PART-III Section A- Objective Questions: 

(168) What is the minimum value limit of the purchase order for purchase of ‘Bleaching powered’ to be pre-impacted by RITES:

(a) ` 1 lakh 
(b) ` 1.5 lakh 
(c) ` 2 lakh 
(d) ` 4 lakh Ans. (b) ` 1.5 lakh 

(169) Which among following is not a material inspecting agency: 
a) RDSO (b) DOI c) IRTS (d) RITES Ans. (c) IRTS 

(170).As per IRS conditions of contract, what is the maximum period from the date of receipt of material in which material pre-inspected at the firm’s premises can be rejected at consignee end, if found unsuitable? 
a) 30 days (b) 45 days b) 60 days (d) 90 days
Ans. (d) 90 days

 (171) What is the period after which Electronic weighbridges need to be calibrated and certified by weights & measures deptt. ?
 Ans. 1 (One) year.

 172. Write full form of following:
a. ISO - International Organization for Standardization 
b. BIS - Bureau of Indian Standards 
c. QAP – Quality Action Plan 
d. CEDE - Chief Electrical Distribution Engineer 
e. DQA – Directorate of Quality Assurance 
f. CPCB – Central Pollution Control Board 
g. FIFO – First in first out.
h. LAW - List of Approved Works. 
i. GSM - Grammage per square meter.
j. TQM - Total Quality Management 
k. ASRS - Automated Storage and Retrieval System 
l. NSIC - National Small Industries Corporation
m. IRS -Indian Railway Standard 

173. Fill up the blanks:-
 i) Issue and recoupment schedule for imprest stores is prepared in Form No……………………..
 ii) In recoupment of Workshop manufactured items, ……………………..method is followed. 
iii) Credit for ferrous serviceable items is given by Stores Depot at ……………….rate and for non-ferrous items………………..rate of current book rate of new items. 
iv) Form number…………… used for requisition-cum-issue note.
v) Gate Pass is prepared in……………….number of copies. 
vi) Sanctioned imprest is to be periodically reviewed with interval not less than………….months. 
vii) The sub head of Stores suspense meant for ‘Stores in transit’ is ………………….
viii) Batteries should be issued with……… principle. 
ix) Glass sheets should be kept ……………………… in the wooden crates.
x) The petrol should confirm to the requirements of ……………… Act. 

i) S-1830 ii) Maximum-Minimum iii) 1/3rd ,1/2 iv) S-1313 v) Two vi) Six vii)7170 viii) FIFO ix)Vertically x) Explosive 

174. Identify whether the following sentences are True Or False :-

i) If an Issue Note is cancelled for any reason, it can be destroyed ( True / False )
ii)Gate Pass can be signed by concerned Section clerk or DMS. ( True / False ) 
iii) Emergency purchase is initiated when the stock level drops to Nil . (True / False )
iv) Covered dues are the dues for which purchase orders are yet to be issued (True / False ) 
v) If interim period figure is negative, it means that sum of stock and dues is more than interim period requirement ( True / False ) 
vi) All issue tickets, not complied within the same day, should be cancelled. ( True / False )
vii) Lead time is the time taken between date of recoupment need and beginning of contract period. ( True / False ) 
viii)Depot transfer is transfer of stores from one ward to another ward. ( True / False ) ix)Departmental stock verification of physical balance is done by ward keeper in-charge of the item of stores. (True / False ) 
x)The cost of Charged off imprest stores is debited to revenue working expenses. ( True / False ) xi)Workshop officials are prohibited from holding of stores of any kind other than those actually used in repair or manufacture works. ( True / False ) 
xii)Custody stores is verified annually by store verifier of Accounts Department. ( True / False ) xiii)Requisition for consumable stores is submitted monthly. ( True / False ) 
xiv) Imprest store held by imprest holder is generally kept by two month’s average consumption. ( True / False ) 
xv) Imprest store is recouped with recouped quantity being equal to imprest sanctioned irrespective of stock balance available. ( True / False ) 
xvi) Stock sheets must be prepared after each stock verification irrespective of whether the physical balance matches with book balance or not. ( True / False ) 
xvii) Leather goods should be kept in closed and warmer sheds. ( True / False ) 
xviii)Paints should be issued with LIFO principle. ( True / False )
xix) Rubber items should be stored in very cool room. ( True / False )
xx) Grinding wheel should be turned periodically to prevent de-shaping. ( True / False ) 

