Previous Q Paper LGS Examination AEN (2003 To 2007)



Date : 01.02.2003                ( Maximum Marks 150 )                    Time :  3 hours
Note :-
    i.    Candidates should clearly write their Roll Number in words.
   ii.    Attempt any 2 ( Two  ) questions from Part ‘A’.
  iii.    Attempt any 2 ( two ) questions from Part ‘B’.
  iv.    Attempt Question No. 7 and any other three  questions from Part ‘C’.
   v.    All Questions carry equal marks except Q.No. 7 as indicated against each.
  vi.    Answer to be to the point and brief.
 vii.    Before depositing the answer books, blank pages to be crossed by the candidate.


Q.1.- ( a ) What are the two main Grants for engineering Department and what are detailed heads, sub heads and primary units?                                                         ( 6 )
         ( b ) Mention the various Budgetary stages for reviews in a financial year?    ( 6 )
Q.2.- ( a ) What are On Account Bill and Final Bill of works and what documents and certificates are to be attached with each?                                                           ( 6 )
( b ) Describe the Material at site account.                                              ( 6 )
Q.3.- Write short notes on any Three of the following -                                 ( 4 x 3 = 12 )
    i.    Operating Ratio.                                        
   ii.    Material Modification.        
  iii.    Completion Report.                
  iv.    Canons of financial properties.
   v.    D.S.8 Note.
Q.4.- ( a ) What steps are being taken for Man Power planning on Indian Railway?    ( 6 )
         ( b ) What are the classification of staff under HOER? Give one example for each.
                                                                                                                                         ( 6 )
Q.5.- ( a ) What are the steps involved in finalizing a major penalties charge sheet?     ( 6 ) 
         (  b ) Describe in brief the procedure for compassionate Ground Appointments?   ( 6 )
Q.6. -  Write short notes on any Three of the following -                                 ( 4 x 3 = 12 )
    i.    Trade Test.                                     
   ii.    PREM                           
  iii.    Hospital Leave.                   
  iv.    Qualifying service.                         
   v.    Calamity Advance.  
Q.7.- Write short notes on any Six of the following -                                 ( 5 x 6 = 30 )
    i.    Cant Deficiency and Cant Excess.                          
   ii.    Switch & Expansion joint and Breathing Length.
  iii.    Free Board & Clearance.                   
  iv.    Scour Depth and Danger Level.           
   v.    Private & Assisted Siding.   
  vi.    Security Deposit & Earnest money.                                    
 vii.    Catch siding & Slip Siding.
viii.    Temporary & Permanent Speed restriction and Engineering Allowance.
  ix.    Design Mix and Quality control in concrete.
   x.    CRS Sanction.        
Q.8.- ( a ) What safety precautions are to be taken for maintenance of LWR / CWR during extreme hot weather and cold weather?                                                  ( 12 )        
          ( b ) Explain in brief USFD testing of rails and welds.                                   ( 12 )       
Q.9.- As AEN in charge you have to carry out 3.0 Km of CTR with 60 Kg 10 rail welded panels on MBC sleepers of existing LWR main line track of 52 KG. on CST9 sleepers. Broadly give the planning and steps involved for execution of this work from start to finish in a financial year.                                                                                                    ( 24 )
Q.10.- ( a ) What is mechanical compaction of earth work and what system you will observe for quality control and measurements and payments to the contractor? Draw the typical cross section of a double line track in bank and cutting.                             ( 12 )
           ( b ) What are the function of blanketing material and how its thickness is to be decided in case of earth work in railway bank.                                                              ( 12 )
Q.11.- ( a ) How are the zonal contract fixed? What is the limit of a zonal work order?       ( 8 )
           ( b ) What is the procedure for dispensing with calling of tenders and doing work on quotation?                                                                                                         ( 8 )
           ( c ) How the variations in contract are dealt with?                                                 ( 8 )
Q.12.- ( a ) What are the monsoon precautions to be taken in a sub division having heavy rain fall?                                                                                                                  ( 12 )
            ( b )  A breach of 6m. length with average depth of 4.5 meter has taken place in a flash flood. Design the temporary girder arrangement for restoration of traffic. Assume suitable dimensions for drawing the sketch?                                                    ( 12 )
Q.13.- ( a ) What are items of detailed inspection of a open web steel girder of 45.7 m. span.
                                                                                                                                             ( 12 )
           ( b ) Suggest the launching scheme for super structure of 3 x 30.5 m span steel girders to bridge a deep gorge.                                                                                         ( 12 )
Q.14.- ( a ) Draw out a plan for PQRS yard and mention the various activities dealt with in PQRS yard.                                                                                                        ( 12 )
            ( b ) What are the various schedules of maintenance for CSM ( Tamping Machine ) and draw a labeled sketch of tamping bank of CSM.                                                ( 12 )
Q.15.- ( a ) Draw bending moment and Shear force diagram for a simply supported beam of 6 m span having over hange of 2 m on one side ( 6 + 2 ) and one end at wall with a UDL of 500 kg per meter.                                                                                               ( 12 )
            ( b ) Sketch out the typical detailing of reinforcement of above RCC beam. ( without detailed design calculations )                                                                            ( 12 ) 
Q.16.- ( a ) What is final location survey and what details are to be covered for FLS of a new line project.                                                                                                               ( 9 )
           ( b ) Describe various provisions under official languages Act 3 ( 3 )   and also explain the prize incentives for good work done in Hindi.                                                      ( 15 )




Date : 08.02.2003                   ( Maximum Marks 150 )                          Time :  3 hours
Note :-
    i.    Candidates should clearly write their Roll Number in words.
   ii.    Attempt any 2 ( Two  ) questions from Part ‘A’.
  iii.    Attempt any 2 ( two ) questions from Part ‘B’.
  iv.    Attempt Question No. 7 and any other three questions from Part ‘C’.
   v.    All Questions carry equal marks except Q.No. 7 as indicated against each.
  vi.    Answer to be to the point and brief.
 vii.    Before depositing the answer books, blank pages to be crossed by the candidate.


