Previous Q Paper LGS Examination AEN (1979 To 1998)

LGS Examination - AEN

Date : 21 – 4 –79                                     Technical Paper                             Max. Marks : 100

Note :- ( I ) Attempt any four questions.
           ( ii ) All questions carry equal marks.
Q.1.- Describe the procedures for acquisition and relinquishment of land.
Q.2.- Write short notes on any Three of the following -                                
a)  Directed track maintenance.                 
b)  Measured shovel packing.
c)  Procedure for presage of over dimensional consignment.
d)  LWR
e)  Building Cost Index.
Q.3.- Anclear car has run over trunk rout section, the chart indicates a high percentage under ‘C’ category in the difference to track parameters. Describe the track parameters and tolerances adopted in Anclear car analysis and what steps will be taken by you to improve the track

Q.4.- Fill in blanks –
                 i.        Quantity of cement required for a cubic meter of concrete is 1 : 1½  : 3 mix is …… Bags.
                ii.        Vertical clearance for FOB in AC electrified section is ………..
               iii.        Length of BG passenger Platform is …………
               iv.        Distance from edge of a passenger platform is an isolated structure is ……….
                v.        Volume of Red lead paint required for one coat of paint on steel working area 100 m2 is ….. Liters.
               vi.        Number of bricks required for one m3 of brick masonry is …….. numbers.
              vii.        Length of BG goods loops is ……….. m.
Q.5.- ( a ) When are bridge inspections to be carried out and by whom.
         ( b ) What is the responsibility of a ADEN with regard to the inspection of bridge.
         ( c ) What bridges would be classified as important and what special precaution should be taken with regard to their maintenance.
Q.6.- Describe in detail the system of monsoon patrolling in vogues on the central Railway.


LGS Examination
Date : 21 – 4 –79                                   Non Technical Paper                        Max. Marks : 100
Note :- ( I ) Attempt any Six questions.
           ( ii ) All questions carry equal marks.
Q.1.-( a ) What are the Cannons of financial properties.
        ( b ) What is meant of financial justification.
Q. 2.- Describe the procedures involved in invitation and acceptance of a tender for a work and finalization of contract there fore.
Q.3.- ( a ) Classification under what conditions are a contract be terminate. What steps are required to be taken to determine a contract.
         ( b ) What are excepted contract can an arbitration be demand in certain conditions of dispute on the ground that they are excepted matters.     
Q. 4.- What are the major penalties. What is procedure to be adopted for imposing major penalties.
Q. 5.- Distinguish between construction estimate and completion estimate of a project, why is completion report of a work necessary and when does it become done.
Q. 6.- What are the circumstances under which a work is under taken on ‘’Urgency Certificate’’. How is Urgency Certificate prepared and got sanctioned by the competent authority. What action is subsequently required to be taken for regularization.
Q. 7.- What do on account bill & Final Bill. What types of checks are exercised in the divisional office in case of both on bills.
Q. 8.- Write short notes on any four of the following –
      i.       Single tender.
     ii.       Material Modification.
    iii.       Abstract  estimate.
   iv.       Security deposit.
    v.       Permissible deduction under payment of wages Act.
   vi.       Steepest grade.
  vii.       Slump test.
 viii.       Essentially Intermittent Worker.


LGS Examination 1981
Paper I
Q.1.- ( a ) What are the location where LWR is prohibited.
         ( b ) Give details procedure of distressing of LWR.
Q.2.- A wing wall of a girder bridge having a span of 20 m is leaning. Height of the girder from bed level is 4 m. Describe the bridge rehabilitation procedure.
Q.3.- What are the permitted locations for laying concrete sleeper. Describe the mechanical relaying.
Q.4.- Write short notes on –
                      i.       SEJ
                     ii.       Moveable switch.
                    iii.       Diamond.
                   iv.       Catch siding.
Q.5.- What are the classification of high speed routs and what are the standards for each rout category of the following –
         ( I ) Rails.        ( ii ) Sleepers.      ( iii ) Fastenings.     ( iv ) Ballast cushion.
Q.6.- How will you include your work in works programme.
Paper II
Q.7.- Say whether right or wrong –
                      i.       Estimate is required for renewal of ballast.
                     ii.       Supplementary estimate is required if some of the items are left in the original estimate.
                    iii.       Revised estimate is required when at any stage of the work the sanctioned cost if a work is likely to exceed.
                   iv.       Abstract estimate is required for officers to give administrative approval for a work.
Q.8.- Define the following –
                      i.       Adequate distance.
                     ii.       Act.
                    iii.       Fouling mark.
                   iv.       Facing / Trailing direction.
                    v.       Block station.
                   vi.       Authority to proceed.
                  vii.       PWI
                 viii.       Gate.
LGS Examination 1981
Paper I
Q.1.- What are different types of patrolling in this railway? Describe the double frequency patrolling.
Q.2.- Write brief inspection of the following bridges –
a)  An arch 1 / 9.10 m.
b)  Girder bridge 3 / 30.10 m.
Q.3.- What are works involving CRS’s sanction? Describe the method to obtain CRS’s sanction to open a new line.
Q.4.- Write short notes on –
                      i.       Assisted siding.
                     ii.       Urgency certificates.
                    iii.       Hospital leaves facilities.
                   iv.       Grow more food campaign.
Q.5.- A 2.5 x 2.5 x 2.5 m box is to be inserted on a double line section having bank 4.8 m. high using the RH girder, describe your planning to do  the work.
Q.6.- A busy single line section having 3 stations is to be doubles. The section having major and important bridges, Describe the method.
Paper II
Q.1.- What are the welfare activities in C.Rly? What are your suggestion to the work them.
Q.2.- As an ADEN, what are your ways to give more earnings to engineering department.
Q.3.- ( a ) What are the silent features of Payment of wages act?
         ( b ) What are authorized deductions under this act/
Q.4.- After completion of a work the following materials are surplus with you write the procedure to dispose of them – ( a ) Bricks.  ( b ) Bars.   ( c ) Tiles.
Q.5.- Write short notes on –
                      i.       Staff benefit fund.
                     ii.       WSSC.
                    iii.       PNM.
                   iv.       Hours of employment regulation.
                    v.       Productivity linked bonus to railway men.


Central Railway - Selection to Class II – Civil Engineering Department
Date : 29 – 08 – 1982                                                                                             Time : 2½ Hrs.
Establishment & General                                                                                Total marks : 100
Write answers of Section I & Section II in separate Answer Book.
Note :-  1. Two questions to be attended from section I & II each.
             2. All Questions carry equal marks.
Section – I
Q.1.- Write short notes on :-
                      i.       Productivity Linked Bonous.
                     ii.       Permanent Withdrawal from Provident Fund.
                    iii.       Encashment of leave.
                   iv.       Retirement Benefits.
Q.2.- ( a ) what are the classification of staff under HOER? Give one example of category of staff under each classification.                                  
         ( b ) Write Medical Category of the following –
                 ( a ) Watch man.     ( b ) Gate Keeper.      ( c ) Gang man.      ( d ) Office Clerk.
Q.3.- ( a ) What do you mean by Casual Labour. What payment a casual labour is entitled.
        ( b ) What are the main provision of workmen’s compensation Act?
Q.4.- ( a ) What are the various types of leave that a Railway Employee  can possibly get ?
         ( b ) What are the rules for medical facilities for Railway employee, Retired Railway employee and their dependent.
Section – II
Q.1.- Write short notes on :-
      i.     Urgency Certificate.
     ii.     Liability Register.
    iii.     No Claim Certificate.
   iv.     Canons of financial Property.
Q.2.- ( a )  Distinguish between Earnest money and Security Deposit.
         ( b ) What are the procedure for calling Tender.
         ( c ) What are the checking by Tender committee before finalization of Tender.
Q.3.- What responsibility of AEN with regard to -               
      i.     Measurement of works.
     ii.     Checking of Contractor Bills.
    iii.     Account of Stores.
   iv.     Establishment matter.
Q.4.- ( a ) What are Deposit work.
         ( b ) Describe the procedure to be followed for under taking such work.
         ( c ) How is the recovery of maintenance charges of Railway siding done.


