Question Bank - Signal And Telecommunication -1

Descriptive Questions for Telecommunication

1) Explain the principle of transmission through OFC & the application in Railways in detail.

2) Explain and depict profile of refractive index in the following fibre cable

a) In multimode step index cable 
b) In graded index fibre

3) Explain the following in detail.
a)E & M signaling 
b) Common channel signaling
c) Loop signaling
d) DTMF signaling

4) Explain and draw the block diagram of DTMF control room equipment.

5) Explain the services offered by an ISDN exchanges.

6) Explain the duties of JE/Tele as per telecom manual.

7) Explain in brief CCTV, POET, Touch screen as a passenger amenity equipments.

8) List out the telecom items that are maintained in ART/BD special and its periodicity of maintenance?

9) What are the quad cable faults and what is the rectification method?

10) Draw neat sketch showing the way side station termination of OFC control system and explain its


11) What is BORSCHT? Explain its functions in electronic exchanges?

12) Write short notes (answer any 3)

a) Railnet b)Modem c)Radio patch d)SMPS e)Surge protection device

13) What is the arrangement made at accident spot, when accident occurs in underground cable area?

14) Draw a neat sketch showing mid section radio patching arrangement and explain its working

15) Write shots notes (answer any 3)
b)Passenger amenities at railway station

16) Explain the working of an emergency control phone with a neat sketch?

17) Write full expansion of the following (any five)

18) List out the advantage of optical fiber communication system in Indian Railway

19) What are the essential arrangements required for V.VIPs functions from telecom side for providingPA system? Explain with neat diagram.

20) What are the different types of cable faults and their likely cause, explain the details of periodical test conducted including the tools required, method of testing recommended parameters etc. for each test.


21) List out the different types of passenger amenities maintained by Telecommn. department in major stations. What do you mean by integrated Passenger information system? Explain the scheme suggested as per RDSO draft specification, clearly explaining the role of MDCH and PDCH.

22) What are the main constituents of surveillances system? Explain with diagram what are differences between Analog and IP based surveillance system.

23) Explain the multiplexing structure of STM1 with a neat sketch.

24) As per Southern Railway policy what is the procedure for cable laying? What precautions should one take while cable laying? What is the normal length of the cable in a cable drum? What is the periodicity of cable testing?

25) What are the communication requirement for a new station?

26) What is the VHF frequency band allotted to Railways? What are the possible use of VHFcommunication in Railways?

27) What are the items to be checked while doing survey for laying of OFC cable

28) Explain the working of DTMF Wayside station equipment working with the help of a blockdiagram?

29) a)What are the various tests conducted for testing a 6 quad under ground cable

b) List any four types of faults that normally occur in a quad cable ?

30) a) Name any five measuring instruments used in Railways for telecommunication circuits.

b) Describe briefly how a OFC cable cut can be localized using OTDR

31) Write short notes on any five of the following?

a) PRS
B)Radio patching
C) Passenger amenities at stations
h)PA system at stations.

32) Explain the quad cable allocation issued with OFC and without OFC

33) Explain briefly with neat sketch for extending Railnet connectivity from one Jn. station to remote station through OFC media. List out the network equipment requirements and arrangements.

34) Explain the various steps to avoid cable cuts and steps to be followed for quick restoration of cable

35) Explain the various types of controls used in RE area.

36) List out the advantages of SDH over PDH.

37) List out the cards in ISDN exchange and explain its functions.

38) Explain the block diagram of VF repeater with neat sketch.

39) Write short notes on Primary MUX used in railways.

40) Write short notes on VSAT and GSM (R).

One mark questions

I) Fill the blanks with correct answer

1) All programs are loaded in ------------------ disc

2) --------------is the father of computers

3) DOT matrix printers are ------------ type of printers

4) --------------- operating system is open to all

5) ------------------ type of printers need special paper

6) ---------------is the latest operating system of “ Windows “

7) ------------------- memories are volatile memories

8) ------------------ is the unwanted programs spoils your computer

9) -------------------- works normally as input as well as output device

10) Floppy discs are -------------- type of storage devices

II) Chose and fill the blanks with correct answer

1) One byte is equal to ------------------ no of bits( 4,6,8,32)

2) ROM s are used in computers in ----------------- ( BIOS , temporary storage ,During shutdown)

3) ------------------- card is used for networking (VGA, NIC, Video card)

4) IP addressing of computers are done with ------------------ no of bits (16,8,32,1)

5) ------------- printer is a impact printer ( ink jet, LASER jet , Thermal, DOT matrix )


1) RAM
2) ROM
3) HDD

IV)Match The following

1) Operating system         a) presentation software

2) Ms. Power point          b)Database software

3) Ms. Word                     c) WinZip

4) Ms . access                  d) Typing /Letter draft software

5) Compressing software  e) Linux

V Name the item

1) The software used in PRS

2) Network equipment used for connecting computers physically

3) Equipment used to make virtual LAN in a LAN

4) Optical storage device

5) Magnetic storage device

V) By the help of block diagram & explain about

1) Computer

2) CPU

Fill up the Blanks correctly (20*1=20 Marks)

Section “A”

1. Number of conductors in a Quad is _________.

2. Material for screening in RE main cable is------------.

3. Earthing of steel armor & Al. strips of the quad cable is to reduce _____.

4. The diameter of conductor of 6Quad cable is _____millimeter.

5. Loop resistance of 0.63 mm copper wire is ___ ohms.

6. Transmission loss of loaded 6quad cable is _____ dB/km .

7. The EMC post should be provided at a distance not less than ____ meter from the outermost rail.(2.8 / 15)

8. In Railways the type of cable laying used is ________ laid system.

9. ______ system of cable laying method used for track crossing in Railways.

10. Cable Markers are provided at every _____ meters within yard.

11. The impedance ratio of VF transformer is _______ ohms.

12. Permissible psopho metric voltage in RE cable is not more than ___ mV.

13. Characteristic impedance of PVC insulated pair is _____ ohm.

14. Insulation resistance value of 6quad cable is _______ Meg ohms.

15. The impedance ratio of the Signal transformer used for Block circuit is ___ ohms in RE area.

16. Interspacing between loading coil is _______ meters.

17. The purpose of loading in RE cable is to minimize the---------------.

18. The purpose of condenser joint in RE is to reduce____.

19. Standard Drum length of 6Quad cable is-------meters.

20.Spacing between two condensers joint is ---- meters.



(i) (Quad Cable):

Answer any three question each carry ten marks(3*10=30)

Q1.(a)Draw the constructional view of 6Quad Cable and name its parts?

(b)Mention the colour code of the each Quad and name the circuits tapped on it?

Q2. (a)Names the types of Jointing to be carried out for 6Q/4Q copper cable? Explain Normal Joint in brief?

Q3What are the steps , precautions and procedures involve in Laying of Underground Quad cable?

Q4.What are the maintenance/Testing to be carried for maintaining ofQuad cable. Explain?.

Q5.Write short notes:-

a) Telecom Underground Jelly Filled copper Cable

b) Paper Insulated Copper Quad Main Telecom cable

c) PVC Switch Board cable

d) Field service Cable

I. Fill in the blanks: -20 marks. (Each question carrying equal marks)

1. The specific gravity of a fully charged cell is__________.

2. _________mode of Fibre is used in Railways.

3. To function as an amplifier/switch a transistor’s input shall be ________ (forward/Reverse)

biased and output shall be _________ (forward/Reverse) biased.

4. DTMF is in ________frequency range and have ______ rows & ____ column frequencies.

5. Maximum number of stations can be called using DTMF HQ equipment is ______.

6. One byte contains ____ bits.

7. Total internal reflection happens in an OFC cable when the incident angle is more than _______.

8. Optical fibre cable is made up of ___________.

9. In a capacitor, the capacitive reactance is ________proportional to its value and ________proportional to frequency.

10. ________ converts acoustic energy in to electrical energy.

11. The barrier potential of Silicon diode is ________ volts.

12. ______ rectifiers circuit requires 2 diodes and requires _____ type transformers.

13. GPS stands for ________ __________ ________

14. In a 2 Mb digital transmission, the number of speech channel will be ____.

15. EMC sockets are provided in every _____ km.

16. The value of earth resistance of telecommunication installations shall be less than ____ ohms.

Write the Hindi equivalent of the following:

17. Seen, Thanks.

18. Sanctioned.

19. urgent

20. Telecommunication.

II. Choose the correct answer: - 15 marks. (Each question carrying equal marks)

21. Loop resistance of 0.63 mm copper wire is ___ ohms.(56, 114, 172)

22. Interspacing between loading coil joint is _______Km. (one, two, three)

23. The end voltage of the secondary cell is _______Volts(2.2 V, 1.85 V, 2.0 V)

24. Optic Fibre Cable used in Railways contains -------------- fibres (12, 24, 36)

25. _____ number of E1’s can be transmitted in STM1. (63, 21, 42)

26. Standard splice loss is _______ (0.2 dB, 2.0 dB, 0.02 dB)

27. The refractive index of cladding is _______ (more/less) than that of core.

28. Decibel is a logarithmic unit to denote ________ (noise level, voltage level, current level).

29. The psophometric voltage is ____ mV. (10 mV, 2 mV, 200 mV)

30. The prime advantage of OFC over copper cable is it eliminates ______ (Electromagneticinterference, power loss)

31. Micro farad is the unit of ________ ( resistance, capacitance, inductance)

32. When resistors are connected in parallel the resultant value of the parallel resistance will be______ (more, less, no change in value)

33. Lead acid cells are classified as ______ (secondary cell, primary cell)

34. The instrument used for measuring cable insulation is _____ (Insulation megger, Multimeter,Voltmeter)

35. Ammeter is always connected in _______ (series/parallel) with the circuit.

III.Match the following: 10 marks. (Each question carrying equal marks)

