Previous Q Paper - GROUP "B" LDCE - AEN - 1984, 1986

                                                        CENTRAL RAILWAY
Limited Departmental Competitive Examination – Class II Service
Civil Engineering Department on 13  – 10 – 1984
Time : 2 hrs.                                                                                              Marks : 50
                              PAPER I - GENERAL  KNOWLEDGE
NOTE :-  1. Return the question paper along with the Answer Books.
               2. Answers can be given in English or Hindi.
               3. All questions must be answered.
Q. 1 - What do the following abbreviations stand for?                          ( 5 marks )
          (a) F.S.I.     (b) H.C.F.       (c) M.I.S.A.         (d) A.I.R.F.      (e) A.D.B.          (f) P.L.O.       (g) I.N.T.U.C.    (h) R.A.W.       (i) L.C.M.        (j) N.D.A.
Q. 2 – The following are the Capitals of: -                                              (5 marks)
            (a) SEOUL       (b) KOHIMA        (c) ITANAGAR     (d) ANKARA        ( e ) THIMPU          ( f ) KUALA LUMPUR   ( g ) WARSAW  ( h ) BEIRUT     ( i ) HAWAT  ( j ) OMAN
Q. 3 – Name the Authors of the following books: -                   ( 5 marks )
            ( a ) GONE WITH THE WIND  ( b ) AS YOU LIKE IT  ( c ) MY EXPERIMENTS  WITH
TRUTH       ( d ) GODAN       ( e ) GITANJLI
Q. 4 – List, which in your opinion the five most important achievements made by human mankind in the 20 th Century.                                           ( 5 marks )
Q. 5 – Name the following: -                                                    ( 10 marks )
a)      Five Major ports of India.
b)      Five Major rivers of India.
c)      Five Mountain peaks of India.
d)      Five Musical instruments of India.
e)      Five important magazines of India.
Q. 6 - Write short notes on: -                                                   ( 10 marks ) 
a)      The Punjab Situation.
b)      The official Languages Act.
c)      The lunar of eclipse.
d)      India’s policy of Non – Alignment.
Q. 7 – What do you know of the following: -                       ( 10 marks ) 
1)      C. Rajagopalachari.               6.) CHERENKOV.
2)      Imelda Poroos.                       7.) ADOLF HITLER.
3)      Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale.  8.) JENNIFER KAPOOR.
4)      Walter Mondale.                     9.) P. T. USHA. 
5)      N. T. Ramarao.                      10.) PRESIDENT TITO.
Limited Departmental Competitive Examination
Civil Engineering Department
Date : 13  – 10 – 1984                                                                                  Time : 3 Hours.
PAPER – II ( i )                                                                                             Marks : 100 
Professional Subject
NOTE : ( a ) All questions carry equal marks.
             ( b ) Answer any FIVE questions.
             ( c ) Make suitable assumptions regarding  data where necessary.
Q. 1 – ( a ) Draw the bending moment and shear force diagram for a beam carrying a uniformly distributed load the supports are at a distance of  L / 4  from each end  L  being the length of    beam ? 
             ( b ) Design a double reinforced RCC roof slab for a room of size 16’ x 16’.  
Q. 2 – ( a ) How would you decide the type of bridge and type of foundations for a bridge to cross a nala of 500 feet width. High flood level is 25 feet above average bed level.
            ( b ) Show with a sketch layout of reinforcement in RCC Box culvert.  
Q. 3 – Write short notes on any four of the following: -    
a)    S.F.Curve.
b)    Poison’s ratio.
c)    Pert Chart.
d)    Controlled concrete.
e)    Load test on pile.
f)     Neoperene bearings. 
Q. 4 – Indicate specification for any four of the following: -
a)    Mass c.c. for bridge abutment.
b)    Flooring for heavy repair shed.
c)    Asphalting of colony roads.
d)    Mosaic tile flooring.
e)    Wearing course in road surface of a road over bridge.