Ans. i) False ii) False iii) False iv) False v) True vi) True vii) False viii) False ix) False x) True xi) True xii) True xiii) True xiv) True xv) False xvi) False xvii) False xviii) False xix)True xx) True

175 . Write the Full form:- (i) EOQ (ii) PAC (iii) CRIS (iv) WMS  (v) FDP (vi) IREPS (vii) RTGS (viii) MUF (ix) TCS (x) LAR 

Ans. (i) Economic Order Quantity (ii) Proprietary Article Certificate (iii) Centre for Railway Information System (iv) Workshop Manufacturing Suspense (v) Free Delivery Period (vi) Indian Railways E-Procurement System (vii) Real Time Gross Settlement (viii) Monthly Usage Factor (ix) Tax Collected at Source (x) Last Accepted Rate 

176. Who is the competent authority to conduct the E-Auction of P.way Scrap?
Ans. Dy. CMM 

177. Write down three items exempted from preview of survey? 
Ans.(i) Turning & Boring (ii) Rails (iii) Condemned Rolling Stocks 

178. What is Free Delivery Period? 
Ans. Fee Delivery Period is free time allowed to purchaser during which he has to lift the sold material from Railway premises. This period is generally 50 days.

179. What is Reserve Price? 
Ans. The decision to sell or not to sell a particular lot during the auction is taken by the Depot Officer. For taking this decision, he fixes a Price of each lot in advance which is known as Reserve Price. 

180. what is E-Auction? 
Ans. E-Auction is the Electronic mode of Conducting the Auction Process Online as opposed to manual auctions. The Depot user can create Auction Schedules, Catalogues etc. and bidders can participate online in E-auction. 

182. Is it mandatory to fill the Last Accepted Rates (LAR) of every lot in E-Auction?
 Ans. No. 

183. Is RP (Reserve Price) filling mandatory in E-Auction ?
Ans. Yes, RP filling is mandatory and only those Lots whose RP has been filled will be open for bidding. Lots for which RP has not been entered before scheduled starting time of ‘auction for the lot/catalogue’ will be automatically withdrawn. 

184. What is the role of account’s ISA in E-Auction ? 
Ans. : The Accounts ISA can monitor the Bidding Process; can view Bid History for all lots and an also View and Sign Bid Sheet in E-auction. 

185. What is the amount of one time registration fee for Bidding in E-auction ?
 Ans. Rs.10000/-

186. What is the name of website for login in E-auction?

187. Do the bidding stop after office closing time in E-auction?
 Ans. No.

188. What is Covered & Uncovered dues? 
Ans(a) Covered Dues : Dues are known as Covered Dues, when our previous recoupment sheets/Estimate sheets have been covered by purchase orders but the materials have not yet been supplied by the firm. Hence, Covered Dues are the outstanding quantities against all live purchase orders. 
(b) Uncovered Dues : If a previous recoupment sheet has not been covered by Purchase Order or is only partly covered, quantities outstanding for coverage against previous Recoupment sheets are known as Uncovered Dues.

 189. What is full form of GRIP & NRIP ? 
Ans. GRIP-Gross Requirement for Interim Period NRIP-Net Requirement for Interim period 

190. What is the formula for correlation between GRIP & NRIP ? 
Ans. NRIP = GRIP – (Stock + Dues) 

191. In how many days the balance sale value should be deposited for lot sold in auction value upto Rs.1 lakh ? 
Ans. Within 10 days from Auction date. 

192. What is full form of EMD & BSV ? 
Ans. EMD- Earnest Money Deposit BSV- Balance Sale Value 

193. What is the full form of MOEF & CPCB ?
Ans. MOEF- Ministry of Environment and Forests CPCB- Central Pollution Control Board 194. What are power of Sr.DMM in division to place purchase order against Rate Contract? 
Ans.Rs 3 Laks per case 

195. Write true or False: 
(i) Contract period is always equal to Interim period . 
(ii) It is necessary to produce an affidavit to bidder to Railway user at the time of Registration for E-Auction . 
(iii)The bidders has to submit only one time registration fee in E-Auction. 
(iv) Railway user can see any bidder’s identity during bidding in E-Auction. 
(v) Maximum minimum method is also known as P.System.