L.G.S. Examination for Engg. Deptt.
Date : 29 – 08 - 1982
Time :- 2½ Hrs.                                 Paper I ( Technical )                               Total Marks :- 100
Note :-   1. Answer any four Questions.
             2. All Questions carry equal marks.
             3. Assume suitable additional data where necessary.
Q.1.- Which of the following works require CRS’s sanction.
         Answer any six only.
                      i.       Providing on ash pit in a Passenger line.
                     ii.       Removal of an existing ash pit.
                    iii.       Construction of a foot over bridge.
                   iv.       Replacement of 1 in 8½ turn out by a 1 in 12½ turn out.
                    v.       Demanning of a level crossing.
                   vi.       Track Renewal Works.
                  vii.       Providing additional classification lines in a Marshalling Yard.
                 viii.       Permitting new type of loco in a Private siding.
                   ix.       Heavy regrading of track for easing the rulling gradient.
Q.2.- Explain briefly with the help of neat sketches the road opening and procedure for deep screening of track on a main line , indicating the sequence of speed restrictions, engineering time allowance required for the work and the total duration of speed restriction of any one location or stretch of track while achieving a daily progress of 0.1 Km on a Broad Gauge main line with out the use of tie tamping machines.
Q.3.- A single storied auditorium hall 10 m wide x 30 m long ( Internal clearly dimensions ) has an RCC roof slab supported by RCC Tee beam at 3 m spacing ( center to center ) on load bearing stone masonry walls 0.40 m thick, with the roof slab projecting all round 1.50 m clear beyond the wall, There are no parapets.
         Draw neat free hand sketches showing longitudinal and cross sections clearly indicating the spacing and bending of the steel reinforcement bars in the roof slab and the Tee beam including the shear reinforcement. No design calculations are required, you may assume reasonable sections and sizes and spacing of reinforcement based on your experience.
Q.4.- Explain any method of either –
a)  Regirdering under traffic on a single line.
b)  Launching girders on a new line for 3 x 30.6 m through type RBC open web girders on a parenuaial river including transport of steel work members to site, site assembly and reverting.
Q.5.-  It is proposed to rebuild a 1 x 6 ft. Girder bridge as a 1 x 2 m RC slab culvert on a broad gauge single line section under traffic by using a RH girder span having an  over all length of 12 m and a depth 1.00 m from rail level to bottom of the RH Girder with the following data :-
         Rail level to bottom of foundation – 4.5 m.
         Bottom width of proposed foundation for each abutment – 2.00 m.
         Draw a neat dimensioned free hand sketch of the above showing the seating arrangements under the ends of the RH girder span, depth of supporting cribs, and the calculated slopes of earth to the level of excavation for the foundations.
Q.6.- What is meant by M 300 concrete ? What are the five major factors which require to be controlled in      to consistently produce high strength concrete at site based on design mix.
Q.7.- What are the advantage of welded bridge girders over riveting girders? What are the precautions required in the fabrication of welded bridge girders?
Q.8.- Write short notes on any two of the following –
                      i.       Prestressed concrete.
                     ii.       Transition Curves.
                    iii.       Foundations for buildings on Black cotton soil.
                   iv.       Formation treatment by blanketing.
                    v.       Earth work compaction at optimum moisture content.
                   vi.       Monsoon Patrolling.


Central Railway - Selection to Class II – Civil Engineering Department
Date : 12 – 09 – 1982                                                                                             Time : 2½ Hrs.
Establishment & General                                                                                     Total marks : 100
Note :-  1. Two questions to be attended from section I & II each.
             2. All Questions carry equal marks.
Section – I
Q.1.- Write short notes on :-
                      i.       PNM.
                     ii.       Special Casual leave.
                    iii.       Staff benefit fund.
                   iv.       Minor Penalties covered by D & A rules.
Q.2.- ( a ) What are selection posts and non selection posts?
         ( b ) Indicate the procedure followed in filling up these posts?
Q.3.- What is the procedure for removing a class III employee from service?
Q.4.- ( a ) What are the main provision of workmen’s compensation Act?
         ( b ) What are the main provision of Payment of wages Act?
Section – II
Q.1.- Write short notes on :-
                      i.       Pink Book.
                     ii.       Contractor’s ledger.
                    iii.       Material at site account.
                   iv.       Single tender.                                  
Q.2.- What is the procedure to be followed for terminating a work contract –
a)  Due to failure of contractor.
b)  Due to freesing of work for want of funds.
Q.3.- ( a ) What is Deposit work?
         ( b ) What is the procedure to be followed for undertaking a deposit work of a Railway siding?
Q.4.- ( a ) What do you under stand by Standard Schedule of Rate and Non schedule rate?
         ( b ) What is the procedure for finalizing limited tenders?


Selection of Class III staff for promotion to class II service ( AEN ) in the Civil Engineering Department
L.G.S. Examination

Date : 20 – 6 – 1987                                   Marks : 100                                      Time : 2½ Hrs.

Paper I ( Technical )
Note :- 1. Answer any Five Questions.
            2. All Questions carry equal marks.
Q.1.- A Girder Bridge of 1 / 20 ft. span B.G. in to be rebuild as 1 / 20 ft. RCC slab bridge. Height of bank is 3 mts. Stop dead end proceed restriction is to be avoided. Describe what arrangements you will make and what procedures you will follow right from the time the work is sanctioned to the time speed restriction on the new bridge is completely removed. Assume data where necessary. Also draw sketches where required.
Q.2.- Write out the specification for track ballast for the main line. What procedures and precaution are required to be taken by the ADEN for collection and insertion of ballast with out any irregularity occurring.              
Q.3.- ( a ) Name works requiring CRS’s sanction. Also name a few works not requiring his sanction. Write a safety certificate for a work sanctioned by CRS.
          ( b ) Show by sketches the types and locations of speed restriction boards used for temporary Engineering speed restrictions.
Q.4.- ( a ) What are LWR’s. Calculate the force developed in a 52 Kg rail in LWR in the peak of summer. Assume data.
         ( b ) What is the procedure for maintenance of these LWR’s and what precautions are necessary to prevent buckling?
Q.5.- An Important bridge ( 10 span of 150 ft Girders ) is to be inspected by you as ADEN during your annual bridge inspection schedule. This bridge had guide bunds also. Write out the proforma for inspection of such bridges and your inspection notes for this bridge assuming data where necessary.
 Q.6.- ( a ) On what basis are the level crossing classified into various categories? Broadly what are the specifications and requirements of different types of level crossings?
          ( b ) What measures will you take to prevent accidents at level crossings – manned and unmanned?
Q.7.- Write short notes on any four of the following :-
                      i.       Rail fractures and their prevention.
                     ii.       Direct maintenance of quarters.
                    iii.       Track monitoring by Recording Cars.
                   iv.       Formation Stabilisation.
                    v.       Foundations for buildings on black cotton soil.
                   vi.       Transition curves.
                  vii.       Prestressed concrete.