Q. 5 – Indicate with sketches the method of launching 60 feet Girder spans on a viaduct.
Q. 6 – While carrying out survey for a new railway line, how would you decide the water ways required for a bridge.
Q. 7 – Design a water supply scheme for a station, adopting the following data –
a)    Source of water – River flow at a distance of 1 km.
b)    Requirement of water – 1 lack gallons per day.
c)    Difference in level between water level in river and level to which water is to be pumped – 200 feet.
Limited Departmental Competitive Examination – Class II
Date : 14  – 10 – 1984                        Time : 1 hour.                                        Max. Marks : 25
           Note :-  1.) Attempt any two questions.
                        2.) All questions carry equal marks.
Q. 1 – If a Class IV staff slaps a clerk in your office, please give in detail the action you will take and the DAR procedure to be followed.
Q. 2 – Write short notes on the following: -
a)    How many types of leave is there describing them briefly.
b)    Corporate Enterprise group, its composition and its functions.
c)    List out the various allowances railway men are entitled to.
d)    Productivity Linked Bonus.
Q. 3 – ( a ) Describe briefly the term ‘Casual Labour’ and the benefits that an employee gets when he joins as a casual labour.
            ( b ) What additional benefits dose he get when he becomes monthly rated casual labour.
Q. 4 – Describe briefly the various Welfare measures available for Railway men on the Railways.
Limited Departmental Competitive Examination – Class II
Date : 14  – 10 – 1984           Time : 1 hour.                                                  Max. Marks : 25
Note :- Question No. 1 is compulsory and carries 15 marks. Attempt one more of the remaining questions each of which carry 10 marks.
Q. 1 – write short notes on any five :-
                      i.        MAS.
                     ii.        Liability register.
                    iii.        Imp rest Cash Accountal.
                   iv.        Development Fund.
                    v.        Allocation heads for Revenue Expenditure.
                   vi.        Completion Report.
                  vii.        Stock Sheets.
Q. 2 – Describe in detail how as an Engineer you would control expenditure on a particular work so that you do not exceed the sanctioned amount.
Q. 3 – How is the budget for revenue demand of Engineering Department prepared? When is it prepared and what stages are there for its review during a financial year?
Q. 4 – what checks would you exercise as an AEN on the Stores kept with  ( a ) an I.O.W.  ( b ) a P.W.I.
Limited Departmental Competitive Examination
Civil Engineering Department
Date : 14 – 10 – 1984                                                                                         Time : 3 Hours.
PAPER – II (  ii )                                                                                                Marks : 100 
Professional Subject
NOTE :       i )All questions carry equal marks.
                   ii ) Answer any FIVE questions.
Q. 1 – An existing fish plated track in a busy double line section is to be converted into a 3 rail welded panel track. Describe the procedure to be followed and the organisation required.
Q. 2 – Explain the track monitoring methods adopted on Indian railways.
Q. 3 – Describe the detail the procedure for deep screening in case of CWR track.
Q.4 – Describe the procedure and precautions to be adopted for construction of a high railway embankment in a marshy area.
Q. 5 – Explain how a zonal contract is finalised, involving negotiation, and is operated. How are the disputes arising out of the contract, settled?
Q. 6 – What is the schedule laid down for inspection of service structure and buildings. Explain in detail as to how inspection of a steel high service tank is to be carried out.
Q. 7 – write short notes on –
a)    Flash butt welding.
b)    Single tender.
c)    Security patrolling.

Limited Departmental Competitive Examination – Class II Service

Civil Engineering Department on 25 – 10 – 1986

Time : 2 hrs.                                                                                                           Marks : 50
Q. 1 – What do the following abbreviations stand for ?                                            12
          ( a ) DDT  ( b )  HUDCO  ( c )  AIDS ( d )  UNCTAD  ( e ) G.N.P. ( f )  PIN  Code.