36. VF transformer                                         Inductor

37. VHF band                                                 AC to DC

38. Jointing of optic fibre                               30 – 300MhZ

39. Hybrid                                                       1120:1120

40. UTP cable                                                  Negative temperature co efficient

41. Electrolyte of Lead Acid cell                     Solar energy

42. Thermisters                                                4W to 2W

43. Rectifiers                                                    Sulphuric acid

44. Hendry                                                        RJ 45

45. Photo voltaic cells                                      Splicing

IV. State True or False: 10 marks. (Each question carrying equal marks)

46. To protect the electrical equipment from high voltage MOVs are to be connected in parallel with the circuit.

47. EMC sockets are provided at every one km RE/Non RE area.

48. For Platform announcement in Rly. Stations loudspeakers are connected in impedance matching method.

49. One PRI of ISDN contains 30 Base band and one data channel.

50. Always Ammeter is connected in parallel in a circuit to measure the current.

51. The transmission loss of loaded quad cable is 0.63 db per km.

52. The positive terminal of the power supply is connected to earth terminal in ElectronicExchanges.

53. The bit rate of STM1 155.52 Mbps.

54. The nominal ringing voltage of Magneto telephone is 230 Volts AC.

55. V 35 modem is connected at the data communication equipment end.

V. Answer the following: 20 marks. (Each question carrying equal marks)

1. Draw the construction of 6Quad cable.

2. List out the advantages of SDH over PDH.

3. Explain the principle of transmission through optical fibre cable.

4. Explain the services offered by ISDN exchange.

5. What are the Passenger Amenities available in Railway station now a days?

6. Draw the symbol of a NPN Transistors, Silicon controlled rectifier, Variable resistor, Zenerdiode and Ex – Or gate.

7. Define critical angle in OFC.

8. Give two cases where Hindi and English should be used?

9. When the Hindi day is is celebrated?

10. What are the various Hindi exams conducted by the Department of official languages?

VI. Answer any five of the following: 25 marks. (Each question carrying equal marks)

1. Name the types of joints & purposes for quad cable used for control system?

2. Explain the method of jointing OFC and list out materials required for the above jointing.

3. List out the telecom items that are maintained in ART/BD special & its periodicity ofMaintenance.

4. Draw a neat sketch showing mid section radio patching arrangement and explain its working.

5. Write short notes on any two of the following:

  1. PRS   
  2. OTDR 
  3. BRI 
  4. DTMF Encoder
6. What are the advantages of OFC cable?

7. What is meant by PDH? Write short notes Primary MUX available in your section.

Choose the best answer: (25)

1. Number of conductors in a Quad is ______(2,4)

2. The impedance ratio of VF transformer is _____(120:120, 1120:1120)

3. The loop resistance of 6Quad cable is ______Ohms per Km.(56 , 5.6)

4. Working voltage of DTMF way station equipment________DC (12V, 24V)

5. Working voltage of telephone exchange _____VDC (48, 12)

6. The diameter of conductor of 6quad cable is _____millimeter (0.9, 0.63, 0.51)

7. In 6Quad cable orange quad used for ______ working. (Block, EMC, BPAC)

8. Walkie talkie radio uses ____battery (torch cell, Ni-cd, NI-MH)

9. EMC circuit is tested once in _________periodically(15 days, 30days, 3months)

10. ________converts Sound energy into electrical energy. (loudspeaker, microphone)

11. Fiber loss/km at 1550 nanometer is ____dB/km (0.25, 0.3, 0.63)

12. _______ mode of optic fiber is used in railways. (single, multi)

13. _______ number of fibers are available in a loose tube. (2, 4)

14. _______ method of splicing is used for jointing OFC cable. (fusion arc, evaporating)

15. Fiber loss/km at 1550 nanometer is ____dB/km. (0.63, 0.25)

16. Standard splice loss is ______db/Km. (0.2, 0.02)

17. Optic Fibre is made up of ------------------. (Silica glass, Plastic)

18. Refractive index of core is -----------than cladding. ( less, more)

19. The principle of OFC working is -----------(Total internal reflection, diffraction)

20. Working Voltage of walkie talkie sets ______VDC. (12, 7.5)

21. The working voltage of OFC Equipments ----------- (12,24)Volts.

22. The purpose of loading in RE cable is to minimize the --------loss.

23. -------is the equipment used for 4 wire to 2 wire conversion.

24. The working Voltage of EMC portable telephone _______

25. The Earth resistance for ISDN exchange should be less than ______ ohms.

Match the Following: (5)

1. Insulation resistance                        Earth Meggar

2. Earth Resistance                              Insulation Meggar

3. Transmission Loss                          Cable Fault locator

4. Loop Resistance                              TMS Kit

5. Cable break                                      Multimeter

Expand the following:(10) OFC, DTMF,TX, RX,dB Choose the best answer: (20)

1. Number of conductors in a Quad is ______(2,4)

2. Voice Frequency is _____.

3. The loop resistance of 6Quad cable is ______Ohms per Km.(56 , 5.6)

4. Working voltage of DTMF way station equipment________DC (12V, 24V)

5. TME Card should be installed in __________ slot (1, 2, 3, 6).

6. The diameter of conductor of 6quad cable is _____millimeter (0.9, 0.63, 0.51)

7. In 6Quad cable orange quad used for ______ working. (Block, EMC, BPAC)

8. Audio Frequency is ____________.

9. EMC circuit is tested once in _________periodically(15 days, 30days, 3months)

10. ________converts Sound energy into electrical energy. (loudspeaker, microphone)

11. ________converts Electrical energy into sound energy. (loudspeaker, microphone)

12. ________ mic is suitable for outdoor meetings. (Condensor, Dynamic).

13. ________ mic is suitable for Indoor meetings. (Condensor, Dynamic).

14. _________reproduces low frequency (Tweeter, Woofer)

15. ________reproduces high frequency (Tweeter, Woofer).

16. _______ number of fibers are available in a loose tube. (2, 4)

17. Working Voltage of walkie talkie sets ______VDC. (12, 7.5)

18. The working voltage of OFC Equipments ----------- (12,48)Volts.

19. The working Voltage of EMC portable telephone _______

20. The Earth resistance for OFC Installations should be less than ______ ohms.

Match the Following: (5)

1. Insulation resistance                        Earth Meggar

2. Earth Resistance                              Insulation Meggar

3. Transmission Loss                           Cable Fault locator

4. Loop Resistance                              TMS Kit

5. Cable break                                      Multimeter

Write the colour code of the conductor in the following Cable (5)

1. 32 nd pair in 50 Pair PIJF Cable

2. 32 nd pair in 100 Pair PIJF Cable

3. 13 th pair in 20 Pair Switch Board Cable

4. 17 th Pair in 50 Pair Switch Board Cable

5. 17 thpair in 50 Pair PIJF Cable.

Expand the following:(5) :- OFC, DTMF, TX, RX, dB

Draw the symbols of the following. (5)


2. Loudspeaker

3. Amplifier

4. Resistor

5. Transformer

Name the MUX card for extending the following circuit in PUNCOM and WEBFIL. (5).

1. Section control
2. Datalogger
3. Autophone Number Exchange Side
5.Autophone Number Subscriber Side.

Write down the Krone terminal for the following port output in mux. (on both methods). (5).

1. Port No.2
2. Port No.22
3. Port No.32
4. Port No.16
5. Port No.11

(A)Fill up thBlanks correctly (20*1=20 Marks)

20. Number of conductors in a Quad is _________.

21. Material for screening in RE main cable is------------.

22. Earthing of steel armor & Al. strips of the quad cable is to reduce _____.

23. The diameter of conductor of 6Quad cable is _____millimeter.

24. Loop resistance of 0.63 mm copper wire is ___ ohms.

25. Transmission loss of loaded 6quad cable is _____ dB/km .

26. The EMC post should be provided at a distance not less than ____ meter from the outermost rail.

(2.8 / 15)

27. In Railways the type of cable laying used is ________ laid system.

28. ______ system of cable laying method used for track crossing in Railways.

29. Cable Markers are provided at every _____ meters within yard.

30. The impedance ratio of VF transformer is _______ ohms.

31. Permissible psopho metric voltage in RE cable is not more than ___ mV.

32. Characteristic impedance of PVC insulated pair is _____ ohm.

33. Insulation resistance value of 6quad cable is _______ Meg ohms.

34. The impedance ratio of the Signal transformer used for Block circuit is ___ ohms in RE area.

35. Interspacing between loading coil is _______ meters.

36. The purpose of loading in RE cable is to minimize the---------------.

37. Thpurpose of condenser joint in RE is to reduce____.

38. Standard Drum length of 6Quad cable is-------meters.

39.Spacing between two condensers joint is ---- meters.

B.Fill up thBlanks correctly (20*1=20 Marks)

1)------------ gate will give an output when either of one input or both input is high.

2)----------- gate will give an output when only both inputs are high.

3)-------- gate will give an output only when both input are Low.

4)--------- gate will conduct when either of one input is odd.

5)--------- gate will conduct when both inputsare even.

C.Match the following more correctly:-


I. Fill the Blanks 10 marks

1. Optic Fibre is made up of -----------------------------

2. Refractive index of core is -----------than cladding

3. The principle of OFC working is ------------------------

4. ___________ nos of fibres avaliable in railway OFC Cable.

5. The wavelength of short haul fibre is ________ nano meteres.

6. Size of core is ----- micro meters

7. Cladding size----------- micro meters

8. ---------- is used for cutting fibre ends in 90 degrees.

9. No of fibers in one loose tube--------

10. OFC cable jointing is done by __________machine.

II. Match the following 5 marks

a) Critical angle                            - Temporary joint

b) Cleaning agent                         - Removing primary coating

c) Fibre stripper                            - Isopropyl Alcohol

d) Cleaver                                     - Refracted angle is 90 degree

e) Mechanical splicing                 - 90 degree cutting of fibre

III. Choose the correct answer 5 marks

a) Typical Refractive index of core is --------------------- (1.46 ,1.48, 3.12)

b) Splice loss permitted is ------------------------( 0.2 dB,0.25 dB,0.02dB) or less

c) Corrugated steel armour isolated at every_____ (1 km, 1.6 km, 2 km)

d) ---------- used to clean after removing primary coating ( kerosene, isopropyl alcohol)

e) ---------------cable is used to terminate fibre in Fibre Terminal Box ( Patch chord ,Pig


IV. Answer in detail 10marks

a) What are all the advantages of OFC ?

V . True or false  10 marks

1) Core has a hole in it to pass light through

2) Electro magnetic induction is available in OFC cable.

3) Isopropyl alcohol is used to clean fibre cable jelly

4) OTDR is used to splice fibres

5) FC –PC connector has minimum coupling loss

6) Maximum capacity of STM-I is 63 E1s

7) SC,ST,LC are the connectors used in OFC

8) Railway uses single mode fibre.

9) Multimode fibres are suitable for long distance communication

10) Working voltage of STM-I equipments is 48 volts DC.

I) Choose correct answer

1. The technique of providing a number of circuits using a single transmission pair is called ____

(combining, multiplexing)

1. The line code used for E1 is ________(HDB3, AMI, NRZ)

2. Sampling theorem states that Fs should be greater than or equal to ___ (twice, thrice) the  maximum frequency of the channel to be sampled.

3. The bit rate of one voice channel is _______Kbps. (256, 64 ,2)

4. In PCM sampling frequency is ____________Hz (8000, 4000)

5. In FDM the channels are differentiated by _____ (time, frequency)

6. The timeslot _____ is used for signaling in PCM ( 1, 16,31)

7. One Multi frame contains -------------- no of frames ( 1,12,16)

8. The multi frame information goes in ----------- frame ( 0,3,16)

9. Time taken to complete one multiframe is --------------- micro seconds (2,2000,125)

10. One signal time slot contains ------------ channels signal information

II) Fill the blanks

1) PDH employs ----------inter leaved multiplexing

2) ------------ bites are used in PDH to adjust the timing Problem

3) One STM -1 has ----------------- no of E1s

4) -------------- PDH standard cannot be transported through SDH

5) ------------ technology increases the bandwidth of fibre

III) Explain in detail any three

1) Explain the PCM principle

2) Compare the PDH and SDH ( Advantages and disadvantages)

3) Draw the STM -1 frame structure and illustrate the bit rate

4) Draw the block diagram of SDH multiplexing structure and explain




2. BORSCHT function related to ____________ circuit.

3. The bit rate for 30 channel PCM system _________

4. The Data store includes _______________ store and _________ store.

5. The working Voltage of Hipath 4000 Exchange is _______

6. The Earth resistance for ISDN exchange should be less than ______ ohms.

7. In Hipath 4000 ISDN exchange _______ card is used for Digital extensions.

8. Always in Hipath4000, LTUCX card should be placed in the slot ________

9. _____ color quad is used for EMC circuit where 6Quad cable is used.