Selection of Class III staff for promotion to class II service ( AEN ) L.G.S. Examination For Engineering Department

Date : 20 – 6 – 1987                                                                                      Time : 2½ Hrs.

Paper II ( General & Establishment )
Note :- 1. Answer any two  Questions of section I.
            2. All Questions carry equal marks of section I.
                                                      Section I ( General )                        Maximum Marks : 50
Q.1.- What are the different types of Engineering Surveys under taken before constructing a new Railway line? Explain their scope and significance.
Q.2.- ( a ) What is the difference between ‘’General Conditions of Contract’’ and Special conditions of Contract’’? In the event of a clash between the two, which will prevail?
          ( b ) Explain the procedure for terminating a works Contract with a view to carry out the work by another agency at the risk and cost of the contractor.
Q.3.- Write short notes on any Two of the following :-
                      i.       Urgency Certificate.
                     ii.       Deposit Works.
                    iii.       P.P.E. Act.
                   iv.       Completion Estimate.
                    v.       Material at site Account.
Q.4.- Explain the meaning of the following kinds of Estimates and when have to be prepared :-
                      i.       Abstract Estimate.
                     ii.       Construction Estimate.
                    iii.       Revised Estimate.
                   iv.       Supplementary Estimate.
                    v.       Completion estimate.

Section II  ( Establishment )                                                                      Maximum Marks : 50

L.G.S. Examination for promotion to assistant Engineer ( Cl. II ) On 20 – 6 - 1987
Note :- 1. Please read the paper carefully.
            2. Be brief in your answers.
Q.1.- Fill in the blanks :-                                                                                   ( Marks – 10 )
                      i.       The standard hours of duty of an E.I. worker are ------------.
                     ii.       Retrenchment compensation equivalent to ----- days, average pay for every completed year of continuous service is payable under I.D. Act.
                    iii.       Workman should be deemed to have completed one year continuous service if he has worked for ------ days in a period of 12 months.
                   iv.       Project casual labour becomes entitled for temporary status on completion of ------ days of continuous service.
                    v.       Over time allowance for period of work beyond roster hours and up to statutory limit is permissible at -------- times.
Q.2.- Write short notes on any four of the following :-                                   ( Marks – 20 )
                      i.       Qualifying Service.
                     ii.       PNM.
                    iii.       Substitutes.
                   iv.       Hospital Leave.
                    v.       Trade Test
                   vi.       Compensatory casual leave.
                      i.       On what basis OT is paid to a Gang man?                               ( Marks -2 )
                     ii.       What procedure is followed to change the classification of a Gateman under HOER?                                                                                      ( Marks -4 )
                    iii.       What are the permissible deductions under payment of wages act?   ( Marks -2 )
                   iv.       To what medical facilities to a casual labour is entitled?                      ( Marks -2 )
                    v.       A class IV employee ( D Category ) is changed with serious misconduct who is competent to remove him from service?                                               ( Marks -2 )
                   vi.        An employee under suspension reports sick can any leave be sanctioned to him?     ( Marks -2 )
                  vii.       What is the upper age limit for the engagement of a casual labour?    ( Marks -2 )
                 viii.       What is the family pension admissible as per extant orders?             ( Marks -2 )


Selection of Class III staff for promotion to class II service ( AEN ) in the L.G.S. Examination Civil Engineering Department
Date : 20 – 6 – 1987                           Time : 2½ Hrs.                                     Marks : 100
Answer any five Questions.
All Questions carry equal Marks.
Q.1.- The existing Versines on a curve are as follows :
Station No.
Versine in mm
Station No.
Versine in mm
Station No.
Versine in mm
                                                                                                       Total     -      484
It is proposed to realign the curve. Calculate the proposed versines and slews at all stations. The theoretical versine on the curve portion is 32.
Q.2.- In regard to maintenance of LWRs / CWRs make out a work chart showing the details of work authorized level of supervision permitted temperature ranges and speed restrictions if any. The following proforma may be followed :
Type of work
Extent to which it is permitted
Max. deviation from td
Who is competent to be in charge of the work
Block or superstitions if any
Cover all types of work pertaining to LWRs / CWRs including casual renewals. Lifting of track, realignment of curves, hot weather patrolling, fractures, buckling, De-stressing etc.
Q.3.- A double line is being constructed to the existing running line in black cotton soil area. When completed the double line is to be opened to traffic straight away at full speed. You are the AEN in charge of double line and you have to make banks ( average height 4 meter ), cutting ( average depth 3 meter ) and constructed a bridge 2 of 40 ft girders adjacent to the existing bridge. What specifications and superstructure of the bridge? What precautions will you take to ensure safety of traffic on the running line? Write dimensioned sketches wherever necessary.
Q.4.- What are distressed bridges?
         What are the common types of distress seen in arch and Girder Bridge?
         What types of repairs are carried out and what precautions are taken in maintaining such bridges before they are completely rebuilt?
Q.5.- A single storeye waiting hall 30 m x 8 m is to be constructed with load bearing walls and RCC roof slab. Design the slab and tee- beam ( spacing of T beams is 3 m center to center ) Assume data which is not given.
Q.6.- ( a ) Give the following dimensions for BG –
                      i.       Minimum horizontal distance of any building on a passenger platform.
                     ii.       Height above rail level of a high level passenger platform.
                    iii.       Minimum height above rail level of any over head structure like FOB or ROB on an electrified section.
                   iv.       Length, thickness and spacing of bridge timbers.
                    v.       Recommended gradient in station yard.
         ( b ) A new ‘C’ class manned level crossing is to be constructed on a single line BG section at a location at a location where the track is straight and on a bank of height 4 meters. Make out a plan and cross section showing important dimensions and facilities to be provided at the level crossing.
Q.7.- Describe unevenness and twist. What are all the Track parameters recorded in track recording cars? How are the results classified and how do they help you in maintaining your track?
Q.8.- Write short notes on any four of the following :-
                      i.       Patrol Charts for monsoon Patrolling.
                     ii.       Elastic Fastenings.
                    iii.       Working of Push Trollies.
                   iv.       Restricted head way girders.
                    v.       Assessing Water requirement of big railway stations and colonies.
                   vi.       Ballast measurements.
                  vii.       Water cement ratio.
                 viii.       Rocker and roller bearing for bridges.



Examination for Selection of Asst. Engineers – Group ‘B’
Date : 12 -01 – 1991                              Time : 2½ Hours.                                      Marks : 100
Technical Paper
Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks please keep your answers brief eligible and illustrate with dimensioned sketches. Where required.
Q.1.- Give the schedule of dimensions in the following cases for BG –
                      i.       Maximum cant and cant deficiency permitted on BG.
                     ii.       Maximum and minimum clearance between top of open switch BG.
                    iii.       Maximum and minimum clearance of a check rail in a BG level crossing.
                   iv.       Maximum spacing of bridge timbers.
                    v.       Maximum distance apart for trolly refuges in cutting.
Q.2.- Write short notes on the following –
                      i.       Monsoon Patrolling of track.
                     ii.       Oiling and Greasing of fish plated joints.
                    iii.       Prestressed Concrete Sleeper.
                   iv.       Direct maintenance of Quarters.
Q.3.- ( a ) What is ‘’Corridor Block’’?
         ( b ) What is ‘’Engineering time allowance’’?
         ( c ) What is an ‘’Alignment Kink’’ and a ‘’Rail Kink’’?
         ( d ) What is PQRS?
Q.4.- A work of 10 km of C.T.R. has to be executed in 1993. Please explain briefly what steps are taken to survey, sanction, estimating and executing the work, including labour planning and disposal of released materials.
Q.5.- Briefly describe any interesting technical job, you have handled in your carrier. Please restrict your answer to 2 pages, and include basic technical data, manpower used and solutions found.
Q.6.- How do you monitor rail fractures and weld failures? What are the different methods adopted on central Railway to reduce rail fractures and weld failures? Please restrict your answer to 3 pages.
Q.7.- Write short notes on the following –
                      i.       Building cost Index.
                     ii.       Under reamed piles for a building.
                    iii.       Water Cement Ratio in concrete.
                   iv.       Permanent adjustment in a dumpy level.
Q.8.- What are main features of –
                      i.       Deck type girders.
                     ii.       Under slung girders.
                    iii.       Through type girders.
                   iv.       Semi through type girders.
Please illustrate with simplest method.
Q.9.- ( a ) What are the different methods adopted on the Central railway for –
                 ( i ) Water Filter.        ( ii ) Sedimentation.          ( iii ) Sterilisation.
         ( b ) What is –
                 ( i ) Potential head. ( ii ) Friction head.
                 ( iii ) Residual head in a water distribution system.
Q.10.- ( a ) What are the provisions under Official Languages Act?
           ( b ) What are the norms in track structure and track standard for Shatabdi route?