Q. 2 – Write short notes on: -                                                                                   12
          1.  Asian Games at Seoul.           2. Forth Pay Commission.        3.  RITES.
Q. 3 – Name the following: -                                                                                     12
1.    Governor of Maharashtra.  
2.    Cabinet Minister for External Affairs.
3.    Capital of West Germany.
4.    Capital of Assam.
5.    Capital of South Korea.
6.    Land of Midnight sun.
Q. 4 – Fill in the blanks :-                                                                   14
            Inventor / Discovery.                              Inventor / Discovery.
           1.  Radium                                               ...............................
           2.  Printing for the blind.                           ..............................
           3.  Television.                                           ..............................
           4.  Fountain Pen.                                      ..............................
           5.  ..................................                            A. Einstein.
           6.  ..................................                            W. K. Rontgen.
           7.  ..................................                            Galileo.    
Limited Departmental Competitive Examination
Civil Engineering Department
Date : 25 – 10 – 1986 ( A. N. )                                                                        Time : 3 Hours.
PAPER – II ( i )                                                                                                   Marks : 100 
NOTE : All questions carry equal marks.
             Answer any FIVE questions.
             Make suitable assumptions regarding  data where necessary.
Q. 1 – ( a ) If the degree of curve is defined by the angle at the center subtended by an arc (or chord) 20 meters, find the length of the chord in meters so that the versine measured in cms is equal to the degree of curve.
            ( b ) What is an ideal transition curve and by what name it is generally called. A transition curve is required for a circular curve of 200-meter f radius, the gauge being 1.5 m. and max super elevation restricted to 15 cm. The transition restricted to 15 cm. The transition is to be designed for a velocity such that no lateral pressure is imposed on the rails and the rate of gain of radial acceleration is 30 cm / sec3 . Calculate the required length of transition.
Q. 2 – ( a ) Two concentrated loads of 100 & 200 KN advance along a girder of 20 m. span, the distance between the loads being 8 m. Find the position of the section which has to support the greatest bending moment and calculate the value of this bending moment.
            ( b ) A reinforced concrete pipe is of uniform thickness and 24 inches mean diameter. The loading from above may also be considered of uniformly distributed both loads having a value of 1600 Lbs per sq feet. If the pipe is 2 inches thick what maximum stress is induced. Draw the Bending moment diagram?
Q. 3 – ( a ) What are the material required for reinforced cement concrete structure of a multi  - storied building. Describe them in brief with specification. 
            ( b ) Design a concrete mix from the following data: - 
            Strength desired – 3800 psi,  
            Slump   -      1”   , 
            Fineness modules of fine and coarse, aggregates available are 2 and 6.2 and max size of particle is ¾”, Weight of fine and coarse aggregates are 110 lbs per cft. And 100 lbs per cft respectively, Weight of cement is 90 lbs per cft. Voids in fine and coarse aggregates are 40 % each. Water cement ratio for a strength of 3800 psi = 0.64, the fineness modulus of combined aggregates may be taken as 4.7, voids in cement 50 %
Q. 4 – ( a ) What are loads and forces taken into account for designing a pile and what is load carrying capacity of a pile.
           ( b ) Determine the load carrying capacity of an RCC pile. Given the following data Section of the pile                =   50 cm x 50 cm
                   Length of the pile                =   15 m.
                   Weight of concrete              =   2.4 t / m3
                   Weight of falling hammer    =   5 tonnes.
                   Weight of free fall                =   1 m.
                   Average penitration under last ten blows. = 5 mm
                   Efficiency of hammer                                 =   100 %
                   Co-efficient of restitution                            =    0.5
                   Total elaste compression                           =  30 mm
                   Use Hiley formula.
Q. 5 – ( a )  Describe Bernoulli’s ‘ theorem for liquids. Illustrate with equation. How this is applied for the construction of venturimeter.
            50 liters per sec of water flow in a horizontal pipeline which is 200m long and the centerline of which is 3 m above the datum line. The pipe tapers from 30 cm diameter to 20 cm dia. If the pressure at the larger end of the pipe is 1kg / Cm2. Calculate the pressure on the other end. Neglect losses.
