Central Railway
19 – 01 - 2008
Q.1.- Write
short notes on any Five of the following
i. Part
I & Part II Audit Reports.
ii. Stock
iii. Final
iv. Non
scheduled items.
v. Briefing
vi. Write
vii. Variation
statements in Contracts.
( I ) Part I
& Part II Audit Reports –
The DAuO conduct inspection of the executive
and subordinate offices of the entire division once in 3 years. Programme is
made in advance and the concerned officers are advised in advance so as to
enable them to keep their records ready.
The reports, as a result of such inspections
consist of two parts –
Part I – Contains more important
Part II – Contains minor irregularties.
The final disposal of Part II audit notes
rests with the Accounts Officer and no reply to the divisional audit Officer is
necessary. However, when required these should be made available to the DAuO.
Replied to Part I are to be submitted by the
Divisional Officers to the DAuO through the Divisional Accounts Officer, as
early as possible ( within 2 months ) indicating there in the action taken. The
closure of the objections rests with the ADuO.
( ii )
Stock Sheets -
The proper custody
and accountal of stores is the prime duty and function of an executive or the
stockholder. To ensure this verification of stock is done either departmentally
or by the Accounts stock verifier. The stock verification sheets are prepared
giving the numerical balances of items as in the ledgers and actual stock. The
verification between ledger balances and actual stock are clearly brought out.
The verifier and the stockholder jointly sign these sheets.
One copy of the sheet is kept with the stock
verifier and three copies are handed over to the stockholder. The stock holder
is required to offer his explanation for variation and recon cite the
discrepancies and submit the sheets in duplicate to the divisional office for
scrutiny and acceptance. These sheets are then forwarded by divisional office
along with their remark to the Accounts.
Clearance of out standing S.V. Sheets is
closely watched by the department and also by accounts. At the time of handing
over charge the stock holder is required to clear the out standing S.V. Sheets
for any reason the same should be recorded in the handing over notes by the
stock holder.
( iii )
Final Bill :-
The final bill prepared on form No. E 1338
should be used for making final payments
. i.e. On closing running accounts for works . Normally only one final bill
should be prepared against an agreement or work order . But in cases where
groups of annual repair works are included in one agreement or work order there
is no objection to more than one final bill being prepared on the completion of
each group or certain groups.
( iv ) Non-Scheduled
Items -
The practice of calling item wise rates to be
quoted by the tenderer should be avoided as for as possible. It is however
observed that large number of non-scheduled items is being operated for various
types of works. Absence of a suitable item in the master schedule is cited as
the main reason for adopting non-scheduled items.
It is
further noticed that proper care and attention is not being given to the
operation of NS items in respect of description, specifications, mode of measurements,
rate etc. causing ambiguity and vagueness in NS items which, at times, may
result in over payment to the contractors.
With a
view to safeguarding against the above inadequacies, it has been decided that
introduction of NS items will henceforth be subject to the following: -
NS items shall be included in the
tender with the specific approval of Sr. DEN (Co) / Dy. CE (C).
NS items shall be operated only when it
is unavoidable & should satisfy the following criteria –
No item with similar description is
available in the master schedule, which can serve the purpose.
The description of NS item is not
prepared by combining more than one SSR item.
The descriptions of NS items are not
prepared by splitting the existing SSR item into more than one NS item.
Wherever it is expedient the NS item
can be formed by combining / splitting the existing SSR items with the specific
approval of HQ.
The description and the specifications
of NS item should be complete & unambiguous. No component of NS item should
be overlapping with the description of any of the existing SSR items included
in the tender, since such overlapping may lead to double payment for that
particular component of NS item.
Special conditions specific to the NS
items should be included in the tender agreement.
Mode of measurement of NS items should
be clearly spelt out.
Proper rate analysis should be prepared
for the NS items taking into account the prevailing market rates as well as the
past accepted rates for identical NS items duly modified for geographical and
conditions which may influence the rates.
Basic rate for NS item shall be
prepared at par with standard schedule of rates in items. For this purpose the
market rate or the analysed rate of the NS item shall be discounted in
accordance with percentage above / below accepted recently for SSR items of
concerned. The basic rate thus worked out shall be vetted by Associate finance.
In all the new tenders, the tenderer
should be advised to quote common percentage above / below for SSR items as
well as for NS items. Such a common percentage of rates will facilitate quicker
evaluation of tender and its finalisation. Besides the possibility of vitiation
of tender as a result of variation in quantities of different items will also
be eliminated.
( v ) Briefing
Note –
After the tender opening the preparation of
briefing notes is another serious activity in the process of tender
finalisation. The briefing note is prepared by the executive office giving all
facts, details, conditions, etc to assist the tender committee in finalisation
of the tenders.
The tabulated comparative statement and
briefing note both in duplicate together with the original tenders shall be
sent for scrutiny to the section officer deputed for the purpose. The statement
should be signed by him in token of his verification.
It is an authentic factual information,
to be submitted to a tender committee, on various aspects of offers received
against a tender notice, their completeness, credentials of tenderers, rates,
special conditions, etc. Benchmarking of
offers received in present tender with respect to offers accepted in near past
for similar works in similar conditions is an important item of briefing
note. Briefing note helps the TC in
reducing the time to be taken in arriving at their recommendations. Briefing note serves as one of the many
inputs that the TC may consider while arriving at their recommendations.
vi ) Write off –
When ever any sums become accrued due to the
railway for any kind of services rendered of sums due to the recovered under
extent procedure from staff / Parties considered as irrecoverable either fully
or partially are said to be written off under competent authorities sanction
with out collection of effecting recoveries. The communications authorizing non
recovery / not collection are called write off sanction.
( vii ) Variation statement in contracts
The Engineer on behalf of the Railway
shall be entitled by order in writing to enlarge or extend, diminish or reduce
the works or make any alterations in their design, character position, site,
quantities, dimensions or in the method of their execution or in the
combination and use of materials for the execution there of or to order any
additional work to be done or any works not to be done and the contractor will
not be entitled to any compensation for any increase/reduction in the
quantities of work but will be paid only for the actual amount of work done and
for approved materials supplied against a specific order.
otherwise specified in the special conditions of the contract, the accepted
variation in quantity of each individual item of the contract would be up to
25% of the quantity originally contracted, except in case of foundation work.
The contractor shall be bound to carry out the work at the agreed rates and
shall not be entitled to any claim or any compensation whatsoever up to the
limit of 25% variation in quantity of individual item of works.
In case of earthwork, the variation
limit of 25% shall apply to the gross quantity of earth work and variation in
the quantities of individual classifications of soil shall not be subject to
this limit. In case of foundation work, no variation limit shall apply and the
work shall be carried out by the contractor on agreed rates irrespective of any
case of Zonal work the limit of 20 % variation in quantity of individual item
of works and 25% variation on work order subject to not exceed from maximum
limit of work order cost 1 lack.
in Contract Quantities are as under -
to + 25% of Agr. Value: Same Rates
+ 25% and up to + 40% : 2% reduction in rates
+ 40% and up to + 50% : Additional 2% reduction
of quantities beyond + 50% of overall Agreement Value to be done through fresh
tender or by negotiating rates with existing contractor.
variation is beyond –25% of C.V. negotiation is not required to be done
regulatory mechanism (for variations) in contract itself.
Q.2.- Write
short notes on any Five of the following
- 5 x 5 = 25 marks.
i. Minor
Penalties under D & AR.
ii. Conduct
iii. Suspension.
iv. Productivity
linked bonus.
v. Permanent
Negotiating Machinery.
vi. Final
Settlement on superannuation.
vii. Service
( I ) Minor Penalties
Withholding of Promotions for a
specified period.
3) Recovery
from pay of the whole or part of any pecuniary loss caused to the government or
railway administration by negligence or breach of orders.
a ) Withholding of Privilege
Passes or PTO’s or both.
( b ) Reduction to a lower stage in the time scale of pay for period not
exceeding 3 years. NC and not adversely affecting pension.
4) Withholding
of increments of pay for a specified Period ( NC / C )
( ii ) Conduct
Rules –
The code of conduct of Government servant is
both written and unwritten. The written code of conduct is therefore not
exhaustive. Every employee is bound to observe himself in his dealing with the
public as compatible with his employment. An improper conduct therefore,
outside the employment is likely to give rise to disciplinary proceedings.
Every Government servant is Railway servant
is bound to observe certain rules of conduct and discipline in the discharge of
duties. The code of discipline which is binding on the Government servants, as
stated above is both written and unwritten. The Government servant is expected
to maintain absolute integrity and devotion to duty and he is at all times
bound to conduct himself in accordance with the specific or implied orders of
Government regulating and conduct which may be in force.
( iii )
Suspension –
Suspension means the suspension of official
activities of a Railway servant. The suspension is not a penalty. It is an
instantaneous remedy required to save any further damage being caused.
A servant may be placed under suspension
where a disciplinary proceeding against him is contemplated or is pending or
where in the opinion of the competent authority the employee has engaged
himself in activities that can be termed to be prejudicial to the security of the state or where a case
against him in respect of any criminal offence is under investigation, inquiry
or trial.
( iv ) Productivity
linked bonus-
The grant of
productivity-linked bonus is intended to provide substantial motivation towards
achieving higher productivity by way of increased out put by the employees and
improved quality of service.
The productivity
shall be determined on the basis of revenue traffic tone kilometers achieved
each year, derived from thee audited and financial year 1977-78 has been
adopted as base year for this purpose.
The scheme is
applicable to –
All Railway employees other than
Railway protection force.
b) Casual
Labour having temporary status and substitutes with not less than 120 days
continuous service.
c) Daily
rated casual labour employed of projects having completed continuous service of
180 days.
P.L.B. shall be payable to all class III
& IV staff.
( v ) Permanent
Negotiating Machinery (P N M)-
Two Federation of
Union All Indian Railway men’s federation (AIRF) & National Federation of
Indian Railway (NFIR) men have been recognized by Ministry of Railways. All the
Railway units of the unions affiliated to these Federations have also been
given recognition.
