending on their choice of optional. Each part contains a maximum of 100 marks. Part A Traffic accounts and statistics establishment Answer any three questions All questions carry equal marks BA

 1. What is the impact and consequential changes on the traffic accounts office due to introduction of passenger reservation system (PRS) and advanced railway ticketing system (ARTS)? Has this contributed to the efficiency of internal check? BA 

2. Write short notes on 
a) Cash in transit 
b) Leave not due 
c) Ex- Gratia bonus 
d) Demands recoverable 
e) Charges for haulage of postal traffic 

BA 3. What are the types of statistical information generated from a goods invoice? Explain in detail how any three of them are calculated. 

BA 4. How far can the procedure relating to internal check in the accounts code be dispensed with in respect of computer prepared pay bills? 

BA 5. The performance of the accounts dept in recovering dues to the administration from the employees requires improvement. Can you suggest any system improvement? 

Part B General Expenditure accounts workshop and stores accounts 

BB1. Higher inventory levels are preferable to “out of stock” situations. What are the economic and financial implications? 

BB2 what are the existing safe guards for effective control over expenditure? Can you suggest any improvement? BB 3. What do you understand by the “two envelope system” in a works tender? How is this an improvement over the existing open tender system? 

 BB4. The existing system of incentive payment encourages inefficiency and dilutes quality. Can you suggest any alternative system to improve productivity in the workshops?

 BB 5. an item was simultaneously ordered on two sources after an open tender – A at Rs 2.00 per unit and B at Rs 2.05 per unit. B completes his supply within the delivery period of 90 days and A fails to even commence supply. In this back ground a proposal is received from the COS for enhancing the quantity on B, arguing that the item is regularly required and stocks will last only 15 days. B is agreeable for the enhancement. What will be your recommendations on the proposal? Give reasons for your answer. 

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