            ( b ) A bridge is to be constructed over a stream having a catchment area = 20 miles2 partly in plains and partly in hills. Portion in hills has a length of 1.7 miles and fall of 880 ft. and that in plains has a length of 5.7 miles and a fall of 244 ft. Calculate the flood discharge if co elf of discharge is 80 % and area factor 95 5 and value of constant for calculating time of concentration = 14 for hills and 6 for plains. One hr rain fall intensity may be assumed as 2.5’’.
Q. 6 – A new railway Colony is going to have a population of 60,000. suggest the arrangements of water supply and sewage disposal. There is a river having perennial flow, which can be used, as source of water supply and also for disposal of treated sewage. Draw a neat diagram.
Q. 7 – Write short notes on any five: -
a)    Triangulation
b)    Proof stresses and working stresses.
c)    Bricks.
d)    Well foundation.
e)    Unit Hydrograph.
f)     Activated sludge process.
Limited Departmental Competitive Examination
Civil Engineering Department
Date : 26 – 10 – 1986                                                                                          Time : 3 Hours.
PAPER – II ( ii)                                                                                                        Marks : 100 
NOTE :  i ) All questions carry equal marks.
              ii ) Answer any FIVE questions.
              iii ) Wherever required the written material should be supplemented by neat explanatory sketches.
Q. 1 – Explain in details the various operations involved in Through Packing – conventional Maintenance by beater Packing.
Q. 2 – Specify all the restrictions on laying of Long Welded Rails on B.G. Track in regard to Alignment, Gradient, Formation, Track- Structure, Bridges, Level Crossings, yards, etc
Q. 3 – A curve is to be laid for a B. G. track with following limitations -   ( a ) Radius: 875 m                    ( b ) Actual Cant : 75 mm    ( c ) Cant Deficiency : 75 mm    ( d ) Deflection Angle : 200
         Determine for the above curve - ( i ) Maximum Permissible Speed. ( ii ) Desirable Length of Transition Curve. ( iii ) Chain ages and Deflection Angles or Tangential Offsets for laying out half of the curve ( with transition ) with normal chord length = 10 m.
Q. 4 - Describe in details the Central Railway Specification for carrying out earth work in Railway Embankment in good soil for heights exceeding 6 meters.
Q. 5 – Describe the various elements of Bridge Inspection specified in the Indian Railways Way and works Manual.
Q. 6 – Describe with sketches one of the procedures that can be adopted for girder erection of 3 x 30 m span triangulated steel girders on tall piers on a new line.
           Describe with sketches one of the procedures that can be adopted for replacement under traffic existing 3 x 30 m span triangulated steel girders with new deeper girders.
Q. 7 – A crossover is to be laid between two parallel B. G. tracks at 4.725 m centers by using 52 kg, 1 in 8½ and 1 in 12 turnouts. For this layout,
                 i.        Determine the main geometrical parameters for setting out the layout.
                ii.        Draw a neat single line dimensioned sketch (not to scale) showing the locations of the salient points of the layout.
Q. 8 – Design an RCC lintel across an opening of 3 m clear span in brick wall 35 cms. Thick, 6 m high above the lintel level. Assume reasonable values for permissible stresses in concrete and steel.
           Draw neat sketches (not to scale) showing the construction details of the above lintel adequate for field execution.
Limited Departmental Competitive Examination – Class II
Date : 26 – 10 – 1986                         Time : 1 hour.                                         Max. Marks : 25
Q. 1 – Write salient features of family pension scheme.                    ( 8 )
Q. 2 – What are the power of Sr. Supervisors under D & A Rules?  (8)
           What are the penalties that can be imposed on a Railway servant under DAR?
Q. 3 – Write short notes on: -                                                               (9)
           ( a ) Casual labour  ( b ) Suspension  ( c ) Productivity linked bonus.
Limited Departmental Competitive Examination – Class II
Date : 26 – 10 – 1986                        Time : 1 hour.                                        Max. Marks : 25
Q. 1 - Write short notes on Any Three: -                                (15)
           ( a ) MAS Account   ( b ) Unsanctioned Expenditure.  ( c ) Accounts Inspection Reports. 