Q.1.- What is alphanumeric system of allocation of expenditure under revenue Grant and works grants? Give an example of such allocation of expenditure on an activity you are associated with.                                                                               ( 12 )
Q.2.- Describe in brief the format in which a detailed Estimate of construction covering all activities will have to be arranged ( without quantities ) for –
                  A Road Over Bridge for PWD on Deposit term basis.
                  Railway siding for a cement Plant on deposit term basis.                 ( 12 )
Q. 3. -  Write short notes on any four of the following -                                 ( 4 x 3 = 12 )
    i.    Part I & Part II Audit Reports..
   ii.    Advice Note.                  
  iii.    Stock Sheets.                     
  iv.    Write Off.
   v.    Final Bill.
  vi.    Variation Statement in Contracts.
 vii.    Briefing Note.
Q.4.- ( a ) What is the procedure for creation of additional posts for additional assets?       ( 6 )
         ( b ) How Group ‘D’ vacancies are filled up these days on Railways?           ( 6 )
Q.5.- ( a ) What are various minor penalties under D & AR ?                                 ( 6 )
         ( b ) Give steps up a staff for loss of stores on account of neglect of duty.   ( 6 )
Q.6. -  Write short notes on any four of the following -                                 ( 4 x 3 = 12 )
    i.    Conduct Rules.                            
   ii.    Suspension.                    
  iii.    Industrial dispute Act.           
  iv.    Final Settlement on superannuation.
   v.    Productivity Linked Bonus.
  vi.    PNM.                                   
 vii.    Communal Roster.
Q.7.- Write short notes on any Six of the following -                                 ( 5 x 6 = 30 )
    i.    Cumulative frequency diagrams for curve Realignment.
   ii.    Distressing of LWRs / CWR.      
  iii.    Pre-temping & Post-temping operations.
  iv.    Guard Rails & Check Rails.              
   v.    Rocker & Roller Bearings.    
  vi.    Camber in Triangulated Girders.                                      
 vii.    Launching aprons.
viii.    Arbitration.
  ix.    Septic Tank & Acqua Privy.
   x.    Chlorination of Water.
Q.8.- ( a ) What are ( I ) Grade Compensation,  ( ii ) Cant Deficiency,  ( iii ) Cant Excess in respect of curves?                                                   ( 12 )
         ( b ) Calculate the Equilibrium Cant , maximum permissible speed and length of transition curve for a 3 degree  in BG with the following data -     
                    Maximum sectional speed                        - 110 km/h.
                    Speed for determining Equilibrium Cant   -  80 km/h.
                    Booked speeds for goods trains                -  50 km/h.
                    Permitted cant deficiency                          -  100 mm.
                    Permitted cant excess                               -  75  mm.                        ( 12 )
Q.9.- ( a ) What are the schedules of inspection of an AEN in-charge of an open line sub-division?                                                                                      ( 12 )
         ( b ) What are the various items to be checked while inspecting manned Level crossing gate across a motor able road?
                                          1 : 12 Turnout                                                             ( 12 )
Q.10.- ( a ) Draw the Plan & Elevation of 3 x 6 m Slab Bridge with open foundations in alluvial showing the floor and bank protection works . Assume suitable levels with reference to bed of channel having square & stable flow.          ( 12 ) 
            ( b ) Describe in brief annual inspection of major and minor bridges.        ( 12 )
Q.11.- ( a ) What soil investigations are required to be done for designing the foundation of major bridge.                                                                                              ( 6 )
           ( b ) Raker & under Reamed Piles.                                                                    ( 6 )
           ( c ) Cube Tests & Slump Tests for prestressed concrete girder designed Mix.( 6 )
           ( d ) Anti corrosion care of reinforcement bars in concrete work in saline environment.( 6 )
Q.12.- ( a ) Suggest a scheme for replacing of existing early steel plate girders of 10 x 18.2 m. span by new MBG welded girders received at site on a single branch line non electrified section Daily / weekly. Blocks of required duration can be arranged on this section and adequate width is available on abutments and piers for temporary arrangements and all spans are having flowing water.                                     ( 18 )
           ( b ) Suggest the painting scheme for these new plate girders.                      ( 6 ) 
Q.13.- ( a ) How will you fix danger level for a major bridge?                                    ( 6 )
           ( b ) A Distressed 1 x 3 m arch bridge is to be replaced by 1 x 6 m PSC slab bridge by using temporary girder arrangement for constructing the sub-structure and launching PSC slab in position. Assume suitable height of bank and other dimensions. Channel remains dry during working season. Draw a detailed dimensioned sketch of temporary arrangement.                                                                                  ( 18 )
Q.14.- ( a ) Draw atypical reinforcement diagram ( cross section ) of one way continuous roof ( 5 x 6 m span ) Slab simply supported on brick walls.                                          ( 12 )
           ( b ) Draw Bending moment and Shear force diagram for a simply supported beam of 6 m span having over hange of 2 m on either side ( 2 + 6 + 2 ) with a UDL of 500 kg per meter.                                                                                                               ( 12 )  
Q.15.- ( a ) What are the latest track tamping machines available with central Railway for tamping of main line and turnouts? Describe in brief the salient features of these two machines.                                                                                                         ( 12 )
             ( b ) Describe the formation of track Relaying train. Mention  the operations involved in relaying of a single line 52 Kg. MBC sleeper track by 60 Kg. on MBC sleepers. ( 12 )
Q.16.- ( a ) What details are to be covered in Reconnaissance Engineering – cum – Traffic Survey for a new line project and what is meant by rate of Return and economic rate of return in railway projects.                                                                                ( 9 )
            ( b ) What provisions under section 3 of official language Act? What rules for corresponding for ‘B’ reason to ‘A’ reason ?                                                     ( 15 )


