Question Bank - Group ‘D’ to Jr.Clerk selection - GENERAL KNOWLEDGE


I. Expand the abbreviations: SBF - Staff Benefit Fund MBF - Mutual Benefit Fund

CCO - Chief Claims Officer

CPRO - Chief Public Relations Officer CTE - Chief Track Engineer

CBE - Chief Bridge Engineer

CPDE - Chief Planning & Development Engineer PCE - Principal Chief Engineer

CMPE - Chief Motive Power Engineer CME - Chief Mechanical Engineer CWE - Chief Workshop Engineer CRSE - Chief Rolling Staff Engineer CEE - Chief Electrical Engineer

CESE - Chief Electrical Service Engineer CELE - Chief Electrical Loco Engineer

CSTE - Chief Signal & Telecommunication Engineer CCE -Chief Communication Engineer

COS - Controller of Stores CMM - Chief Materials Manager CPO - Chief Personnel Officer

CPO/A- Chief Personnel Officer Administration CPOIR- Chief Personnel Officer Industrial Relation COM - Chief Operations Manager

CPTM - Chief Passenger Traffic Manager CFTM - Chief Freight Traffic Manager

COFMOW – Central Organization for Modernization of Workshop CPM - Chief Projects Manager

CRB - Chairman Railway Board CRS - Commissioner Railway Safety DRM - Divisional Railway Manager CSC - Chief Security Commissioner CCM - Chief Commercial Manager CMD - Chief Medical Director

CAO/C- Chief Administrative Officer/Construction ADRM-Additional Divisional Railway Manager FA&CAO- Financial Advisor and Chief Accounts Officer AGM - Additional General Manager

EDPM- Electrical Data Processing Manager SWSO- Senior Work Study Officer

IRCON- Indian Railway Construction Organization IRWO- Indian Railway Welfare Organization RITES-Rail India Technical & Economic Services RRB - Railway Recruitment Board

RCT - Railway Claims Tribunal RRT -Railway Rates Tribunal ICF - Integral Coach Factory DLW - Diesel Locomotive Works

CLW - Chittaranjan Locomotive Works

RCF - Rail Coach Factory RWF - Rail Wheel Factory CRS - Carriage Repair Shop

RDSO – Research Design & Standards Organization

IRISET- Indian Railway Institute of Signal Engineering & Telecommunication CGEGIS - Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme ZRTI – Zonal Railway Training Institute

RDC - Railway Degree College STC - Supervisor Training Center

APPSC - Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission UNICEF - United Nations Children’s Educational Fund WHO - World Health Organization

LAP - Leave at Average Pay LHAP – Leave at Half Average Pay HBA - House Building Advance

RELHS – Railway Employees Liberalized Health Scheme IREM - Indian Railway Establishment Manual

IRCTC- Indian Railways Catering and Tourism Corporation RVNL – Rail Vikas Nigam Ltd

UNO – United Nations Organization ILO – International Labour Organization

II. Fill in the Blanks :

1)                  Lepakshi is in the District of                 

2)                  Bharat Heavy Electricals  is at                

3)                  Nagarjuna Dam is in the State of                   

4)                  Konark Express run between Mumbai                

5)                  Osman Sagar is situated at                    

6)                  Kovalam Beach is in                     state

7)                  ICF is situated  at                     

8)                  Sun Temple is  at                   

9)                  Golcumbaz is at                         

10)              Qutub Minar is at                

11)              Charminar is at                     

12)              India Gate is at                      

13)              Gate Way of India                  

14)              Rail Coach Factory is at                    

15)              Rail Wheel Factory is at                     

16)              Integral Coach Factory is at                               

17)              There are                           Zones in Indian Railways

18)              There are                           Divisions on SC Railway

19)              Tar is a product of                         

20)              Steel Plant in AP is at                      

21)              Fuel used for train Engine is                  or                         .

22)              Wagon Workshop is situated at                                on S.C. Railway.

23)              Carriage Repair Shop is situated at                              on S.C. Railway

24)              ELS stands for                                                       .

25)              Electric Loco Sheds are set up at                                                                                                                               on S.C. Railway.

26)              Railway Officers are trained at                                                           .

27)              A brother who is below                years of age can be a dependent to be included in the pass declaration.

28)              A request to CCM is made for release of berths from                                 .

III.     Types of Leave:

1)                               days of CL are entitled in a calendar year for staff in administrative office.