Examination for Selection of Asst. Engineers – Group ‘B’
Section II - Establishment
Date : 12 -01 – 1991                              Time : 1½ Hours.                                      Marks : 25
Answer any two questions.                                                
Q.1.- Write short notes on any three of the following –
                      i.       Registers to be maintained and notices to be exhibited as per labour laws.
                     ii.       Compassionate Appointments.
                    iii.       NDA
                   iv.       PLB
Q.2.- Please write true or false.
1.        DA is a non taxable income.
2.        Unmarried daughter having service is not eligible to be included in Privilege Pass.
3.        GM has no powers to transfer office bearers of unions.
4.        Essential staff can not take casual leave even up to 3 days with out prior permission.
5.        When a dependent is included in privilege pass, the number of other family members should not be more than 5.
6.        Seniority of construction and open line casual labour is to be maintained combinely.
7.        Seniority of casual labour in all departments is Assistant Office wise.
8.        A person going on deputation to other government department can commute 100% pension.
9.        Ministerial staff are not eligible for over time.
10.     Casual labour on open line get temporary status after 180 days of employment.
Q.3.- Fill in the blanks –
1.        Upper age of recruitment in Group ‘D’ Category is ------------ .
2.        Minimum family pension is --------- .
3.        Statuary hours of duty for an EI worker are ------------ .
4.        Widow of class IV employee is eligible for Privilege pass for ---------- sets.
5.        Running allowance is -------------- Percentage of pay.
6.        Ex gratia pension per month is ----------- .
7.        Scale of Group ‘A’ Junior scale officer is ----------------- .
8.        Surcharge on Income Tax is ------------ when gross taxable income is more than Rs. 75 thousand per year.
9.        Maximum number of casual leave permissible is -------------- for workshop staff.
10.     Gazetted Holidays per year are ---------------- .



Examination for Selection of Asst. Engineers – Group ‘B’
Section II – Finance Rules
Date : 12 -01 – 1991                              Time : 1½ Hours.                                      Marks : 25
Answer any two questions, each question carries 12.5 marks.
Q.1.- What are the Canons of Financial property? How is financial justification prepared for items in works, machinery and plant Programme.
Q.2.- Distinguish between and write short notes on –
1.        Preliminary works Programme and Final works Programme.
2.        Budget order and Budget allotment.
3.        Works Register and Revenue Allocation register.
4.        ACF & DF3.
5.        Late tender & Delayed tender.
Q.3.- Distinguish between –
1.        Completion Report and Completion Estimate.
2.        DRF & Development Fund.
3.        Abstract Estimate & Detailed Estimate.
4.        Earnest money & Security Deposit.
5.        Works tender & Store Tender.




Date : 24.07.1993                   ( Maximum Marks 150 )                          Time :  3 hours
Note :-
i.        Candidates should clearly write their Roll Number in words also.
ii.        Attempt any 2 ( Two  ) questions from Part ‘A’ ,  any 2 ( two ) questions from Part ‘B’, Question No. 7 and any other three questions from Part ‘C’.
iii.        Please be brief in your answers.                                                    
iv.        Before completing the paper, blank pages in the answer books must be crossed by the candidate.


( Answer any two questions )
Q.1.- Write short notes on any Three of the following -                                 ( 4 x 3 = 12 )
f)   Pink Book.   
g)  D.S.- 8 Note.                     
h)  Canons of financial properties.                                        
i)    Arbitration.                    
j)    Completion of tender.
Q.2.- What is draft Para? Who issue  it? What is the procedure for finalizing it?        ( 12 )
Q.3.- Through which demands / grants, the following expenditures. Answer any six of the following ?                                                                                    ( 6 x 2 = 12 )
a.    Maintenance of Staff Quarters.
b.    Maintenance of Station Building.
c.    Maintenance of DRM Office.
d.    Track Renewal.
e.    Gauge Conversion.
f.     Laying of Double Line track.
g.    Survey.
h.    Salary of AEN.
i.      Maintenance of Railway Track Machines.


( Answer any two questions )
Q.4.- A PWI has been found responsible for causing a collision of a dip-lorry with an express train. Spell out the steps to be train to take DAR action against him, commencing from the time, the accident Enquiry Report has been accepted by the DRM.           ( 12 )
Q.5.- Write short notes on any Three of the following -                                 ( 4 x 3 = 12 )
a)  Compassionate appointment.
b)  Staff Benefit Fund.         
c)  Duty hours of Essentially Intermittent Worker and Excluded staff.
d)  Retirement Benefit.                   
e)  P.N.M.     
Q.6.- ( a ) state whether the following statements are true or False.
                      I.    T.A. is part of salary.
                    II.    To take the benefit of pension on voluntary retirement one should have 20 years of qualifying service period is compulsory.
                   III.    A hand written warning is a prescribe Penalty.
         ( b ) Choose the correct answer from the following.
          I.    A Project Casual Labour gets temporary status when he completes his service of …… nos. of days.          ( a ) 180 days.               ( b ) 360 days.                    ( c ) 120 days.      ( d )  None of these.
        II.    In group B of Civil Engineering department the vacant Posts filled by LDCE have …… percent of Post.      ( a ) 25 %       ( b )  30 %      ( c ) 50 %        ( d ) 70 %
       III.    To get the 50 % maximum pension out of the salary a qualifying service of …….Years.     ( a ) 25 years.     ( b ) 30 years.       ( c ) 33 years.     ( d ) None of these.
( Attempt Question No. 7 and any other three questions )
Q.7.- ( Compulsory ) Write short notes on any Five  of the following -                   ( 5 x 6 = 30 )
a)  Chamfering of Rail holes.    
b)  Lubrication of Rail Joints.   
c)  Slump Test.
d)  O.M.S. 2000.
e)  Portal Crane for Track renewals.
f)   Unimat Machine.
g)  Lubrication of bearing of Girder.
h)  Deposit works.
i)    Transition Curve.
j)    Official Language Act.
Q.8.- ( a ) Draw a neat free hand sketch of a septic tank for 100 users and explain its working.
                                                                                                                       ( 16 )
         ( b ) Indicate how you will treat the effluent.                                          ( 8 )
Q.9.- As AEN in charge you have to carry out 50.00 Km of CTR with 60 Kg 10 rail welded panels on MBC sleepers of existing LWR main line track of 52 KG. on CST9 sleepers in double line section. Broadly give the planning and steps involved for execution of this work from start to finish in a financial year.  How many time required for execution of this work and explain                                                               (24)
Q.10. – Explain briefly the working of a Ballast Cleaning Machine and steps to be followed to maximize its output? What are the different types of On-Track Ballast Cleaning Machines available on Central Railway?                                                         ( 24 )
Q.11. A new bridge 11 x 24 m. to be constructed in doubling project. The bank height at both end is 10 m. What type of girder you will use in this bridge. Suggest the launching scheme for girders to bridge describe in short with the sketches.    ( 24 )
Q. 12.- ( a ) What preventive action and precautions that you will take to reduce rail fractures  and weld failure.                                                                 
         ( b ) What are the causes of buckling of track in short welded Rails and long welded rail ?
          What precautions would you take to prevent buckling of LWR and SWR tracks ?

