Commercial General - PART I

Descriptive Type

1 What are the functions of the Commercial Department? Duties of the Commercial staff especially Enquiry Clerks and Ticket Checking staff?
2 Give in detail the general rules for reservation of berths and seats?
3 Write about Section 49 of the Railways Act, 1989? Write the procedure for reservation of berths by Railway pass holders and also about cancellation of reservation?
4 What are the measures taken by the Railways in apprehending persons making false Reservation? Write about Section 53, 142 and 143 of the Railways Act, 1989?
5 Write about refund of fares on unused unreserved tickets and unused reserved ticket?
6 How do you arrange refund in the following cases: answer any three
a) Change of journey from lower class to higher class.

b) Discontinuation of journey due to dislocation of train services.
c) When a passenger is made to travel in lower class for want of accommodation.
d) Partially used tickets.
7 How do you arrange refund in the following cases: answer any three
a) Preponement and Postponement of journey
b) Failure on Air conditioning equipment
c) Starting journey confirmed onward journey not confirmed and vice versa.
d) Non-commencement of missing of journey due to late running of trains.
8 Write about revised Tatkal scheme for reservation of berths?
9 What is the procedure followed for allotment of reservation quotas to various stations?What do you understand by rationalization of reservations by long distance trains?
10 What are the general rules for exchange of various concessions on Indian Railways?
11 Ladies are given some privileges by Indian Railways explain? What are the facilities provided to foreign tourists and Members of Parliament?
12 Write short notes on exchange of the following concessions:
a) Orthopedically handicapped concession.
b) Blind concession.
c) Students Concession.
13 Write short notes on the following:
a) Check Soldier Ticket
b) Soldier Ticket.
c) Police Warrants.
14 Write about Joint Procedural Order issued in the year 2004 for exchange and accountal of High Official Requisition?
15 What is meant by Exceptional data report? What are the duties of ticket checking staff and E&RS for arranging refund and what are the cases covered under this scheme?
16 What is meant by e-ticketing? How e-reservation is made and what is Electronic reservation slip and how e-ticket can be cancelled?
17 Explain the procedure for booking of a special carriage/train and how do you calculate haulage and detention charges?
18 Write short notes on the following
a) Block reservation or group reservation
b) Ticket Deposit Receipt.
19 What are the duties of the Corridor Coach Attendants? What are the duties of the Ticket Checking Staff working by Sleeper class and Upper classes?
20 What are the different kind of checks conducted by Ticket checking organization to eradicate ticket less travel ?
21 What are the cause of ticket less travel and give your suggestions to eradicate ticketless travel?
22 What are the incentives and Awards Scheme available on S.C. Railway for implementation of Hindi?
23 What are the constitutional provision regarding use of Official Language Policy?