With a view to
maintain contact with the labour to resolve disputes & differences between
labour & management & to maintain healthy industrial relations the
Railway Board have set up Machinery to have a periodical dialogue with both the
recognized Federations which is called PNM.
The machinery
functions in three tiers as under: -
The Railway Level
or Zonal Level :-
At this level
meeting between the recognized unions and administration are held at Divisional level/ workshop level and
zonal level. The cases which are not decided at Divl. / workshop level are
referred at zonal level. PNM meetings with each recognized union at Divl. Level
is held once in two months, while at Head quarters level it is held once in a
Railway Board level :-
Matters connected with the revision of pay
& allowances and other policy matters for bettering service conditions.
Which are not decided at zonal level are taken up by the Federation for
discussion at Board’s level in this forum. PNM meeting at Board’s level is held
once in a quarter.
The Tribunal level :-
Cases in which agreement is not reached
between the Federation and the Railway Board and the matters are of sufficient
importance are referred to an adhoc Railway Tribunal composed of
representatives from the Railway Administration and Labour presided over by a
neutral chairman.
( vi ) Final
Settlement on superannuation –
Settlement on superannuation to be done on basis of emoluments and average
emoluments which have primary significance in determination of pension and
retirement Gratuity. Gratuity is normally based on emoluments and pension is
based on average emoluments.
for the purpose of determination of pension / Gratuities include only basic
Average emoluments
is the average of the emoluments drawn during the last ten months of service.
Pension is
determined on the basis of average emoluments. Gratuity is based on the
emoluments drawn at the time of retirement.
pension is admissible to an employee who retires after completing qualifying
service of not less than thirty three years and the amount of pension is
determined at 50% of the average emoluments.
( vii ) Service
Record –
For each
non gazetted Railway servant whether pensionable or non pensionable , a service
book shall be maintained in prescribed from and kept in the custody of the head
of the office. When such a railway servant is officiating in a gazetted
appointment his service book should continue to be kept by the head of the
office to which the railway servant permanently belongs but when he is confirmed
in such appointment, his service book should be sent to the Account Officer
concerned for record.
The service
records of gazetted officers are maintained by the Account Officer. Service
Book are the records of all events of railway servant during the service and
all particulars about the employee on the record at the time of appointment.
All particulars about leave due availed and at his credit is recorded in the
leave sheet attached to the service Book.
Q.3.- Write
short notes on any Ten of the following
- 10 x
10 = 100 marks.
a) Importance
of Water Cement ratio in concrete.
b) Various
types of small track machines.
c) Definition
of Distressed Bridge and its rehabilitation.
d) Different
type of patrollings on track.
e) Official
Language Implementation Committee.
f) Bridge
g) Pre
tamping and Post tamping works for tamping machines.
h) Steps to
be taken for spreading Hindi Rajbhasha on Indian Railways.
i) Action
required to increase earnings by Engineering department on the Railway.
j) Working
in a Ballast depot.
k) Precaution
required to be taken for avoiding buckling of track.
l) Actions
to improve TGI value of track.
m) Painting
of girder bridges.
n) License
fee and Way leave charges for Railway land.
( b ) Small Track machines –
small track machines are as under -
( I
) Rail Drilling Machine. ( ii ) Rail
Sawing machine. ( iii ) Sleeper
drilling machine.
( iv ) Portable
rail grinding machine. ( v ) Flexible
Shaft Grinder. ( vi ) Hydraulic Rail Bender. ( vii )
Rail Joint Straighter. (
viii ) Hydraulic track lifting cum
slewing device. ( ix ) Non infringing
track jacks. ( x ) Light
weight Hydraulic Jack.
( xi ) Rail
straightness recorders. ( xii ) Long
rail skates. ( xiii ) Insertion Tool for elastic rail clip. ( xiv ) Special
tool for handling of concrete sleepers. ( xv ) Multipurpose portable welder.
( xvi
) Chamfering equipment. ( xvii ) Semi
mechanized ballast screener.
( xviii ) Rail
reprofiling machine. ( xix ) Rail creep adjuster. ( xx ) Sleeper Squarer.
( xxi ) Ballast
Compactor. ( xxii ) Rail Tensor. ( xxiii ) Rail
( xxiv ) Bolt/
Nut Tightener. ( xxv ) Mono Rail wheel
Rail Drilling Machine – This is a self
powered small portable machine used for drilling holes in the rails for fish
bolts etc. The machine is light weight and the total weight including all
attachments is about 50 kg. The machine can drill holes from 22 mm to 35 mm dia
in all types of rails. The time required for drilling a hole varies from 3 to 5
minutes including attaching and removal of the machine unit.
Rail Sawing machine – Rail Sawing machine is a self powered
machine which can be used for cutting the rails. The saw frame and blade are
precision adjusted in cutting position by means of a shaft allowing
displacement along with it is approximately 30 mm. The machine generally weight
about 75 kg and have cutting height and length up to 190 mm. The machine is
able to deliver a cut within 5 to 15 minutes.
( c ) Definition of Distressed Bridge
and its rehabilitation -
Bridge - A
distressed bridge is one which shows any
physical sign of deterioration of its physical condition, indicating the need for rehabilitation through special
repairs, strengthening or rebuilding (including replacement of girders
rehabilitation of distressed
bridges -
The Divisional / Senior Divisional Engineer, while including a bridge in the
distressed bridge list, should also indicate the priority classification
depending on nature and severity of distress, as detailed below :
Category I should include those bridges where the distress is such that the
rehabilitation work is required to be taken up immediately.
Category II should include all those
bridges which do not fall in Category I.
They may be taken up for rehabilitation on a programmed basis.
Some Bridges may have to be kept under observation after minor attention like
grouting with provision of tell tales. During the period of observation, if
it is found that the defects reappear,
the bridge may be included in category I or II, as the case may be.
( d )
Types of Patrolling.
1. Keyman's Daily Patrol.- Every
portion of the permanent way shall be inspected daily on foot by the keyman of the
beat in which the portion of the track falls. Provided that the interval
between such inspections may, under special instructions, issued by Chief
Engineer be increased to once in two days in the case of specified section of
lines with light and infrequent traffic.
2. Gang Patrol during Abnormal Rainfall or
Storm. - This patrol should, in case of heavy
rainfall, confine its inspection to known points of danger, such as cutting or
culverts likely to scour, banks affected by tanks likely to breach and bridge
approaches. In case of high winds.
3.Night Patrolling during Monsoon. -
During the monsoon, certain section of the railway line, as may be specified,
shall be patrolled to detect damage by flood, such as breaches, settlements,
slips and scours and immediate action taken to protect trains.
4.Security Patrolling during Civil
Disturbance and on Special occasions - On
apprehension of a Civil disturbance, the Divisional authorities should contact
the local Civil authority and arrange, as circumstances may warrant for
security patrolling of the railway line. This may be arranged on the pattern of
the monsoon patrolling with modifications, as deemed necessary, in consultation
with civil authorities.
Security patrolling on special occasions should be carried out according
to the special instructions issued by the administration.
The primary duty of the patrolman employed on Security patrolling shall
be to protect trains against any condition of danger, such as tampering with
track or obstruction placed on line.
5 .Hot weather Patrolling for L.W.R./C.W.R. - Hot weather patrol is
carried out when the rail temperature reaches td + 20 degree or above.
6. Cold weather Patrolling for
L.W.R./C.W.R. - Cold
weather patrol is carried out when the
rail temperature reaches td - 30 degree or below.
7. Watchmen at vulnerable locations. - In addition to patrolmen, stationary watchmen are posted at
known or likely locations of danger or trouble.
( e ) Official Language Implementation
Committee -
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( f ) Bridge Bearing -
bearing transfers the forces coming from the superstructure to the
substructure. It also allows for necessary movements in the superstructure
which are caused by temperature variations. The following types of bearings are
generally used.
a) Sliding bearing - permitting
rotation and translation
b) Rocker and roller bearings - permitting
rotation and translation respectively.
c) Elastomeric bearings -
Made of natural or synthetic rubber of shore hardness of approximately 50 to
70. They are very stiff in resisting volume change but are very flexible when
subjected to shear. They are generally reinforced with steel plates in
alternate layers to reduce bulging. When used with a steel or concrete girder
these permit moderate longitudinal movements and small rotations at the ends.
These are provided for bridges having RCC or Pre stressed girders and can take
deflection a well as movement
d) P.T.F.E. Bearings -
The PTFE can be unfilled or filled with glass fibre or other reinforcing
material. These are used either to provide rotation by sliding over cylindrical
or spherical surfaces or to provide horizontal sliding movement over flat
surface or a combination of both. Where there are large displacements
accompanied with relatively small loadings, as in case of centrifugal loads,
wind loads or seismic loads, PTFE sliding bearings are utilised.
( g ) Pre tamping and Post tamping works for tamping machines. –
Pre Tamping works for tamping
machines -
i) Layout including spacing of
sleepers as per relevant drawings shall be ensured.
ii) The nose of the crossing may
get battered or worn or the sleepers below it may get warped or bent. In such
cases, the crossing should be reconditioned or replaced and sleepers below the
crossing should be attended.
iii) High points on the turn out
and approaches should be determined and general lift should be decided. General
lift of minimum 10 mm must be given.
Post Tamping works for tamping
machines -
The Section Engineer (P. Way ) shall pay
attention to the following items:-
i) Checking and Tightening of
loose fittings.
ii) Replacement of broken
iii) The ballast shall be dressed
neatly. Proper consolidation of ballast between the sleeper shall be done.
iv) Final track parameters should
be recorded with the help of recorders provided in the tamping machine.
(v) The fixtures like check rails
removed during pre-tamping operation should be restored.
( h ) Steps to be taken for spreading Hindi Rajbhasha on Indian
Railways. -
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( I ) Action
required to increase earnings by Engineering department on the Railway.