 (i) False 
(ii) True 
(iii) True 
(iv) False 
(v) False 

196. What is Free Delivery period without ground rent in Auction? 
(a) 20 days 
(b) 40 days 
(c ) 50 days 
(D) 65 days 
Ans.(c) 50 days 

 197. Which class of Digital Signature Certificate to Bidders is required? 
(a) Class-I 
(b) Class-I I 
(c) Class-III 
(D) Class-IV
 Ans. (c) Class-III 

198. Buffer Stock is also known as: 
(a) Critical stock
(b) Safety Stock 
(C) Inactive stock 
(d) emergency stock 
Ans. (b) Safety Stock

199. Which is following scrap items are not condemned by the survey committee in the scrap depot ? 
(a) Wagon 
(b) MS Sheet 
(C) Empty Drum 
(d) Coupler Body.
Ans. (a) Wagon 

200. What is the power Dy.CMM of a stores depot for making purchase of urgently required stock items through limited tender? 
(a) 1 lakhs per case 
(b) 2 laksh per case 
(c ) 3 lakh per case 
(d) 5 lakh per case.
Ans. (c) Rs 3 Lakh per case 

201. Who is the accepting authority in Tender Committee for the tender sale value between 10 lakh to 40 lakh ? 
Ans . SAG officer or CMM 202. After Which value, it is necessary to obtain quotation from more than one firm in local purchase? 
(a) 2000/- 
(b) 5000/- 
(c) 10000/- 
(d) 20000/-
Ans. (c) Rs 10000/-

203. Which of the following is not allotted to ISA in E-Auction ? 
( a) view Bid History 
(b) Create Auction Catalogue 
(C) View Bid Sheet 
(d) Sign Bid Sheet. 
Ans. (b) Create Auction Catalogue 

204. For an item having annual consumption equal to 600 nos., maxima and minima are respectively equal to 12 and 8 months consumption. Physical stock of this item on different dates was as under : 1.1.13 ----- 500 ; 1.2.13 ---- 450 ; 1.3.13 -----400 ; 1.4.13 ---- 300 ; When his item should have been recouped on? 
B) 1.2.13 
C) 1.3.13 
D) 1.4.13
Ans. (C) 1.3.13 

205. In which form, Materials not required are returned to the nominated stores depot as per stores code ? 
(a) S – 1539 
(b) S-1739 
(c) S-1549 
(d) SS-11
Ans. (a) S-1539

 206. Disposal of scrap may be done by 
(a) Auction 
(b) Sale by tender 
(c) Sale to other Govt. department and undertakings 
(d) All above Ans. (d) All Above

 207. Stock of an item with a Section Engineer on 01-06-2013 was 500 nos. Sanctioned imprest of this item is 1500 nos. Quantity of the item to be recouped by him would be equal to
A) 500 nos. 
B) 1500 nos 
C) 1000 nos 
D) 2000 nos
Ans. (C) 1000 nos 

208. EOQ is the Quantity at which – 
A) Inventory carrying cost is maximum 
B) Warehousing cost is minimum 
C) Inventory carrying cost + ordering cost is maximum 
D) Inventory carrying cost + ordering cost is minimum
Ans.(D) Inventory carrying cost + ordering cost is minimum 

209.Which is the System of Recoupment to be followed for recouping Emergency stores ? 
A) Maxima- Minima 
B) Periodic review 
C) Base stock 
D) Combination of (A) & (B)
Ans. (C) Base Stock 

210. What is the frequency of verification of Stores with Imprest Holders? 
(a) once in 1 year 
(b) once in 2 year 
(c) once in 3 year 
(d) once in 6 month
Ans. (b) once in 2 year 

211. Which is the inspecting staff associated with Account Inspection of Stations? 
Ans. Travelling Inspector of Accounts / Inspector of Station Accounts 

212. What is the frequency of verification of Tools & Plant items by Accounts? 
Ans. Once in 3 years. 

213. In how many copies, Accounts Inspection Report Part-I and Part-II are prepared? 
Ans. Accounts Inspection Report Part-I are prepared in Triplicate (3 copies) and PartII in Duplicate (2 copies). 

214. Can the depot user withdraw the lots from published auction catalogue before start of E-auction ? 
Ans. Yes, Lots can be withdrawn from published auction catalogue by authorized Depot User before start of auction. Withdrawal of Lots during running auction can be done only by Auction conducting officer. 

Ans. Depot Admin is created at the time of Depot Creation by CRIS, by default all functions including RP fixation and view, Decision about sale of lot etc. apart from routine functions like creating depot users, Creating Auction Schedule, Lot Creation, Catalogue Creation, Auction register preparation etc. are allotted to him. Only Auction Conducting Officer should be nominated as Depot Administrator.