West Central Railway
LGS Examination – Civil Engineering
Date : 18 -12 =2004                           Maximum marks : 150                                  Time : 3 hours.
Note :- ( 1 ) This question paper has 3 parts, Part – A, B & C.
  • Attempt only one question from Part – A.
  • Attempt only one question from Part – B.
  • Attempt Question No. 5 which is compulsory and any other three question from Part – C.
( 2 ) Total 6 ( Six ) questions are to be attempted.
( 3 ) Question may be written in Hindi or English.
( 4 ) Question on Rajbhasha may be replied in Hindi only.
( 5 ) Answers to be brief and to the point.
( 6 ) Before depositing the answer books pages be crossed by the candidates.
( 7 ) Candidates should write their roll numbers in words also.
          ( 8 ) Making any identification mark or name in the answer book is strictly prohibited. Any candidate not observing this will be disqualified.
          ( 9 ) The marks allotted for each question are indicated in the right hand side margin.            
Part – A
( Attempt any one question )
Q. No. 1 – ( a ) Write short notes on any three of the following -                           ( 3  x 4 = 12 )
              i.        Conduct Rules.                                                       
             ii.        Family Pension.                             
            iii.        Compassionate appointment.
           iv.        Industrial Dispute Act.
            v.        PREM
( b ) What steps are being taken for Man Power Planning on Indian Railways. ( 6 )
( c ) When is a railway employee required to be placed under Suspension?     ( 6 )       
Q. No. 2. – ( a ) What are the latest instructions regarding fixing of gang strength of P.Way. gangs.                                                                                                    ( 12 )
                   ( b ) Write down the steps involved in imposing a minor penalty chronologically.(12 )
Part – B
( Attempt any one question )
Q. No. 3 –  Write short notes on any Six of the following -                           ( 6  x 4 = 24 )
              i.        Cannons of financial propriety.
             ii.        Material at site Account.
            iii.        Open tender.
           iv.        Deposit work.   
            v.        Detailed Estimate.
           vi.        SRSF         
          vii.        Liability Register.
         viii.        Completion Report.
           ix.        Stock sheet.    
            x.        Draft Para.
Q. 4. – ( a ) Mention the various budgetary stage for reviews in a financial year.       ( 6 )
            ( b ) What is the difference between Earnest Money and Security Deposit.    ( 6 )
            ( c ) When is a Single Tender called?                                                              ( 6 )
            ( d ) When is a Material Modification done ? Give an example.                       ( 6 )
Part – C
( Attempt Question No. 5 which is compulsory and any other Three question )
Q.No. 5 – Write short notes on any six of the following -                                3 x 4 = 12
            i.       Transition curve.                         
           ii.       Composite steel girder.
          iii.       Elastomeric bearing.                    
          iv.       Climatic factors influencing the optimum orientation of building.
           v.       Water cement ratio.          
Q. No. 6 – ( a ) Describe the procedure of distressing a LWR panel using rail tensors.      ( 15 )
                  ( b ) What safety precautions are to be taken for maintenance of LWR during extreme cold weather and extreme hot weather ?                               ( 15 )
Q. No. 7 – ( a ) Explain briefly the working of a Ballast Cleaning Machine and steps to be followed to maximize its output.                                                     ( 15 )
                     ( b ) What precautions will you take to effectively reduce rail deterioration.    ( 15 )

Q. No. 8. - Write short notes on any six of the following -                                6 x 5 = 30
            i.       Well Foundation.                  
           ii.       River Training Works.                   
          iii.       Rocker & Roller bearing.         
          iv.       Workability of concrete.
           v.       Score depth.                          
          vi.       Distressed bridge.                                       
         vii.       Tremie concreting.               
        viii.       Water way.                             
          ix.       Loss of camber in steel triangulated ( open web girders ).
Q. No. 9 – ( a ) What precautions are required for achieving good quality in painting of steel girder                                                                                                         ( 15 )
                     ( b ) What points an inspecting official should note during inspection of cuttings?
                                                                                                                                                ( 15 )
Q. No. 10 - Write short notes on any six of the following -                                6 x 5 = 30
            i.       Raft foundation.                                  
           ii.       Black cotton soil.                
          iii.       Vacant railway buildings.
          iv.       Pictogram.     
           v.       Jointing of sewer pipes.
          vi.       Maintenance of railway garden by private parties.
         vii.       Railway Boundary stones.
        viii.       Completion drawing.
          ix.       PPE act.
Q. No. 11 – ( a ) Explain briefly the method of collection of water samples for analysis of its quality ( a ) from a Tape. ( b ) From a tank or a reservoir or a river. Where the water samples are tested.                                                                 ( 15 )
                     ( b ) ®úÉVɦÉɹÉÉ +ÊvÉÊxÉªÉ¨É vÉÉ®úÉ 3 ( 3 ) CªÉÉ ½éþ * ¨ÉÆb÷±É ¨Éå +{É®ú ¨ÉÖJªÉ ®úÉVɦÉɹÉÉ +ÊvÉEòÉ®úÒ EòÉèxÉ ½þÉäiÉÉ ½èþ, =ºÉEòÒ ÊxɪÉÖÊHò ÊEòiÉxÉä ºÉ¨ÉªÉ Eäò ʱɪÉä ½þÉäiÉÒ ½èþ *                                                                        ( 15 )