For increase the earnings by Engineering
department on the Railway action required as per works manual para 828 –
Once a year each AEN will arrange a detailed
survey of existing sources of earnings like grass, fruit trees, fish ponds
etc., from Railway land including outstanding dues to be recovered.
Immediate action for issue of auction notice
etc., will be taken to have the maximum earnings out of these sources. Targets will be set under the following heads
and the same will be advised to Headquarters for the corresponding year, based
on the survey of existing resources and outstanding dues (including those of commercial department) to be recovered.
i. Licensing of land for
grow more food
ii. Sale of grass rights
iii. Sale of fruits of trees
iv. Sale of fishing rights
v. Sale of dry and matured
vi. Licensing of land for
Teh Bazari and for shopping purposes.
of land for other purposes.
of land to oil companies.
ix. Way leave facilities
and easement rights along road and rail approaches.
Engineer (P.Way/Works) and AENs during routine trolley inspection will make
entries of such sources in their diaries which will also be checked by higher
officers during inspection.
Monthly progress of earnings
under above heads shall be reported by Section Engineer (P.Way/Works) and AEN
to Divisional Office who shall report the same to headquarters.
( j ) Working in a
Ballast depot. –
Collection and Training out of Ballast–
The collection of ballast can either be done-
(a) by resorting to alongside collection.
(b) by collecting at depots and training them out in ballast
The mode of collection will have to be decided taking into account
proximity of quarry, availability of good stone ballast, service roads along
side the line for carrying of ballast,availability of ballast trains, the turn
round of ballast trains and availability of block for unloading.
Depot collection of ballast –
(1) Register of ballast collection and training out - The
Inspector in-charge of the depot shall maintain a register showing all
transactions in respect of stone ballast,moorum and sand ballast. If the depot
deals with boulders also, the same should also find a place in a register.
(2) Loading from the Depot - At all depots the following
instructions should be followed :
(a) The space along the sides of the Railway siding, meant for
stacking, should be divided into convenient number of zones and demarcated.
(b) For each depot, a depot diagram shall be maintained, which
should indicate the site details of all the measured stacks.
(c) Each stack in each zone should be serially numbered.
(d) The operations of collecting and training out materials should
not be carried out at the same time in any one zone.
(e) The ground on which the stacks are made should be selected and
(f) Where practicable, no stack should be less than one meter in
(g) Measurements should be taken of complete stacks. The measured
stacks should be identified suitably by lime sprinkling or any other method.
(h)Before training out of Ballast or other material is undertaken
on contract, a copy of each of the depot diagram should be kept with the permanent
Way Inspector, the Ballast Train Guard and the Contractor, the original being
with the Assistant Engineer. As each stack is lifted, this should be recorded
on the depot diagram which should always be kept up-to-date. Challans should be
prepared after loading the ballast into wagons.
(3) Quantity trained out – When settling accounts for training out
ballast, checks should be made by comparing the quantities as per stack measurements
recorded in the measurement books, with those deduced from wagon measurements
as recorded in the ballast train reports, due allowance being given for sinkage
as per rules. Should the wagon measurements differ from the recorded
measurements by more than 5 percent, the matter should be investigated
immediately and reported to the Divisional Engineer. In special cases direct
measurement of ballast in wagons may be resorted to with the approval of the
Chief Engineer.
Along side Collections (Cess Collections) –
In the case of along side collections the Inspector-in-charge
should maintain separate register showing the measurement of stacks as well as
its disposition(Between km. to km.). The stacks should be serially numbered
between the successive posts. Any entry should be made in the register whenever
the stacks are removed and ballast put into the track. Record should show the
place where the removed ballast has been used with the date of removal.
Unloading Ballast along the line –
When unloading ballast along the line care shall be taken that the
heaps at the sides and the centre are clear of prescribed running dimensions. Ballast
shall not be unloaded upon signal wires or point rods. Care should be taken to
ensure that no stone is left inadvertently between the stock rail and tongue
Surplus Ballast along the line –
All surplus ballast left along side the line should be collected
and stacked in regular heaps and not left scattered on the slopes to be
overgrown by grass and lost.
( k ) Precaution
required to be taken for avoiding buckling of track.-
- Proper
expansion gaps in SWR portion of track should be provided as specified in
the manual.
- As
buckling are likely to occur between 11 to 17 hrs rosters of key men
should be so adjusted that there is proper patrolling of LWR portions of
the track when temperature exceeds td + 200 C.
- No
work of track maintenance including packing laying aligning major / minor
realignment of tracks.
- Screening
of ballast should be taken out side specified temperature.
- Where
ever the track structure is week and vulnerable for buckling immediate
action should be taken to strengthen the same by provision of extra
shoulder ballast.
- Increase
of sleeper density, provision of adequate anti creep fastening,
replacement and tightening of missing and loose fastening and such other
( l ) Actions to
improve TGI value of track.
Following items should be
attended to improve TGI value of track in a section:
Alignment survey and correction specially on short chord.
Unevenness is corrected for left and right rail separately.
Rehabilitation of weak formation should be planned and work should
be carried out on programme basis.
Attention of fish plated joint as required, including Buffer rail
and SEJ.
Attention to transition length of curve.
Attention to approaches of
LC, bridge, points & crossing.
Attention to pumping & blowing joints.
Providing clean ballast cushions.
Replacement of pitted rails and wheel burns
( m ) Painting of
girder bridges.
Scheme of painting
of bridge girders as laid down in the Bridge Manual for areas with severe
corrosion and not severe corrosion are as under -
Protective Coatings by painting
surface preparation of the steel to receive the paint:
The minimum requirements of a surface prepared for painting are:
It should be clean, dry and free from contaminants.
It should be rough enough to ensure adhesion of the paint film.
Any one or a combination of the following methods –
Manual hand cleaning . ii) Cleaning with power driven tools . iii) Blast cleaning.
iv) Flame cleaning. v) washed with lukewarm water. vi) Temporary coatings.
of suitable paints :
The following system of paints may be adopted for
painting of Bridge girders :
a) In areas where there is no severe corrosion -
Priming coat : One heavy coat of ready-mixed paint red lead priming to IS : 102
Finishing coat :
cover coats of red oxide paint to IS : 123 or any other approved paint applied
over the primer coats.
In areas where corrosion is severe -
Priming Coat :Two coats of ready mixed paint red lead Priming to IS : 102
Finishing coat :Two coats of aluminium paint to IS : 2339.
In case where the priming coat is in good condition the steel work is painted
with two coats of ready mixed red oxide paint to IS : 123.
for obtaining good painting :
Painting should be done in dry and reasonably warm conditions.
Painting at night and in the early hours of morning should be avoided.
Painting should be avoided during rainy season.
Control of paint film thickness.
through painting :
entire steel work of a girder should be painted at regular intervals which may
vary from six years in arid zones to one year in highly corrosive areas.
( n ) License fee and
Way leave charges for Railway land.
fee -
For fixation of license fee for Railway land
licensed to private parties, a return of six per cent on the market value of
the land as assessed by the local revenue. authorities should be treated as
"standard rent". But in actual licensing out, Railway Administration
should aim at obtaining the best possible rent. They may accept in individual
cases, variation from "standard rent" on merits and for good and
sufficient reasons. The minimum rent in such cases should be Rs. 100/- per
The assessment of market value of the land as
made by the revenue authorities need not always be treated as final or binding.
It may require to be suitably adjusted and escalated if sufficient time has
passed since the last assessment was made or if information was available with
the railway of higher prices having been paid for private and other
transactions of land in the vicinity.
Way leave charge –
no other means of access to properties/ houses adjoining railway land are
available way leave facility may be granted by railways for the following-
1.00 m. vide ) across railway line – One time recovery of Rs. 6400/-.
pipe line Xing for agriculture – One time recovery of 12800 /-.
line for private party – One time
recovery of 12800 /-.
line for Government agencies- One time recovery of 12800 /-.
/ Sewage line up to 300 mm dial.- One time recovery of 12800 /-.
the above cases Agreement for 35 Yrs and renewal after every 35 yeas.
( 1.00 m to 3.00 m ) for vehicles scooters etc for private parties – 6% of
market value of land P.a. subject to a minimum of Rs 5000 P.a.
( 1.00 m to 3.00 m ) for Government bodies - 6% of market value of land P.a.
subject to a minimum of Rs 10000 P.a.
ground Water / Sewage line above 300 mm dial.- 6% of market value of land P.a. subject to
a minimum of Rs 10000 P.a.
ground / over head electrical Xings not covered under 3 above and other for
cable / OFC - 6% of market value of land P.a. subject to a minimum of Rs 10000
drain and over ground water / sewage / gas / oil pipe lines for private or
Government bodies – 10% of market values subject to minimum of Rs 20000/-.
ground oil / gas pipe lines - 10% of
market values subject to minimum of Rs 20000/-.
fiber cable crossing ( width not more than 0.50 m. ) -6% of market value of land P.a. subject to a
minimum of Rs 10000 P.a.
should be noted that these charges are only for way leave facility , this
should not be treated as license fee.
Central Railway SUPPLEMENTARY L.G.S.
Q.1.- Distinguish between any Five of the following :
money and Security Deposit.
Modification and Material Modification.
Conditions of Contract and Special Conditions of Contract.
Estimate and Detailed Estimate.
e. Part
I & Part II Audit Reports.
limited tender and Open tender.
Works Programme and Pink Book.
Ans.- (
a ) Earnest money and Security Deposit –
money –
The Tenderer shall be required to deposit
Earnest money with the tender for the due performance with the stipulation to
keep the offer open till such date as specified in the tender. Earnest money
should be either in cash, deposit receipts, pay orders, demand draft.
The earnest money shall be 2% of estimated
tender value. The earnest money shall be rounded to the nearest Rs. 10/- .
Earnest money shall be applicable for all modes of tendering
Deposit – A
Security deposit is taken for the satisfaction of and efficient execution of
the work within the agreed time from contractors. Such Security deposit may
also be percentage deduction from on accounts bills of contractors called as
retention Money usually 10% of the gross amount of bill. The scale of Security
Deposit is as under –
- Contracts
up to one lack in value 10% of the value of contract.