2)                             days of Restricted Holidays are entitled in a calendar year

3)                               days of LAP are credited in half a year

4)                                 days of LHAP are credited in a year.

5)                  Extra Ordinary Leave of                years can be sanctioned at a maximum.

6)                  Maternity Leave is                  days.

7)                  Paternity leave is            days.

8)                  Maximum LAP that can be granted at a stretch is                days.

IV.     Advances:

1)                  Festival Advance is Rs.                    

2)                  Cycle Advance is Rs.                   .

3)                  Scooter Advance is Rs.                         in the first occasion.

4)                  Motor Car Advance is Rs.                            in the first occasion.

5)                  Computer advance is Rs.                         .

6)                  HBA is                times the basic pay plus DP

V.          Allowances:

1)                  DA stands for                                           

2)                  CCA stands for                                     

3)                  HRA stands for                                           

4)                  TA stands for                                       

VI.     Labour Organisations:

NFIR   stands for                                                                       

AIRF   stands for                                                                         

JCM    stands for                                                                         

PNM   stands for                                                                         

SCRMU stands for                                                                       

SCRES stands for                                                                         

VII.                                                 Say True or False:

1.                                     The lowest pay scale is Rs. 2610-3540.

2.                                     The V Pay Commission recommendations are made effective from 01.04.96.

3.                                     A peon of CPO’s Office can be posted to Vijayawada on promotion.

4.                                     A substitute in Group ‘D’ is entitled to appear for selection to Gr.’C’ post.

5.                                     The pay scale of Junior Clerk is Rs. 4500-7000.

6.                                     White paper is non-stock item.

7.                                     Tables and Chairs required for an office are stocked items.

8.                                     A supervisory official is entitled to draw a brief case for official purposes.

9.                                     The rate of increment in scale Rs.3050-4590 is Rs.150/-.

10.                              Employees with II Class pass are allowed in Guard’s Break van.

11.                              A Station Master is capable to cancel a train.

12.                              Chief Operations Manger belongs to Traffic Service.

13.                              Chief Claims officer has to verify the arrear claims of the staff before disbursement of the payment.

14.                              IRPS officers are recruited by RRB.

15.                              UPSC recruits Station Managers.

16.                              Stenographers are personal staff of officers recruited by them.

17.                              A Bungalow Peon is recruited by RRB.

18.                              Bunglow Peons are initially engaged with the approval the officer concerned.

19.                              A substitute bunglow peon attains temporary status after 120 days service.

20.                              Asst. Officers are entitled to a Substitute Bungalow Peon.

21.                              Bungalow Peons are transferable to any Railway along with the officer to whom he is attached.

22.                              SR stands for Suitability Record because the suitability of an employee is decided for promotion on perusal of the SR.

23.                              100% of CL service counts for pensionery benefits.

24.                              CL service means service done on Casual Leave.

25.                              Bonus on Railways is payable twice a year.

26.                              Monthly wages are paid to the staff on the first day of the month.

27.                              There are weekly and daily wage periods on Railways.

28.                              In case of any grievance, staff must approach the local political leader first.

29.                              DAR action can be taken if any staff represent their grievances through MPs/MLAs.

30.                              No wages are paid during suspension since the employee is not required to work during the suspension period.

31.                              Suspension means punishing the employee for coming late to the office daily.

32.                              Staff get half payment during suspension for unauthorised absence.

33.                              The cost of spectacles is reimbursed under Mutual Benefit Fund.

34.                              The co-operative society lends loans to all Railway employees.

35.                              A Group D employee cannot take gifts worth Rs. 20/- from others on certain functions in the house.

36.                              Wife and husband, if both working as peons can be posted in the same office.

37.                              A group D employee should have minimum VIII Class qualification for recruitment on Railways.

38.                              Pension is payable to a Railway servant who retires from service with 5 years’ qualifying service.

39.                              If a Group D employees dies after putting in 2 years service can be paid pension.

40.                              Leave encashment is payable at the time of retirement only.

41.                              Deposit Linked insurance scheme is linked to the PF balances of an employee.
42.                              Railway employees are given free food during IOD.

43.                              Workmen get compensation if one is injured while on duty and in the course of one’s duty.

44.                              If a Gangman is run over and killed while on duty, he is entitled for ex- gratia payment in addition to the workmen compensation payable to him.