Commercial General - PART II

Objective Type Questions:
Fill in the blanks:
1 No. of languages mandatory on II class unreserved printed card tickets are _________
2 Ticket checking staff will issue ___________ ticket only.
3 On a computer ticket PNR stands for _____________________________
4 Children under _____ years of age are to be carried free.
5 Children aged _____ years and above and under ____ years of age are charged half of the adult fare subject to minimum fare.
6 F.O.I.S. stands for _____________________.
7 C.R.I.S. stands for ______________________.
8 I.R.C.T.C. stands for ______________________.
9 R.D.S.O. stands for ________________________.
10 I.R.F.C. stands for ________________________.
11 R.I.T.E.S stands for __________________________.
12 I.R.T.S. stands for __________________________.
13 CONCOR stands for ___________________.
14 IRCON stands for ______________________.
15 Check Soldier Ticket is issued in exchange of military warrant No.________
16 Soldier ticket is issued in exchange of military warrant No._________
17 The upper portion of IAFT 1752 will be submitted to __________ as cash voucher.
18 ICCRP entitles MPs to travel in_________ class along with spouse over all Indian Railways.
19 Colour of ICCRP issued to MPs of Lok Sabha is _________
20 Colour of ICCRP issued to MPs of Rajya Sabha is _________
21 In case of Indrail Pass Ticket, normal Break journey rules are __________
22 HOR is presented at stations in ___________ portions.
23 Platform tickets are valid for ___________ hours.
24 Cost of platform ticket is Rs.____
25 Maximum break journey period is _______ days excluding the date of arrival and departure.
26 Maximum number of break journey permitted on single journey ticket is __________
27 The number of break journeys permitted on a circular journey ticket is _________
28 The fare for a circular journey is calculated as sum of ______________________.
29 Accommodation for ladies must be reserved in trains as per section ______ of Railway Act 1989.
30 _________escort for every 4 girls of any age and boy students under the age of 12 years allowed at concessional fare.
31 __________ escort for every 10 Adult students is allowed at concessional fare.
32 Percentage of concession allowed on AC 2 tier fare for blind person is ________
33 Certificate issued for the blind is valid for a period of ___________ years.
34 Cancer certificate is valid for __________ years.
35 On collection of __________ fare, outward & return journey ticket is issued for unemployed youth.
36 War widows are allowed ____% concession in II/Sleeper class
37 Change of reservation is done only ___________________
38 Sleeping accommodation is provided from__________ to ________ hours.
39 R.A.C. stands for _______________________
40 P.O.E.T. stands for _____________________
41 I.V.R.S. stands for ______________________
42 N.T.E.S. stands for ______________________
43 S.O.F.T. stands for _____________________________
44 CONCERT stands for ___________________________.
45 E.D.R stands for _________________________________.
46 Passengers with reserved seats/berths must occupy their respective seats/berths ____ minutes before the departure of the train.
47 Reservation can be made _____ days in advance for foreign nationals.
48 Tatkal charge during non peak period in sleeper class is Rs.________ per passenger.
49 Tatkal charge during non peak period in A.C.Chair Car is Rs.________ per passenger.
50 Tatkal charge during non peak period in A.C.3 Tier is Rs.________ per passenger.
51 Tatkal charge during non-peak period in AC.2 Tier is Rs.________ per passenger.
52 ACM/AO/AM/SS[GAZ] can permit group booking in First Class and AC Classes from___ to ___ mber of berths.
53 DCM can permit group booking in First Class and AC Classes from___ to ___ number of berths.
54 Sr.DCM can permit group booking in First Class and AC Classes from___ ___ .
55 EDRs have to be prepared by __________________.
56 EDR should be prepared in ___________
57 Clerkage charge is Rs. ________ per passenger.
58 The minimum cancellation charges on I class reserved ticket is Rs.________
59 In case the fare is not refunded at the station, the party should be issued with _____________
60 On un-used unreserved tickets refunds can be arranged upto__ hours after the departure of the train.
61 Unused waitlisted/RAC tickets if not confirmed, ______________ will be deducted when cancelled.
62 Ticket Deposit Receipt is issued upto ________ days after the scheduled departure of the train.
63 The Passenger may apply for refund on TDR within _____ days from the endorsed date of commencement of journey to CCM/DCM.
64 Male persons found traveling in ladies compartment shall be prosecuted as per section ________ of Railway Act 1989.
65 Drunkenness or nuisance upon a railway will be dealt as per section ______ of Railway Act 1989.
66 Fine as per section 137 of the Railway Act 1989 for traveling without ticket intentionally is Rs.____
67 A person prosecuted as per section 142 of Railway Act 1989 is liable to pay a fine of Rs.___
68 A person prosecuted as per section 138 of Railway Act 1989 is liable to pay a fine of Rs._____
69 Fine for hawking upon a railway may extend upto Rs.________
70 A person found traveling without intention to defraud the Railway is dealt as per section _____ of Railway Act 1989
71 The ticket estimate should be revised once in _______ years.
72 The obsolete, damaged printed card tickets are sent to FA&CAO Office through _______ indent.
73 For preparation of the ticket estimate, actual number of tickets sold for first _____ months of the year should be worked out.
74 ______ months buffer stock should be added to the normal requirement of tickets while preparing the ticket indent.
75 The ticket indent is prepared in _______ copies by the Station Master.
76 Commencing numbers of the PCTs for the day are posted in the DTC book from the ________ day closing numbers.
77 Handing over and taking over of coaching cash is recorded in _____________ book.
78 Luggage is booked on the strength of valid ___________ or ______________
79 Free allowance of luggage on a I class child ticket is _____ kgs.
80 Maximum weight of luggage that can be carried in AC 3 tier compartment is ______ kgs.
81 Chargeable weight of a dog for booking in AC first class is _______ kgs.
82 Chargeable weight of a dog for booking in brake-van is _______ kgs

Commercial General - PART III

Multiple choice questions

1 Dog is permitted to be booked with owner in
[a] first class [b] AC 2 tier [c] Sleeper class [d] II class [e] none of these

2 Minimum freight charge for booking a dog is
[a] Rs.50/- [b] Rs.30/- [c] Rs.100/- [d] None of these

3 Chargeable weight of a dog booked with a blind person in first class compartment is
[a] 60 kg [b] 30 kg [c] 50 kg [d] none of these

4 To book a dog in brake van, one of the following is to be executed by the owner
[a] forwarding note [b] RR [c] PWB [d] none of these