West Central Railway
LGS Examination – Civil Engineering ( Supplementary )
Date : 26 -12 =2004                           Maximum marks : 150                                  Time : 3 hours.
Note :- ( 1 ) This question paper has 3 parts, Part – A, B & C.
  • Attempt only one question from Part – A.
  • Attempt only one question from Part – B.
  • Attempt Question No. 5 which is compulsory and any other three question from Part – C.
( 2 ) Total 6 ( Six ) questions are to be attempted.
( 3 ) Question may be written in Hindi or English.
( 4 ) Question on Rajbhasha may be replied in Hindi only.
( 5 ) Answers to be brief and to the point.
( 6 ) Before depositing the answer books pages be crossed by the candidates.
( 7 ) Candidates should write their roll numbers in words also.
          ( 8 ) Making any identification mark or name in the answer book is strictly prohibited. Any candidate not observing this will be disqualified.
          ( 9 ) The marks allotted for each question are indicated in the right hand side margin.            
Part – A
( Attempt any one question )
Q. No. 1 – ( a ) Write short notes on any three of the following -                           ( 3  x 4 = 12 )
              i.        Hours of Employment Regulations.                                     
             ii.        Trade Test.                                 
            iii.        Staff Benefit Fund.
           iv.        Payment of wages Act.
            v.        PNM
( b ) How Group – D vacancies are filled up on Indian Railways these days.  ( 6 )
( c ) Write down the medical category of -                                                         ( 6 )
        ( I ) Gangman.       ( ii ) Gateman.    ( iii ) Trolleyman.         ( iv ) Watch man. 
        ( v ) Office Peon.            ( vi ) Black smith.
Q. No. 2. – ( a ) What is Revision and Review under DAR.                           ( 12 )
                   ( b ) What is a work charge post and how is it created.              ( 12 )
Part – B
( Attempt any one question )
Q. No. 3 –  Write short notes on any Six of the following -                           ( 6  x 4 = 24 )
           xi.        Limited Tender.
          xii.        Material modification.
         xiii.        Pink Book.
         xiv.        Operating Ratio.
          xv.        Excepted Matters.
         xvi.        Briefing Note.
        xvii.        Revised Estimate.
       xviii.        Non Schedule items.
         xix.        Works register.
Q. 4. – ( a ) What procedure is followed to undertake a deposit work?               ( 6 )
            ( b ) What are Assisted & Private Sidings ?                                              ( 6 )
            ( c ) Describe the procedure of terminating a works contract? What is the meaning of a Risk & Cost tender?                                                                         ( 6 )
            ( d ) Describe the Material at site account.                                                ( 6 )
Part – C
( Attempt Question No. 5 which is compulsory and any other Three question )
Q.No. 5 – Draw a neat sketch of any three of the following showing various parts. ( Dimensions need not be given ) :                                                 3 x 4 = 12
            i.       A roof truss supporting a sloping roof.
           ii.       A septic tank.
          iii.       A composite steel girder.
          iv.       A turnout.
           v.       Switch Expansion Joint.
Q. No. 6. - Write short notes on any six of the following -                                6 x 5 = 30
            i.       Grade compensation on curves.
           ii.       Coning of wheels and canting of rails.
          iii.       Over dimensional consignment.
          iv.       Buckling of track.
           v.       Cant deficiency and Cant excess.
          vi.       Cumulative frequency diagram for curve realignment.
         vii.       Chamfering of rail hole.
        viii.       Equated Track Kilometer ( ETKM )
          ix.       Duomatic on track tamping machine.
           x.       Corridor blocks.
Q. No. 7 – ( a ) What track relaying machines are available on WC Rly. Describe briefly the working of any one of them.                                                        ( 15 )
                     ( b ) Draw a neat sketch showing the fixtures of engineering indicators for a non stop restriction of 15 kmph outside station limits. Show distance of each the fixtures are to be fixed.                                                                 ( 15 )
Q. No. 8 -  Write short notes on any six of the following -                                6 x 5 = 30
            i.       Shear Connectors.
           ii.       Pile Foundation.
          iii.       Afflux in railway bridge.
          iv.       Channel sleeper.
           v.       Prestressed concrete.
          vi.       Painting schedule for steel bridge girders.
         vii.       Score depth.
        viii.       Concrete quality control.
          ix.       MBG loading.
Q. No. 9 – ( a ) Describe briefly the latest specifications for Ballast.                                     ( 10 )
                  ( b ) What properties should blanketing material have.                                        ( 10 )
                  ( c ) List any ten tooles and equipment required for inspection of railway bridges.(10)
Q. No. 10 - Write short notes on any six of the following -                                6 x 5 = 30
            i.       Safe bearing capacity of soil.
           ii.       Differential settlement.
          iii.       Hooke’s Law.
          iv.       Septic Tank.
           v.       Lime concrete terracing.
          vi.       Passenger amenities for physical handicapped.
         vii.       Expansion Joints.
        viii.       CRS sanction.
          ix.       PPE act.
Q. No. 11 – ( a ) How the water supply requirement of a station is calculated. Explain by giving an example. Assume data.                            ( 15 )
                     ( b ) ®úÉVɦÉɹÉÉ +ÊvÉÊxÉªÉ¨É vÉÉ®úÉ 3 ( 3 ) Eäò +xiÉMÉÇiÉ Ê´ÉÊ´ÉvÉ |ÉÉ´ÉvÉÉxÉÉå EòÒ SÉSÉÉÇ Eò®åú +Éè®ú ʽþxnùÒ ¨Éå +SUôÉ EòɪÉÇ Eò®úxÉä Eäò ʱɪÉä {ÉÖ®úºEòÉ®ú ªÉÉäVÉxÉÉ+Éå EòÉ ¦ÉÒ ´ÉhÉÇxÉ Eò®åú *                                                    ( 15 )




Date : 30.01.2005                ( Maximum Marks 150 )                    Time :  3 hours
Note :  1)   Candidates may write the examination either in English or in Hindi.
2)     Candidates should not write his name / roll number anywhere in answer 
        sheet except on fly slip.
3)    In case of any ambiguity in Hindi version, the English version is to be considered authentic.
4)    Candidates should also write their Roll Number in words.
5)    Answer to be to the point and brief.
6)    Before depositing the answer books, blank pages to be crossed by the candidate.
7)    Attempt any 4 ( four ) questions from Part ‘A’.
8)    Attempt any 2 ( two ) questions from Part ‘B’.


Q.1.   ( a )  Explain the salient features covered under Section 3 ( 3 ) in the Official Languages Act. 1963.                                                                                        ( 7½ )
            ( b )  Write the correct Hindi terms for the following English Administrative terms.
                      i.        Interim reply may be given.
                     ii.        Discuss with papers.
                    iii.        Keep pending.
                   iv.        Please circulate & file.
                    v.        Immediate action please.                                                  ( 1½ x 5 = 7½ )
            ( c )  Protection of line in case of ‘STOP DEAD RESTRICTION’ for carrying out a work of short duration on a single line section on a B.G. route – Explain with a sketch giving all the details along with specified distances etc.                        ( 10 )
Q.2.  ( a )   A theodolite was set up at a distance of 150 m from a tower. The angle of elevation to the top of the parapet was 100 8’ while the angle of depression to the foot of the tower was 30 12’. The staff reading on the B.M. of R.L. 50.217 m with the telescope horizontal was 0.880 m. Find –
                              i.        Height of the tower.                                          (7½ )
                             ii.        The reduced level of the top of parapet wall.   (7½ )
( Note : Assume sin 100 8’ = 0.1759 & sin 30 12’ = 0.0558 , cos 100 8’ = 0.9844 & cos 30 12’ = 0.9984 )
          ( b )  Explain in detail the various stages of attending to Rail fracture / weld failure in a L.W.R. track in field.                                               ( 10 )
Q.3.   ( a ) Calculate super elevation, maximum permissible speed and transition length for a 3o curve on ‘HIGH SPEED B.G. SECTION’ having maximum sanctioned speed of 110 km/h. Assume the equilibrium speed as 80 km/h and booked speed of goods trains as 50 km/h.                       ( 5 x 3 = 15 )
(b)     Write short notes on the following items-
i)              DBM system of maintenance
ii)             Single tender system
iii)            Painting schedule for steel bridge girders
iv)           Slump test                                            ( 4 x 2½ = 10 )
Q.4.  ( a )  Position of Engineering indicators in case of Multi speed restrictions on one of the line in a Double line section where the first speed restriction is of less value (say 20km/h) In comparison with the following speed restriction (say 45 km/h) in the direction of traffic movement. Explain with a sketch giving all the details along with specified distances etc.                                 ( 13 )
           ( b )  Distinguish between the following –                          (  4 x 3 = 12 )
                              i.        Catch siding & Slip siding.
                             ii.        Prestressed concrete & Reinforced cement concrete.
                            iii.        Final modification & Material modification.
Q.5. ( a ) A beam AB 12 m long is simply supported at 2 m & 1 m from A & B respectively. It carries a uniformly distributed load of 300 kg/m and concentrated load of 1500 kg & 2000 kg at A & B respectively. Draw the bending moment and shear force diagram duly indicating the values at critical locations.                               ( 7½ x 2 = 15 )
         ( b ) Explain in detail the need and the system of carrying out ‘GAP SURVEY’ and subsequent adjustment of gaps in SWR track in field.          ( 10 )
Q.6.  ( a )  What do you understand by budgetary review and explain the same in detail.     ( 8 )
         ( b )  Explain ‘Standard Measurement books’                                                ( 5 )
         ( c ) Write short notes on the following –
                              i.        Dismissal and Removal from service.
                             ii.        PREM- meeting.
                            iii.        An employee deemed to be placed under suspension.
                           iv.        Trade test.                                                              ( 3 x 4 = 12 )
Q.7.  ( a ) Explain so as to what do you understand by ‘Break in Service’ due to strike and how they are settled one way or the other finally.             ( 6 )
         ( b )  What do you understand by ‘revising Authority’ in DAR cases and what are his power? What procedure needs to be followed by ‘Revising authority’ in case he decides to enhance the penalty imposed to a Railway servant in a DAR case.   ( 7 )
         ( c )  Write short notes on the following –
                              i.        Operating Ratio.
                             ii.        Liability register.
                            iii.        Deposit Works.
                           iv.        Audit Paras.                                                    ( 3 x 4 = 12 )
Q.8.  ( a )  What do you understand by ‘Late & Delayed’ tenders and how they will have to be dealt as per rule.                                                      ( 6½ )
         ( b )  Variation in quantity during the execution of work – how they are to be dealt with as per rule.                                                                 ( 6 )
         ( c )  What do you understand by ‘Supernumerary Posts’ and under what circumstances such posts are created.                            ( 6½ )
         ( d )  Explain the term ‘Declaration under Service Conduct Rules’.     ( 6 )