- Next
one lack in value 7½% of the value
of contract.
- For
3rd one lack and
above in value 5% of the value of contract. Subject to maximum of 10 lacks.
The amount over and above 3 lacks to be
recovered from the progressive bills of the contractor at the rate of 10% till
it reaches the required value.
( b ) Final Modification and Material
Modification :-
Railway administration are required to review
the budgetary position even after the receipts of revised allotment and advise
the position to Railway Board in regard to additional allotment required or
surrenders to be made during the current year under each head of grant of
appropriation . This is done through the submission of modification statements.
The third review is conducted in the month of
February every year and is known as final modification. Actual expenditure
during first Nine months and approximate expenditure for the Tenth month is
reviewed and compared with: -
grant/ revised grant (if received)
expenditure during the last financial year.
expenditure during corresponding period of the last financial year.
modification :-
No material modification in a work or scheme
as sanctioned should be permitted or under taken with out the prior approval of
the authority who sanctioned the estimate . In the case of estimates sanctioned
by the Railway Board or higher authority instances of will be considered to be
a material modifications of a sanctioned project or work are given in below –
The following may be taken as material
modifications on the lines under construction and open line works estimated to
cost rupees one crore and over .
i. Any change in the
alignment likely to affect the facilities offered to the public in the
neighborhood or likely to increase or decrease the length of the line by over
one kilometer.
ii. Introduction of any
new station or omission of any station.
iii. Any alteration in the
type or number of engines or vehicles provided in an estimate for rolling
iv. A change in the
layout of a yard affecting the general method of working or increasing or
deducting the number of trains that can be dealt with.
v. Any departure from
the standards of construction as
accepted by the railway board in the Abstract estimate or use of any second new
vi. The introduction or
omission of any work or facility involving a sum of Rs. 5 Laces and over.
modification of a sub work provided for in the estimate of a sanctioned work
involving an additional out lay on that sub work of more than Rs. 5 laces.
introduction of any new sub work not provided for in the estimate of a
sanctioned work involving an out lay of more than Rs. 5 laces.
ix. Any alteration in the
standards of inter locks.
( c ) General
Conditions of Contract and Special Conditions of Contract -
Conditions of Contract – Operation of a contract is based upon the various
stipulation contained in the General condition of contract. This is in the form
of a booklet and forms as essential part of the tender documents and ultimately
of the contract documents. It is essential that every body dealing with
contract should be aware of the contracts of this booklet. These general
conditions are normally applicable to all contracts and can be superseded when
special conditions are specially formed and stipulated in the tender documents
/ agreement.
Conditions of Contract – These are the conditions which are not covered in the
general conditions of the contract.
The special conditions of contract arise due
to the site conditions and the nature of work to be carried out. These
conditions are framed by the Executive and the contractor is bound to fulfill
the conditions during the execution of specific works and all out general
( d ) Abstract Estimate and Detailed
estimate –
Abstract estimate are required to enable the
competent authority to give administrative approval to the expenditure. These
estimates give reasonably accurate data of the probable expenditure. These
should contain a brief report and justification for the work, specification and
funds required. It is prepared on form No E 702.
estimate –
Detailed estimates are required for works, in
which each sub-work is shown separately. Cost of material, labour, stores and
transport etc. are taken into account along with allocation of expenditure.
Credits for released materials are also taken into account 5% of the total cost
is added to the estimate as contingencies. A report on justification of work
also accompanies the detailed estimate. It is prepared on form No E 704, E 705
& E706.
( e ) Part
I & Part II Audit Reports –
The DAuO conduct inspection of the executive
and subordinate offices of the entire division once in 3 years. Programme is
made in advance and the concerned officers are advised in advance so as to
enable them to keep their records ready.
The reports, as a result of such inspections
consist of two parts –
Part I – Contains more important
Part II – Contains minor irregularties.
The final disposal of Part II audit notes
rests with the Accounts Officer and no reply to the divisional audit Officer is
necessary. However, when required these should be made available to the DAuO.
Replied to Part I are to be submitted by the
Divisional Officers to the DAuO through the Divisional Accounts Officer, as
early as possible ( within 2 months ) indicating there in the action taken. The
closure of the objections rests with the ADuO.
( f ) Special limited tender and Open
Limited Tender -
It has now been decided that CAO ( C ) with
the concurrence of FA&CAO ( C ) may be invite Special Limited Tenders not
only for specialized nature of work but all types of works depending upon the
merit of these case.
Limited Tender in following cases in consultation with FA&CAO -
- Consultancy Work
(Personal Approval of GM)
- To be invited
from specialised and reputed contractors / organizations / agencies.
- Proposal to
detail circumstances and necessity.
To be concurred by FA&CAO / FA&CAO (C) and approved by PHOD
- Preferably more
than six but not less than four.
- Tenderers need
not be borne on approved list.
Open tender -
The system of invitation of Tender by public
advertisements in the most open public manner possible should be used as a
general rule and must be adopted subject to certain exceptions
publicity may be given to the call of tenders by -
i. Notices in Railway
ii. Notices in other
government offices,
iii. Advertisement in
vernacular/local news papers,
iv. Advertisement in
National/international news papers, if work is very important.
( g
) Preliminary Works Programme and Pink Book -
Works programme –
Railway are a growing, dynamic organization.
The development of facilities amenities etc have to keep pace with the growth
of goods and passenger traffic. To plan in advance and execute such development
investment decisions relating to certain acquisition and replacement of assets
are processed through Works programme.
The railway board lay down the financial
limits under various plan heads which
the railway administration are required to make out their programme for the
year. These proposals initiated by the concerned departs either individually or
severally are vests by the FA & CAO and approved by the GM for submission
to railway board as the Preliminary works programme. The board discusses the
proposals with the GM and the works and outlays during the ensuring budget year
are decided upon.
The states of investment planning and
preparation of the final works programme are-
i. Formulation of schemes as advance planning.
ii. Submission of major schemes for advance
secreting and clearance by the Railway Board.
iii. Preparation of Preliminary works programme
within programme within the financial ceiling.
iv. Discussion with the Railway Board and there
after submission of final works programme.
Pink Book :-
This shows the various sub heads under which
the lum sum amount sanctioned by allotment is to be spent and this indicates
the works for which the allotment of money is intended. These books are
furnished to the Railways along with budget orders.
The Pink Books also show in the case of work
costing over one lack each , total estimated cost of each work and railway
administration are required to exercise control over expenditure not only
against the allotment sanctioned for the year for each work but also against
its total estimated cost as shown in Pink Book
for works costing less than one lack rupees each a lum sum is allotted
to each Railway administrations in Pink Book.
Q.2.- Write
short notes on any Five of the following
i. Procedure
for creation of additional posts for additional assets.
ii. Procedure to be
adopted for change of classification of staff from one category to other under
HOER Rules.
between dismissal and removal from service.
Compensation Act.
v. Hours of Employment Regulation.
vi. DCRG
to a Railway Servant on superannuation.
Penalties under D & AR.
( i ) Procedure for creation of additional
posts for additional assets. –
Board have banned creation of all posts of Gazetted and Non Gazetted staff in
the open line but General Manager have full powers for the creation of non
Gazetted posts for operation and maintenance of new / additional assets with
matching surrender.
DRM may be
allowed to create Non Gazetted Group C & D posts required for maintenance
and operation of new assets on 1 : 1 basis by surrendering 1 post in a
particular grade and creating fresh post in same / lower grade with GM
ii ) Procedure to be adopted for
change of classification of staff from one category to other under HOER Rules -
The factual job analysis is the best method
to fix or change of the
classification under HOER, the job analysis is conducted to review the existing
classification. If it is on demand of staff side or otherwise it should be
conducted for 72 consecutive hrs. & if it is done by administration as a
review and the result of 1st day show no changes then need not to be
proceed further and if it shows the change of classification then it should be
conducted for 72 consecutive hrs.
After completion of job analysis, the date in
matter, job analysis sheet should be discussed with Senior Supervisor
concerned. If any comment if should be incorporated in the job analysis
The report on the basis of job analysis sheet
should be prepared for recommendation of a clarification. It should be got
agreed with the executive officer. If any clarification warrants change then
the proposal should be sent to concerned Account department for its concurrence.
After concurrence, it should be sent to DRM for his approval.
On approval of DRM, the recommendation should
be sent to “P” Branch in HQ’s office, who, in turn will sent it to concerned
HOD. If the HOD agree with the recommendation then it will be sent for
concurrence of FA&CAO. On behalf of GM, CPO can accept the recommendation,
if it is down graded the classification i.e. “I” to “C” or “C” to “EI”. If it
is up gradation then the GM’s approval required.
( iii )
Dismissal and Removal from service –
Removal from service which shall not be a
disqualification for future employment under the Government or Railway
Dismissal from service which shall ordinarily
be a disqualification for future employment under the Government or Railway
Provided that in cases of persons found
guilty of any act or omission which resulted or would have, ordinarily,
resulted in collisions of Railway trains, signals at danger, one of the
penalties specified shall, ordinarily be imposed and where such penalty is not
imposed, the reasons therefore shall be recorded in writing.
Provided further that in case of persons
found guilty of having accepted or having obtained from any person any
gratification, other than legal remuneration, as a motive or reward for doing
or forbearing to do any official act, one of the penalties specified shall
ordinarily be imposed and where such penalty is not imposed, the reasons
therefore shall be recorded in writing.
( iv ) The workmen’s compensation Act –
This act provides
for the payment by certain classes of employers to their workman of
compensation, as per schedules prescribed for injury owing to accident arising
out of and in the hours of employment as a result of which a workman may have
died or becomes disabled for a period of more than 3 days. It also makes
provision for compensation for contracting any occupational disease peculiar to
the employment. The contracting where of being deemed to be an injury by
( v
) Hours of Employment Regulation. -
The Rly. servant made there under and the
subsidiary instruction issued by R.D. are commonly referred to as Hours of
Employment Regulation. Time during which an employee is roistered for duty. It
also included period if in-action but does not included interval and time taken
by an employee in going to and coming from his residence or vice versa.