10. _________ Quad is used for section control where OFC cable is not available.

11. _______ mode of optic fiber is used in railways.

12. _______ number of fibers are available in a loose tube.

13. _______ method of splicing is used for jointing OFC cable.

14. A multiframe contains __________ frames.

15. The time for one timeslot is _______µS.

16. Sampling theorem states that Fs should be greater than or equal to ________

17. SDH employs -------------- interleaved multiplexing

18. Bit rate of STM-1 is -------- Mbps

19. ---------------- European standard is not possible to transport through SDH

20. Maximum bit rate of European PDH is ----------- Mbps

21. Quality of data is measured in ---------------------

22. _____ color quad is used for EMC circuit where 6Quad cable is used.

23. _________ Quad is used for section control where OFC cable is not available.

24. __________ is provided for mechanical strength in 6Quad cable.

25. _______ number of conductors are available in a quad.

26. _______ is used in EMC joints for isolation & for reducing noise.

27. The technique of providing a number of circuits using a single transmission pair is called ____ (combining, multiplexing)

28. Sampling theorem states that Fs should be greater than or equal to ___ (twice, thrice) the maximum frequency of the channel to be sampled.

29. The Earth resistance for MUX should be less than ______ ohms. (one, ten)

30. The bit rate of one voice channel is _______Kbps. (256, 64)

31. In PCM sampling frequency is ____________Hz (8000, 4000)

32. In FDM the channels are differentiated by _____ (time, frequency)

33. The timeslot _____ is used for signaling in PCM ( 1, 16)

34. _______ method of splicing is used for jointing OFC cable.

35. Fiber loss/km at 1550 nanometer is ____dB/km

36. Standard splice loss is ______db/Km

37. Optic Fibre is made up of -----------------------------

38. Refractive index of core is -----------than cladding

39. The principle of OFC working is ------------------------

40. The minimum loss offered by the fibre in ------------- wavelength

41. Cladding dia is -------------(8 micro meters ,125micro meters ,250 micro meters)

42. Typical Refractive index of core is ----------------- ( 1.46 ,1.48 3.12)

43. Splice loss permitted is ------------------ ( 0.2 dB,0.25 dB,0.02dB) or less

44. Normal OFC drum length is ------------------ (1 Km ,2 Km ,5 Km , 3 Km)

45. For total internal reflection, light should pass from ------------ to --------- ( Denser to rarer , Rarer

to denser )

46. In PA system for indoor application _____ matching method is preferred.

47. In conference hall _______ microphone is used.

48. ________ converts electrical energy into sound energy.

49. _________ network splits the frequency for woofer & tweeter

50. The line code used for PCM is ________(HDB3, AMI)

51. In FDM the channels are differentiated by _____ (time, frequency)

52. The timeslot _____ is used for signaling in PCM ( 1, 16)

53. _______ method of splicing is used for jointing OFC cable. (fusion arc, evaporating)

54. Fiber loss/km at 1550 nanometer is ____dB/km. (0.63, 0.25)

55. Optic Fibre is made up of ------------------. (Silica glass, Plastic)

56. Refractive index of core is -----------than cladding. ( less, more)

57. In Railways we use ------- type of fibre. (monomode stepindex , multimode stepindex)

58. The minimum loss offered by the fibre in ------- wavelength. ( 1310, 1550)

59. Cladding dia is ------------- ( 8 µmeters ,125µmeters ,250 µmeters )

60. The bit rate of STM4 is ______(155Mbps, 625Mbps)

61. _______ number of conductors are available in a quad.

62. _______ is used in EMC joints for isolation & for reducing noise.

63. ________ cable is used for Data communication.

64. The diameter of the conductor of the 6Quad cable is _____.

65. _____ number of Walkie Talkie should be available in ART.

66. _____ cable is used during Emergency at accident site.

67. The specification of 6Quad cable is ______

68. The loop resistance of 6Quad cable is ______

69. The transmission loss of loaded 6Quad cable is ______

70. The characteristic impedance of unloaded 6Quad cable is ____-

71. WLL means _________.

72. In conference hall _______ microphone is used. (carbon / condenser)

73. ________ converts electrical energy into sound energy. (mike / loudspeaker)

74. For VIP function _______ standby of equipments are required. (100% / 50%)

75. In chairman unit ______ switch will be available. ( priority / recording)

Choose the best answer: (25)

1. Number of conductors in a Quad is ______(2,4)

2) The impedance ratio of VF transformer is _____(120:120, 1120:1120)

3) The loop resistance of 6Quad cable is ______Ohms per Km.(56 , 5.6)

4) Working voltage of DTMF way station equipment________DC (12V, 24V)

5) Working voltage of telephone exchange _____VDC (48, 12)

6) The diameter of conductor of 6quad cable is _____millimeter (0.9, 0.63, 0.51)

7) In 6Quad cable orange quad used for ______ working. (Block, EMC, BPAC)

8) Walkie talkie radio uses ____battery (torch cell, Ni-cd, NI-MH)

9) EMC circuit is tested once in _________periodically(15 days, 30days, 3months)

10) ________converts Sound energy into electrical energy. (loudspeaker, microphone)

11) Fiber loss/km at 1550 nanometer is ____dB/km (0.25, 0.3, 0.63)

12) _______ mode of optic fiber is used in railways. (single, multi)

13) _______ number of fibers are available in a loose tube. (2, 4)

14) _______ method of splicing is used for jointing OFC cable. (fusion arc, evaporating)

15) Fiber loss/km at 1550 nanometer is ____dB/km. (0.63, 0.25)

16) Standard splice loss is ______db/Km. (0.2, 0.02)

17) Optic Fibre is made up of ------------------. (Silica glass, Plastic)

18) Refractive index of core is -----------than cladding. ( less, more)

19) The principle of OFC working is -----------(Total internal reflection, diffraction)

20) Working Voltage of walkie talkie sets ______VDC. (12, 7.5)

21) The working voltage of OFC Equipments ----------- (12,24)Volts.

22) The purpose of loading in RE cable is to minimize the --------loss.

23) -------is the equipment used for 4 wire to 2 wire conversion.

24) The working Voltage of EMC portable telephone _______

25) The Earth resistance for ISDN exchange should be less than ______ ohms.

Match the Following: (5)

26. Insulation resistance                Earth Meggar

27. Earth Resistance                      Insulation Meggar

28. Transmission Loss                  Cable Fault locator

29. Loop Resistance                      TMS Kit

30. Cable break                             Multimeter

Expand the following:(10)


Choose the best answer: (20)

31. Number of conductors in a Quad is ______(2,4)

32. Voice Frequency is _____.

33. The loop resistance of 6Quad cable is ______Ohms per Km.(56 , 5.6)

34. Working voltage of DTMF way station equipment________DC (12V, 24V)

35. TME Card should be installed in __________ slot (1, 2, 3, 6).

36. The diameter of conductor of 6quad cable is _____millimeter (0.9, 0.63, 0.51)

37. In 6Quad cable orange quad used for ______ working. (Block, EMC, BPAC)

38. Audio Frequency is ____________.

39. EMC circuit is tested once in _________periodically(15 days, 30days, 3months)

40. ________converts Sound energy into electrical energy. (loudspeaker, microphone)

41. ________converts Electrical energy into sound energy. (loudspeaker, microphone)

42. ________ mic is suitable for outdoor meetings. (Condensor, Dynamic).

43. ________ mic is suitable for Indoor meetings. (Condensor, Dynamic).

44. _________reproduces low frequency (Tweeter, Woofer)

45. ________reproduces high frequency (Tweeter, Woofer).

46. _______ number of fibers are available in a loose tube. (2, 4)

47. Working Voltage of walkie talkie sets ______VDC. (12, 7.5)

48. The working voltage of OFC Equipments ----------- (12,48)Volts.

49. The working Voltage of EMC portable telephone _______

50. The Earth resistance for OFC Installations should be less than ______ ohms.

Match the Following: (5)

51. Insulation resistance                       Earth Meggar

52. Earth Resistance                             Insulation Meggar

53. Transmission Loss                          Cable Fault locator

54. Loop Resistance                              TMS Kit

55. Cable break                                      Multimeter

Write the colour code of the conductor in the following Cable (5)

56.   32nd pair in 50 Pair PIJF Cable 

57. 32nd pair in 100 Pair PIJF Cable

58. 13th pair in 20 Pair Switch Board Cable

59. 17 th Pair in 50 Pair Switch Board Cable

60. 17th pair in 50 Pair PIJF Cable.

Expand the following:(5) :-


Draw the symbols of the following. (5) 

2. Loudspeaker
3. Amplifier
4. Resistor
5. Transformer

Name the MUX card for extending the following circuit in PUNCOM and WEBFIL. (5).

2. Section control
2. Datalogger
3. Autophone Number Exchange Side
5.Autophone Number Subscriber Side.

Write down the Krone terminal for the following port output in mux. (on both methods). (5).