Date : 15.05.2005                ( Maximum Marks 150 )                    Time :  3 hours
1.    Candidates have option to answer either in English or in Hindi. Question paper is available in both languages. However, in case of any mistake or ambiguity in Hindi version, the English version will prevail.
2.    Candidates should write their roll number, both in words & numbers, only on fly leaf and should not write his name/ roll number anywhere else in answer sheet.
3.    This paper contains total 18 questions in three parts. Attempt any 10 questions from Part ‘A’ and two questions each from Part ‘B’ & ‘C’.
4.    The blank spaces between the answers and blank pages at the end should be crossed by the candidate before depositing the answer scripts.
5.    Answer should be brief & to the point.


      Attempt any ten questions :
1.   Draw labeled free hand sketch plan and X section for inturning and jacketing of 6.1 m arch bridge. Also write briefly the important steps of execution. ( Height of abutment 5 m, depth of foundation 1 m, foundation strata – rock.)           ( 10 )
2.   Write short notes on any two of the following -                                 ( 5 x 2 )
                              i.        Distressed bridge & vulnerable Bridge.
                             ii.        Painting of Girder Bridges.
                            iii.        Numerical rating of Bridges.
3.   Write short notes on any two of the following -                                 ( 5 x 2 )
                              i.        Loss of camber in steel girders.
                             ii.        Types of bridge bearings.
                            iii.        Replacement of loose rivets.
4.   Write short notes on any two of the following -                                 ( 5 x 2 )
                              i.        License fee and way leave charges for Railway land.
                             ii.        Minimum essential amenity and desirable amenity.
                            iii.        Powers of recording measurement in M.B.
5.   a)  Write the specifications of earth work in embankment briefly.     ( 5 x 2 )
      b)  Write specifications of machine crushed ballast briefly.
6.    a)  Draw a free hand sketch of conventional SEJ on concrete sleeper and show the most common location of fracture.                                                        ( 5 )
b)  Write briefly the important precautions to be observed in maintenance of LWR track. ( 5 )
7.    Write short notes on any two of the following –                             ( 5 x 2 )
                      i.        Hot weather patrolling.
                     ii.        CTR value of track & CTR of track.
                    iii.        Chamfering of bolt holes.
8.    a)  What do you understand by super-elevation, cant deficiency and cant excess for curves. 
                                                                                                                                       ( 6 )
b)  Approximate maximum speed which can be permitted on a 3 degree curve.   ( 4 )
9.  Describe for any two of the three items listed below the procedure to be followed for maintenance in LWR / CWR track.                                                                 ( 5 x 2 )
                              i.        Overhauling of level xing.
                             ii.        Rectification of rail fracture.
                            iii.        Scattered renewals of sleeper.        
10.   Draw a neat free hand sketch of channel sleeper, including fixing arrangement of track and girder.                                                                                             ( 10 )
11.   Draw Bending moment and Shear Force diagram for a simply supported beam of 6 m span having overhangs of 2 m on either side ( 2 + 6 + 2 m ) with a UDL of 500 kg per meter.
                                                                                                                        ( 10 )
12.   Explain the salient features covered under Section 3 ( 3 ) in the Official Languages Act. 1963.                                                                                                      ( 10 )
         Attempt any two :
13.   Write short notes on any three of the following –
                              i.        SRSF
                             ii.        DRF
                            iii.        RSF
                           iv.        Deposit work.                                    3 x 4 = 12 + ½ for neatness
14.   Write short notes on any three of the following –   3 x 4 = 12 + ½ for neatness
                              i.        Single Tender.
                             ii.        P.P.E. Act.
                            iii.        Completion Estimate.
                           iv.        On Account Bill and Final Bill.
                            v.        M.A.S. Account.
15.   Distinguish between any three of the following :   3 x 4 = 12 + ½ for neatness
                              i.        Earnest money and Security Deposit.
                             ii.        General Conditions of Contract and Special Conditions of Contract.
                            iii.        Revised Estimate and Supplementary Estimate.
                           iv.        Final Modification and Material Modification.
                            v.        Re-appropriation of funds and Misappropriation of Funds.
         Attempt any two –
16.   Describe briefly the main features of Hours of Employment regulation.    ( 12½ )
17.   Write short notes on any three of the following –   3 x 4 = 12 + ½ for neatness
                              i.        Family Pension.
                             ii.        Compassionate appointment.
                            iii.        Major Penalty.
                           iv.        Staff Benefit Fund.
                            v.        Retirement benefits.
18.   What are the various types of leave that an AXEN / ADEN can possibly get? What are their respective entitlement ? Which of these can be carried forward to the next year ? What is the maximum limit to which the same can be accumulated ? ( 12½ )