It is a document which above the duration of
hours of employment and period of rest of the employee. The rest which is
granted to Rly. servant each week periodically. It does not include permission
to leave head quarter station.
Period between two or more spells of duty
during which an employee is free to leave his post / place of work. Period of
time during which the employee must remain present on duty at the place of work
although not exercising physical
activity or sustained attention. Period of duty over 8 hrs. in the case of
“Intensive” workers, over 10 hrs. in the case of continuous workers and over 12
hrs. in the case of “Essentially Intermittent” workers. Period of rest which is
less than 12 hrs. in a Roster of 6 hrs. duty, less than 14 hrs. in a mixed
roster of 6 hrs & 8 hrs. duty in case of
“Intensive” workers, less than 10 hrs. in case of “Continuous” worker
and less than 8 hrs. in case of “E.I.” workers.
A person will be said to have had a full
night in bed, if he has get a continuous rest of 8 hrs. Between 10 PM to 6 AM
(22 hrs. 6 hrs.). Any part of roster hrs. of duty which falls between the hrs.
of 10 pm to 6 am, shall be treated as night duty.
Preparatory and / or complementary work which
include taking out & handing over charges, the work which is to be carried
on out side the limit laid down for the general working of a shift. This
concept may be even in case of single shift workers where there may be no handing
over or taking over. If period of P&C less than 15 minutes per day may not
be mentioned in the Roster of such workers, if between 45 minutes & one
hour per day be considered as one hour as period of duty.
( vi ) DCRG to a Railway Servant on
superannuation -
Railway employee on their retirement or their
families in the event of their death while in service get the amount of
retirement gratuity or death gratuity. Maximum retirement Gratuity payable is
16½ times of the emoluments ( viz. Pay plus D.A. ) or Rs. 3.5 lacks which ever
is less, where as the maximum limit of Death Gratuity is 33 times of emoluments
( viz. Pay plus D.A. ) or Rs. 3.5 lacks which ever is less.
( vii ) Major
Penalties :-
5) Reduction
to a lower stage in the time scale of pay for a specified period ( NC / C ).
6) Reduction
to lower time scale of Pay, grade, post or service with or without further
directions regarding conditions of restoration to the grade or post or service
from which the railway servant was reduced and his seniority and pay on such
7) Compulsory
8) Removal
from service.
9) Dismissal
from service.
Q.3.- Write
short notes on any Ten of the following
i. Design
mode operation of Track Machines.
ii. Procedure
of converting SWR into LWR.
iii. Difference
between Catch Siding and Slip Siding.
iv. Difference
between Temporary Speed restriction and permanent speed restriction.
v. Difference
between hot weather patrolling and cold weather patrolling.
vi. Various
types of protective works to control damage to Bridge approaches by meandering
rivers during high floods.
vii. Criteria
for manning of Level crossing and procedure to be followed for de manning of
level crossings.
viii. Precautions
and actions to be taken for safe running of trains in case of rail / weld
ix. Precautions
and actions to be taken for safe running trains before and during monsoon at
vulnerable locations.
x. Basic
features of a CSM and Unimate machines.
xi. Different
methods of disinfection of water. What is meant by residual chlorine.
xii. Difference
between cant deficiency and cant excess.
xiii. Specifications
of machine crushed ballast and are precautions to be taken while measurement
& passing of ballast.
xiv. Section
3 ( 3 ) of Official Language Act 1963.
xv. Various
incentive schemes for encouraging the use of official Language in offices.
( I ) Design
mode operation of Track Machines –
In Design Mode precise track geometry data
must be known before work commences. Correct track geometry data should be
input at the front tower as even small error will have a cumulative effects on
the slews produced by the machine.
Versine survey of the curve is to
be carried out, then slews are worked out and made available to the operator
for feeding to the front tower.
The correct location of
transition and its location in relation to run up or down is essential. The
actual sleeper at the start and end of the transition should be indicated to
the operator. With this information, the length of transition can be
ascertained and the tabulated values applied to the control of the machine at
the front tower.
c) Straight Track
There is a possibility of a long
straight track being made up of a series of smaller zig-zag straight lengths. Therefore,
the theodolite should be used to establish straight line along the length of
track to be corrected.
Levelling in Design Mode -
Levels of a track section are
recorded by using levelling instrument. Final level along with gradients and
vertical curves are decided. The required lifts are finally recorded on every
alternate sleeper. Levelling is carried out by entering the lift values at the
front tower.
By adopting design mode of
levelling and lining desired track geometry can be achieved.
( ii ) Procedure of converting SWR into LWR -
Short welded rail (SWR) is a
welded rail, which contracts and expands throughout its length. Normally the
length of SWR is 3 ´ 13 meter For converting
SWR into LWR Consolidation of track is necessary.
Consolidation of track is the process of building up ballast
resistance to the tendency of movement of sleeper either initially before
laying LWR or making up subsequent loss of resistance by anyone of the
i). For track structures consisting of sleepers other than
concrete sleepers -
a) Passage of at least 3,00,000 gross tonnes of traffic when compaction of ballast is done using hand
operated compactors / consolidators or rammers.
b) Passage of at least 50,000 gross tonnes of traffic on or a period
of two days, whichever is later, when compaction is done by means of mechanised
shoulder and crib compactor.
ii) For the track structure consisting of concrete sleepers,
passage of at least 50,000 gross tonnes of traffic or a period of two days
whichever is later.
iii) At least one round of stabilisation by Dynamic Track
Stabiliser (DTS).
iv) For newly laid LWR / CWR. at least three rounds of
packing, last two of which should be with on-track tamping
following additional precautions should be observed when converting SWR into
LWR :-
The anticipated residual life shall be at least 10 years.
The rails shall be tested ultrasonically and all defective rails replaced
before conversion into LWR.
Rail ends which are hogged or battered or have a history of cracks in bolt hole
region, shall be cropped before conversion into LWR.
( iii ) Difference between Catch Siding and Slip
Siding -
Catch Sidings –
Normally all catch sidings except those which are sanded shall
be kept alive. On sanded catch siding, the rails shall be kept clear of sand
for a length of 21.5 metres, beyond the section insulators in the overhead
lines and the switches controlling the sanded catch sidings shall be kept in
the neutral position. If an electric engine or single or multiple unit train
runs into the sanded length of a catch siding, it may possibly be insulated
from earth except through the buffers or couplings if connected to other
vehicles, therefore these sidings shall not be made alive when an electric engine
or single or multiple unit train or any vehicle coupled thereto are standing in
the sanded tracks until all staff have been moved away from positions where
they are likely to make contact between the permanent way formation and any
part of the locomotive or single or multiple unit train or coupled vehicles. No
person shall attempt to enter, or leave or in any other way make contact
between the permanent way formation and the electric engine or single or
multiple unit train or any vehicles coupled thereto while the overhead
equipment of the sanded length of siding is alive.

Siding –
If the Station yard is in a gradient steeper
than 1 in 260 or there is a continuous falling gradient away from the station
there is a possibility of vehicles standing in the yard entering or escaping
into the block section and cause accidents to prevent such escaping of vehicles
into the block section slip siding are provided.
At a station where there is a gradient 1 in
100 falling away from the station within 45 meters beyond the outer most points
at either end a slip siding should be provided.
As per the schedule of dimensions no station
yard should be constructed nor should any siding join a passenger line on a
steeper grade than 1 in 260 except where it is unavoidable and then only with
the previous sanction of the railway board obtained through the commissioner of
Railway safety when a slip siding is made sufficient prevent accident.
( iv ) Difference between Temporary Speed
restriction and permanent speed restriction -
Temporary Speed restriction –
The Temporary speed
restrictions to be imposed during various sequences of work such as Opening,
relaying and initial packing, through packing, Picking up of slacks as
required, tamping, Attention to track as required, These consists of :
Caution indicator.
Speed indicator.
(c )
Stop indicator.
Termination indicators ( T/P & T/G).
Permanent speed restriction -
Permanent speed restrictions in force are notified in working
time-tables. The speed indicators are erected to indicate to the Drivers the
speed restrictions to be observed e.g., between stations, and at stations due
to weaker/non standard track/ bridges, restrictions on curves, grades and
points and crossings etc.
The indicators to be used are similar to those used for
temporary restrictions, namely, caution indicator, speed/stop indicators and
termination indicators (T/P&T/G). The details of the indicators and the
distance at which they are to be fixed are the same in both the cases
The permanent indicators need not be flood lit at night as in
the case of temporary indicators/ signals.
( v ) Difference between hot weather patrolling
and cold weather patrolling -
weather patrolling -
Hot Weather Patrol is the patrol carried out when the rail temperature
exceeds td + 20OC.
Cold Weather Patrol is the patrol carried out during cold months
of the year in specified sections as per .instructions of Chief Engineer.
( vi ) Various types of protective works to control damage to Bridge approaches
by meandering rivers during high floods.
types of protective works –
Curtain walls – This wall is constructed on the
up stream side of the pier and at the end of apron between tow piers.
Drop wall - It is the wall constructed at the end of apron on
down stream side.
Toe wall – It is the wall constructed at the end of slope of bank.
Pitching – This is provided
from toe wall to formation level on the bridge banks slope near abutment and
wing wall.
Apron / Flooring – It is the
flooring between piers from curtain wall to drop wall.
Grindle wall – Rails are provided around the piers and between rails and
walls wooden sleepers are provided.
Needles – These are vertical
rails provided across the flow of the river to reduce the velocity of the flow.
Water cushions – These are the trenches provided near the fall in the river
in hilly area. It collects the floating matters in the river flow during the
And other protective works such
as guide bunds, launching aprons, spurs / groynes, approach banks, marginal
bunds etc. and also inspected following points -
i. The
waterway is adequate and clear of obstruction.
ii. The
marginal embankments maintained by the State Governments should be
iii. It should
be examined whether there has been any disturbing influence noticed like
excessive velocity, parallel flow, heavy afflux, tank bursts in catchments and
increase in spill from adjacent catchment.