2. Port No.2
2. Port No.22
3. Port No.32
4. Port No.16
5. Port No.11


Choose the Best answer: (1 X 30 = 30)

1. Number of conductors in a Quad is _________(4 / 2)

2. Earthing of steel armor & Al. strips of the quad cable is to reduce _____. (Noise / Signal)

3. The diameter of conductor of 6Quad cable is _____millimeter. (0.9 / 0.63)

4. Loop resistance of 0.63 mm copper wire is ___ ohms. (114 / 172)

5. Transmission loss of loaded 6quad cable is _____ dB/km (0.63 / 0.25)

6. Cable Markers are provided at every _____ meters within yard. (20 / 100)

7. The impedance ratio of VF transformer is _______ ohms. (1120:1120 / 600:1120)

8. Permissible psophometric voltage in RE cable is not more than ___ mV. (2 / 130)

9. Characteristic impedance of PET insulated pair is _____ ohms. (470 / 1120)

10. Insulation resistance value of 6quad cable is _______ Meg ohms. (1 / 100)

11. ------ nos of frequencies in DTMF Signalling (4/8)

12. ----- is used to protect the DTMF decoder from over current. (fuse / diode)

13. ------numbers of dip switch is used for setting a way station code in a decoder. (2 / 4)

14. The purpose of loading in RE cable is to minimize the ____ loss. (Tx. / crosstalk)

15. Purpose of condenser joint in RE is to reduce____. (Cross-talk / Noise)

16. ____is the equipment used for 4 wire to 2 wire conversion. (hybrid / transformer)

17. The EMC post should be provided at distance not less than __meter from the outermost rail. (2.8

/ 1.5)

18. ------ Transformer is used to minimize the induced voltage in RE cable (current / VF isolation)

19. EMC posts are provided every __ Km along the track. (1 / 2)

20. The working voltage of DTMF decoder is ___Volts. (24 / 12)

21. _______ & ______ Hz signals are transmitted when 2 is pressed in DTMF Encoder. (697&1209

/ 697& 1336)

22. To have less Tx. loss in a line RC must be _____ LG of the line. ( equal to /less than)

23. Control circuits are ____ circuit. (omnibus / linear)

24. In RE area ____ control is used for controlling traction power. (TPC / TLC)

25. Maximum ____ number of stations can be called using DTMF signaling. (72 / 99)

26. ____ Color quad is used for EMC in 6Quad cable section. (Brown / Green)

27. RC control in RE area uses _____ method for working. (DTMF /SCADA)

28. Cable Huts are provided in ___ area. (RE / Non RE)

29. In section having OFC & 6Quad ___ quad is used for BPAC. ( 5 th / 4th)

30. ____amplifier is provided to have conversation between wayside stations. (Leak / Buffer)

Answer any two of the following: (2 X5 = 10)

1. Explain the details of 6 Quad Cable circuit allocation.

2. Explain the various tests conducted in quad cable.

3. Name the various methods used to extend control communication from HQ to way station.

Fill in the blanks: (6)

1. Working current for DTMF HQRS equipment is -----mA.

2. The output of DTMF signaling is ----millivolt.

3. ------nos of dip switch is used for setting a way station code in a decoder.

4. The purpose of loading in RE cable is to minimize the --------loss.

5. Purpose of condenser joint in RE is to reduce-------

6. -------is the equipment used for 4 wire to 2 wire conversion.

Match the following: (6)

7. DTMF Encoder                          470 ohms

8. DTMF Decoder                           56 ohms

9. VF Repeater                                 Control office equipment

10. Leak Amplifier                           Way station equipment

11. Characteristic impedance            conversation between way stations

12. Loop resistance                           every forty Kilometers

Choose the best answer: (6)

13. The cable huts are provided at every ____ Km in RE area. (17 / 30)

14. We can connect maximum ___ number of stations using DTMF signaling.( 78 / 99)

15. The loop resistance of 6Quad cable is ___ ohms. (56 / 114)

16. The minimum distance between the last track and the EMC post is ____ m (3 / 5)

17. The periodic test of EMC is done every _____ days. (15 / 30)

18. The characteristic impedance of loaded 6Quad cable is _____ (470 / 1120)

Answer any three of the following: (12)

1. List out the advantages of the DTMF signaling.

2. Draw the block diagram of DTMF HQRS equipment and explain.

3. Write short notes on EMC circuit.

4. Explain the PCM Principle


1. _____ color quad is used for EMC circuit where 6Quad cable is used.

2. _________ Quad is used for section control where OFC cable is not available.

3. _______ mode of optic fiber is used in railways.

4. _______ number of fibers are available in a loose tube.

5. _______ method of splicing is used for jointing OFC cable.

Match The Following

1) OFC Material                                       a) 8 micro meters to 10 micro meters

2) Fiber Loss for 1550 nm                        b) - 60dB

3) Tx loss of unloaded 6 quad cable         c) 0.25dB/Km

4) NEXT of 6 Quad cable                         d) Silica glass

5) Core Dia                                                e) 0.63 db/Km

State True or False

1) Distance between two loading coil joint is approximately 1.5 km

2) Cleaver is used to remove primary coating of the fibre.

3) Standard splice loss is 0.02 db/Km

4) Condenser joint is done to reduce the Tx loss

5) The characteristic impedance of 6 quad loaded cable is 1120 Ohms

Answer any two of the following

1) Draw the construction of 6 Quad cable

2) Draw the construction of OFC cable Explain each

3) Explain the method of Derivation joint done in 6 quad cable for EMC circuit

4) Explain the method of splicing step by step

Choose the best answer:

1. The cable huts are provided at every ____ Km in RE area. (17 / 30)

2. The loop resistance of 6Quad cable is ___ ohms. (56 / 114)

3. The periodic test of EMC is done every _____ days. (15 / 30)

4. The characteristic impedance of loaded 6Quad cable is _____ (470 / 1120)

5. ____ color quad is used for EMC circuit where 6Quad cable is used.(Green/Brown)

6. _____mode of optic fiber is used in railways. (Mono / Multi)

7. _____ number of fibers are available in a loose tube. (12 / 4)

8. _____ method of splicing is used for jointing OFC cable. (mechanical / fusion arc)

9. The transmission loss of loaded quad cable is ___(0.63dB/Km / 0.25dB/Km)

10. The insulation resistance is measured using _____(millimeter / megger)

11. The purpose of loading in cable is to minimize the --------loss. (Transmission / induction)

12. Purpose of condenser joint is to reduce-------(noise / crosstalk)

13. -------is the equipment used for 4 wire to 2 wire conversion. (Hybrid / Transformer)

14. The distance between VF repeaters in section having only quad is ___Km (40 / 17)

15. Standard splice loss is _____(0.02 dB/Km / 0.2dB/Km)

Match the following:

1) OFC Material                                                  a) 8 micro meters to 10 micro meters

2) Fiber Loss for 1550 nm                                   b) - 60dB

3) Tx loss of unloaded 6 quad cable                    c) 0.25dB/Km

4) NEXT of 6 Quad cable                                    d) Silica glass

5) Core Dia                                                           e) 0.63 db/Km

6. DTMF Encoder                                                 f) 470 ohms

7. DTMF Decoder                                                 g) 56 ohms

8. Leak Amplifier                                                   h) Way station equipment

9. Characteristic impedance                                    i) conversation between way stations

10. Loop resistance of 0.9mm                                 j) Control office equipment

State True or False:

1) Distance between two loading coil joint is approximately 1.5Km

2) Cleaver is used to remove primary coating of the fibre.

3) Number of conductors in a Quad is two.

4) The impedance ratio of VF transformer is 1120:1120

5) Standard Drum length of 6Quad cable is 460m.

6) Standard Drum length of OFC cable is 3Km.

7) Material for screen in 6Quad cable is Aluminum.

8) The screening factor of 6Quad cable is 0.4

9) Splicing is performed by fusion arc method.

10) In 6Quad cable Green quad used for BPAC working.

Explain in any one detail 5 marks

1) What are all the advantages of OFC compared with other medias

2) Splicing procedure

Fill in the blanks: (5)

1. Working current for DTMF HQRS equipment is -----mA.

2. The working voltage of DTMF Decoder is -----------.

3. ------nos of dip switch is used for setting a way station code in a decoder.

4. The purpose of loading in RE cable is to minimize the --------loss.

5. -------is the equipment used for 4 wire to 2 wire conversion.

Choose correct answer (5)

6. Transmission loss of loaded 6quad cable is _____ dB/km (0.63 / 0.25)

7. In RE main cable PET quad used for ______ working (Block / EMC)

8. Purpose of condenser joint in RE is to reduce____. (Cross-talk / Noise)

9. ---------------- type of protection is done in Puncom muxes ( Channel wise/E1 level)

10. The screening Factor of Aluminium screened quad cable is _____. (0.1 / 0.4)

Match the following: (5)

11. DTMF Encoder                           every forty Kilometers

12. DTMF Decoder                           Reduce Crosstalk

13. VF Repeater                                 Control office equipment

14. Leak Amplifier                            Way station equipment

15. Balancing conversation                between way stations

Choose the best answer: (10)

16. The cable huts are provided at every ____ Km in RE area. (17 / 30)

17. We can connect maximum ___ number of stations using DTMF signaling.( 72 / 99)

18. The minimum distance between the last track and the EMC post is ____ m (3 / 5)

19. The periodic test of EMC is done every _____ days. (15 / 30)

20. The working voltage of VHF Repeater is ______ (12 / 24)

21. Control phone side cable has ------------ no of wires (4,6,8)

22. Loading length of 6 quad cable ---------------------- Kms . (1,10,2,1.830)

23. In 6 quad allotment ---------quad is used for EMC ( 1,5,4)

24. -------- dB is the maximum loss permitted in a control section (15,10,20)

25. ------------ is used to check the Transmission loss ( TMS kit , insulation megger, multimeter)

Answer any three of the following: (15)

1. List out the advantages of the DTMF signaling.

2. Draw the block diagram of DTMF HQRS equipment and explain.

3. Write short notes on EMC circuit.

4. List out the controls available in RE area and Non-RE area.

5. Draw the block diagram of VF Repeater and explain.

Choose the Best answer:

1. Number of conductors in a Quad is _________(4 / 2)

2. Material for screening in RE main cable is_______. (Aluminum / Lead)

3. Earthing of steel armor & Al. strips of the quad cable is to reduce _____. (Noise / Signal)

4. The diameter of conductor of 6Quad cable is _____millimeter. (0.9 / 0.63)

5. Loop resistance of 0.63 mm copper wire is ___ ohms. (114 / 172)

6. Transmission loss of loaded 6quad cable is _____ dB/km (0.63 / 0.25)

7. Aluminum sheath has good _________ effect (screening / moistering)

8. In Railways the type of cable laying used is ________ laid system. (direct / indirect)

9. ______ system of cable laying method used for track crossing (Draw in method / direct)

10. Cable Markers are provided at every _____ meters within yard. (20 / 100)

11. In RE main cable PET quad used for ______ working (Block / EMC)

12. The impedance ratio of VF transformer is _______ ohms. (1120:1120 / 600:1120)

13. Permissible psophometric voltage in RE cable is not more than ___ mV. (2 / 130)

14. Characteristic impedance of PET insulated pair is _____ ohms. (470 / 1120)

15. Insulation resistance value of 6quad cable is _______ Meg ohms. (10 / 100)

16. The impedance ratio of the transformer used for Block circuit is ___ ohms in RE area. (1120:470

/ 1120:600)

17. Interspacing between loading coil is _______ meters. (2000 / 1000)

18. Working current for DTMF HQRS equipment is ____mA. (500 / 25)

19. The output of DTMF signaling is ___ mill Volt. (500 / 100)

20. ------ is used in DTMF decoder for reverse voltage protection. (MOV / diode)

21. ----- is used to protect the DTMF decoder from over current. (fuse / diode)

22. ------numbers of dip switch is used for setting a way station code in a decoder. (2 / 4)

23. The purpose of loading in RE cable is to minimize the ____ loss. (Tx. / crosstalk)

24. Purpose of condenser joint in RE is to reduce____. (Cross-talk / Noise)

25. In DTMF decoder code reception is indicated by____colour LED. (Red / Green)

26. In a DTMF decoder power-on condition is indicated by _____color LED.(Green / Red)

27. ____is the equipment used for 4 wire to 2 wire conversion. (hybrid / transformer)