Date : 29.05.2005                ( Maximum Marks 150 )                    Time :  3 hours
1.    Candidates have option to answer either in English or in Hindi. Question paper is available in both languages. However, in case of any mistake or ambiguity in Hindi version, the English version will prevail.
2.    Candidates should write their roll number, both in words & numbers, only on fly leaf and should not write his name/ roll number anywhere else in answer sheet.
3.    This paper contains total 18 question in three parts. Attempt any 10 questions from Part ‘A’ and two questions each from Part ‘B’ & ‘C’.
4.    The blank spaces between the answers and blank pages at the end should be crossed by the candidate before depositing the answer scripts.
5.    Answer should be brief & to the point.


      Attempt any ten questions :
1.  Explain briefly the precautions to be taken during maintenance to control fractures of rail, welds and fish plated zone.                                                               ( 10 )
2.  Draw a labeled free hand sketch of 18.3 m temporary girder arrangement on sleeper crib. Height from base level to rail level is 3.0 m. What speed restriction will be imposed.
3.   Write short notes on any two of the following -                                 ( 5 x 2 )
                              i.        Breathing length of LWR.             
                             ii.        Pre-Temping operation.    
                            iii.        Lubrication & Toe load of ERC.
4.   Write short notes on any two of the following -                                 ( 5 x 2 )
                              i.        Gap Survey and adjustment of gap.    
                             ii.        SEJ maintenance.          
                            iii.        Pulling back creep.                 
5.   Write short notes on any two of the following -                                 ( 5 x 2 )
                              i.        Cement pressure grouting.
                             ii.        Sliding centralized bearings.
                            iii.        Distressed Bridge diagram.
6.   Write the name of various types of heavy on-track, track machines used on Central Railway for maintenance and relaying. Describe their use and output in a block period of three hours. 
                                                                                                                  ( 10 )
7.   Write short notes on any two of the following -                                 ( 5 x 2 )
                              i.        Encroachment Inspection Register.
                             ii.        Standards of quality of Drinking water.
                            iii.        Plinth area limits for different type of quarters.
8.   Write short notes on any two of the following -                                 ( 5 x 2 )
                              i.        Official Languages Implementation Committee.
                             ii.        Hindi Week.
                            iii.        Schemes of Cash Awards & incentives.
9.      Describe various types of patrollings and their purpose.                 ( 10 )
10.    Describe in brief annual inspection of major and minor bridges.    ( 10 )
11.  Draw neat free hand sketches bringing out the details of the reinforcement, the bending of the bars and their spacing, for a typical T – Beam with two adjacent panels of slab, assuming suitable data based on your experience. No design calculations are required.
                                                                                                                     ( 10 )
12.   Draw a neat free hand sketch of a septic tank for 100 users and explain its working. There is no nallah river nearby. Indicate how you will treat the effluent.   ( 10 )
        Attempt any two questions :
13.   Write short notes on any three of the following -        (3 x 4 = 12 + ½ for neatness )
                              i.        Completion Report.
                             ii.        Cannons of Financial Property.
                            iii.        August Review.
                           iv.        Write off Sanction.
                            v.        Works Programme.
14.   Write short notes on any three of the following -        (3 x 4 = 12 + ½ for neatness )
                              i.        Stock Verification Sheets.
                             ii.        Operating Ratio.
                            iii.        Works Register.
                           iv.        Assessed Rent.
                            v.        DRF.
15.   Write short notes on any three of the following -        (3 x 4 = 12 + ½ for neatness )
                              i.        Part I & Part II Audit Reports.
                             ii.        Advice Note.
                            iii.        Variation Statement in Contracts.
                           iv.        Non-Schedule Items.
                            v.        Briefing Note.
       Attempt any two questions :
16.   Describe briefly the main features of Workmen Compensation Act.   ( 12½ )
17.   Write short notes on any three of the following -        (3 x 4 = 12 + ½ for neatness )
                              i.        Running Allowance.
                             ii.        Breach of rest allowance.
                            iii.        Break down allowance.
                           iv.        Night Duty allowance.
                            v.        National Holiday allowance.
18.   What are the different ( Minor and Major ) penalties under D & A Rules. What is the underlying intention, in your opinion for grouping the penalties under two heads - Minor and Major?                         ( 12½ )




Date : 23.12.2006                   ( Maximum Marks 150 )                          Time :  3 hours
Note :-
1.    Candidates have option to answer either in Hindi or in English. In case of any mistake of ambiguity in Hindi version. The English version will prevail.
2.    Candidates should write their Roll Number, both in words & numbers, only on fly leaf and should not write his name / roll number any where else in answer sheet.
3.    This paper contains total Fifteen ( 15 ) questions in three parts. Attempt any 2 ( Two  ) questions from Part ‘A’ & Part ‘’B’ and Five ( 5 ) questions from Part ‘C’.     
4.    The blank spaces between the answers and blank pages at the end should be crossed by the candidates before depositing the answer scripts.
5.    Answer should be brief & to the point.   
6.    Mobile / calculators / pagers etc. are not allowed in the Examination hall otherwise candidates will be debarred from the examination.
7.    Except answer nothing should be written in answer sheet.                                                  