Q.13.- A work of construction of 40 unit type II  malti story  Quarters included in works programme 1993-94. After receive the information describe stepwise working for that work will be done.                                             ( 24 )

Q. 14.- A Beam A B 12 meter long rests on supports 9 meter apart the right hand end over hanging the supports by 1 m and the left hand end by 2 m . The beam carries a uniformity distributed load of 300 kg per meter. The beam also carries a point load of 2000 kg at extreme right hand end and apart of 1500 kg at the left hand end.

           Construct the shear force and bending moment diagrams and also calculate the maximum bending moment.                                                 ( 24 )                            



L.G.S. EXAMINATION – CIVIL ENGINEERING – July 1993 ( Supplementary )

Date : 31.07 .1993                   ( Maximum Marks 150 )                          Time :  3 hours
Note :-
1.    Candidates should clearly write their Roll Number in words also.
2.    You are required to answer Part ‘A’ ,  any 2 ( two ) questions from Part ‘B’, From   Part C attempt Question 7 and any other three questions.
3.    After completing the paper, blank pages in the answer books must be crossed by the candidate.


( Answer any two questions )
Q.1.- Write short notes on any Three of the following -                                 ( 3 x 4 = 12 )
a)  Single tender.
b)  P.P.E. Act.            
c)  Completion estimate.                       
d)  On Account Bill and Final Bill..                     
e)  MAS Account.                                                                          
Q.2.- Describe the various budget stages for review / modification of budget grants, what is the time schedule for the divisions to submit their requirements to the Head quarters at each stage?                                                                                                  ( 12 )
Q.3.- Distinguish between any three of the following -                        ( 3 x 4 = 12 )
a)  Earnest money and security deposit.
b)  General Conditions of Contract and Special Conditions of contract.
c)  Revised Estimate and Supplementary Estimate.
d)  Final modification Material Modification.
e)  Reappropriation of Funds and Misappropriation of Funds.


( Answer any two questions )
Q.4.- Write short notes on any Three of the following -                                 ( 3 x 4 = 12 )
a)  Trade Test.
b)  Over Time.
c)  Corporate Enterprise Group.
d)  Payment Of Wages Act.
e)  Minor Penalty.
Q.5.- ( a )  ( i ) Who is the highest paid employee who is entitled to earn Bonus?     ( 2 )
                 ( ii ) When is an employee detained in custody deemed to be under suspension? ( 2 )
                 ( iii ) Under the Railway service conduct rules, above which financial limit is a non gazetted employee required to report a transaction in movable property?   ( 2 )
Q.6.- What are the various types of leave that an AEN can possibly get ? What are their respective entitlement/ which of these can be carried forward to the next year? What is the maximum limit to which the same can be accumulated?                 ( 12 )
( Attempt Question No. 7 which is compulsory and any other three questions )
Q.7.- ( Compulsory ) Write short notes on any Six  of the following -                   ( 5 x 6 = 30 )
a)  Under Reamed Piles.                  
b)  C.S.M.                    
c)  Track Recording.
d)  Railway affecting tanks.
e)  Over dimensional consignment ( O.D.C. )     
f)   Scour.                       
g)  Pressure Filter for drinking water supply.
h)  ‘A’ region states under Official Language Act.
i)    Security patrolling.
j)    Gauge conversion.
Q.8.- ( a ) What do you understand by gap survey? On what type of track is it carried out and when? What is the follow up action.                                                ( 12 )
        ( b ) What do you understand by distressing? On what types of track is it generally done? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a rail tensor for distressing work?                                                                                             ( 12 )
Q.9.- A bridge of 2 x 3.05 m arch is distressed and required to be rebuild. What type of new bridge would you recommended as replacement? Explain briefly with a neat free hand sketch as to how you would execute the work?                                   ( 24 )
Q.10.- An Express train has derailed in mid section in your jurisdiction as an AEN, you are the first officer to reach the site. On reaching the site, you are sure that apart from serious injuries, some deaths have also taken place. Explain in brief what action would you take in order of precedence till a more senior officer arrives and there after.      ( 24 )
Q.11.- What are steps required to be taken to acquire land for new line/ Part of the Alignment passes through Forest Land. Is it possible to commence the work before compensation has been paid to the landowners? If so under what circumstances and how?      ( 24 )
Q.12.-  Distinguish between any three of  the following.                                    ( 3 x 8 = 24 )
a)  Slip Siding and Catch Siding.                                           
b)  Reinforced concrete and pre stressed concrete.
c)  Permanent and Temporary adjustments of dumpy level.
d)  On track tamper and Off track temper.
Q.13.- ( a ) What are the works require the sanction of CRS?                           ( 12 )
           ( b ) Indicate the following dimension for BG track -                    ( 6 x 2 = 12 )
1.    Minimum clearance at checkrail on level crossings.
2.    Maximum distance apart between trolley refuges in tunnels.
3.    Maximum horizontal distance from center of track to the face of a goods platform.
4.    In 25 kv AC electrified section, the minimum height above rail level for a distance of 1600 mm on either side of the centerline of track for a road over bridge.
5.    The minimum length and depth of a bridge timber resting directly on longitudinal girders.
6.    Maximum gradient that can be normally permitted in the station yards on a new line under construction.
Q.14.- The roof of a rectangular hall 6.00 m wide and 21.00 m long is supported by rectangular RCC beams located 3.00 center to center. Assuming the thickness of slab to be 10 cm. design an intermediate beam using M 150 concrete and a live load 500 kg/ m2, ignore ‘T’ beam affect. Indicate clearly the assumptions made.                           ( 18 )
            Make a neat sketch showing the reinforcement details.                             ( 6 )




Date : 30.10.1993                              ( Maximum Marks 150 )                          Time :  3 hours
Note :-
1.    Candidates should clearly write their Roll Number in words also.
2.    You are required to answer Part ‘A’ ,  any 2 ( two ) questions from Part ‘B’, and in Part C attempt Question 5 which is compulsory and any other three questions. Marks for each question are clearly indicated.
3.    After completing the paper, blank pages in the answer books must be crossed by the candidate.


Q.1.- Write short notes on any Four  of the following -                                 ( 4 x 6 = 24 )
a)  Tender Committee.                                          
b)  Proprietary Article certificate.                     
c)  Termination of contract.                                                              
d)  Operating ratio.                       
e)  P.P.E. Act.            
f)   Revenue Grants pertaining to Engineering Department.
g)  Fixing of License fee for Railway land.