28. The EMC post should be provided at a distance not less than ____ meter from the outermost rail.

(2.8 / 15)

29. Loop resistance for 0.9mm RE cable is-----ohms. (56 / 5.6)

30. Standard Drum length of 6Quad cable is-------meters. (460 / 1000)

31. Spacing between two condensers joint is ---- meters.(915 / 2000)

32. ------ Transformer is used to minimize the induced voltage in RE communication cable

(current / VF isolation)

33. The distance between VF repeaters is _____ (40-60Km / 15-17Km)

34. EMC posts are provided every __ Km along the track. (1 / 2)

35. The working voltage of DTMF decoder is ___Volts. (24 / 12)

36. The normal voltage withstand by telecom equipments is ____Volt. (130 / 230)

37. The screening Factor of Aluminium screened quad cable is _____. (0.1 / 0.4)

38. _______ & ______ Hz signals are transmitted when 2 is pressed in DTMF Encoder. (697&1209

/ 697& 1336)

39. To have less Tx. loss in a line RC must be _____ LG of the line. ( equal to /less than)

40. Control circuits are ____ circuit. (omnibus / linear)

41. In RE area ____ control is used for controlling traction power. (TPC / TLC)

42. Maximum ____ number of stations can be called using DTMF signaling. (72 / 99)

43. ____ Color quad is used for EMC in 6Quad cable section. (Brown / Green)

44. RC control in RE area uses _____ method for working. (DTMF /SCADA)

45. Cable Huts are provided in ___ area. (RE / Non RE)

46. In Non RE area ____ quad is used for Section control when OFC is not available. (yellow,


47. In section having OFC & 6Quad ___ quad is used for BPAC. ( 5

48. Number of OH posts available in One Km in overhead line (2W) section is ____(12 / 15)

49. Transmission Loss allowed between Speaker to Listener is ___ dB. (3 / 20)

50. ____amplifier is provided to have conversation between wayside stations. (Leak / Buffer)


Fill in the blanks: (10)

1) Number of conductors in a Quad is _________

2) The impedance ratio of VF transformer is _______

3) The loop resistance of 6Quad cable is ______Ohms

4) The specific gravity of a fully charged cell is --------------

5) ------------ rectifier is used in battery chargers.

6) The minimum inter distance between any two earths shall be --------- m.

7) For changing DC to AC -------- is used.

8) ________ phone is a point to point communication device

9) Required speech battery for P.T phone is ---------

10) In PCM sampling frequency is ____________Hz

Match the following: (10)

1. VF frequency range                                             155.52Mbps

2. VHF band frequency                                            140Mbps

3. Inter distance between loading coil 300 –             3400Hz

4. Inter distance between cable huts                          2Mbps

5. Standard Drum length of 6Quad cable 30 –           300MHz

6. Standard Drum length of OFC cable                       2000meters

7. The bit rate of E3                                                    1000meters

8. The bit rate of  E4                                                   3000meters

9. The bit rate of E1                                                    17Km

10. The bit rate of STM1                                            34Mbps

State True or False: (10)

1. Material for sheath in 6Quad cable is Aluminum.

2. Electrolyte of Lead Acid cell is dilute hydrochloric acid.

3. Every two Km one EMC socket is provided in RE area.

4. The line code used for PCM is HDB-3.

5. Optic Fiber Cable contains 12 fibers.

6. Splicing is performed by fusion arc method.

7. Loud Speaker used for high frequency is called woofer.

8. Router is a layer three switch.

9. Working current for DTMF HQRS equipment is 500mA.

10. The screening factor of 6Quad cable is 0.1

Choose the best answer: (10)

1. The diameter of conductor of 6quad cable is _____millimeter (0.9, 0.63, 0.51)

2. In 6Quad cable orange quad used for ______ working. (Block, EMC, BPAC)

3. Walkie talkie radio uses ____battery (torch cell, Ni-cd, NI-Mg)

4. EMC circuit is tested once in __________ periodically (15 days, 30days, 3months)

5. ____________ converts Acoustic energy into electrical energy. (loudspeaker, Microphone)

6. Noise in a signal is measured by______ (Psophometer, Multimeter, Ammeter)

7. The Characteristic impedance of loaded 6Quad cable is ____ ohms. (470, 1120, 114)

8. Fiber loss/km at 1550 nanometer is ____dB/km (0.25, 0.3, 0.63)

9. For high directivity ________ speakers are used. (column, cabinet, Horn)

10. Modem is a______ port device. (Serial, Parallel)

Expand the following: (10)



Answer any two of the following: (10)

1. List out the equipments available in ART.

2. Explain the processes involved in PCM.

3. Draw the multiplexing structure of STM1.

I. Fill in the blanks :

1. The technique of providing a number of circuits using a single transmission pair is called_______________

2. A multiframe contains __________ frames.

3. The time for one timeslot is _______µS.

4. ___________ is a code used in PCM system.

5. Sampling theorem states that Fs should be greater than or equal to ________

II. Match the following :

1. E1       64KBPS

2. E2       34MBPS

3. E3       2MBPS

4. E4       8MBPS

5. E0      140MBPS

III. Write short notes on the following :

1. Compare TDM and FDM

2. Explain Non linear quantizing method.

3. Define the structure of the eight bit word.

4. List out the disadvantages of PDH

5. Explain HDB3 coding method.

I) Fill the blanks with suitable correct answer from the brackets 10 marks

1) Father of computer is -------------------------- ( Newton ,Charles Babbage, Henry Jacobitz)

2) Key board uses ---------------------- code ( BCD,Hexa Decimal , ASCII)

3) --------------- is an open operating system ( windows ,Linux, Apple)

4)CD’s & DVD ‘s are --------------- type of storage devices ( Semiconductor, Magnetic ,Optical)

5) All the programme in computer is stored in ----------- disc ( Hard disc, Floppy disc , PEN drive)

6) Hard disc is a -------storage device ( Optical, magnetic, Semiconductor )

7) Registers are -------------------- speed read /write memories ( low , average , high )

8) DOT matrix printers are -------------- type printers ( impact ,Non impact )

9) ----------------- is the latest operating system of windows ( xp, Vista, windows 7)

10) ------- is used to stop the unwanted programs entering in the computer (Anti virus, Virus, OS)

II) Expand 
1) ROM,
2) RAM
3) ALU
4) UTP
5 ) NIC 5 marks

III) Fill the blanks with correct answer 10 marks

1) Printers are classified into ----------------& ------------------

2) ---------------------paper is required for a thermal printers.

3) ----------------- application software can be used only for one purpose.

4) For networking ---------------- is required in a PC

5) RAM is a --------------------------- type of memory

6) ---------------- software is used to make Text documents

7) ------------------- is a presentation software in Ms office

8) ----------------- softwares are used to easy our work

9) ROM is used in ------------------ setup in PC’s

10) --------------- port in computer is used to connect monitors

IV) Match the following 5 marks

1) Byte                                         a)CD /DVD Writing program

2) Non Volatile memory              b) Compressing Software

3) Nero                                         c) 8 bits

4) Win zip                                     d)Impact Printer

5) LASER Printer                         e)ROM

V ) Draw the block diagram of computer and explain about each block 5 marks

VI ) Explain about the different type of softwares used 5 marks

Choose the best answer: (10)

1. The unit of resistance is _____ (Ohms, Volts)

2. The colour code for 10% tolerance in resistor is ____ (Gold, Silver)

3. ‘N’ indicates ____ in QN1 (Number, Neutral)

4. ‘L’ indicates _____ in QL1 (Line, Latch)

5. Ohm’s law states ‘I’ is ____ proportional to ‘R’. (Indirectly, directly)

6. The pickup voltage of QN1 relay is ______ (10V, 19.2V)

7. The drop away voltage of QN1 relay is ____ (7V, 10V)

8. The value of resistance having colour code Brown, Black & Red is ___ (1K , 10K )

9. The total resistance when two 200 are in parallel is ____ (100 , 400 )

10. The total resistance when two 50 are in series is ____ (100 , 25 )

Match the following: (10)

1. Moving coil instrument                           controlling force

2. Moving iron instrument                           damping force

3. QB3 lamp                                                 checking relay

4. QTA2 DC                                                  measurement

5. QCX1                                                        Biased relay

6. Spring AC                                                measurement

7. Liquid friction AC                                   immunised relay

8. Copper                                                     Insulator

9. Wood                                                       attention

10. Double                                                   Yellow Conductor

State true or false: (5)

1. Whenever there is change in flux linkage emf is induced.

2. The current in a circuit is always indirectly proportional to the applied voltage.

3. The sum of the incoming currents at a node is always equal to sum of the outgoing currents.

4. Home signal is used for despatching a train from a station.

5. The coil resistance of track relay is greater than the coil resistance of line relays.

Choose the best answer: (10)

1. The unit of resistance is _____ (Ohms, Volts)

2. Number of conductors in a Quad is _________(4 / 2)

3. Insulation resistance value of 6quad cable is _______ Meg ohms. (50 / 100)

4. Control circuits are ____ circuit. (omnibus / linear)

5. Maximum ____ number of stations can be called using DTMF signalling. (72 / 99)

6. Standard Drum length of 6Quad cable is-------meters. (460 / 1000)

7. The Earth resistance for ISDN exchange should be less than ______ (5, 1)

8. The method of jointing OFC cable is ________(Splicing, welding)

9. Ammeter is used to measure _______(Current, Voltage)

10. EMC posts are provided every __ km along the track. (1 / 2)

Match the Following correctly: (5)

1 Working voltage of DTMF decoder                          a) converts sound energy to Electrical

2 Working voltage of Hipath exchange                        b) converts electrical to sound energy

3 Working voltage of EMC phone                                c) 12 Volts, DC

4 Microphone                                                                d) 3Volts, DC

5 Speaker                                                                       e) 48Volts, DC

Expand the abbreviation for the following: (5)


Draw the symbols for the following: (8)

Fuse, Battery, resistor, diode, Amplifier, microphone, capacitor, transformer

Answer the following: (12)

List out the colours of 6Quad cable. ?

Name the various measuring Instruments ?

I. Fill up the the best answer:

1) In PA system for platform announcement system, _____ matching method is preferred.(Voltage, Impedence).

2) In conference hall _______ microphone is used.(condenser, Ribbon)

3) ________converts Sound energy into electrical energy. (loudspeaker, microphone)

4) ________converts Electrical energy into sound energy. (loudspeaker, microphone)

5) ________ mic is suitable for outdoor meetings. (Condensor, Dynamic).

6) ________ mic is suitable for Indoor meetings. (Condensor, Dynamic).

7) _________reproduces low frequency (Tweeter, Woofer).

8) ________reproduces high frequency (Tweeter, Woofer).

9) POET connectivity is extended from __________ (Local Terminal Server, DTES Network).