Attempt any two questions. All Questions carry equal marks. One mark is for neatness.
Q.1.- Distinguish between any three of the following :            3 x 4 = 12  marks
                              i.        Earnest money and Security Deposit.
                             ii.        General Conditions of Contract and Special Conditions of Contract.
                            iii.        Revised Estimate and Supplementary Estimate.
                           iv.        Final Modification and Material Modification.
                            v.        Final bill and completion Report.                                                   
Q.2.- Write short notes on any Three of the following -                                  4 x 3 = 12 marks.
a.   Capital Fund.       
b.   Fixing of license fee for railway land.
c.   P.P.E. act.                                                            
d.   Variation statement in contracts.
e.   Non Schedule items.   
f.    Briefing Note.
Q.3.-Explain the procedure laid down for –                                        3 + 3 + 6 = 12 Marks.
   i.        Entering the measurements in MB.                        
  ii.        Maintenance of MB.                                             
 iii.        Testing checking of MB in      
i)    AEN Office.                                   
ii)   Divisional Engineer’s Office.
iii)  Divisional Account Office.
What are the powers for acceptance of tenders at various levels and to record measurement by Engineering subordinates and officers for works. And supply of materials on open line construction.                                                                                                   12 Marks.
PART ‘ B ‘
Attempt any two questions. All Questions carry equal marks. One mark is for neatness.
Q.1.- Write short notes on any Four of the following -                                  4 x 3 = 12 marks.
i)    Productivity linked Bonus.               
ii)   Communal Roster.
iii)  Break down allowance.                           
iv) Final Settlement payment on superannuation.
v)  Conveyance allowance.        
vi) Family Pension.                         
vii)Staff Benefit Fund.    
Q.2.- Answer any Three of the following -                                  4 x 3 = 12 marks.
a)    What notice required to be displayed in offices / depots under Hours of Employment regulation?
b)    Distinguish between dismissal and removal from service.
c)    How much DCRG a railway servant is due to receive on superannuation.
d)    What is meant by Temporary partial Disablement, Permanent Partial Disablement. And Total Disablement for the purpose of payment of compensation?
Q.3.- Write in details the salient features of any one of the following –
i)    Hours of Employment Regulation.
ii)   Workmen Compensation Act.
PART ‘ C ‘
Attempt any five Questions. All Questions carry equal marks.
Q.1.-  a ) Write short notes on any two of the following -                                  5 x 2 = 10 marks.
a.   Section 3 ( 3 ) of Official Language Act 1963.
b.   Parliamentary Committee on Official Languages.
c.   Various incentive schemes for encouraging the use of official Language in offices.
B ) List the equipments required for Alumino Thermit Welding of Rail joint by short pre heating process.                                                                                        10 marks.
Q.2.- Write short notes on any Four  of the following -                   5 x 4 = 20 Marks.
i)    Switch Expansion Joint.
ii)   Compensation for curvature on gradients.
iii)  Over Dimensional Consignment ( ODC ).
iv) Pressure filter for drinking water supply.
v)  Numerical Rating of Bridges.
vi) Painting schedule for steel Bridge girders.
vii)River Training works.
Q.3.-  a ) Draw a neat hand sketch of 30.5 m through type girder ( side elevation and cross section ) and label ( name ) its various components. Dimensions are not important.
                                                                                                                           12 marks
           B ) What are the R.H. Girders and where are they used.                      8 marks.
Q.4.- Write short notes on any four of the following -                                  5 x 4 = 20 marks.
i)    Concrete mix design.         
ii)   Ready mix concrete and admixtures.  
iii)  Permanent and Temporary speed restriction and Engineering Time Allowance.
iv) Scour depth, Foundation level and danger level.
v)  Design cant, cant deficiency and cant excess.
vi) Forging and machining.
Q.5.- Write in detail the various methods of corrosion protection of steel i.e. painting, epoxy painting, galvanizing and metalizing. Also write their relative advantages and disadvantages.                                                                                           20 marks
Q.6.- What procedure is required to be followed for the following items of track maintenance in LWR / CWR track.
i)    Cleaning of ballast by BCM.                                        8 marks.
ii)   Over hauling of level crossing.                                    4 marks.
iii)  Rectification of rail fracture.                                         4 marks.
iv) Scattered renewal of sleepers.                                    4 marks.
Q.7.- What do you understand by OMC. What is mechanical compaction of earth work and what system you will observe for quality control measurements and payments to the contractor? Draw the typical cross section of a double line track in bank and cutting.        20 marks.
Q.8.- Describe briefly the main features of any two of the following -          2 x 10 =20 marks.
i)    Measurement of tension in LWR by pull up method.
ii)   High speed End unloading Rake with ball bearing rollers.
iii)  52 kg – 60 kg transition SEJ.
iv) Special Diamond Crossing with full speed on main line.
Q.9.- Attempt any two of the following -                                     2 x 10 = 20 marks.
a)  Describe briefly the various maintenance schedules of tie tamping machine. Also describe the stipulated output of different type of tie tamping machines.
b)  Draw a neat diagram of a three line station on a single line section.
c)  Describe briefly the terms: MMD 1929. ‘X’ class loco profile condo nation of infringements.



Date : 21.01.2007                   ( Maximum Marks 150 )                          Time :  3 hours
Note :-
1.   Candidates have option to answer either in Hindi or in English. In case of any mistake of ambiguity in Hindi version. The English version will prevail.
2.   Candidates should write their Roll Number, both in words & numbers, only on fly leaf and should not write his name / roll number any where else in answer sheet.
3.   This paper contains total 21questions in three parts. Attempt any 2 ( Two  ) questions each from Part ‘A’ & Part ‘’B’ and Ten ( 10 ) questions from Part ‘C’.     
4.   The blank spaces between the answers and blank pages at the end should be crossed by the candidates before depositing the answer scripts.
5.   Answer should be brief & to the point.   
6.   Mobile / calculators / pagers etc. are not allowed in the Examination hall otherwise candidates will be debarred from the examination.
7.   Except answer nothing should be written in answer sheet.                                                  


Attempt any two questions. All Questions carry equal marks. One mark is for neatness.
Q.1.- Describe in brief format in which a Detailed Estimate of Construction covering all activities will have to be arranged ( without quantities ) for                                         12 Marks.
                A Road Over Bridge for PWD on deposit Term Basis.
                Railway siding for a cement Plant on  deposit Term Basis.
Q.2.- Write short notes on any Three of the following -                                  4 x 3 = 12 marks.
i)    Part I & Part II Audit Reports.
ii)   Advice Note.
iii)  Stock Sheet.
iv) Write Off.
v)  Final Bill.
Q.3.- State the agency would meet the expenditure on following cases:  6 x 2 = 12 marks.  
      i.Construction of a level crossing meant to meet Railway’s Statutory Liability.
     ii.Construction of a new ROB / RUB to meet demand due to increased road traffic.
    iii.Replacement of a Busy Level Crossing by an RUB which was originally provided at Railway’s cost.
   iv.Widening of Existing ROB.
    v.Upgrading of a level Crossing.
   vi.Interlocking of an existing Level crossing


Attempt any two questions. All Questions carry equal marks. One mark is for neatness.
Q.1.- ( a ) What is the procedure for creation of additional posts for additional assets. 6 marks.
         ( b ) How Group ‘D’ vacancies are filled up these days on Railways.                    6 marks.
Q.2.- What procedure is to be adopted for change of classification of staff from one category to other under HOER Rules.                                                                       12 marks.
Q.3.- What is meant by –
         Permanent total disablement & Permanent partial disablement in case of an accidental injury to Railway workman. What is the compensation admissible in both the cases?
                                                                                                                           12 marks.