( Answer any two questions )
Q.2.- Spot the correct answer for each of the following questions from amongst the multiple choice given against each. Each correct answer gets you 2 marks, while each wrong answer would attract a penalty mark of 1.
         ( a ) A candidate has to pass a trade test to get promoted from-
                      i.       Highly skilled Fitter Gr. I to SOM.
                     ii.       Hammer man to Black smith.
                    iii.       Junior clerk to Senior Clerk.
                   iv.       None of these.
         ( b )  Engagement  of Casual labour ( fresh faces ) can be done under personal approval of -     ( 1 ) G.M.       ( 2 ) C.E.     ( 3 ) D.R.M.       ( 4 ) Sr. DEN.
         ( c ) The normal upper age limit for recruitment of group ‘D’ service in Railway is –
       ( 1 ) 25 years.       ( 2 ) 28 years.      ( 3 )  30 years.       ( 4 ) None of these.
         ( d ) Night duty allowance is payable for performance of duty between –
                      ( 1 ) 22.00 to 08.00 hrs.                       ( 2 ) 00.00 to 08.00 hrs. 
                      ( 3 ) 22.00 to 06.00 hrs.                       ( 4 ) None of these.
        ( e ) Leave on half average pay can be converted into ‘commuted leave’ as leave on average pay for half the period on - 
                      ( 1 ) Medical ground only.                                    ( 2 ) In emergent cases.  
                      ( 3 ) When LAP due to the employees in nil.       ( 4 ) For higher studies.
          ( f )   An employee  can request for voluntary retirement after putting in minimum service of -   ( 1 ) 15 years.     ( 2 ) 20 years.     ( 3 ) 25 years.    ( 4 ) None of these.
Q.3.- What are the entitlement of a monthly rated casual labour? What additional benefits does he get when absorbed against a regular post?                                       ( 12 )
Q.4.- Write short notes on any Three of the following -                                 ( 4 x 3 = 12 )
a)  Declaration under service conduct Rules.
b)  Family Pension.
c)  Hours of Employment Regulations.
d)  Compassionate appointment.
e)  Major Penalty.                                    
( Attempt Question No. 5 and any other three questions )
Q.5.- Write short notes on any Five  of the following -                   ( 5 x 6 = 30 )
a)  Hot weather patrolling.              
b)  Rail Tensor.        
c)  Well foundations.
d)  Land acquisition Act.
e)  CRS Sanction.                               
f)   Cover in RCC.               
g)  Oiling and greasing of Important Bridge.
h)  POH of the tie Tamping Machine.
Q.6.- A single storied community hall 30 x 9 m size has a R.C.C. roof. The roof slab overhangs beyond the outer walls by 1.0 m on all sides. Draw a neat free hand sketch including the arrangement of typical reinforcement required for the beam and slab arrangement by drawing a cross section.                                                                           ( 24 )
Q.7.- Explain the action to be taken after a weld failure has been reported in a LWR track. ( 16 )
         If there are frequent weld failures in a section, what could it indicate and what is the remedy?                                                                                                     ( 8 )
Q.8.- ( a ) What do you understand by the provisions of section 3 ( 3 ) of the Official languages Act?                                                                                                          ( 15 )
         ( b ) As per the extent instructions are the schedules of inspection of an AEN of the following -                                                                                          ( 3 x 3 = 9 )
2.    Catch water and side drains in cuttings.
3.    Infringements.
4.    Surprise Inspection of payments of PWI / IOW.
Q.9.- Distinguish between the following. Attempt any four.                                    ( 4 x 6 = 24 )
a)  CTR value of the track and CTR of track.
b)  Reinforced concrete and pre stressed concrete.
c)  CSM and TRT.
d)  Channel sleepers and S.T. sleepers.
e)  R.H. Girder and Early steel girder.
f)   Ruling Gradient and Compensated gradient.
Q.10.- A 1 x 4.57 m span distressed arch bridge is to be rebuild fully ( including sub structure and foundation ) with a 1 x 6.10 m PSC slab bridge. Height of formation above bed level is 6.0 m. Bottom of the proposed and existing foundations is 1.50 m below bed level. Other dimensions may be suitably assumed. No raising of the existing rail level is necessary. Please draw a neat dimensioned sketch indicating the temporary arrangements required to carry out this rehabilitation work.                      ( 24 )
Q.11.- ( a ) Describe in brief the various tests laid down to judge the portability of drinking water?                                                                                                 ( 12 )
            ( b ) Draw a neat sketch showing the general layout of a ‘ Sujala type of filtration plant.  
                                                                                                                                 ( 12 )
Q.12.- A serious accident involving a Passenger carrying train on a double line section has led to both deaths and grievous injuries, the affected train was an up train but the derailed vehicles are also fouling the DN track. You are the first officer to reach the site. Described briefly the action required to be taken by you at the site of the accident in order of priority.                                                                                         ( 24 )




Date : 20.11.1993                   ( Maximum Marks 150 )                          Time :  3 hours
Note :-
        i.       Candidates should clearly write their Roll Number in words also.
       ii.       You are required to answer Part ‘A’ ,  any 2 ( two ) questions from Part ‘B’, and in Part C attempt Question 5 which is compulsory and any other three questions. Marks for each question are clearly indicated.
      iii.       After completing the paper, blank pages in the answer books must be crossed by the candidate.


Q.1.- Write short notes on any Four  of the following -                                 ( 4 x 6 = 24 )
a)  Procedure for calling and finalization of single tender.
b)  PU-27 and PU- 28 for stores expenditure.
c)  Procedure for approval of works at divisional level.                   
d)  List of passenger amenity works.
e)  Capital Fund.          
f)   Liability register.
g)  Material modification.


( Answer any two questions )
Q.2.- What are the latest instructions regarding fixing of gang strength of P. Way gangs.   ( 12 )
Q.3.- If a working monthly rated casual labour dies in service, what are the rules and procedure for compassionate appointment?                                                                         ( 12 )
Q.4.- What are minor penalties and what is the procedure for imposing these?          ( 12 )
( Attempt Question No. 5 and any other three questions )
Q.5.- If you are the senior most officer at a site of Passenger train accident, what action will you take?                                                                                                                       ( 30 )
Q.6.- What are the rules regarding adoption of steel girders, composite girders and prestressed concrete girders / Give advantages and disadvantages of these type of girders.   ( 24 )  
Q.7.- What could be reason for pealing of concrete cover of RCC slab Bridge? What action will you take for repair of such a bridge? What precautions should be taken during construction to avoid such a failure?                                                              ( 24 ) 
Q.8.- What are rules regarding provision of LWR on girder bridges? Why LWR is not allowed on certain girder bridges?                                                                                    ( 24 )
Q.9.- Why it is necessary to record conditions of track both by a track recording car and by an accelerometer mounted on coaches? Which track defects remain undetected even after using both above methods of testing?                                                             ( 24 )
Q.10.- What are the advantages of using 60 kg 90 UTS rails on heavy traffic density routes? What are the do’s and don’ts to be observed while using 60 kg, 90 UTS rails?     ( 24 )
Q.11.- ( a ) What are the classification of states regarding correspondence in Hindi? What are the rules regarding Hindi correspondence with different types of States?    ( 15 )
            ( b ) Give your opinion regarding relative advantages and disadvantage of trolley and foot inspection of track.                                                                                   ( 9 )
Q.12.- How water supply requirement of a railway station is calculated, and what are the rules regarding providing proper source, pumping and storage.                                     ( 24 )
Q.13.- What quality controls are to be observed in an earthwork and RCC / PRC work of a new line construction? What records are to be maintained in this regard?                   ( 24 )



Date : 25.04.1998                   ( Maximum Marks 150 )                          Time :  3 hours
Note :-
i.    Candidates should clearly write their Roll Number in words also.
ii.    Attempt any 2 ( Two  ) questions from Part ‘A’ ,  any 2 ( two ) questions from Part ‘B’, Question No. 7 and any other three questions from Part ‘C’.
iii.    Please be brief in your answers.                                                   
iv.    Before completing the paper, blank pages in the answer books must be crossed by the candidate.