10) Touch Screen connectivity is extended from __________ (Local Terminal Server, DTES Network).

11) Electronic Reservation Chart connectivity is extended from ___________ (PRS network, Railnet).

12) Railway Enquiry Telephone number is ________ (131, 139).

13) _________ are the main colour LED used in True Colour Display Board. (RGB, YCM, RED).

14) At a glance Display Board will display __________ (Train information, Coach Formation,Both Train Information and Coach Formation).

15) Coach Guidance Board is connected from _________ in IPIS. (PDCH, MDCH).

16) _________ is required for WAN connectivity. (Switch, Router).

17) _________ is required for LAN connectivity. (Switch, Router).

18) ___________ Topology is normally used in LAN connectivity at Railway Divisional office.(Star, Mesh).

19) Railnet is a __________ network. (Private, Public).

20) ___________ type of transmission used in Coach Guidance Boards (Serial, Parrallel).

II. State True or False:

1) Amplispeaker consist of amplifier and speaker.

2) V.35 modem is connected near Router.

3) IPIS consist of Announcement system, Display Boards and Survellience camera.

4) ISS System consist of Baggage Scanner, Survellience camera and Under Vehicle scanner.

5) Bass control knob is used to control Low frequency.

III. Expand:


6. MDCH 7.WAN 8.iUTS 9.POET 10.DSL

IV. List out the passenger amenity items maintained by Telecom Staff.

Choose the best answer: 5 marks

1. In PA system for indoor application _____ matching method is preferred.

a) Impedance

b) Voltage

2. In conference hall _______ microphone is used.

a) Carbon

b) condenser

3. VHF frequency band is _________

a) 30KHz to 300KHz

b) 30MHz to 300MHz

4. ________ converts electrical energy into sound energy.

a) Microphone

b) loudspeaker

5. Frequency allotted for Driver to Guard is __________

a) 150.150MHz

b) 161.150MHz

State True or False: 5 marks

6) The working voltage of walkie talkie is 12V / DC.

7) LAN extender is used to extend Ethernet protocol.

8) V.35 modem is connected near mux.

9) Router is in layer two of OSI model.

10) Ni-cd cell is nowadays used for walkie talkie sets.

Match the following: 5 marks

1. VHF frequency for railway use                         split the frequency for woofer & tweeter

2. Woofer                                                                outdoor use

3. Horn speaker                                                      increase the high frequency response

4. Cross over network                                             134MHz to 176MHz

5. Treble control                                                      low frequency speaker

Expand: 5 Marks


Answer briefly: 5 marks

2.Dialogic card

Draw the block & Explain briefly 5 each

1) PRS connectivity

2) Draw the Block diagram of FAX machine & explain the working

3) Draw the block diagram of IVRS system of working & give the advantages

a)Fill up the Blank correctly:_ (5*1=5)

1) In PA system for indoor application _____ matching method is preferred.

2) In conference hall _______ microphone is used.

3) VHF frequency band is _________

4) ________ converts electrical energy into sound energy.

5) Frequency allotted for Driver to Guard is __________.

6) ---------------- used in platform to connect CGBs

7) MCDH and server is connected in ---------------- protocol

8) At a glance display board is connected directly to ---------------- equipment

9) ------------ card required for IVRS to interface the system with public

10) --------------- no of CGBS can be connected in one port

b)Say True or False: :_ (5*1=5)

11) Switch used to derive more no. of systems .

12) V.35 modem is connected near DTE

13) Router is in layer three of OSI model

14) MLLN modem is connected in Networking circuit where status of protocol can be pinged..

15) Cross over network is to split the amplifier output for tweeter & woofer

c)Match the followingCorrectly: :_ (5*1=5)

1 VHF frequency for railway use                     split the frequency for woofer & tweeter

2 Woofer                                                            outdoor use

3 Woofer                                                            increase the high frequency response

4 Cross over network                                        136MHz to 174MHz

5 Treble control                                                 low frequency speaker

d)Answerany 3 briefly of the following: :_ (5*3=15)

1.Voltage /Impedance matching
2.Dialogic card

Expand the following : :_ (5*1=5)


Answer any two of the following Questions:_- (2*10=20)

1) List out the application of PA system in railways.

2) Draw the block diagram of PRS connectivity and explain.

3) Draw the front and rear view of amplifier used for PA system.

4) List out the duties of telecom staff in PRS.

(A)Fill up thBlanks correctly (20*1=20 Marks)

Section “A”

1. Number of conductors in a Quad is _________.

2. Material for screening in RE main cable is------------.

3. Earthing of steel armor & Al. strips of the quad cable is to reduce _____.

4. The diameter of conductor of 6Quad cable is _____millimeter.

5. Loop resistance of 0.63 mm copper wire is ___ ohms.

6. Transmission loss of loaded 6quad cable is _____ dB/km .

7. The EMC post should be provided at a distance not less than ____ meter from the outermost rail.

(2.8 / 15)

8. In Railways the type of cable laying used is ________ laid system.

9. ______ system of cable laying method used for track crossing in Railways.

10. Cable Markers are provided at every _____ meters within yard.

11. The impedance ratio of VF transformer is _______ ohms.

12. Permissible psopho metric voltage in RE cable is not more than ___ mV.

13. Characteristic impedance of PVC insulated pair is _____ ohm.

14. Insulation resistance value of 6quad cable is _______ Meg ohms.

15. The impedance ratio of the Signal transformer used for Block circuit is ___ ohms in RE area.

16. Interspacing between loading coil is _______ meters.

17. The purpose of loading in RE cable is to minimize the---------------.

18. The purpose of condenser joint in RE is to reduce____.

19. Standard Drum length of 6Quad cable is-------meters.

20.Spacing between two condensers joint is ---- meters.


B.Fill up thBlanks correctly (20*1=20 Marks)

1) ------------ gate will give an output when either of one input or both input is high.

2) ----------- gate will give an output when only both inputs are high.

3) -------- gate will give an output only when both input are Low.

4) --------- gate will conduct when either of one input is odd.

5) --------- gate will conduct when both input sare even.

6) IC7432 is a 16 pin ----------------- --------Gate.

7) IC 7400 is a 16 pin------------------ ---------Gate.

8) IC ------ is a 16 pin Quadruple AND Gate.

9) IC------------IS A 16 pin Quadruple NOR Gate.

10) IC -------is a 16 pin six no. of NOT gate.

11) IC 74180 is a ----------- ----------.

12) Binary (110110)2 can be converted in to (----------)10 Decimal value.

!3) Decimal (130)10 will be converted in to Binary as (------------)2.

14) CMOSFET means ---------------- ------- ----------- ---------- ------- ------ --- ------------

15) SSI means------- -------- ---------.

16) LSI means------- ------ ------- .

17) VLSI means -------- ------- -------- ---------.

18) Flip Flop will store ------- Bit.

19) Flip Flop will have ------- inputs and ------out puts which are conflict to Each other.

20) IC 74175 IS A ------------ Flip Flop.


(i) (Quad Cable):Answer any three question each carry ten marks(3*10=30)

Q1.(a)Draw the constructional view of 6Quad Cable and name its parts?

(b)Mention the colour code of the each Quad and name the circuits tapped on it?

Q2. (a)Names the types of Jointing to be carried out for 6Q/4Q copper cable? Explain each one in brief?

Q3.(a) What are the effects on copper cable due to AT catenaries wire in RE area?

(b)Mention the remedies to reduce the effect on cable? Explain?


Q4.What are the maintenance/Testing to be carried for maintaining of Quad cable. Explain?

(ii)Digital electronics:Answer any three question each carry ten marks(3*10=30)

Q5.(a)Define Logic Gate ? Why it is required?

(b)Names the Basic Logic gates & Derived Logic gates?

©Draw its symbols & Logic circuit?

Q6.Write the truth table and application of any five Logic gates.?

Q7.Draw the symbol, Logic circuit, Truth table of Half Adder. And Prove its Logic?

Q8.Define Flip-Flop. Draw its symbol,and construction of Flip-Flop?

Q.9.(a)Convert the following Decimals in to Binary:

(231))10 , (111)10, (225)10,

(b) Convert the following in to Decimals Binary:

(11111) 2 , (10000)2 , (1010101)2

(A)Fill up thBlanks correctly (20*1=20 Marks)

1. Number of conductors in a Quad is _________.

2. Material for screening in RE main cable is------------.

3. Earthing of steel armor & Al. strips of the quad cable is to reduce _____.

4. The diameter of conductor of 6Quad cable is _____millimeter.

5. Loop resistance of 0.63 mm copper wire is ___ ohms.

6. Transmission loss of loaded 6quad cable is _____ dB/km .

7. The EMC post should be provided at a distance not less than ____ meter from the outermost rail.(2.8 / 15)

8. In Railways the type of cable laying used is ________ laid system.

9. ______ system of cable laying method used for track crossing in Railways.

10. Cable Markers are provided at every _____ meters within yard.

11. The impedance ratio of VF transformer is _______ ohms.

12. Permissible psopho metric voltage in RE cable is not more than ___ mV.

13. Characteristic impedance of PVC insulated pair is _____ ohm.

14. Insulation resistance value of 6quad cable is _______ Meg ohms.

15. The impedance ratio of the Signal transformer used for Block circuit is ___ ohms in RE area.

16. Interspacing between loading coil is _______ meters.

17. The purpose of loading in RE cable is to minimize the---------------.

18. Thpurpose of condenser joint in RE is to reduce____.

19. Standard Drum length of 6Quad cable is-------meters.

20.Spacing between two condensers joint is ---- meters.

B.Fill up thBlanks correctly (20*1=20 Marks)

1)------------ gate will give an output when either of one input or both input is high.

2)----------- gate will give an output when only both inputs are high.

3)-------- gate will give an output only when both input are Low.

4)--------- gate will conduct when either of one input is odd.

5)--------- gate will conduct when both inputsare even.


1. BORSCHT function related to ____________ circuit.

2. Control function in a exchange performs to control the _____ & ___

3. The bit rate for 30 channel PCM system _________

4. The Data store includes _______________ store and _________ store.

5. The working Voltage of Hipath 4000 Exchange is _______

6. The Earth resistance for ISDN exchange should be less than ______ ohms.

7. In Hipath 4000 ISDN exchange _______ card is used for Digital extensions.

8. Always in Hipath4000, LTUCX card should be placed in the slot ________



2. SPC


4. PCM

5. TDM






1. _____ color quad is used for EMC circuit where 6Quad cable is used.

2. _________ Quad is used for section control where OFC cable is not available.

3. _______ mode of optic fiber is used in railways.

4. _______ number of fibers are available in a loose tube.

5. _______ method of splicing is used for jointing OFC cable.

Match The Following

1. OFC Material                                                  a) 8 micro meters to 10 micro meters

2. Fiber Loss for 1550 nm                                   b) - 60dB

3) Tx loss of unloaded 6 quad cable                   c) 0.25dB/Km

4) NEXT of 6 Quad cable                                   d) Silica glass

5) Core Dia                                                         e) 0.63 db/Km

State True or False

6) Distance between two loading coil joint is approximately 1.5 km

7) Cleaver is used to remove primary coating of the fibre.