Protection of Approach Banks -
1. Approach banks of bridges may be subjected to
severe attack under the following conditions :-
i. When the HFL at the bridge is very high and there is
spill beyond the normal flow channel.
ii. When the stream
meets a main river just
downstream of the bridge.
In the case of bridges with insufficient water
The wave
action on the approach bank of bridges situated in a lake / large tank bed may
have a detrimental effect.
In all the
above cases the pitching of the approach bank up to HFL with sufficient free
board is an effective solution. Provision of toe wall and narrow apron in some
cases will also be useful.
2. If deep
borrow pits are dug near the toe of approach banks, the water flows through
these pits and forms a gradually deepening water course which may eventually threaten the safety of the approach bank. In this case it will be useful
to put rubble “T” spurs
across the flow to reduce the velocity and expedite silting of the
Whenever the water level on either side
of an approach bank is different, there may be seepage of water and to ease the hydraulic gradient ,
widening of banks, provision of sub banks and toe filters etc may be resorted
4. At
locations with standing water against the embankment, special watch should be
kept when the water level recedes
rapidly and when slips are likely to occur.
( vii )
Criteria for manning of Level crossing and procedure to be followed for de manning of
level crossings.-
(1) Minimum Train Vehicle Units on a
Level Crossing should be 1 lakh per day. However, this could be relaxed in the
following cases.
(a) Suburban
sections having high frequency of train services.
(b) Near
stations where detentions to road traffic are very high on account of either
shunting operations or multi-directional receipt/despatch of trains or stabing
of trains etc.
Preference should be given to the Level Crossings located on trunk routes.
vis-a-vis those located on branch lines, in any case, minimum number of times
the Level Crossing is required to be closed against the road traffic should at
least be 12 times per day.
(3) Subject
to priority should generally be accorded
by the concerned State Government giving preference to Level Crossings on
National Highways.
(4) In case
of Road Over/Under Bridges constructed in replacement of busy Level Crossings
situated in Municipal/Corporations/Metropolitan areas where Light Vehicular
traffic is considerable and where the Railways are satisfied that closure of
the Level Crossings would cause hardship, additional provision may be made for
construction of the sub-way or a light Over Bridge with ramps for the use of
light vehicular traffic at the time of framing the proposal for the
construction of Road Over/Under Bridges. The proposals for providing the
ramps/sub-way should be examined critically and should be provided for only in
the case of genuine hardships and not as a matter of course. The cost of these
ramps/sub-way will be shared equally with the Sponsoring Authority on 50 : 50
(5) Closure
of the Level Crossings should be ensured before commissioning of the Road
Over/Under Bridges. All such cases where State / Local Authorities do not
The existing manned Level
Crossings should not be demanned. However, the detailed review / survey of the
existing Level Crossings both manned and unmanned to be carried out with a view
to eliminate them by either passing the road through an existing bridge or by
construction link roads to combine two or more Level Crossings etc.
( viii ) Precautions and actions to be taken for safe
running of trains in case of rail / weld fractures -
( 1 )
It is of paramount importance that whenever a fracture of a rail/welded joint
is noticed, immediate action is taken to restore the track, if necessary with
restricted speed, with the least possible delay.
( 2 )
The Mate / Keyman / Gangman, as soon as he notices the rail fracture/weld
failure should first protect the track, while the repairs are being carried
out. He should also send information to the P.W.I. and the Station Master of
the nearest station.
( 3 )
If the fracture is with a gap of less than 30 mm. in the case of
fish-plated/SWR track, the fractured portion should be supported on wooden
block or by shifting the nearest sleepers on both sides. In the case of LWR the
fractured rail should also be clamped.
( 4 )
When the fracture gap is more than 30 mm., a closure of appropriate length
should be used with a clamp and further action taken as in sub-para (3) above.
( 5 )
In cases where a small portion or piece of rail has come off or in the case of
multiple fracture, the rail has to be changed.
( 6 )
In the case of weld failure, joggled fish-plates and clamps should be used.
( 7 )After
doing the emergency repairs the trains may be passed at 20 km.p.h by a Mate / Keyman,
until the Permanent Way Official replaces the rail and restores full speed.
( 8 )
If there is a spate of rail fractures, additional Keyman’s patrol should be
introduced in the early hours of morning.
( ix
) Precautions and actions to be taken for safe running trains before and during
monsoon at vulnerable locations -
General precautions to be taken before monsoon. –
It is necessary to take certain precautions, and carry out certain
essential works before the commencement of monsoon, such as-
( 1 ) All catch water drains and side drains must be cleared.
( 2 ) The waterways of bridges must be cleared of vegetation and
other obstructions.
( 3 ) Protective and river
training works must be maintained in good condition and repairs carried out
wherever necessary. Scour holes should be filled with boulders.
( 4 ) The High Flood Level
(H.F.L.), Full Supply Level (F.S.L.) , and Danger Level (D.L.) must be painted.
( 5 ) Water shall not be allowed to stagnate on the track.
( 6 ) In hilly areas, where
there is incidence of falling boulders, a survey should be carried out to
locate loose boulders.
( 7 ) Selection of
Patrolman Intelligent, experienced and trustworthy men should be selected to
work as Patrolmen and Watchmen.
( 8 ) The equipment of Patrolmen and other watchman shall be
complete in all respects.
( 9 ) Spare trolleys should
be kept in readiness at the headquarters and at other stations in the proximity
of vulnerable locations. Motor Trolleys must be overhauled and kept in fit
( 10 ) Rivers in the
upstream reaches should be inspected for guarding against possible change in
water course.
( 11 ) The prescribed
reserve stock of boulders, empty cement bags, wire netting and sand / quarry
dust should be kept at specified locations for rushing to site.
( 12 ) The temporary Engineering indicators must be painted and
kept ready for use.
( 13 ) The rain gauges
should be inspected before the monsoon and it should be ensured that they are
in perfect working condition.
( 14 ) Vulnerable locations
/ kilometrages should be reviewed jointly by the Assistant Engineers and
Divisional Engineers and on the basis of past history and pre monsoon
inspections and the register of vulnerable locations should be brought
Vigilance over Railway Affecting tanks during heavy rains—
( 1 ) the Divisional
Engineer and the Assistant Engineer should arrange with the local authorities /
village headman in whose jurisdiction 'Railway Affecting' tanks are situated to
watch them during periods of heavy rain and give timely intimation to the
nearest Station Master.
( 2 ) When the
railway line is threatened, the Assistant Engineer and Permanent Way Inspector
shall take adequate steps to ensure the safety of Railway property and staff
and arrange patrolling of the line and / or post watchmen with necessary
equipment at the place or places threatened and advise the Divisional Engineer
( 3 ) All the Bridges which
are likely to be affected be Railway affecting tanks or other storage works
should be provided with a tablet on top of one of the parapets.
( 4 ) If the bridge in
whose catchment a Railway affecting tank is located is classified as a
vulnerable location, stationary watchmen should be posted during monsoon.
( x ) Basic features of a CSM and Unimate
machines -
A new type continuous action 09-CSM tamping
machine has been introduced by M / S Plasser & Theurer. The actual work
units however which consist of tamping lifting and lining units are positioned
in a separate under frame and are moved in a work cycle from sleeper to
Two independent tamping units are provided,
one for each rail. These are attached to the machine frame by means of vertical
guiding columns. The tamping units are
fitted to the satellite Frame.
The tamping units may be for tamping one
sleeper or two sleepers or three sleepers at a time depending upon type/model
of tamping machine. 16 tamping tools are provided for tamping each sleeper. The
tools are arranged in pairs and each sleeper is tamped by 8 such pairs, on both
side of each rail. The units are held by horizontal guiding column in order to slide
sideways, which allows their automatic centering over the rails in curves.
The tools are vibrated by piston rods pivoted
on eccentric shaft driven by hydraulic motors.
Machine –
The machine has got 16 independently tiltable
tamping tools which enable the machine to work on points and crossing as well
as on plain track. The machine has a weight of about 40 tones and can give an
average out put of one set of points & crossing per hour.
Out of 16 tools 4 tamping tools are normally
used at a time for maintenance of point and crossings. These tools can be
tilted independently of each other so that even critical areas can be tamped.
While tamping plain track all the 16 tools
are in action and in that situation the machine corresponds to a normal plain line
tamping unit.
( xi ) Different methods of disinfection of
Disinfection of Water -
The process of killing bacteria’s from water is called disinfect
ion. For
utmost safety of water for drinking purposes, disinfection of water has to be
done to remove disease producing organisms before it enters distribution
system. Disinfection is also
required to prevent contamination of water during its transit from the
treatment plant to the place of its consumption. The efficiency of disinfection depends on the
nature of disinfectants.
Other minor methods on
small scale are as under –
- Boiling method – 10 to 15 minutes
to be boiled.
- Light method - Sun light, Ultra
violent rays.
- Chemical method – Iodine, Bromine,
Potassium per magnate, Silver ions, copper ions, lime.
treatment on larger scale, chlorination is generally used as treatment for
The process of applying
small quantities of chlorine to water is called chlorination.
Chlorine can be applied may
be any one of the following –
1. Bleaching powder 2.
Hypochlorities 3. Chloramines 4. Chlorine dioxide 5. Liquid chlorine 6. Chlorine gas. 7. Sodium Hypochlorid.
Chlorine can be applied in water by using
bleaching powder, chloramines or as free chlorine gas. A minimum of 30 to 60 minutes contact time
must be provided before delivery of water to the consumer.
Chlorination should be done generally using
chlorine gas or other similar methods by Engg. department in chlorination
plants installed at the filtration plants operated & maintained by the Engg
deptt. At other places, chlorination has to be done by mixing good quality
bleaching powder solution at a particular rate with raw water in the pumping
main at the pump house itself or at the high level storage tanks by the IOW.