( Answer any two questions )
Q.1.- ( a ) Describe the various budget stages for review / modification of budget grants.      ( 6 )
         ( b ) Describe the various kinds of tender system for letting out works on contracts.     ( 6 )
Q.2.- Write short notes on any Four of the following -                                 ( 4 x 3 = 12 )
a)  Deposit works.                          
b)  Pink book.                                  
c)  Urgency Certificate.
d)  Supplementary estimate.
e)  Canons of financial properties.                                        
f)   Arbitration.                    
g)  Depreciation reserve Fund.
h)  Stock verification Sheets.   
Q.3.- What are the different types of Engineering surveys under taken before construction of a new line/ Explain their scope and significance.                                           ( 12 )


( Answer any two questions )
Q.4.- ( a ) Describe briefly the provisions of the Payment of Wages Act.          ( 9 )
         ( b ) Who is eligible to get PLB as per extant instructions?                       ( 3 )
Q.5.- Write short notes on any Three of the following -                                 ( 4 x 3 = 12 )
a)  Hours of Employment Regulations.
b)  Compassionate appointment.
c)  Permanent Negotiating machinery.
d)  Staff benefit Fund.        
e)  Family Pension.
f)   Section 3 ( 3 ) of Official Language Act.
Q.6.- ( a ) Enumerate major and minor penalties under the Railway Rules for discipline & Appeal.                                                                                                          ( 6 )
          ( b ) Describe in brief the procedure for imposing of a major penalty on a Railway Servant?                                                                                                         ( 6 )
( Attempt Question No. 7 and any other three questions )
Q.7.- ( Compulsory ) Write short notes on any Five  of the following -                   ( 5 x 6 = 30 )
a)  Under Reamed Piles.                  
b)  Water Cement Ratio.
c)  Afflux.     
d)  Early steel girders.
e)  Railway affecting Works.                    
f)   CMS.                          
g)  Cumulative frequency diagram for curves.
h)  Switch Expansion Joint.
i)    Lubrication of Rail joints.
j)    R.H. girder.
Q.8.- ( a ) What are the permitted locations for LWR/CWR?                   ( 12 )
         ( b ) Why LWR require distressing?                                                 ( 4 )
         ( c ) What is breathing length?                                                        ( 4 )
         ( d ) What is a hot weather patrolling and when is it necessary?    ( 4 )
Q.9.- ( a ) Enumerate the Pre-temping and Post-temping operations in a section under machine maintenance.                                                                          ( 15 )
         ( b ) What precautions will you take to obtain a good results for cast in situ weld?   ( 5 )
         ( c ) How will you utilize CMS 2000 for improving the running quality of your section? ( 4 )
Q.10.- In an embankment 3 m high, a culvert 1 x 3.0 m arch is in distressed condition and is required to be rebuild. Describe the phase of work,  illustrating by neat sketches. The depth of foundation existing is 1.2 m below the bed level.                                    ( 24 )
Q.11.- ( a ) What precautions are required for achieving good quality in painting of steel girders?
                                                                                                                                          ( 12 )
           ( b ) Illustrate with sketches the following types of girders, and the locations for their adoption-                                                                         ( 3 x 4 = 12 )
1.   Deck Type Girders.
2.   Under Slung Girders.
3.   Through Type Girders.
4.   Semi Through Type Girders.
Q.12.- ( a ) Write short notes on any Three of the following -                                 ( 4 x 3 = 12 )
                      i.        Direct maintenance of quarters.
                     ii.        Prestressed Concrete.        
                    iii.        Earth Work compaction at optimum moisture content.
                   iv.        Dumpy Level.                     
                    v.        Pressure Filter for drinking water supply.
           ( b ) Describe any type of foundation you would recommend for a double storied building in black cotton soil area. The depth of BC soil is up to 3.0 m. Data required if any may be assumed.                                                                                        ( 12 )
Q.13.- Design and draw neat sketch of a septic tank for colony having 100 units of quarters. Indicate and design the arrangements for disposal of affulents, if there is no natural drainage such as a nallah or a river, nearby                                            ( 24 )
Q.14.- ( a ) What are the various categories of Over dimensional consignments ( ODCs )? Who can authorize their movement?                                                                 ( 12 )
           ( b ) Give the following Schedule of dimensions for Broad Gauge section -    ( 12 )
                      i.    Maximum spacing of bridge sleepers.
                     ii.    Maximum distance apart of trolly refugees on bridges.
                    iii.    Maximum gradient in station yards unless special safety devices are provided.
                   iv.    Minimum radius of curves.
                    v.    Minimum distance center to center of tracks.
                   vi.    Maximum distance of checkrail opposite nose of crossing.
Q.15.- A Beam A B 10 meter long is simply supported at 2 m and 1 m from A and B respectively. The Beam carries a uniformly distributed load of 200 kg per meter and concentrated loads of 1500 kg and 2000 kg at A and B respectively.
            Draw the shear force and bending moment diagrams and also calculate the maximum bending moment.                                                                                    ( 24 )




Date : 23.05.1998                               ( Maximum Marks 150 )                          Time :  3 hours
Note :-
i.    Candidates should clearly write their Roll Number in words also.
ii.    Attempt any 2 ( Two  ) questions from Part ‘A’ ,  any 2 ( two ) questions from Part ‘B’, Question No. 7 and any other three questions from Part ‘C’.
iii.    Please be brief in your answers.                                                    
iv.    Before completing the paper, blank pages in the answer books must be crossed by the candidate.


( Answer any two questions )
Q.1.- What are the various type of estimates prepared for railway works? Essence in 4-5 lines for each of them should be given.                                ( 12 )
Q.2.- Write short notes on any Four of the following -                                 ( 4 x 3 = 12 )
a)  On account Bills.
b)  Issue of Tool & Plants to the Contractor.
c)  Single Tender.
d)  MAS account.
e)  Draft Para.
f)   Material Modification.
g)  Consolidated Fund of India.          
h)  Late tender and delayed tender.                           
Q.3.- ( a ) What is meant by standard Schedules of Rates and Non- Schedules rates.   ( 4 )
         ( b ) What is the procedure for finalizing Limited Tenders.                                  ( 8 )