Attempt any ten questions. All Questions carry equal marks.       10 x 10 = 100 marks.
Q.1.- Explain with hand sketch, the method of building a bridge under running line by ‘box pushing’ method. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this method.
Q.2.- Please explain the important items to be observed while inspecting a multi span plat Girder Bridge of 18.3 m span.
Q.3.- ÊEòºÉ |ɪÉÉäVÉxÉ Eäò ʱÉB Eäò´É±É ˽þnùÒ ¨Éå {ÉjÉÉSÉÉ®ú +ÊxÉ´ÉɪÉÇ ½èþ * ¨ÉÚ±É {ÉjÉÉSÉÉ®ú ÊEòºÉä Eò½þiÉä ½èþ *
Q.4.- Explain in brief the classification of Rail / weld defects for need based concept of USFD.
Q.5.- List the various types of small track machines. Write short notes on any two small track machines.
Q.6.- ( a ) What are the different methods of chlorination available for disinfection of water? Indicate the form of chlorine use in each of them.                         6 marks.
         ( b ) What do you mean by and how do you check ‘residual chlorine’’?       4 marks.
Q.7.- Write short notes on any Three of the following -                                  5 x 2 = 10 marks.
d.   Cant Deficiency and Cant Excess.
e.   Score depth and danger level.
f.    Design mix and quality control in concrete.
Q.8.- Suggest a scheme for replacing of existing early steel plate girders of 10 x 18,3 m span by new MBG welded girders received at site on a single branch line non electrified section Daily / Weekly Blocks of required duration can be arranged on this section and adequate width is available on abutments and piers for temporary arrangements and all spans are having flowing water.
Q.9.- Write the important items to be inspected during level Crossing inspection. How do you take census of traffic at level crossing.                    7 + 3 = 10 marks.
Q.10.- Describe briefly the specifications of machine crushed ballast. What are the important precautions required while measurement & passing of ballast.
Q.11.- What are the different types of Patrolling? When these are adopted? What are points to be considered while preparing the charts?
Q.12.- ( a ) As an AEN what precautions you will take while casting of an RCC slab of room.
           ( b ) Show the details of reinforcement of an over hanging canopy with a sketch.
Q.13.- You have been posted as an open Line AEN in charge of works and track. Draw your annual inspection schedule taking into consideration the latest CE’s Circular on the subject.
Q.14.- What are the items to be attended on the track for getting best result from machine tamping at the following periods –
i)    Before Tamping.
ii)   During Tamping.
iii)  After Tamping.
Q.15.- What are the various items to be checked while inspecting 1 in 12 turnout on PSC sleeper with CMS crossing and curved switch.


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Q Bank - Establishment / Personnel Dept. (82) Q Bank - Electrical Engineering (80) Q Bank - OS / Clerk / Typist (72) Q B Engg (P Way & Work) (67) Q BANK - Operating (63) Group 'B' Exam (60) Q Bank - APO ( Asst. Personnel Officer) (57) QUESTION BANK WITH ANSWER (55) Q B Establishment (48) Q Bank - Goods Guards (45) Q Bank - OHE/TRD/PSI (36) Q B - CIVIL ENGINEERING (AEN) (27) Q B - Welfare Inspector (27) Q BANK - C & W ( Carriage & Wagon ) (26) Q Bank - Account (24) Q BANK - LOCO (23) Q BANK Exam - Station Master (23) Q Bank - Commercial (22) Q Bank - AOM (19) Q BANK - Station Master (18) Q Bank - S & T (14) 1. Syllabus (13) Q Bank - D & AR (Discipline and Appeals Rule) (12) Q Bank - Medical (12) Q Bank - Posts (Civil Engineering & P way) Dept (12) 2. Q Bank - Group D To C (11) INDEX (11) QB - ENGINEERING ( MECHANICAL ) (11) Q Bank - LOCO (Diesel) (9) Q Bank - ACM (Assistant Commercial Manager) (9) Q BANK - Jr Engineer ( Diesel Mechanical ) (8) Q BANK - LOCO (AC) (8) Q Bank - Law Assistant (8) Q Bank - AME/AWM (7) Q Bank - Group D To C (6) Q Bank - General Knowledge (5) Q Bank - Publicity Inspector (5) Q Bank - Rajbhasha (राजभाषा) (5) Q Bank - Stores (5) RRB EXAM (5) NTPC (4) Q Bank - ADSTE / ASTE (4) Q Bank - AEE (4) Q Bank - CLI (4) Question & Answer (4) Q Bank - Appointment On Compassionate Ground Exam (3) Q Bank - Commercial Instructor Exam (3) Q Bank - Engineering (Bridge) (3) Q Bank - IT (3) Q Bank - Protocol Inspector (3) Q Bank - RPF Department (3) Short Notes (3) Q BANK - Jr Engineer ( Mechanical ) (2) Q Bank - C & M (2) Q Bank - CCTC (2) Q Bank - Carpenter (2) Q Bank - General English (2) Q Bank - Jr Engineer (Tele) (2) Q Bank - Ministerial Staff (2) Q Bank - Track Machine (2) Q Bank -Section Controler (2) Video (2) ABB (1) FAQ (1) GDCE Exam (1) IRMS (Indian Railway Management Service (1) JUNIOR ENGINEER (Non -AC) GRADE - II (1) Minimum Wages Act (1) Project & Planning (1) Q BANK & Answer - C & W ( Carriage & Wagon ) (1) Q BANK - Shunting Master (1) Q Bank - Instructor (1) Q Bank - AMM (1) Q Bank - All Department (1) Q Bank - Ballast Train Checker (1) Q Bank - Complaints Inspector (1) Q Bank - GK (Computer) (1) Q Bank - Leave Rule (1) Q Bank - Mason (1) Q Bank - Maths (1) Q Bank - NPS (New Pension Scheme) (1) Q Bank - OS / Clerk Typist (1) Q Bank - Pass Rule (1) Q Bank - Planning Inspector (1) Q Bank - Railway (GK) (1) Q Bank - Stenographer (1) Q Bank - Technician (Ele) (1) Q Bank - Traffic Costing Inspector (1) Question Bank - Technicians of TLAC Group. (1) Short Notes - Establishment (1) Short Notes - Operating / Traffic (1)