8) Standard splice loss is 0.02 db/Km

9) Condenser joint is done to reduce the Tx loss

10) The characteristic impedance of 6 quad loaded cable is 1120 Ohms

Answer any two of the following

1) Draw the construction of 6 Quad cable

2) Draw the construction of OFC cable Explain each

3) Explain the method of Derivation joint done in 6 quad cable for EMC circuit

4) Explain the method of splicing step by step.

IV. Fill in the blanks :

1. The technique of providing a number of circuits using a single transmission pair is called _______________

2. A multiframe contains __________ frames.

3. The time for one timeslot is _______µS.

4. ___________ is a code used in PCM system.

5. Sampling theorem states that Fs should be greater than or equal to ________

V. Match the following :

6. E1             64KBPS

7. E2             34MBPS

8. E3             2MBPS

9. E4             8MBPS

10. E0           140MBPS


1) SDH employs -------------- interleaved multiplexing

2) Bit rate of STM-1 is -------- Mbps

3) ---------------- European standard is not possible to transport through SDH

4) Maximum bit rate of European PDH is ----------- Mbps

5) Quality of data is measured in ---------------------

11) Write short notes on the following :

6. Compare TDM and FDM

7. Explain Non linear quantizing method.

8. Define the structure of the eight bit word.

9. List out the disadvantages of PDH

10. List Advantages of SDH.


1) _____ color quad is used for EMC circuit where 6Quad cable is used.

2) _________ Quad is used for section control where OFC cable is not available.

3) __________ is provided for mechanical strength in 6Quad cable.

4) _______ number of conductors are available in a quad.

5) _______ is used in EMC joints for isolation & for reducing noise.

Match the Following

1) Dia of the conductor of quad cable                 a) 0.25db/Km

2) Tx Loss of loaded quad cable                         b) - 60dbm

3) Tx loss of unloaded quad cable                      c) 0.9mm

4) NEXT of 6 Quad cable                                   d) 2mV

5) Psophometric noise                                         e) 0.63 db/Km

State True or False

1) Distance between two loading coil joint is approximately 1.5 km.

2) Balancing is done to remove primary coating of the fiber.

3) Standard splice loss is 0.02 db/Km.

4) Condenser joint is done to reduce the Tx loss

5) The characteristic impedance of 6 quad loaded cable is 1120 Ohms

Answer any two of the following

5) Draw the construction of 6 Quad cable

6) Draw the construction of OFC cable Explain each

7) Explain the method of Derivation joint done in 6 quad cable for EMC circuit

8) Explain the method of splicing step by step

Choose the best answer : (10)

1. The technique of providing a number of circuits using a single transmission pair is called ____

(combining, multiplexing)

2. A multiframe contains __________ frames. (32, 16)

3. The time for one timeslot is _______µS. (125, 3.9)

4. Sampling theorem states that Fs should be greater than or equal to ___ (twice, thrice) the maximum frequency of the channel to be sampled.

5. The Earth resistance for MUX should be less than ______ ohms. (one, ten)

6. The bit rate of one voice channel is _______Kbps. (256, 64)

7. In PCM sampling frequency is ____________Hz (8000, 4000)

8. The line code used for PCM is ________(HDB3, AMI)

9. In FDM the channels are differentiated by _____ (time, frequency)

10. The timeslot _____ is used for signaling in PCM ( 1, 16)

Match the following : (5)

1. E1                      64KBPS

2. E2                      34MBPS

3. E3                      2MBPS

4. E4                      8MBPS

5. E0                      140MBPS

Fill in the blanks (20)

1. _______ mode of optic fiber is used in railways.

2. _______ number of fibers are available in a loose tube.

3. _______ method of splicing is used for jointing OFC cable.

4. Fiber loss/km at 1550 nanometer is ____dB/km

5. Standard splice loss is ______db/Km

6. Optic Fibre is made up of -----------------------------

7. Refractive index of core is -----------than cladding

8. The principle of OFC working is ------------------------

9. For all communication purposes we use -------------------- type of fibre

10. The minimum loss offered by the fibre in ------------- wavelength

Choose the correct answer: (5)

1. Cladding dia is -------------(8 micro meters ,125micro meters ,250 micro meters)

2. Typical Refractive index of core is ----------------- ( 1.46 ,1.48 3.12)

3. Splice loss permitted is ------------------ ( 0.2 dB,0.25 dB,0.02dB) or less

4. Normal OFC drum length is ------------------ (1 Km ,2 Km ,5 Km , 3 Km)

5. For total internal reflection, light should pass from ------------ to --------- ( Denser to rarer , Rarer

to denser )

Match the following : (5)

1. Critical angle                         i) Temporary joint

2. Cleaning solution                  ii) Removing primary

3. Cleaver                                  iii) Isopropyl Alcohol

4. Mechanical splicing              iv) Refracted angle is 90 degree

5. Fibre stripper                         v) 90 degree cutting

Expand the following (5)

a) FMS
b) FAW
c) SDH
d) HDB3


1. BORSCHT function related to ____________ circuit.

2. Control function in a exchange performs to control the _____ & ___

3. The working Voltage of Hipath 4000 Exchange is _______

4. The Earth resistance for ISDN exchange should be less than ______ ohms.

5. In Hipath 4000 ISDN exchange _______ card is used for Digital extensions.

6. Always in Hipath4000, LTUCX card should be placed in the slot ________

7. In PA system for indoor application _____ matching method is preferred.

8. In conference hall _______ microphone is used.

9. ________ converts electrical energy into sound energy.

10. _________ network splits the frequency for woofer & tweeter



Match the following:

VHF frequency band                   LMT

Driver to Guard                         Low frequency speaker

Treble control                           30MHz to 300MHz

Woofer                                      161.150MHz

Voltage matching high              frequency control

State True or False:

16) The working voltage of walkie talkie is 12V / DC.

17) LAN extender is used to extend Ethernet protocol.

18) V.35 modem is connected near mux.

19) Router is in layer two of OSI model.

20) Ni-cd cell is nowadays used for walkie talkie sets.

Answer any two of the following

1. List out any five advantages of ISDN than NON-ISDN exchanges.

2. List out the cards used in TADARIAN or CORAL or HIPATH exchange.

3. Draw the front and rear view of amplifier used for PA system.

4. How will you provide a PA system for a function in an auditorium using an amplifier of 50watts

power, four 4Ohms loudspeaker and 3 mikes?

Choose the best answer : (10)

1. The technique of providing a number of circuits using a single transmission pair is called ____(combining, multiplexing)

2. A multiframe contains __________ frames. (32, 16)

3. The time for one timeslot is _______µS. (125, 3.9)

4. Sampling theorem states that Fs should be greater than or equal to ___ (twice, thrice) the maximum frequency of the channel to be sampled.

5. The Earth resistance for MUX should be less than ______ ohms. (one, ten)

6. The bit rate of one voice channel is _______Kbps. (256, 64)

7. In PCM sampling frequency is ____________Hz (8000, 4000)

8. The line code used for PCM is ________(HDB3, AMI)

9. In FDM the channels are differentiated by _____ (time, frequency)

10. The timeslot _____ is used for signaling in PCM ( 1, 16)

Match the following : (5)

1. E1                     64KBPS

2. E2                     34MBPS

3. E3                     2MBPS

4. E4                     8MBPS

5. E0                     140MBPS

Choose the best answer (15)

1. _______ mode of optic fiber is used in railways. (single, multi)

2. _______ number of fibers are available in a loose tube. (2, 4)

3. _______ method of splicing is used for jointing OFC cable. (fusion arc, evaporating)

4. Fiber loss/km at 1550 nanometer is ____dB/km. (0.63, 0.25)

5. Standard splice loss is ______db/Km. (0.2, 0.02)

6. Optic Fibre is made up of ------------------. (Silica glass, Plastic)

7. Refractive index of core is -----------than cladding. ( less, more)

8. The principle of OFC working is -----------(Total internal reflection, diffraction)

9. In Railways we use ------- type of fibre. (monomode stepindex , multimode stepindex)

10. The minimum loss offered by the fibre in ------- wavelength. ( 1310, 1550)

11. Cladding dia is ------------- ( 8 µmeters ,125µmeters ,250 µmeters )

12. Typical Refractive index of core is ----------------- (1.46 ,1.48 3.12)

13. Normal OFC drum length is ------------------ (1 Km ,2 Km ,5 Km , 3 Km)

14. For total internal reflection, light should pass from ------------ to --------- ( Denser to rarer , Rarer

to denser )

15. The bit rate of STM4 is ______(155Mbps, 625Mbps)

Match the following : (5)

1. Critical angle                                                                  i) Temporary joint

2. Cleaning solution after removing primary coating        ii) Removing primary coating

3. Fibre stripper                                                                  iii) Isopropyl Alcohol

4. Cleaver                                                                            iv) Refracted angle is 90 degree

5. Mechanical splicing                                                         v) 90 degree cutting

Expand the following (5)



Answer any two of the following (10)

1. List out the advantages of ISDN exchange.

2. List out the advantages of SDH

3. Draw the multiplexing structure of STM1.

Fill in the blanks: (14)

1. _____ color quad is used for EMC circuit where 6Quad cable is used.

2. _________ Quad is used for section control where OFC cable is not available.

3. __________ is provided for mechanical strength in 6Quad cable.

4. _______ number of conductors are available in a quad.

5. _______ is used in EMC joints for isolation & for reducing noise.

6. ________ cable is used for Data communication.

7. The diameter of the conductor of the 6Quad cable is _____.

8. _____ number of Walkie Talkie should be available in ART.

9. _____ cable is used during Emergency at accident site.