( Answer any two questions )
Q.4.- ( a ) When is a  Railway Employee Required to be placed under suspension?  ( 4 )
         ( b ) How is the classification of gate – keepers of an engineering gate done? In which of the categories can a gate – keeper fall ?                                                     ( 8 )
Q.5.- Write short notes on any Three of the following -                                 ( 4 x 3 = 12 )
a)  Factory Act.
b)  Permanent Disability Leave.
c)  Corporate Enterprise Group.
d)  Workmen’s compensation Act.
e)  Trade Test.
f)   Family Pension.
Q.6.- What are the various types of leave that an AEN can possibly get ? What are their respective entitlement/ which of these can be carried forward to the next year? What is the maximum limit to which the same can be accumulated?                 ( 12 )
( Attempt Question No. 7 and any other three questions )
Q.7.- ( Compulsory ) Write short notes on any Five  of the following -                   ( 5 x 6 = 30 )
                i.        Chamfering of Rail holes.    
               ii.        Cant Deficiency.
              iii.        UNIMAT      
             iv.        Off Track Tampers. 
              v.        Oiling and Greasing of Girder Bridges.
             vi.        Workability of Concrete.
            vii.        Cover in RCC.       
           viii.        Buffer Rails.
             ix.        Submerged Arc Welding.
Q.8.- ( a ) When is the distressing of LWR / CWR necessary?                    ( 6 )
         ( b ) What precautions will you take for safe maintenance of SWR?  ( 8 )
         ( c ) A weld fractured in LWR section. Explain briefly the procedure for carrying out temporary and permanent repairs.                                             ( 10 )
Q.9.- ( a ) Explain briefly the working of a Ballast Cleaning Machine and steps to be followed to maximize its output?                                                                    ( 18 )
         ( b ) What are the different types of On-Track Ballast Cleaning Machines available on Central Railway?                                                                          ( 6 )     
Q.10.- ( a ) Name works requiring CRS’s sanction. Also name a few works not requiring his sanction.                                                                                       ( 8 )
            ( b ) Show by sketches the types and locations of speed restriction boards used for temporary engineering speed restrictions.                                    ( 16 )
Q.11.- Distinguish between the following attempt any four.       ( 4 x 6 = 24 )
a)  Slip Siding and catch siding.
b)  CTR value of track and CTR of track.
c)  Reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete.
d)  CSM and TRT.
e)  RH girder and Early Steel Girder.
f)   Channel sleepers and ST sleepers.
Q.12.- ( a ) What is grade compensation in curved? What in the rate of such compensation in BG? Work out the actual gradient required to be provided on a 40 curve where the rulling gradient is 1 in 100.                                                           ( 8 )
           ( b ) Describe the various items of work to be done under systematic through packing.
                                                                                                                                      ( 16 )
Q.13.- What is meant by M 30 concrete? What are the major factors, which require to be controlled in order to produce high strength concrete at site, based on the design mix?
                                                                                                                                        ( 24 )
Q.14.- ( a ) What are the advantages of welded girder over riveted girder?              ( 8 )
           ( b ) What do you understand by DTM as applied to Track maintenance? What are its advantages and disadvantage if any?                                                    ( 8 )
           ( c ) Describe briefly the various tests laid down to judge the portability of drinking water?
                                                                                                                                    ( 8 )
Q.15.- It is proposed to rebuild a 1 x 6 ft. girder bridge as 1 x 2 m. RCC slab culvert on a BG single line section under traffic by using RH girder span having an over all length of 17 m and a depth of 1 m from Rail level to bottom of girder with the following data –
            Rail level to bottom of foundation = 4.5 m.
            Bottom width of proposed foundation for each abutment = 2.00 m.
            Draw a neat dimensioned free hand sketch of the above showing the seating arrangement under the end of RH girder span depth of the supporting crib and the calculate slopes of earth to be level of excavation for the foundation.                ( 24 )




Date : 05.09.1998                ( Maximum Marks 150 )                    Time :  3 hours
Note :-
i.    Candidates should clearly write their Roll Number in words also.
ii.    Attempt any 2 ( Two  ) questions from Part ‘A’ ,  any 2 ( two ) questions from Part ‘B’ Question No. 7 and any other three questions from Part ‘C’.
iii.    Please be brief in your answers.                                                    
iv.    Before completing the paper, blank pages in the answer books must be crossed by the candidate.


( Answer any two questions )
Q.1.-   Write short notes on any Three of the following -                                 ( 4 x 3 = 12 )
    i.    Revise Estimates.
   ii.    Development Fund.          
  iii.    Material Modification.
  iv.    Liability Register.
   v.    Write- off sanction.
  vi.    MAS account.
Q.2.-  ( a ) Explain briefly the difference between ‘’Out of turn work’’ and the work on urgency certificate.                                                                                       ( 4 )
          ( b ) Who will bear the cost of manning of unmanned level crossing.    ( 3 )
          ( c ) What procedure is followed for under taking Deposit work.           ( 5 )
Q.3.- ( a ) Through which demands / grants, the expenditures for Engineering department is provided for?                                                                                 ( 3 )
         ( b ) Who will bear the cost of ROB / RUB to be constructed replacement of level crossing?                                                                                       ( 3 )
         ( c ) Distinguish between private Siding and Assisted siding.               ( 3 )
         ( d ) Explain briefly the procedure to be followed for replacement of ‘’cash-Imprest’’. ( 3 ) 
( Answer any two questions )
Q.4.- ( a ) When can a Railway Servant be deemed to have been placed under suspension. ( 3 )
         ( b ) What are the basic conditions to be satisfied for a person injured on duty to be eligible for compensation under Workman’s Compensation Act?                             ( 3 )
         ( c ) how is the classification of gate – keepers of an engineering gate done? In which of the categories can a gate – keeper fall ?                                                      ( 6 )
Q.5.- Write short notes on any Three of the following -                                 ( 4 x 3 = 12 )
    i.    Trade Test.             
   ii.    Over Time.                 
  iii.    Payment of wages Act.
  iv.    Compassionate Appointment.
   v.    Retirement Benefits.
Q.6.- A PWI has been found responsible for causing a collision of a dip-lorry with an express train. Spell out the steps to be train to take DAR action against him, commencing from the time, the accident Enquiry Report has been accepted by the DRM.           ( 12 )
( Attempt Question No. 7 and any other three questions )
Q.7.- Write short notes on any Five  of the following -                                 ( 5 x 6 = 30 )
a)  CRS Sanction.   
b)  Rail Tensor.                 
c)  Buffer Rails.          
d)  Well foundation.    
e)  PPE Act.                   
f)   Oiling and Greasing of Important Bridges.
g)  Submerged Arc Welding.
Q.8.- ( a ) What are the items that are to be complied with before laying of a LWR?  ( 10 )
         ( b ) Why LWR require distressing?                                                                 ( 6 )
         ( c ) What is breathing Length?                                                                        ( 4 )
         ( d ) What is a hot weather patrolling and when is it necessary?                     ( 4 )
Q.9.- ( a ) What do you understand by “Residual Chlorine” in water? How is it checked? ( 6 )
         ( b ) Distinguish between “Pressure Filter and Gravity Filter”.                        ( 9 )
         ( c ) What is a “Non return valve”? Where is it provided?                               ( 4 )
         ( d ) What is the function of “ Alum Dosing” in a water treatment plant?         ( 5 )
Q.10.-  What step are required to be taken to acquire land for a new line? Part of the alignment passes through forest land. Is it possible to commence the work before compensation is paid to the land owners? If so under what circumstances and how?              ( 24 )
Q.11.- ( a ) How will you check the camber of a 45.7 m. through Girder span during inspection? 
                                                                                                                                      ( 5 )
           ( b ) Which is the vulnerable location in a 30.5 m through girder requiring special attention during periodical examination?                                                 ( 10 )  
           ( c ) What precautions are required for achieving good quality of painting of steel structures?                                                                                                ( 9 )
Q.12.- ( a ) what are the various types of track Machines in operation on central Railway and for what purpose are they used?                                                                   ( 12 )
           ( b ) Describe briefly the working of PQRS.                                                       ( 12 )
Q.13.- ( a ) Describe briefly the latest specification for ballast.                                     ( 12 )
           ( b ) What could be reason for pealing of concrete cover of RCC structure? What action will you take to repair the same? What precautions should be taken during construction to avoid such a failure?                                                        ( 12 )           
Q.14.- ( a ) What are the various methods of monitoring track geometry running quality of track being used by the railways at present? Describe briefly.                         ( 12 ) 
           ( b ) What pre-tamping attention, attention during tamping and post-tamping attention should be ensured to achieve good results?                                             ( 12 )   


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