 216. ‘A’ category items are verified- 
(a) Once in a year 
(b) Once in two year 
(c) Twice in a year 
(d) Once in 9 months
Ans: (C)

217. M&P items are verified-
(a) Once in a year 
(b) Once in two year 
(c) Once in three years 
(d)Once in four years
Ans: (C) 

218. Which of the following items need not to be verified- 
(a) Dunnage 
(b) Petty consumable stores 
(c) Dead Stock, Tools & Plants of low value 
(d)All of the above
Ans: (D) 

219. Presence of which of the following is essential during the Stock Verification? 
(a) Depot officer 
(b) Depot material supdt. or someone deputed on his behalf 
(c) Sr. Account Officer (d)RPF
Ans: (B) 

220. In ABC analysis, which items are are given more attention from inventory control point of view ? 
(a) A Category 
(b) B Category 
 (c) C Category 
(d)Equal attention to all
Ans: (a) 

221. T.O.R. is the ratio of- 
(a) Balance and issue 
(b) Issue and balance 
(c) Receipt and issue 
(d) Receipt and balance
Ans: (a) 

222. Which of the following analysis gives more attention to the service level- 
(a) ABC Analysis 
(b) VED Analysis 
(c) FSN Analysis 
(d) XYZ Analysis
Ans: (b) 

223. Surplus items are- 
(a) Item not moved for 12 months 
(b) Item not moved for 24 months 
(c) Item having more than 12 month Stock 
(b) None of these
Ans: (b) 

224. Which of the following is not a penalty- 
(a) Suspension 
(b) Removal from service 
(c) Censure 
(d) Reduction to lower grade
Ans: (a) 

225. No. of LAP in a year- (a) 8 (b) 60  (c) 30 (d) 20
Ans: (c) 

226. Officer empowerd to accept a tender valuing ` 10 lakh is--
 (a) AMM (b) SMM (c) Dy.CMM (d) CMM
Ans: (c)

227. All charges for maintenance and repairs after opening of the line for traffic are accounted under head: (a) Capital (b) DRF (c) OLW (d) Ordinary Revenue
Ans : (d) 

228. Registration of firm is treated as provisional until the firm
(i) has executed satisfactorily one order 
(ii) has secured one order
(iii) has received one tender
(iv) All of the above
Ans : (i)

 229. Raw material issued to private factory for fabrication shall be charged to:
a) WMS
c) Sale Suspense
d) Misc. Adv Capital.
Ans: (d) 

74. Variety reduction is adversely affected by: 
a) Lack of coordination amongst users and depots
b) Improper classification /specification
c) Desire for variety. 
d) All the above.
Ans: (d) 

230. Standardization does not affect: 
a) Manufacturing cost 
b) Manufacturing process
c) Warehousing operation
d) None of the above
Ans: (d) 

231. Railway Stores have been classified into:
(a) 36 groups
(b) 49 groups
(c) 75 groups
(d) 56 groups 
Ans : ( c )

232. First two digits in any price list No represent: 
(a) Part Number
(b) Specification Number
(c) Drawing Number
(d) Group Number
Ans: (d) 

233. Signals & Telecommunication Stores are dealt in groups:
(a) 50-59
(b) 40- 49
(c) 70-79
(d) 10-19
Ans: (a) 

234. List various foreign standards used in India. 
Ans: 1. BSS – British Standard Specification 
2. ASA – American Standards Association. 
3. ASTM - American Society of Testing Materials. 
4. SAE – Society of Automobile Engineers. 
5. API – American Petroleum Institute. 
6. DIN – German Standards. 
7. JIS – Japanese Standards. 
8. NF – French Standards.
9. CSN – Czechoslovak Standards. 
10.UNI – Italian Standards.
11.GOST – USSR Standards. 
12.CSA – Canadian Standards. 
13.ISO – International Organization for Standardization. 

235. Exception Reports are generated by Computer Section:
a) Monthly
b) Quarterly
c) Annually
d) For special purposes whenever required
Ans: ( d )

236. MMIS Alerts can not be released in the form of:
a) SMS
(b) E Mail
c) Video
d) All of the above
Ans: (c) 

237. Unified PLs reduces the possibility of:
a) Duplicate PL Nos.
b) Non-Uniformity over Indian Railways
c) Non-Standardization of Items
d) All of the above
Ans: (d)

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