10. The specification of 6Quad cable is ______

11. The loop resistance of 6Quad cable is ______

12. The transmission loss of loaded 6Quad cable is ______

13. The characteristic impedance of unloaded 6Quad cable is ____-

14. WLL means _________.

Answer the following: (3 X 5 = 15)

1. List out the cables used in Railways for Telecom circuits.

2. Write the color code of the 6Quad cable.

3. Write the applications of Switch board cable.

4. List out the allocation of 6Quad cable where OFC is available.

5. Draw the construction of PIJF cable.

Answer the following: (3 X 7 = 21)

1. List out the equipments provided in ART.

2. What is the duty of TCM at Accident spot?

3. Draw the construction of 6Quad cable neatly.

Choose the best answer: (10)

1. BORSCHT function related to ____________ circuit.(SLIC / DIUN2)

2. The working Voltage of Hipath 4000 Exchange is _____ (12V / 48V)

3. The Earth resistance for ISDN exchange should be less than ______ ohms.

4. In Hipath exchange _____ card is used for Digital extensions. (SLMO2 / SLMA2)

5. Always in Hipath4000, LTUCX card should be placed in the slot _____ (63/73)

6. In PA system for indoor _____ matching method is preferred. (Impedance / Voltage)

7. In conference hall _______ microphone is used. (carbon / condenser)

8. ________ converts electrical energy into sound energy. (mike / loudspeaker)

9. The working voltage of walkie talkie is ______ (12V DC /7.5V DC)

10. ______ antenna is used for VHF base station. (Slim jim / Whip)

Expand (10)



Match the following: (10)

1. VHF frequency                            band PRI card

2. Driver to Guard Low                   frequency speaker

3. Treble control                              30MHz to 300MHz

4. Woofer                                         161.150MHz

5. DIUN2 high                                 frequency control

6. PPS digital                                   subscriber card

7. SLMA2                                        Trunk card

8. 4TBR power                                supply card

9. TMEW2 basic                              rate interface card

10. SDT analog                                subscriber card

State True or False: (5)

1. The bit rate of BRI is 144Kbps.

2. LAN extender is used to extend Ethernet protocol.

3. V.35 modem is connected near mux.

4. Router is in layer two of OSI model.

5. Ni-cd cell is used for walkie talkie sets.

Answer any three of the following (15)

1. List out any five advantages of ISDN than NON-ISDN exchanges.

2. List out the cards used in TADARIAN or CORAL or HIPATH exchange.

3. Draw the front and rear view of amplifier used for PA system.

4. Draw the block diagram for extending a data circuit from PTJ to CBE.

5. List out the services provided by ISDN exchange.

In PA system for indoor _____ matching method is preferred. (Impedance / Voltage)

In conference hall _______ microphone is used. (carbon / condenser)

________ converts electrical energy into sound energy. (mike / loudspeaker)

In telephone instruments _______ microphone is used. (Carbon/ condenser)

For VIP function _______ standby of equipments are required.(100% / 50%)

In chairman unit ______ switch will be available. ( priority / recording)

a) Woofer                                           outdoor use

b) Horn speaker                                  high frequency control

c) Cross over network                        split the frequency for woofer & tweeter

d) Treble control                                 low frequency speaker

5) List out the application of  PA system in railways.

6) Draw the front and rear view of amplifier used for PA system.


Fill the Blanks

1. Optic fibre is made up of ----------.

2. Refractive index of core is -----------than cladding.

3. The principle of OFC working is ------------------------.

4. For all communication purposes we use -------------------- type of fibre.

5. The minimum loss offered by the fibre in ----------------- wavelength.

6. Size of core is ----- micro meters.

7. Cladding size----------- micro meters.

8. Loose tube size-------------- mm.

9. No of fibers in one loose tube --------.

10. Size of fibre after primary coating is------------ micro meters.


a) FMS
c) SDH
 e) OTDR

Match the following

1. Critical angle                                    i) Temporary joint

2. Cleaning solution after                     ii) Removing primary coating
removing primary coating

3. Fibre stripper                                    iii) Isopropyl Alcohol

4. Cleaver                                              iv) Refracted angle is 90

5. Mechanical splicing                          v) 90 degree cutting

Choose the correct answer

1. Cladding dia is -------------( 8 micro meters ,125micro meters ,250 125micro meters )

2. Typical Refractive index of core is ---------------------( 1.46 ,1.48 3.12)

3. Splice loss permitted is ------------------------( 0.2 dB,0.25 dB,0.02dB) or less

4. Normal OFC drum length is ------------------ (1 Km ,2 Km ,5 Km , 3 Km)

5. For total internal reflection , light should pass from -------------- to ------------- (Denser to rarer, Rarer to denser)

Answer in one sentence

1. Conditions of Total internal reflection

2. Type of OFC cable used in Railways

3. Primary coated fibre

4. Loose tube

5. Corrugated armor use

Answer in detail (any two)

b) What are all the advantages of OFC

c) Draw the construction of OFC cable and explain each part

d) Explain the splicing procedure

e) Test equipments in OFC

Fill in the blanks: (10)

26. VHF frequency allotted for Railway communication is ---------To --------------

27. Wattage of base station VHF set is ----------- watts

28. -------------- Version of IP address system is using in India .

29. Railnet is -------------- network of Indian Railways .

30. In IPDSLAM ---------- modem is required at Users end

31. Most used LAN protocol is --------------------.

32. In MPLS network system ------------- routers are used to make a to Make a MPLS cloud network

33. For providing VPN -------------- type of a routing method is required

34. In VOIP system ------------ unit is required to connect ordinary phone

35. In GSM ---------------- unit will keep the mobile equipment identity number

Match the following: (6)

36. NGN                              Is a European based GSM system for railway working

37. MSC                              Router switching carried out by using label

38. WLL                             Is a integration of many telecom services

39. MPLS                           Group of cells

40. GSM-R                        Is a fixed mobile

41. Cell cluster controls entire working of one zone level cellular working Choose the best answer: (6)

42. In NGN all information’s are passed in . (packet switching / circuit switching )

43. In MPLS system the customer side uses ------ routers ( Edge / Core )

44. Data can be send --------------- meters through Cat 6 cable ( 100/1000)

45. ---------------MHz frequency is allotted for Driver to guard commn(159.1,161.150)

46. Quality of data channel connectivity is checked by using --------- equipment ( BER meter/Level meter )

47. In MPLS IP is converted in to --------------for routing (path ,Label)

Answer in detail (10)

6. Draw the block diagram of GSM and briefly explain about working

7. Draw the block diagram of IPDSLAM and give small explanation

Expand (8)



Fill in the blanks :

1. The command save is available in the ______ menu.

2. The command undo is available in the ______ menu.

3. To provide numbering __________ is used.

4. To do calculations _________ is used in MS Office.

5. Keyboard is ______ unit.

Match the following:

1. Printer                  Compact Disc

2. Mouse                 Central Processing Unit

3. ROM                   Output device

4. RAM                   Input device

5. CD Random       access memory

6. CPU Read          only memory

Choose the best answer:

1. The short cut keys used to copy is __________( Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V)

2. The short cut keys used to undo is __________( Ctrl+S, Ctrl+Z)

3. The Operating system used in our office computers is ___(Windows, Linux)

4. The icon used to add the contents of some cells in MS Excel is ____ ( , £ )

5. The red line under a word indicates ________( Spelling mistake, formatting mistake)

Answer the following:

1. Draw the block diagram of a computer and explain.

VII. Fill in the blanks: -20 marks. (Each question carrying equal marks)

56. The end voltage of a fully charged cell is __________.

57. _________mode of Fibre is used in Railways.

58. Maximum number of stations can be called using DTMF HQ equipment is ______.

59. One byte contains ____ bits.

60. Total internal reflection happens in an OFC cable when the light ray travels from ____ medium to _______ medium.

61. Optical fibre cable is made up of ___________.

62. In a capacitor, the capacitive reactance is ________ proportional to frequency.

63. ________ converts acoustic energy in to electrical energy.

64. The barrier potential of Silicon diode is ________ volts.

65. Full wave rectifier circuit requires 2 diodes and requires _____ type transformers.

66. GPS stands for ________ __________ ________

67. In a 2 Mb digital transmission, the number of speech channel will be ____.

68. EMC sockets are provided at every _____ Km.

69. The value of earth resistance of telecommunication installations shall be less than ____ ohms.

70. ISDN stands for ________________.

Write the Hindi equivalent of the following:

71. Approved

72. urgent

73. Telecommunication.

74. Consideration

75. Order

VIII. Choose the correct answer: - 10 marks. (Each question carrying equal marks)

76. Loop resistance of 0.5 mm copper wire is ___ ohms.(56, 114, 172)

77. Interspacing between loading coil joint is _______Km. (one, two, three)

78. Optic Fibre Cable used in Railways contains -------- numbers of loose tubes.(2, 4, 6)

79. _____ Number of E1’s can be transmitted in STM1. (63, 21, 42)

80. Standard splice loss is _______ (0.2 dB, 2.0 dB, 0.02 dB)

81. The prime advantage of OFC over copper cable is it eliminates ______ (Electromagnetic interference, power loss)

82. Henry is the unit of ________ ( resistance, capacitance, inductance)

83. When resistors are connected in parallel the resultant value of the parallel resistance will be ______ (more, less, no change in value)

84. The instrument used for measuring cable insulation is _____ (Insulation megger, Multimeter, Voltmeter)

85. Ammeter is always connected in _______ (series/parallel) with the circuit.

IX. Match the following: 10 marks. (Each question carrying equal marks)

86. VF transformer                   192Kbps

87. VHF band                           AC to DC

88. Invertors 30 –                    300MHz

89. Hybrid                               1120:1120

90. UTP cable                         Sine wave oscillator

91. Electrolyte of                     Lead Acid cell Optical Reciever

92. Tank circuit                        4W to 2W

93. Rectifiers                           Sulphuric acid

94. BRI                                    RJ 45

95. Avalanche Photo                Diode DC to AC

X. State True or False: 10 marks. (Each question carrying equal marks)

96. To protect the electrical equipment from high voltage MOVs are to be connected in parallel with

the circuit.

97. Cable Huts are provided at every 15 Km in RE/Non RE area.

98. For Platform announcement in Rly. Stations loudspeakers are connected in voltage matching method.

99. One PRI of ISDN contains 30 Base band circuits and one data channel.

100. Always last Quad of 6Quad cable is used for Block Instrument circuit.

101. The transmission loss of OFC cable is 0.63 dB per Km when 1550nm wavelength is used.

102. The positive terminal of the power supply is connected to earth terminal in Electronic


103. The bit rate of STM16 is 155.52 Mbps.

104. The nominal ringing voltage of Magneto telephone is 230 Volts AC.

105. V. 35 modem is connected at the data communication equipment end.

XI. Answer the following: 20 marks. (Each question carrying equal marks)

11. Write the allocation of 6Quad cable.

12. List out the advantages of ISDN exchange.

13. Write short notes on Router.

14. Explain in brief the various control circuits available in RE area.

15. What are the Passenger Amenities available in Railway station?

16. Draw the symbol of a NPN Transistor, SCR, Zener diode and NAND gate.

17. Define critical angle in OFC.

18. Give three cases where Hindi, regional language and English should be used?

19. List out the various process involved in PCM.

20. Draw the block diagram of EMC phone.

XII. Answer any five of the following: 30 marks. (Each question carrying equal marks)

8. Write the color codes of 6Quad cable and explain the various tests conducted in 6quad cable?

9. Explain the method of jointing OFC and list out materials required for the above jointing.

10. List out the telecom items that are maintained in ART/BD special & its periodicity of Maintenance.

11. Draw a neat sketch showing mid section radio patching arrangement and explain its working.

12. Write short notes on any two of the following:

DTMF Encoder

13. What are the advantages of OFC cable? What are the services offered by ISDN exchange?

14. What is meant by SDH? Draw the multiplexing structure of STM1.

15. List out the items required for extending UTS circuit from CBE to PTJ and draw the connectivity of the items used.

1 comment:

Rajkumar said...

Sir question ke sat answer hona

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