45.                              Group D employees are entitled to free diet while taking treatment as in- patient in a Railway hospital.

46.                              Un-married female employees are not entitled to Maternity Leave.

47.                              SC/ST candidates are given a free pass to enable them to attend the written examination conducted by RRB.

48.                              70% of daily TA is payable to a Railway employee on line beyond 8 Kms for 3 hours.

49.                              A Senior Clerk can remove a peon from service.

50.                              AP Express runs between Secunderabad and Mumbai.

51.                              All Rajadhani Expresses are to and fro Delhi.

52.                              Cattle can also be transported by Trains.

53.                              Fish cannot be carried by passenger trains.

54.                              The rate of Railway Time Table is Rs.125/-.

55.                              The Railway Time Table gives the information about break journey.

56.                              A pass holder cannot break his journey before completion of 500 Kms.

57.                              A local train ticket is valid for 8 hours.

58.                              Refund is granted by Station Master after two days of departure of the concerned train.

59.                              Full refund of fare is entitled on an unconfirmed ticket .

60.                              The reservation charges are non-refundable.

61.                              A privilege pass is valid for 4 months during which the holder can travel any number of times.

62.                              A TC should collect amount from ticket-less traveler if he is not a staff only.

63.                              Ticket checking staff are running staff who are entitled for running allowance.

64.                              Drivers are non-running staff.

65.                              Staff should be sober while on duty.

66.                              Breathalyser test is to test the driver whether he is breathing is properly.

67.                              Taking intoxicated drinks before 10 hours of commencement of the duty is punishable under DAR.

68.                              Peons are entitled to washing allowance.

69.                              Washing allowance is an allowance payable to Group D staff who accept the work of washing plates, cups and saucers etc.

70.                              The daily sale proceeds of the Railway staff canteen are credited to Railway revenues and draw the necessary expenditure from Railway towards purchase of provisions.

71.                              Some trains are called freight trains because of their frightening speed.

72.                              CFTM looks after movement of Freight Trains.

73.                              Container Corporation sells containers.

74.                              IRCTC stands for Indian Railway Catering and Transport Corporation.

75.                              RailTel is a department of Railways who tells about Railways to the passengers.

VII. General Questions:

1.             Who is the General Manager of S.C. Railway?

2.             Who is the Additional General Manager of S.C. Railway?

3.             Who is the Pricipal Chief Engineer of S.C. Railway?

4.             Who is Chief Administrative Officer/Construction of S.C. Railway?

5.             Who is the Chief Personnel Officer of S.C. Railway?

6.             Who is the Financial Advisor & Chief Accounts Officer?

7.             Where is the Headquarters of Hyderabad Division?

8.             Where is the Headquarters of Secunderabad Division?

9.             What is the other name of Vijayawada?
10.      How many privilege passes are eligible to Group D and Group C employees?

11.      How Many Post Retirement passes are eligible for Group C and D employees, who have put in 25 years service?

12.      In which Division the following stations are situated? Nanded, Tirupati, Raichur, Nandiyal, Parli

13.      Who is the Prime Minister of India?

14.      Where Rail Wheel Factory situated?

15.      Who wrote Natioanl Anthem

16.      Who is the Present Captain of Indian Cricket?

17.      Who Invented television?

18.      Which is the capital of Uttaranchal?

19.      What is the minimum service required for promotion of junior clerk to senior clerk?

20.      What is the minimum distance an employee to travel to become eligible for TA/DA?

21.      How many days casual leave a fitter in workshop is eligible in a year?

22.      How many Zones are there in Indian Railways?

23.      How many Workshops are there in Indian Railways?

24.      Who is the Minister for Railways?

25.      Where is the Railway Board situated?

26.      What is the currency of the following countries?

USA ,Dubai, Singapore, Australia, Bangladesh, Russia, China , Sri Lanka, Pakistan