Chlorocil equipment using brine solution can
also be used for chlorination purposes where assured electricity is available
as this equipment produces instant chlorine gas by electrolytic process.
At stations & colonies where drinking
water is obtained from wells, IOW should chlorinate the well water using
bleaching powder once a week.
In between stations where the wells are
provided for the use of gang men, the well water should be chlorinated by using
bleaching powder by the PWI once a week.
chlorine –
amount of chlorine remaining at the end in treated water after chlorine used in
killing bacteria’s called as Residual chlorine. Minimum residual
chlorine available at the farthest end shall be
0.2 PPM in water after a contact period
of 30 to 60 minutes. However, where distribution is long and
complex it may be difficult to maintain the minimum residual value and in such
cases re-chlorination may be carried out in the distribution system.
During monsoon months or if specific complaints
are there, super-chlorination more than 2 ppm of chlorine may be resorted to
effectively get rid of bacteria.
The Section Engineer (Works) should
frequently check the concentration of residual chlorine at the consumer point
by orthotolodine test. In this test 100
ml of chlorinated water sample is collected in the test tube. 1 ml of orthotolodine solution is added to
it. The colour formed is noted, value of
the residual chlorine is directly determined by comparing the colour so
obtained with the standard chart of
colours of non-chlorine residuals.
Divisional Engineer should ensure sufficient number of equipment with
all the field units.
( xii ) Difference between cant
deficiency and cant excess -
Deficency –
Deficency occurs when a train travels around a curve at a speed higher than the
equilibrium speed. It is the difference between the theoretical cant required
for such higher speed and actual cant provided.
Cant excess –
Cant excess occurs
when a train travels around a curve at a speed lower than equilibrium speed. It
is the difference between the actual cant and the theoretical cant required for
such lower speed.
( xiii ) Specification
of track Ballast –
1. Ballast should be hard durable and as far as possible angular along edges/corners, free from
weathered portions of parent rock, organic impurities and inorganic residues.
2. Ballast
should be cubical in shape as far as possible. Individual pieces should not be
flaky and should have generally flat faces with not more than two
rounded/sub-rounded faces.
3. Water Absorption - should not be more than 1%.
Properties –
i. Aggregate
Abrasion Value - 30%
ii. Aggregate
Impact Value 20% Max.
5. Size and Gradation -
should satisfy the following size and gradation
Retained on 65mm Sq.
mesh sieve – 5%Maximum
Retained on 40mm sq.mesh sieve - 40%-60%
c) Retained on 20mm sq.mesh
sieve -
Not less than 98%
6. Oversize Ballast – Retention on 65mm
square mesh sieve. - A maximum of 5%
ballast retained on 65mm sieve shall be allowed without deduction in payment.
7. Under Size Ballast - The Ballast shall be
treated as undersize and shall be rejected if: -
i. Retention on 40mm Sq.Mesh
sieve is less than 40%.
ii. Retention
on 20mm square mesh sieve is less than 98%
Stack measurement-
Stacking shall be done on a neat, plain and firm ground with good
drainage. The height of stack shall not be less than 1m except in hilly areas
where it may be 0.5m. The height shall not be more than 2.0 m.Top width of
stack shall not be less than 1.0m. Top of stack shall be kept parallel to the
ground plane. The side slopes of stack should not be flatter than 1.5:1 (Horizontal : Vertical) Cubical content of each stack shall normally be not
less than 30 cum in plain areas and 15 cum in hilly areas.
9. Wagon
measurement –
In case of ballast
supply taken by direct loading into wagons, a continuous white line should be
painted inside the wagon to indicate the level to which ballast should be
loaded. The cubical content in cubic meter corresponding to white line should
also be painted on both sides outside the wagon.
In addition to painted line short pieces of flats with cubical contents
punched, shall be welded at the centre of all the four sides as permanent refer
Shrinkage allowance –
Payment shall be made for the gross measurement either in stacks or in
wagons without any deduction for shrinkage/voids. However, when ballast supply
is made in wagons, shrinkage upto 8%
shall be permitted at destination while verifying the booked quantities by the
( xiv )Section 3 ( 3 ) of Official Language
Act 1963 -
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( xv ) Various
incentive schemes for encouraging the use of official Language in offices.-
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Central Railway LGS Examination – Civil Engineering 2008
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Part – II ( Technical Part )
Marks – 90
any 6 questions out of the given 9. All questions carry equal marks.
1 and 2 are multiple choice questions. Write down the question number and the
correct alternative i.e. a,b,c,d in front of the question number. For instance
if the correct alternative of question no 1.2 is be then write down the answer
as – 1.2 ( b )
Question No. 1 –
1.1 - Overhauling of track should normally be completed in –
( a ) Two years. ( b ) Ten years. ( c ) Six years. ( d ) Normally
over a period of 3 to 5 years.
1.2. - Manual
deep Screening of track on IR under a speed restriction of –
( a ) Stop Dead and 10 kmph. ( b ) 15 kmph. ( c
) 20 kmph ( d ) 30 kmph.
1.3. –As per IRPWM the speed of a deep
screening site with machine packing can be relaxed to normal in a minimum of –
( a ) 10 days. ( b ) 21
days. ( c ) 14 days. ( d ) 7 days.
1.4. – A CWR is a LWR which – ( a ) requires to be distressed in parts. ( b ) passes through station yards including
points and crossings. ( c ) Requires
special precautions for maintenance. ( d ) None of the above.
1.5. – If the maximum rail temperature at a
station is 600 C and minimum temperature is – 50 C it
will fall in – ( a ) Zone I ( b ) Zone
II ( c ) Zone III ( d ) Zone IV
1.6. – If an LWR is to be laid over a girder
bridge the type of rail sleeper fastenings to be used are – ( a ) creep resistant fastenings. ( b ) rail free fastenings. ( c )
elastic fastenings. ( d ) Rigid
1.7.- If a turn out takes off from the inside
of a mainline curve, the cant which can be provided on the mainline will be
governed by considerations of – ( a )
cant excess. ( b ) cant deficiency. ( c
) equilibrium cant. ( d ) None of the above.
1.8. – The Assistant Engineer’s inspection of
points and crossings in a year is – ( a ) 50% of all points and crossings in
his jurisdiction. ( b ) 100% of all
points and crossings in his jurisdiction. ( c ) 100% of all points and
crossings on running lines and 25% of all points on other lines. ( d ) 100%
of all points and crossings on running lines and 10% of all points on other
1.9. The service life in items of total GMT
of traffic carried for considering through rail renewal on the bridge proper
and in the bridge approaches for 60 kg 90 UTS rails is –
( a ) 800 GMT ( b ) 550 GMT ( c ) 350 GMT ( d ) 400 GMT.
1.10. –
Maximum value of cant deficiency permitted on A & B routes is –
( a ) 100 mm ( b ) 75 mm.
( c ) 50 mm. ( d ) 125 mm.
Question No. 2. –
2.1. – As per bridge manual the maintenance
of a 24.4 m. span steel girder will be done by –
( a ) Assistant Engineer of the section.
( b ) IOW of the section. ( c )
PWI of the section. ( d ) AEN / XEN Bridge
of the section.
2.2. – Hollows in masonry piers and abutments
should be filled up by – ( a ) Epoxy
grouting. ( b ) Gunniting. ( c ) Shotcreting. ( d ) Cement pressure grouting.
2.3. – The elcometer is a device used to
measure – ( a ) Dry film thickness of paint.
( b ) Cover below
reinforcement. ( c ) Moisture content in
( d ) Setting time of concrete.
2.4. – While constructing approaches for ROBs
in built up area land acquisition can be reduced by using – ( a )
Geotextiles. ( b ) Soil anchoring. ( c ) Reinforced earth. ( d ) Soil stabilization.
2.5. – Normal reinforcement can not be used
in Prestressed concrete structures because –
( a ) It is highly corrosion prone. ( b ) The losses will neutralize the
stress induced in it. ( c ) It
dose not have adequate ductility. ( d
) It dose not have adequate fatigue strength.
2.6. – Piles generally used for bridge
construction on IR are – ( a ) Pre
cast concrete piles. ( b ) Timber
piles. ( c ) Cast in situ bored
concrete piles. ( d ) steel
Bentonite is a material used –
( a ) To improve the slump of
b ) To prevent caving in of the bore hole walls.
( c ) To increase the strength of
concrete. ( d ) None of these.
2.8. – Which is no a component of an arch
bridge - ( a ) Spandrel. ( b ) Crown. ( c ) Parapet. ( d )
The most reliable method for assessing the load carrying of a pile in a given
strata is –
( a ) Static formula. ( b ) Dynamic formula. ( c ) Pile load test. ( d ) None of the above.
2.10. – For checking the versines of turn in
and turn out curves of a turn out the length of chord used as per IRPWM is – (
a ) 3 m. ( b ) 6 m. ( c ) 11.8 m. ( d )
20 m.
Question No. 3 – Write down the steps involved in complete realignment of a curve.
Question No. 4 – Write salient features of MEXE and RING 1.5 programme to check
the strength of arch bridge.
Question No. 5 – Write short notes on following –
Action to be taken on
detection of faulty welds or rails during USFD testing.
Hot weather patrolling.
Question No. 6 – Write short notes on any two of the following –
Water proofing treatment
on roofs.
Quality checks for
ensuring quality of ballast.
Compaction testing of
Question No. 7 – What are the precautions to be observed when working with tie
tamping machines before tamping, during tamping and after tamping operations.
Question No. 8 – Write down the steps involved in distressing of LWRs using tensor.
Question No. 9 – What are the tests to be conducted to ensure good quality concrete
while concreting a Prestressed concrete girder.
Part – III ( Finance and Establishment )
marks – 45
Answer any 3 questions out of 5.
All question carry equal marks.