           ( d ) Allocation Registers.   ( e ) Charge off Stores.
Q.2 – What is the grant that mainly affects the working expenses of Open Line Railway?      How and when is the budget for this grant prepared and revised?      (10)                                                              
           Why is there always excess over expenditure while carrying out works? What are the main causes of such excess and what are suggestions to see that such excesses do not recur in future?                                                                                        (10)

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Q Bank - Establishment / Personnel Dept. (82) Q Bank - Electrical Engineering (80) Q Bank - OS / Clerk / Typist (72) Q B Engg (P Way & Work) (67) Q BANK - Operating (62) Group 'B' Exam (60) Q Bank - APO ( Asst. Personnel Officer) (57) QUESTION BANK WITH ANSWER (55) Q B Establishment (48) Q Bank - Goods Guards (45) Q Bank - OHE/TRD/PSI (36) Q B - CIVIL ENGINEERING (AEN) (27) Q B - Welfare Inspector (27) Q BANK - C & W ( Carriage & Wagon ) (26) Q Bank - Account (24) Q BANK - LOCO (23) Q BANK Exam - Station Master (23) Q Bank - Commercial (21) Q Bank - AOM (19) Q BANK - Station Master (18) Q Bank - S & T (14) 1. Syllabus (13) Q Bank - D & AR (Discipline and Appeals Rule) (12) Q Bank - Medical (12) Q Bank - Posts (Civil Engineering & P way) Dept (12) 2. Q Bank - Group D To C (11) INDEX (11) QB - ENGINEERING ( MECHANICAL ) (11) Q Bank - LOCO (Diesel) (9) Q Bank - ACM (Assistant Commercial Manager) (9) Q BANK - Jr Engineer ( Diesel Mechanical ) (8) Q BANK - LOCO (AC) (8) Q Bank - Law Assistant (8) Q Bank - AME/AWM (7) Q Bank - Group D To C (6) Q Bank - General Knowledge (5) Q Bank - Rajbhasha (राजभाषा) (5) Q Bank - Stores (5) RRB EXAM (5) NTPC (4) Q Bank - ADSTE / ASTE (4) Q Bank - AEE (4) Q Bank - CLI (4) Q Bank - Publicity Inspector (4) Question & Answer (4) Q Bank - Appointment On Compassionate Ground Exam (3) Q Bank - Commercial Instructor Exam (3) Q Bank - Engineering (Bridge) (3) Q Bank - IT (3) Q Bank - Protocol Inspector (3) Q Bank - RPF Department (3) Short Notes (3) Q BANK - Jr Engineer ( Mechanical ) (2) Q Bank - C & M (2) Q Bank - Carpenter (2) Q Bank - General English (2) Q Bank - Jr Engineer (Tele) (2) Q Bank - Ministerial Staff (2) Q Bank - Track Machine (2) Q Bank -Section Controler (2) Video (2) ABB (1) FAQ (1) GDCE Exam (1) IRMS (Indian Railway Management Service (1) JUNIOR ENGINEER (Non -AC) GRADE - II (1) Minimum Wages Act (1) Project & Planning (1) Q BANK & Answer - C & W ( Carriage & Wagon ) (1) Q BANK - Shunting Master (1) Q Bank - Instructor (1) Q Bank - AMM (1) Q Bank - All Department (1) Q Bank - Ballast Train Checker (1) Q Bank - CCTC (1) Q Bank - Complaints Inspector (1) Q Bank - GK (Computer) (1) Q Bank - Leave Rule (1) Q Bank - Mason (1) Q Bank - Maths (1) Q Bank - NPS (New Pension Scheme) (1) Q Bank - OS / Clerk Typist (1) Q Bank - Pass Rule (1) Q Bank - Planning Inspector (1) Q Bank - Railway (GK) (1) Q Bank - Stenographer (1) Q Bank - Technician (Ele) (1) Q Bank - Traffic Costing Inspector (1) Question Bank - Technicians of TLAC Group. (1) Short Notes - Establishment (1) Short Notes - Operating / Traffic (1)