27.      Who is Election Commissioner of India?

28.      How Many states are there in India?

29.      How many Union Territories are there in India?

30.      Who is the Chief Justice of India?

31.      Who was called as Punjab Kesari?

32.      Where is the Railway Museum located?

33.      Who is the Head of the Indian Railways?

34.      Which Department handles health care of the employees?

35.      Who is the Head of the Zonal Railway?

36.      How many major workshops are on SC Railway?

37.      Who is the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu?

38.      Who is the Governor of AP?

39.      Write any two allowances admissible to you?

40.      Write any two allowances admissible to Railway servant?

41.      What is meant by D & A Rules?

42.      How many sets of passes and PTOs are entitled to a Group D employee who has put in 4 years of service?

43.      What are important Tourist places on S.C. Railway?

44.      What is the recruitment agency for S.C. Railway?

45.      Where is the only Degree College on Indian Railways?

46.      What is SBF?

47.      Who are the Chairman and members of SBF Committee?

48.      What are the schemes introduced by SBF Committee on S.C. Railway?

49.      Who is the General Secretary of SCRE Sangh?

50.      Who is the General Secretary of SCRM Union?

51.      How many Trade unions are recognized on Indian Railways? What are they?

52.      Who is the Correspondent for the Railway Schools/Colleges?

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Q Bank - Establishment / Personnel Dept. (82) Q Bank - Electrical Engineering (80) Q Bank - OS / Clerk / Typist (72) Q B Engg (P Way & Work) (67) Q BANK - Operating (63) Group 'B' Exam (60) Q Bank - APO ( Asst. Personnel Officer) (57) QUESTION BANK WITH ANSWER (55) Q B Establishment (48) Q Bank - Goods Guards (45) Q Bank - OHE/TRD/PSI (36) Q B - CIVIL ENGINEERING (AEN) (27) Q B - Welfare Inspector (27) Q BANK - C & W ( Carriage & Wagon ) (26) Q Bank - Account (24) Q BANK - LOCO (23) Q BANK Exam - Station Master (23) Q Bank - Commercial (22) Q Bank - AOM (19) Q BANK - Station Master (18) Q Bank - S & T (14) 1. Syllabus (13) Q Bank - D & AR (Discipline and Appeals Rule) (12) Q Bank - Medical (12) Q Bank - Posts (Civil Engineering & P way) Dept (12) 2. Q Bank - Group D To C (11) INDEX (11) QB - ENGINEERING ( MECHANICAL ) (11) Q Bank - LOCO (Diesel) (9) Q Bank - ACM (Assistant Commercial Manager) (9) Q BANK - Jr Engineer ( Diesel Mechanical ) (8) Q BANK - LOCO (AC) (8) Q Bank - Law Assistant (8) Q Bank - AME/AWM (7) Q Bank - Group D To C (6) Q Bank - General Knowledge (5) Q Bank - Publicity Inspector (5) Q Bank - Rajbhasha (राजभाषा) (5) Q Bank - Stores (5) RRB EXAM (5) NTPC (4) Q Bank - ADSTE / ASTE (4) Q Bank - AEE (4) Q Bank - CLI (4) Question & Answer (4) Q Bank - Appointment On Compassionate Ground Exam (3) Q Bank - Commercial Instructor Exam (3) Q Bank - Engineering (Bridge) (3) Q Bank - IT (3) Q Bank - Protocol Inspector (3) Q Bank - RPF Department (3) Short Notes (3) Q BANK - Jr Engineer ( Mechanical ) (2) Q Bank - C & M (2) Q Bank - CCTC (2) Q Bank - Carpenter (2) Q Bank - General English (2) Q Bank - Jr Engineer (Tele) (2) Q Bank - Ministerial Staff (2) Q Bank - Track Machine (2) Q Bank -Section Controler (2) Video (2) ABB (1) FAQ (1) GDCE Exam (1) IRMS (Indian Railway Management Service (1) JUNIOR ENGINEER (Non -AC) GRADE - II (1) Minimum Wages Act (1) Project & Planning (1) Q BANK & Answer - C & W ( Carriage & Wagon ) (1) Q BANK - Shunting Master (1) Q Bank - Instructor (1) Q Bank - AMM (1) Q Bank - All Department (1) Q Bank - Ballast Train Checker (1) Q Bank - Complaints Inspector (1) Q Bank - GK (Computer) (1) Q Bank - Leave Rule (1) Q Bank - Mason (1) Q Bank - Maths (1) Q Bank - NPS (New Pension Scheme) (1) Q Bank - OS / Clerk Typist (1) Q Bank - Pass Rule (1) Q Bank - Planning Inspector (1) Q Bank - Railway (GK) (1) Q Bank - Stenographer (1) Q Bank - Technician (Ele) (1) Q Bank - Traffic Costing Inspector (1) Question Bank - Technicians of TLAC Group. (1) Short Notes - Establishment (1) Short Notes - Operating / Traffic (1)