1 is a multiple choice questions. Write down the question number and the
correct alternative i.e. a,b,c or d in front of the question number. For
instance if the correct alternative of question no 1.2 is be then write down
the answer as – 1.2 ( b )
Question No. 1 –
1.1 Demand No. 4 of the railway budget pertains to –
( a ) Repairs and maintenance of motive
( b ) Operating expenses rolling stock
and equipment.
( c ) Assets – Acquisition, Construction
and Replacement.
( d ) Repairs and maintenance of
permanent way.
1.2. Use of railway land for keeping cattle,
throwing refuse etc unauthorized way leave facilities constitutes – ( a ) Hard encroachments. ( b ) Soft
( c ) Do not
form an encroachment at all.
( d ) None of these.
1.3. RTI act was promulgated in – ( a )
1996 ( b ) 2000
( c ) 2005 ( d ) 1990
1.4. Recruitment of group D staff will hence
forth be done by – ( a )
Railway Board. ( b ) Railway
Recruitment Board. ( c ) PWI in case of
engineering department. ( d ) Recruitment
cell under DyCPO ( recruitment )
1.5. Class I officers joining the Indian
railway Service of Electrical Engineers under go Centralized training at - ( a ) Nasik .
( b ) Jamalpur. ( c ) Vadodara. ( d ) Pune.
1.6. Direct Recruitment to Group C for Kota division is done by railway recruitment board located
at - ( a ) Kota ( b ) Ajmer ( c ) Bhopal ( d ) Jabalpur .
1.7. The earnest money for a tender costing
50 lacks will be – ( a ) 2 Lacks. (
b ) 1 Lack. ( c ) 3 Lacks. ( d ) 1.5 Lacks.
1.8. Group A and B officers of IR are
entitled to –
( a ) 6 sets of privilege passes and 4 sets of PTOs.
( b ) 6 sets of privilege passes and 3 sets of PTOs.
( c ) 6 sets of privilege passes and 6 sets of PTOs.
( d ) 3 sets of privilege passes and 3 sets of PTOs.
1.9. An employee can avail of leave
encashment to the extent of amount of LAP to his credit subject to a maximum of
- ( a ) 210 days. ( b ) 300 days. ( c ) 240 days. ( d ) none of the these.
1.10. SRSF has been set up to – ( a ) Improve passenger
amenities at stations. ( b )
Improve staff amenities in colonies. (
c ) Improvement of railway running rooms.
( d ) To wipe out arrears of
replacement of safety related assets on IR.
Question No. 2 – Write
short notes on any two of the following –
i. Digitisation of land plans.
ii. Jatropha plantation.
iii. Earnings from land resources.
( ii ) Jatropha
Plantation –
part of National Mission on Jatropha curcas ( for producing bio diesel ) Indian
Railway has taken up plantation of Jatropha curcas on a large scale. A memorandum of understanding ( MOU ) has
been signed by the Railways with M/S. Indian oil corporation ( IOC ) for
producing bio diesel which would be used by Indian Railway. For this purpose
about 80 hectares of railway land has been identified for leasing to IOC on a nominal charges for
plantation of Jatropha curcas. And Jatropha saplings have been planted &
planned on other balance railway land in every year from 2004 - 05.
Q. No. 3 –
Write short notes on any two of
the following –
i. Touch and feel works.
ii. Provision for extension of completion period of a contract under
iii. Open, limited and single tender.
( ii ) Provision for extension of completion period of a contract under GCC -
contractor should not be granted any extension unilaterally. He has to apply
for an extension quoting the clause under which extension is sought
specifically and giving reasons in support of the clause chosen and the request
however can be granted under following Clause of GCC :-
17A(i) if modifications ordered have
materially increased the magnitude of the work.
17A(ii) if the progress has got affected due
to an act or neglect of Railway’s employees, for want of instructions
17A(iii) railway’s
failure to hand over the lands necessary for execution of the work, provide
drawings, instructions etc.
extensions can be given with LD under Clause 17B.
17B due
to contractor’s default wherein Railways are entitled without prejudice to any
other right or remedy available to recur a sum equivalent to one4 half percent
of the contract value of the work for each week or part of the week.
( iii ) Open, limited and single tender -
Tender – See on
Page 15
Limited Tender –
It is considered not possible to call for
open tenders. Limited tender has now been approved by the Board as a regular
measure and works up to a limit of Rs. 5 crore can be awarded on limited tender
basis. Finance concurrence is not necessary in case contractors are borne on
the approved list. However, if
the limited tenders are proposed to be invited from contractors not borne on
approved list, prior finance concurrence will be necessary.
Limited tenders are to be invited only when
it is advantageous to the Railway. Further there is no restrictions on calling
open tenders even if the cost of works is less than Rs. 5 crore.
if the limited tenders are proposed to be invited from contractors not borne on
approved list, prior finance concurrence will be necessary. Such concurrence
shall be taken at FA & CAO's level irrespective of the value of work and
the proposal shall be approved by A.G.M. same procedure shall apply even if one
of the contractors is outside the approved list. such cases minimum number of
contractors are not specified but it should be ensured that opportunity is
given to all the persons who are capable of doing such work and available in
that area.
revised schedule of powers will be as follows, when limited tenders are called
for from the approved list of contractors :-
slab for Limited Tender
Authority competent to approve calling of Limited Tender
to Rs. 25 Lakhs.
and SG
than Rs 25 lacks and up to Rs. 1 crore.
than Rs 1 crore and up to Rs. 5 crore.
While exercising powers mentioned
above, the following conditions should be fulfilled :-
The minimum numbers of contractors to
be borne on the approved list should not be less than 10,
The approved list of contractors should
be a dynamic list and should be reviewed / updated annually on the basis of
confidential reports. This may be updated during the year also by adding new
contractors or upgrading / downgrading existing contractors on the basis of
their performance and in consultation with associate finance.
Single Tender –
In case
of emergency, the tender can be invited from a single contract provided that he
should be from approved list of contractor.
Q. No.
4 – What are the different plan heads
under demand No. 16 of the budget relevant to the engineering department.
Ans. - The Revised
Classification of expenditure on works irrespective of whether they are charged
to Capital DRF, DF, Revenue (OLWR) or ACF will come under a single Demand-16
namely Assets-Acquisition , 'Construction and Replacement.
Plant heads will form
the Minor Heads of Railway Capital under the Major Heads "546-Capital
Outlay on Indian Railways-Commercial lines" and "546-Capital Outlay
on Indian Railways-Strategic lines." The minor Heads classification are as
follows :-
11. New Lines
(Construction). 12. Purchase of new
lines. 13. Restoration of dismantled
14. Gauge conversion. 15. Doubling. 16. Traffic facilities-Yard remodelling and
21. Rolling
Stock. 29 &
30. Road Safety work. 31. Track renewals.
32. Bridge work. 51. Staff
Quarters. 52. Amenities
for staff.
53. (i) Passenger
Amenities. (ii) Other Railway User Amenities.
The sub and detailed
heads give the break up of the expenditure on assets in its details such as
Preliminary Expenses, Land, Formation, Permanent Way, Bridges, Stations and
Buildings etc. The details of sub-heads and detailed heads which have been
given for the minor heads 1100-new lines will be adopted for the other minor
heads Depending upon the nature of the asset being created or replaced to the
extent indicated against the respective head.
The clasitication of
the assets will be indicated by these 6 digits in all the cases irrepective of
whether the expenditure on the asset is chargeable to Capital, DRF, DF, Revenue
(OLWR), or ACF, The source of financing will be indicated in the begining in
the following alphabets: -
R-Revenue (OLWR) T-ACF Q-DRF
As the plan heads of classification coincide with the
sub-heads of demands for Grants the compilation of budget is also rendered easy
and direct.
Q. No.
5 – List the various types of major
penalties and write down the steps to be followed for imposing a major penalty.
Ans.- Major
Penalties :-
1) Reduction
to a lower stage in the time scale of pay for a specified period ( NC / C ).
2) Reduction
to lower time scale of Pay, grade, post or service with or without further
directions regarding conditions of restoration to the grade or post or service
from which the railway servant was reduced and his seniority and pay on such
3) Compulsory
4) Removal
from service.
5) Dismissal
from service.
to impose Major penalty –
i. The
delinquent may be allowed such further time instead of 10 days as originally
prescribed as the disciplinary authority may deem fit.
ii. On
request from the delinquent copies of documents referred to in Annexure III to
SF 5 are to be supplied to him if not supplied along with SF 5.
In an consideration of reply to the
charge sheet the disciplinary authority considers it appropriate to impose a
minor penalty it will pass orders representation before imposition of a minor
The enquiry officer will conduct
enquiry within the maximum limit of 20 days of his appointment.
v. In
case the delinquent fails to appear refuses or omits to plead on the specified
date enquiry will be adjourned but not beyond 30 days recording on order to
that effect this is to be done by Enquiry officer.
The delinquent within the maximum
limit of 20 days from the date of order vide item 5 above give a notice to the
enquiry officer for production of additional documents which are in possession
of the railway Administration. Indicating its relevance to the case he will not
request disciplinary authority in the he self.
vii. On
receipt of the notice vide item 6 above the enquiry officer will forward copies
of the notice to all the authorities concerned is whose possession or custody
the respective documents may be specifying time limit provided in the opinion
of enquiry officer such documents are considered relevant.
viii. On
receipt of requisition vide item 7 above the authorities concerned may –
a) Produce
the documents before the enquiry officer within the time specified by enquiry
b) In
from the enquiry officer that production of any of the documents or all the
documents where it is considered by then as against the public interest or
security of the state.
The enquiry officer on receipt of
communication from the authorities concerned will take suitable action.
x. The
condition of not having more than two cases pending at the time of nomination
as a defense counsel by the delinquent has been made applicable uniformly to a
serving railway employee of the same Railway a retired employee from the same
railway or and official of a recognized trade union.
The nomination of one or more defense
counsel is to be made by the delinquent within 20 days of the appointment of
enquiry officer.
xii. The
EO is not required to submitted to the disciplinary authority a copy of orders
passed by the former in the regard to enquiry as provided for originally.