5 Chargeable weight of a dog for booking in AC FC is
[a] 60 kg [b] 30 kg [c] 50 kg [d] not booked

6 Head of Public Relations department at Zonal Railway is

[a] CCM b] CPRO [c] Sr.DOM [d] Sr.DCM

7 Head of Commercial Department at Zonal level is

[a] CPRO [b] COM [c] CCM [d] Sr.DCM

8 Head of Public complaints at Zonal level is

[a] Sr. DOM [b] AGM [c] DRM [d] COM

9 Head of Public complaints at Divisional level is

a] Sr. DCM [b] ADRM [c] Sr. DOM [d] CCM

10 A complaint is made in ___ foils

[a] 3 [b] 4 [5] [d] 2

11 General Managers of Zonal Railways are provided with _____ metal pass

[a] gold [b] silver [c] Bronze [d] Platinum

12 The particulars that are mandatory to be printed on a journey ticket as per section 50 of Railway Act 1989

[a] station from and station to [b] fare [c] class
[d] date of issue [e] all these f] none of these

13 Minimum distance for charge in sleeper class

[a] 15 kms b] 100 kms [c] 150 kms [c] 200 kms

14 Printed card ticket should be dated on

[a] obverse side (face of the ticket) [b] reverse side [c] both sides [d] not dated

15 Check soldier ticket is issued to

[a] individuals [b] groups [c] families [d] none of these

16 Soldier tickets can be issued to

[a] individuals [b] invalid persons [c] family members of soldier [d] all these

17 Indrail pass tickets are issued on collection of

[a] US dollars [b] British pounds [c] any other convertible currency [d] all

18 Indrail pass ticket holders are exempted from payment of

[a] reservation charges [b] supplementary charges [c] meals charges [d] all

19 The requisition portion of HOR retained at station is treated as

[a] cash voucher [b] traveling authority [c] special credit letter [d] none of these

20 HOR is issued to high officials such as

[a] General Manager [b] Governor [c] C.C.M. [d] FA&CAO

21 Rail Travel coupons are provided for

[a] MLAs [b] MLCs [c] Press correspondents [d] All [e] None of these

22 Cloak room charges per article for first 24 hours or part of

[a] Rs.10/- [b] Rs.12/- [c] Rs.15/- [d] Rs.20/-

23 Break Journey endorsement consists of

[a] station [b] date [c] initials of SM/TC [d] All

24 When a ticket is reserved upto destination for more than 500 KM, break journey short of destination is

[a] allowed [b] not allowed [c] permitted once only [d] permitted twice only.

25 Maximum number of break journey permitted on a circular journey ticket is

[a] 8 times [b] 6 times [c] 10 times [d] no limit

26 Break journey can be permitted for those holding single journey tickets for distance more than

[a] 200 km [b] 500 km [c] 400 km [d] any distance

27 Break journey rules are not applicable to

[a] season ticket holders [b] railway pass holder [c] Indrail pass ticket holder [d] all

28 Break journey is not permitted at

[a] junction stations [b] intermediate station [c] suburban stations [d] non-suburban stations

29 Break journey is not allowed on

[a] blind concession ticket [b] concession tickets when issued for a specific purpose [c] senior citizen concession ticket [d] physically handicapped concession ticket

30 Concession fare shall be calculated on

[a] total fare [b] reservation charges [c] basic fare [d] None of these

31 Concession is not admissible in respect of

[a] reservation charges [b] super fast surcharge [c] Safety surcharge [d] All

32 The charging of minimum fare is not applicable to

[a] concession tickets [b] child tickets [c] adult tickets [d] none

33 No. of concessions allowed at one time is

[a] one only [b] two [c] three [d] four

34 Cancer patients traveling to and from hospital

[a] can break journey [b] cannot break journey [c] can break journey only once [d] can break journey twice

35 All concessions are granted across the counter at

[a] out agencies [b] reservation office [c] booking office [d] all of the above

36 SC/ST students are charged at _____ of the normal concessional fare admissible for general students

[a] 25% [b] 75% [c] 50% [c] 33.3%

37 ____ contains details of various concession allowed by Railways in fares.

[a] Coaching Tariff No.24, Part I, Vol.II [b] Coaching Tariff, Part II
[c] Coaching Tariff, Part III [d] Coaching Tariff, Part IV

38 Student concession on season ticket is allowed in

[a] II class only [b] I class only [c] ACCC [d] I class & II class

39 Concession is allowed for senior citizens in

[a] II class only [b] I class only [c] AC 2 tier only [d] all classes.

