Q BANK for the post of Chief O.S. (N.P.) Store Gr. Rs. 7450-11500 (RSRP)


1. Draft para
2. Preliminary works programme.
3. Stock/non-stock items and P.A.C.
4. Dismissal and removal.
5. Rule 14/2 of DAR.
6. Major works programme
7. Divisional works programme

8. Demands of grant.
9. Pink Book
10. Cannons of financial propriety.
11. Type of tenders.
12. Revenue works and sanctioned works.
13. Permanent, temporary and work-charged posts.
14. Cash Imprest.
15. Stock and non-stock items
16. Maternity leave.

17. Deposit work
18. Minor penalties
19. PNM.
20. Completion report.
21. PWP


Q. What is the procedure for enhancement of the cash imprest of an ADEN.
Q. What is the August Review? What are the details given in the review?
Q. What are different scheme of encourage under official language Act of 1976.
Q. Write the category of these states as per official language Act.
a. Punhjab
b. Tamilnadu
c. Uttar Pradesh
d. Maharashtra
e. West Bengal
Q. Write down procedure for imposing a major penalty under DAR
Q. What are different type of estimate, write in detail
Q. Write down detail under procedure for preparation of Pay sheet
of Gang man in details.
Q. What are different stage of Budget and its review?
Q. Describe in brief the procedure for inclusion of works in Works Programme.
What are the various stages?
Q. What do you understand by supplementary estimates?
Q. : Write down procedure for imposition of minor penalties.
Q. Briefly describe the Raj-bhasa policy of Government of India.
Q. Write various steps involved in finalization of a contract costing Rs. 25 lacs.
Q Describe various stages involved in creation of new post (Non gazette) work
Q Enumerate various standard forms used in DAR and write down use of any four of
Q. Write down name of different kind of Estimates and explain in brief.
Q. Write detail under procedure preparation of pay sheet of gang man.
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Q. Under what circumstances an employee is deemed to be under suspension? How much subsistence an employee gets during suspension?
Q. What type of different leaves, which can be availed by a railway servant?
Q. Write down name of different kind of Tender and explain in brief.
Q. What are different stage of budget and its review?
Q. What type of different passes, which can be availed by a railway servant?

i. Financial cut off line between major work and divisional works programme is Rs…….. Lacs.
ii. Contractors registered under cat. B can be awarded works up to Rs…lacs through limited tenders.
iii. The rulebook dealing with safety in train operation is called…
iv. In case of open tenders, minimum notice period is………days.
v. SF-1 is served on an employee for……….
vi. Full form of HOER is ……….
vii. PNM stands for….
viii. Period of maternity leave is ………..days.
ix. Preparation of estimates is not necessary for works up to Rs…..
x. H.Q. of NCR is at………
xi. A gang man is entitles to…..days casual leave in a year.
xii. Form….. is used for revoking suspension of an employee.
xiii. Shri…….is GM West central Railway.
xiv. Notice period for an open tender is-------------
xv. Mumbai is a Zonal head quarter of------------& Railway.
xvi. Senior scale officer of executive department can be a convener of tender committee upto Rs……………
xvii. Standard form No…….is used for nomination of enquiry officer in any DAR case.
xviii. The ADEN has to carry out the test check of……for measurement of ballast supply.
xix. The demand No.4 is meant of expenditure pertains to………..
xx. Duty hours of a workers in continuous category in a week is…………
xxi. The plan head chargeable for bridge rehabilitation is………..
xxii. For termination of a contract at risk and cost, 7 days notice is served in terms of clause……..of GCC.
xxiii. There are…….nos. of National holidays in a year.
xxiv. LAP can be accumulated to maximum…….days.
xxv. Rate of contribution to provident fund is……..% of the pay.

(b) RDSO
(c) SCOS
(d) CTR
(e) PNM

i. Earnest money is acceptable in the form of bank guarantee
ii. Plan head 32 under D.No. 16 is for track renewal works
iii. As per latest guidelines plot rent is to be revised every five years.
iv. SS-11 is used for realization of credit of released scrap materials
v. An employee removed from railway service can be re-employed in a Govt. Service
vi. Any change in SOPGEN requires Board’s approval.
vii. The work cannot be started under urgency certificate unless detailed estimates are sanctioned.
viii. Maximum number of days LAP can be accumulated is 180 days.
ix. Madhya Pradesh false under D d xzqi under jktHkk’kk vf/kfu;e
x. Gang man of Engineering gates fall under ‘continuous’ category of HOER.
i. Joining time for less then 1000 Kms.
(a) 12 days (b) 10 days (c ) 15 days (d) 9 days,
ii. A material train can be taken in the section in absence of guard by
(a) P.Way miastry (b) P.W.I. (c ) T.I. (d) Non of these.
iii. Revised estimate is to be prepared when the expenditure is in excess of
Original estimate by.
(a) 5% (b) 10% ( c ) 25% (d) any value.
iv. For direct recruitment of class III staff of regional basis, the reservation of SC
Candidate is
(a) 7 1/2% (b) 12% ( c ) 15% (d) 14%
v. A window mother is considered as a depended under pass rule whose
Monitory income is below.
(a) Rs. 250/- (b) Rs. 500/- ( c ) Rs. 750/- (d) Rs. 1000/-
vi. The children irrespective of sex will be eligible for family pension up to age of
(Excepting those suffering from disorder or disability of mind).
(a) 18 years (b) 21 years ( c ) 25 years (d) life time.
vii. Liability register is maintained for watching.
(a) Disposal of scrap material.
(b) Receipt of new material against out standing requisitions.
(c) Payment of wages of staff.
(d) None of these.


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