40 The element of concession allowed for senior citizen in all classes is ____ of fare.

[a] 25% [b] 50% [c] 30% [d] none of these

41 For every break journey, fresh ______ is payable

[a] super-fast supplementary charge [b] reservation charge [c] 12% surcharge [d] clerkage

42 Reservation-cum-security deposit per coach is

[a] Rs. 1000/- [b] Rs. 10,000/- [c] Rs. 5,000/- [d] Rs. 15,000/-

43 For reserving a special coach ___% service charge is levied on fare.

[a] 12% [b] 15% [c] 20% d] 25%

44 Reservation on telephone can be made for

[a] Ministers [b] Governors of State [c] Chief Justice and Judges of Supreme Court [d] MPs [e] All

45 A maximum of ___ members can be booked on a single application for a family or party

[a] 3 [b] 4 c] 5 [d] 6

46 Exchange of berths in the coach between passengers is

[a] not permitted [b] permitted with the knowledge of TTE
[c] permitted on payment of surcharge [d] none of these

47 Passengers are required to occupy their seat/berth atleast ___ minutes before departure of the train

[a] 10 minutes [b] 20 minutes [c] 30 minutes [d] 40 minutes

48 The vacant berth in ladies quota is

[a] allotted to male passengers [b] not allotted to male passengers
[c] allotted to male children below 12 years accompanying lady passengers [d] both (b) & (c)

49 The passenger whose name figures under RAC are initially provided with reserved

[a] sleeping accommodation [b] sitting accommodation [c] neither (a) or (b)

50 RAC facility is not available in

[a] sleeper class [b] AC 2 tier [c] AC 3 tier [d] AC FC

51 If the requisition for special carriage is placed less than 30 days in advance, permission must be obtained from

[a] CPTM [b] AGM [c] CCM [d] DCM

52 Minimum distance for charge is __ km in one direction in case of special carriage

[a] 500 [b] 700 [c] 1000 [d] 2000

53 On special reserved carriage, charges are calculated for

[a] actual number of persons traveling [b] marked CC of the coach
[c] either (a) or (b) whichever is higher [d] none of these

54 Concession is _______ in special reserved carriage

[a] permitted [b] not permitted [c] permitted only for senior citizens [d] none of these

55 The charges for special carriage should be paid in full ____ hours in advance of the departure of train.

[a] 24 hours [b] 48 hours [c] 72 hours [d] 4 days

56 Security deposit for special carriage will be refunded by ____ within 15 days after completion of journey

[a] CCM [b] SM of the journey originating station[c] DCM [d] ACM

57 If the reservation for special carriage is cancelled one day in advance and upto 4 hours before the scheduled departure of train

[a] 10% of SDRF is collected as cancellation fee [b] 25% of fare is collected as cancellation fee
[c] 50% of SDRF is collected as cancellation fee [d] none of these

58 If the ticket for special carriage is lost, duplicate ticket will be issued on collection of

[a] 10% of fare [a] 25% of fare [a] 50% of fare [d] none of these

59 Request for permission to board en-route may be made ___ before scheduled departure of train from that station

[a] 24 hours [b] 32 hours [c] 48 hours [d] 72 hours

60 Reservation made under tatkal scheme if cancelled.

[a] 50% of fare will be refunded [b] fare including tatkal charges will not be refunded [c] only tatkal charges is not refunded

61 Tatkal charge during peak period in Sleeper class per passenger is Rs. _______

[a] 75 [b] 150 [c] 200 [d] 300

62 Tatkal charge during peak period in AC Chair Car per passenger is Rs. _______

[a] 75 [b] 150 [c] 200 [d] 300

63 Tatkal charge during peak period in AC 3 Tier per passenger is Rs. _______

[a] 75 [b] 150 [c] 200 [d] 300

64 Tatkal charge during peak period in AC 2 Tier per passenger is Rs. _______

[a] 75 [b] 150 [c] 200 [d] 300

65 The CRI incharge of the reservation officers are permitted to accept Group Booking in Sleeper class

[a] from 18 to 24 [b] from 25 to 48 [c]from 49 to 72 [d] 73 and above

66 The ACM/AO/AM/SS(GAZ) can permit Group Booking in Sleeper class

[a] from 18 to 24 [b] from 25 to 48 [c]from 49 to 72 [d] 73 and above

67 The DCM can permit Group Booking in Sleeper class

[a] from 18 to 24 [b] from 25 to 48[c]from 49 to 72 [d] 73 and above

68 Sr.DCM of the division can permit group booking in sleeper class

[a] from 18 to 24 [b] from 25 to 48 [c]from 49 to 72 [d] 73 and above

69 On a circular journey ticket reservation charges are collected ______

[a] once [b] for each leg of journey [c] No reservation charge [d] none

70 On a circular journey ticket super fast surcharge is collected _____________

[a] once for entire journey [b] for each leg of journey [c] twice [d] none

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